”ACTIVE DECEPTION” - LURING CYBERCRIMINALS TO REVEAL THEMSELVES “Active Deception” – Luring Cybercriminals to Reveal Themselves Summary High-profile security breaches are becoming the norm. Despite the layered security strategies that organizations deploy, attackers are finding their way into the network. In a recent CBS 60 Minutes segment, Dave DeWalt, FireEye CEO stated “literally 97% of all companies are getting breached.” Initial Breach Reconaissance & Extend Data Exfiltration In the past 12 months, there have been: Foothold • Over 700 US companies breached (TRUSTe) • One mega data breach a month, impacting at least 25 million data records. (SafeNet) • 68% global organizations affected by mobile security breaches (BT) • 53% of global securities exchanges have experienced a cyber-attack (IOSCO Survey) 66% of breaches remain undetected for months 87% of breaches are discovered by external parties Post-Infection Detection is Critical Because attacks are in the network, a comprehensive security strategy must include post infection detection capabilities. . Breach detection systems that focus on post infection detection complement firewalls, secure Web gateways and other solutions by looking for attackers already in the network; they cover lateral movement and privilege escalation versus traffic to and from a specific endpoint or Internet ingress/egress point. Adding post infection detection is a necessary component to any security strategy, helping uncover attackers whose breaches can go unnoticed for seven to eight months. And, most companies learn from third parties, typically their customers, payment system partners and law enforcement officials they have been breached, which is well after the fact. Infrastructure Security Gaps Are Exploited by Cybercriminals Targeted botnets (BOT) and advanced persistent threats (APT) are successful because cybercriminals bypass traditional security measures, using new pathways to enter the network undetected. Traditional perimeter and end-point security solutions are blind to attacks that originate from: • Web services—given the vastness and ever-changing nature of the world wide web, it is virtually impossible to know of all the malicious web links and sites being used as command and control servers, enabling zero day exploits • Stolen credentials—with an increasingly geographically dispersed and varied user population, it is hard to ensure the integrity of the credentials for each and every employee, contractor and 3rd party vendor that accesses the network. • Endpoint and personal (BYOD) devices—are ideal targets for zero-day exploits which are difficult to detect and provide an entry point to the attackers into the network These pathways are difficult, if not impossible, to keep closed and are becoming key drivers in today’s business productivity and growth. Once attackers gain access to the network, they typically have all the time they need to troll and harvest valuable intellectual property and exfiltrate the data (on average 229 days or more). BOTSinkTM Solutions Deliver Vital Post-Infection Detection A comprehensive security posture needs to include post infection detection to complement today’s security infrastructure. Many enterprise organizations look to deploy a layered security strategy designed to maximize attack coverage and mitigate risks to intellectual property and corporate assets. Given the complexity of today’s threat landscape, it is vital to have defense mechanisms that can protect against the many different attack vectors used to infiltrate and exploit an organization. This includes attacks by BOTs and APTs that begin with reconnaissance or scanning to identify potential targets as well as intelligent BOTs or APTs that initiate their attacks from hijacked end points and target specific identified resources. © 2015 Attivo Networks. All rights reserved. www.attivonetworks.com ”ACTIVE DECEPTION” - LURING CYBERCRIMINALS TO REVEAL THEMSELVES Attivo Networks BOTsink Solution brings a new layer of security complementing existing infrastructure by accelerating breach discovery and providing a new line of defense designed to make it difficult for attackers to reach or compromise valuable assets. Attivo’s BOTsink Solution is an elegant way to trap the BOTs and APTs that bypass perimeter and endpoint security. Laying a trap is the best way to catch the bad guys—it is very efficient and cost effective. “Active Deception” is the best technique to deal with attacks that manage to get through traditional security infrastructures. Catching the Bad Guys in Action Below are three types of attacks that would have been detected and mitigated had an Attivo Networks BOTsink Solution been deployed. Attivo Product Summary Target Audience Cloud Firewall, IDS/IPS Sandbox Problem BOTsink End Point Security (ON DEVICE) Deployment Options BOTsink 2500 BOTsink 5000 Virtual BOTsink for VMware BOTsink IRES for Targeted Attacks Small to Medium Enterprise Medium to Large Enterprise Medium to Large Enterprises Any Size Enterprise using BOTsink Solutions Up to 16 VLANs Up to 100 VLANs Public or Private Clouds Endpoints Attack Scenario Attivo BOTsink Solution • Attackers used web servers to mount remote code injection attacks that penetrated the company’s data centers • BOTsink Virtual Appliance deployed in the data center WEB SERVICES EXPLOITS • Attacks take advantage of WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. • Once in, they moved freely around the data center until they find and steal the data • Engages attacker during their discovery and lateral infection phase (as they probed and scanned the network looking for high value targets). • Prevents attack’s propagation, identifies breach source and generates a signature for IT to stop attack before data could be stolen STOLEN CREDENTIALS • Zero-day attack • One of the hardest attacks to stop • Endpoint security solutions has no signature or attack pattern to look for • Malware injected into a “trusted” system owned by an employee, contractor or 3rd party vendor • Will not be able to stop attack from mining the endpoint for the valuable information • Attackers mine the device for IP addresses of servers to attack • Use legitimate login credentials to get onto targeted servers • BOTsink Solution plus Information Relay Entrapment System (IRES) is an ideal combination against stolen credential attacks • BOTsink Solution will discover attack at the earliest stage, denying attacker time to mount a successful data exfiltration attack • Mounting attack to steal data or access other, more interesting servers. ENDPOINT AND PERSONAL (BYOD) DEVICES • Zero-day attacks • Zero-day attack • Unknown and undetectable by solutions that rely on known attack signatures and patterns to identify an attack. • Adobe flash zero-day exploit • Skelton malware • Java zero-day exploit © 2015 Attivo Networks. All rights reserved. BOTsink and Attivo Networks are registered trademarks of Attivo Networks, Inc. • BOTsink and IRES Solutions catches a BOT or APT that uses scanning and reconnaissance tactics will be caught • BOTsink Solution catches the infection early in its lifecycle to prevent its propagation • Captures full forensic information to help minimize remediation efforts www.attivonetworks.com
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