Emily Kolb 412.576.6887 kolb0148@umn.edu Acting Experience Blue Stocking (upcoming) (un)Raveling Bolero (upcoming) Back Bay Summer People The Venetian Twins The Winter’s Tale Much Ado About Nothing 5th of July August In August (Revue) We Won’t Pay! We Won’t Pay! Love’s Labour’s Lost The Rimers of Eldritch Merry Wives of Windsor Macbeth Heartbreak House (scene work) As You Like It (scene work) Marion Bridge (scene work) Miss Blake Doctor, Ravel Nina Varvara Mikhailovna Beatrice, Bargello Clown, Lord Hero, Verges June Talley Tonya (King Hedley II) Antonia Katharine (u/s Rosalind) Lena Frank Ford Macbeth Ellie Rosalind Agnes University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie Shakespeare’s Globe Education University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie August Wilson Center Blue Mango Theatre Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks New Olde Bank Theatre Pittsburgh Public Theatre Intensive Pittsburgh Public Theatre Intensive University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie University of Minnesota/Guthrie Joel Sass Emily Kolb, Katie Kleiger Hayley Finn John Miller-Stephany Jon Ferguson Bill Buckhurst Mark Hauck Bruce Roach Mark Clayton Southers Sandhya Krishnan Lisa Grande Sean O’Donnell Lisa Ann Goldsmith Lisa Ann Goldsmith Steve Cardamone Steve Cardamone Bruce Roach Training SHAKESPEARE: Steve Cardamone, D’Arcy Smith, Leslie Reidel (workshop), John Barton (workshop) VOICE: Lucinda Holshue, D’Arcy Smith, Yvonne Worley (workshop), Barbara Houseman (workshop) MOVEMENT: Marcela Lorca, Randy Reyes, Jon Ferguson ACTING: Bruce Roach, Steve Cardamone, Ken Washington DANCE: Partner Dance: Salsa, Swing, Fox Trot, Waltz (Brian Sostek), Ballet (Tina Wallum), African Dance (Morris Johnson), Jazz (Karla Grotting) SINGING: Andrew Cooke, Beth Claussen OTHER: Neutral and Character Mask (Dario Tangleson), Stage Combat (Peter Moore), Period Movement (Marcela Lorca), Commedia (Rich Rand), Circus Skills (Sean Emery, Meg Emery), Clowning (Bob Rosen), Playwriting (Paul Thureen), Directing (Joel Sass), Shaw (Steve Cardamone, D’Arcy Smith, Michelle O’Neill) LONDON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PERORMING ARTS (LISPA): Neutral and Character Mask, Movement, Devising: Thomas Prattki, Debra Stych, Heriberto Montalban GLOBE THEATRE TRAINING: Acting (Bill Buckhurst), Movement (Ita O’brien), Voice (Alex Bingley), Singing (Joseph Atkins), Giles Block (Text) Awards ● ● ● Jajamcyn Theaters/True Colors Theatre Company August Wilson Monologue Competition National Finalist (2011) National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts Merit Award Winner Theatre/Spoken Word (2011) Pittsburgh Public Theatre’s 17th Annual Monologue and Scene Contest Winner (2011) ● University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theatre BFA Actor Training Program: BFA with Honors in Acting, Neuroscience Minor. Expected Graduation in May 2015. Pittsburgh High School for the Creative and Performing Arts: Theatre Concentration Education ● Skills Dialects (RP, Cockney, MLE, Dublin, Danish, Southern), Tumbling, Clowning, Improvisation, Playwriting, Physical Theatre, Comedy, Voice Over, Stage Combat, Directing Experience, Stage Management Experience
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