Why cid-button card? Reference Identification Cid-button U niq ue Smart Card ha rd w a r e No hardware ID, easy global ID. Durability replication. Non-tamper proof. Easily tamper-able Physically /chemically. physically /chemically. Digital Secu- Fool-proof with 64bit Digitally rity hardware and 128 bit pered by smart card Se curity duplicating Layer (SSL) software. Tag Writer gadgets easily available. Simple 1-wire tech- Technically nology which func- cated expensive complihigh tions as writer cum maintenance writers. Tag Reader reader as per secu- Separate technically rity rights and user complicated expensive authentication. high maintenance electronic reader. Scalability Easy, quick & cheap. Total Cost of 30% Ownership Smart Card. cheaper CITIZEN IDENTIFICATION CARD tam- Not possible than Card cost low, but the total cost of ownership is high. TM SATMACTM INFOSYS LTD. www.satmac.com This document is copyright protected @ 2008 by SatmacTM Infosys Ltd. Sec ured easily The Tamper-Proof Technology of Human Identification Digitally, Physically, Chemically Secured Microchip Marketing Contact: SATMAC INFOSYS LTD., #B5/203, Eden Rose, Beverly Park, Mira Road (E), Mumbai—401107, Maharashtra, India. Voice / Fax # +91-22-28555877 | Mobile# +91-9223353559. Email: sales@satmac.com | cidbuttoncard@satmac.com Registered Address: # 6, Rattan Villa, Ghorpadi, Pune—411001, Maharashtra, India. Email : sales@satmac.com S A T M A C TM I N F O S Y S L T D . www.satmac.com In association with Maxim Integrated Products, USA. Page 2 sales@satmac.com Page 3 1. Introduction 3. ‘cid-button card’ Personal identification has been a much worked field. Companies have come out of various technologies from magnetic tape, to smart cards to biometric. All technologies have their own pros and cons with respect to technology and environment of the technology application. The technology which is most durable and resilient but cost effective can only be a technology for masses. The ‘cid-button card’consists of the main i-button, impregnated in the plastic or synthetic card. A customer can input data in the device, as per the requirement and the target application of the citizen identification card. Satmac Infosys Ltd, with it’s technology partner Maxim Integrated Products, USA brings a unique technology to develop a product ‘cid-button card’. The technology backbone is a chipbased steel cased product ‘i-button’ from Maxim, which has been reoriented by Satmac Infosys Ltd. to work with applications like ‘E‘E-Governance’. 2. Legacy Technology The generally used technology for identification card, has been bar-coded, magnetic tape, or most recent smart cards. Technologies keep on developing, and also the lacunas of the last technology become the points of improvement of the new technology. Bar-coded, magnetic tape, or smart cards they all come with the biggest problem—tampering and damage of data. Technologies like biometric or iris are personal identification technologies, which is good in captive environment, and cannot be issued by authorities as ID-cards. ‘cid-button card’ omits all issues of damage and data tampering, by casing the patented microprocessor in stainless steel, and giving a security of 64bit hardware and 128bit software (during accessibility) encryption. This is a classic example of ‘merged IT and Security operation’. The TCO is low compared to other technologies like smart card. www.satmac.com Card Construction The plastic card, will be photo i-card. The photo will be either scanned or directly taken from a digital camera, and imported to the software application. Data Storage ‘cid-button card’ can be hold upto 64kb of data. It can store ASCII format data to photographs of the card holder (compressed) and even finger-prints. Critical data like blood group or driving license details, passport details can be stored. Interface The interface of reading, as well as writing is a single wire technology and contact based. The wire is connected to the computer / PDA via serial or USB interface. The 1-wire technology acts as reader. In case of the writing data on the chip / button, one has to pass the authentication, and then data can be written using the same 1-wire which acts as reader. Software ‘cid-button card’ can be programmed with any software interface viz. C, C++, DotNet, Java, Linux. We develop the application based on the customer requirement and kind of information that needs to be stored. Either it can be an application that can interface ‘cid-button card’ to existing software, or it can be a separate software with ‘cid-button card’ application integrated in the mother software.
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