PL140435 PL140768 MM140077 MINUTES OF SETTLEMENT WHEREAS Harrington Developments Limited Partnership (“Harrington”) submitted applications (the “OPA, ZBA and SPA”) for amendments to the City of Toronto Official Plan and applicable Zoning By-laws and for site plan approval to permit the redevelopment of 2265-2279 Bloor Street West and 116 and 240 Durie Street with a mid-rise mixed use building on Bloor Street West and a replacement house at 116 Durie Street (the “Development Proposal”). AND WHEREAS Harrington appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (the “Board”) the failure of the Council of the City of Toronto (the “City”) to approve the OPA, ZBA and SPA (the “Appeals”). AND WHEREAS Harrington, the Swansea Area Raypayers Group (“SARG”), the Bloor West Village Residents Association (“BWVRA”) and the City expressed a desire to participate in Board-assisted mediation in an effort to resolve some or all of the issues relating to the Appeals. AND WHEREAS the Parties hereto and the City participated in mediation led by the Board on January 6 and 7, 2015. AND WHEREAS the Development Proposal subject to the Appeals was depicted on the drawings dated December 18, 2014 attached at Tab 4 of Harrington’s Mediation Brief dated December 22, 2014. AND WHEREAS during mediation, Harrington proposed revisions to the Development Proposal to resolve the concerns of SARG, BWVRA and the City (the “Settlement Proposal”). AND WHEREAS Harrington, BWVRA and SARG have agreed upon and accepted the Settlement Proposal subject to the Settlement Proposal being accepted by the City. AND WHEREAS the Board has scheduled a hearing date on April 7, 2015 to hear evidence concerning the Settlement Proposal. NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION of the full and final settlement of the Appeals, if City Council resolves to accept the Settlement Proposal at or before its meeting commencing March 31, 2015, then the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Harrington shall amend the Development Proposal in accordance with the Settlement Proposal as described in Schedule “A” to these Minutes of Settlement and shall revise its draft Zoning By-law Amendments and site plan approval drawings to reflect the Settlement Proposal. 2. The Parties believe that the Settlement Proposal no longer requires an amendment to the Official Plan and with the consent of the City and the Board, Harrington shall withdraw its request for an amendment to the Official Plan on April 7, 2015. 3. SARG and BWVRA will not seek to adjourn the hearing scheduled to commence on April 7, 2015 and will consent to that hearing being converted to a settlement conference and the provision of evidence from Harrington’s witness(es) in support of the Settlement Proposal. 4. SARG and BWVRA shall advise the Ontario Municipal Board of their support for the approval of the Settlement Proposal in accordance with the terms of these Minutes of Settlement on April 7, 2015 and shall not, either directly or indirectly, provide any support or assistance to any other person for the purposes of opposing the Settlement Proposal or delaying the hearing. 5. Upon the issuance of the Board’s final Order approving the revised Zoning Bylaw Amendments, and with all appeal periods having expired, Harrington shall reimburse SARG and BWVRA for the fees and disbursements incurred by their retained professional consultants and solicitors in connection with their participation in these proceedings for work up to and including the execution of these Minutes of Settlement, to a maximum total cost of $40,000.00. Invoices for such fees and disbursements shall be provided to Harrington prior to reimbursement. 6. Subject to paragraph 5 above, the Parties will each bear their own costs of these proceedings. 7. Harrington agrees to enter into a Section 37 Agreement with the City in order to secure the following conditions of approval of the Settlement Proposal: a) Prior to commencement of construction, Harrington will implement a construction monitoring and mitigation plan, including pre and post construction surveys for 114 Durie Street, 2 and 4 Ostend Avenue and 2281 Bloor Street West, (the “Neighbouring Properties”) the details of which shall be secured through the Section 37 Agreement. b) Harrington agrees to obtain and maintain insurance coverage for public liability and property damage, including sudden and accidental pollution. This policy must be in force from the start of any works at the project site and it must remain in place until the project is completed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with sound engineering practice, and in accordance with any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations and requirements of the City of Toronto and all government authorities having jurisdiction. Harrington must provide certificates of insurance to the named insured, being the owners from time to time of the Neighbouring Properties, 10 days before the start of construction. Harrington must further provide the named insured with any renewals of the policy or such other certificates in the event of changes to the insurance provider. c) Prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit for the mixed-use building, Harrington shall make a contribution of $5,000.00 to Bird Studies Canada for the purpose of a study of chimney swift habitat replacement. d) The redevelopment of the lands shall include the full replacement of the existing 19 rental dwelling units and a Tenant Relocation and Assistance Plan, including the right of tenants to return to the new rental units in accordance with the Official Plan, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. 8. Harrington agrees to ask the Board to hold its final Order approving the Zoning By-law Amendments until Agreement(s) pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act and Section 37 of the Planning Act are executed and registered on title and until the site plan conditions of approval have been approved by the City and/or the Board. 9. Harrington shall revise the site plan application drawings in accordance with the Settlement Proposal and these Minutes of Settlement. Concurrent with their submission to the City, Harrington shall provide a copy of the revised site plan application drawings to BWVRA and SARG for their review and comment. 10. The Parties agree that based on the foregoing, the Appeals are resolved as between them, pending a decision by the Board. 11. These Minutes of Settlement may be executed in counterparts, all of which when taken together, shall be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. 12. The Parties agree that these Minutes of Settlement may be filed with the Board and entered as an Exhibit and shall represent the positions taken by the Parties at the hearing. 13. These Minutes shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. Dated this day of March, 2015. Hi/rington Developments Limited Partnership by its solicitopAird & Berlis LLP Swansea Area Ratepayers Group by its solicitor Bloor West Village Residents Association by its solicitor SCHEDULE “A” 1. The Settlement Proposal consists of the Development Proposal with the following revisions: (a) The mechanical penthouse and the 8th storey of the mid-rise building shall be removed, reducing the building height from 27 m measured to the top of the 8th storey and 30 m measured to the top of the mechanical penthouse to a total height of 25 m measured to the top of the 7th storey. (b) Projections above the 25 m height limit shall be restricted to a maximum height of 1.2 m and shall be identified in the Zoning By-law amendment (“ZBL”). (c) The ZBL shall restrict the permitted building height to 25 m, excluding permitted projections, and 7 storeys excluding the mezzanine located between the 1st and 2nd storeys, and the ZBL shall include a definition of “storey” which shall exclude a mezzanine located between the 1st and 2nd storeys. (d) The rear (south) wall of the first storey of the portion of the mid-rise building located east of the loading space shall be shifted south by up to 1.85 m, and a terrace shall be located above the 1.85 m projection of the 1st storey, all as depicted on the Ground Floor Plan and Section A attached to these Minutes of Settlement. (e) The 7.5 m wide driveway leading to the loading space and parking ramp shall be reduced in width to 4.8 m east of the loading space, and the parking ramp shall be relocated to take access directly from Durie Street, all as shown on the Ground Floor Plan attached to these Minutes of Settlement. The relocated driveway ramp shall have a minimum width of 6.0 m. (f) The south walls on the 5th and 6th storeys shall be shifted to the south by up to an additional 1.488 m and 2.245 m respectively and the terraces adjacent to those walls shall have maximum depths of 2.25 m, all as shown on Section A, Section B and Section C attached to these Minutes of Settlement. (g) The south, east and west walls on the 7th storey shall be revised as shown on the Floor 07 Plan attached to these Minutes of Settlement and a terrace shall be permitted to the south of the relocated south wall having a maximum depth of 3.238 m. (h) The mid-rise building shall contain a minimum of 1.0 m² of indoor residential amenity space for each dwelling unit which is located in the mid-rise building, which space may include lounge space and guest suite(s). No outdoor residential amenity space shall be required for the mid-rise building. (i) The transformer shall be shifted north, to be located adjacent to the south west corner of the mid-rise building as shown on the Ground Floor Plan attached to these Minutes of Settlement. (j) The south and north side facades shall be constructed substantially in accordance with the style and materials indicated on the South Elevation drawing A3.3, the North Elevation drawing A3.1, the West Elevation drawing A3.4 and the East Elevation drawing A3.2 attached to these Minutes of Settlement. (k) The replacement house at 116 Durie Street will be reduced in width and extended in length and shall have a minimum north setback of 0.6 m, a minimum south setback of 0.9 m and a minimum rear setback of 7.5 m. (l) There shall be no indoor or outdoor residential amenity space provided at 116 Durie Street to serve the mid-rise building. (m) There shall be a maximum of 4 dwelling units in the replacement house at 116 Durie Street. (n) There shall be no underground parking provided below 116 Durie Street. Attachments: Ground Floor Plan 7th Floor Plan Sections A, B and C North and South Elevations East and West Elevation 21274723.7 W TACT A ST 4 8,400 2 8,400 8,400 1 4,200 Revision: No. Date 11 1. 59 TC NEW BICYCLE STAND 11 1. 75 11 1. 74 NEW BICYCLE STAND TC 11 1. 75 TC TC NEW BICYCLE STAND TC TC TC NEW BICYCLE STAND 11 1. 70 11 1. 70 11 1. 67 11 1. 65 TC 8,400 3 11 1. 68 5 TC 6 11 1. 68 B C BL OOR TC RELOCATED PLANTER 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2014.12.09 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission OMB Hearing 04 2015.01.14 FOR CITY REVIEW 05 2015.01.23 Revised for Settlement 06 2015.01.27 Notation added for Settlement 07 2015.03.19 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 08 11 1. 63 11 1. 78 TC 111.850 (AVG GRADE) 11 1. 85 2,007 11 1. 87 11 1. 85 11 1. 85 11 1. 83 41,297 39,280 300 4,942 09 11 1. 58 111.900 TC 111.900 A 1,507 11 1. 82 4,233 1,808 111.900 1,500 292 A RETAIL/OFFICE 290.5 m2 11 1. 77 6,700 7,400 AMENITY LOUNGE 21.7 m2 NEW BICYCLE STAND MAIL RM RETAIL/OFFICE 23,649 B TC 1,800 11 1. 47 245.1 m2 CACF Lobby CUSTODIAL D 18,749 D 67.9 m2 C STAGING PAD PROPOSED SIAMESE CONNECTION LOCATION ON-SITE STAFF MEMBER AVAILABLE TO MANOEUVRE BINS AND AS FLAGMAN FOR COLLECTION DRIVER WHEN TRUCK IS REVERSING MOVING 6,000 EXHAUST GRATE TO BE DESIGNED TO STRUCTURALLY SUPPORT WEIGHT OF TRUCKS 3,269 21,923 SHORT-TERM (VISITOR) RES. BICYCLE PARKING 5 SPACES 11 1. 1 11 7 1. 08 600 2,538 EX 600 18,005 11 1. 37 111.300 7,500 TC 4,800 111.300 13,214 STOP SIGN FOR SERVICE LANE 5,788 STUDIO (R) 45.0 m2 240 DURIE 306 - 43.9 INTAKE GRATE TO BE DESIGNED TO STRUCTURALLY TO SUPPORT WEIGHT OF TRUCKS BOTTOM CANOPY OF TREE TO BE 2.5M MIN 111.4 6,122 RENTAL REPLACEMENT INTAKE RENTAL REPLACEMENT STUDIO (R) 40.6 m2 2273 BLOOR 201 - 39.6 5,650 1,180 STOP SIGN AND WARNING BEACON AND SIGNAGE INSTALLED TO WARN OUTBOUND MOTORISTS OF SERVICE VEHICLES DY Dz 5,650 SHORT-TERM (VISITOR) RES. BICYCLE PARKING 4 SPACES 4,000 2,585 OPENING IN WALL TO BE MAINTAINED FOR VISIBILITY BETWEEN OUTBOUND MOTORISTS AND SERVICE VEHICLES TACT Architecture Inc. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln job title E 2265-2279 Bloor St W NEW BICYCLE STAND EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership sheet title GROUND FLOOR drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG LINE OF DEMOLISHED HOUSE PJ issue date 900 2B (R) 7.7 m2 11,331 1,090 EXHAUST Dx 11 1. 25 650 GAS METER 850 A: 22.0 m2 1,000 DURIE 3,000 D 3,099 11,174 111.300 5% DOWN 1,050 PAD MT TRANSFORMER 1,500 10% DOWN 11 1. 17 3,000 1,800 15% DOWN 111.300 1,000 ST TC 38,974 TYPE 'G' LOADING SPACE 4.0 X 13M X 6.1 HIGH MAX 2% SLOPE UP WARNING BEACON AND SIGNAGE INSTALLED TO WARN PEDESTRIANS OF OUTBOUND TRAFFIC D1 TC D1 UP 6,000 TYPE 'G' LOADING SPACE IS LEVEL (+-2%) AND IS CONSTRUCTED OF 8 INCHES REINFORCED CONCRETE. BINS TO BE LABELLED AS COMMERCIAL WASTE .F H TYPE G + B LOADING SPACE A: 29.2 m2 COMMERCIAL WASTE ROOM 13,000 35,180 A: 98.2 m2 10,400 11 1. 38 11 11 1. 1 68 .80 LOADING 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100 job number 1303 MINIMUM T.P.Z. 27,913 A2.6 B C A TACT 6 5 1,390 8,400 4 8,400 2 8,400 1,500 1,500 3 1 8,400 4,200 33,490 2,400 10,057 2,245 Revision: No. Date 5,891 6,155 2,178 2,471 1,695 6,653 4,160 1,366 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2014.12.09 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission OMB Hearing 04 2015.01.23 Revised for Settlement 05 2015.02.02 Revised for Settlement 06 2015.03.19 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 07 08 3,000 1,500 09 1,500 1,500 A 13,112 7,400 2B PH 47.7 m2 2B PH 58.1 m2 D 11,625 UP 2B PH 33.2 m2 B 1,800 2B PH 69.2 m2 D 2B PH 58.4 m2 2B PH 46.0 m2 1,500 A C UP MECH PENTHOUSE 10,400 1,000 1,000 2,238 2,238 1,000 84.3 m2 D1 D1 3,099 D Dx DY Dz TACT Architecture Inc. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. 5,650 Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln job title E 2265-2279 Bloor St W client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership sheet title FLOOR 07 drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100 job number 1303 A2.13 TACT Revision: No. Date 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2015.03.19 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission Issued for Minutes of Settlement +25.000 ROOF SLAB 05 PROPERTY LINE AT STREET PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 04 06 07 08 09 25.0m HEIGHT +21.000 FLOOR 07 +18.000 FLOOR 06 +15.000 FLOOR 05 CLEAR GLASS GUARD WITH ALUMINUM RAILING WINDOW WALL GLAZING +12.000 FLOOR 04 +9.000 FLOOR 03 GLASS GUARD WITH HORIZONTAL FRIT PATTERN PRECAST CONCRETE +6.000 FLOOR 02 +3.000 MEZZANINE SPANDREL GLASS STOREFRONT GLAZING / BIRD FRIENDLY GLASS MASONRY TACT Architecture Inc. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln ±0.000 GF AVERAGE GRADE 111.850 job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W -2.450 P1 client -5.100 P2 Harrington Developments Limited Partnership sheet title NORTH ELEVATION drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100, 1' = 1'-0" job number 1303 A3.1 TACT Revision: No. Date 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2015.03.23 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 03 04 06 PROPERTY LINE AT STREET PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 'R' ZONE PROPERTY LINE AT 'R' ZONE PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 05 07 08 09 25.0m HEIGHT +25.000 ROOF SLAB +21.000 FLOOR 07 PRECAST CONCRETE +18.000 FLOOR 06 R S T +12.000 FLOOR 04 R WINDOW WALL GLAZING E E T +15.000 FLOOR 05 O +9.000 FLOOR 03 L O TACT Architecture Inc. B +6.000 FLOOR 02 STOREFRONT GLAZING / BIRD FRIENDLY GLASS 114 DURIE ST. +3.000 MEZZANINE 5.650 MASONRY ±0.000 GF 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Monday, 23 March, 2015. file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W -2.450 P1 client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership -5.100 P2 sheet title EAST ELEVATION drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG -7.750 P3 PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100, 1' = 1'-0" job number 1303 A3.2 TACT Revision: No. Date 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2015.03.19 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission Issued for Minutes of Settlement 04 05 06 07 08 PROPERTY LINE SITE BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE SITE BOUNDARY 09 25.0m HEIGHT +25.000 ROOF SLAB +21.000 FLOOR 07 +18.000 FLOOR 06 WINDOW WALL GLAZING +15.000 FLOOR 05 PRECAST CONCRETE +12.000 FLOOR 04 TACT Architecture Inc. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 CLEAR GLASS GUARD WITH ALUMINUM RAILING +9.000 FLOOR 03 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. +6.000 FLOOR 02 Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. DURIE STREET file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln +3.000 MEZZANINE job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W ±0.000 GF 111.850 111.300 client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership -2.450 P1 sheet title SOUTH ELEVATION drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG -5.100 P2 PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100, 1' = 1'-0" job number 1303 A3.3 TACT Revision: No. Date 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2015.03.19 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission Issued for Minutes of Settlement 04 05 06 07 08 +25.000 ROOF SLAB PROPERTY LINE SITE BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 09 25.0m HEIGHT WINDOW WALL GLAZING +21.000 FLOOR 07 CLEAR GLASS GUARD WITH ALUMINUM RAILING +18.000 FLOOR 06 +15.000 FLOOR 05 PRECAST CONCRETE TACT Architecture Inc. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 +12.000 FLOOR 04 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. +9.000 FLOOR 03 Print date: Friday, 20 March, 2015. +6.000 FLOOR 02 file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln MASONRY 114 DURIE ST. job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W +3.000 MEZZANINE client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership ±0.000 GF AVERAGE GRADE 111.850 sheet title WEST ELEVATION drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG -2.450 P1 PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale -5.100 P2 1:100 job number 1303 A3.4 TACT Revision: No. Date UP PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 'R' ZONE Key Plan | 1:1000 PROPERTY LINE AT 'R' ZONE PROPERTY LINE AT STREET UP 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2014.12.09 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission OMB Hearing 04 2015.01.23 Revised for Settlement 05 2015.02.02 Revised for Settlement 06 2015.02.04 Revised for Settlement 07 2015.02.05 Revised for Settlement 08 2015.03.19 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 09 25.0m HEIGHT +25.000 ROOF SLAB 1.850 2.250 2.250 2.238 1.000 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 21.6m (80% R.O.W) +21.000 FLOOR 07 0.380 AREA ADDED RESIDENTIAL +18.000 FLOOR 06 2.245 RESIDENTIAL +15.000 FLOOR 05 1.488 EXISTING 3 STOREY BUILDING AT 2265 BLOOR +12.000 FLOOR 04 RESIDENTIAL 10.5m from AVERAGE GRADE 122.300 RESIDENTIAL 0.600 0.900 7.500 RENTAL REPLACEMENT 116 Durie +6.000 FLOOR 02 114 DURIE ST. RETAIL / OFFICE MEZZ. +3.000 MEZZANINE AVERAGE GRADE 111.850 ±0.000 GF RETAIL / OFFICE RAMP 112.000 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 BLOOR ST W 7.500 TACT Architecture Inc. 27.0m R.O.W. +9.000 FLOOR 03 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln 111.900 111.300 job title PARKING -2.450 P1 2265-2279 Bloor St W client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership 107.247 -5.100 P2 [ note: SECTION IS NOT CUT THROUGH DRIVE AISLE ] PARKING 104.944 sheet title SECTION A drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG PJ PARKING -7.750 P3 issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 102.640 scale PARKING -10.400 P4 1:100, 1:1000 job number 1303 99.774 -13.050 P5 A4.1 TACT Revision: No. Date UP Key Plan | 1:1000 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2014.12.09 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission OMB Hearing 04 2015.01.23 Revised for Settlement 05 2015.02.02 Revised for Settlement 06 2015.02.04 Revised for Settlement 07 2015.03.19 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 08 PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE AT STREET PROPERTY LINE AT 'R' ZONE UP 01 green roof 25.0m HEIGHT +25.000 ROOF SLAB 2.250 2.250 2.238 1.000 RESIDENTIAL +21.000 FLOOR 07 09 21.6m (80% R.O.W) 2.000 AREA ADDED RESIDENTIAL +18.000 FLOOR 06 2.245 RESIDENTIAL +15.000 FLOOR 05 1.488 RESIDENTIAL +12.000 FLOOR 04 10.5m 122.300 RESIDENTIAL +9.000 FLOOR 03 TACT Architecture Inc. RENTAL REPLACEMENT BLOOR ST W +6.000 FLOOR 02 RETAIL / OFFICE MEZZ. 7.500 +3.000 MEZZANINE Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. 111.300 0.400 +/- 111.500 file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln 2.300 RETAIL / OFFICE AVERAGE GRADE 111.850 ±0.000 GF 27.0m R.O.W. 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 111.900 -13.050 P5 0.200 101.791 -10.400 P4 0.200 2.125 0.200 104.094 PARKING 2.103 0.200 PARKING 2.103 -7.750 P3 0.200 106.095 0.200 0.200 PARKING 2.103 -5.100 P2 2.343 108.420 2.103 2.100 -2.450 P1 PARKING 0.980 job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership sheet title SECTION B drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG PJ issue date 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100, 1:1000 job number 1303 A4.2 TACT PROPERTY LINE AT STREET UP Key Plan | 1:1000 PROPERTY LINE AT 'R' ZONE UP PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE AT STREET 'R' ZONE Revision: No. Date green roof +25.000 ROOF SLAB 2.250 2.250 01 2013.11.27 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. 02 2014.10.02 03 2014.12.09 O. P. A. / Z. B. A. resub SPA submission OMB Hearing 04 2015.01.23 Revised for Settlement 05 2015.02.02 Revised for Settlement 06 2015.02.04 Revised for Settlement 07 2015.03.19 Issued for Minutes of Settlement 08 09 25.0m HEIGHT 2.238 MECHANICAL RESIDENTIAL 21.6m (80% R.O.W) +21.000 FLOOR 07 3.000 RESIDENTIAL +18.000 FLOOR 06 2.245 RESIDENTIAL +15.000 FLOOR 05 +12.000 FLOOR 04 1.488 EXISTING 3 STORY BUILDING AT 2271 BLOOR RESIDENTIAL 10.5m from AVERAGE GRADE 122.300 RESIDENTIAL +9.000 FLOOR 03 RENTAL REPLACEMENT 7.500 RETAIL / OFFICE MEZZ. +3.000 MEZZANINE AVERAGE GRADE 111.850 27.0m R.O.W. TACT Architecture Inc. BLOOR ST W +6.000 FLOOR 02 660R College Street [rear lane] Toronto Ontario M6G 1B8 416-516-1949 Note: This drawing and all copyright therein are the sole and exclusive property of TACT Architecture Inc. Reproduction or use of this drawing in whole or in part by any means or in any way whatsoever without the prior written consent of TACT Architecture is strictly prohibited. Do not scale this drawing. Print date: Thursday, 19 March, 2015. 111.900 111.300 111.300 PARKING 2.530 ±0.000 GF -2.450 P1 file: 1303 Bloor v11.18 OPTION A.pln job title 2265-2279 Bloor St W 108.470 PARKING -5.100 P2 client Harrington Developments Limited Partnership [ note: SECTION IS NOT CUT THROUGH DRIVE AISLE ] -7.750 P3 sheet title SECTION C PARKING drawn by checked by TT, RM,BG PJ PARKING issue date STORAGE -10.400 P4 18 NOVEMBER 2013 scale 1:100, 1:1000 job number -13.050 P5 1303 A4.3
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