1034 1033 1035 1032 Site 1036 1031 1030 1029 d Bin ve Gro arri 1047 it u Circ dra illan 1005 W 967 1070 1037 1060 1038 1004 1003 1008 1002 65% (1 Magnetic Way 990 986 985 987 988 995 Maximum (m) 5.0 - 993 994 972 977 976 975 974 70% Dwelling Setbacks Primary Street (rear vehicle access) Secondary Street Rear Laneway - No average setbacks apply. 960 961 962 963 952 951 950 949 948 Public Open Space R30 824 965 928 930 931 934 935 Bindarri Grove 923 922 921 920 Outdoor Living Area Designated Garage Location 1055 BAL 12.5 1056 828 1057 939 940 1058 941 1063 1062 1064 937 8019 8013 1065 832 919 830 936 1069 1068 1066 1067 774 0 831 Barakee Road (15.4m) 821 907 908 909 910 912 911 913 914 915 916 917 893 902 901 900 899 898 897 896 895 904 894 Cascade Road (16.4m) 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 891 890 880 869 820 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 Rev L M N O 818 858 816 859 815 861 813 ROWEGROUP 862 812 811 864 810 809 808 w: www.rowegroup.com.au e: info@rowegroup.com.au p: 08 9221 1991 865 866 867 8023 807 868 Principal Planner: Local Development Plan 10 N:\TOWN PLANNING\4000-4999\4582A\DRAFTING\A-CAD\4582B_LDP01O_20150127_HONEYWOOD NORTH (STAGE 7 - 9).DWG Kim Trenberth 27 January 2015 Drawn M. Sullivan K. Trenberth K. Trenberth K. Trenberth 860 814 871 870 Date 2014.11.10 2014.11.18 2015.01.12 2015.01.27 863 892 879 REVISIONS 776 819 817 918 903 Date: 80 Metres 40 775 906 (15.2m) R60 1054 938 932 924 Lots 878-881, 904-907, 924-927, 954-957,968, 996-998. This Detailed Area Plan has been approved by Council under the provisions of the City of Kwinana. Town Planning Scheme No.2 and the Wandi North Local Structure Plan. 1053 827 (15.4m) 933 929 927 Lots 820-830, 831-832, 869-877, 882-903, 908-923, 928-943, 946-953, 958-967, 969, 973-978, 980-983, 985-990, 993-995, 999-1027, 1029-1043, 1047, 1058-1062, 1067-1070. 8003 826 946 942 947 825 Littabella Street - Dwellings to be constructed to comply with Noise Insulation Package in accordance with SPP 5.4 and AS 2107-2000 R40 905 Package B Portion of Estate wall at 1.9m 1051 829 Maximum (m) - The following Noise Insulation Packages apply: Package A 822 954 925 Noise Insulation Package 964 956 953 1.0 0.5 973 823 959 955 Minimum (m) 2.0 Noise attenuation wall (2.5m) 1050 971 1052 Arid Lane Site Cover 3.0m Setback Line 1049 Willandra Circuit Tarong Way 30% 2.0m Setback Line 980 (15.4m) 958 Minimum Open Space 1.0m Setback Line 969 978 The following provisions apply to lots depicted: R60 0.5m Setback Line 1046 970 957 R-Coding 989 981 Dwelling Setbacks Minimum (m) Primary Street 3.0 Secondary Street 1.0 - No average setbacks apply. 992 982 968 996 Lots Subject to this DAP 1045 983 1013 997 1044 LEGEND 991 Littabella Street Site Cover m) 5.4 1043 ue 35% 1020 en Minimum Open Space 1012 998 1014 1042 m) R40 1011 999 The following provisions apply to lots depicted: R-Coding Willandra Circuit 1010 1000 1021 .4 (15 Bindarri Grove 1001 1041 1023 it ircu aC Maximum (m) 5.0 - 8004 1022 1015 1009 Dwelling Setbacks Minimum (m) Primary Street 3.0 Secondary Street 1.0 - No average setbacks apply. (6m) 1017 1016 1040 1025 1024 Av 65% 1019 1018 eyw ood Site Cover 1007 1039 Hon 35% (13.2m) Minimum Open Space 966 1027 1026 Woko Lane R30 1061 1006 Lyon Road R-Coding 943 (15.4m) The following provisions apply to lots depicted: 1059 dr lan Wil Although all care has been taken on the compilation of this document Rowe Group and all parties associated with its preparation disclaim any responsibility for any errors or omissions. The right is reserved to change this document at any time. This document does not constitute an invitation, agreement or contract (or any part thereof) of any kind whatsoever. Liability is expressly disclaimed by Rowe Group for any loss or damage which may be sustained by any person acting on any visual impression gained from this document. This document is and remains the property of Rowe Group and may not be reproduced or atransmitted, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Rowe Group. All areas and dimensions are subject to survey. Planning Design Delivery N Date Drawn: Job Ref: Scale: Client: Designer: Drawn: Projection: Stages 7 - 9 (Plan 1 of 2) Plan ID: Honeywood Estate, Wandi Cadastre supplied by McMullen Nolan 2014-07-03 4582B 1:2000 @ A3 Satterley R. Cumming K. Trenberth PCG 94 4582B-LDP-01-O Although all care has been taken on the compilation of this document Rowe Group and all parties associated with its preparation disclaim any responsibility for any errors or omissions. The right is reserved to change this document at any time. This document does not constitute an invitation, agreement or contract (or any part thereof) of any kind whatsoever. Liability is expressly disclaimed by Rowe Group for any loss or damage which may be sustained by any person acting on any visual impression gained from this document. This document is and remains the property of Rowe Group and may not be reproduced or atransmitted, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Rowe Group. All areas and dimensions are subject to survey. Planning Design Delivery Site This Local Development Plan (LDP) applies to all lots within Stages 7-9 of the Honeywood Estate, Wandi. Unless otherwise defined on this LDP, all development shall be in accordance with the City of Kwinana Town Planning Scheme No. 2, the Residential Design Codes, and the Wandi (north) Local Structure Plan. Unless otherwise varied on this LDP, the relevant density code provisions of the Residential Design Codes apply to all lots subject to this LDP. The Residential Design Codes do not apply where varied below. Compliance with the provisions of this LDP negates the need for planning General Provisions 9. For lots with a frontage of 11 metres or less or where otherwise designated on this LDP, nil setbacks are permitted to both side boundaries simultaneously. 10. Where a nil side setback is permissible but not proposed, side setbacks shall conform to the requirements of the R-Codes. 11. For corner lots, where the major dwelling entry (front door) is oriented toward the secondary street, secondary street setbacks still apply. Primary street setbacks apply to the other street, as designated on this LDP. 12. Setbacks may be varied at the discretion of the Manager - Planning and Development, for corner lots or where otherwise the configuration of the lots limits compliance with setback requirements. Minimum Open Space and Outdoor Living 1. Site cover may be increased to 65% (for R30 Lots) subject to the 4 metres, two thirds of this area uncovered and located behind the street setback area. 2. Site cover may be increased to 65% (for R40 Lots) subject to the 4 metres, two thirds of this area uncovered and located behind the street setback area. 3. Site cover may be increased to 70% (for R60 Lots) subject to the 4 metres, two thirds of this area uncovered and located behind the street setback area. Garages 4. Garages are not to be forward of the dwelling alignment. Garages may be aligned with the dwelling provided they do not exceed the dwelling setback line. 5. Where a lot abuts a rear laneway, vehicle and/or garage access must be from the rear laneway unless otherwise indicated on this LDP. 6. All garages are to have doors to enclose them. Setbacks 7. 8. For all lots, a nil side setback is permissible behind the primary street setback line to a minimum of 4 metres from the rear boundary, unless otherwise designated on the LDP or where this boundary is to a secondary street. Where possible, nil setbacks should be positioned on the boundary that maximises solar access to the dwelling. The City of Kwinana may vary the location of the nil setback line where appropriate to achieve specific design outcomes. This provision does not apply to lots zoned R60. Those lots zoned R60 are permitted to have a nil setback for the full extent of the lot boundary, provided the dwelling complies with the R-Codes and this LDP for all other requirements. Garages are permitted to have a nil side setback to one boundary. The garage nil side setback is not required to be on the same nil side setback boundary as the dwelling. 13. For those lots zoned R60, outdoor living areas may be situated within the building setback area, provided they have a minimum length and width dimension of 4 metres, and remain open and uncovered for a minimum of 2 metres from the lot boundary. Dwelling Orientation 14. Where lots abut public open space, dwellings are to be situated so at least one habitable room is oriented towards the public open space. 15. Dwellings are to suitably address all street frontages and areas of public open space through the use of high quality architectural design features. 16. Where lots abut public open space, the outdoor living area is to be provided with a minimum depth of 4 metres abutting the public open space. Outdoor living areas abutting public open space are to be uncovered for a minimum of 3 metres from the boundary of open space. Outdoor living areas are not required to extend the full extent of the POS boundary. Streetscape 17. Where lots have a frontage of 12 metres or less, garages may exceed 50% of the primary lot frontage to a maximum of 60% of the primary lot frontage. 18. Where garages exceed 50% of the primary lot frontage, they shall comply with the following: a. A clear indication of the dwelling entrance. b. The dwelling entrance shall be the dominant feature of the facade, and shall include a projecting portico or veranda with a minimum depth of 1.5 metres. c. Garages are to be set back at least 0.5 metres behind the dwelling alignment, with the exception of rear laneways (6m). 19. Fencing along the secondary street boundary shall be visually permeable above 1.2 metres for the length of 3 metres from the end of the truncation. 20. Fencing abutting public open space shall be uniform and visually permeable above 1.2 metres. 21. Where porticos are provided they may be setback a minimum of 2 metres from the primary street. Design Elements 22. Where sheds and outbuildings do not match the construction materials and colours of the dwelling they are to be screened from public view. 23. to be provided at the time of construction of the dwelling. Storage areas shall be constructed under the main roof of the residence or garage, and shall be accessible from either the exterior or within the garage. Fire Management 24. Dwellings constructed on lots identified as being at risk of bushfire attack under the approved Fire management Plan, or within 100 metres from any bushland greater than 1 hectare in area, shall be constructed to the appropriate BAL rating in accordance with Australian Standard 3959. 25. This LDP shall be read in conjunction with the approved Fire Management Plan. 26. A proposed reduction to the nominated BAL rating for any development will require a planning application for consideration. The submission is to include the detailed method for determining Bushfire Attack Level - Method 2 from AS 3959 supporting the lower rating demonstrating compliance with AS 3959, WAPC Guidelines for Bushfire Protection Policy. 27. For all lots, where an incursion (including minor incursions) into the building setback area is proposed, a reassessment of the Bushfire Attack Level is required. REVISIONS Noise Management Rev L M N O 28. For those lots potentially affected by noise emanating from the Kwinana Freeway and Rowley Road, dwellings are to be constructed to comply with the relevant 'Deemed to Comply Noise Insulation Package' specified on this LDP. Noise Insulation Package requirements are set out under the Implementation Guidelines for State Planning Policy 5.4 (SPP5.4) and Australian Standard AS2107 2000. Site coverage includes the floor area of all buildings. N Local Development Plan 10 N:\TOWN PLANNING\4000-4999\4582A\DRAFTING\A-CAD\4582B_LDP01O_20150127_HONEYWOOD NORTH (STAGE 7 - 9).DWG Kim Trenberth 27 January 2015 Drawn M. Sullivan K. Trenberth K. Trenberth K. Trenberth ROWEGROUP 29. Future owners of two storey dwellings are required to submit an acoustic consultants report, verifying that the construction achieves an internal level of 40dB(a) Leg (day) in living and working areas and 35dB(a) Leg (night) in bedrooms, in accordance with the internal noise limits specified in Clause 5.3.1 of SPP 5.4. *NOTE: Date 2014.11.10 2014.11.18 2015.01.12 2015.01.27 w: www.rowegroup.com.au e: info@rowegroup.com.au p: 08 9221 1991 Date Drawn: Job Ref: Scale: Client: Designer: Drawn: Projection: Stages 7 - 9 (Plan 2 of 2) Plan ID: Honeywood Estate, Wandi Cadastre supplied by McMullen Nolan 2014-07-03 4582B 1:2500 @ A3 Satterley R. Cumming K. Trenberth PCG 94 4582B-LDP-01-O
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