Office of Academic Services School of Arts and Sciences Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 520 George Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1167 SAS Advising Centers Busch Student Center, Rm. 172, BC Milledoler Hall, Rm. 103, CAC College Hall, Rm. 104, DC Lucy Stone Hall, Rm. A-216, LC p. 848-932-8888 f. 732-445-2175 School of Arts and Sciences Convocation Staff Application Applications are due Thursday, April 30, 2015 by 5:00 pm. Legal Name: Last First RUID: Middle Phone: E-mail address: Have you received a paycheck from Rutgers University since January 1, 2015? Yes No If yes, which Rutgers department paid you? Permanent Mailing Address: (Campus addresses not allowed) Relevant Work Experience: Please list any of your relevant work experience or specialized skills. Possible work assignments are listed on the next page. How did you hear about this opportunity? Convocation Training Date Reservation: Training dates and times are listed on the next page. If I am hired, my top two training date choices are: Date: 1. Time: and 2. Signature of Applicant Date For office use only Date application was received Application Due: Thursday, April 30, 2015 by 5:00pm. Please submit to the SAS Office of Academic Services in Milledoler Hall, Room 103 on the College Ave Campus. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00pm. There are a limited number of positions so the earlier you submit the application the more likely you will be hired. Compensation: 1. Workers will be paid $20.00 per hour. Payment to workers currently in the Rutgers University payroll system will be made as a part of your university payroll check in June 2015. Workers who are not in the Rutgers payroll system will be required to fill out additional paperwork with the School of Arts and Sciences Business Office. Payment is subject to IRS withholding regulations and will be included in a Form W-2 or form 1099-Misc at the end of the year. 2. Parking accommodations will be provided and refreshments will be available during the day. Staff Expectations: 1. Workers will assist in varying capacities at the SAS Convocation on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the High Points Solutions Stadium on the Busch Campus. Time of arrival for work will be determined by the specific work detail assigned. Assignments will occur at a later date. Convocation is a rain or shine event. All workers are expected to report regardless of weather. 2. Convocation workers MUST attend one of the six available training dates: Date th Thursday, May 7 th Friday, May 8 th Monday, May 11 Time Location 10:00am or 2:00pm 1:30pm or 3:30pm 10:30am or 1:30 pm TBD TBD TBD Possible Work Assignments: Set-Up Assistants Check-in Assistants Marshalling Assistants Procession Ushers VIP/Special Needs Section Ushers Other Assistance as needed Recession Ushers Convocation Information Assistants T-Shirt Distribution Break-down and Clean-up Program Distribution Questions: Contact Dean Anderson at 848-932-8888 or via email at
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