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Diocesan Bulletin
Sunday, May 10, 2015 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day / National Week of Life and the Family
Catholic Education Week
w w w. sa ska t o onr cd i oc es e. co m
Upcoming Events
In all things we are rooted in Christ,
in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.
Mother’s Day Walk – The annual March for Life will take place
from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10 in
front of Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. Signs provided.
Refreshments will be served. Celine: (306) 477-2082.
RCIA vision - The diocesan office of Christian Initiation and
Catechetics invites RCIA teams and catechists to an information
session 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 12 at the youth room of the
Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon.
RSVP to: cic.michelle@saskatoonrcdiocese.com or call
Michelle at (306) 358-2057.
Saskatoon Native Ministry "Feast and Share" potluck
dinner and circle 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 12 at Redeemer
Lutheran Church, Preston Ave. and Main Str. in Saskatoon, to
discuss moving forward on the issue of missing and murdered
indigenous women and girls. All are welcome
Fostering Liturgical Renewal and Worship - an informal
evening of discussion will be held 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 13
in the Queen of Peace Chapel at Holy Family Cathedral, 123
Nelson Road, Saskatoon. Jesuit liturgist and scholar Fr. Keith
Pecklers, SJ, who is currently teaching liturgy at the Gregorian
University in Rome, will provide an overview of liturgical
reforms, as well as presenting a model of what future reform
and renewal could look like. All are welcome to attend.
Nightfever - Experience Christ in prayer, music, stillness, and
anointed conversations all through the invitation of lighting a
candle, Friday, May 15, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at St.
Paul's Cathedral, 720 Spadina Crescent in Saskatoon.
Interested volunteers are asked to arrive at 7 pm for orientation
and training. Info: y o u th m i n @ sa ska to o n rcd i o c e se .co m
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
WCC 2015 - Rites of the RCIA
June 5-6, 2015
The Western Conference of the Catechumenate (WCC)
presents “Rites of the RCIA,” June 5-6 at Holy Spirit
Parish in Saskatoon. Speakers are Nick Wagner and Diana
Macalintal of TeamRCIA. To mark the 25th anniversary of the
WCC, the 2015 conference is being offered at a special rate of
$99. Join us in celebrating 25 years of forming the RCIA
ministry in Western Canada!
Registration: Please register online at:
ht t p://we s t e r n- c a t e c hum e na te .blogs pot .c a
or contact Michelle at (306) 358-2057 or
ci c.mi c h e l l e @ sa s k a to o n r c d i o c e s e .c o m
Catholic Education Week - May 10-17
The theme of Catholic Education Week is “Answering
the Call” in honour of the Year of Consecrated Life, and
to encourage a reflection on what it means to answer
God’s universal call to holiness. Themes for each day of
the week are:
• “Why do you answer a call?” (relationship) - May 11;
• “Call waiting” (discernment) - Tuesday, May 12;
• “How do you answer the call?” (service) - May 13;
• “The universal call to holiness” - Thursday, May 14, with all
Saskatchewan schools celebrating a liturgy at 9:30 a.m. to
mark World Catholic Education Day;
• “Forwarding the call” (evangelization) - May 15.
There will also be a division-wide Greater Saskatoon
Catholic Schools celebration on World Catholic Education
Day, at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 14 at St. Mary’s Parish,
211 Avenue 0 South, Saskatoon, emphasizing the gift of
consecrated life to our school division.
A pastoral letter from the Bishops of Saskatchewan about
World Catholic Education Week 2015 can be found on the
diocesan website at: www.saskatoonrcdiocese.com/news
Diocesan Cenacle of Prayer will be held 7 pm. Thursday,
May 14 at St. Paul's Co-Cathedral, 720 Spadina Crescent,
Saskatoon, beginning with Mass, followed by the Cenacle. For
more information call Edna at: (306) 382-1680.
PPK (Priest, Prophet and King) Men’s night, will be held 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday, May 15 at Holy Family Cathedral, 123
Nelson Rd., Saskatoon. Includes adoration, reconciliation, a
feature talk, fellowship, food and spirits (cash bar). All men are
welcome. See: www.priestprophetking.org or e-mail:
p p k i n f o r m a t i o n @ g m a i l . c o m for more info, or call Dan:
(306) 258-4434 or Richard: (306) 261-0923.
Prayer for Conversion of Heart about Assisted Suicide and
Euthanasia will be held 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday May 21 at
the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road in
Saskatoon. Holy Family Parish, together with the Emmanuel
Community of Saskatoon, will host this hour of Eucharistic
Adoration for the conversion of heart of our supreme court
judges, politicians, and all those in favour of euthanasia and
physician assisted suicide. For info contact Fr. Colin Roy: (306)
659-5800 or Jenny Porter at: p o r te r j e n n y 1 4 @ g m a i l .co m
Queen’s House presents a journey through grief with
facilitator Sarah Donnelly from 7 p.m. May 28 to lunchtime May
31. Insight, hope and prayerful support for those journeying
through painful times of grief and loss.Call (306) 242-1916 or
see the website: www.queenshouse.org Cost: $390 (live-in).
Message Board
FUZE - Bishop J. Mahoney High School staff and students
present FUZE, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. May 13 and 14, showcasing
student work in the fine and practical arts. Includes
woodworking, drafting, sewing and art displays, one-act plays,
monologues, and performances by the jazz band. Freshly
baked desserts by our cooking classes, coffee and juice will be
sold during intermission. Adults/high school students $5,
elementary students $3, children 5 and under free. Tickets sold
at the door, 231 Primrose Drive, Saskatoon.
Earthquake relief - Contribute to much-needed relief efforts in
Nepal by donating to the Canadian Catholic Organization for
Development and Peace. Contributions will be matched by
the Canadian Government until May 25, 2015. Donate online
at w w w. d e v p . o r g or by phone at 1-888-664-3387; or by
sending a cheque made out to Development and Peace (please
indicate “Nepal Earthquake”) to Development and Peace, 1425
René-Lévesque Blvd. West 3rd Floor, Montreal, QC, H3G 1T7.
50th anniversary of ordination - Fr Denis Phaneuf marks
50 years as a priest this year. To celebrate, a come-and-go tea
will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm Sunday, May 31 at St. Paul CoCathedral, 720 Spadina Cres., in the Bishop Mahoney Hall.
Bishop Don Bolen will make a presentation at about 3:30 p.m.
50th Anniversary of Ordination celebrations are planned for
Msgr. Raymond Senger in both Saskatoon and in Tramping
Lake. The Saskatoon celebration Saturday, June 6 at the
Cathedral of the Holy Family begins with Mass at 11 a.m. with
Bishop Donald Bolen, and a tea from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tickets for a 5 p.m. anniversary dinner at Holy Family Cathedral
June 6 are $25. Deadline to order is May 15. Contact Erla at
(306) 931-7328. The celebration at Tramping Lake begins 4
p.m. Monday, June 8 with Mass at St. Michael’s parish followed
by dinner at Tramping Lake Community Hall, $15 each. Call
Chris at (306) 755-2174.
Anniversary Celebration - Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, will
be recognized on Saturday, June 6 on his 25th anniversary as
abbot of St. Peter's Abbey. He will also be marking his 51st year
as a monk and the 45th anniversary of his ordination as a priest.
A come-and-go tea will be held 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. June 6 in St.
Peter's College gymnasium at St. Peter’s Abbey, Muenster.
Catholic Stewardship Conference “Stewards Radiating the
Joy of the Gospel” will be held June 12-14 at the Calgary Telus
Convention Centre. An early-bird registration date of $195 is
available until May 15. More info: w w w.w c csc .c a
Volunteers are needed to visit those in hospital. If you
feel a call to serve Jesus in the sick and the suffering, please
consider applying as a volunteer in diocesan hospital
chaplaincy offered at Saskatoon City Hospital and/or Royal
University Hospital in Saskatoon. To apply, contact coordinator
Céline Hudon, at: (306) 292-5531.
Diocesan Prayer Intention: During this Year of Consecrated
Life, may the students, parents and staff of our Catholic schools
look to the example of the religious sisters, brothers and priests
who have been so instrumental during the history of Catholic
Education in our communities. May all answer God’s universal call
to service in the same wholehearted way, we pray to the Lord.
Week of Life and the Family
May 10-17
The National Week for Life and the Family will be celebrated
across Canada May 10-17, 2015. The Canadian Conference
of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has prepared a number of
resources for the week, which are available at
www.cccb.ca One theme for the week is “We’re all
connected,” with a focus on assisted suicide. The Supreme
Court of Canada struck down Canada’s assisted suicide law
on Feb. 6, 2015, giving parliament one year to replace it.
A “Give Us Time” campaign is asking the government to
invoke the notwithstanding clause. Find a video and other
information at: h t t p : / / g i v e u s t i m e . c a (in English) or
http://donneznousdutemps.ca (in French).
Faith-based community experience - For 19-35-year-old
single Catholic women who are looking for affordable rent and
much more, the Sisters of the Presentation offer a home away
from home. As young women work or study, they will have the
opportunity to live a community experience and grow in faith
through prayer, reflection, spiritual direction and service. The
house is located at 851 University Drive, Saskatoon, a 15minute walk from the university and close to downtown.
Registrations are now being taken for September 2015. For
more information contact: Sr. Lucie (306) 244-0726 or email:
sk.dhouse@gmail.com or see: www.presentationofmary.ca
Naming new Catholic schools: Four new Catholic schools
will open in Saskatoon in 2017 in Evergreen, Hampton Village,
Rosewood and Stonebridge. Do you have names in mind for
these new schools? Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
(GSCS) wants to hear from you! Email your school name
suggestion(s) to NewCatholicSchools@gscs.sk.ca Email
name suggestions for new Catholic schools in Martensville and
Warman to either m a r t e n s v i l l e c a t h o l i c @ g s c s . s k . c a or
warmancatholic@gscs.sk.ca Please include: your name,
your suggestion(s), reasons for suggestion(s), whether you live
in one of the neighbourhoods getting a school, and if so, which
one. GSCS will also dedicate each new school to a person who
has made a significant contribution to the community the school
serves. Do you know someone who deserves this honour? Let
us know at N e w C a t h o l i c S c h o o l s @ g s c s . s k . c a Please
include your name, community and suggestion, as well as some
background about the person you are nominating. Deadline for
name/dedication suggestions is May 22. The final choices
will be announced by fall 2015. Find more information online at:
w w w.scs.s k.ca
This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces e.com
www.s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om
The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.