Metadata: Northern Savanna Vegetation Fuel Types Spatial Dataset

Metadata: Northern Savanna Vegetation Fuel Types Spatial Dataset (Map)
(Version 1.0.1)
Title: Northern Savanna Vegetation Fuel Types Dataset (version 1.0.1)
This spatial dataset (map) has been developed to cover vegetation fuel types described in the Carbon Credits
(Carbon Farming Initiative—Emissions Abatement through Savanna Fire Management) Methodology Determination
2015 ( Its purpose is to enable hypothetical abatement forecasts
for potential projects under the current and proposed Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) methodologies (as enabled
by the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011). Specifically the map was developed for inclusion in any
minor version of the Savanna Burning Abatement Tool major version two (SavBAT 2.0 onwards). The map describes
the different vegetation fuel types across Australia’s northern savannas in two regions of different average seasonal
This Determination covers the high and low rainfall zones shown on the Savanna Fire Management Rainfall Zone
spatial data layers as published on the Department of the Environment’s (the Department) website.
The seamless dataset (map) is a compilation of six map zones differentiated by State/Territory jurisdiction and
rainfall zone. Queensland vegetation fuel type mapping is a re-classification of Regional Ecosystems (RE) mapping
available from QLD Government. Both Northern Territory zones and the low rainfall zone of Western Australia were
created from Persistent-Green-Vegetation Fraction and Wooded Mask (PG - a Landsat (30 m pixel) derived product
available from Auscover), the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)-derived digital elevation model (DEM) and
supplementary ancillary land resource mapping (Land Systems). In place of the PG layer, the mapping for the high
rainfall zone of WA was created using a vegetation index derived from an Early Dry Season MODIS image from 2012,
in 2012.
In each case, the data were processed using eCognition (Object-Based Image Analysis software) to create vector
polygon segments that represent similar areas of vegetation cover. Layers of elevation, slope, and land systems
(describing geomorphology, soils and substrate) were used for the initial stratification into land types. Resultant
mean polygon attributes of vegetation were used in a supervised method for classification into vegetation fuel type
classes, including ineligible areas. Each zone was separately validated using independent field data made available
by State and Territory government and non-government agencies, including sample site data used in the
development of the CFI emissions abatement methodology. Sites were re-classified with vegetation fuel type
according to the descriptions in the Determination, appropriately re-scaled, and intersected with the mapping to
provide an accuracy assessment for each mapping zone.
vegetation fuel type, Australia’s northern savannas
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Data custodian:
Department of the Environment
Organisation: The Department of the Environment
Position: Methods Development Team, Land Sector Abatement Branch
Phone: 1800 057 590
Address: GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
The dataset and associated map was created by:
 Auricht Projects, South Australia and;
 The Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research (DCBR), Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory
Status of the data:
Version 1.0 Complete 20140630
This version was not distributed but used for testing in SavBAT2. Updated versions will be provided
through SavBAT 2 and/or the Department of the Environment website as the data becomes available.
Version 1.0.1 Complete 20141105
Testing of the vegetation fuel types dataset (version 1.0) within SavBAT 2 prior to the public release of
the tool identified 198.59 Km2 (approximately 0.016 %) of miscoded cells within the total dataset area of
1,182,865.25 Km2. These cells primarily occurred along the boundary between the high and low rainfall
zones and were caused by the fact it wasn’t possible to assign two values to one 250 M pixel. The
miscoded cells were assigned to a unique rainfall zone (i.e. high or low) and recoded using the following
1. clipping master vegetation fuel types shapefile to the two rainfall zones – this creates two
datasets (high and low rainfall)
2. selecting mis-coded cells according to the rainfall zone and recoding them as 0 (ineligible)
3. updating the attributes
4. merging the two datasets to create a new master shapefile
5. recalculating areas for the new shapefile
6. creation of new tif file in SavBAT2 format
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Access and conditions of use:
This dataset has been prepared for use within SavBAT2 for hypothetical abatement forecasting and to
assist in the creation of validated vegetation fuel type maps in accordance with of the Carbon Credits
(Emissions Abatement through Savanna Fire Management) Methodology Determination and the current
approved methodology (available on COMLAW:
This dataset (map) is not certified as meeting the requirements of the methodology determination and
cannot be submitted in an offsets report to the Clean Energy Regulator. The base map is provided to
assist proponents with estimates of abatement potential only. Calibration and validation of the subset of
the map pertaining to the proponent’s project area is required, as stipulated and outlined in the
Determination and the accompanying Explanatory Statement.
Logistical consistency:
Six map zones were defined due to the availability of the base data for classification in each zone, the
primary stratification data source being Land Systems mapping. The map zones represent a pragmatic
and practical solution for handling three jurisdictions and two rainfall zones within which different
datasets provided the best available consistent and comprehensive sources for each map zone.
The map of vegetation fuel types for Australia’s northern savannas comprises six separate map zones,
each with a consistent classification and mapped vegetation fuel types which has been variously assessed
for map accuracy. Each zone was subsequently merged into a final seamless dataset and map.
Data set limitations:
Due to the map scale, the dataset and map accounts for some, but not all, ineligible areas including larger
hydrological features, regularly grazed systems, current extent of exotic plants (weeds) and clearing of
native vegetation.
The dataset and resultant map output have been calibrated under time constraints using available data
and expert knowledge.
Data reference:
Geotiff (*.tif)
Spatial resolution
250m * 250m pixel
Pixel depth
8 bit
Pixel type
unsigned integer
Geographic Coordinate System: GDA94 / Australian Albers (EPSG: 3577)
False Easting
False Northing 0.00
Central meridian 132.0
1st standard parallel -36.0
2nd standard parallel -18.0
Prime Meridian
Angular Unit
Linear Unit
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Geographic coverage
Mapping boundary extent: north savanna fuel type map (6 map zones).
Top -9.141333 dd
Left 121.729660 dd
Right 150.703085 dd
Bottom -22.629595 dd
The map extent for each zone is bounded by state and territory borders and rainfall zone boundaries as
available from DotE
Temporal coverage
NT and low rainfall zone WA created in 2014 using Persistent-Green-Vegetation Fraction and Wooded
Mask – Landsat 2000-2010 median image (Auscover 2013) and Land Systems mapping.
High rainfall zone north WA created in 2012 using NDVI derived from 2011 07 07 MODIS image and Land
Systems mapping.
Qld mapping derived from Regional Ecosystems mapping acquired from Queensland Herbarium, last
updated on 28 February 2014. Downloaded from the internet on 4 June 20141
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Data Quality
Accuracy was assessed on each of the six map zones and each vegetation fuel type in each map zone. The
assessment confirmed that the data will not meet the validation requirements of the current or draft
methodology at an ERF project level.
The accuracy is suitable for preliminary assessments of ERF project potential, noting that abatement
estimates generated using this map may be materially different from those generated using a map
validated in accordance with the methodology. You should seek your own professional, independent
advice about the dataset and any of your entitlements or obligations that relate to any Commonwealth
Data description
Column Header
Data type
GeoTIFF *.tiff
250 metre * 250 metre
LUT value
CFI vegetation fuel type category
High rainfall zone
hOFM (Open Forest with Mixed grasses (Tussock and Hummock))
hWMi (Woodland with Mixed grasses (Tussock and Hummock))
hWHu (Woodland with Hummock grass)
hSHH (Shrubland (Heath) with Hummock grass)
Low rainfall zone
lWHu (Woodland with Hummock grass)
lWMi (Woodland with Mixed grasses (Tussock and Hummock))
lWTu (Woodland with Tussock grass)
lOWM (Open Woodland, with Mixed grasses (Tussock and Hummock))
lSHH (Shrubland (Heath) with Hummock grass)
AusCover (2013). Persistent Green Vegetation Fraction and Wooded Mask - Landsat, Australia coverage,
Landsat 2000-2010 Persistent Green Vegetation Fraction.
Murphy BP, Edwards AC, Meyer CP, Russell-Smith J (Eds) (2015) Carbon accounting and Savanna fire
management. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne
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