Coagulation and Dissolved Air Flotation as Pretreatment for Ultrafiltration of Vegetable Processing Wastewater By Xiaoyan Chen A Thesis Presented to The University of Guelph In partial fulfilment of requirements For the degree of Master of Applied Science In Engineering Guelph, Ontario, Canada © Xiaoyan Chen, May, 2015 ABSTRACT COAGULATION AND DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION AS PRETREATMENT FOR ULTRAFILTRATION OF VEGETABLE PROCESSING WASTEWATER Xiaoyan Chen University of Guelph, 2015 Advisor: Professor Hongde Zhou Professor Keith Warriner Fresh vegetable processing plants generate a large quantity of wastewater that must be treated in order to meet the sewer discharge limits. The objectives of this research are to evaluate the feasibility of coagulation, and dissolved air flotation (DAF) as pre-treatment options for ultrafiltration (UF) to treat spent leafy green wastewater, and potato wastewater. Both coagulation and DAF experiments were conducted to examine the effects of their key process parameters in terms of suspended solids, turbidity, COD, and colloidal TOC removal. Membrane filtration tests were conducted using a dead-end submerged hollow fibre UF membrane module. Results showed both coagulation and DAF treatment reduced the fouling rate. The suspended solids and phosphorous removal efficiencies were over 67% and 90%, respectively. COD, BOD5 and colloidal TOC were removed by around 70% for potato wastewater, and less than 20% for spinach wastewater. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would express my deep appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Hongde Zhou for his insights, and suggestions, which guided me to finish the project. I would also like to thank my co-advisor, Dr. Keith Warriner for his support and providing me the opportunity for this project. I am also grateful to OMAFRA for generous financial support and introducing me to the growers for taking wastewater samples. Thanks to all my friends, who assisted me to a great extent during my research: Richard Chen, Carlos Torres, Bei Wang, Wenbo Yang, Adam Moore, Gurvinder Mundi, and many other friends, which are not mentioned. I also appreciate the help of Joanne Ryks, Phil Waston and other staff in School of Engineering for their help in conducting my experiments. Lastly, I thank all my family members. Especially, my dad and mom, who were the biggest inspiration, gave me the most love and care with my health and happiness. Also, my sisters, and brothers gave me the determination, and much needed courage at most difficult times during this project. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. iv TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................vii TABLE OF TABLES .................................................................................... x Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1 1.1 Current Status of Wastewater Treatment in Food Processing Industries ................. 1 1.2 Organization of Thesis .............................................................................................. 2 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 3 2.1 Challenges of Food Industries .................................................................................. 3 2.2 Current Practices of Wastewater Treatment in the Food Industry............................ 6 2.3 Membrane Filtration ............................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Membrane Characteristics and Materials......................................................... 11 2.3.2 Membrane Fouling Mechanisms and Factors Affecting Processes ................. 14 2.3.3 Fouling Control ................................................................................................ 15 2.4 Coagulation ............................................................................................................. 17 2.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 17 2.4.2 Applications of Aluminum Sulfate in Food Industrial Wastewater................. 18 2.4.3 Effects of Coagulation on Membrane Fouling................................................. 19 2.5 Dissolved Air Flotation ........................................................................................... 20 2.5.2 Effects of DAF on Membrane Fouling ............................................................ 20 2.5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 3 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................ 24 Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 26 4.1 Material and Methods ............................................................................................. 26 4.1.1 Wastewater Sampling ...................................................................................... 26 4.1.2 Jar Test Apparatus and Testing Protocol ......................................................... 27 iv 4.1.3 DAF Apparatus and Operation ........................................................................ 29 4.1.4 Membrane Apparatus and Operation ............................................................... 32 4.2 Analytical Methods ................................................................................................. 35 4.3 QC/QA .................................................................................................................... 38 Chapter 5 RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION ............................................. 39 5.1 Fruit & Vegetable Wastewater Characterization .................................................... 39 5.2 Coagulation ............................................................................................................. 44 5.2.1 Turbidity Removal ........................................................................................... 44 5.2.2 COD/cTOC Removal ....................................................................................... 47 5.3 DAF Results ............................................................................................................ 50 5.3.1 DAF Water Saturation ..................................................................................... 50 5.3.2 Contaminant Removal ..................................................................................... 52 5.3.3 Comparison between Coagulation - Sedimentation and Coagulation -DAF ... 56 5.4 Membrane Filtration of Pretreated Spinach Wastewater ........................................ 60 5.4.1 Air Scouring Rate Selection............................................................................. 60 5.4.2 Critical Fluxes of Spinach Wastewater and Wastewater after Pretreatment ... 61 5.4.3 Membrane Fouling ........................................................................................... 64 5.4.4 Contaminant Removal ..................................................................................... 71 5.5 Effects of Different Pretreatment on Membrane Fouling of Potato Wastewater.... 75 5.5.1 Air Scouring Rate Selection............................................................................. 75 5.5.2 Critical Fluxes of Potato Wastewater and Wastewater after Pretreatment ...... 76 5.5.3 Membrane Fouling ........................................................................................... 78 5.5.4 Contaminant Removal ..................................................................................... 85 Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................. 89 6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 89 6.2 Recommendations and Future Work ...................................................................... 90 REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 92 APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 103 A.1 Water Characteristics ........................................................................................... 104 A.2 Standard Curves for Water Quality Analyses ...................................................... 114 A.3 Experiments data of Jar Tests .............................................................................. 118 A.4 Experiments data of DAF Tests ........................................................................... 120 v A.5 Experiments data of Membrane Filtration Tests .................................................. 130 vi TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 4-1 Bench-scale batch jar test apparatus ........................................................................... 28 Figure 4-2 Bench-scale batch DAF apparatus .............................................................................. 30 Figure 4-3 Schematic diagram of DAF treatment......................................................................... 31 Figure 4-4 Batch bench-scale dead – end submerged UF system ................................................ 33 Figure 4-5 Schematic diagram of dead-end submerged UF system ............................................. 34 Figure 5-1 Turbidity removal percentage from spinach wastewater by coagulation.................... 44 Figure 5-2 Turbidity removal percentage from potato wastewater by coagulation ...................... 46 Figure 5-3 COD removal percentage from spinach wastewater by coagulation .......................... 47 Figure 5-4 CTOC removal percentage from potato wastewater by coagulation .......................... 49 Figure 5-5 Effects of pressure on DAF water saturation .............................................................. 50 Figure 5-6 Effects of DAF recycle rate on suspended solids removal in the treatment of spinach wastewater .................................................................................................... 52 Figure 5-7 Effects of DAF flotation time on turbidity removal in the treatment of spinach wastewater .................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 5-8 Effects of DAF recycle rate on contaminants removal efficiencies in the treatment of potato wastewater .................................................................................. 54 Figure 5-9 Effects of DAF flotation time on suspended solids removal efficiencies in the treatment of potato wastewater .................................................................................. 55 Figure 5-10 Contaminants removal efficiencies by coagulation - sedimentation and coagulation - DAF of spinach wastewater ................................................................. 59 vii Figure 5-11 Contaminants removal efficiencies by coagulation - sedimentation and coagulation - DAF of potato wastewater ................................................................... 59 Figure 5-12 Effects of UF air scouring rate on fouling resistance in the treatment of spinach wastewater .................................................................................................... 61 Figure 5-13 Critical flux measurement of spinach raw wastewater ............................................. 62 Figure 5-14 Critical flux measurement of spinach wastewater after coagulation ........................ 62 Figure 5-15 Critical flux measurement of spinach wastewater after coagulation and DAF ......... 63 Figure 5-16 Fouling resistance of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 1 ..................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 5-17 Fouling rate of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 1 ..................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 5-18 Fouling resistance of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 2 ..................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 5-19 Fouling rate of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 2 ..................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 5-20 Comparison of effluent qualities after different treatment methods of spinach wastewater .................................................................................................................. 73 Figure 5-21 Effects of UF air scouring rate on fouling resistance in the treatment of potato wastewater ....................................................................................................... 75 viii Figure 5-22 Critical flux measurement of potato raw wastewater (PR) ....................................... 76 Figure 5-23 Critical flux measurement of potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) .................. 77 Figure 5-24 Critical flux measurement of potato wastewater after coagulation and DAF (PD) ............................................................................................................................ 77 Figure 5-25 Fouling resistance of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 1 ........................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 5-26 Fouling rate of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 1 ........................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 5-27 Fouling resistance of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 2 ........................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 5-28 Fouling rate of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 2 ........................................................................................................................... 81 Figure 5-29 Comparison of effluent qualities after different treatment methods of potato wastewater .................................................................................................................. 87 ix TABLE OF TABLES Table 2-1 Sanitary and combined sewer discharge limits .............................................................. 3 Table 2-2 Vegetative wastewater characteristics ............................................................................ 5 Table 2-3 Current treatment applied in food industrial wastewater ............................................... 8 Table 2-4 General characteristics of membrane processes (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003) ................... 13 Table 4-1 Vegetable wastewater sampling details ........................................................................ 27 Table 4-2 Experimental arrangement of jar tests .......................................................................... 29 Table 4-3 Experimental arrangement of DAF tests ...................................................................... 32 Table 5-1 Characteristics of different vegetative wastewater ....................................................... 41 Table 5-2 Spinach and potato raw water characteristics and effluent results from coagulation and sedimentation or by coagulation and DAF ...................................... 57 Table 5-3 Spinach feed water parameters for UF Test 1 and Test 2............................................. 66 Table 5-4 Potato feed water parameters for UF test 1 and test 2 .................................................. 84 x Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Current Status of Wastewater Treatment in Food Processing Industries Canadian food industry generated over 300 million cubic meters of wastewater each year to produce a wide variety of commodities. Within this industry, the fresh fruit and vegetable processing represents one of major sources because of washing and cooling (Dupont & Renzetti, 1998, Casani et al., 2005). Furthermore, many of processing plants are facing the challenges to meet increasingly stricter regulatory discharge limits. Some of them are five day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solid (TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (TP), the violation of which could lead to serious penalties or even the complete closure (Toronto, 2000). The general strategy to meet the designated discharge limits is to minimize water usage and implement treatment technologies prior to disposal. An added benefit would be to treat the wastewater to a quality, where it could be recycled back into the processing line. As well, there are a diverse range of water treatment technologies available that are dependent on cost, requirements, degree of maintenance, and ultimate use of the end water. In the following thesis, the treatment technologies selected for the study were coagulation, dissolved air flotation (DAF), and ultrafiltration (UF). The aforementioned technologies can potentially meet the demands of the industry in terms of a small footprint, cost and maintenance requirements to treat this vegetable processing wastewater that contains relatively low solids. 1 1.2 Organization of Thesis Chapter 1 briefly introduces the challenges in water treatment within the food processing industry. Chapter 2 provides a more in depth background to the research area. This chapter will discuss the parameters to characterize wastewater, current water management options, and a detailed description of the technologies to be studied. Chapter 3 lists the objectives of this research. Chapter 4 provides a description of methods used in the reported research with Chapter 5 presents the results and discussions. Chapter 6 provides the conclusions along with future work. 2 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Challenges of Food Industries Canadian food industry was reported to use over 300 million cubic meters of water representing the fourth largest water consumption after paper, metals and chemical industries. Over 90% of the intake water within the food industry ended up in the sewer (Statistics Canada, 2009). However, this practice will bring the food industry a large surcharge bill due to violating the sewer discharge limits set by the municipalities. Table 2-1 lists the sanitary and combined sewer discharge limits set by the Ministry of the Environment. Table 2-1 Sanitary and combined sewer discharge limits Parameters MOE Cambridge Toronto (Ministry of the Environment, 1989) (City of Cambridge, 2002) (Toronto’s Sewers Bylaw, 2000) BOD5 (mg/L) 300 300 300 TSS (mg/L) 350 350 350 TKN (mg/L) 100 100 100 TP (mg/L) 10 10 10 / 50 50 6 - 10.5 5.5 - 9.5 6 - 11.5 Total Aluminum (mg/L) pH Table 2-2 summarized the main characteristics from six different vegetable processing wastewater sources. As compared with the sanitary sewer use by-law (Table 2-1), the 3 untreated discharge effluents exceed the discharge limits. The TSS and BOD5 in the reviewed vegetable processing industrial effluents were higher than that in the discharge limits, respectively. Especially, beets processing wastewater showed a high BOD5 of 7600 mg/L. Although a low TP concentration was found in carrot processing wastewater, other types of food processing wastewater would produce the effluents with the phosphorus content significantly over the sewer discharge limit. It is expected that the current limits will continue to be reviewed by regulatory agencies, and much stringer limits will be introduced on the fresh produce sector (Government of Canada, 2014). Therefore, on-site wastewater treatment is necessary for food processing industry prior to discharge. 4 Table 2-2 Vegetative wastewater characteristics Wastewater Source BOD5 (mg/L) Potato COD (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) TN (mg/L) 265037000 16504420 165 Carrot 670 680 - 1300 Beans 1800 3410 Beets 1580-7600 1820-8740 Spinach 40 240 1400 3280 6960 11201380 Tomato 1340 TP (mg/L) pH References 5-9 (Burgoon et al., 1999; Karim & Sistrunk, 1985a; Muniraj et al., 2013) 41 5.8 7 (Hamilton, 2006; Kern, 2006, Reimann, 2002) 112 21.5 6 (Soderquist et al., 1975) 94.5 (Soderquist et al., 1975) (Wright et al., 1979) 46.2 -47.5 4-6 (Gohil & Nakhla, 2006) TSS: Total suspended solids; cTOC: colloid Total organic carbon; TN: Total nitrogen; TP: Total phosphorus; TS: Total solids. 5 2.2 Current Practices of Wastewater Treatment in the Food Industry Thus far, most of the small-scale food processing industries apply relatively simple physical operations wastewater treatment technologies such as, screening and sedimentation prior to discharging into the municipal sewer. However, these practices show poor results on reducing suspended solid contents or organic loads in the effluents. Furthermore, in order to recycle the used water back into production line, which requires the drinking water qualities, advanced or tertiary treatment processes are required due to meeting the standard (Casani et al., 2005). Therefore, water reuse in these small-scale food processing facilities may not be economically feasible. Instead, the main target of wastewater treatment is to improve the effluent quantities and to meet the current and future environmental legislations. Wastewater treatment processes can be classified into three categories, which are known as the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment usually involves physical operations, and chemical additions for removing at least 60% of suspended solids and 20-30% of BOD5 from wastewater. Screening, sedimentation, coagulation and DAF are typical primary treatment technologies. Secondary treatment is applied if organic or nutrients removals are necessary, and it involves biological, and chemical processes, such as aerobic, anaerobic, attached-growth or combined aerobic/anoxic/anaerobic. The objectives of these secondary treatment technologies are removing or reducing the organic matters, suspended solids, and nutrients. The last level of wastewater treatment is the tertiary level, which is targeted to remove residual 6 suspended solids and other contaminants after secondary treatment. Typical tertiary treatment technologies include disinfection and granular medium filtration or microsecreens (Bouallagui et al., 2004; Bouallagui et al., 2005; Lepist; & Rintala, 1997; Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). In this research, different treatment processes that have been applied in variable food industries including meat, beverage, and vegetable & fruit sectors are summarized in Table 2-3. Most fruit & vegetable industries applied conventional wastewater treatment methods such as, anaerobic and aerobic biological process; whereas the meat processing industries use membrane treatment technologies. However, the conventional biological treatment requires a higher biodegradable influent, where a higher BOD5 / COD ratio is usually necessary. Many fruit & vegetable wastewater studies found that the BOD5/COD ratio varied from 0.18 to 0.50, with beets processing wastewater had a higher ratio that was 0.87 (Burgoon et al., 1999; Gohil & Nakhla, 2006b; Karim & Sistrunk, 1985b). A low BOD5/COD ratio requires pretreatment before a biological wastewater process, which can raise the overall cost of treatment. For some leafy green wastewater, the concentration of COD in spinach wastewater is 235 mg/L (Wright et al., 1979b), which is much lower than the required COD concentration for anaerobic treatment. 7 Table 2-3 Current treatment applied in food industrial wastewater Food Products Treatment method Removal Objective Reference Surimi processing UF Protease activity, COD, turbidity, recover protein (Lin et al., 1995) Bottle washing Prefiltration+NF+RO+UV PH, electronic conductivity, COD, TOC, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Chloride, Nitrite (Mavrov & Bélières, 2000) FVW (potato peelings, salad wastes, green peas and carrots) Anaerobic digestion TS, TVS and organic fraction reduction (Bouallagui et al., 2005) FVW Anaerobic digestion TOC, TS, TVS, TN and pH (Bouallagui et al., 2004) Carrot, potato and swede peeling and blanching wastewater Thermophilic Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactors COD, BOD5 (Lepist; & Rintala, 1997) Vegetable oil refinery Potato processing Aerobic Biological Treatment Reactor Integrated Natural Systems COD, oil and grease loads (Azbar & Yonar, 2004) COD, TSS, TN, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen (Burgoon et al., 1999) Dairy wastewater Ultrafiltration Immersed Membrane Bioreactor (IMBR) BOD5, COD and TSS (Bick et al., 2005) 8 Fishing industry Crossflow membrane Food and beverage Combined MBR and twostage NF+UV industry Suspended materials, fats (Almas, 1985) SS, electrical conductivity, content of Na+ions and Cl--ions, COD, TOC, E. coli coliform bacteria, fecal streptococci, sulfite reducing, spore forming anaerobes, TS, TSS, BOD5 (Blöcher et al., 2002) Corn starch wastewater MF+RO (Cancino-Madariaga & Aguirre, 2011) Food industrial wastewater Two-stage NF+UV disinfection TOC, electrical conductivity, nitrite (Fähnrich et al., 1998) Vegetable oil factory UF Reduction in COD, TOC, TSS, [PO4-3] and [C1-] (Mohammadi & Esmaeelifar, 2004) Dairy wastewater Horizontal-Flow Biofilm Reactor COD and TN reduction (Rodgers et al., 2006) Carrot Wastewater Fish Farming Wastewater UF+RO BOD5, COD, TN, TP (Reimann, 2002) DAF TP, TSS (Jokela et al., 2001) UF: Ultrafiltration; UV: Ultraviolet radiation; MF: Microfiltration; NF: Nan filtration; RO: Reverse Osmosis; FVW: Fruit and vegetable wastewater; DAF: Dissolved Air Flotation; TVS: Total volatile solids; TKN: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. 9 DAF is also widely adopted in food industries due to its flexibility in operation, less operation time; good performance in TSS, high oil & grease removal efficiency (RE), and small footprint (Bensadok et al., 2007; Chan, 2010; Jokela et al., 2001; Liu & Lien, 2001; Viitasaari et al., 1995). In many industrial effluents, the quantities, and qualities fluctuate frequently. Comparing to sedimentation, DAF has a higher tolerance to a wide range of solid loading rates, and less sensitive to hydraulic variations. Another common treatment alternative showed in Table 2-3 is membrane technologies, which includes microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nano-filtration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO). Membranes are also used in membrane bioreactors (MBR). Numerous studies prove that membrane filtrations such as MF and UF are viable and competitive technologies for removing suspended solids and organic matters from food processing, industrial and municipal wastewater (Ramirez & Davis, 1998). In particular, ultrafiltration over the coagulation/flocculation and DAF is thought to be an effective treatment process for producing the good quality permeate which can be disposed directly into the sewer (Afonso & Bórquez, 2003). 2.3 Membrane Filtration Membrane filtration is defined as a separation process driven by pressure or a vacuum, in which an engineered barrier is used to reject particulate matter that larger than specific membrane nominal pore size. This definition is intended to include the common membrane classifications: MF, UF, NF, and RO (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). 10 2.3.1 Membrane Characteristics and Materials General characteristics of different membrane filters are summarized in Table 2-4. Among these different membrane processes and configurations, backwash-able hollowfiber MF and UF has had the most profound impact to wastewater treatment in 1990s (Blanpain & Lalande, 1997; “Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual| US EPA,” 2005). Especially for vegetative wastewater treatment, UF can be a potential treatment process applied in the food processing industries. For UF, membrane can be made from organic materials or inorganic materials. Although, inorganic materials have higher resistance to chemicals and temperature, its high cost and brittleness limit its application in commercial markets, which has promoted organic membrane materials to become more widely used (Zhou & Smith, 2002). Typically, organic membrane materials such as cellulose acetate (CA), polyether sulfone (PES) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) are the most widely used materials in ultrafiltration (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). CA has a rough susceptibility to particle adsorption, and charge interaction, which can minimize the organic fouling (Xie, 2006). However, the cost of CA membrane is three to five times higher than that of polymeric membranes (Garmash et al., 1995). PES is widespread because of its properties such as: high pH tolerance, high tolerance of a wide range temperature, good chlorine resistance, and can be manufactured for a wide range of pore sizes (Yang, 2005). These properties allow it to have a good resistance to alcohols, acid and especially large particles (Xie, 2006). PVDF has similar properties to PES (Riedl et al., 1998; Yu et al., 2009): 1. PVDF has high chemical tolerance to acids and 11 alkalis; 2. Superior thermal and hydrolytic resistance; 3. Outstanding membrane forming properties. Nevertheless, PVDF has gained more commercial interests compared to PES due to its economical production (Liu et al., 2011). 12 Table 2-4 General characteristics of membrane processes (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003) Membrane Processes Typical separation mechanism Typical operating range (µm) Rate of flux (L/m^2/d) Configuration Microfiltration Sieve 0.08-2.0 405-1600 Spiral wound, Water and hollow fiber, plate dissolved solutes and frame TSS, turbidity, protozoan oocysts and cysts, some bacterial and viruses Ultrafiltration Sieve 0.005-0.2 405-815 Spiral wound, Water and small hollow fiber, plate molecules and frame Macromolecules, colloids, most bacteria, some viruses, proteins Nanofiltration Sieve+sulutio n/diffusion+e xclusion 0.001-0.01 200-815 Spiral wound, hollow fiber Small molecules, some hardness, viruses Reverse Osmosis Sieve+sulutio n/diffusion+e xclusion 0.00010.001 320-490 Spiral wound, Water and very hollow fiber, thin- small molecules, film composite ionic solutes 13 Permeate description Water and very small molecules, ionic solutes Typical constituents removed Very small molecules, color, hardness, sulphates, nitrate, sodium, other ions As listed in Table 2-4, modules for membrane filters are diversified, and have a variety of configurations for different membranes. In recent years, unlike the traditional cross-flow UF process, which requires high energy input and maintenance, submerged UF processes have been subjected to significant research and applied because of its low-cost, energy efficiency and less maintain (Xie et al., 2008). 2.3.2 Membrane Fouling Mechanisms and Factors Affecting Processes A major challenge with membrane filtration is the accumulation of organic and inorganic matters deposit on the surface of membrane surface, which leads to membrane fouling. The membrane fouling reduces the membrane permeate abilities or increases the transmembrane pressure (TMP), and ultimately reduces the working lifespan of the filter unit (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). The art of preventing the fouling of membranes has been based on understanding the underlying phenomenon. Two main kinds of membrane fouling mechanisms can be summarized according to previous studies (Blanpain & Lalande, 1997; Czekaj et al., 2000; Karimi, 2012; Yazdanshenas et al., 2012). The first kind of fouling is pore narrowing caused by the accumulation of particles of equal size or smaller than the pores. The particles essentially accumulate within the pore causing reduced flux or high TMP. The second type of fouling involves macromolecules that are adsorbed onto the membrane surface thereby forming a cake/gel layer that ultimately blocks the pores. According to the mechanisms of fouling, foulants that cause membrane fouling are suggested to be divided into three main groups: 1. Particulates; 2.Organic; 3.Inorganic; 4: 14 Micro-biological organisms (Guo et al., 2012). Particles and colloid are responsible for the initial phase of fouling as they can physically blind the membrane surface(Guo et al., 2012). Especially, small particles that have similar size to the membrane pore size are expected to cause the pore blocking (Lim & Bai, 2003). Organic components such as humic acid will be adsorbed by membrane, and lead to pore narrowing. Inorganic components may be introduced to the feed water by overdosing coagulation/flocculation processes, and tend to precipitate onto the membrane surface after oxidation and pH changes. Microbiological organisms can result in the biofilm formation due to the attachment of microorganisms onto the surface of membrane (Guo et al., 2012). Among these foulants, the main foulants in this research should be particles, and organic components. Fruit, and vegetable wastewater always contains a rich amount of suspended solids and a high concentration of organic matters (Jang et al., 2013; Kalyuzhnyi et al., 1998). 2.3.3 Fouling Control For control of membrane fouling, modifying operation conditions, membrane cleaning and pretreatment are applied according to the mechanisms of membrane fouling. According to Defrance & Jaffrin’s (1999) studies, operating in a constant flux mode resulted in less fouling than operating in a constant TMP mode. However, when operating the filtration at a constant flux higher than the critical flux, the membrane fouling will be worse than operating in a constant TMP mode (Vyas et al., 2002). Critical flux has many definitions with one of the mostly widely applied being the flux below the key flux that can maintain the flux or rarely fouling is observed on the start-up 15 period. Above it, fouling is observed and the decline of flux will occur due to membrane fouling (Field et al., 1995). Thus, operating the membrane filtration with constant flux under critical flux is suggested. Apart from the operation of membrane filtration, membrane cleaning is another method to control the membrane fouling, and extend the lifetime of membrane. As early as before 1990, many industries were adopting two common methods for cleaning membranes of fouling materials and these two methods are backwash and periodic cleanings (Gekas & Hallström, 1990). Normally, membrane cleaning can be divided into two types of cleaning: physical cleaning, and chemical cleaning. Backwash is a proven mechanism for physical cleaning to wash out foulants from the membrane surface by dislodging the loosely attached filter cake from membrane surface (Karimi, 2012). In most cases, backwash is only applicable for reversible fouling and external fouling. For internal fouling, backwash has a limited impact. Accordingly, chemical cleaning is also needed for flux recovery, which includes: chemically enhanced backwash (daily), maintenance cleaning with higher chemical concentration (weekly), and intensive/recovery chemical cleaning (once or twice a year) (Le-Clech et al., 2006). Furthermore, research has found that the combination of chemical cleaning and clean water backwash was the most effective way to recover the permeate flux; whereas cleaning only with DI water was least effective and chemical clean alone was insufficient at removing the cake layer from the membrane (Fan et al., 2007). An effective sequence of cleaning applied in Lim & Bai’s (2003) experiment is alkali treatment was applied to the module and followed by a brief rinse of the module with DI water, and then the acid treatment was applied. 16 Recall that the large solids can be absorbed onto the membrane surfaces and cause the cake/gel layer, air scouring help reduce this type of membrane fouling while chemical cleaning was insufficient at removing the cake/gel layer (Gao et al., 2011). Air is injected into the feed water tank in a submerged membrane system which forms air bubbles, this also where the buoyancy forces associated with the bubbles. This phenomena keeps the suspension in motion and detaches the deposited cake layer via scouring to the membrane surface thus reducing the fouling (Pradhan et al., 2012). An alternate effective method for reducing membrane fouling is applying the pretreatment process before membrane filtration further that the pretreatment allows for a higher quality permeate. There are many popular pretreatment technologies such as peroxidation, biological treatment processes, coagulation and DAF (Braghetta et al., 1997; Gao et al., 2011). As a cost-effective method, coagulation is one of the most widely applied pretreatment processes. Coagulation can increase the solid size for faster sedimentation via aggregating small particles in the feed water. It can also destabilize contaminants to avoid contaminants to be adsorbed onto the membrane surface (Huang et al., 2009). 2.4 Coagulation 2.4.1 Introduction Coagulation and flocculation process is defined as the use of chemicals to destabilize colloidal particles and aggregate small particles to larger particles via particle collisions (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). The coagulation process involves the addition of a cationic 17 species (Al3+, Fe3+ or polymer) to the wastewater and flowed by subsequent agitation to bring the negatively charged constituents together for forming the flocs. Studies showed that up to 90% of solids can be removed by this process (Matilainen et al., 2010; Vandevivere et al., 1998). Although there are a range of coagulating agents to choose from, alum (Al2(SO4)3·12-14H2O) remains the type most commonly applied. The advantages associated with alum includes less sludge formation compared to lime, high solubility in water and consistent (predictable) performance (Ebeling et al., 2004; Matilainen et al., 2010). However, alum is toxic with the potential of leading to neurological conditions and consequently requires to be constantly monitored to prevent carry over in water (DeWolfe, 2003). Indeed, the water regulations stipulate that total aluminum (derived from exogenous and endogenous) should be less than 50 mg/l. The risk of exceeding regulatory limits is controlled by the quantity of the coagulant added to water, which can be challenging given the coagulation process is dependent on the concentration of solids, nature of organics and pH of the water. 2.4.2 Applications of Aluminum Sulfate in Food Industrial Wastewater Specific studies on evaluating the efficacy of coagulation processes on treating wastewater derived from the fruit and vegetable industry are relatively few. Yet, examples have been published in the literature on treatment technology directed at cleaning-up wastewater from the food industry. The general conclusion from studies is that alum can aggregate a wide range of solids from water provided considerations are given to dose and pH of the system (Ho & Tan, 1989). For example, Rusten et al. (1990) found the optimum pH range was 4.5 – 6 with a dosage of 120 – 170 mg/l to achieve a 40 – 67% removal efficiency of COD (Rusten et al., 1990). Many other researchers also 18 found over 50% of COD and over 90% of TSS removal from bakery wastewater or oil mill wastewater can be achieved (Malakahmad, 2013). The use of alum to coagulate wastewater derived from fruit and vegetable processing has not been studied to a great extent and hence represents a knowledge gap. Thus, the alum has a potential for fruit & vegetable wastewater treatment on COD and TSS removal accompany with the risk of poor COD removal efficiency. The removal efficiency of COD depends on the wastewater characteristics since coagulation is agreed that has difficulties in removing soluble substances (Ho & Tan, 1989). Hence, if the large portion of COD in the wastewater is soluble COD, coagulation will be insufficient on COD removal. 2.4.3 Effects of Coagulation on Membrane Fouling By applying coagulation as the pretreatment for membrane filtration, some researchers achieved lower tendencies of membrane fouling. For example, Haberkamp et al. (2007) found AlCl3 had a positive effect on reduction of membrane fouling in a neutral pH environment via removing macromolecular particles which are humic acid or DOM. Coagulation has two main mechanisms and they play different roles in controlling membrane fouling. Lee et al. (2000) applied two different coagulation conditions and investigated the influences on membrane fouling. One of the conditions was conducted when the mixed solution had a pH 5 with a dosage of alum of 10 mg/L. The main mechanism predominating in this range is destabilization. The other coagulation condition was the traditional pH 6 - 8 environment with a dosage of 30 mg/L alum. The predominant mechanism was sweep flocs. The results indicated the charge neutralization 19 contributed to higher membrane permeability than sweep flocs mechanism did in a deadend submerged hybrid MF. The difference was caused by the cake resistance was smaller when flocs formed by charge- neutralization while the cake resistance was larger when flocs formed via sweep floc. However, they did not apply any air scouring to the deadend MF, which could affect the abilities of coagulation on controlling membrane fouling. While many researchers concluded that coagulation as a pre-treatment has a positive effect on membrane fouling, Braghetta et al. (1997) found with an in-line addition of 45 mg/L alum, membrane fouling was more severe than without adding coagulants. This may be caused by excess coagulants. Nevertheless, Braghetta et al. (1997) did not give out the pH range applied in the coagulation, instead of mentioning the condition was based on enhanced coagulation for cTOC removal. Moreover, limited research had been applied to coagulation for fruit & vegetable wastewater treatment. The effect of coagulation on membrane fouling for fruit & vegetable wastewater treatment is needed to be investigated. 2.5 Dissolved Air Flotation 2.5.1 Introduction Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is defined as a solid and liquid separation process that removes particles using granular media filtration (Edzwald, 2010). DAF was being adopted in mid 1990s by large water utilities and developed rapidly in the last ten years. DAF can remove particles from liquid by bringing particles to the surface and then using a skimmer to separate solids/liquid. In order to bring particles to the surface, air is over dissolved in a saturator at a high pressure and which forms microbubbles when pressure 20 depletion occurs. Microbubbles will attach to particles and in consequence float to the surface when wastewater is released in the flotation cell at atmospheric pressure (Yoo & Hsieh, 2010). DAF is thought as a very reliable treatment technology that can achieve a high removal efficiency over a wide range of flotation overflow rates (Filho & Brando, 2001). This is one of the advantages that make DAF appealing to industries for wastewater treatment. The other advantage of DAF is fast flotation time. Flotation time is defined as the time for air-particle flocs to float to the surface of wastewater for screening. Typical flotation time applied in cases is 5- 6 minutes (Edzwald et al., 1994). When operating DAF treatment, parameters concerned with DAF process include DAF configuration, flocs size, bubble size and the ratio of the amount of air to the mass of solids (Bickerton, 2012; Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). The most applied DAF configuration is recycle-flow pressure flotation and it is generally employed where coagulation and flocculation are needed and the flocculated particles are mechanically weak (Al-Shamrani et al., 2002). The ideal flocs size for a DAF process is ranging around 25 to 50 µm in diameter (Edzwald, 2010). A flocculation process is designed to produce large flocs – over hundreds of µm, DAF still works well with a condensed flocculation stage by utilizing flocculation detention times as low as 5 to 10 minutes; whereas the conventional sedimentation plants flocculates 20 to 30 minutes (Bickerton, 2012). The second key parameter of DAF is bubble size. Microbubbles are expected because large bubbles initiate the fast rising of flocs and reduce the contact area between bubbles and particles (Al-Shamrani et al., 2002). In order to produce microbubbles, it is 21 recommended that set the pressure range from 60 to 90 psi in the saturation tank (AlShamrani et al., 2002). The most important and reliable parameter of DAF performance is the bubble volume. There are two ways to control the amount of air bubbles in the flotation tank. The first is changing the saturator pressure and the second is either increasing or decreasing the recycle rate. Recycle rate is the ratio of the amount of oversaturated water to the volume of wastewater. However, the former method does not vary much within the pressure in the range of 60 – 90 psi. Hence, the optimal way to control the air production is changing the recycle rate (Edzwald, 2010). Lovett and Travers (1986) demonstrated that an air/solids (A/S) ratio >0.030 mL/mg was required to prevent settling of solids in abattoir wastewater (Lovett & Travers, 1986). However, this value is different when applying to different kinds of wastewater. The ratio of the volume of air to the mass of solids has to be obtained by using a laboratory flotation cell when evaluating the performance of a DAF system (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). Although DAF is widely applied in recent years, there are still some limitations. Firstly, DAF cannot process over turbid wastewater with high-density suspended solids. Moreover, the weather is a limitation because floats can be frozen in snowy days or sink back to the tank in rainy days, thus leading to the failure of flocs float to the surface of the tank, resulting in the failure of DAF process (Crossley & Valade, 2006). In summary, challenges include the performance on high turbid wastewater, complexity of operation and need for maintenance. 22 2.5.2 Effects of DAF on Membrane Fouling DAF has primarily been used in combination with membrane filtration in metal industries, meat processing, desalination and municipal wastewater treatment plants (Aparecida Pera do Amaral et al., 2013; Matis et al., 2005; Peleka et al., 2006; Peleka & Matis, 2008). By using a combination of DAF and either MF or UF, it is possible to achieve up to 99% in turbidity reduction, along with a significant reduction in membrane fouling (Braghetta et al., 1997). However, no studies have yet been performed on using DAF as pretreatment for UF of fruit and vegetable wastewater. Research for effects of DAF on membrane filtration of vegetable processing wastewater should be conducted. Moreover, investigating the potential application of a hybrid process with DAF as pretreatment for membrane filtration is valuable for industries and research as well. Overall, through the review of literatures, this research will focus on applying coagulation and DAF as the pretreatment prior to UF for treating vegetative wastewater. 23 Chapter 3 OBJECTIVES The purposes of the proposed study were to investigate the performance of membrane filtration on different fruit & vegetable wastewater and the effects of different pretreatment technologies include coagulation and DAF on membrane fouling control. The specific objectives include: 1. Characterizing wastewaters derived from different fruit & vegetable processing facilities and draw a matrix of physical and chemical parameters of the fruit & vegetable processing wastewater. 2. Adjusting the jar test conditions for spinach wastewater and potato wastewater by evaluating turbidity and COD/cTOC removal efficiencies. 3. Adjusting the DAF system and operating conditions for removal of TSS, COD and turbidity for spinach and potato wastewater after coagulation. 4. Comparing coagulation/DAF and coagulation/sedimentation removal abilities of TSS, BOD5, COD, cTOC, ammonia, nitrate and TP on the two streams of vegetative wastewater -- spinach wastewater and potato wastewater. 5. Examining the performances of coagulation and coagulation coupled with DAF on UF fouling control. 6. Examining performances of the same treatment processes on different kinds of vegetative wastewater. 7. Reviewing performances of different treatment processes in terms of effluent qualities and suggesting the potential applications of the treatment processes in the field of vegetative wastewater. 24 25 Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Material and Methods 4.1.1 Wastewater Sampling Wastewater from different kinds of food industry was characterized and then divided into two main categories. Potato processing industries contain processes of transporting potatoes, manually sorting of the potatoes, pre-washing and/or a second cycle of washing. Water was used for washing food products and food processing facilities. Similar processes were applied for carrot industry, ginseng industry and mixed vegetable industry. Wastewater samples were collected from the inlet point of the settling tank, where all the wastewater from the facility was gathered and situated before any onsite treatment plant. Apple industries have two washing processing lines, each line has one flume. Water from both flumes will be gathered to a final flume. Wastewater was grabbed from the final flume. The spinach processing line contains the transporting, manual sorting of spinach, washing of the leaves and a disinfection process. In order to avoid the effects caused by disinfection, spinach wastewater was grabbed from the washing tank. 26 Table 4-1 Vegetable wastewater sampling details Products Apple Potato Mushroom Ginseng Carrot Spinach Mixed Vegetable Sampling times 3 7 1 2 5 6 2 Sampling volume (L) 2 2+ 60 (for three times) 2 2 2 50-75 2 NO. of sampled industries 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 Table 4-1 presented the sampling frequencies and sampling volume of each sampling. The collected wastewater samples for characterization were placed in a cooler and transported back to the University of Guelph and analyzed within 48h. Further, for continuous study of coagulation, DAF and UF treatment processes, 60 L of spinach and 60 L of potato wastewater were sampled each time and stored in a fridge at 4 °C on campus. 4.1.2 Jar Test Apparatus and Testing Protocol The jar test apparatus consisted of six identical containers which were used to simulate the coagulation and flocculation process (Figure 4-1). Each container made from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) beakers (11.5 cm (W) x 11.5 cm (L) x 21 cm (H)) with a work volume of 2 liter, and a central paddle blade that was rotated at a set rate by a speed control (Phipps & Bird Stirrer, Model 7790-400). Paddles that each has a 14 cm2 cross-sectional area were the main mixing instrument. 27 Figure 4-1 Bench-scale batch jar test apparatus The mixing protocol included 1 minute of rapid mixing at 300 rpm followed by 20 minutes of slow mixing at 30 rpm. The solution was settled for 30 minutes prior to sampling. 50 mL of the sample was withdrawn for turbidity and COD/cTOC analysis. Results of removal efficiency affected by different pH values and different dosages alum were shown in a contour drawn by R programming. The dosage and pH applied were shown in Table 4-2 below. 28 Table 4-2 Experimental arrangement of jar tests Sample Operational Conditions pH Dose (mg/L) Temperature (°C) Spinach Wastewater 5, 7 and 9 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 30 and 50 20 Potato Wastewater 5, 7 and 9 0, 50, 100, 200, 250 and 300 20 The coagulant applied in this research was aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3 ·12-14 H2O). Stock solution was made via dissolving solid aluminum sulfate into de-ionized (DI) water with the concentration being 500 mg/L of alum. The solution was kept at room temperature. In order to maintain the pH value in the mixed solution, the pH was monitored by a pH meter during slow mixing. 1N of hydrochloric and 1N of sodium hydroxide were used to adjust the mixed solution to the desired pH value. 4.1.3 DAF Apparatus and Operation The DAF unit consisted of a pressure vessel (EC Engineering, Alberta, Canada) containing DI water to be aerated (Figure 4-2). Air was introduced into the vessel through a ball valve (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) with the pressure being monitored by a pressure gauge (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada). Excess pressure was released through a needle valve on the top of the vessel. The air saturated water was fed into a 2 L cylinder (Ø = 3.53 cm) (Figure 4-2) containing the wastewater sample to be treated. Nozzles (EC Engineering, Alberta, and Canada) were connected with water inlet tubes to cause pressure reduction. Each graduated cylinder was equipped with two sampling 29 valves (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) as shown in the Figure 4-2. One port was located 6 cm from the bottom and the other one was inserted at 13 cm from the bottom of both cylinders. Stands were clamped tight on the cylinders to prevent shaking from transferring floats to middle layer or bottom layer of treated wastewater. Figure 4-2 Bench-scale batch DAF apparatus 30 Air Over-saturated water Figure 4-3 Schematic diagram of DAF treatment The system was optimized by varying the pressure between 50 – 90 psi, to saturate the water with samples being withdrawn. This allowed for the dissolved oxygen (DO) content to be determined. The DO concentration was measured by a portable DO meter (Hach, London, Canada) after saturation, marked as DO final. Measuring the DO final and compared it to theoretical DO concentration. Optimum recycle rate and flotation time for each wastewater were determined by experiments. Conditions and analytical parameters were listed in Table 4-3. When running DAF operational conditions, the wastewater were pretreated with optimum coagulation conditions found in previous experiments. Applying coagulant with rapid mixing and slowing mixing to raw wastewater, which was the same as previous jar test procedures, followed by transporting the pretreated wastewater to the flotation cylinders. Starting pumping over-saturated DI water into flotation cylinders for separation. After measuring the concentration of analytical parameters, timing the dilution factor caused by recycle rate to the reading concentration for an actual removal percentage of contaminants. 31 Table 4-3 Experimental arrangement of DAF tests Sample Operational Conditions Recycle Rate (%) Flotation Time (min) Analytical Parameters Spinach Wastewater 10, 30, 50 and 70 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Turbidity (NTU) & TSS (mg/L) Potato Wastewater 10, 30, 50 and 70 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Turbidity (NTU), TSS (mg/L) & COD (mg/L) 4.1.4 Membrane Apparatus and Operation Dead – end submerged UF membrane modules were fabricated from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (GE Water & Process Technologies, 0.04 µm pore size, Ø19 mm). The surface area of modules were 0.003 – 0.004 m2. A 1L round beaker was used as the tank for submerging the membrane module and contained the feed water. A data logger (OMEGA Environmental, Canada) and a pressure gauge (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) were used for recording and monitoring the TMP while filtering the wastewater. The peristaltic pump (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) provided the suction power to filter the feed water from the tank into the module loop. A digital balance (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) was equipped for recording the weight of the permeate. 32 Figure 4-4 Batch bench-scale dead – end submerged UF system An air stone was submerged in the feed tank (Pet Valu, Guelph, Canada) which can help reducing the surface fouling via air scouring. An air flow meter (Cole Parmer, Mississauga, Canada) was used to help monitoring the stable airflow rate. A schematic diagram of the lab-scale submerged UF apparatus was shown in Figure 4-55. 33 Figure 4-5 Schematic diagram of dead-end submerged UF system Three types of feed water were applied to the UF – vegetative raw wastewater, vegetative coagulated wastewater and vegetative wastewater treated with coagulation/DAF. Wastewater with coagulation was prepared according to the jar test procedures, however, without sedimentation, and operational conditions were those found in experiments of jar tests. The wastewater after DAF was prepared following the DAF procedures, which including coagulation procedures. Operational conditions of DAF for each kind of wastewater were the same as those found in DAF experiments. Conditions including recycle rate and flotation time. Each condition chosen would be illustrated in the results section of coagulation and DAF tests. The filtration cycle was set by a timer with 9-minutes permeation slash 1-minutes off. After recording the weight of permeate water, the permeate water was recycled back to the feed water beaker. Filtration was terminated when the TMP was close to 50 kPa. Filtration was operated under constant flux. 34 The operational filtration flux was recommended according to critical flux tests. Critical fluxes were determined by standard flux-step method (Clech et al., 2003). When a different increasing transmembrane pressure trend was found in the critical flux determination, the flux before that increasing point was the critical flux. Set the operating flux below critical fluxes and then used for further filtration. Potato wastewater filtration flux was also determined by critical flux tests of the three types of potato wastewater. Filtration of DI water was run prior to feed wastewater filtration for measuring membrane resistance. Short-term filtration tests were used to determine the air scouring rate. Three air scouring rate – 1 L/min, 2 L/min and 4L/min, were tested for choosing the scouring rate in terms of reducing the surface fouling. Modules applied in the research were used membrane module. Before and after each filtration test, the membranes were cleaned with distilled water and gently scrubbing with sponge. The module was soaked in 200 mg/L sodium hypochlorite solution for 24 hours, followed by soaking in 2000 mg/L citric acid for another 24 hours before filtration and measuring the membrane resistance. 4.2 Analytical Methods COD is reported in terms mg O2/L of sample; it was quantified by using HACH DBR 200 Reactor (Hach Co., Loveland, CO) for digestion and HACH DR 2800 (Hach Co., Loveland, CO) for colorimetric determination method according to Standard Method 5220D (APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1989). The results in mg/L BOD5 are defined as the mg O2/L of sample by analytical procedures adopted from the Standard Methods, Method 5210 (APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1989). 35 TSS is reported in terms of mg TSS/L; it was quantified by using a filtration method described as the TSS which dried at 103-105oC method according to Standard Method 2540D (APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1989). The filter paper (Whatman 934-AH Glass Microfiber Filters, 1.5um, 11cm) was purchased from Cole Parmer. TS was measured similar to TSS and was tested according to the Standard Methods, Method 5210 (APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1989). Turbidity was measured by turbidity meter (Micro 100, HF Science Inc.) adopted as NTU. Measurements of cTOC and total nitrogen (TN) were done by using a Total Organic Carbon analyzer (Model: TOC-VCSH TOC analyzer, Shimadzu), which was also approved by USEPA and following Standard Method 5310B (APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1989). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurement is similar to cTOC. DOC measurement samples were obtained by filtering wastewater through a 0.45μm polycarbonate membrane filter and analysis performed with the cTOC analyzer (Model: TOC-VCSH TOC analyzer, Shimadzu). Other nutrient parameters, which contains nitrate (NO3-N), ammonia (NH4+-N) and TP were tested by using Hach method -- Method 10020, Method 10023 (low range) / Method 10031 (high range) and Method 8190, respectively. Analytical parameters were reported as average concentration plus or minus standard deviation. For membrane fouling results, the fouling resistance was calculated according to Darcy’s Law (Yang, 2005) and the definition of fouling resistance (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003): 36 𝑅𝑡 = ∆𝑃 𝑅𝑓 = 𝑅𝑡 − 𝑅𝑚 𝜇𝐽 (1) Where: J – permeate flux, m/s ∆P – transmembrane pressure, Pa μ– viscosity, Pa·s Rt – total membrane resistance, 1/m Rm – membrane resistance, 1/m The average fouling rate was calculated as the difference between the initial and final TMP, divided by the duration of filtration cycle below (Fan, 2006; Le-Clech et al., 2006): FR = 𝑇𝑀𝑃𝑡2 −𝑇𝑀𝑃𝑡1 𝑡2 −𝑡1 Or FR = 𝑅𝑓2 −𝑅𝑓1 𝑡2 −𝑡1 Where: FR – fouling rate, kPa/min or 1/m/min TMP – transmembrane pressure, kPa Rf – fouling resistance, 1/m t2 – filtration ending time, min t1 – filtration start time, min 37 (2) 4.3 QC/QA Wastewater samples were analyzed the same day as they were delivered and analyzed using calibrated equipment. The cTOC meter required standard solutions for making new calibration curves and the accuracy was checked before using. The room temperature was set to 20 ºC to avoid affecting the flocs of DAF treatment. It was necessary for the jar test and DAF apparatus to use the same conditions in the six different jars or the two cylinders. The same wastewater was also used and analyzed for turbidity to assure the system was consistent. Specific to membrane filtration, each vegetative wastewater and treated wastewater were completed within two days in order to minimize the changing parameters affecting fouling results. All the experimental data was analyzed by coefficient of variance which can determine whether the value was statistically reasonable or not. Results such as parameters were illustrated by an average with standard deviation shown in figures by using Microsoft Excel. The optimum conditions for jar tests and DAF were tested for duplicate and averaged results which was analyzed via R programming or Microsoft Excel. Standard deviations were investigated for data accuracy. 38 Chapter 5 RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION 5.1 Fruit & Vegetable Wastewater Characterization Wastewater samples were collected from leafy green, mixed vegetable, carrot, ginseng, potato and apple processing facilities and then subsequently characterized in terms of turbidity, solids contents, BOD5, COD, cTOC and nutrients (Table 5-1). With respect to solids, potato and ginseng wastewater had significantly higher TSS concentration than other types of wastewater (Table 5-1). But in terms of organic matters, apple wastewater contained the highest concentration of cTOC and BOD5, followed by mushroom wastewater. Wastewater from apple and potato processing facilities had higher COD and nutrient contents compared to the other types of tested wastewater. Previous studies have also reported high COD content of potato wastewater. Burgoon et al. (1999) and Muniraj et al. (2013) found the potato processing wastewater (which included the peeling process) contained 2700 – 37000 mg/L COD, while in this research, where there was no peeling process, the COD concentration of potato wastewater was 700 – 7800 mg/L. Physical and biological characteristics of carrot found in this research seem to be consistent with those in other researches (Hamilton, 2006; Kern, 2006). In terms of standard deviations, for example, ginseng wastewater had a standard deviation of TSS larger than the average TSS concentration. The main reason of this is that the processes in food industries are different. One of the sampled ginseng industries has a shaking process before washing the products, in turn; they introduce fewer solids into washing water. However, the other sampled ginseng industry does not have a 39 shaking process before washing ginsengs. Hence, wastewater from the second industry contained higher level of TSS than the former one. With respect to this problem, the matrix of fruit & vegetable processing wastewater can be developed to a more specific one, which is including the effects of specific processes on the same products. 40 Table 5-1 Characteristics of different vegetative wastewater Wastewater TSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) cTOC (mg/l) BOD5/ COD COD/ cTOC NO3-N (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) Filtered TN (mg/L) TP (mg/L) pH Turbidity (NTU) Apple 130± 10 3600± 2600 400± 62 200± 14 110± 64 550± 130 700± 1100 2000± 2700 2200± 2100 1800± 51 420± 130 370± 110 140± 39 75±48 1200± 1600 240± 270 960±16 680± 920 87±46 4.4± 2.1 36± 34 3.8 24± 28 3.2±3.3 0.3±0.1 19±23 38±28 10.4 56 8.8±12 20±19 30±32 870±140 4.0 0.1 4.0 2.9 7.5± 0.4 nd 56±20 110±10 0.9±1.0 2±1 2.6±1.1 0.4±0.2 3±1 95 27±1.0 9.7 0.1 23 1.7± 1.3 2.1± 1.5 4.7 8.9 36±5.0 0.08 1.4±0.2 0.8±1.0 0.9±0.1 7.7± 0.1 4.7± 0.7 7.2± 0.7 7.0± 0.4 410±410 130±15 4.6± 2.2 3.1± 0.3 5.1± 1.6 1.5± 4.0 2.0±0.6 220±88 0.38± 0.29 0.11± 0.06 0.55± 0.01 0.15± 0.08 0.59± 0.01 0.57 Potato Mushroom Carrot Spinach Mixed Vegetable Ginseng 460 41 1.2± 0.6 nd 92±51 560±42 360±330 Although different vegetative wastewater had a wide variety of different characteristics, these types of wastewater can be classified into two categories. The BOD5/COD ratio is the most applicable parameter. Metcalf & Eddy (2003) demonstrated that the BOD5/COD ratio can be used to determine whether the wastewater is suitable for biological treatment. When the BOD5/COD ratio is over 0.5, this kind of wastewater is easily biodegradable and suitable for biological treatment; whereas when the ratio is lower than 0.2, this type of wastewater is barely biodegradable and compatible with physical operation and chemical treatment. Thus, the BOD5/COD ratio was used in this section to divide the sample wastewater into two categories: easily biodegradable group and barely biodegradable group. Potato, ginseng and carrot wastewater had low ratio numbers of 0.11 ± 0.06, 0.08 and 0.15 ± 0.08, respectively. The low BOD5/COD ratio implies the solids within the wastewater were soils rather than organic substrates that could be utilized by microbes. Although these kinds of wastewater maybe not compatible with biological water treatment technologies when compared to wastewater that is rich of low molecular weight soluble solids, the high inorganic content could be more amenable to physical operations. According to Table 5-1, mushroom, spinach and mixed vegetative wastewater had BOD5/COD ratios close to 0.6, which is considered suitable for biological treatment. Similarly, apple wastewater had a ratio of around 0.5, which is also regarded as easily biodegradable. Potato, carrot and ginseng are stem or root products and they all had a BOD5/COD ratio of less than 0.2; hence unsuitable for biological treatment. Potato 42 wastewater and wastewater derived from leafy green processing were selected for further study given the contrasting characteristics. Spinach wastewater will be a challenge for most biological treatment technologies, because of the low concentrations of solid contents and acidic (pH 4.7 ± 0.7) pH environment, both of which will limit microbial growth (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). More significantly, the diluted nature of the solids in spent leafy green wastewater means that little treatment is required to meet the regulatory standards, making treatment unnecessary. Potato wastewater is very representative of low BOD5/COD ratio group since it had the highest TSS concentration coupling with high COD and nutrient concentrations. Furthermore, by looking at the parameters of all tested fruit and vegetable wastewater in Table 5-1, BOD5, TP and TSS prove to be the main problem when treatment processes are applied to satisfy the sanitary sewer limits. Treatment technologies applied in this research were physical operations such as DAF and UF and chemical treatment method like coagulation. If there are treatment technologies that show economical and high removal efficiencies on tested wastewater, the treatment technologies can probably be adopted for other similar kinds of vegetative wastewater. 43 5.2 Coagulation 5.2.1 Turbidity Removal Effects of pH and coagulant concentration on coagulation treatment performances were shown in contours in terms of removal efficiencies of the turbidity. After gathering the average of the jar test results, a contour was plotted by using R programming with pH values as the horizontal axis and alum dosage as the vertical axis. Figure 5-1 Turbidity removal percentage from spinach wastewater by coagulation As was shown in Figure 5-1, when dosing concentration was smaller than 10 mg/L, higher dosages of alum were needed to achieve 95% turbidity removal efficiency in pH range 5 - 6 for spinach wastewater, while at higher pH environments such as a pH of 6, 44 the dosage needed was only 5 mg/L. However, when the alum dosage was over 10 mg/L, in the range of pH 5 – 7, higher pH environments needed more coagulants. Besides, for pH of 7 – 9, less alum was added into the wastewater and better removal efficiencies were achieved when the coagulant dosage was over 10 mg/L. The results here were different from many other wastewater coagulation results. Typically, higher pH environment, such as pH 7 and 8 requires dose from 20 mg/L to 60 mg/L to achieve the optimum particle removal by sweeping flocks (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). There could be two reasons: 1, the turbidity of spinach is 66 ± 2 NTU, which is one fourth of that in municipal wastewater. Hence, while municipal wastewater needs 20 mg/L of alum for sweep flock mechanism, 10 mg/L of alum was sufficient for spinach wastewater. There were researches which also pointed out less coagulant will be needed when the turbidity is smaller (Lin et al., 2008); 2, with respect to charge neutralization, dosage over 10 mg/L is regarded as over dose, which can re-stabilize the particles by resulting in positively charged particles and less turbidity removal (DeWolfe, 2003). 45 Figure 5-2 Turbidity removal percentage from potato wastewater by coagulation For potato wastewater, 90% removal efficiency was achieved by dosing 50 mg/L of alum at a pH ranges from 6.5 to 9. Interestingly, with a dosage of 250 mg/L at pH 5, 7 and 9, the turbidity was 3.12 NTU, 2.29 NTU and 2.45 NTU, respectively. When dosing of 100 mg/L at pH 5, 7 and 9, turbidity results were 12.7 NTU, 3.23 NTU and 3.37 NTU, respectively. As results show in Figure 5-2, the turbidity of potato wastewater was always too turbid to be detected and regarded as over 1000 NTU. So from turbidity removal results, the removal efficiency of potato wastewater via coagulation was 98.7% ~ 99.8%. Overall, alum works efficiently for both spinach wastewater and potato wastewater in terms of turbidity removal. 46 5.2.2 COD/cTOC Removal TOC analyzer was out of work during the optimization of jar test conditions with spinach wastewater, so COD was applied to substitute for cTOC with an observed a stable COD to cTOC ratio in the raw wastewater. Figure 5-3 COD removal percentage from spinach wastewater by coagulation While the optimum for turbidity removal by coagulation was at pH 7 and 5 mg/l alum, the COD removal was optimized at pH 5.5 and 10 mg/L alum. The higher COD removal in a slightly acidic environment was also observed in an earlier study (Xie, 2006), where the solubility of the organic matter was reduced in the lower pH condition. Many 47 researchers have suggested that with the use of aluminum based coagulants, pH conditions should be controlled within 4.5 – 6.5 to optimize organic removal on food industry wastewater (Ho & Tan, 1989; Liu & Lien, 2001; Rusten et al., 1990). However, compared to the previous studies listed in literature review, alum had considerably poor removal abilities of COD on spinach wastewater. The difference is caused by the percentage of soluble organic matters in the wastewater. For example, Rusten et al. (1990) found that the removal efficiency of COD of dairy wastewater was 40-67%, while the soluble COD to total COD ratio varied from 0.48 to 0.7. Although soluble COD was not measured, argument could be made that the soluble COD was higher or equal to the COD concentration of permeate. This is because the nominal pore size of the membrane material applied in this research is 0.04 micron, smaller than the pore size which defines dissolved solids at 0.45 µm. From the results shown in Figure 5-20, the COD concentration before filtration of spinach raw water was 370 mg/L and after UF of spinach raw water, the COD concentration was 360 mg/L. It implied that over 97% of COD in spinach was soluble COD. This can explain why coagulation cannot remove a higher percentage of COD from the spinach wastewater. 48 Figure 5-4 CTOC removal percentage from potato wastewater by coagulation At the same dosage as 250mg/L of alum, more cTOC was removed in slightly acidic environment of potato wastewater. However, the difference was negligible. RE of cTOC at a pH of 5 with dosing of 250 mg/L alum was 75%, while at a pH of 7 with the same dosage, the RE was 72%. The coefficient of variance of these two numbers is 0.06, implying these two means have no distinct differences. If the pH of 5 is applied, there will be a risky problem namely the residual alum maybe over the limitations set by the city by-law (Toronto, 2000). Thus, dosing 250 mg/L of alum at pH 7 was chosen as the optimum jar test condition of potato wastewater. Compared with jar test results on spinach wastewater and potato wastewater, it is obvious that alum has better removal abilities on organic matters for potato wastewater. 49 5.3 DAF Results 5.3.1 DAF Water Saturation In order to make sure the water in pressure vessel was fully over-saturated, saturating pressure and saturation time were optimized. Figure 5-5 showed the effects of saturation pressure on saturation rate. DO Concentration (%) 25 20 15 10 DOf concentration 5 0 50 60 70 80 Saturation Pressure (psi) 90 Figure 5-5 Effects of pressure on DAF water saturation However, based on Henry’s law (Schnabel et al., 2005): (3) Where: p -- the partial pressure of the gaseous solute above the solution (atm) c – The concentration of the dissolved gas (mol/L) 50 KH -- a constant with the dimensions of pressure divided by concentration, for oxygen at 298 K is 769.2 L·atm/mol. According to the formula, the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water should be 42 mg/L at 70 psi at 298 K. However, the DO concentrations at different pressures in the water presented in the Figure 5-5 were smaller than 20 mg/L. The smaller value compared to theoretical estimate was probably caused by the escape of oxygen when measuring the DO, since the water was measured at atmospheric pressure. At 1 atm and 298 K, the DO concentration in water should be 8.56 mg/L. Hence, the excess oxygen leaked out from the over-saturated water and caused the unbalanced values. In order to get the accurate saturation efficiency, developed technology is needed for DO saturating measurement. Method applied in this experiment was not credential for finding the optimum saturation pressure. However, in this research, it is not a key parameter for the adjustment of DAF operations. 70 psi was chosen as the saturation pressure. Typically, pressure ranges from 60 to 90 psi are recommended which ensures the saturation can produce the desire fine bubble. Moreover, pressure over 500 kPa (~70 psi) has a small effect on producing desire bubble size (Edzwald, 1995). The parameters that primarily affect the batch bench-scale DAF performance are concentration of particles and the amount of air introduced to the system (Edzwald, 2010). These two factors can be summed in the formation of the ratio of the amount of air to the mass of solids (A/S) (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). The A/S ratio varies for every kind of wastewater and must be determined by investigating the effect of recycle rate on DAF performance. The recycle rate is defined as the volume of saturated water to the volume 51 of wastewater ratio (Edzwald, 2010). The appropriate amount of saturated water was investigated by applying different recycle rates for each wastewater. 5.3.2 Contaminant Removal According to the observation of results in Figure 5-6, over 80% of turbidity was removed by DAF with all different recycle rates. However, when the 30% of recycle rate was applied to the spinach wastewater after coagulation, around 80% of TSS was removed; whereas when other recycle rate (10%, 50% or 70%) was applied, only 70% of TSS was removed. Thus, 30% of recycle rate is suitable for the treatment of spinach wastewater and would be applied in further experiments. Removal Efficiency (%) 100 80 60 40 Turbidity 20 TSS 0 0 15 30 45 Recycle Rate (%) 60 75 Figure 5-6 Effects of DAF recycle rate on suspended solids removal in the treatment of spinach wastewater 52 Removal Efficiency (%) 100 80 60 40 20 Turbidity 0 0 10 20 30 Flotation Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-7 Effects of DAF flotation time on turbidity removal in the treatment of spinach wastewater Unlike the recycle rate, the flotation time had no significant influence on turbidity removal (Figure 5-7). Thus, a shorter time 10 minutes was adopted for flotation and further research. 53 140 Turbidity Removal Efficiency (%) 120 TSS COD 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 Recycle Rate (%) 50 60 70 Figure 5-8 Effects of DAF recycle rate on contaminants removal efficiencies in the treatment of potato wastewater The removal of COD by DAF from potato wastewater was less than 40% for every recycle rate applied in this research, which was significantly low when compared to the removal of turbidity and TSS. Around 90% of turbidity and TSS were removed at a recycle rate of 30%. Nevertheless, when applying a 10% recycle rate in DAF for potato wastewater treatment, less than 80% of turbidity was removed. This was mainly because the recycle rate was too low to introduce sufficient fine bubbles for carrying solids to the surface for the potato wastewater. This also explained why recycle rate of 30% and 50% had better removal abilities on different parameters as was shown in Figure 5-8. However, with a 70% recycle rate, the removal efficiencies of turbidity and TSS on potato wastewater were decreased when compared with applying a recycle rate of 30%. It was because while doing the DAF treatment for potato wastewater, at least 5 cm thick of 54 settling was observed during the flotation. The settling which occurred in the graduated cylinder during flotation was due to the fact that solids in potato wastewater after coagulation were too heavy to be carried to the surface by fine bubbles. Hence, these heavy solids kept settling down. However, a 70% of recycle rate, which introduced too much air into the graduate cylinder, prevented the heavy solids from settling down and kept solids suspended in the middle layer. Overall, a recycle rate of 30% was adopted as the operational condition for the potato wastewater. Removal Efficiency (%) 100 80 60 40 Turbidity 20 TSS 0 0 10 20 30 Flotation Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-9 Effects of DAF flotation time on suspended solids removal efficiencies in the treatment of potato wastewater Similar to the results shown in Figure 5-7, flotation time still did not show significant differences, 70 ± 3% for turbidity RE and 90 ± 5.5 % for TSS RE over 10 to 50 minutes flotation time. However, from observation during the experiments, there was a challenge with 10 minutes flotation time. For 10 minutes flotation of potato wastewater, treated potato wastewater can only be gathered by the higher position sampling port, which is 13 55 cm from the bottom due to the block of lower sampling port from settling solid. After 30 minutes, the settling solids were thickened and the lower sampling port was available for sampling. Hence, for the purpose of gathering an increasing amount of treated water for characterization and further filtration, 30 minutes of flotation time was adopted for further operations. 5.3.3 Comparison between Coagulation - Sedimentation and Coagulation -DAF From Table 5-2, it is apparent that both the spinach after coagulation/settling and potato after coagulation/sedimentation had better TSS and COD removal ability compared to spinach wastewater after DAF (SD) and potato wastewater after DAF (PD), respectively. However, the results were different from other studies which also compared the DAF and sedimentation. Both Bourgeois et al. (2004) and Khiadani (2014) concluded that the DAF had slightly higher contaminants removal efficiency than traditional sedimentation. This could be for two reasons: one is the operation condition, and the other is the apparatus design dimensions. For Khiadani (2014), he applied a continuous pilot-scale DAF system and sedimentation apparatus in his research, which is different from this research. Hydraulic condition can reduce the settling removal abilities by affecting the formation and flocks structure via shear stress (Ma et al., 2012). Bourgeois et al. (2004) also applied a batch jar test DAF apparatus. Thus, the difference may due to the apparatus design. Both of them have a smaller width to length ratio than the ratio of that of the DAF apparatus applied in this research. Dockko et al. (2014) has already demonstrated, by increasing the diameter of reaction tube, that contaminants can be more efficiently removed by DAF since there is more space for micro bubble binding particles or contaminants. 56 Table 5-2 Spinach and potato raw water characteristics and effluent results from coagulation and sedimentation or by coagulation and DAF Sample TSS (mg/L) cTOC (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) TS (mg/L) SR 110±64 130±39 370±110 220±88 SCS 4.3±2.9 120±44 340±120 SD 10±5.9 71±55 PR 3000±1000 PCS PD NO3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) 3±0 2.6±1.1 2.1±1.5 0.4±0.2 650±450 3±0 2.8±0.1 0.9±0.5 0.3±0.2 670±290 2±1 2.7±0.6 0.4±0.4 0.3±0.2 24±21 2.2±1.0 15±13 3.4±2.4 600±290 16±14 1.4±0.2 0.9±0.8 3.9±3.0 450±210 13±14 1.7±0.5 1.7±0.5 2.5±2.2 TDS (mg/L) Filtered TN (mg/L) 520±110 430±110 150±130 910±18 360±160 140±130 810±260 71±58 1200±480 150±89 30±20 19±19 170±220 ND 620±300 100±30 20±15 250±230 210±4.0 560±240 3600±1600 1000±630 SR/PR: Spinach / Potato raw wastewater; SCS/PCS: Spinach / Potato wastewater after coagulation - sedimentation; SD/PD: Spinach / Potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF. 57 In addition, for TP removal efficiency, while potato wastewater after DAF had worse removal efficiency than potato wastewater after coagulation – sedimentation, spinach wastewater after DAF had better removal efficiency than spinach wastewater after coagulation-sedimentation. It implied that sedimentation was more suitable for more turbid wastewater. This was maybe caused by particles size in water body. More micron particle in treated water contributes to the high removal efficiency of DAF while in contrast; larger particle results in the low removal efficiency of DAF. However, with lacking of particle size tests, it is hard to conclude the reasons that caused the differences of removal abilities of the same treatment process for different wastewater. From Figure 5-10 and Figure 5-11, it is obvious that, coagulation with sedimentation and coagulation with DAF both can remove 66 – 85% TP of both spinach and potato wastewater by adding aluminum sulfate. Coagulation and DAF can remove more contaminants with respect to COD, TN and cTOC from potato wastewater compared to those derived from spinach processing wastewater. The two kinds of wastewater have many differences as discussed before: more solids content in potato wastewater while higher cTOC concentration in spinach wastewater. Spinach had a high cTOC to COD ratio at 0.36, while potato had a ratio as 0.06; BOD5 to COD ratio of spinach was 0.6 while that of potato was 0.12. The spinach had a high percentage of soluble COD. These differences implied that the coagulation and DAF will be more suitable for wastewater which has a low cTOC/COD or BOD5/COD ratio and wastewater which contains a lower percentage of soluble COD. 58 Removal efficiency (%) 120 100 96 85 Sedimentation 77 DAF 67 80 60 19 40 20 7 24 13 19 17 5 21 21 27 6 0 0 TSS BOD5 COD cTOC TP NH4+-N NO3-N TN Figure 5-10 Contaminants removal efficiencies by coagulation - sedimentation and coagulation - DAF of spinach wastewater 120 Removal efficiency (%) 100 99 96 Sedimentation 85 83 DAF 80 73 73 70 66 52 25 60 37 30 40 20 0 TSS COD cTOC TP TN NO3-N Figure 5-11 Contaminants removal efficiencies by coagulation - sedimentation and coagulation - DAF of potato wastewater 59 Moreover, the NO3-N removals were not obvious in spinach wastewater treatment via coagulation or DAF. Only DAF showed 20% removal efficiency on TN, but when tracking down the actual values in Table 5-2, the concentration of filtered TN of spinach raw water was 3 mg/L and DAF is 2 mg/L. For potato wastewater, concentration of TN was reduced from 24 mg/L to 13 mg/L. This result highlights the discussion that physical and chemical treatment processes are more applicable for wastewater with a low BOD5 to COD ratio. 5.4 Membrane Filtration of Pretreated Spinach Wastewater 5.4.1 Air Scouring Rate Selection Membrane fouling of ultrafiltration membranes results in decreased filtration rates and consequently the efficiency of the process. In order to reduce the influence of surface fouling, air scouring was applied during filtration. Three different air scouring rates – 1 L/min, 2 L/min and 4 L/min were applied for adjusting this operation condition. Calculations of the fouling rates for 1 L/min, 2 L/min and 4 L/min air scouring rate, were found to be 1.9x1010 1/m·min-1, 0.8x1010 1/m·min-1 and 0.6x1010 1/m·min-1, respectively (Figure 5-12). Although the 4 L/min scouring rate had a non-significant smaller fouling rate, the 2 L/min scouring rate was more cost - effective in terms of energy demand. The fouling rate increased 25% when applied with a 2 L/min air scouring rate from 4 L/min air scouring rate, but the energy was conserved by 100% when applied with a 2 L/min air scouring rate from a 4 L/min air scouring rate. Hence, for the spinach wastewater, 2 L/min was adopted as the air scouring rate during the membrane filtration. 60 1.00E+12 Fouling Resistance (1/m) 2L/min 1L/min 8.00E+11 4L/min 6.00E+11 4.00E+11 2.00E+11 0.00E+00 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-12 Effects of UF air scouring rate on fouling resistance in the treatment of spinach wastewater 5.4.2 Critical Fluxes of Spinach Wastewater and Wastewater after Pretreatment Each kind of feed wastewater was filtered with different fluxes for adjusting the filtration conditions. The critical fluxes of spinach raw wastewater, spinach wastewater after coagulation and spinach wastewater after DAF were shown in Figure 5-13, Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15, respectively. 61 50 70 TMP (kPa) 60 40 TMP (kPa) Flux (LMH) 50 30 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-13 Critical flux measurement of spinach raw wastewater 60 50 TMP (kPa) 50 Flux (LMH) 40 TMP (kPa) 30 30 Flux (LMH) 40 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 60 Figure 5-14 Critical flux measurement of spinach wastewater after coagulation 62 TMP (kPa) 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 TMP (kPa) 10 10 Flux (LMH) 0 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 60 Figure 5-15 Critical flux measurement of spinach wastewater after coagulation and DAF Interestingly, for spinach raw wastewater, a flux of 40 LMH was over the critical flux, since the TMP increased rapidly in one cycle of filtration. The fouling rate with respect to TMP and a flux of 40 LMH was 1.54 kPa/min during the 9- minute filtration test while the fouling rate of the previous flux of 27 LMH was 0.61 kPa/min. According to the definition of critical flux, the flux of 27 LMH was adopted as the critical flux of spinach raw wastewater, and 30 LMH was regarded as the critical flux for spinach wastewater after coagulation. Besides, spinach wastewater after coagulation and DAF has the highest critical flux which was observed at 43 LMH from Figure 5-15. According to three critical flux tests, a constant flux operated during the UF was set around 30 LMH. 63 Although spinach wastewater after coagulation/DAF (SD) had a significantly higher operating flux than spinach wastewater after coagulation and spinach raw wastewater (SR), it is now generally accepted that the critical flux test cannot predict the absolute permeation ability of the membrane (Le-Clech et al., 2006). Operations below the critical flux can slow down the increase of TMP, thus reducing the operation cost with the reducing of chemical cleaning frequencies and membrane changing (Stoller & Chianese, 2006). 5.4.3 Membrane Fouling For spinach raw wastewater, the main difference between test 1 and test 2 was that the TSS for test 1 was 130 ± 8 mg/L, while for test 2 was 32 ± 1 mg/L. The turbidity for test 1 and 2 were 65 NTU and 27 NTU, respectively. Moreover, it is 95% confident that the TSS, cTOC and turbidity of spinach raw water (SR) were the same as those of spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC). This implies these three parameters are likely to have no influence on membrane fouling with UF between SR and SC in each test. The cTOC concentration may affect the membrane fouling between SR/SC and SD. It is apparent that after coagulation, TSS of SC was larger than SR in both tests. This could be after coagulation, when some dissolved particles (< 1.5 µm) formed into colloids or even larger particles (> 1.5 µm). In the meantime, pH was adjusted to 5.5 from 4.1, decreasing the solubility of organic matters, and thus dissolving matters crystallized to colloids. Therefore, when measuring the TSS, more solids were retained on the filter paper so that a higher concentration of TSS in SC was observed. 64 Overall, there were different fouling rates observed between spinach raw water and spinach wastewater after coagulation, and the reason for this difference should not be turbidity, TSS or cTOC. This conclusion can help determine the potential reason for the fouling of spinach wastewater. 65 Table 5-3 Spinach feed water parameters for UF Test 1 and Test 2 (mg/L) TP (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) 150 0.7 3.8 0.1 490 280 65 150 150 0.6 3.7 0.1 480 270 67 5.5 130 120 0.5 0.9 0.1 310 190 4.3 32 4.3 130 120 2.7 2.2 0.4 360 18 27 SC Test 2 60 5.7 120 130 2.0 2.3 0.4 360 200 26 SD Test 2 3.0 5.7 100 94 1.9 0.5 0.3 260 150 3.8 Feed Water TSS (mg/L) pH cTOC (mg/L) DOC (mg/L) SR Test 1 130 4.1 160 SC Test 1 160 5.4 SD Test 1 10 SR Test 2 NO3-N 66 Figure 5-16 presented the fouling rate of spinach raw wastewater increased significantly in the 140- minute filtration when compared after coagulation and after DAF, while UF with coagulation had higher fouling resistances than UF with DAF. Although both coagulation and DAF as pretreatment did not significantly improve effluent qualities after UF, they significantly reduced the membrane fouling of spinach wastewater. Moreover, according to the fouling rates shown in Figure 5-17 and Figure 5-19, the fouling rates of wastewater after DAF were smaller than that of wastewater after coagulation in both filtration tests. These implied that DAF as pretreatment had better fouling control than coagulation for UF treatment of spinach wastewater. DOC is highly related to humic substances (HS) that represent the highest proportion of soluble solids (Tian et al., 2013). HS is reported to be one of the most severe membrane foulants in many studies (Fan, 2006; Reimann, 1997; Zularisam et al., 2006). However, combined with certain feed water DOC differences, DOC had no significant effect on membrane fouling. As mentioned before, the DOC concentration in spinach raw wastewater and spinach wastewater after coagulation were the same, but the fouling rate of raw wastewater was 2.3 times higher than that of wastewater after coagulation. 67 2.1E+12 After coagulation Fouling resistance (1/m) 1.8E+12 After DAF Raw 1.5E+12 1.2E+12 9.0E+11 6.0E+11 3.0E+11 0.0E+00 10 30 50 70 90 Time (min) 110 130 150 Figure 5-16 Fouling resistance of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 1 Fouling rate (kPa/min) 0.5 0.4 SR SC SD 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 Time (min) Figure 5-17 Fouling rate of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 1 68 4.2E+11 After coagulation After DAF Fouling resistance (1/m) 3.5E+11 Raw 2.8E+11 2.1E+11 1.4E+11 7E+10 0 10 30 50 70 90 Time (min) 110 130 Figure 5-18 Fouling resistance of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 2 0.16 Fouling rate (kPa/min) 0.14 0.12 SR SC SD 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (min) 120 140 160 Figure 5-19 Fouling rate of spinach raw wastewater (SR), spinach wastewater after coagulation (SC) and spinach wastewater after coagulation – DAF (SD) in UF test 2 69 Tian et al. (2013) also found similar results that no significant correlation was observed between DOC and UF fouling potential. They suggested that the ratio of NOM/EfOM molecular size to membrane pore size might be the more important factor on membrane fouling. Lim & Bai (2003) also concluded that the size of small particles which is expected to be close to the membrane pore size can cause internal and external pore blocking. However, lacking of analysis of particle size, there is no way to relate their conclusions to this research. This highlights the importance of particle size analysis again. However, considering the detection limit of particle size analyzer, 20% of solids have to be represented in the wastewater. For measuring the particle size, at least 20 L of each feed wastewater was needed due to the preparation and centrifuge before measuring. A labscale apparatus is not enough for preparing 20 L of spinach wastewater after DAF, because the DAF apparatus can only hold 2 L spinach wastewater. Comparing the two tests, test 2 had a much smaller fouling rate than test 1, but it was difficult to formulate a reason for this. The potential factor may be particular matters. Turbidity and TSS in test 2 were smaller than those in test 1. However, when comparing wastewater after DAF in test 1 with wastewater after coagulation in test 2, wastewater after coagulation in test 2 had higher TSS and turbidity levels than wastewater after DAF in test 1 as well while the fouling resistance of wastewater after coagulation in test 2 was smaller than wastewater after DAF in test 1. This implied that coagulation and DAF cannot really affect the membrane fouling by removing particles from spinach wastewater. More research is needed for the mechanism of how coagulation and DAF help reducing the membrane fouling of spinach wastewater. Overall, by applying 70 coagulation and DAF, the TMP rising rates and fouling resistance were reduced, whereas DAF treatment had slightly lower fouling rates than coagulation. 5.4.4 Contaminant Removal Nine physical parameters were measured for reviewing effluent qualities of different treatment technologies on spinach wastewater. 71 200 200 130 110 110 160 100 100 TSS concentration (mg/L) CTOC concentration (mg/L) 130 81 120 80 40 0 160 74 120 80 40 12 SR SC SD SRU SCU SDU SR SC (a) 373 440 400 406 363 0 SD SRU SCU SDU 150.0 92 346 355 120.0 300 200 90.0 47 60.0 100 30.0 0 0.0 5.9 SR SC SR SD SRU SCU SDU SC 0.6 0.3 0.3 SD SRU SCU SDU (d) (c) 400 10.0 220 240 240 210 8.0 140 150 150 6.0 4.7 5.5 SR SC 5.7 5.4 5.9 5.8 pH BOD5 concentration (mg/L) 0 (b) Turbidity (NTU) COD concentration (mg/L) 500 320 0 0 160 4.0 80 2.0 0 0.0 SR SC SD SRU SCU SDU (e) SD SRU SCU SDU (f) 72 4.0 5.0 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.8 3.0 TP concentration (mg/L) NO3-N concentration (mg/L) 5.0 1.6 1.7 2.0 1.0 0.0 SR SC SD SRU SCU SDU 4.0 2.1 2.5 1.4 3.0 1.2 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 SR SC SD SRU SCU SDU (g) (i) NH4+-N concentration (mg/L) 1.0 SR: spinach raw wastewater SC: spinach wastewater after coagulation SD: spinach wastewater after DAF SRU: spinach wastewater after UF SCU: spinach wastewater after coagulation and UF SDU: spinach wastewater after DAF and UF 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 SR SC SD SRU SCU SDU (h) Figure 5-20 Comparison of effluent qualities after different treatment methods of spinach wastewater 73 From Figure 5-20, it is obvious that the three kinds of treatment technologies had poor removal abilities on COD. Only 3% of COD was removed by UF with coagulation. Around 30 - 40% removal efficiency was achieved with respect to cTOC and BOD5 by UF or UF with DAF. Moreover, with the more cTOC were removed, the pH became higher. It is mainly because removing humic acid can cause the pH slightly increasing. UF with pretreatment process showed great removal efficiency in terms of TP for spinach wastewater. Although coagulation and DAF only removed 33 – 43% TP, combined with UF, these two treatment technologies achieved an 80% TP removal efficiency. Between coagulation with UF and coagulation/DAF with UF, no distinct difference of removal efficiencies of different parameters was found. If summarizing the performance of coagulation and DAF on membrane fouling and effluent qualities, DAF seems to be a redundant treatment of spinach wastewater treatment, without considering the cTOC removal efficiency. In terms of effluents qualities, the only advantage shown in this research of DAF was that the cTOC removal efficiency was 20% higher when applying DAF as pretreatment for UF. For both treatment processes, nitrate and ammonia was removed less than 20% or even no significant removal was observed in ammonia concentration. For spinach wastewater, with respect to the contemporary city by-laws of Toronto, Cambridge and the Kitchener area, the raw wastewater just meets the limits of different parameters except the pH, which would need to be adjusted to higher than 6. For future legislatives, suitable treatment technologies are still needed. 74 5.5 Effects of Different Pretreatment on Membrane Fouling of Potato Wastewater The effects of different air scouring rate on membrane fouling were investigated for potato wastewater and results are shown below. 5.5.1 Air Scouring Rate Selection An optimum air scouring rate during a forty- minute filtration test was observed for potato wastewater. Fouling Resistance (1/m) 2.0E+12 1L/min 4L/min 1.6E+12 2 L/min 1.2E+12 8.0E+11 4.0E+11 0.0E+00 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-21 Effects of UF air scouring rate on fouling resistance in the treatment of potato wastewater The optimum air scouring rate which was 2L/min, was observed in Figure 5-22. With a higher air scouring rate, this cannot really reduce more surface fouling over a lower air scouring rate. Similar results were shown by Xin Xie (2006). Thus, 2 L/min was chosen as the air scouring condition for further filtration tests. 75 5.5.2 Critical Fluxes of Potato Wastewater and Wastewater after Pretreatment Compared to spinach wastewater, the potato wastewater had to be operated at a smaller flux, for its critical flux threshold was lower than spinach wastewater. According to Figure 5-22, Figure 5-23 and Figure 5-24, critical flux thresholds for potato raw wastewater, wastewater after coagulation and wastewater after DAF were 12.5 LMH, 12.6 LMH and 13.4 LMH, respectively. Unlike the spinach wastewater after DAF, which had a significant higher critical flux than raw wastewater and wastewater after coagulation, the critical flux thresholds for three kinds of potato wastewater were very close to each other. Thus, a 13 LMH operating flux was chosen as the permeate condition for further filtration. 18 30 TMP (kPa) 15 25 12 20 9 15 6 10 3 5 0 Flux (LMH) TMP (kPa) Flux (LMH) 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 60 Figure 5-22 Critical flux measurement of potato raw wastewater (PR) 76 12 30 TMP (kPa) 10 25 8 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 0 Flux (LMH) TMP (kPa) Flux (LMH) 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 60 Figure 5-23 Critical flux measurement of potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) 10 30 TMP (kPa) 24 Flux (LMH) 6 18 4 12 2 6 0 Flux (LMH) TMP (kPa) 8 0 0 10 20 30 Time (min) 40 50 Figure 5-24 Critical flux measurement of potato wastewater after coagulation and DAF (PD) 77 According to the critical fluxes, both coagulation and DAF as pretreatment did not significantly improve the critical flux of UF treatment on potato wastewater. The reasons can be two. One is that the contaminants removed by pretreatment methods were not the main fouling factors of UF. The other one is the limitation of the instrument which was used for TMP recording. Through reviewing the deduction of fouling resistance by pretreatment methods, the first reason can be judged. The instrument recording the TMP had a wide range of fluctuation, which resulted in a rough average number of TMP was observed. In this situation, the increase of TMP was not that obvious. Misjudgments of critical fluxes occurred when reading the TMP increasing rate. 5.5.3 Membrane Fouling Fouling resistance and fouling rate were applied for evaluating membrane fouling of potato wastewater. 78 1.4E+12 Fouling resistance (1/m) 1.2E+12 1.0E+12 8.0E+11 6.0E+11 4.0E+11 Raw After coagulation 2.0E+11 After DAF 0.0E+00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (min) Figure 5-25 Fouling resistance of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 1 Fouling rate (kPa/min) 0.12 0.1 PD PC PR 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 120 Figure 5-26 Fouling rate of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 1 79 1.0E+12 Raw After coagulation Fouling resistance (1/m) 8.0E+11 After DAF 6.0E+11 4.0E+11 2.0E+11 0.0E+00 10 30 50 70 Time (min) 90 110 Figure 5-27 Fouling resistance of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 2 80 Fouling rate (kPa/min) 0.1 PR 0.08 PC PD 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 Figure 5-28 Fouling rate of potato raw wastewater (PR), potato wastewater after coagulation (PC) and potato wastewater after coagulation – DAF (PD) in UF test 2 Similar to spinach wastewater, potato raw wastewater had the highest fouling resistance among the three kinds of feed water. Both DAF and coagulation significantly reduced the fouling resistances of potato wastewater after UF. However, DAF did not present consistently lower fouling rates than that of coagulation, as pretreatment methods. In most filtration time, DAF had the same fouling rates as coagulation for potato wastewater. The TMP of potato wastewater after DAF increased rapidly at 0.07 kPa/min during the first 20 minutes in test 1, but in test 2 the same situation was not observed. The fouling rates during the first 20 minutes of PD in test 2 were below 0.01 kPa/min. The reason could be that the operating flux during UF with DAF in test 1 was slightly higher than that of raw wastewater and wastewater after coagulation, while they had the same critical flux. The operating flux for PR and PC in test 1 was around 12.5 LMH, and for PD in test 81 1 was 13.7 LMH. The system was calibrated before filtering wastewater, but after changing the feed water from clean water to tested samples, the flux became higher. The 90-minute fouling rate for raw wastewater, wastewater after coagulation and wastewater after DAF in test 1 was 0.029 1/min·m-1, 0.014 1/min·m-1 and 0.014 1/min·m1 , respectively. The fouling rates for aw wastewater, wastewater after coagulation and wastewater after DAF in test 2 were 0.025 1/min·m-1, 0.006 1/min·m-1 and 0.009 1/min·m-1, respectively. These data implied, between the two UF tests of potato wastewater, the raw wastewater had similar fouling conditions while pretreatment had better control abilities on membrane fouling in test 2. According to the different characteristics of feed and wastewater between the two tests shown in Table 5-4, the parameters changed significantly. For example, the TSS for test 1 PR was 3200 mg/L and, in test 2 it was 8200 mg/L, but COD in test 1 PR was 1900 mg/L while that in test 2 was 940 mg/L. Moreover, the cTOC was the same in both test 1 and test 2 of potato raw wastewater. So comparison of membrane fouling based on organic matters or particle concentration was not able to be summarized. However, it can still be concluded that the coagulation and DAF had higher capabilities to reduce the membrane fouling, with respect to fouling resistance. The fouling rates also decreased after applying pretreatment methods for UF. Besides, coagulation as pretreatment had better fouling control ability than that of DAF as pretreatment for potato wastewater filtration, according to results shown in Figure 5-25, Figure 5-26, Figure 5-27 and Figure 5-28. Compared with the spinach wastewater fouling results, although potato wastewater contains significantly more particles and higher COD concentration in the wastewater, the fouling rates of potato raw wastewater were smaller than that of spinach raw 82 wastewater. It implies that UF is more suitable for potato wastewater rather than spinach wastewater. 83 Table 5-4 Potato feed water parameters for UF test 1 and test 2 (mg/L) TP (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Turbidity (NTU) 30 0.8 9.8 6.6 1900 1000 7.0 22 0.7 6.7 5.2 1200 560 14 7.2 16 0.5 0.4 2.5 130 27 PR Test 2 8200 6.6 36 0.4 33 1.4 940 1000 PC Test 2 28000 6.7 35 0.5 33 1.6 1100 1000 PD Test 2 14 7.2 16 0.5 0.2 1.4 110 21 Feed Water TSS (mg/L) pH cTOC (mg/L) PR Test 1 3200 7.0 PC Test 1 3700 PD Test 1 NO3-N 84 5.5.4 Contaminant Removal Physical and biochemical parameters of effluents from raw potato wastewater and five kinds of treated potato wastewater were analyzed and shown in the following figures. 85 40 35000 48 TSS concentration (mg/L) CTOC concentration (mg/L) 60 28 28 36 19 22 21 24 12 16000 28000 21000 14000 5800 7000 83 0 0 0 0 0 PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU (a) 2000 1220 1600 1200 Turbidity (NTU) COD concentration (mg/L) 2000 (b) 905 800 400 159 144 131 152 1600 1000 1200 780 800 400 24 0.65 0.68 0.02 0 0 PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU (c) 400 10.0 300 8.0 210 300 pH BOD5 concentration (mg/L) 500 (d) 200 8.0 7.4 7.6 6.8 6.8 7.2 PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU 6.0 4.0 100 25 44 51 2.0 39 0 0.0 PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU (e) (f) 86 2.0 1.1 1.7 1.1 NH4+-N concentration (mg/L) NO3-N concentration (mg/L) 2.5 1.2 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.0 TP concentration (mg/L) (g) 26 8.0 3.9 3.5 3.3 2.1 4.0 1.6 0.0 PC PD PRU PCU PDU PR: potato raw wastewater PC: potato wastewater after coagulation PD: potato wastewater after DAF PRU: potato wastewater after UF PCU: potato wastewater after coagulation and UF PDU: potato wastewater after DAF and UF 36.0 27.0 18.0 2.4 12.0 (i) 24 9.0 8.4 16.0 PR PR PC PD PRUPCUPDU 45.0 20.0 1.1 0.7 0.2 0.0 PR PC PD PRU PCU PDU (h) Figure 5-29 Comparison of effluent qualities after different treatment methods of potato wastewater 87 Coagulation coupled with UF can achieve 25% of cTOC removal efficiency, 75% of BOD5 removal efficiency, over 90% removal efficiency on TP and COD. Especially for TP, 97% of TP was removed. DAF as pretreatment for UF was able to remove 50% of cTOC, around 90% for BOD5 and COD, and 99% of TSS, TP and turbidity. Although DAF as pretreatment for UF did not show significant higher removal abilities on variety contaminants than UF, DAF treatment, without UF, greatly removed BOD5, TSS and TP from potato wastewater. According to Figure 5-29, with the application of DAF, BOD5, TSS and TP can be reduced down to 25 mg/L, 83 mg/L and 2.4 mg/L, respectively. 88 Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusions The following conclusions are: 1) Different fruit & vegetable wastewater has various characteristics, and different food processes will contain varying wastewater characteristics. However, the BOD5/ COD ratio is applicable to dividing the wastewater into two main categories: those that are easily treatable by biological treatment, and those that are not. 2) The suitable coagulation operation parameters of spinach wastewater were with a dose of 10 mg/L alum at a pH 5.5; alternative conditions were with a dose of 5 mg/L alum at a pH 7. Potato wastewater needs a higher dosage of alum: with a dose of 250 mg/L alum at a pH 7. 3) The suitable DAF operation parameters for DAF treatment of spinach wastewater were determined as 30% recycle rate coupled with a 10- minute flotation while the suitable condition of potato wastewater were 30% recycle rate and a 30- minute flotation. 4) DAF had slightly better separation abilities on nutrients than sedimentation. 5) DAF and coagulation separated more organic contaminants from potato wastewater but had weaker removal efficiencies on spinach wastewater. This is mainly because the spinach wastewater contained more soluble organic matters than potato wastewater. In potato wastewater, 70% of COD was removed; whereas for spinach wastewater, less than 20% of COD was removed. 89 6) After UF was applied to pre-treated spinach wastewater, removal efficiency of cTOC and BOD5 was increased to 40% from 23% and to 36% from 3%, respectively. 7) Both DAF and coagulation as pretreatment had great removal efficiencies for TSS and TP. However, as pretreatment, they did not significantly improve the overall removal abilities for UF. 8) Both coagulation and DAF significantly reduced the fouling rates, but the abilities of controlling the fouling rate for both treatment technologies were similar. For the spinach wastewater, DAF had smaller fouling resistances and slower fouling rates than coagulation. But for the potato wastewater, DAF had smaller fouling resistances but faster fouling rates than coagulation. 9) UF significantly removed larger percentages of contaminants from potato wastewater than that from spinach wastewater, which implied UF was more feasible to wastewater that similar to potato wastewater. 6.2 Recommendations and Future Work According to the biodegradable ratio, the vegetative wastewater can be divided into two categories; treatment technologies suitable for different vegetative wastewater can follow spinach wastewater and potato wastewater. For example, carrot wastewater is another kind of wastewater that has a small BOD5/COD ratio. After adjusting coagulation and DAF treatment conditions, contaminants such as TSS, TP and COD of carrot wastewater will be greatly removed. However, for biodegradable vegetative wastewater, other treatment technologies need to be investigated. In order to better understand the low BOD5/COD ratio in other kinds of 90 vegetative wastewater, sieve analysis will be involved to help explain the low ratio and find out the solid textures. The matrix of fruit & vegetable wastewater characteristics also can be specified to different processes among the same product industries. Even though coagulation/DAF produces better effluent qualities, it has similar membrane fouling control with coagulation. Cost evaluation on treatment technologies, and effluent quality should be suggested, and considered when these treatment technologies are applied for potato wastewater. In order to meet the current sanitary sewer discharge limits, spinach industry can increase the pH value for the spinach raw wastewater, and UF treatment can be adopted for potato wastewater. But for meeting future legislations, biological treatment or other treatment technologies need to be investigated for spinach wastewater. 91 REFERENCES Afonso, M. D., & Bórquez, R. 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APPENDICES 103 A.1 Water Characteristics Table A. 1 Vegetative Raw Wastewater Characteristics Wastewater TSS COD BOD5 cTOC BOD5/COD COD/ NO3-N NH4+-N Filtered TP (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/l) (mg/L) (mg/L) TN (mg/L) cTOC (mg/L) pH Turbidity (NTU) Apple 126 3900 2283 1329 0.59 2.93 43.5 0.4 35 18.3 10.4 56 Apple 140 142 25 24 0.18 5.92 3.5 0.2 3 58.4 nd nd Apple Ave 133 2021 1154 677 0.38 4.43 23.5 0.3 19 38.4 10.4 56 std 10 2657 1597 923 0.29 2.11 28.3 0.1 23 28.4 na na Carrot nd 654 44 106 0.07 6.17 1.4 2.0 2 3.9 7.6 700 Carrot 206 370 48 120 0.13 3.08 2.7 0.1 2 1.3 7.8 123 Carrot 182 338 86 nd 0.25 na 1.8 2.0 3 0.4 nd nd Carrot 198 373 nd nd na na 2.2 0.2 3 1.3 nd nd Carrot 214 366 48 nd 0.13 na nd 0.1 2 1.4 nd nd Carrot Ave 200 420 56 113 0.15 4.63 2.0 0.9 2 1.7 7.7 412 104 std 14 131 20 10 0.08 2.18 0.6 1.0 1 1.3 0.1 408 Ginseng 32 37 nd nd na na nd 0.3 nd nd nd nd Ginseng 32 30 nd 41 na 0.90 1.3 0.3 1 0.8 nd nd Ginseng 312 114 9 34 0.08 0.90 1.7 0.4 1 1.7 7.2 124 Ginseng 2392 119 nd 33 na 3.48 1.2 2.3 nd nd 6.6 595 Ginseng Ave 692 75 9 36 0.08 1.76 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 6.9 360 std 1141 48 na 5 na 1.49 0.2 1.0 0 0.6 0.4 333 Mixed Vegetable 638 110 nd 28 na 3.98 nd nd nd nd 6.7 530 Mixed Vegetable 456 165 95 26 0.57 6.25 9.7 0.1 23 4.7 7.7 530 Mixed Vegetable Ave 547 138 95 27 0.57 5.11 9.7 0.1 23 4.7 7.2 std 128 39 na 1 na 1.61 na na na na 0.7 745 Potato 2738 867 32 120 0.04 7.22 11.0 4.0 6 8.8 7.6 830 Potato 2846 1000 160 102 0.16 9.77 1.2 4.6 10 9.0 7.2 958 105 Potato 1768 1049 66 12 0.06 88.26 2.3 0.7 4 6.5 8.3 620 Potato 3894 1870 190 135 0.10 13.87 2.0 34.9 49 98.7 7.2 817 Potato 1772 788 94 34 0.12 23.41 3.5 5.0 13 29.4 7.8 1000 Potato 7794 5340 300 62 0.06 86.09 1.5 4.0 11 26.3 7.2 1000 Potato 7160 5740 860 124 0.15 46.44 0.8 16.9 53 52.7 7.3 1000 Potato 698 1115 251 108 0.22 10.34 3.5 0.8 17 7.1 7.2 871 Potato Ave 3584 2221 244 87 0.11 35.67 3.2 8.8 20 29.8 7.5 142 std 2585 2077 265 46 0.06 34.16 3.3 11.7 19 32.1 0.4 na Sweet Potato 1 900 854 62 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 6.7 352 Mushroom 446 1790 970 460 0.54 3.89 4.0 0.1 4 3.5 nd nd Mushroom 358 1718 947 nd 0.55 nd nd 0.1 nd 2.5 nd nd Mushroom Ave 402 1754 959 460 0.55 3.89 4.0 0.1 4 3.0 nd nd std 62 51 16 na 0.01 na na 0.0 na 0.7 na na 106 TSS Filtered Filtered NO3-N TP (mg/L) TN TOC (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) TS (mg/L) pH Turbidity sc 5 3 164 2.9 1.3 0.4 440 135 950 5.4 nd sc 8 3 119 2.9 1.4 0.3 443 131 900 5.7 nd sc 155 nd 125 1.7 2.3 0.4 363 362 932 5.4 26.2 sc 170 nd 124 2.2 nd 0.4 436 314 908 nd 67.1 sc 59 nd 146 0.6 3.5 0.1 479 217 720 nd nd sc 57 nd 154 0.5 3.9 0.1 476 180 380 nd nd sc 63 nd 75 nd nd nd nd 278 380 nd nd 739 5.5 46.7 266 258 Spinach 74 3 130 1.8 2.5 0.3 107 440 238 Wash Water After Coagulation std 65 0 29 1.1 1.2 0.1 42 90 256 0.2 28.9 sd 14 1 53 2.1 1.7 0.2 334 124 895 6.0 5.5 sd 10 3 75 1.9 1.7 0.1 337 108 905 nd nd sd 9 3 94 2.3 3.1 0.1 352 87 505 nd 4.3 sd 9 3 101 3.1 3.3 0.1 334 100 455 nd 3.8 sd 11 nd 163 1.9 1.1 0.3 259 265 760 5.7 nd sd 3 nd 97 1.8 0.6 0.3 257 225 770 nd nd sd 119 0.6 0.6 0.1 310 242 596 5.5 nd sd 125 0.4 0.8 0.1 315 155 608 nd nd sd 153 480 nd nd sd 138 500 nd nd sd 200 sd 182 647 5.7 4.5 Spinach 12 2 103 1.8 1.4 0.2 108 312 165 Wash Water After Coagulation and DAF std 5 1 33 0.9 1.1 0.1 36 58 172 0.3 0.9 sru nd 1 37 2.7 0.4 0.4 323 97 740 6.5 0.5 sru nd 3 144 1.9 0.4 0.3 338 79 525 4.4 1.2 sru nd na 122 0.7 2.2 0.1 343 227 520 5.1 0.2 sru nd na 140 0.6 2.1 0.1 341 153 nd nd nd sru nd na na 3.0 1.1 0.3 415 147 nd nd nd sru nd na na 3.3 1.1 0.3 415 na nd nd nd Spinach Wash Water After UF 2 111 2.0 1.2 0.3 363 141 595 5.4 0.6 std 1 50 1.2 0.8 0.1 41 58 126 1.1 0.5 scu nd 2 122 2.2 0.3 0.4 345 98 nd 6.3 0.4 scu nd 0 131 1.7 0.4 0.4 401 77 nd 5.4 0.1 scu nd nd 142 0.7 0.5 0.2 331 243 865 5.6 0.3 scu nd nd 37 0.4 0.3 0.2 325 180 950 nd nd 109 2.3 0.3 0.0 335 2.5 or 0.0 341 Spinach Wash Water After Coagulation and UF 1 108 1.6 0.4 0.2 346 150 908 5.8 0.3 std 1 48 0.9 0.1 0.2 28 77 60 0.5 0.1 sdu nd 0 35 1.6 0.2 0.3 250 76 720 6.8 0.5 sdu nd 2 131 1.3 0.2 0.3 241 66 795 5.3 0.0 sdu nd nd 89 0.3 0.3 0.1 330 169 640 5.6 0.2 sdu nd nd 125 0.3 0.3 0.1 297 135 630 nd nd sdu nd nd 27 2.1 0.4 0.1 262 144 na nd nd 1.9 0.3 0.1 260 Spinach Wash Water After Cog, DAF and UF 1.1518 81.2286 1.2500 0.3005 0.1583 273.3333 118.1240 696.2500 5.9167 0.2167 std 0.9817 48.7543 0.7842 0.0508 0.0960 33.6670 0.2303 110 44.7385 77.1767 0.7826 NO3-N TP (mg/L) (mg/L) NH4+-N (mg/L) COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) pH Turbidity 20.0 16.9 489 221 7.0 564 0.6 98.0 16.8 491 228 6.7 1000 na 0.6 99.0 1.5 1110 468 nd nd na 0.4 or 1.7 1230 or nd nd 5.2 968 TSS (mg/L) Filtered TOC (mg/L) potato after coagulation 28753 22 0.7 potato after coagulation 27967 35 potato after coagulation 3555 potato after coagulation 3755 potato after coagulation potato after coagulation 1144 pc ave 16008 28 0.6 72.3 8.4 905 306 6.8 782 pc std 14267 9 0.1 45.3 7.8 333 141 0.2 308 potato after coagulation/DAF 92 31 1.8 10.8 5.2 147 30 7.2 27 potato after coagulation/DAF 116 5 1.6 7.0 1.4 118 28 7.2 21 potato after coagulation/DAF 84 4 0.4 1.1 1.4 116 23 nd nd potato after coagulation/DAF 14 16 0.6 7.0 or 109 25 nd nd potato after coagulation/DAF 14 16 0.5 0.7 or or 22 nd nd potato after coagulation/DAF nd na 0.4 7.0 or or 20 nd nd 111 pd ave 64 14 0.9 5.6 2.7 123 25 7.2 24 pd std 47 11 0.6 3.9 2.2 17 4 0.0 5 potato raw water after UF nd 19 1.6 3.2 2.5 109 48 8.1 1 potato raw water after UF nd 38 0.5 3.7 1.9 150 41 7.9 0 potato raw water after UF nd na lr 3.1 1.9 159 lr nd nd potato raw water after UF nd na lr or or 157 lr nd nd pru ave nd 28 1.1 3.3 2.1 144 44 8.0 1 pru std nd 13 0.8 0.3 0.3 23 5 0.1 0 potao after coagulation/UF nd 17 1.3 1.5 5.4 140 56 7.3 1 potao after coagulation/UF nd 27 1.0 1.4 5.2 144 47 7.5 0 potao after coagulation/UF nd na 0.9 3.6 1.5 109 lr nd nd potao after coagulation/UF nd na 0.6 or 0.9 nd lr nd nd pcu ave nd 22 1.0 2.2 3.3 131 51 7.4 1 pcu std nd 7 0.3 1.2 2.4 19 6 0.1 1 potato after coagulation, DAF/UF nd 17 1.3 0.3 1.5 118 49 7.5 0 potato after coagulation, nd 16 1.3 0.6 1.5 118 33 7.7 0 112 DAF/UF potato after coagulation, DAF/UF nd na 0.6 or 0.9 114 29 nd nd potato after coagulation, DAF/UF nd na 0.6 or 1.0 118 lr nd nd pdu ave nd 16 1.0 0.4 1.2 117 37 7.6 0 pdu std nd 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 2 11 0.2 0 113 A.2 Standard Curves for Water Quality Analyses Table A. 2 Parameters standard curves 114 0.45 0.4 0.35 Abs 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 COD standard solution concentration (mg/L) 1200 Figure A. 1 COD high range calibration curve 1.6 y = 0.0276x - 0.0065 R² = 0.9993 1.4 1.2 Abs 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ammonia standard solution concentration (mg/L) Figure A. 2 Ammonia high range calibration curve 115 60 2 y = 0.9222x - 0.0079 R² = 0.9998 1.8 1.6 1.4 Abs 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Ammonia standard solution concentration (mg/L) Figure A. 3 Ammonia low range calibration curve 0.05 0 Abs -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 y = -0.0029x + 0.0104 R² = 0.9963 -0.3 0 50 100 150 COD standard solution concentration (mg/L) Figure A. 4 COD low range calibration curve 116 2.5 1400 y = 5.3331x - 0.371 R² = 0.9998 1200 Area 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 TOC standard solution concentration (mg/L) 300 Figure A. 5 TOC calibration curve 1200 y = 20.534x + 6.6451 R² = 0.9995 1000 Area 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 TN standard solution concentration (mg/L) Figure A. 6 TN calibration curve 117 60 A.3 Experiments data of Jar Tests Alum pH in Dose spinach (mg/L) mixed solution 0 4 50 4 30 4 50 4 10 4 30 5 5 5 50 5 2.5 5 0 5 10 5 30 5 10 7 10 7 0 7 5 7 5 7 0 7 2.5 7 30 7 50 7 Turbidity Turbidity COD COD RE of RE (NTU) Raw (mg/L) Raw Turbidity of (NTU) (mg/L) COD 11.7 67 nd 362 0.83 31.4 71 202 220 0.56 0.08 23.3 71 194 220 0.67 0.12 9 197 241 294 0.95 0.18 6.08 71 191 220 0.91 0.13 2.56 197 219 294 0.99 0.26 4.66 67 188 220 0.93 0.15 1.65 67 nd 362 0.98 29.7 71 196 220 0.58 0.11 47.3 71 205 220 0.33 0.07 3.7 197 222 294 0.98 0.24 1.71 67 nd 362 0.97 5.09 67 nd 362 0.92 0.7 82.2 186 220 0.99 0.15 47 82.2 204 220 0.43 0.07 2.68 67 nd nd 0.96 0.35 82.2 190 220 1.00 23.7 67 nd nd 0.65 4.5 82.2 190 220 0.95 0.14 2.04 27.1 324 362 0.92 0.10 3.61 27.1 326 362 0.87 0.10 118 0.14 2.5 13.7 67 nd nd 0.80 0 24.6 71 362 362 0.65 0.00 5 0.62 27.1 328 362 0.98 0.09 10 3.61 27.1 334 362 0.87 0.08 30 14.4 27.1 353 362 0.47 0.02 7 9 9 9 9 pH Dose (mg/ L) Turbidi ty (NTU) cTO C (mg/ L) RE of Turbidi ty RE of cTO C Turbidi ty (NTU) cTO C (mg/ L) RE of Turbidi ty RE of cTO C 5 0 182 39 0.5 0.6 68 49 0.9 0.0 5 50 10 43 1.0 0.1 5 100 13 28 1.0 0.7 9 38 1.0 0.2 5 200 5 27 1.0 0.7 24 38 1.0 0.2 5 250 3 27 1.0 0.7 5 300 3 27 1.0 0.7 14 36 1.0 0.3 5 350 5 28 1.0 0.7 7 0 194 44 0.5 0.6 852 44 0.1 0.1 7 50 19 42 1.0 0.2 7 100 3 31 1.0 0.7 7 42 1.0 0.1 7 200 3 31 1.0 0.7 6 40 1.0 0.2 7 250 2 30 1.0 0.7 7 300 3 30 1.0 0.7 8 38 1.0 0.2 7 350 3 29 1.0 0.7 119 9 0 224 39 0.4 0.6 934 51 0.1 0.0 9 100 3 30 1.0 0.7 5 43 1.0 0.1 9 50 3 41 1.0 0.2 9 200 4 30 1.0 0.7 6 39 1.0 0.2 9 250 2 32 1.0 0.7 9 300 3 29 1.0 0.7 6 38 1.0 0.2 9 350 3 28 1.0 0.7 Ra w 0 353 108 1000 49 A.4 Experiments data of DAF Tests Table A. 3 DAF saturation pressure optimization Saturation Pressure (psi) DO initial (mg/L) DO final (mg/L) Saturation Rate (%) 50 8.3 14.25 60 8.3 13.96 70 8.3 13.65 80 8.3 11.75 90 8.3 12.36 42 41 39 29 33 Air concentration final (mg/L) 67.86 66.48 65.00 55.95 58.86 50 60 70 80 90 8.4 8.43 8.43 8.35 8.49 16.92 16.64 18.46 17.37 19.77 50 49 54 52 57 80.57 79.24 87.90 82.71 94.14 50 60 70 80 90 8.35 8.47 8.33 8.32 8.3 15.76 18.87 19.52 20.93 17.12 47 55 57 60 52 75.05 89.86 92.95 99.67 81.52 Saturation Pressure (psi) Saturation Rate 50 60 70 80 90 std 46 48 50 47 47 Air concentration 4 7 10 16 13 120 std 74 79 82 79 78 6 12 15 22 18 Table A. 4 DAF apparatus saturation time optimization Air Saturation DO initial DO final Saturatio concentratio Time (min) (mg/L) (mg/L) n Rate (%) n final (mg/L) 5 8.34 17.29 107 82.33 10 8.34 18.14 118 86.38 15 8.34 18.04 116 85.90 20 8.34 17.35 108 82.62 25 8.34 19.2 130 91.43 5 10 15 20 25 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 14.76 17.41 16.32 17.84 17.61 75 107 94 112 109 70.29 82.90 77.71 84.95 83.86 5 10 15 20 25 30 8.78 8.78 8.78 8.78 8.78 8.78 15.15 17.24 16.67 16.98 18.35 17.62 73 96 90 93 109 101 72.14 82.10 79.38 80.86 87.38 83.90 Sample Recycl e Rate (%) Flotatio Turbidit n Time y (NTU) (min) Spinach after cog 30 10 5.35 Spinach after cog 30 20 5.81 Spinach after cog 30 30 8.54 Spinach after cog 30 40 5.68 121 Spinach after cog 30 50 Spinach raw water 6.61 71.4 Dilutio n TSS before (g) Volumn (ml) TSS after (g) Deleptio n TSS TSS (mg/ L) TSS real (mg/L ) Turbidit y (NTU) DAF +cog 10% 1.1 2.5506 450 2.556 1 0.0055 12 13 8.03 DAF +cog 30% 1.3 2.5205 350 2.525 1 0.0046 13 17 10.1 DAF +cog 50% 1.5 2.5216 350 2.529 4 0.0078 22 33 18.1 DAF +cog 70% 1.7 2.5361 500 2.551 2 0.0150 30 51 16.3 88 71 Control DAF +cog 10% 1.1 2.3444 350 2.350 9 0.0065 19 20 9.06 DAF +cog 30% 1.3 2.3451 350 2.350 0 0.0049 14 18 8.29 DAF +cog 50% 1.5 2.3557 350 2.359 8 0.0041 12 18 5.18 DAF +cog 70% 1.7 2.2941 350 2.298 8 0.0047 13 23 6.97 122 Spinach 1 DAF +cog 10% 1.1 2.3532 200 2.357 7 0.0045 1.1 2.3882 200 2.393 1 1.3 2.3522 200 1.3 2.3761 1.5 DAF +cog 30% DAF +cog 50% DAF +cog 70% Spinach 88 67.3 22 25 26 0.0049 25 27 2.354 4 0.0022 11 14 300 2.379 7 0.0036 12 16 2.3466 225 2.351 4 0.0048 21 32 1.5 2.3473 225 2.350 4 0.0031 14 21 1.7 2.3659 300 2.370 1 0.0042 14 24 1.7 2.3376 300 2.342 6 0.0050 17 28 1 2.5788 200 2.595 7 0.0169 84 84 1 2.4992 200 2.514 7 0.0155 77 77 Removal Efficien cy TSS Turbidit y DAF +cog 10% 77 89 123 15 26 26 81 DAF +cog 30% 79 86 DAF +cog 50% 80 75 DAF +cog 70% 74 77 DAF +cog 10% 68 87 DAF +cog 30% 82 88 DAF +cog 50% 67 92 DAF +cog 70% 68 90 Average Recycl e Rate (%) RE of TSS (%) RE of Turbidit y (%) tss std turbidit y std DAF +cog 10% 10 72 88 6.1513 1.5219 DAF +cog 30% 30 80 87 1.5733 1.3487 DAF +cog 50% 50 74 83 8.8691 12.5837 124 DAF +cog 70% 70 71 Flotatio n Time (min) Turbidit y RE DAF +cog 30% 10 93 DAF +cog 30% 20 92 DAF +cog 30% 30 88 DAF +cog 30% 40 92 DAF +cog 30% 50 91 83 4.4120 125 8.9103 Sample Recycle Rate (%) Flotation time (min) Dilution Turbidity (NTU) TSS (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Real TSS (mg/L) Real COD (mg/L) Potato after coagulation 10 10 1.1 1000 23685 16040 26053.5 17644 Potato after coagulation 30 10 1.3 755 4215 4560 5479.5 5928 Potato after coagulation 50 10 1.5 1000 3335 4010 5002.5 6015 Potato after coagulation 70 10 1.7 1000 28560 2950 48552 5015 Potato after coagulation 10 30 1.1 260 295 3010 324.5 3311 Potato after coagulation 30 30 1.3 60.4 72 2690 93.6 3497 Potato after coagulation 50 30 1.5 187 150 2500 225 3750 Potato after coagulation 70 30 1.7 856 838 2600 1424.6 4420 1.0 1000 7169 5740 potato raw 126 wastewater Removal Efficiency Recycle Rate (%) Flotation time (min) Tur RE TSS RE COD RE 10 10 0 0 0 30 10 25 41 -3 50 10 0 53 -5 70 10 0 0 13 10 30 74 95 42 30 30 94 99 39 50 30 81 97 35 70 30 14 80 23 Recycle Rate (%) 30 Flotation Turbidity Turbidity time (NTU) RE (min) 10 99.35 TSS (mg/L) TSS RE 66 91 72 127 30 20 85.15 76 79 89 30 30 104.5 70 69 90 30 40 114.5 68 64.5 91 30 50 98.95 72 70 90 353 Potato raw wastewater 698 Sample TSSb(g) Volume Added (mL) TSSa(g) TSS TURBIDITY (NTU) P3-Pre DAF 30% @10 mins 2.3121 100 2.3185 64 94.7 P3-Pre DAF 30% @10 mins 2.2608 100 2.2676 68 104 P3-Pre DAF 30% @20 mins 2.2697 100 2.2777 80 77.2 P3-Pre DAF 30% @20 mins 2.2369 100 2.2447 78 93.1 P3-Pre DAF 30% @30 mins 2.3074 100 2.3146 72 106 128 P3-Pre DAF 30% @30 mins 2.2387 100 2.2453 66 103 P3-Pre DAF 30% @40 mins 2.3367 100 2.3434 67 113 P3-Pre DAF 30% @40 mins 2.3235 100 2.3297 62 116 P3-Pre DAF 30% @50 mins 2.2754 100 2.2825 71 97.9 P3-Pre DAF 30% @50 mins 2.2913 100 2.2982 69 100 129 A.5 Experiments data of Membrane Filtration Tests 30 TMP (kPa) 25 Spinach Raw Water 20 15 Spinach After Coagulation Treatment 10 Spinach After Coagulation and DAF Treatments 5 0 0 50 100 Time (min) 150 Figure A. 7 Spinach UF TMP results 14 12 TMP (kPa) 10 Spinach Raw Water 8 Spinach After Coagulation Treatment 6 4 Spinach After Coagulation and DAF Treatments 2 0 0 50 100 Time (min) 150 Figure A. 8 Spinach UF TMP results 130 18 16 TMP(kPa) 14 Spinach Raw Water 12 10 Spinach After Coagulation Treatment at pH 7 8 6 4 spinach after cog and daf at pH 7 2 0 0 50 100 Time (min) 150 Figure A. 9 Spinach Pretreatment at pH 7 UF TMP results 14 12 TMP (kPa) 10 PD 8 6 Potato After Coagulation 4 PR 2 0 0 50 100 150 Time (min) Figure A. 10 Potato UF TMP results 131 9 8 TMP (kPa) 7 6 Potato Raw 5 4 Potato After Coagulation 3 Potato After Coagulation and DAF 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 Time (min) 100 120 Figure A. 11 P UF TMP results Table A5-1 Filtration data of UF test 1 of spinach raw wastewater Setting Filtration Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) 35 1 2.06 0.004 2.06 32.35 0.00E+00 40 1.3 3.07 0.004 2.36 37.09 0.00E+00 37 1 2.17 0.004 2.17 34.08 0.00E+00 33 1 1.94 0.004 1.94 30.47 0.00E+00 DI water Filtration Time (min) Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) 35 9 10 17.95 0.004 1.99 31.32 10.72 1.23E+12 35 9 20 17.92 0.004 1.99 31.27 10.72 1.23E+12 35 9 30 18 0.004 2.00 31.41 10.72 1.23E+12 35 9 40 17.92 0.004 1.99 31.27 11.08 1.28E+12 35 9 50 17.9 0.004 1.99 31.24 11.07 1.28E+12 35 9 60 17.92 0.004 1.99 31.27 11.31 1.30E+12 Spinach Raw Filtration Time (min) Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) 132 TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) Ave Rm (1/m) 1.26E+12 Rf (1/m) 35 9 10 17.48 0.004 1.94 30.50 16.69 1.97E+12 7.12E+11 35 9 20 17.44 0.004 1.94 30.43 18.22 2.16E+12 8.97E+11 35 9 30 17.59 0.004 1.95 30.70 19.46 2.28E+12 1.02E+12 35 9 40 17.53 0.004 1.95 30.59 20.50 2.41E+12 1.15E+12 35 9 50 17.46 0.004 1.94 30.47 21.06 2.49E+12 1.23E+12 35 9 60 17.45 0.004 1.94 30.45 21.73 2.57E+12 1.31E+12 35 9 70 17.39 0.004 1.93 30.35 22.47 2.67E+12 1.41E+12 35 9 80 17.3 0.004 1.92 30.19 23.09 2.75E+12 1.50E+12 35 9 90 17.34 0.004 1.93 30.26 23.70 2.82E+12 1.56E+12 35 9 100 17.42 0.004 1.94 30.40 24.38 2.89E+12 1.63E+12 35 9 110 17.32 0.004 1.92 30.23 24.93 2.97E+12 1.71E+12 35 9 120 17.28 0.004 1.92 30.16 25.18 3.01E+12 1.75E+12 35 9 130 17.25 0.004 1.92 30.10 25.67 3.07E+12 1.81E+12 35 9 140 17.3 0.004 1.92 30.19 26.29 3.13E+12 1.88E+12 35 9 150 17.25 0.004 1.92 30.10 26.47 3.17E+12 1.91E+12 Table A5-2 Filtration data of UF test 1 of spinach wastewater after coagulation Setting Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 35 1 1.67 0.004 1.67 24.69 4.33 6.31E+11 37 1.5 3.22 2.15 31.73 7.82 8.87E+11 Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) DI water Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) 37 9 10 19.26 2.14 31.63 7.26 8.27E+11 37 9 20 19.11 2.12 31.39 7.40 8.49E+11 37 9 30 19.12 2.12 31.40 7.54 8.64E+11 133 Ave Rm (1/m) 8.60E+11 37 9 40 19.12 2.12 31.40 7.59 8.70E+11 37 9 50 19.15 2.13 31.45 7.56 8.65E+11 37 9 60 19.12 2.12 31.40 7.72 8.85E+11 Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) Spinach after coagulation Area (m2) 37 9 10 19.04 2.12 31.27 8.93 1.03E+12 1.68E+11 37 9 20 19.2 2.13 31.54 9.73 1.11E+12 2.51E+11 37 9 30 19.05 2.12 31.29 10.10 1.16E+12 3.02E+11 37 9 40 19.06 2.12 31.31 10.59 1.22E+12 3.58E+11 37 9 50 19.03 2.11 31.26 10.96 1.26E+12 4.02E+11 37 9 60 19.05 2.12 31.29 11.33 1.30E+12 4.44E+11 37 9 70 19.03 2.11 31.26 11.64 1.34E+12 4.81E+11 37 9 80 19.00 2.11 31.21 11.89 1.37E+12 5.12E+11 37 9 90 19.00 2.11 31.21 12.13 1.40E+12 5.39E+11 37 9 100 19.01 2.11 31.22 12.69 1.46E+12 6.03E+11 37 9 110 18.94 2.10 31.11 12.69 1.47E+12 6.08E+11 37 9 120 18.91 2.10 31.06 13.05 1.51E+12 6.53E+11 37 9 130 18.92 2.10 31.08 13.30 1.54E+12 6.81E+11 37 9 140 18.93 2.10 31.09 13.55 1.57E+12 7.09E+11 37 9 150 18.93 2.10 31.09 13.63 1.58E+12 7.18E+11 Table A5-3 Filtration data of UF test 1 of spinach wastewater after DAF Setting Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) 20 1 1.26 0.004 1.26 18.63 0.00E+00 30 2 3.54 0.004 1.77 26.16 0.00E+00 134 TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 35 1 2.06 0.004 2.06 30.45 40 2 4.65 0.004 2.325 34.37 36 1 2.18 0.004 2.18 32.23 Time acc Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) Ave Rm (1/m) 1.13E+12 DI water 36 18 20 37.11 2.061666667 30.48 9.40 1.11E+12 36 9 30 18.52 2.06 30.42 8.64 1.02E+12 36 9 40 18.57 2.06 30.50 9.37 1.11E+12 36 9 50 18.55 2.06 30.47 9.92 1.17E+12 36 9 60 18.57 2.06 30.50 10.33 1.22E+12 36 9 70 18.55 2.06 30.47 9.95 1.18E+12 Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) Spinach after DAF 36 9 10 18.51 0.004 2.06 30.40 10.72 1.27E+12 1.35E+11 36 9 20 18.52 0.004 2.06 30.42 11.52 1.36E+12 2.29E+11 36 9 30 18.54 0.004 2.06 30.45 12.25 1.45E+12 3.14E+11 36 9 40 18.51 0.004 2.06 30.40 11.95 1.42E+12 2.81E+11 36 9 50 18.51 0.004 2.06 30.40 11.52 1.36E+12 2.29E+11 36 9 60 18.52 0.004 2.06 30.42 12.32 1.46E+12 3.23E+11 36 9 70 18.53 0.004 2.06 30.43 13.12 1.55E+12 4.17E+11 36 9 80 18.54 0.004 2.06 30.45 13.12 1.55E+12 4.17E+11 36 9 90 18.50 0.004 2.06 30.39 11.52 1.36E+12 2.30E+11 36 9 100 18.49 0.004 2.05 30.37 13.05 1.55E+12 4.12E+11 36 9 110 18.48 0.004 2.05 30.35 13.36 1.58E+12 4.50E+11 36 9 120 18.45 0.004 2.05 30.30 13.30 1.58E+12 4.45E+11 36 9 130 18.48 0.004 2.05 30.35 12.32 1.46E+12 3.26E+11 36 4 140 8.12 0.004 2.03 30.01 13.12 1.57E+12 4.39E+11 36 9 150 18.47 0.004 2.05 30.34 13.92 1.65E+12 5.17E+11 135 Table A5-4 Filtration data of UF test 2 of spinach raw wastewater Δ Weight (g) 1.77 Area (m2) 0.004 Flow (ml/min) 1.77 Flux (L/m2/h) 26.16 TMP (kPa) 4.33 Rm (1/m) 36 Time (min) 1 38 0.5 1.13 0.004 2.26 33.41 7.82 8.43E+11 Setting 5.96E+11 9 Time acc 10 19.21 0.004 2.134444444 31.55 6.16 7.03E+11 38 9 20 19.22 0.004 2.14 31.57 6.14 7.00E+11 38 9 30 19.18 0.004 2.13 31.50 6.27 7.17E+11 Area (m2) 0.004 Flow (ml/min) 2.12 Flux (L/m2/h) 31.35 TMP (kPa) 7.64 Rf (1/m) 9 Δ Weight (g) 19.09 Rt (1/m) 38 Time (min) 10 8.77E+11 1.76E+11 38 9 20 19.09 0.004 2.12 31.35 7.44 8.54E+11 1.53E+11 38 9 30 19.13 0.004 2.13 31.42 7.44 8.53E+11 1.51E+11 38 9 40 19.08 0.004 2.12 31.34 8.10 9.30E+11 2.29E+11 38 9 50 19.06 0.004 2.12 31.31 8.46 9.73E+11 2.72E+11 38 9 60 19.08 0.004 2.12 31.34 8.39 9.64E+11 2.62E+11 38 9 70 19.05 0.004 2.12 31.29 8.39 9.65E+11 2.64E+11 38 9 80 19.07 0.004 2.12 31.32 8.75 1.01E+12 3.04E+11 38 9 90 19.05 0.004 2.12 31.29 9.12 1.05E+12 3.47E+11 38 9 100 19.04 0.004 2.12 31.27 8.75 1.01E+12 3.06E+11 38 9 110 19.04 0.004 2.12 31.27 8.72 1.00E+12 3.02E+11 38 9 120 19.04 0.004 2.12 31.27 9.41 1.08E+12 3.81E+11 38 9 130 19.03 0.004 2.11 31.26 9.48 1.09E+12 3.90E+11 38 9 140 19.03 0.004 2.11 31.26 8.97 1.03E+12 3.32E+11 DI water 38 Raw Ave Rm(1/m) 7.01E+11 Table A5-5 Filtration data of UF test 2 of spinach wastewater after coagulation Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 2.5 Δ Weight (g) 5.52 0.004 2.208 32.64 4.33 4.78E+11 1 2.08 0.004 2.08 30.75 7.82 9.16E+11 Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 0.004 2.14 31.63 9.42 1.07E+12 0.004 2.14 31.70 9.61 1.09E+12 Setting Time (min) 38 37 37.5 9 10 Δ Weight (g) 19.26 37.5 9 20 19.3 Time acc DI water 136 Ave Rm (1/m) 1.08E+12 37.5 9 10 Δ Weight (g) 18.59 0.004 2.07 30.53 9.32 1.10E+12 1.66E+10 37.5 9 20 18.74 0.004 2.08 30.78 9.63 1.13E+12 4.40E+10 37.5 9 30 18.74 0.004 2.08 30.78 9.65 1.13E+12 4.68E+10 37.5 9 40 18.77 0.004 2.09 30.83 9.65 1.13E+12 4.50E+10 37.5 9 50 18.79 0.004 2.09 30.86 9.65 1.13E+12 4.38E+10 37.5 9 60 18.81 0.004 2.09 30.89 9.85 1.15E+12 6.59E+10 37.5 9 70 18.81 0.004 2.09 30.89 10.05 1.17E+12 8.92E+10 37.5 9 80 18.83 0.004 2.09 30.93 10.05 1.17E+12 8.80E+10 37.5 9 90 19.34 0.004 2.15 31.77 10.13 1.15E+12 6.67E+10 37.5 9 100 18.83 0.004 2.09 30.93 10.25 1.19E+12 1.11E+11 37.5 9 110 18.83 0.004 2.09 30.93 10.25 1.19E+12 1.11E+11 37.5 9 120 18.81 0.004 2.09 30.89 10.18 1.19E+12 1.05E+11 37.5 9 130 18.8 0.004 2.09 30.88 10.18 1.19E+12 1.05E+11 37.5 9 140 18.81 0.004 2.09 30.89 10.32 1.20E+12 1.20E+11 37.5 9 150 18.81 0.004 2.09 30.89 10.25 1.19E+12 1.13E+11 Coagulation Time (min) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) Table A5-6 Filtration data of UF test 2 of spinach wastewater after DAF Setting Time (min) 37.5 1 Δ Weight (g) 2.15 Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 0.004 2.15 31.78 4.33 4.90E+11 Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 37.5 9 10 Δ Weight (g) 17.51 0.004 1.945555556 28.76 7.06 8.84E+11 30.57176 38 9 20 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 7.43 8.50E+11 8.67E+11 38 9 30 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 7.59 8.68E+11 Time (min) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.82 1.01E+12 1.41E+11 Time acc DI water 38 9 10 Δ Weight (g) 19.16 38 9 20 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.72 9.97E+11 1.30E+11 38 9 30 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.92 1.02E+12 1.53E+11 38 9 40 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 9.12 1.04E+12 1.75E+11 38 9 50 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.72 9.97E+11 1.30E+11 38 9 60 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 8.72 9.96E+11 1.29E+11 38 9 70 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.72 9.97E+11 1.30E+11 38 9 80 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.72 9.97E+11 1.30E+11 38 9 90 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.72 9.97E+11 1.30E+11 DAF 137 38 9 100 19.16 0.004 2.13 31.47 8.52 9.74E+11 1.07E+11 38 9 110 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 8.72 9.96E+11 1.29E+11 38 9 120 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.48 8.72 9.97E+11 1.29E+11 38 9 130 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 8.72 9.96E+11 1.29E+11 38 9 140 19.17 0.004 2.13 31.49 8.72 9.96E+11 1.29E+11 Table A5-7 Filtration data of UF test 1 of potato raw wastewater Setting Time (min) 1 10 Δ Weight (g) 0.59 Area (m2) 0.003 Flow (ml/min) 0.59 Flux (L/m2/h) 13.48 TMP (kPa) 4.33 Rm (1/m) Δ Weight (g) 5.37 Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) 0.60 Flux (L/m2/h) 13.63 TMP (kPa) 7.52 Rm (1/m) 1.16E+12 10 9 Time (min) 10 1.98E+12 Ave Rm (1/m) 13.56751 10 9 20 5.32 0.59 13.50 7.52 2.00E+12 2.00E+12 10 9 30 5.33 0.59 13.53 7.52 2.00E+12 Δ Weight (g) 5.05 Flow (ml/min) 0.56 Flux (L/m2/h) 12.82 TMP (kPa) 9.31 Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) DI water 10 9 Time (min) 10 2.61E+12 6.18E+11 10 9 20 5.09 0.57 12.92 9.28 2.58E+12 5.89E+11 10 9 30 5.08 0.56 12.89 9.92 2.77E+12 7.72E+11 10 9 40 5.09 0.57 12.92 9.99 2.78E+12 7.88E+11 10 9 50 5.09 0.57 12.92 9.88 2.75E+12 7.57E+11 10 9 60 5.09 0.57 12.92 10.72 2.99E+12 9.90E+11 10 9 70 5.11 0.57 12.97 10.83 3.01E+12 1.01E+12 10 9 80 5.08 0.56 12.89 10.84 3.03E+12 1.03E+12 10 9 90 5.03 0.56 12.77 11.15 3.14E+12 1.15E+12 10 9 100 5.03 0.56 12.77 11.09 3.13E+12 1.13E+12 10 9 110 5.06 0.56 12.84 11.15 3.12E+12 1.13E+12 10 9 120 5.06 0.56 12.84 11.33 3.18E+12 1.18E+12 potato raw Water Area (m2) Table A5-8 Filtration data of UF test 1 of potato wastewater after coagulation Setting 10 Time (min) 1 Δ Weight (g) 0.63 Area (m2) 0.003 Flow (ml/min) 0.63 Flux (L/m2/h) 14.07 TMP (kPa) 4.33 Rm (1/m) 1.11E+12 Δ Weight (g) 5.02 Area (m2) 0.003 Flow (ml/min) 0.56 Flux (L/m2/h) 12.46 TMP (kPa) 5.95 Rm (1/m) 10 9 Time acc 10 10 9 20 5.01 0.003 0.56 12.43 5.83 1.69E+12 10 9 30 5.08 0.003 0.56 12.61 6.15 1.76E+12 DI water 138 Ave Rm (1/m) 1.72E+12 1.72E+12 Δ Weight (g) 5.06 Area (m2) 0.003 Flow (ml/min) 0.56 Flux (L/m2/h) 12.56 TMP (kPa) 7.12 Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) 9 Time (min) 10 2.04E+12 3.19E+11 10 9 20 5.06 0.003 0.56 12.56 7.18 2.06E+12 3.38E+11 10 9 30 5.07 0.003 0.56 12.58 7.52 2.15E+12 4.29E+11 10 9 40 5.06 0.003 0.56 12.56 7.92 2.27E+12 5.48E+11 10 9 50 5.06 0.003 0.56 12.56 7.92 2.27E+12 5.48E+11 10 9 60 5.06 0.003 0.56 12.56 8.05 2.31E+12 5.86E+11 10 9 70 5.07 0.003 0.56 12.58 7.92 2.26E+12 5.43E+11 10 9 80 5.07 0.003 0.56 12.58 7.92 2.26E+12 5.43E+11 10 9 90 5.06 0.003 0.56 12.56 7.92 2.27E+12 5.48E+11 10 9 100 5.04 0.003 0.56 12.51 7.92 2.28E+12 5.57E+11 10 9 110 5.07 0.003 0.56 12.58 7.92 2.26E+12 5.43E+11 10 9 120 5.07 0.003 0.56 12.58 7.98 2.28E+12 5.62E+11 10 9 130 5.10 0.003 0.57 12.66 8.32 2.36E+12 6.44E+11 potato after coagulation 10 Table A5-9 Filtration data of UF test 1 of potato wastewater after DAF Setting 10 Δ Weight Area (g) (m2) 0.6 0.003 Time (min) 1 Δ Weight (g) 4.95 Flow Flux TMP Rm (ml/min) (L/m2/h) (kPa) (1/m) 0.6 14.36 4.33 1.09E+12 10 9 Time (min) 10 10 9 20 4.95 0.55 13.16 3.52 9.61E+11 10 9 30 5.16 0.57 13.72 3.89 1.02E+12 10 9 40 5.16 0.57 13.72 3.94 1.03E+12 potato after DAF 10 Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rm (1/m) Rf (1/m) 9 10 5.07 0.56 13.48 6.18 1.65E+12 6.04E+11 10 9 20 5.13 0.57 13.64 6.72 1.77E+12 7.25E+11 10 9 30 5.1 0.57 13.56 6.34 1.68E+12 6.36E+11 10 9 40 5.09 0.57 13.54 6.40 1.70E+12 6.54E+11 10 9 50 5.11 0.57 13.59 6.72 1.78E+12 7.32E+11 10 9 60 5.12 0.57 13.62 6.72 1.78E+12 7.29E+11 10 9 70 5.12 0.57 13.62 6.50 1.72E+12 6.72E+11 10 9 80 5.09 0.57 13.54 6.72 1.79E+12 7.39E+11 10 9 90 5.10 0.57 13.56 6.72 1.78E+12 7.36E+11 10 9 100 5.13 0.57 13.64 6.77 1.79E+12 7.39E+11 10 9 110 5.1 0.57 13.56 6.98 1.85E+12 8.07E+11 10 9 120 5.11 0.57 13.59 6.93 1.84E+12 7.89E+11 DI water Area (m2) 5.06 Flow (ml/min) Flow (ml/min) 0.55 Flux (L/m2/h) 13.16 TMP (kPa) 3.52 Rm (1/m) 139 Ave Rm (1/m) 9.61E+11 1.05E+12 Table A5-10 Filtration data of UF test 2 of potato raw wastewater Setting 15 Time (min) 4 Δ Weight (g) 2.4 Area (m2) 0.004 Flow (ml/min) 0.6 Flux (L/m2/h) 8.87 TMP (kPa) 3.89 Rm (1/m) Δ Weight (g) 7.80 Area (m2) 0.004 Flow (ml/min) 0.87 Flux (L/m2/h) 12.81 TMP (kPa) 3.90 Rm (1/m) 1.58E+12 15 9 Time acc 10 15 9 20 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 3.93 1.12E+12 15 9 30 7.76 0.004 0.86 12.75 4.14 1.17E+12 15 9 30 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 3.93 1.12E+12 Area (m2) 0.004 Flow (ml/min) 0.85 Flux (L/m2/h) 12.58 TMP (kPa) 4.92 Rf (1/m) 9 Δ Weight (g) 7.66 Rt (1/m) 15 Time (min) 10 1.41E+12 2.81E+11 15 9 20 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 5.56 1.59E+12 4.64E+11 15 9 30 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.58 6.08 1.74E+12 6.11E+11 15 9 40 7.65 0.004 0.85 12.53 6.32 1.81E+12 6.87E+11 15 9 50 7.65 0.004 0.85 12.56 6.48 1.86E+12 7.28E+11 15 9 60 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.56 6.64 1.90E+12 7.74E+11 15 9 70 7.61 0.004 0.85 12.53 6.88 1.97E+12 8.48E+11 15 9 80 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.50 7.04 2.03E+12 8.99E+11 15 9 90 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.53 7.12 2.04E+12 9.17E+11 15 9 100 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.12 2.04E+12 9.09E+11 15 9 110 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.34 2.10E+12 9.72E+11 15 9 120 7.67 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.52 2.15E+12 1.02E+12 DI water Raw Ave Rm (1/m) 1.10E+12 1.13E+12 Table A5-11 Filtration data of UF test 2 of potato wastewater after coagulation Setting Time (min) 15 1 DI water Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 0.96 0.004 0.96 14.19 4.33 1.10E+12 Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 15 5.5 10 4.83 0.004 0.88 12.98 3.52 9.75E+11 15 9 20 7.58 0.004 0.84 12.45 3.43 9.92E+11 15 9 30 7.58 0.004 0.84 12.45 3.36 9.72E+11 140 Ave Rm (1/m) 9.79E+11 after coagulation Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) 15 9 10 7.68 0.004 0.85 12.61 4.16 1.19E+12 2.06E+11 15 9 20 7.68 0.004 0.85 12.61 4.16 1.19E+12 2.06E+11 15 9 30 7.69 0.004 0.85 12.63 4.24 1.21E+12 2.28E+11 15 9 40 7.7 0.004 0.86 12.65 4.40 1.25E+12 2.72E+11 15 9 50 7.71 0.004 0.86 12.66 4.40 1.25E+12 2.70E+11 15 9 60 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 4.56 1.29E+12 3.14E+11 15 9 70 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 4.56 1.29E+12 3.14E+11 15 9 80 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 4.72 1.34E+12 3.59E+11 15 9 90 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 4.76 1.35E+12 3.72E+11 Table A5-12 Filtration data of UF test 2 of potato wastewater after DAF Setting Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) 15 4 2.4 0.004 0.6 8.87 3.89 1.58E+12 Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rm (1/m) DI water Time (min) Ave Rm (1/m) 15 9 10 7.80 0.004 0.87 12.81 3.90 1.10E+12 15 9 20 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 3.93 1.12E+12 15 9 30 7.76 0.004 0.86 12.75 4.14 1.17E+12 15 9 30 7.72 0.004 0.86 12.68 3.93 1.12E+12 Time (min) Δ Weight (g) Area (m2) Flow (ml/min) Flux (L/m2/h) TMP (kPa) Rt (1/m) Rf (1/m) DAF 1.13E+12 15 9 10 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 4.92 1.41E+12 2.81E+11 15 9 20 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 5.56 1.59E+12 4.64E+11 141 15 9 30 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.58 6.08 1.74E+12 6.11E+11 15 9 40 7.65 0.004 0.85 12.53 6.32 1.81E+12 6.87E+11 15 9 50 7.65 0.004 0.85 12.56 6.48 1.86E+12 7.28E+11 15 9 60 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.56 6.64 1.90E+12 7.74E+11 15 9 70 7.61 0.004 0.85 12.53 6.88 1.97E+12 8.48E+11 15 9 80 7.63 0.004 0.85 12.50 7.04 2.03E+12 8.99E+11 15 9 90 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.53 7.12 2.04E+12 9.17E+11 15 9 100 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.12 2.04E+12 9.09E+11 15 9 110 7.66 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.34 2.10E+12 9.72E+11 15 9 120 7.67 0.004 0.85 12.58 7.52 2.15E+12 1.02E+12 142
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