Audit Cloud:User Guide

Audit Cloud: User Guide
Audit Cloud User Guide - Overview
Auditcloud consolidates multiple customer-related data
streams into easy to digest information, presented in a clear
and dynamic design.
Auditcloud has been developed to empower location managers
and executives to fix problems, rather than working to find
them. This refined focus lends itself perfectly to increased
productivity, strategic operations and compliance monitoring.
Audit Cloud User Guide - Loggin In
Your first step to using Audit Cloud is to visit
and enter your provided username and password. If you are having
trouble remembering your details please click the “forgot your
details” link and follow the steps. Alternatively you can contact for assistance.
Enter the email and password
details assigned to your audit cloud
account to login
If you are having trouble logging in
please click the “forgot your details”
link and follow the steps
Audit Cloud User Guide - Dashboard
The centre of operations, where you can see all the latest
mystery shops and leaderboards. You can also see all
locations on an interactive map, helping you jump to the
location of your choice.
At the top of the page you will also find Audit Cloud’s primary
navigation bar with links to all core sections. This bar remains
consistent throughout the site, so you can get to your key
information easily.
Access audit cloud’s key pages at
any time using the navigation
bar at the top of the page
Jump to any of your locations
using the interactive map
See the leaderboard from your most recent
mystery shop overview report and jump
directly to the mystery shop
Audit Cloud User Guide - Dashboard
DASHBOARD (Continued)
Within the dashboard you can set your own “book marks” to
highlight the results most important to you.
We’ve bookmarked a number of Key Performance Indicators
(KPI’s) so you can keep an eye on what’s important and monitor
progress throughout the year. You can also bookmark locations,
regions and location categories on various pages within the site.
So when you find something you’d like to keep track of, be sure
to hit the ‘add to bookmarks’ button.
look for the “add to bookmarks” icons
throughout audit cloud and add them to
your dashboard
highlight key information by
bookmarking questions,locations
and more to create your own bespoke
click “results” on the navigation
bar to go to our next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Results
The results page gives you an overview of all mystery shops. You
can filter by company or by date and see high level information
and data regarding each mystery shop. Clicking on any mystery
shop will take you through to the mystery shop overview page.
Bookmark keymystery shops and track
results directly on your dashboard
Filter your mystery shops by most recent
or chosen date range
Click to view mystery shop
and go to our next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Survey Overview
This page gives you a breakdown of the mystery shop results.
You can see the overall score and movement of each mystery
shop, including a historical performance of how this result
matches up to previous results.
The interactive map shows which locations took place through
live data and can be used to quickly jump to a location page of
your choice.
The graphs can be easily broken down to specific category
results using the drop down boxes so you can see how this
mystery shop performed on a per category basis.
The table below shows all locations that took part in this
mystery shop, ranked by their overall scores. We also see the
movement of these locations, seeing how many places they
have risen or fallen since the last mystery shop took place.
You can filter this table by any location, region or location type
by using the blue dropdown boxes above the table. You can
also view this table based on the results of a specific category
instead, using the “by category” dropdown box.
If you would like to analyse the historical performance of any
of these locations, you can add them to the compare tool
box on the right and when ready, hit compare. This will take
you to the Compare Results page where you can view the
performance in detail.
Scroll down page for
more eatures!
Audit Cloud User Guide - Survey Overview
Filter results with
a wide range of options
use the leaderboard to track
ranking and movement
view results by individual location,
region or location type categories
add key locations,regions &
location types to the compare tool
for in-depth analysis
click a location in the leaderboard to see
it’s results and go to the next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Individual Mystery Shops
Here you can see the questions and answers for the selected
location allowing your to highlight areas of success and failure.
If you see any questions that are particularly important to you,
don’t forget you bookmark them to see this directly on
your dashboard.
For users looking for a more in-depth analysis click the “view
national answers” button for history data and the results for
this that question broken down across all your locations.
Don’t forget to bookmark any
key questions to add them to
your dashboard
use the leaderboard to track
ranking and movement
Click the “view national
answers” button for in-depth
question analysis
click “ytd leaderboard” on
the navigation bar and go
to the next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - YTD Leaderboards
The Year to Date (YTD) leaderboad allows you to see the top
performing locations, regions and location types in this current
year, based on all mystery shops that have taken place. At the
end of the year, awards are given to the number 1, 2 and 3 spots.
You can also filter this page to show performance by a specific
category of question by using the drop down menu.
click “Locations” on the
navigation bar and go to
the next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Locations
Here you have an overview of all locations on the system, viewed
via a map view or a list view. You can add these locations to the
compare results tool from here and view general information.
Clicking on any location will take you through to a specific
location page.
View locations by list or interactive map
with a range of filter options
Add locations to the compare tool
for in-depth analysis
Click on a location
go to our next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Location Overview
Here you see a central area for all information about a
specific location. You can view the historical performance
of this location and also a list of all mystery shops that have
taken place at this location. Feel free to click on any mystery
shop to take you to more detail.
See the collected awards earned by a
location across all mystery shops
Monitor and filter a locations performance
over timeand comapre against regional and
national averages
Go to next page for more
on Audit Cloud awards
Audit Cloud User Guide - Awards
Each time you upload a mystery shop onto Audit Cloud 1st
2nd and 3rd place awards are given to the top performing
locations. These can be found by visiting any location and
looking for the “Location Awards” section. This serves as a
trophy cabinet, displaying all awards that have been awarded
to that location. Additional awards will also be given to your
locations with the highest cummlative score over the duration
of your business year.
Look out for the Location awards section
found on every locations page
Mystery shop awards
Annual awards
Ask us about creating your own
custom awards for Audit Cloud
click “compare results” on
the navigation bar and go
to the next page
Audit Cloud User Guide - Compare Results Tool
The Compare Results Tool allows you to easily compare up to 8
locations, regions or location types against each other. You can
use the controls below to add & remove your selections, national
average and performance tiers.
Additionally you can also filter these results by a specific category
of question so you can see the performance for just one result
rather than the entire mystery shop.
Select a specific category
to view results by
Filter and select upto 8 different
locations, regions or location types
and compare them against each other
Audit Cloud User Guide - Further Assistance
If you require any further assistance when using the Audit Cloud
system please get in touch at
Company Address
Technology PLC
Suites 41/42 Victoria House,
26 Main Street,