2013 Outstanding Council Award Recipient of the Outstanding Council Award Founded May 15th, 1957 2nd Quarter, 2015 Vol. 41 Issue 2 Dinner Meetings Our Dinner Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:45 pm. All dinner meetings are at Carey Hilliard’s Banquet Center unless otherwise announced. 11111 Abercorn Ext. (across from Home Depot) Our April speaker, Captain Paul Young was commissioned in 1992 at the University of Nebraska. He has served two tours in command at sea. Most recently, he commanded USS McInerney (FFG 8) from 2009-2010. During his tour he led McInerney through a successful deployment to the USSOUTHCOM Area of Focus during which McInerney disrupted more than ten metric tons of narcotics and became the first Navy ship to deploy with the Fire Scout Vertical Takeoff/Landing UAV. Prior to that, from 2005-2007, he commanded MCM Crew Reaper embarked in USS Devastator (MCM 6) and USS Gladiator (MCM 11), where he deployed to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Previous to these assignments, Captain Young made multiple afloat deployments in support of Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Active Endeavor, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Captain Young is currently Commodore of Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 2 (LCS 2) at Mayport Naval Base, Florida. He will discuss this new LCS squadron, its capabilities and mission, soon to arrive at Mayport. Next meeting is April 21st. Reservations are due no later than close of business on Friday, April 17th. The cost is $22 per person. Please contact Aunette Shipes Foxey1931@gmail.com or call 912-330-0932 to reserve your place. President’s Message On behalf of the Savannah Navy League, I would like to THANK ALL who participated in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festivities! We had a great parade committee and the most participants ever! From the marching crews, to the nine volunteer car drivers, to the Admirals, Captains, and Commanders that rode in these cars, and to all the volunteers who helped before, during, and after, we say, “THANK YOU!” Our Savannah Navy League is busy as ever with dinners, events, and “fun things” for our members. But, we do need YOUR help in bringing more guests to our dinners, and increasing our membership. Any and all of your ideas would be greatly appreciated, please! Our Family Readiness Groups (FRG’s) are starting to give out our Baby Gift Bags, which means new babies are being born! For more info on these and details of all our events, please read through this edition of the Steamer and visit us on Facebook – Savannah Navy League, and don’t forgot to “LIKE” us, too! Also, visit our website often for updates: savannahnavyleague.us Happy Spring! patriciayovich@gmail.com WILL TWO OF OUR 2015 WE Board ofMISS Directors STALWARTS New Board Sworn In at January 20 Dinner Meeting Front (L-R): Craig Maggioni; Joe Tillman, 1st Vice President; Francesca Bedell; Pat Yovich, President; Larry Sprague, Secretary; Chuck Towles; O.C. Fowler, 2nd Vice President; Tom Latham, Past President; Ed Robb, Judge Advocate. Back (L-R): Mick McCay; Cliff Angers, Treasurer; Gary Johnson; Jeff Zureick, Vice President; Ed Lavish, Vice President of Legislative Affairs; Mark Gibbs; Alan Yovich; Bob Tully. NL Logo Items Big Sale on Selected Inventory Supplies! Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter Cliff Angers, Treasurer Through the first three months of this year Council Income was $ 7283 and total Expenses were $ 5629 netting a positive gain of $ 1654. As of the end of March we had a bank balance of $ 21,459. Our current Dues Campaign (December through end of March) has tailed off and despite our dues increase from $15 to $25 per year, our total in take from dues and special contributions is only 6% ahead of last year’s campaign. Last Year’s Campaign thru March This Year’s Campaign thru March +/- $s +/- % Dues $2,815 $3,587 +$772 +27% Contributions $3,030 $2,295 -$735 -25% ____________________________________________________________________________ Total Revenue $5,845 $5,882 +$37 +6% If you are a member reading this newsletter and have not paid your local dues for 2015 please send the $ 25 in to Jeff Zureick ASAP and please be generous with your special contributions. Bonus Bucks Campaign-Savannah Morning News: Pat Yovich and I met with the newspaper to begin to plan with the Board for how to best make use of the $ 2900 in free advertising generated by the great activity of our members. This is a great asset for the Council and thank you to everyone who participated. 2 / Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 This Big Sale centers on a 50% discount on Ladies Sweaters (Med. to 2XL sizes) and a Scoop Neck Shirt (Small), Men’s Polo Shirts (M-LG and 2XL-3XL), Navy League Books, and Navy League Pins. If one of these sizes fit you (and/or family members or friends) please take advantage of these great deals from $15 to $1 (depending on the cost of the selective product in inventory). Savannah Navy League Logo merchandise products look great and are free advertisement for the League in town. Our stock on logo caps ($15) and T-Shirts ($18) remain the same. All other merchandise which might not be in inventory such as various sizes and/or jackets, vests, shrugs and other past logo products will be ordered at the same price of original listed. Don’t worry - for your convenience we will have plenty of order forms that are easy to fill out at the dinner meetings. Your order will be processed immediately and will be available by the next dinner meeting. Payment will not be required until the orders are received and approved by the member. Sales for all items can be obtained through Bruce and Ann Ellis at upcoming dinner meetings and/or just call or email us. Contact info: email address baellis60@gmail.com or call (912) 660-5125. News from Our Adopted Submarine USS 30th Reunion What an exciting event to learn about and be part of! One of the original “Plank Owners”, Waino Salo, of the USS Alaska, launched 12 Jan 1985, decided 3 years ago to gather any of the crew members from around the country to visit Kings Bay, the current home of the USS Alaska (SSBN732). That dream of Waino’s brought 60-70 of the original crew, Plank Owners, and 1st Time Submariners together 11 Feb 2015 at Kings Bay. In attendance were Pre-Commissioning CO Capt. P L. Callihan, Blue; Pre Commissioning XO Capt. Tom Fursman, Gold; and the wife and daughter of deceased Capt. Charles Chotvacs, Gold, Mrs. Beverly Chotvacs and Heather Chotvacs - who received special awards. Many stories were told, and many a tear shed, especially when they toured the USS Alaska and saw their original Plank Owners plaque still hanging on the wall with their names still imprinted as they remembered! Little did they know that the Savannah Navy League adopted the Alaska and her Crew in late 2009. We learned of this event and they learned about us, 10 days before the reunion. Tom Latham, Alan and Pat Yovich were privileged to be “honor guests” and share how our Savannah Navy League supports the Gold and Blue Crew AND their families. The comments heard from the crowd while Pat was speaking - “Where were you 30 years ago?” Friendships were established; invites were made to go to Anchorage, Alaska where Waino and his wife have made their home, and history was made with the USS Alaska crews - 30 years ago and today. And as a huge surprise, that 30th Reunion Crew – through the Live Auction of their special banner – gave their proceeds to our Savannah Navy League - a donation of over $1000 to continue our support of the USS Alaska crews and their families! L-R: LCDR James Mahoney, Ececutive Officer (Blue Crew); MMCM Brian Doebler (COB Gold Crew); CDR Craig Gummer (Blue Crew CO); Deanna Gummer; Pat Yovich; CDR Jeff Nesheim, Executive Officer (Gold Crew); Tom Latham. A Heartfelt THANK YOU to Waino, the Plank Owners, and the entire crew of the USS Alaska for their service to our Country and the support of our Savannah Navy League. I am sure Waino Salo would love to hear from all of you. More stories to tell and friendships to be made. His address: Mr. Waino Salo 8761 Beachwood Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Meritorious Unit Commendation Rear Adm. Chas Richard, commander of Submarine Group 10, right, and Capt. Bill Houston, commodore of Submarine Squadron 20, left, present commanding officer’s and chief’s of the boat of both crews of the Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Alaska (SSBN 732) with a Battle Efficiency “E” plaque during a Meritorious Unit Commendation (MUC) ceremony on 23 FEB. (L-R) CAPT William Houston, Commodore Sub Squadron 20, COB Alaska Blue Dave Wright, CDR Todd Figanbaum, CO - Alaska Blue, CDR Craig Gummer, CO - Alaska Gold, COB Alaska Gold, Brian Doebler, RDML Chas Richard, Commander, Sub Group 10. USS (Blue) Change of Command A Change of Command is an extremely symbolic and important event for a ship. In the case of Savannah Navy League’s adopted submarine the USS Alaska (SSBN 732) a Change of Command for the Blue crew was held on 27 March at the Naval Submarine Base in Kings Bay. Commander Todd A. Figanbaum who has been the CO for the last 2 years was relieved of that assignment. Shortly, he will be on the way to his new assignment in the Pentagon. A graduate of the University of Idaho, he served onboard the USS Boise (SSN 764), the USS Maryland (SSBN 738), and the USS Providence (SSN 719). Assuming command is Commander David S. Forman. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he has served onboard the USS L. Mendel Rivers (SSN 686), the USS Chicago (SSN 721), the USS Wyoming (SSBN 742) and the USS Columbus (SSN 762). The guest speaker was Captain William J. Houston, Commander, Submarine Squadron 20. L-R: Alan Yovich; Pat Yovich; Tom Latham; CDR David Forman and his wife, April Forman; Katherine Tillman; Joe Tillman. Not Pictured: Joanna and Ed Lavish. Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 / 3 The 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Parade was the largest ever for the Savannah Navy League. It was a beautiful day and a grand time was had by all. We had nine cars and four marching units. The participants were: • • Navy Leaguers of the Year - 2014 Bob Gephart and Tom Latham, driven by Gil Clarke in his 1931 Ford Roadster. • Rear Admiral Charles Richard, Commander Sub Group 10, and his wife Lisa, driven by Kathy Roberts in her 2013 Mustang. • Rear Admiral Annie Andrews, Commander Navy Recruiting, and her aid Lt. Kearley driven by Carolyn Overton in her 2002 Corvette. • Crew of LCS Squadron 2 with their banner. • Capt. Paul Young, Commander LCS Squadron 2, and his wife Kate, driven by Carol Brown in her 2013 Bentley. • 4 / Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 Savannah Navy League banner carried by two midshipmen from SSU NROTC Capt. Steve Homes, Southeastern Surface Fleet, and his wife Jeannine, driven by Daniel Fields in his 2008 Mustang. vy League enough the Savannah Na We can’t thank in the Savannah e at ip ic to part for inviting us was a day that is y Parade. Th St. Patrick’s Da weather was remember. The g. we will fondly rm and welcomin wa so the crowd ry ve is th of spectacular and rt thrill to be pa of Savannah. It was simply a e wonderful city th in y da special d d & Lisa Richar RDML Chas Richar Happy Easter - • Capt. Todd Lacy, Commander SSU NROTC, driven by Ken Schuster in 1991 Miata. • Crew of the USS Alaska Blue, with their banner. • CDR. Todd Figanbaum, Commander USS Alaska Blue (SSBN 732) and his wife Lisa, driven by Everett Boaen in his 2004 Porsche. • Crew of the USS Samuel B. Roberts with their banner. • CDR. Erica Hoffmann, CO USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58), driven by Lynn Pasquale in her 2001 Porsche. • Crew of the USS McFaul with their banner. • CDR. Michael Gunther, CO USS McFaul (DDG 74), driven by Bill Pilon in his 1960 Corvette. Sailors who march in the St. Patrick’s Day parade usually have to wait in Forsyth Park for 2 or 3 hours before stepping off. This is a great opportunity for Navy Leaguers to meet them and make them feel welcome to Savannah. Mike Campbell, Bob Tully, Larry Sprague, Ed Robb, and other Navy Leaguers spent time in the park doing just that this year. The quality of these young sailors is truly impressive. Try to put this on your 2016 St. Patrick’s Day calendar – you’ll have a great time! Admiral Chas Richard and wife Lisa Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 / 5 Family Readiness and Support Groups Savannah Navy League’s newest outreach to our associated sea services is our direct support of sailors’ families. The Navy / Coast Guard sponsored groups are to referred as FRG’s (Family Readiness Groups) or FSG’s (Family Support Groups). Our initial offerings include Baby Bags (includes supplies for newborns) and date night packages (hotel room, dinners, etc.) for their fund raising raffles. We hope to learn from these efforts how we can best offer meaningful assistance to these families, especially when their sailors are deployed. Contributions by our members will assist us in these efforts. Left: Vicci Ford, President of USS Alaska Gold FRG, loading baby bags donated by Savannah Navy League, into her car to deliver to Kings Bay. Below (L-R): Deanna Gummer; Taylor Horton with her son Joe; Vicci Ford; and Francesca Bedell at USS Alaska Gold FRG meeting at Kings Bay. Patti Zureick presenting gift bags for newborns to USCG Air Station FSG Allison Garfield and son Cole. Mary Jo Crowe, Karen Angers, Patti Zureick, Ed Lavish and other Navy Leaguers joined with the Coast Guard Air Station Family Support Group to help with the Easter Party for their children, including a magician, face painting, and lots of candy! St. Patrick’s Day Ship Visit USS Makes a Short Visit to Savannah The Navy League’s St. Patrick’s Day activities started off with the arrival of USS McFaul (DDG 74) on the morning of March 16. We participated in the wardroom briefing just after arrival. Two of our members at the briefing, Joost Gompels and Tom Wright, had attended the McFaul’s 1998 commissioning in Savannah. Later that afternoon, officers and crew joined local community leaders, other military personnel, and Navy League members at the traditional Jasper Green Ceremony held in Madison Square. The Navy was represented in the St Patrick’s Day Parade as described in the article on pages 4 & 5. Parade participation by officers and sailors was a tremendous success. 6 / Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 Ed Robb Unfortunately, because of GPA berth congestion beyond our control or the control of the ship, the McFaul had to make a premature departure early on March 18. Thus we had to cancel the traditional on board ship reception, two community relations projects (crew house painting project / crew visit to the West Broad Street YMCA) and the ARMY / NAVY softball game at HAAF. 1st Quarter Meetings Recap Over these past few months, we’ve had quite the list of guest speakers. We started the New Year off with Mr. Tim Tyler, a former civilian intelligence officer with the Department of Defense. He could “neither confirm nor deny” a good number of interesting stories that he amassed during his six tours in Afghanistan as an advisor with the Afghan National Security Forces. Mr. Tyler also discussed his work as the Georgia State Director for Concerned Veterans for America. At February’s meeting, we were able to congratulate CDR Todd Figanbaum, CO of the USS Alaska (Blue Crew), for earning the Battle “E” award. Thankfully, CDR Figanbaum brought along his Wikipedia notes to answer all of our questions regarding the USS Alaska so he didn’t divulge any secret information. For our March meeting, Senior Chief Ron McCready (Surfman #344), Officer in Charge of USCG Station Tybee, discussed the history & tradition and also his personal experience as an elite U.S. Coast Guard “Surfman.” This small community, comprised of highly trained coxswains, is trained to navigate their vessels into breaking waves to conduct dangerous search and rescue operations. Our April, our guest speaker will be Captain Paul Young, January February Commodore of LCS Squadron Two, based in Mayport, Florida. On tap for May, CDR John Rivers has granted us special access for a tour of the USCG Air Station Savannah on HAAF. We’re going to start things early (4:30) for our May meeting so that everyone will have a chance to walk around, see the aircraft, and ask any questions. The details will be emailed and also posted on the website when time gets closer. And, as always, please RSVP to help with planning our events. New CO for Savannah State NROTC Captain Todd Lacey joined the Savannah State University NROTC unit in March, 2015 as Commanding Officer. He is a 1993 graduate of the University of South Carolina NROTC Program. After receiving his Naval Flight Officer designation, he completed many assignments including VPU1 Commanding Officer conducting surveillance patrols in Afghanistan and East Africa. CAPT Lacey, upon graduation from the Naval War College, was accepted there as Military Professor of Strategy and Policy. His personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Meritorious Service Medals, three Air Medals, three Navy Commendation Medals, the Joint Service Achievement Medal and four Navy Achievement Medals. He looks forward to preparing young men and women for the Naval and Marine Corps Service. USCG Awards AET1 Kevin Washko – USCG Air Station Savannah Sailor of the Quarter MST2 Amanda Dixon, MSU Savannah’s Sailor of the Year for 2014. AMT3 Jeffrey Maher – USCG Air Station Savannah Sailor of the Year 2014 NOT PICTURED YN1 Medrick Dorson – USCGR Marine Safety Unit Savannah Sailor of the Year 2014 YN1 Justin Goodrum – USCG Marine Safety Unit Savannah Sailor of the Quarter Sailor of the Quarter, FN Caitlin Tompkins – USCG Station Tybee Savannah Steamer - 2nd Quarter 2015 / 7 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Savannah Navy League PO Box 16918 Savannah, GA 31416 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Savannah, GA Permit #213 Official Document: Savannah Council of the Navy League of the United States 2015 Officers & Directors President...........................................Pat Yovich 1st Vice President............................ Joe Tillman 2nd Vice President........................ O. C. Fowler Vice President.................................Jeff Zureick VP Legislative Affairs..........................Ed Lavish Judge Advocate................................... Ed Robb Treasurer......................................... Cliff Angers Secretary.....................................Larry Sprague Past President................................Tom Latham Directors: Bruce Ellis, Craig Maggioni, Chuck Towles, Bob Tully, Mick McCay Mark Gibbs, Alan Yovich, Hugh Robinson, Francesca Bedell, Gary Johnson Upcoming Events April 21 April 23 April 28 May 5 May 6 May 11 May 19 May 22 June 2 June 16 5:30 PM Monthly Dinner Meeting Carey Hilliard 11111 Abercorn St 11:00 AM SSU NROTC Spring Review SSU Stadium 7:00 PM Jenkins High School NJROTC Awards Carey Hilliard 5:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting USCG Air Station TBD South Effingham HS NJROTC Awards S Effingham HS 10:00 AM Johnson HS NJROTC Awards Johnson HS Auditorium 4:30 PM Monthly Dinner Meeting & Tour USCG Air Station HAAF 9:00 AM USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58) Decomissioning Mayport Naval Station 5:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting USCG Air Station 5:30 PM Monthly Dinner Meeting Carey Hilliard 11111 Abercorn St Look on Page 2 for Details on Our ! E L A S BIG Savannah Steamer Newsletter Editor Bob Gephart Layout Mick McCay Photographer Lynn Wright The Navy League of the United States Is a civilian organization dedicated to informing the American people that the United States of America is a maritime nation and that its national defense and economic well-being are dependent upon strong sea services-United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Coast Guard, and United States Merchant Marine. The full-color printed edition of the Savannah Steamer is published quarterly .Additional news to the members is posted via emails and updates to the Savannah Council’s website and FaceBook page. The Savannah Council of the Navy League is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible. On Select Navy League Logo Items Support Our Navy League Community Affiliates . . . Crescent Towing www.crescenttowing.com Savannah Riverfront www.riverstreetsavannah.com Savannah / Richmand Hill / Pooler
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