Gulf Savannah Tourism Futures Conference Undara Experience Conference Room 9am-4pm Friday 27 March 2015 The Gulf Savannah Tourism Futures Conference will bring together regional and tourism industry leaders to create a common strategic direction for tourism in the Gulf Savannah. All tourism and regional stakeholders are welcome to participate in this important process. The Conference will raise issues relevant to many regions. The program will include presentations by: David Morgans, Tourism and Events Queensland Alex De Waal, Tourism Tropical North Queensland Join us to help develop Outback Queensland Tourism Association the Tourism Future of Russell Boswell, Savannah Way Limited the Gulf Savannah Gulf Shire Council Representatives Together participants will: Identify the Gulf Savannah’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Find links to State and Regional Strategies Develop prioritised Actions in areas of Marketing and Experience Development These Actions can then be pursued with our cooperative efforts. You are welcome to attend just the Conference, or also join in a day or more of the Savannah Guides School being held 26-29 March at Undara Experience by registering below. A summary of the School Program and full Registration Form is available here or from __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM: Gulf Savannah Tourism Futures Conference Undara Experience - 27 March 2015 Please send your Registration Form and payment to Savannah Guides. Registration closes Friday 20 March 2014. Name of Individual attending: ____________________________________________________________________ From – Enterprise/Organisation: __________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________ Mobile: _______________ Dietary or Medical Requirements: _____________________ ___ Please do not distribute my contact details to other participants after the Conference ___ Please do not use any images of me in promotions Gulf Savannah Tourism Futures Conference Registration Fee $ 80 Additional days of the Savannah Guides School $160/day (Which day/s? ______________) TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES $ _____ Accommodation must be booked separately with Undara Experience: / 4097 1900 Conference Participants will be sent a set of summaries of relevant Strategic Documents as preparation for the Conference and the follow up report. Morning Tea and Lunch will be provided on the day. Please tick and complete your payment method below. a) b) ___ Direct Deposit: Account Name: Savannah Guides Ltd BSB: 034-167 Account No: 47-1141 To help identify your deposit please complete the reference field on your transfer with your surname. Please also email to advise us of your payment. I have paid by Direct Deposit on ____ /____ /____ ___ Credit Card: Please circle: VISA / Mastercard Name on card: _______________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Card No: ________ / ________ / ________ / ________ Expiry date: ____ / ____ c) ___ Cheque/Money Order: Please make your cheque or money order payable to Savannah Guides Ltd and mail with your registration form to Savannah Guides, PO Box 2312 CAIRNS QLD 4870. d) ___ My enterprise will be paying. Please send a tax invoice. Please email to or fax (07) 4035 4188 or PO Box 2312 CAIRNS QLD 4870
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