RCM-Africa Business plans of Clusters/Sub Clusters 2010-2012 RCM-Africa Business plans of Clusters/ Sub Clusters 2010-2012 Table of Contents 1. Social and Human Development Cluster .................................................... 2 2. Sub-Cluster on Health, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and other diseases............. 18 3. Sub-cluster on Gender and Development.................................................. 35 4. Sub-Cluster Education and Human Resources Business .......................... 39 5. Governance Cluster.................................................................................. 55 6. Agriculture ,Food Security and Rural Development Cluster ...................... 88 7. Advocacy and Communication Cluster ..................................................... 91 8. Industry Trade and Market Access.......................................................... 97 About this booklet 1. This Booklet contains a business plans for the period of 2011 to 2012: Governance; Social and Human Development (under which Health, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases; Education and Human Resources; Labour and Employment; Sport and Culture sub-clusters are included); Environment, Population and Urbanisation; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Industry, Trade and Market Access; Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development; Advocacy and Communication. 2. in devloping the bussnies plan clusters took into consideration the capacity building initiatives and priorities of the RECs to enhance and strengthen the implementation of cluster priorities at the sub-regional and country levels The booklet is based on Cluster and sub –Cluster contribution. The joint AU-UN RCM-Africa Secretariat would like to thank the Clusters/Sub-clusters for their continuous collaboration in the preparation of this Booklet. The Secretariat also welcomes any inputs, comments and suggestions to improve the booklet in its future updates. Kindly send your contributions to Mr. Kwabia Boateng at kboateng@uneca.org. 1.1.1 Renewed commitment towards achieving Universal Access 1.2.1 African Regional Trade Union Leaders are trained on accelerating universal access in work place 1.2.2. Health 1.1 Achieve Universal Access to prevention, treatment, care and support interventions and services on the continent 1.2 Acceleration towards universal access in the workplace and reduction in occupational exposure to HIV a. Preponderant majority of the Trade Union Leaders have undergone the ongoing training. a. Endorsement of African common position on HIV for the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting 2 ii. Jointly support the development of the African common position Support the Trade Union federations to empower them to facilitate the acceleration of universal access by jointly preparing and i. Jointly support the session on Continental Consultation on Universal Access during the 5th Conference of African Ministers of Health (CAMH5)in Namibia in April 2011 Key Joint Activities Collaborating Agencies Time frame Resources ILO RECs WHO AUC-DSA WHO UNAIDS UNICEF Jan 2011Dec 2013 April 2011Dec 2012 Priority 1 Facilitate acceleration towards universal access(prevention, treatment and care) for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria Indicators Health, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and other diseases Expected Output Objective Thematic Focus SOCIAL AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER 2011-2012 BUSINESS PLAN workers are trained on the three major disease challenges 1.3.1. Identifying best practices and lessons learned for dissemination through the report on the status of eight selected Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa (CHGA) recommendations in 20 countries and tuberculosis 1.3. Accelerated implementation of HIV/AIDS commitments 3 b. At least 1,000 facilitating trainings. health care Jointly build the workers have capacities of major been trained Universities in Egypt, Ethiopia, Zambia and Zimbabwe in terms of accelerating universal access regarding HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria by providing the requisite technical competence in view of the critical shortage of health care personnel in the region. a. i. Joint execution of UNECA-ACGSD Questionnaires the follow up on the UNAIDS on the status of implementation of AUC-DSA the CHGA report implementation recommendations of the recommendatio ii. Joint support for ns are the implementation of completed from the HIV/AIDS 20 African commitments and countries and CHGA report is recommendations produced and disseminated . Jan-Dec 2011 1.5.1. Technical support provided to the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality (CARMMA) week in November 1.5. Reduced transmission of HIV from Mother to Child a. Preventing Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) is included and mainstreamed into CARMMA a. Number of participants who find the workshop relevant to their country’s activities on HIV/AIDS Joint advocacy and support for the activities related to the inclusion of Newborn and Child health, and including PMTCT in CARMMA AUC-DSA UNICEF UNAIDS WHO UNECA-ACGSD Join preparation of training workshop UNAIDS AUC-DSA of HIV/AIDS accountability indices for policy makers Jan 2011– Dec 2012 Sept 2011 1.6 Enhanced capacity of the RECs health initiatives 1.6.1 A needs a. Needs assessment report assessment for capacity for the conducted RECs with recommendations 4 Assessment of the AUC-DSA RECs health RECs initiatives, their UNAIDS policies and their capacity needs (Additional activities and outputs to be determined following needs assesment) Sept 2011– Dec 2012 Priority 2- Strengthening the capacity of M&E within the AUC; and building the RECs HR capacity 1.4.1. At least 15 Policy makers are trained on accountability indices for monitoring commitments on HIV/AIDS in Africa 1.4. Increased capacity of Member States to adequately monitor their progress on meeting commitments on HIV/AIDS 1.7.1 A workshop to validate the Africa Info indicators and train AUC staff on the use of AfricaInfo database application user 1.7.2 Capacity development training on the use of AfricaInfo data and indicators b .One training of trainers conducted And about 8ToTs trained a. 10 staff from the AUC validate AfricaInfo indicators and are trained on the use of the database application Jointly organize raining of Trainers for the use of Africa Info within the AUC DSA 5 Priority 3 – Support implementation of the African Regional Nutritional Strategy 1.7 Enhanced capacity of the AUC-DSA staff in data usage and management AUC DSA UNICEF UNECA/ACS July– Dec 2011 2. Gender and Development 1.8.1 National and regional Cost of Hunger analyses and reports 1.8.2 National and regional communication and outreach initiatives 1.8.3 Convened meetings of the African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development (ATFFND) a. Progress reports b. Finalized national reports c. Reports of workshops, seminars, and conferences d. Minutes of ATFFND meetings Support the African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development (ATFFND) Undertake the cost AUC-DSA WFP of hunger study UNECA/FSSD UNICEF Follow up on implementation of the outcome of the cost of hunger study Jan – Dec 2011 Jan – Dec 2012 Jan – Dec 2011 6 Priority 1-Support capacities within the AUC- HRST and WGDD to mainstream gender in AU Summit and Pre-summit activities around youth empowerment and sustainable development 1.8 Increased awareness on the nature, magnitude, and implications of nutrition problems in Africa and better resource mobilization 2.1.1. Gender is mainstreamed in the pre summit and summit activities on the theme “Accelerate Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development in Africa” Outcome document of the special debate addresses gender issues in youth development Pre summit events focus on gender equality and provides space for young women contribution Support the participation of young women in pre summit events and the July summit Provide technical assistance to Department of HRST to mainstream gender equality relevant to youth and sustainable development in the preparations for an outcome of the July 2011 Summit. 7 Priority 2- Support gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the ACDEG 2.1. Enhanced capacity of the AUC HRST and WGDD to mainstream Gender equality and women empowerment issues in AU Summit and Presummit activities ILO UN Women, AUC-WGDD UNECA.ACGSD UNHCR July 2011 June July 2011 2.2.1 Gender is mainstreamed in the advocacy and implementation strategy for the ACDGE. A gender analysis of the charter is available for use by the AU and its partners i. Undertake a gender analysis of the ACDEG and the implementation action plans developed at regional, sub-regional and national levels. ILO, UN Women, AUC-WGDD UNECA ACGSD Septem ber 2011 8 Priority 3- Support the capacity to mainstream gender within the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security Cluster 2.2. The mainstreaming of gender in the advocacy and implementation strategy of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) is supported 2.4.1. The AU Decade for African women is implemented and supported at country level 2.4. The implementation of the African Women’s Decade at country level is supported a. A gender audit of the Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster is available· Conduct a gender audit of the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster UNWomen UNECA ACGSD AUC - WGDD ILO Septemb er 2011 Septemb er 2011 a.Strategy for UN system support for the AU Women’s Decade activity on maternal health developed and implemented 9 Provide technical assistance for the AUC WGDD to develop and disseminate a monitoring framework for each of the 10 thematic areas of the Decade. Advocate for enhanced UN system partnership with national women/gender machineries to support the UNWomen AUC-WGDD UNAIDS UNECA/ACGSD Februar yOctober 2011 SeptDecemb er 2011 Organize a retreat RCM to train RCM secretariat and Secretariat and select the Peace and members of the Peace Security Cluster and Security Cluster. trained on gender mainstreming Priority 4- Support AU WGDD capacity to roll out the Decade activities on maternal Health in AU member states 2.3.1. Improved awareness of the relevance of gender equality analysis and standards in the work of the Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster 2.3. Enhanced capacity of the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security Clusters to mainstream gender equality and women empowerment in their work plans and activities implementation of the Decade in the different countries Provide technical assistance / financial assistance to the AUC WGDD to convene a meeting of all conveners of UN gender Theme corps to brief them on the Decade and agree on a framework of engagement and Support for the decade at the country level 2.5 The roll out of the Africa UNiTE Campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls at regional, subregional and national levels is supported 2.5.1 Enhanced visibility of the Africa-UNiTE Campaign to end violence against women and girls a. At least 50 regional actors (AU, UN system , development partners, regional networks) support the climb Kilimanjaro 10 Mobilize regional actors incl. - AU and UN Liaison Offices; Africa business forums and other regional stakeholder; the Inter-religious Council; etc as part of the run-up to the Mt. Kilimanjaro climb UNHCR ILO UNECAACGSD UNWomen UNFPA AUC-WGDD Priority 5 – The Roll out of the Africa UNiTE campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls July & October 2011 JuneDecemb er 2011 Septemb er 2011 3.Social Welfare, Protection and Human Trafficking Support the convening of the two meeting of the Regional Steering Committee Convene a meeting of CEOs of the RECs to promote their leadership at the sub regional level. JanuaryDecemb er 2011 Novemb er 2011 3.1. A comprehensive approach to address the phenomenon of Human trafficking in the different parts of Africa is developed at the sub-regional, national and regional level. 3.1.1. The four ‘P’s of Human trafficking i.e. prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership are promoted among member states and RECs. Number of regional and national initiatives on Human trafficking 11 iii.Sensitization workshop with African Parliamentarian (PAP) i.Awareness raising workshop on Human Trafficking with IGAD, EAC and their member states ii.Joint support to the launch of the AU.COMMIT campaign with the SADC region AUC- DSA IOM- Lead ILO UNHCR UNODC 20112012 Contribute towards a stronger Secretariat for the Campaign. Priority 1 – Operationalize the “AU Commission Initiative against Trafficking” campaign (AU.COMMIT) advocacy initiative b. AU and RECs implement the initiatives in support of the Africa UNiTE Campaign. 4. Labour and Employment 12 Priority 1- Promote strategies for employment creation and enhance sustainable livelihoods for poverty alleviation and mitigation against financial, economic and job crises. 2010 AUC – HRST i. Map out various a. Information 4.1. Employment of 4.1.1. 2012 ILO scattered efforts of on youth young women and Comprehensive UNFPA employment in youth employment men supported and report on youth UNECA with the view to Africa readily promoted employment ACGSD consolidating, available efforts in Africa UNESCO making more Resource including good UNWOMEN effective and mobilization practice and rationalizing support UNHCR lessons learnt and better 2012 in this area, including rationalized proposed way for young women and forward men in forced displacement situations, such as a. An active refugees, IDPs and network is 4.1.2. AU/UN 2012 established and returnees. Youth ii.Formulation of functioning Employment Comprehensive Network for b.Harmonizatio Youth Employment Africa Programme for n of cross Africa -consolidating border continental YE migration and ILO efforts such as Plan procedures in of Action 2009-2018 AUC the Agenda of RECs statutory on Y; African Youth UNWOMEN UNHCR Volunteer meetings 4.1.3. Regional UNECA-ACGSD Programme; Platform for Continental Youth Women Fund Programme Entrepreneurs iii. Engage RECs in the promotion of a. Regional Women’s Observatories Entrepreneurs Development and harmonization of cross-border migration laws and procedures, including data collection, analysis and dissemination on enterprise activities in the RECs 13 Priority 2: Improve and strengthen the existing social protection schemes and extend them to excluded workers and their families AUC-DSA October 4.2. Social 4.2.1.Consensus/c a. Outcome of i. Organize a ILO 2010Protection is ommitment on conference on the the conference WHO 2012 extended to the Social Protection – Social Development of a informal and rural Social Protection UNECA-ACGSD Floor for Africa Protection for UNDP workers and Floor for Africa 4.2.2 Continental Africa is members of their Campaign ii. Develop a RECs elaborated and families Strategy on continental campaign UNHCR disseminated. extension of social b. Social strategy on social protection for protection to the protection is informal economy part of national informal economy and rural workers. and rural workers development iii. Support the policy frameworks for development and implementation of the poverty alleviation and Social Protection Plan for Informal mitigation of Economy and Rural the financial and economic Workers for data collection, analysis and dissemination set up and functional 5. Education and Human Resources (SPIREWORK) iv. Elaboration and implementation of a Social Protection plan for the informal economy, rural workers including populations affected by forced displacement, such as refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs), and returnees. 5.1.2 A database and network matching volunteers with the specific skills needs of the AU Member States is developed. Utilization of the operational database mechanism and network Number of partners effectively involved in the implementation of the AUYVC. Joint support in developing a profile and database of youths, youth led organizations and networks in Africa AUC HRST (Lead) UNFPA ILO UNECA - ACGS UNHCR UNESCO 2012 14 Priority 2- Implementation, monitoring and reporting on the AU Decade of Youth development and empowerment Plan of 5.1 Youth participation in Africa Youth Volunteer Corps (AYVC) is promoted and popularized Priority 1- Implement the African Union Youth Volunteer Corps Programme crises c. Improved social security governance in Member States 5.4 Identification 5.4.1 Framework a.Develop joint 15 20122013 Jan – UNESCO HQ Jan – /BREDA October UNESCO Liaison 2012 office AUC/DSA AUC/HRST, NEPAD UNFPA ILO IOM UNECA- ACGS UNESCO UNICEF ILO UN WOMEN i.Develop joint frame UNESCO HQ 5.2.1 Improved a. % of i.Joint resource coordination and increasing mobilization for the mechanism budget allocated implementation of the established to youth African Youth between development in Decade Plan of AUC/NEPAD – national budget Action. UN –RECs 5.2.2. Key priorities for youth b.Number of empowerment progress reports 5.2.3 Improved received from budgets for the AU member advocacy tools, states materials and skills towards financing the Decade Plan of Action) Priority 3: Creation Of the Pan African University (PAU) 5.3. The relevance 5.3.1 Panel a. PAU and i.Organize PAU and of Pan African discussion held African African Knowledge University for and results Knowledge Economy panel sustainable high disseminated Economy panel discussion level training in 5.3.2Advocacy discussion held ii. launching of Africa is promoted. and fund raising b. advocacy and advocacy and fund strategy launched fund raising raising strategy strategy launched Action 5.2 Enhanced monitoring of progress made by member states on the Implementation African Youth Decade Plan of Action. 6. Sports and Culture 5.6.1 PACTED conference a.Conference outputs i. Jointly involve in PACTED conference 7. 1Accelerated ratification of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance and the UNESCO 7.1.1 Implementation capacity of AUC enhanced 7.1.2 Exchange of information, a. Ratification of the Charter by at least 25% of the Member States and the Conventions to 16 i. Jointly design and organize two RECs workshop for SADC and IGAD to popularize the ratification and AUC - DSA UNESCO UNDP Priority 1 – African Cultural policies harmonized and renaissance campaign implemented 5.6 Facilitate Pan African Teachers’ Conference for effective teacher training system/framework in Africa 20112013 October frame work for work for identifying /BREDA for indentifying and creation of identifying four four PAU corridors UNESCO Liaison 2012 four PAU four geographic PAU corridors office corridors corridors for PAU AUC/DSA developed and powerhouse of AUC/HRST, disseminated knowledge and NEPAD Africa development Priority 4: Improve Education Quality in Africa: Pan African Conference on Teacher ( PACTED) 5.5 Enhanced 5.5.1 TTISSA a.At least one i. Strengthen joint UNESCO March Teacher Training framework on TTISSA initiatives such as the HQ/BREDA 2012 Initiative in Subteacher training in framework PACTED Steering UNESCO Liaison Saharan Africa Africa expanded b.Technical and and Planning office (TTISSA) and to nearly all SSA financial Committees AUC-DSA PACTED countries contribution ii.Contribute inputs AU/HRST initiatives for better for the conference NEPAD results in teacher training in Africa documentation and be ratified by Member States cultural material not yet do so. strengthened implementation of the instruments 17 Priority 2 – Harmonise and popularise the Policy Framework for Sustainable Development of Sport in Africa 7.2 Increased 7.2.1 Resource a. The % i. Jointly mobilize AUC - DSA August awareness on the mobilisation increase of funds and organize UNESCO 2011 to policy framework strategy and AUC sport for two RECs workshops UNDP May of sport for implementation development on Sport for 2013 sustainable capacity enhanced policy Development development 7.2.2 adoptation AUC/UNESCO within national visibility enhanced development in Member States. policies of Member States. Conventions Thematic Focus Key joint activities Expected output Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents 18 Priority 1 – Advocate for and facilitate increased financing for health in Africa 1.1.Reduce the Technical and Inclusion of Financing for health Abuja gap in financing logistical support to financing for included in the Declaration necessary to the session on health in the CAMFE6 Kampala achieve the Financing for CAMFE6 Declaration Declaration health MDGs Health during the Declaration and to reduce CAMFE6 in Addis the burden of Ababa in March preventable 2011, including the diseases elaboration through increased financial investments Priority 2 – Facilitate acceleration towards universal access for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria Objective Indicators AUC DSA UNECA WHO UNFPA UNAIDS Collaboratin g Agencies Sub‐ClusteronHealth,HIV/AIDS,TB,MalariaandotherdiseasesBusinessPlan2011‐2012 Guide The business plan is based on the AU Strategic Plan (2009-2012) The priority areas are based on the AUC priorities for 2010 -2012 The priority areas for the sub-cluster are from 2011 to 2014, the activities are for 2011- 2012 The UN/AU 10-year Capacity Building Programme is the overall guiding instruments for the Cluster March 2011 Timefra Resourc me es Thematic Focus Key joint activities Support the session on Universal Access Continental Consultation during the CAMH5 in Namibia in April 2011 Objective 2.1.Achieve Universal Access to treatment, care and support on the continent Renewed commitment towards achieving Universal Access and an Expected output Indicators 19 African common position on HIV for the High Level meeting developed Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other related infectious diseases in Africa UNGASS HIV/AIDS 2001 AUC DSA WHO UNAIDS UNICEF Collaboratin g Agencies April 2011 Timefra Resourc me es Thematic Focus 1)Support the Trade union federations to empower them to facilitate the acceleration of universal access 2.2. Facilitating acceleration towards universal access in the workplace by using union structures and building the human resource capacity of the RECs through the strengthening of Tertiary institutions 2)Building the capacities of major Universities in Egypt, Ethiopia, Zambia and Zimbabwe in terms of accelerating universal access regarding HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria by providing the requisite technical competence in view of the critical shortage of health care personnel in the region. Key joint activities Objective Reduction in occupational exposure to HIV and tuberculosis African Common Position for the High level meeting in June 2011. Train the respective Africa Regional Trade Union Leaderships on enhancing their capacities to facilitate accelerated universal access in workplace settings. Expected output Indicators 20 Assure that the preponderant majority of the Trade Union Leaders have undergone the ongoing training. Train over 1, 000 health care workers on the three major disease challenges Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents Timefra Resourc me es 20112013 Collaboratin g Agencies ILO RECs WHO Thematic Focus Key joint activities Expected output Indicators Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other related infectious diseases in Africa Collaboratin g Agencies Timefra Resourc me es 21 Completed UNECA Jan-Dec Identifying best Execution of the 2.3. questionnaires from UNAIDS 2011 practices and Follow-up on the Compliment 20 African countries AUC lessons learned Implementation of HIV/AIDS efforts of the Commissioner’s for dissemination through the report universal access Report on on the status of to care in the HIV/AIDS and implementation following three Governance: Securing our Future of eight selected areas: UNECA Jan-May HIV/AIDS 1).Sustain UNAIDS 2011 recommendations Number of Human participants who find AUC in 20 African Resources for the workshop economic and Training workshop countries, relevant to their for policy makers social country’s activities Increased development; 2) on accountability on HIV/AIDS capacity of indices for Mitigate member States to monitoring HIV/AIDS adequately commitments on through HIV/AIDS in monitor their treatment progress on Africa options-antimeeting retroviral commitments on (ARV); and HIV/AIDS 3)Strengthen Partnerships on HIV/AIDS and governance in key development areas. Priority 3 – Advocate for and support the implementation of the resolutions on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health from the Kampala Objective Thematic Focus 3.2.Enhancing the capacity of AU Member States by adapting a set of standard indicators to simplify reporting, record keeping and monitoring of progress Summit in 2010 3.1.Reduce the transmission of HIV from Mother to Child Objective Harmonizing Maputo Plan of Action (MPoA) and MDGs 4 & 5 indicators Advocate for and support the activities related to the inclusion of Newborn and Child health ,and including PMTCT in CARMMA Key joint activities Technical support provided to the CARMMA sideevent during CAMH5; and PMTCT activities around the AU Summit on Youth in July and its pre-activities A concept note including a set of harmonized indicators Expected output Indicators 22 Number of AU Member States reporting based on aligned indicators Steps taken to include PMTCT into CARMMA; and PMTCT included in the AU Summit on Youth The resolutions on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health from the summit in Kampala in July 2010 Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents AUC DSA UNFPA AUC DSA UNICEF UNAIDS WHO Collaboratin g Agencies 2011 Timefra Resourc me es Thematic Focus Key joint activities Developing and implementing tools for systematic and on-going investigation of the causes of maternal death both at the facility and community levels Documenting good practices and lessons learned in maternal and women’s health Objective 3.3.Increasing the capacity of AUC and RECs in order to ensure compliance towards commitment among AU Member States 3.4.Enhancing South to South collaboration by facilitating the sharing of knowledge, information and experiences in maternal and women’s health A Comprehensive report on good practices and lessons learned in maternal and women’s health in the region A guiding note and instruments to assist member states documenting and reporting cases of maternal death both at the community and facility levels Expected output Indicators 23 Number of countries piloting and scaling up maternal and women’s health interventions as appropriate to their context The proportion of health facilities reporting on the causes of maternal death Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents AUC DSA UNFPA WHO AUC DSA UNFPA Collaboratin g Agencies Timefra Resourc me es Thematic Focus Timefra Resourc me es Assessment of the RECs health initiatives, their policies and their capacity needs 4.2Enhance the Training of capacity of the Trainers for the use AUC DSA staff of Africa Info in implementing within the AUC and using DSA available Africa Info soft wear A needs assessment report for capacity for the REC with recommendations Increased capacity within the AUC DSA in the use of Africa Info UN-AU TenYear Capacity Building Programme Training of trainers conducted Number of trainers trained 24 UN-AU TenYear Capacity Building Programme Needs assessment conducted AUC DSA UNICEF UNECA AUC DSA RECs UNAIDS 2011 2011 2012 Collaboratin g Agencies 4.1.Enhance the capacity of the RECs health initiatives Expected output Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents Maputo Plan of Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights CARMMA Kampala Declaration 2012 Key joint activities Indicators 3.5.To promote Development of Increased policy Identification of key UNECA maternal health guidelines or a tool options among health and non health UNAIDS of vulnerable that can be used by member States for interventions that can UNFPA and member States to addressing be adopted by UNICEF marginalized develop maternal maternal countries to address AUC DSA groups and health policies that mortality maternal mortality; WHO accelerate are more socially progress inclusive towards achieving the health MDGs in Africa Priority 4- Capacity building: Building the capacity of M&E within the AUC; and building the RECs HR capacity Objective Thematic Focus Key joint activities Expected output Indicators 5. 1 Increase awareness on the nature, magnitude, and implications of nutrition problems in Africa and advocate for additional resources Undertake the cost of hunger study Follow up on implementation of the outcome of the cost of hunger study Support the African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development (ATFFND) National and regional Cost of Hunger analyses and reports National and regional communication and outreach initiatives Convened meetings of the ATFFND 25 Progress reports Finalized national reports Reports of workshops, seminars, and conferences Minutes of ATFFND meetings Relevant AU Instruments/ policy documents African Regional Nutritional Strategy Priority 5 – Support implementation of the African Regional Nutritional Strategy Objective AUC DSA WFP UNECA UNICEF AUC DSA WFP UNECA UNICEF Collaboratin g Agencies 2012 2011 Timefra Resourc me es Employme nt and poverty Alleviation in Africa Thematic Focus 1. The Ouagadougo u Declaration and Plan of Action of the Extraordinar y Summit of Heads of State and Government of the AU on Employment and Poverty Alleviation is implemented , monitored and evaluated. 1.1 3rd Biennual 1.2.1 Facilitate Report (2011) /Support on the status of information the gathering, analysis implementation & dissemination as of the well as report Ouagadougou production at Plan of Action national and RECs on Employment levels. and Poverty Alleviation in 1.2.2 Support MS and RECs in Africa 1.2 The country implementing the and regional Ouagadougou Plan of Action follow-up institutions are established 1.2.3 Facilitate/suppo and/or enhanced rt creation or strengthening of follow-up mechanisms/institut ions at national and regional levels 26 Biennial report produced and utilized by MS and RECs Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union on Employment and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: Declaration, Plan of Action and Follow up Mechanism AUC/ILO/UN ECA April 2011 2010 to Relevant AU Instruments/ Collaborating Timefra Resourc Expected Key Joint Indicators Outcome Policy Agencies me es Outputs Programmes documents Priority I – Promote strategies for employment creation and enhance sustainable livelihoods for poverty alleviation and mitigation against financial, economic and job crises. 3. The contribution of the Informal Economy and rural sector to productive employment 2. The productivity capacity of Africa is strengthened and enhanced 2.1.3 Facilititate experience sharing at national, regional, continental and international levels 2.1.4: Support productivity management capacity building in the Informal Economy and SMEs 3.1.1 Support the implementation of the AU Programme on Upgrading the Informal Economy through advocacy and provision of technical assistance including 2.2Training manual on enhancement of productivity in the Informal economy and SMEs. 3.1 Workshop reports including implementation strategy for the upgrading of the informal economy. 2.3. Workshop and Conference on productivity conducted 2.1.1Facilititate the establishment of national productivity centers by MS and of regional productivity forum by RECs 2.1 National and Regional institutional capacity on productivity management built an operational 27 Number of MS which have realized an Informal Advocacy material elaborated and used Productivity programmes run at regional and national levels Full and effective participation by social partners in policy dialogue Productivity bodies are established and operational Ouagadogou Plan of Action for the implementation of the Declaration of the Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the AU on Employment and Poverty Alleviation (2004) Ouagadougou Plan of Action on employment and poverty Alleviation (2004) The Roadmap for the implementation The Productivity Agenda of Africa AUC/ILO/FA O/UNIDO/UN WOMEN/UN ECA AUC/ILO/PA PA/UNIDO 20102011 and high level and sustainable growth is increased and recognized 3.4 IE Professional Organizations at national, regional and continental level documented 3.3 Training materials 3.2 Compendium of national, regional continental and international level practices. facilitation of experience sharing at national, regional, continental and international levels. 28 Number of MS with training programmes on professionals of the informal Number of MS and RECs with national and regional strategies on informal economy ; Database of national, regional and continental IE professional organizations; of the Global Economy Budget Analysis Jobs Pact in Africa (Ouagadougou Number of 2009) RECs relevant ministerial statutory meetings that discuss and take decisions on Informal and rural economy. 3.6.1 Establish a programme of sensitization and support to RECs to promote the informal and social economy 3.7.1 Stock-taking of Government positions and identify strategies on microfinance and micro insurance, through sub-regional stakeholder workshops. 3.6 Regional Observatory for informal and social economies 3.7 African strategy on Microfinance and Micro insurance is implemented to enable financial inclusion for low-income people 29 Legal and policy environment for informal and social economy enterprises established at RECS and national levels The number of Governments that enact/revise policies for inclusive finance The number of low income Africans moving above the poverty benchmark of 2 International Symposium on IE organized economy management Good Practices recorded and disseminated; AUC Policy Paper on Advancing the African Microfinance Sector Ouagadougou Plan of Action on employment and poverty alleviation AUC/ILO / AUC/ILO/FA O 20102012 20102012 4. Labour Market Governance is enhanced 4. 1 Harmonized and Coordinated Labour market information and statistics 4.1.1 Establish and promote a Labour Market Information System Harmonization and Coordination Framework (LMIS/HCF) 4.1.2 Capacity building at , regional and continental levels for the implementation of the LMIS/HCF 4.1.3Strengthening of tripartite 30 LMI available Harmonized LMI produced and disseminated Harmonized LMI concepts, definitions and methodologies MS undertake more regular and better quality labour force surveys dollars per day The growth in the contribution of low income people to the GDP The growth in the number of Africans that have access to banking and insurance services Ouagadougou Plan of Action on employment and poverty alleviation AUC/ILO/Af DB /ECA/UNESC O 20102012 4.1.4Support to cross border labour force migration cooperation and social dialogue for social cohesion, peace and security 31 in harmonized form and used by the key stakeholders 5. Employment of young women and men supported and promoted 5.3 Regional Platform for Women Entrepreneurs 5.2 AU/UN Youth Employment Network for Africa 5.1Comprehensi ve report on youth employment efforts in Africa including good practice and lessons learnt and proposed way forward 5.2.1 Formulation of Comprehensive Youth Employment Programme for Africa consolidating continental YE efforts such as Plan of Action 20092018 on Y; African Youth Volunteer Programme; Continental Youth Fund Programme 5.3.1 Engage RECs in the promotion of 5.1.1 Map out various scattered efforts of youth employment with the view to consolidating, making more effective and rationalizing support in this area, including for young women and men in forced displacement situations, such as refugees, IDPs and returnees. 32 Regional Observatories for data collection, analysis and Harmonization of cross border migration and procedures in the Agenda of RECs statutory meetings Resource mobilization better rationalized Information on youth employment in Africa readily available Recommendatio ns of the African Union Ministers in Charge of Forced Displacement Matters Kampala Declaration on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa Ouagadougou Plan of Action on employment and poverty alleviation AUC Youth Charter African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa AUC/ILO/UN FPA/ECA /UNESCO/W B/UNWOME N / UNHCR 20102012 dissemination set up and functional AU Policy on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development which contains provisions on access to employment in conflict and post-conflict situations. 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 33 Cairo Platform for Action for the Development of Women Entrepreneurshi p in Africa Priority II: Improving and strengthening the existing social protection schemes and extending it to excluded workers and their families 6.1 Conference 6.1.1 Conference Social AUC Social AUC/ILO/WH October 6. Social Protection is Protection O/UNECA/AfD 2010Protection is Report on social on the security Development of a extended to the Framework B / UNDP/WB 2012 extended to Social Protection informal and /RECs / the informal situation in Women’s Entrepreneurs Development and harmonization of cross-border migration laws and procedures, including data collection, analysis and dissemination on enterprise activities in the RECs and rural workers and members of their families Floor for Africa 6.1.2 Develop a continental campaign strategy on social protection for informal economy and rural workers. 6.1.3 Support the development and implementation of the Social Protection Plan for Informal Economy and Rural Workers (SPIREWORK 6.1.4 Elaboration and implementation of a Social Protection plan for the informal economy, rural workers including populations affected by forced displacement, such as refugees, IDPs and returnees. Africa 6.2 Continental Campaign Strategy on extension of social protection to the informal economy and rural workers Ouagadougou PoA 2004 Global Jobs Pact Roadmap for Africa , Ouagadougou Dec 2009 Decent Work Agenda for Africa 20072015 Social Justice Declaration 2008 CEB ISSUE Paper on the Global financial crisis and its impact on the work of the UN system Social protection part of national development policy framework for poverty alleviation and mitigation of the financial and economic crises Improved social security governance in MS 34 AUC Study on UNHCR Social Protection rural workers and members of their families Gender and Development Thematic Focus Indicators Key joint activities Collaborating inputs from agencies 35 Priority 2- Support gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the ACDEG Expected Output Time frame Resources required to carry out activity Priority 1-Support capacities within the AUC- HRST and WGDD to mainstream gender in AU Summit and Pre-summit activities around youth empowerment and sustainable development 2.1.1. Gender is Pre summit 2.1. Enhanced Provide technical ILO, mainstreamed in events focus on assistance to capacity of the UN Women, the pre summit AUC HRST and gender equality Department of HRST AUC-WGDD June and summit and provides WGDD to to mainstream gender UNECA.July space for young equality relevant to mainstream Gender activities on the ACGSD 2011 theme “Accelerate women equality and youth and sustainable UNHCR women Youth contribution development in the Empowerment for empowerment Outcome preparations for an issues in AU Sustainable document of the outcome of the July Development in special debate Summit and Pre2011 Summit. Africa” summit activities addresses Support the gender issues in participation of youth young women in pre July development summit events and 2011 the July summit Objective Gender and Development Sub-cluster Business Plan 2010-2012 2.3.1. Improved awareness of the relevance of gender equality analysis and standards in the work of the Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster a. A gender audit of the Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster is available· Organize a retreat to train RCM Secretariat and select members of the Peace and Security Cluster. Conduct a gender audit of the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security cluster UNWomen UNECA ACGSD AUC - WGDD ILO Septemb er 2011 Septemb er 2011 36 RCM secretariat and the Peace and Security Cluster trained on gender mainstreming Priority 4- Support AU WGDD capacity to roll out the Decade activities on maternal Health in AU member states 2.3. Enhanced capacity of the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security Clusters to mainstream gender equality and women empowerment in their work plans and activities i. Undertake a gender ILO, A gender 2.2.1 Gender is 2.2. The Septemb UN Women, analysis of the analysis of the mainstreamed in mainstreaming of er 2011 AUC-WGDD ACDEG and the charter is the advocacy and gender in the UNECA – implementation available for implementation advocacy and ACGSD action plans use by the AU strategy for the implementation and its partners developed at ACDGE. strategy of the regional, sub-regional African Charter on and national levels. Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) is supported Priority 3- Support the capacity to mainstream gender within the RCM Secretariat and Peace and Security Cluster 2.4. The implementation of the African Women’s Decade at country level is supported 2.4.1. The AU Decade for African women is implemented and supported at country level a.Strategy for UN system support for the AU Women’s Decade activity on maternal health developed and implemented Provide technical assistance for the AUC WGDD to develop and disseminate a monitoring framework for each of the 10 thematic areas of the Decade. Advocate for enhanced UN system partnership with national women/gender machineries to support the implementation of the Decade in the different countries Provide technical assistance / financial assistance to the AUC WGDD to convene a meeting of all conveners of UN gender Theme corps to brief them on the Decade and agree on a framework of engagement and Support for the decade at the country level 37 UNWomen AUC-WGDD UNAIDS UNECA/ACGSD Septemb er 2011 Februar yOctober 2011 SeptDecemb er 2011 2.5 The roll out of the Africa UNiTE Campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls at regional, subregional and national levels is supported 2.5.1 Enhanced visibility of the Africa-UNiTE Campaign to end violence against women and girls b. AU and RECs implement the initiatives in support of the Africa UNiTE Campaign. a. At least 50 regional actors (AU, UN system , development partners, regional networks) support the climb Kilimanjaro advocacy initiative 38 Contribute towards a stronger Secretariat for the Campaign. Support the convening of the two meeting of the Regional Steering Committee Convene a meeting of CEOs of the RECs to promote their leadership at the sub regional level. Mobilize regional actors incl. - AU and UN Liaison Offices; Africa business forums and other regional stakeholder; the Inter-religious Council; etc as part of the run-up to the Mt. Kilimanjaro climb UNHCR ILO UNECAACGSD UNWomen UNFPA AUC-WGDD Priority 5 – The Roll out of the Africa UNiTE campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls JanuaryDecemb er 2011 July & Novemb er 2011 October 2011 JuneDecemb er 2011 I. EDUCATION Education and Human Resources SUB- CLUSTER 2010 EDUCATION AND YOUTH BUSINESS PLANS DRAFT Thematic Focus 2nd Decade of Education in Africa POA Launching of Kiswahili as a language of communication to be taught across the different levels of education Key Joint Activities A framework printed and disseminated Teaching of Kiswahili as a subject Expected Output 39 2.Development of an institutional and legal framework Priority 2 – Education Management Information System EMIS 2. Capacity strengthening of CIEFFA 1To promote the use of African languages in education Relevant AU Objective Instruments/ Policy documents Priority Gender and culture Collaborating Agencies 2.A legal document 2. UNESCO, UNICEF, UNIFEM, HRST/NEPAD No of countries UNESCO, Social teaching Kswahili Affairs/ACALAN, as a subject AU/HRST, NEPAD Indicators 2. Novemb er 2010 Novemb er 2010 Timefra me Priority areas are listed in random order not in order of priority Identified priority areas should have corresponding activities (achievable activities), measurable indicators and concrete output The AU Second Decade of Education for Africa Plan of Action; the Decade for Youth Development and Empowerment and the UN/AU 10-year Capacity Building Programme and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child are the overall guiding instruments for the SHD Cluster. The timeframe set for the activities is December 2010 and beyond All participating agencies are expected to be active members Education Guiding Principles 2 Decade of Education in Africa PoA 1. Mapping and identification of 2nd Decade of Regional TEI as Education for centres of Africa PoA excellence in the 4 other geographical regions for Priority 3 – Teacher Development 2. Capacity Strengthening of IPED To develop EMIS in the ECOWAS and ECCAS Regions nd 1. Situational analysis Consultations with member States and 4 other geographical regions to agree on location and scope 3. Translation and reproduction of the document “Perforrmance Indicators of the Second Decade of Education for Africa” 2. Prepare the institutional and legal frame work to be done jointly with that of CIEFFA 1. Workshop and training with member states in the ECOWAS region to start the process No. of people using the document No. of copies distributed and 3. No of copies reproduced 2 legal document Data collection instruments and DQAF finalised 40 1. A report on the 1. Number of mapping exercise and centres identified decision on centre per the 4 geographical regions to be strengthened 3. Document translated into the different AU languages, reproduced and disseminated for utilisation 2Document of the legal frame work for IPED produced 1. Implementation plan for the EMIS in ECOWAS countries 1UNESCO/IICBA, UNESCO /BREDA, ADEA, NEPAD, HRST, ADB Ditto Nov 2010 Nov. 2010 2. Novemb er 2010 UNESCO/BREDA, 2010UNICEF, UNECA, 2011 IPED, UNESCO/ UIS, Pole de Dakar, ADEA WG WEMPS 5. Organise a teacher conference 4a. Develop resources mobilization strategies 4b. Technical assistance to develop the strategy and action plan 3a. Training of trainers workshops 3b. Workshops and seminars for curriculum developers 2. Workshops and seminars for Teacher trainers to define institutional needs of the COEs To create higher Priority 4 Revitalisation of Higher Education 5. Information sharing on teacher development and challenges in the region 4. To develop a resource mobilisation strategy 3. Curriculum development and Institutional strengthening of centres of excellence 2. Institutional strengthening of CoEs Maths and Science teachers to replicate SEMASTEA. 41 4. Resource mobilisation strategy and plan available 3. New curricula develoed and in use 2. Needs Assessment report with cost implications 5. Reports and dissemination plan 4. Strategy and plan Percentage of schools using the new curriculum 2. Report on needs assessment 5. ADEA, EC, UNESCO, Teachers’ Task Force, ADB; HRST/NEPAD 4. Ditto 3. Ditto 2. Ditto Nov 2010 Oct. 2010 Nov 2010 Nov 2010 2nd Decade of of Education for Africa PoA To revitalize TVET in Africa 2nd Decade of Education for Africa PoA Priority 5 – TVET education and research space in Africa To evaluate the intervention in 3 post-conflict countries Popularise the use of the continental strategy for the revitalisation of TVET in Africa 4. Mobilisation of resources for the HE fund in UNESCO 3 Implementation of the AQRM 2. Finalisation of the revised Arusha Convention & inter-governmental meeting to start the endorsement & ratification processes 1.Consultations and preparations on the setting up of the PAU 42 3. IATT for ESA established 2. Advocacy strategy and documentation of good practices 1. Evaluation report 4. Additional pledges made Pilot Tests Results Revised Arusha Convention 1. Policy documents and technical reports UNESCO, ADB, WB, USAID, Germany; Japan, and various other by laterals 2. No. of countries implementing the strategy and documented best practices 1. Areas covered in the implementation 3. Institutional response rate 4. 2010 ongoing 3. Ongoing Nov 2010 Nov 2010 3. Ditto Nov ILO, UNIDO, UNESCO, NEPAD, 2010HRST ADEA, 2011 ADB WB 2. Ditto Nov 2010 AAU, NEPAD, Task force on HE 2. Final version of UNESCO, HRST, the Arusha UNICEF, ADEA, Convention ILO available 1. Nos. of policy documents and technical reports produced 1. To promote an integrated Priority 7– ECD 3. Promote continental book policy 2. To promote competencybased approach and curriculum review 2nd Decade of Education for 1.To review and 2nd Decade of adapt Education for Africa POA curriculum of some of the African Languages for use in schools beginning with Kiswahili Priority 6 – Curriculum 1. Workshops in different RECs to 3. Validation workshop 2b. Curriculum review workshops to enhance African content 2a. Curriculum review workshops report. 2a. Curriculum review workshops to strengthen competency based approach 43 1. Integrated ECD focussed strategy 3. Endorsement of policy 2b. Revised curriculum Curriculum for the teaching of Kiswahili designed 1. Curriculum review workshops on Kiswahili To set up an IATT for the ESA 1. Number of member states 3. Policy validated 2b. Additional content 2. No. Of countries using the competencybased curriculum Documentation 3. Plan of activities of the IATT UNICEF, UNESCO UNFPA, 3. UNICEF, UNESCO 2. UNESCO, IBE, ADEA Oct 2010 Nov 2010 UNESCO, NEPAD, Nov ACALAN, 2010/on Tanzania and going Kenya MoE, ADEA 2010 Africa POA 2. Consultations and meetings to develop the concept note and plan develop a strategy for integrated Basic Education programme with focus on ECD beginning with the ECCAS Region 2. Concept note and plan Report of ECCAS within the ECAS region involved WFP, UNFPA, ILO, HRST, NEPAD 44 Priority 8 Cross cutting issues: Communication and Partnerships, institutional capacity building of the HRST and NEPAD education section Implemented Number of Sub-cluster To work with publication and 1. Relevant documents members, 2010 the AUC in dissemination plan published and documents HRST/NEPAD addressing these disseminated cross cutting published and dissemination plan issues Partnership meetings shared with members of the reports and database 1.To assist with of partners produced cluster publications, partners newsletters and 2. Partnership dissemination meetings and participation at 2 To mobilise participation of education related events and a member states database of partners and RECs to working in attend AUC/HRST education events 2. To develop a concept note and plan of action for ECD basic education programme with specific focus on ECD strategy 3. To strengthen communication within/between Commissions working with the SHD. Cluster; with, NEPAD programme on education and with UN Agencies and other partners on the activities and outcome of the implementation of the decade. 45 B. YOUTH (HUMAN RESOURCES) To consolidate youth participation , capacity building and pan-africanism -African Youth Charter -AUC Continental (Policy) Framework on Youth Volunteerism in Africa (in draft) - Joint support to -Support AUC to organize donors conference on mobilizing concrete commitment in meeting the resource requirement for implementing the AUYVC project from 2010 - 2014 - Support the AUC with IT equipments – 2 computers, 1 labtop and projector (specifications available) for the start-up operations of the AUYVC Project Unit in the HR & Y Division No of AUYVCs serving within multi- Enhanced capacity of mobilised African youth experts in Life skills, performance enhancement, personnel effectiveness, community work 46 No of Member States contributing participants to the pool of youth experts mobilized for volunteer service deployment across the continent Existence of functional unit with equipments for the personnel in the AUC/HRST HR & Y division Increased Partnership in financial and technical resources to support implementation of the AUYVC project Enhanced capacity of AUC to implement and manage a continental project of African Youth Volunteerism UNFPA IOM UNESCO ILO UNICEF Relevant AU Expected Output Instruments/ Key Joint Lead Collaboratin Objective Indicators Policy Activities Agency g Agencies documents Priority 1 - Enhance the Capacity of the AUC/HRST Youth Division to launch and implement in 2010 the African Union Youth Volunteers Corps February – November 2010 Time Frame -Joint support to AUC to Publish and disseminate Continental Framework on Youth Volunteerism in Africa and Technical guidance Note for Member States in establishing a National Youth Volunteers Joint support to subsidize and absorb selected AUYVCs after the training (create work space job descriptions for absorption, roundtrip tickets, home stay arrangements) the pre-deployment training cost for the initial set of AUYVCs (TOT, honorarium, and travel) 47 Identified capacities in youth training centers in Africa to deliver the scaled-up AUYVC training from 2011 Increased evidence and knowledge on the arguments for institutionalizing youth participation in accelerating Africa’s development paradigm Absorbed youth volunteers providing skilled service to projects and programmes at multi-lateral level etc. Existence of African training centers equipped with capacity for youth development training No of copies of the framework and technical guidance note printed and distributed lateral organizations at Regional and Country levels including at CSOs Infrastructure Declaration of 3rd ordinary session of the Conference of Ministers in charge of Youth for strengthening institutional and youth capacities in Africa UNGA Declaration on an International Year for Youth 2010 2a. To contribute to the outcome and follow-up of the COMY III in relation to the AUYV Continental framework and the July 2010/January 2011 AU Summit theme on Youth 2b. To assist the African Union in presenting an African Perspective to the conference Develop concept note on the participation of African youth at the Govt and Social forum of the Joint support to the AUC on t he preparation and discussions on the African Common Position on Youth Support Experts from Member States and CSO Youth from all the regions to participate in COMY III No of Experts from Ministry in charge of youth supported and CSO Youth participating at the COMY III 48 Increased awareness of the conference and its attendant Concept note Finalised concept note and shared amongst theme group members Enhanced debate and dialogue in the Evidence for meeting on the youth advocacy and agenda for Africa planning on youth in Africa Increased youth participation in decision making at continental level - Support AUC to conduct capacity assessment of selected regional youth training centers in Africa Priority 2 – Follow-up to the COMY III and engage Bureau on African Common Position on Youth UNFPA UNECA UNICEF March – August 2010 March – UNFPA UNECAuUN May 2010 ICEF and to prepare and mobilize for a visible African delegation Mexico conference, with the following outputs: Promote application from African youth networks and organization Open virtual discussion on the effective participation of an African Civil society youth delegation Joint support to the AUC to organise a 2day Pre Conference in Abuja for the following participants: COMY III Bureau, Regional Focal points of member states, PYU and CSO Youth Networks in Africa towards adopting a Common Position for Africa on Youth Support an AUC delegation to the Mexico conference Prepare and 49 Identified representatives of government, parliamentarian, PYU and CSO youth networks to be supported Results and recommendation from the conference used for resource mobilization purposes Consensus between AUC Govt and CSO Youth networks on the African agenda for the conference Pre-Mexico African conference successfully held contribution to the mobilization of a global partnership for the achievements of the AU Decade of youth The successful mobilization of a visible and coordinated African delegation to the conference Concrete opportunities negotiated with the Mexico conference organisers towards the mainstreaming of African perspectives pre and during the conference Common Position on African Youth prepared and used to engage the process of the conference draft and final declaration pre and during Mexico in preparation and participation cost Follow-up with Country Offices to support youth and parliamentarian participation at the conference under the AUC delegation disseminate Aide Memoire specifically for the AUC led African delegation 3.a To support the AUC in monitoring progress by member states on the African Youth Charter/PoA Implementation Joint support to AUC to organize coordination meeting on the framework for implementation of the African Youth Charter Plan of Action Support peer review of AUC youth led African COMY III Declaration April 17, 2010 Support AUC to develop Concept note on Mainstreaming youth development in National accounting AUC communiqué on the coming into force of the African Youth Charter at the continental level Baseline on the Status of African Youth for measuring progress within the 50 Existence of the statistical database www.africaunion.org/youth.htm Draft Strategy for Youth responsive budgeting in National accounts Improved coordination and mechanism established between AUC/NEPAD –UN -RECs Key priorities for youth budgets advocacy towards financing the Decade plan of Action Meeting UN-AU Inter-agency task force on youth within Social and Human Development Cluster convened UNFPA ILO IOM UNECA UNESCO UNICEF ILO UNIFEM Priority 3 – Implementation, monitoring and reporting on the AU Decade of Youth development and empowerment March – November 2010 Peer Review convened and Editorial expert provided Decade Support AUC to release publication Publication on Conceptual and 51 implementation in AUC member states Joint support to organise a Peer Review of the AUC led 2010 Youth Friendly African Government flagship towards the biennial State of Youth report from Draft Protocol on the 2011 African Youth Charter Joint support to the AUC to organize Parliamentarian roundtable meeting statement of of young lawyers in commitment on the Africa and initiate provision of an African domestic to youth Parliamentarian empowerment and roundtable on youth policy youth comparative statistical database on youth in Africa with guidelines on national level monitoring and reporting Existence of youth empowerment measure and composite policy index in national level monitoring, reporting on the AYC Youth Human rights handbook for national human rights Commissions. Availability of evidence based agedisaggregated data on Africa’s sociodemographic indicators used for policy making and monitoring progress (link to www.africanyouthda tabase.org) Practical consideration on guidelines for construction of African youth related development indicators 52 Print 3000 copies of African Youth Socio-economic Availability of more-socioand Population demographic data Datasheet 2010 and analysis on Contribute to AUC youth and development preparation of a outcomes using the draft technical AYC range guidance note on UN Engagement in Existence of guiding the AU Decade on framework on UN Youth PoA systems wide Implementation, support to youth Monitoring and within RCM Reporting deliverables Contribute to review and finalize the draft AUC Advocacy and Policy brief on the African Youth Folder containing advocacy and policy Charter brief on thematic Implementation on the Statistical profile on youth in Africa 2010 mobilized from www.africanyouthd atabase.org Virtual database on youth led and managed organizations and No of copies of the Folder on Advocacy and Policy guidance brief on the African Youth Charter Implementation Technical guidance note developed through inter-agency input for RCM 2010 discussions No of copies printed and distributed implementation Resource mobilization framework Continental strategy to revitalize TVET 3.b Resource mobilization 3c. Consolidate for scaling up the non formal TVET in Post Conflict countries Accessibility of Profile on African Youth led organizations and networks Existence of the concept note networks working in Africa 53 Guidelines for discussion on the possible framework and methodology for youth studies as a post graduate course Participate in the African Trust Fund High level AUC discussion on for Youth mechanism for the establishment of development resource a Global mobilization partnership on involving UNSG, Africa’s DFID, EU, US/AU, Demographic Etc. Bonus Support the Revitalized TVET Evaluation Report evaluation of the intervention in Post conflict countries Support AUC to develop concept note on introducing youth studies as a discipline in Africa Participate in the AUC’s process to develop a profile and database of youth led organizations and networks in Africa issues on the Charter implementation UNESCO Establish the InterAgency Task Team (IATT) for SADC and Eastern Regions Support expansion of TVET scope in the Context of youth entrepreneurship promotion To be formulated To be formulated 54 Existence of the two task Team To be formulated ILO UNESCO Effective Implementation of the African Human Rights Strategy for Africa; Ratification, Domestication and Implementation of the African Charter on the Principles and Values of Public Service and Administration; Ratification, Domestication, and Implementation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance; Development and Implementation of a Framework for Support to Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) and Electoral Processes; Operationalisation of the African Governance Platform as a Key Pillar of the African Governance Architecture; Effective Implementation of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 55 Harmonisation of Anti-Corruption Standards Among AU Member States and RECs; 1. The main Priorities of the Cluster in support of the African Union, NEPAD Agency and RECs are as follows: PRIORITIES FOR 2011 The purpose of the Governance Cluster is to provide a platform for joint planning and programming for members with a view to developing a common strategy for closer coordination and synergy of the cluster’s support to the African Union Commission (AUC), NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE CLUSTER Annexure 1: GOVERANCE CLUSTER, ANNUAL WORKPLAN-2011 The capacity of the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption is strengthened in its efforts to support to Member States in the sustainable implementation of the AU Convention and the fight against corruption in Africa. Output Anti-corruption instruments amongst MS harmonised Key Joint Activities Undertake consultations of the national AntiCorruption Bodies to assess implementation of anti-corruption standards Undertake engagements between the AUC, RECs and the Board on harmonisation of the continental and regional standards and legislation on anti-corruption Undertake consultations with the National AntiCorruption Bodies to assess implementation of anti-corruption instruments Continue engagements between the AUC,RECs and 56 Three (3) party states adopt anti corruption instruments to harmonise their laws with the AU Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption by Dec 2012 Indicators Led by AUC and ECA with collaboration from AfDB, World Bank, UNDP, OHCHR, ILO, IDEA, RECs, NPCA Lead and Collaborating Agencies Resources X X X X X X X X X X 2011 2012 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Timeframe ECONOMIC AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Expected Impact/Result HARMONISATION OF ANTI-CORRUPTION STANDARDS AMONG AU MEMBER STATES AND RECS PRIORITY ONE Output Human Rights Strategy for Africa formulated and implemented Key Joint Activities Review Meeting on the HRSA Retreat on the HRSA and its Action Plan Undertake policy consultations on the implementing and monitoring the Human Rights The African human rights system is strengthened in order to deepen the culture of democracy and human rights in conformity with 57 Draft strategy validated by AU Organs and RECs by December 2012 Indicators X X X X Led by AUC and OHCHR with collaboration from UNDP, UN Women, UNOAU, ECA, UNICEF X X X X Timeframe Lead and Collaborating Resources 2011 2012 Agencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 HUMAN RIGHTS RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Expected Impact/Result EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS STRATEGY FOR AFRICA the Board on harmonisation of the continental and regional standards and legislation on anti-corruption Undertake advocacy missions to non-state parties and RECs to ratify the convention Organise high level state parties meeting to assess the level of compliance with the AU Convention on Corruption PRIORITY TWO the objectives of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other relevant instruments Engage Regional Stakeholders in the NHRIs Capacity Building Undertake AU-UN Human Rights Consultations Follow up meeting on the outcomes of the Banjul Meeting on Slavery Technical Meeting for AU Organs on the Implementation of the HRSA Organise consultations on the civilian component of peace keeping including human rights Regional Consultations on Human Rights Education Programmes Human Rights Commemorative Events Strategy 58 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Key Joint Activities Support activities of the 8th Ministerial Bureau Signature, ratification and popularisation of the African Charter on the Principles and Values of Public Service and Administration facilitated Output 59 Five(5) signatures and three (3) ratifications by MS by December 2012, Programme of the Conference of African Ministers of Public Service implemented by Dec 2012 Indicators PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION Led by AUC, UNDP and ECA with collaboration from IDEA, ILO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Timeframe Lead and Collaborating Resources 2011 2012 Agencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RATIFICATION, DOMESTICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE PRINCIPLES AND VALUES OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION Organise the 7th Conference of African Ministers for Public Service Organise celebrations of the African Public Service Day Support Activities of the 7th Ministerial Support to the AU Bureau Conference of Establish a Support African Ministers Secretariat of the for Public Service Ministerial is strengthened and Conference enhanced Undertake consultations on the implementation of the Ministerial Conference Long term strategy Expected Impact/Result PRIORITY THREE RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Member states implement the governance standards enshrined in the Charter Expected Impact/Result PRIORITY FOUR RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER X Output Ratification of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance facilitated Key Joint Activities Facilitate the ratification process of the Charter by the AU Member States Implement the AUC/AU Organs Strategy on Popularising the Charter Develop standards and mechanisms that are in line with the Charter Promote research and undertake consultations with Member States Constitutional institutions and AU and RECs Organs/Institutions to strengthen the Rule of DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE 60 Increased ratification by MS from 9 to 12 by December 2012 Indicators Led by AUC and UNDP with collaboration from ECA, UN WOMEN, IDEA, OHCHR, OSIEA, OSIWA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Timeframe Lead and Collaborating Resources 2011 2012 Agencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RATIFICATION, DOMESTICATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON DEMOCRACY, ELECTIONS AND GOVERNANCE Organise 8th Conference of the African Ministers for Public Service RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Expected PRIORITY FIVE X X Key Joint Output DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE 61 Indicators Lead and Resources Timeframe DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A FRAMEWORK FOR SUPPORT TO ELECTORAL MANAGEMENT BODIES (EMBS) AND ELECTORAL PROCESSES Produce material, Disseminate and Merchandize AU symbols and political Shared Values amongst the people of Africa Promote research and Undertake consultations with AU and RECs organs and institutions as well as MS on mainstreaming gender in political governance and electoral process Law, Constitutionalism and Democratic culture Impact/Result Activities X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Coordinated action amongst AU Organs and Institutions on democracy and governance issues Expected Impact/Result Develop and implement benchmarks and standards for evaluation of governance trends Key Joint Activities African Governance Platform Operational Output 62 Timeframe Lead and Collaborating Resources 2011 2012 Agencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Led by AUC Implementation and UNOAU guideline on with X X X X X X the African collaboration Charter on from UNDP, Democracy, ECA, UN Indicators DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE X X X 2011 2012 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Led by AUC and UNOAU with collaboration from UNDP, ECA, UN Women, IDEA, RECs, OHCHR, OSIEA, EISA Collaborating Agencies OPERATIONALISATION OF THE AFRICAN GOVERNANCE PLATFORM AS A KEY PILLAR OF THE AFRICAN GOVERNANCE ARCHITECTURE Capacity of Electoral Institutions and Electoral processes strengthened Two(2) electoral bodies provided with Technical Assistance in any of the activities of the election processes PRIORITY SIX Develop Electoral The AU’s Electoral Processes Standards Architecture enhanced to ensure Develop improved election observation that electoral systems institutions, Provide technical processes and assistance to EMBs standards in Member States are strengthened Organise continental meeting for EMBs in Africa Undertake monitoring activities and publish reports Provide Secretarial and Technical support to the African Governance Platform Undertake policy consultations on the African Governance Platform amongst AU organs Undertake policy consultations on the African Governance Platform with MS Undertake consultations with UN-EU and other partners on developing common positions on governance 63 Governance trends reported by December 2012 Elections and Governance developed by December 2012, Women, IDEA, RECs, OHCHR, OSIEA, EISA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X APRM results are consolidated, sustained and extended while building on the lessons learnt Expected Impact/Result PRIORITY SEVEN RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER Support the Revision the Self-Assessment Questionnaire across the four thematic areas Support provided in developing a system to monitor implementation of National Programmes of Action (NPoAs) Support the finetuning APRM documentation, rules and procedures Support provided in developing more comprehensive guidelines on civil society involvement Key Joint Activities The APRM Process is harmonised Output DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE 64 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Timeframe Lead and Collaborating Resources 2011 2012 Agencies Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Led by AUC with strong leadership support by Implementation APRM guidelines of Secretariat with APRM collaboration developed from UNDP, ECA,OHCHR, UN WOMEN, IDEA, UNICEF Indicators EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFRICAN PEER REVIEW MECHANISM (APRM) Expected Output outputs Indicators of Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time AMCEN decisions (on chemical and hazardous wastes) AUC Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012 : Strategic objective on environment and natural resources management AU/NEPAD Environmental Action Plan for the First Decade of the 21st Century Enhanced implementation of the chemicals and hazardous waste related conventions Updated environmental action plan with implementation strategies at regional, subregional and national levels. First Bamako COP organized by 2011 Number of countries who have ratified the Bamako Convention by 2012 Environmental action plan updated by mid 2011 Environmental action plan approved and endorsed by relevant AU Organs Jan 2012 Resources mobilized for the effective implementation of the action plan by mid 2012 65 Organization of COP 1 of Bamako Convention. Development of policy briefs and other advocacy Review and update the action plan. Develop strategies for the implementation of the action plan Enhance capacity of the RECs to support the implementation of the action plan. AUC-UNEP / UNIDO, FAO, RECs, ECA, ISDR ………. AUC- NPCA, UNEP, UN-HABITAT /UNECA, UNESCO, UNU, AfDB, RECs, UNITAR, UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, UNOPS, Agroforestry and Natural Resource Education (ANAFE), African Network for Agriculture, Association of African Universities (AAU), ….. Objective - Enhanced environmental management & protection for sustainable development 2010-2012 2010-2012 Priority 1 - To heighten awareness and understanding of the linkages in environment-population-urbanization challenges and responses Thematic Focus: Strengthening synergies on environment-population-urbanization actions Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Comments (Bamako, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm) Expected Output Number of national implementation plans that have been developed and implemented by 2012 outputs Indicators of Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments 66 documents on the Bamako convention. Sensitization of policy makers. Support to countries to develop and implement national action plans for implementation of conventions Priority 2 – To develop models of joint action to address environment-population-urbanization challenges Objective - To identify specific joint initiatives/projects to incorporate integrated approaches to programme design and implementation UN Ten year Enhanced No. of joint research Research and UNEP-UN-HABITAT 2010-2012 capacity building understanding of initiatives and policy analysis on & UNFPA / AfDB programme for the the linkages exchange of the linkages IOM, UNDP, UNECA, AU between information on linkages between WHO UNOCHA, environment, between environment, environment, UNISDR, UNHCR, Delivery as ONE climate change, climate change, climate change, AUC/NPCA, RECs for Africa population and population and population and ……………….. urbanization. urbanization. urbanization. Coherent No. of publications Develop a joint planning of and policy briefs on the program on Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents outputs Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments 67 Priority 3 – To provide appropriate policy and programme support to the AU, NEPAD & RECs and individual African countries on Climate Change Objective - To strengthen knowledge development and information sharing Institutional ACPC and ClimDev Implementation AU Summit AUC-NPCA-UNECA- 2010-2012 capacity Special Fund of ClimDev Africa AfDB-UNEP / WMO, Decisions AU established and Programme /ACPC WHO, IMO, DFID, Summit on Climate strengthened at regional, operational. Support to UNDP, ISDR, Change (7th – 13th AU Summit) subregional and AMCEN and the UNOCHA, UN- programs on environment, climate change, population and urbanization at regional, subregional and national levels. Expected Output Indicators of linkages between environmentenvironment, climate climate changechange, population and population – urbanization urbanization nexus. A joint program on Report on the environment-climate status of change- population – implementation of urbanization nexus the Libreville initiated by 2012. Declaration. A joint statement on Second interclimate change and ministerial health adopted by conference on ministers of health and environment and environment in ministers of health. Africa Thematic Focus: Supporting Africa’s response to climate change Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Expected Output national levels to climate proof AMCEN Decisions Africa’ on climate change development A common negotiating Decisions of the position adopted conference of at the highest level African Ministers and the capacity of on finance, African group of planning and negotiators economic strengthened. development Increased understanding of the links between AUC Strategic climate change Plan 2009 – 2012 and development (specifically on Regional natural resource framework of management and African climate climate change) change programmes and strategy Environment developed. action plan of Increased NEPAD availability and Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Updated African Common negotiating position adopted and endorsed by the AU organs. Comprehensive Africa Program on climate change developed by 2010. AUC strategy on climate change developed and adopted by AU organs by 2011. Number of policies, strategies programmes developed and implemented to climate proof Africa’s development, taking into account the most climate sensitive sectors Number of regional, subregional and national policies and programmes integrating outputs Indicators of African group of negotiators Organize the 7th African Development Forum (ADF7) Support CAHOSCC Development of the comprehensive Africa programme on climate change. Develop innovative partnerships at the city’s level and support the UNHABITAT Cities and Climate Change initiative (CCCI). Support other RCM clusters to integrate climate change into their business plans and 68 Key Joint Activities HABITAT, WWF, UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DMC …….. Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments Expected Output outputs Indicators of Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments 69 accessibility of climate change, relevant activities adaptation, mitigation CEB and RCM 10 climate data and information for and DRR, developed Recommendations weather and implemented. forecasting and UN-HABITAT’s early warning, and Cities and Climate to inform effective policy formulation Change initiative and (CCCI). implementation for climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction Priority 4 – Enhance AUC’s leadership in promoting the linkages between population, urbanization and environment challenges and their implications for development Objective - Strengthen engagement with AUC and its constituent bodies in promotion and follow up of the implementation of the related programme UN Ten year Key population, No. of countries and Increasing UN-HABITAT, AUC 2010-2012 capacity building urbanization and RECs with awareness about the programme for the environmental comprehensive and linkages of the UNFPA, AfDB, RECs, AU issues integrated integrated policies that challenges. into national, sub- take into account the Providing support UNEP……… AU/NEPAD regional policies, population, for the development Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents strategies and plans Increased sustainable cities through capacity building of member states and the RECS Expected Output of related policies and their implementation. Design and implementation of NEPAD Cities Programme A framework profile of at least seven cities where the programme is being implemented Key Joint Activities urbanization and environment challenges. No of sustainable African cities by 2010 (profile) outputs Indicators of UN-HABITAT, AMCEN, NEPAD Secretariat, NEPAD Cities local networks, RECs, .. Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments Priority 5 – Enhance the leadership of AUC, RECs and member states in accelerating the implementation of Multilateral and regional agreements on Environment, Population and Urbanization Objective - To strengthen the capacity of AUC, RECs in advocating and coordinating the implementation efforts of the member states African The institutional No of countries that Support the 2010-2012 AUC/ UNEP Union/NEPAD and technical ratify major regional development of UNFPA, UNstrategic and capacities of AUC conventions. related programmes HABITAT,IOM, ECA Action plans and RECs and their No of countries RECs, NPCA, …… strengthened to implementation accelerating the advocate, including resource implementation of the coordinate, mobilization. MEAs, Beijing 70 Development Strategic Strategic Framework (CDSF Capacity Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents UN Ten year capacity building programme for the AU Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Strategies for enhancing coherence of trade and environmental agreements and programmes at sub-regional and national level are developed and implemented monitor and follow up the implementation of the key international and regional continental consensus. Expected Output Key Joint Activities Supporting the process for ratification and implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting towards implementation of Agreements and Conventions by AU member member states and regional bodies. No. of RECs and Support the member States development and implementing negotiation and of negotiated and coherent coherent regional policies on trade and and national environment by 2012 policies. Strengthen RECs capacity to negotiate, and monitor coherent trade and environment policies 71 platform and the ICPD plan of action. Number of relevant policies formulated and implemented. outputs Indicators of RECs, IOM, WMO, AfDB, NEPAD, UN HABITAT, WTO, UNCTAD, UNIDO…… AUC, UNEP, ECA (lead) Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies 2012 frame Time Comments Expected Output outputs Indicators of Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments 72 Objective: To promote the balanced integration of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development Priority 7: Promoting sustainable development in Africa Thematic Focus: To address inter-linkages between social, economic and environmental dimensions of development Thematic Focus: Health and Environment Challenges in Africa Priority 6: Health and environment inter-linkages Objective: Promote the mainstreaming of health and environment linkages into national development policies and programmes Relevant tools and Reduced Priority needs Support the 2010-2012 AUC WHO/ UNEP guidance from vulnerability to identified and backed undertaking of the (lead) WHO, UNEP, the impacts of by relevant situation analysis UNICEF, UNHabitat governing environmental programmes and needs HABITAT, UNCTs, council decisions, degradation on At least 10 countries assessment in RDTs, governments human health selected countries with situational UNFPA, RECs particularly of analysis completed and women, children strategies developed to ………….. Provide support for and vulnerable address the identified joint programme groups needs by end of 2010 development and implementation of Health and Environment programmes Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Expected Output Clear WSSD and Agenda articulation of 21 Africa’s concerns and priorities in UN General regard to the assembly implementation of Resolution sustainable A/C.2/64/L.25 on development UN Conference on commitments Sustainable relative to forests, Development biodiversity, (Rio+20) on biotechnology, progress in the tourism and Implementation of mountains and key Agenda 21, the messages to CSDProgramme for the 20; Further Increased Implementation of awareness and Agenda 21 and the commitment and outcomes of the actions to advance World Summit on implementation Sustainable progress to foster Development; sustainable development in Africa UN General Availability of Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents The Africa RIM Outcome Document to CSD-20 adopted to inform CSD-20 deliberations Compendium of sustainable development indicators for Africa Fourth issue of the SDRA produced An African consensus statement to Rio+20 adopted and submitted to inform RIO+20 Deliberations Recent documentation on National Councils for Sustainable Development (NCSDs) and NSSDs in Africa produced and disseminated. outputs Indicators of 73 Production of the Fourth Issue of the Sustainable Development Report on Africa (SDRA-IV); Production of the thematic review reports for the 2012-2013 implementation cycle of the Commission on Sustainable Development and the Organization of the Africa Regional Implementation Meeting (RIM) for the Twentieth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development. Key Joint Activities AUC-NPCA-ECAAfDB/ RECs, UNEP, FAO, UNWTO, UNHABITAT, UNIDO , UNCBD Secretariat; Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies 2010-2012 frame Time These are ongoing activities for which positive reponse for collaboration has been received from the some UN Agencies and RECs. AUC has already indicated commitment to collaborate and will be communicating this in writing soon Comments Assembly Resolution A/Res.58/218 mandating the orgnaisation of Regional Implementation Meetings (RIMs), to provide inputs to CSD sessions Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents indicators to measure and track progress on sustainable development in Africa Increased understanding and appreciation of the new and emerging challenges to advancing Africa’s sustainable development agenda and wellinformed action oriented recommendations to effectively addressing the challenges; Improved knowledge and understanding on the process of Expected Output outputs Indicators of 74 Organization of a Regional Workshop on Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development. Africa’s Regional Preparatory Process for the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), otherwise referred to as Rio+20 Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies frame Time Comments developing and implementing National Strategies for Sustainable development (NSSDs) Expected Output outputs Indicators of Key Joint Activities Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies 75 Thematic Focus: Enhancing operational arrangements for joint action Priority 8 – consolidation of support structures for the Cluster Objective - To enhance coordination and resource mobilization modalities for joint action GA resolutions and Increased Business plan 2010Consensus on AUC, UNEP, ECA mandate from the effectiveness of 2012 finalised and the structure of the (Co-Coordinator) Secretary General cluster planning approved by July cluster, the business UNDP/IOM for a coordinated and 2010 plan and ( Vice Coordinator response in support implementation of commitments No of joint TBD) to the AU’s priority activities interventions developed including for joint Secretariat-UNEP NEPAD including resource and implemented resource Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Oct 2010 frame Time Comments programme, Strategic plan of AUC department of Agriculture and rural economy Relevant AU/NEPAD and UN Instruments, strategies & Policy documents Cluster Communications strategy developed and approved by July 2010 Level of involvement of AUC, NPCA and sub regional bodies in cluster activities (participation in meetings, activities) Mechanism for information exchange in place Strengthened effectiveness of cluster collaboration through responding to African national and regional priorities outputs mobilization. Expected Output Indicators of 76 Information exchange Sharing of cluster reports Active engagement of cluster members in cluster activities Prepare draft communication strategy mobilisation Key Joint Activities Communication Focal points Collaborating agencies IOM, AfDB, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNDP, IMO, WHO, ISDR, RECS, NPCA Lead agency /Collaborating Agencies July 201 frame Time Comments 1. Strengthening synergies on environment, population and urbanization actions Environmental action plan updated by mid 2011 Environmental action plan approved and endorsed by relevant AU Organs by Jan 2012. A center is established INDICATORS OF OUTPUTS Enhanced First Bamako implementation of the COP organized chemicals and by 2011 hazardous waste related conventions (Bamako, Basel, Rotterdam Updated environmental action plan with implementation strategies at regional, sub-regional and national levels. Regional capacity and synergies in the area of biodiversity strengthened Cluster work plan 2011 RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS 77 Sensitization of policy makers. Approval of POW for implementation of Bamako Convention. Enhance capacity of the RECs to support the implementation of the action plan Involve African capital cities in the process Centre of excellence in biodiversity in Rwanda for capacity building ACTIVITIES xx x Q 1 x xx x xx x Q 2 x xx x xx x Q 3 x xx x TIME FRAME xx x Q 4 x xx x AUC- NPCA & UNEP /UNECA, UN-HABITAT, UNESCO, UNU, AfDB, RECs, UNITAR, UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, UNOPS, Agroforestry and Natural Resource Education (ANAFE), African Network for Agriculture, Association of African Universities (AAU), . AUC-UNEP / UNIDO, FAO, RECs, ECA, ISDR…… LEAD AGENCY/COLLA BORATING AGENCIES 550,000 To cover the cost of hosting the first COP, Consultants/re source 390,000 ESTIMATE D BUDGET Stockholm) CLUSTER OUTPUTS 2. To develop models of joint action address environment, population and urbanisation challenges 3. Supporting A common Africa’s response to negotiating climate change position adopted at the highest level and the capacity of African group of negotiators strengthened. Increased understanding RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS RCM THEMATIC FOCUS Comprehensive Africa Program on climate change implemented by mid 2012. Integration of climate change and environmental education in teacher training institutions and learners’ learning materials INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS INDICATORS OF OUTPUTS 78 Support to AMCEN and the African group of negotiators on climate change on the roadmap to Durban Support to AMCEN Special Session Support to African Forum on Sustainable Development ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 xx x Q 2 x xx x Q 3 x xx x Q 4 x TIME FRAME xx x Q 1 x Q 1 TIME FRAME AUC-NPCAUNECA-AfDBUNEP / WMO, WHO, IMO, DFID, UNDP, ISDR, UNOCHA, UNESCO, UNHABITAT, WWF, UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DMC ………….. RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY LEAD AGENCY/COLLA BORATING AGENCIES 240,000 3 meetings @ 80,000 ESTIMATE D BUDGET persons inputs ESTIMATE D BUDGET of the links between climate change and development Comprehensi ve framework of African climate change programmes and strategy implemented Climate change and environmental education strategies elaborated, promoted and implemented (formal and non formal) RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 79 Implement work programme of the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) for 2011 which includes to: Commission and disseminate reports on long term and fast track financing, low carbon economy, and technology transfer. Implement the AMCEN sub-regional and national adaptation strategies. Organize the annual Climate Change and Development Conference to be held October 2011 Production of background documents and organization of workshops/meetings in preparation for/during UNFCCC COP 17. Strengthening capacity for collection, ACTIVITIES Q 1 xx x Q 2 xx x Q 3 xx x Q 4 xx x TIME FRAME AUC-NPCAUNECA-AfDBUNEP / WMO, WHO, IMO, DFID, UNDP, ISDR, UNOCHA, UNHABITAT, WWF, UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DMC ………………… RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY 5,750,000 ESTIMATE D BUDGET RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS xx x Implementation of the comprehensive Africa programme on climate change. 80 xx x Q 1 xx x xx x Q 2 xx x xx x Q 3 xx x xx x Q 4 TIME FRAME Support CAHOSCC management and dissemination of hydrological and meteorological data and information. Strengthening capacity for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in Africa ACTIVITIES AUC-NPCAUNECA-AfDBUNEP / WMO, WHO, IMO, DFID, UNDP, ISDR, UNOCHA, UNHABITAT, WWF, UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DMC …….. AUC-NPCAUNECA-AfDBUNEP / WMO, WHO, IMO, DFID, UNDP, ISDR, UNOCHA, UNHabitat, WWF, RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY 1,900,000 To cater for technical assistance. Other consultants, regional and 240,000 To cover two meetings of CAHOSCC ESTIMATE D BUDGET 4. Enhance AUC leadership in promoting the linkages between population, urbanization and environment challenges Key population, urbanization and environmental issues integrated into national, subregional policies, strategies and plans RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS No of sustainable African cities by 2011 No. of countries and RECs with comprehensive and integrated policies that take into account the population, urbanization and environment challenges. INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 81 Support other RCM clusters to integrate climate change into their business plans and relevant activities Organisation of sub regional (REC) workshops on integration of climate change and environment issues into education programmes Increasing awareness about the linkages of the challenges. Providing support for the development related policies and their implementation. Design and implementation of NEPAD Cities Programme ACTIVITIES xx x xx x xx x xx x Q 2 Q 1 xx x xx x Q 3 xx x xx x Q 4 TIME FRAME UNFPA, AfDB, RECs, UNEP……….. UN-HABITAT, AUC UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DMC ……. AUC-NPCAUNECA-AfDBUNEP / WMO, WHO, IMO, DFID, UNDP, ISDR, UNOCHA, UNHABITAT, WWF, UNFCCC, WB, RECs, ACMAD, ICPAC, DM, UNESCO …….. RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY 307, 200 To cater for one meeting with each of the 8 clusters with twelve people attending @ 3,200 including meeting material 470,000 for meetings, communicatio n and visibility strategy, and training workshops. subregional meetings ESTIMATE D BUDGET Strategies for enhancing coherence of Increased sustainable cities through capacity building of member states and the RECS 5.Enhance the The leadership of AUC, institutional and RECs and member technical states in capacities of accelerating the AUC and RECs implementation of strengthened to Multilaterial and advocate, regional agreements coordinate, on environment, monitor and population & follow up the urbanisation implementation of the key international and regional continental consensus. RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS No. of RECs and member States implementing No of countries that ratify major regional conventions. No of countries accelerating the implementation of the MEAs, Beijing platform and the ICPD plan of action. Number of relevant policies formulated and implemented (profile) A framework profile of at least seven cities where the programme is being implemented. INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 82 Strengthen RECs capacity to negotiate, and monitor coherent Support the development of related programmes and their implementation including resource mobilization. Supporting the process for ratification and implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting towards implementation of Agreements and Conventions by AU member states and regional bodies ACTIVITIES xx x xx x Q 1 xx x xx x Q 2 xx x xx x Q 3 xx x xx x Q 4 TIME FRAME 1,650,000 to cater for the second activity in support to 3 conventions @550,000 320,000 To cater for first activitiy consultants, advocacy wokshops on selected conventions ESTIMATE D BUDGET AUC, UNEP, ECA 480,000 to cater for (lead) RECs, IOM, WMO, capacity AUC/ UNEP UNFPA, UNHABITAT,IOM, ECA RECs, NPCA, …… RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY 7. To address interlinkages between social, economic and environmental dimensions of development Clear articulation of Africa’s concerns and priorities in regard to the trade and environmental agreements and programmes at sub-regional and national level are developed and implemented 6. Health and Reduced Environment vulnerability to challenges in Africa the impacts of environmental degradation on human health particularly of women, children and vulnerable groups RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS xx x Q 3 xx x Q 4 The Africa RIM Outcome Document to CSD-20 adopted to inform CSD-20 deliberations. 83 Production of the thematic review reports for the 2012-2013, implementation cycle of the Commission on Sustainable. Support the undertaking of the situation analysis and needs assessment in selected countries. Supporting National joint action plan preparation. xx x xx x xx x xx x AUC-NPCA-ECAAfDB/RECs, UNEP, FAO, UNWTO, UNHABITAT, UNIDO , CBD Secretariat; AUC WHO/ UNEP (lead) UNICEF, UNHABITAT, UNCTs, RDTs, UNFPA, RECs ……………. xx x Q 2 RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY Priority needs identified and backed by relevant programmes xx x Q 1 TIME FRAME AfDB, NEPAD, UN-HABITAT, WTO, UNCTAD, UNIDO…… ACTIVITIES negotiated and coherent trade and environment policies on trade and policies environment by 2012 INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 125,000 To cater for production of 5 thematic reports @25,000 building workshops for 3 selected RECs ESTIMATE D BUDGET implementation of sustainable development commitments relative to forests, biodiversity, biotechnology, tourism and mountains and key messages to CSD-20; Increased awareness and commitment and actions to advance implementation progress to foster sustainable development in Africa Availability of indicators to measure and track progress on sustainable RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS Development and the Organization of the Africa Regional Implementation Meeting (RIM) for the Twentieth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development. Production of the Fourth Issue of the Sustainable Development Report on Africa (SDRA-IV); Compendium of sustainable development indicators for Africa Fourth issue of the SDRA produced. An African consensus statement to Rio+20 adopted and submitted to inform RIO+20 Deliberations Recent documentation on National Councils for Sustainable Development (NCSDs) and NSSDs in Africa produced and disseminated. 84 Africa’s Regional Preparatory Process for the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), otherwise ACTIVITIES INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS xx x xx x Q 1 xx x xx x Q 2 xx x xx x Q 3 xx x xx x Q 4 TIME FRAME 478,000 To cater for Consultants (186,00), Expert group meeting (55,000) and hosting Regional workshop on indicators (237,00) ESTIMATE D BUDGET AUC-NPCA-ECA- 2,000,000 AfDBUNEP/RECs, FAO, UNDP, CBD Secretariat, UNDESA and other UN agencies; AUC-NPCA-ECAAfDB/RECs, UNEP, FAO, UNWTO, UNHABITAT, UNIDO , BD Secretariat; …………….. RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY development in Africa Increased understanding and appreciation of the new and emerging challenges to advancing Africa’s sustainable development agenda and well-informed action oriented recommendatio ns to effectively addressing the challenges; Improved knowledge and understanding on the process of developing and implementing National RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 85 referred to as Rio+20 including to: Organize a regional Workshop on Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development; Organize a workshop on sustainable development indicator framework for Africa; Commission subregional review reports on implementation progress; Commission Africa report on Institutional and strategic frameworks; Commission the Africa report on Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication in Africa; ACTIVITIES Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 TIME FRAME RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY ESTIMATE D BUDGET 8. Enhancing operational arrangements for joint action Increased effectiveness of cluster planning and implementation of priority activities including resource mobilization. Strengthened effectiveness of cluster collaboration through responding to Strategies for Sustainable development (NSSDs) Improved partnerships and implication of media RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES Q 1 86 xx x Q 2 xx x Q 3 xx x Q 4 TIME FRAME Commission the Africa report on New and emerging challenges; Organize sub-regional consultations; Organize the Africa regional preparatory conference; Support to national media programs on climate change and environment. No of joint Development of xx interventions developed Resource mobilization x and implemented strategy for the cluster Prepare draft Cluster communication Communications strategy developed and strategy Information approved by July 2011 exchange Level of involvement Sharing of cluster of AUC, NPCA and reports sub regional bodies in Active engagement cluster activities of cluster members in (participation in cluster activities meetings, activities) Mechanism for information exchange INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS AUC, UNEP, ECA (Co-Coordinator) UNDP/IOM ( Vice Coordinator TBD) Secretariat-UNEP Collaborating agencies UNHABITAT, IOM, AfDB, UNFPA, UNDP, IMO, WHO, ISDR, RECS, NPCA Communication Focal points RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY ESTIMATE D BUDGET Sustainable agriculture, rural development, food and nutrition security Thematic Focus Q 1 Expected Output Indicators Key Joint Activities DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER ACTION PLAN 2011-2013 Q 2 Q 4 Time frame RESPONSIBLE SUB-CLUSTER / AGENCY Collaborating Inputs from Agencies Q 3 TIME FRAME Resources required to carry out activity ESTIMATE D BUDGET 87 Priority 1 Support capacities of AUC/DREA and NPCA for the implementation of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and for the African rural development. AUC-DREA, April 1.1 Enhanced 1.1.1.Capacity a. Need i. Stock taking of NPCA, WFP, capacities of Building Needs of assessment 2011 current capacities of FAO AUC/DREA and AUC/DREA and conducted AUC/DREA and NPCA for the NPCA with NPCA in support of implementation of respect to the the CAADP process the Comprehensive CAADP African Agriculture implementation ii. Formulation of a Development addressed and Medium Term Programme strengthened Comprehensive (CAADP) and of b. MTCCBP Capacity Building the African rural formulated Objective ACTIVITIES AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY AND RURAL INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENTS African national in place and regional priorities RCM THEMATIC CLUSTER FOCUS OUTPUTS Thematic Focus development Objective AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY AND RURAL Expected Output Indicators Programme (MTCCBP) for AUC/DREA and NPCA in the context of the TYCBP. Key Joint Activities 88 iv Establish a linkage in the implementation of the MTCCBP to those capacity building programmes developed by other RCM Clusters in the context of the broader TYCBP iii. Development of a mechanism under the MTCCBP to ensure a synergized and coordinated implementation of different technical assistance projects in support of DREA and NPCA DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER ACTION PLAN 2011-2013 Collaborating Inputs from Agencies Time frame Resources required to carry out activity Thematic Focus 1.1.3 Sound Food Security Policies implemented 1.1.2. Availability of resources increased to implement the MTCCBP Expected Output Indicators Key Joint Activities viii Identify best practices to mitigate the recurrent food crisis vii. Monitor the impact of the MTCCBP implementation vi. Establish a resource mobilization action to pull additional funds Collaborating Inputs from Agencies 1.2 Enhanced capacity of t AUC/DREA and NPCA in knowledge generating to support agriculture and climate changes linkages 1.2.1 89 Priority 2- Strengthen the linkages between agriculture, food security and climate changes Objective AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER ACTION PLAN 2011-2013 Time frame Resources required to carry out activity Thematic Focus Expected Output Indicators Key Joint Activities Collaborating Inputs from Agencies 90 Priority 3 – Advocate for mobilising and aligning resources and for greater engagement 1.3 Increased alignment of support and better resource mobilization Objective AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT CLUSTER ACTION PLAN 2011-2013 Time frame Resources required to carry out activity OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE CLUSTER 2011-2012 BUSINESS PLAN Advocacy and Communication Cluster Review the reports from each individual agency member of the Cluster, highlighting their key objectives, plans and projects for the coming 18 - 24 months with a view to enabling other agencies to identify opportunities for further collaboration; Create a central information sharing point such as a well-maintained, up-to-date website which monitors AU/NEPAD progress in member countries as well as monitoring and informing on AU/NEPAD Secretariat and AU/NEPAD cluster activities; Establish a wider network of communication/advocacy partners to serve as contact points for information sharing, capacity building and resource mobilization; b. c. d. 91 Provide support to the advocacy components of the African Union and AU/NEPAD Strategic Plans and the implementation of the Plans; a. In pursuit of these objectives, the Cluster shall: The underlying objectives of Advocacy and Communication Cluster activities are to increase awareness and support for achieving the AU/NEPAD’s objectives, to increase political commitment to the AU/UN Partnership through the Ten Year Capacity Building Framework, and to mobilize internal and/or external resources for implementation of AU /NEPAD programmes and projects. The role of each member of the Advocacy and Communication Cluster is to (a) support the advocacy and communication objectives and plans of the AU Commission (AUC) and of the Regional Economic Communities relating to AU/NEPAD and (b) support the advocacy and communication objectives and plans of other clusters to the extent that their own mandates and individual funding allow. More resources are allocated to AU/ NEPAD Priority areas Expected output Support to the commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of NEPAD at UN Headquarters in October 2011 Activities - media coverage - Number of attendance at different events Output Indicators UN-DPI UNOSAA ECA 92 Lead and Collabora ting Agencies Increasing advocacy and mobilization for AU/NEPAD through the RCM system OSAA ECA Q1 201 1 Q2 201 1 Q3 201 1 Increasing the technical capacity of the AU/NEPAD Communication Team 3. Resource s Enhancing the existing dialogue between the AU/UN system and the community of media reporting on Africa 2. Priority one Increasing advocacy and mobilization for AU/NEPAD through the RCM system 1. The main objectives of the Cluster are to support the African Union in the following areas: Q4 201 1 Q1 201 2 Q2 201 2 Q3 201 2 Q4 201 2 Improve coordination with other AU/NEPAD clusters on strategic communication issues. f. OBJECTIVES OF THE CLUSTER Support activities, as identified and agreed by the Cluster and its partners; support resource mobilization activities as identified and agreed by the Cluster and its partners; and e. Actual number of Ambassadors Media clippings/coverag e - number of stories on NEPAD aired monthly Number of member states and UN agencies present UNOSAA UN-DPI UN-DPI 93 UN-DPI UN-ECA Better circulation of Database of UN existing newsletters recipients updated System on NEPAD or and increased NEPAD development issues Publicising the 10th anniversary of the AUC in 2012 Creation of a one stop shop for all information Supporting the Pan concerning African media media, such as Network media houses, training schools as well as other information Briefing UN member States on AU summit Increased usage of UN network on TV and radio Nomination of NEPAD Agency Goodwill Ambassadors ECA ECA ECA One meeting per year with at least 30 senior journalists from Africa and major international News Organizations Increased number of hits Activities Engaging with a core group of senior media in Africa and from the Diaspora in promoting development of the continent (2 per country) Enlarging the community of young journalist supporting AU/NEPAD agenda at least five stringers per African countries via the PAN African Media Portal Expected output A permanent dialogue is established with the African Media in Africa and in the Diaspora through different channels: web site, training programmes, senior media meetings, social media networks Output Indicators AU, EU ECA UN-DPI 94 Lead and Collabora ting Agencies European Union ECA and OSAA Resource s Q1 201 1 Q2 201 1 Q3 201 1 Enhancing the existing dialogue between the AU/UN system and the community of media reporting on Africa Priority 2 Q4 201 1 Q1 201 2 Q2 201 2 Q3 201 2 Q4 201 2 Ceremony once a year held Actual number of journalist trained One journalist per ECA country for each of the six AU/NEPAD priority areas Develop and Number of copies ECA distribute journalist/ distributed NPCA writers manual on Increased African issues coverage Capacity building in the field of new technologies, social media and reporting skills Create incentive towards excellence and awareness raising and coverage about development issues Database of thematic journalists Expected output Output Indicators Number of staff trained Activities Technical capacity building through secondment 95 Lead and Collabora ting Agencies Increasing the technical capacity of the AU/NEPAD Communication Team Priority 3 ECA Resource s ECA ECA ? Q1 201 1 Q2 201 1 Q3 201 1 Q4 201 1 Q1 201 2 Q2 201 2 Q3 201 2 Q4 201 2 Branding the AU Promoting the visual identity of the AU Harmonising the identities of AU entities AU personnel fully understand the UN branding model - technical Improve the multi assessment for the media new conference communication centre produced facilities at the AU - Conference centre headquarters modernized arrangements between the UN system and the AU 96 Industry Trade & Market Access BUSINESS PLAN 2010-2012 Sustainable Economic growth, wealth creation and global integration Strengthen Africa’s Industrial policy making and implementation for sustainable development Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) policy and regulatory framework that promotes foreign and domestic investment Established National Industrial policy development capacity strengthen 97 Support governments and policy research institutions in the development and implementation of industrial policy and strategy Develop policies and regulatory frameworks that create conducive environments for foreign and domestic investments Key Joint Activities Relevant AU Expected Objective Instruments/ Outputs Policy documents Priority I – Industrial Policy and Institutional Direction Development Indicator: No of regulatory frameworks Indicator: No. of policies developed or reviewed Indicators UNIDO UNESCO, UNECA UNIDO ILO Collaboratin g Agencies Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 Timefr ame Business plan should be prepared on the basis of AU/NEPAD Action plan (2010-2015) and AU Strategic Plan (2009-2012) Priority areas are based on AUC priorities for 2010 -2012 Identified priority areas should have corresponding activities (achievable activities), measurable indicators and concrete outputs Participating agencies should identify the relevant AU instruments and policy documents The UN/AU 10-year Capacity Building Programme is the overall guiding instruments for the Cluster Any recommendations from meetings of the RCM Thematic Focus Guide Resour ces Thematic Focus Promotion of investments in sustainable energy including renewable energy generation and distribution Investments in sustainable energy for industrial development increased 98 Feasibility analysis and mapping and of renewable energy sources at national levels Renewable Energy Resource Mapped Key Joint Activities Relevant AU Expected Objective Instruments/ Outputs Policy documents Priority II Promote Infrastructure and Energy for Industrial Development Increase access Action Plan for the Conducive policy Support the to energy and Accelerated and regulatory development of promote Industrial frameworks for appropriate policies infrastructure Development of energy developed and regulatory development to Africa (AIDA) frameworks for facilitate energy development industrial development Indicator: Number of countries whose renewable energy sources are mapped Indicator 1: No. of new investments in sustainable energy for industrial development Indicator 2: Volume of outputs Indicator 2: No. of regulatory frameworks for energy development Indicator 1: No. of energy development policies Indicators UNIDO ILO AfDB Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 UNDP/UNID O UNIDO/UN DP Timefr ame Collaboratin g Agencies Resour ces Thematic Focus Expected Outputs Key Joint Activities Increase production and trade in value added products Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) African Agribusiness and Agro Industries Development Initiative 3ADI. Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) African Agribusiness and Agro Industries Development Industrial development strategic plans developed Supply side capacities upgraded and competitiveness enhanced 99 Support upgrading and modernization of selected small and medium size enterprises to increase manufacturing capacities Value chain analysis, value chain development at national and regional levels Diagnostic analysis of priority industry sectors Prerequisite Support the infrastructure development (communication, prerequisite transport water, infrastructures which etc.) for assist industrial and industrial trade development development and trade developed Priority III – Upgrading Production and Trade Capacities Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Indicator Number of value chain analyses Number of value chains developed Indicator Report of diagnostic analysis Indicator Modernization and upgrading programs being implemented Indicator 1: No. of prerequisite infrastructures supported Indicators Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 UNIDO, FAO UNDP Nov 2010Nov 2012 Timefr ame UNIDO ILO UNIDO UNIDO ILO AfDB Collaboratin g Agencies Resour ces Thematic Focus Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Initiative Domestic, regional and international market (demand) developed Quality and international standard to facilitate trade developed or strengthened Increased private sector industrial investment Selected small and medium scale industries integrated in global value chains and trade Expected Outputs Indicators 100 Indicator : No. of medium and small enterprises integrated in global value chains and trade Promote private Indicator: New sector led investment registered in industrial private sector manufacturing investment in manufacturing Support the Indicator : establishment of No. of Enterprise and enterprise and business incubators business development incubators Expand market for Indicator : products by No of new enhancing trade markets created linkages and market for products penetration Promulgate Indicator 1: standardization, No. of accreditation, inspecting quality, metrology, bodies for effective global Indicator 2: market integration No. of quality assurance Support integration of selected small and medium scale industries in global value chains and trade Key Joint Activities Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 UNIDO UNCTAD Nov 2010Nov 2012 UNESCO UNIDO Nov 2010Nov 2012 Nov 2010Nov 2012 Timefr ame UNIDO UNIDO Collaboratin g Agencies Resour ces Thematic Focus Expected Outputs Key Joint Activities 101 Priority IV. Skills Development for Industrial Development Industry – Action Plan for the Sustainable Diagnostic analysis driven skills Accelerated human capital for of industry related development Industrial industrial skills gap Development of development Africa (AIDA) developed African Agribusiness and Agro Industries Development Initiative 3ADI0. Strengthen educational institutions which build domestic human resource capacity to develop, acquire, upgrade and adapt knowledge and technology Develop skills transfer and retention strategies. Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Indicator: # of Linkages established with centres of excellence for knowledge and skills transfer. Indicator 1: Report of diagnostic analysis Indicator 2: # of countries in which analysis is conducted Indicator 1: #of education institutions strengthened Indicator 2: # of No. of trainees certificates issued Indicators Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 UNIDO UNESCO ILO UNDP UNIDO UNESCO ILO UNDP Timefr ame UNIDO/UNE SCO/UNDP Collaboratin g Agencies Resour ces Thematic Focus Expected Outputs Key Joint Activities Indicators 102 Indicator Strategy document for knowledge and skills retention developed Priority V. Industrial Innovation Systems , R&D and Technology Development Action Plan for the University Chairs Facilitate and assist Indicator: Accelerated on Innovation the establishment of No of Chairs Industrial established in University Chairs on established in Development of African Innovations in different Africa (AIDA) Universities African universities universities in African Africa Agribusiness and Regional Support Indicator: Agro Industries Technology establishment of No of Regional Development Transfer and Regional Technology Initiative 3ADI0. Diffusion Technology Transfer Transfer and Centres and Diffusion Diffusion established Centres Centres established/stre ngthened Africa Support Indicator : Technology and implementation of No of Innovation the Africa Technology Initiative Technology and and Innovation Implemented Innovation Initiative Initiative programmes implemented Priority VI. Financing and Resource Mobilization Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 UNIDO/UNE SCO UNIDO/UNE SCO UNIDO/UNE SCO Timefr ame UNIDO UNESCO ILO UNDP Collaboratin g Agencies Resour ces Thematic Focus To improve access to credit/financial resources for industrial development Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) Improved policy and business environment to attract Diaspora resources An African Industrial development fund established/conso lidated Portfolios of bankable investment projects developed Capacity to monitor and facilitate foreign investment into priority industry subsectors developed Finance institutions (DFIs and regional Institutions reinvigorated Expected Outputs Indicator : No of investments in Strengthening of capacities to monitor and facilitate investment into priority industry subsectors 103 Facilitate and support the development of bankable projects Indicator: Presence of African Industrial development fund Indicator : No of bankable projects Indicator: No. of new Diaspora investments Indicator : No of financial institutions that support industrial development Indicators Assist establishment/ consolidation of an African Industrial development fund Assist the development of financial institutions in Africa to support industrial development in Africa Support development of policy environments that attract resources Key Joint Activities EDND/ECA EDND/ECA EDND/ECA EDND/ECA EDND/ECA Collaboratin g Agencies Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Timefr ame Resour ces Thematic Focus Mitigate the negative impact on environment consequence by industrial development Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) African Agribusiness and Agro Industries Development Initiative 3ADI0. Relevant AU Objective Instruments/ Policy documents Priority 7. Sustainable Development Pan African network of national cleaner production service providers/centres strengthened Sustainable development integrated into frameworks of broad governance Expected Outputs UNDP/UNID O UNDP/UNID O Indicator : No. of industrial enterprises trained Indicator : Training tools developed 104 UNDP/UNID O Indicator : No of industries upgraded Support of environmentally sound chemicals manufacturing and chemical leasing energy efficient industry Support to transfer and adaptation, replication and environmentally sound technologies and sustainable product developments appropriate to national context Support development of regulatory and policy to foster uptake of investment in Collaboratin g Agencies Indicator : UNDP/UNID No of network O national cleaner production services provided Indicators Support and strengthen network of national cleaner production service providers/centres Key Joint Activities Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Timefr ame Resour ces Thematic Focus Objective Relevant AU Instruments/ Policy documents Sustainable use of resources Expected Outputs 105 resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) Provision of technical and material support to sustainably use resources for cleaner production services Key Joint Activities Collaboratin g Agencies Indicator : UNDP/UNID No of industrial O firms receiving technical support to address negative impact on environment from their activities. Indicators Nov201 1 Nov201 2 Timefr ame Resour ces
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