SAEWA SAEWA ‐ Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Managers Briefing & Project Updates: August 2013 Board Meetings The August 23 Board Meeting was held at the Town of Okotoks Council Chambers, thank you SAEWA member representative & Okotoks Councillor Laurie Hodson. Previous Board meetings: Thursday July 25; Town of Coaldale – Host SAEWA Chair Kim Craig Friday June 28; Vulcan County – Host SAEWA Executive Committee Member Rod Ruark Guests at recent board meetings: John Deagle ‐ Landfill Manager; Foothills Regional Services Commission Joe Angevine ‐ Asst Landfill Manager; Foothills Regional Services Commission Barry Wolsey – Councillor Town of Raymond Charntelle Koch ‐ Vulcan Business Development Society Brian de Jong ‐ Councillor Newell County Jerry Clark ‐ Councillor Cypress County Art Dyck ‐ Village of Champion Christine Nyberg ‐ Village of Champion The next Board meeting will be held at 12 noon on Friday September 27 at: MD of Taber County Offices, 4900 50 St, Taber, AB, T1G 1T3 Phone: (403) 223‐3541 Project Development Updates Initial Business Plan Contract Awarded The Board directed the Executive Committee to identify a professional firm with experience relevant to Waste‐To‐Energy projects to prepare a Business Plan Framework. The process to identify a candidate firm to prepare the Initial Business Plan (IBP) had already been established in the completed RFP for the Project Development Plan, which was awarded to the HDR Corporation. At the July 25 Board meeting, the IBP contract was awarded to the HDR Corporation. HDR (‐from‐waste‐organics‐management) has confirmed that they are able to complete the Initial Business Plan within the budgeted amount, and to complete it concurrent with the preparation of the Project Development Plan. HDR will now develop the “Preparation of an Energy from Waste Project Development Plan” to consist of five integrated sub‐plans that will include the Initial Business Plan along with the other four components: 1) Regulatory Requirements Plan; 2) Siting Process Plan; 3) Communications Plan; 4) Procurement Process Plan; 5) Initial Business Plan (Business Plan Framework) Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Town of Coaldale, 1920 – 17 Street Coaldale, AB T1M 1M1 SAEWA The sub‐plans will be commenced and prepared concurrently with the IBP. This will allow for building upon and integrating the information as it is developed in the sub‐plans to be input into the Initial Business Plan. This approach will increase efficiencies with information collection, coordination and meshing with all sub‐groups, resulting in a more coherent document, enhanced timeline and cost savings. The awarding of these two key contracts will establish the long awaited process for identifying the facility siting host and the technology vendor for the project, as well as Communications & Regulatory Requirements plans. The process timeline will also benefit by HDR’s familiarity with SAEWA and the project, as they also developed the SAEWA Research Project Report. The project development plan will provide the “road map” for SAEWA to follow to establish an energy‐ from‐waste facility in Southern Alberta. Preparation of the Energy-from-Waste Project Development Plan HDR Corporation which was awarded the contract to develop and prepare the Energy‐from‐Waste Project Development Plan (PDP) at the June 28 Board meeting, has not wasted any time getting started. Key HDR Team members were on hand at the August 23 Board meeting in Okotoks to provide an overview of the scope of work being performed for the PDP & IBP. Jim McKay ‐ Associate Vice President, Solid Waste Manager; Neil MacDonald ‐ Sr. Solid Waste Engineer & Project Manager and Ken Carrusca ‐ Solid Waste Manager, Western Canada were on hand to roll out a presentation on the work being performed and to answer questions from Board members. I have attached key slide panels from their presentation for your review at the end of this briefing. Funding for the PDP is provided by a Municipal Affairs Regional Collaboration Grant approved in December 2012 for $233,700.00 Project Initiation Meeting The SAEWA Executive Committee and Manager also attended a project initiation meeting for the preparation of SAEWA’s Project Development Plan on Thursday August 22nd at HDR’s Calgary office. This meeting provided a good opportunity for key SAEWA representatives and HDR staff to review the project work plan, clarify any issues or concerns, exchange ideas and discuss strategic matters that are important to completion of the project development plan and the long term vision for SAEWA’s project. The meeting covered items such as: 1. HDR team member Introductions 2. Administrative matters 3. Work plan overview 4. Strategic issues 5. Timelines 6. Progress update Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Town of Coaldale, 1920 – 17 Street Coaldale, AB T1M 1M1 SAEWA Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development: Introductory Meeting HDR arranged for a meeting with key Alberta Environment personnel on Thursday August 22, the meeting was also attended by SAEWA Chair Kim Craig, Vice Chair Paul Ryan & Manager Ron Knoedler. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to SAEWA, and to begin a dialogue to better understand the regulatory requirements that would apply to SAEWA’s project. I can report that the meeting went very well, with five key AE members attending, including four Industrial Approvals Engineers. Association & Member Updates Governance Committee: Member Voting Eligibility Committee Chair Don Johnson outlined a proposed schedule for developing the first phase of the Governance Policy: SAEWA Member Voting Eligibility: Board Meetings & AGM The Policy is to be approved by the SAEWA Board, likely after the Municipal Elections in October. The AGM will have to occur after the Elections and the November 22nd SAEWA Board meeting (or the same day). Policy is to be confirmed by a third party reviewer and will include interpretation of current Association by‐laws. ***** Note that as per Association By-laws, members are ineligible to vote at the upcoming AGM if membership fees are unpaid. ***** Committee members include Committee Chair Don Johnson – Councillor, MD of Taber, Dene Cooper – Reeve; MD of Bighorn, Laurie Hodson – Councillor, Town of Okotoks, Tom White – Councillor, County of Lethbridge, Ben Goetz –Councillor, Village of Glenwood The development of an Energy from Waste Regional Governance Model will provide for supporting the members’ continued participation and to protect the process & project integrity. Effective governance will ensure that oversight and accountability mechanisms are in place to satisfy the board of directors and member stakeholders, and to make balanced and informed decisions in the best interest of the organization Funding for the development of a full Regional Governance Model is provided by a Municipal Affairs Regional Collaboration Grant approved in April 2013 for $250,00.00 New Members SAEWA welcomes the Town of Raymond as the newest member, joining the Town of Okotoks and Cypress County who have also recently become members. The SAEWA member footprint now covers nearly all of southern Alberta! In light of the awarding of the Project Development Plan, The Board has directed the Executive Committee to visit the issue of a Cap for SAEWA membership. Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Town of Coaldale, 1920 – 17 Street Coaldale, AB T1M 1M1 SAEWA New Business Flood Impact Report on Southern Alberta Landfills The Executive Committee has directed the Manager to prepare a Flood Impact Report. The Flood report is requested because members are reporting the considerable effects that the recent floods are having on landfills receiving the flood damage debris. Estimated tonnage, reduced landfill lifespan, diversion to other landfills etc are to be covered. All factors that could contribute to increased interest in the SAEWA project. Members will be receiving a short questionnaire related to compiling the report, your comments & cooperation is appreciated. Upcoming Presentations 1. AUMA ‐ Infrastructure and Energy Committee invite to SAEWA The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association has invited SAEWA to give a presentation at the Infrastructure and Energy Committee Board Meeting on Wednesday September 4 in Edmonton. The I&E Committee is a standing Committee of AUMA The I&E Committee is accountable to the AUMA Board for: o Effectively identifying, categorizing and ranking infrastructure, energy and related issues; o Identifying the key attributes of important issues and opportunities: and o Developing creative and effective response strategies that meet the needs of AUMA and its members and reflect a long term strategic perspective. SAEWA Chair Kim Craig will be giving the presentation. 2. Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Authority SAEWA Chair Kim Craig & Vice‐Chair Paul Ryan will be attending the Wednesday September 11 Chief Mt RSWA Board meeting to give a presentation to the Authority council. 3. MD of Pincher Creek Chair Kim Craig gave a presentation at the MD’s council meeting on Tuesday August 27. Upcoming Meetings & Events SAEWA Annual General Meeting The SAEWA Annual General Meeting date is yet to be announced, but is expected to occur before the year end. The AGM will be scheduled after the Municipal Elections, as several members have indicated that they will not be running again for municipal office. Incumbents will have to be appointed as SAEWA representatives by their respective councils in order to participate in Board meetings or the AGM. These issues will be further discussed at the September 27 & October 25 Board Meetings Note that as per Association By‐laws, members are ineligible to vote at the upcoming AGM if membership fees are unpaid. Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Town of Coaldale, 1920 – 17 Street Coaldale, AB T1M 1M1 SAEWA September Board Meeting The next Board meeting will be held at 12 noon on Friday September 27at the MD of Taber County Offices, located at 4900 50 St, Taber, AB, T1G 1T3 Phone: (403) 223‐3541 Please contact me if your community wishes to host the monthly Board meeting, held at noon on the fourth Friday of each month or if your community wishes to have a SAEWA Project Information Presentation. 2014 is poised for progress as the Project Development Plan & Business Plan unfolds to define the project and provide a solid foundation that the members can be proud to be a part of. Please see the key slide panels from the HDR presentation attached to this briefing. Sincerely Ron Knoedler Administrative Manager 403‐394‐5900 The Southern Alberta Energy-from-Waste Association (SAEWA) is a coalition of 72 municipal entities and waste management jurisdictions in southern Alberta. SAEWA is committed to research and implementation of energy recovery from non-recyclable waste materials to reduce long-term reliance on landfills. Established in 2009, SAEWA is seeking to foster sustainable waste management practices that contribute to our society’s overall resource efficiency. SAEWA is in the planning stages to establish a new energy-from-waste facility that could handle the processing of municipal solid waste. The Long-term benefit will be the development of a regionally (southern Alberta) located Waste-to-Energy Facility that will service all 72 municipal entities of SAEWA. Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Town of Coaldale, 1920 – 17 Street Coaldale, AB T1M 1M1 Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Preparation of a Project Development Plan SAEWA Board Meeting August 23, 2103 Work Plan Overview: Build precise and complete information Support making informed decisions and choices Map‐out steps, information and resource needs, schedule and costs to proceed with development of an energy from waste project Steer the project direction according to SAEWA’s objectives Demonstrate commitment to the process and build credibility with stakeholders Initial Business Plan > > Work Plan Overview Communications Plan Outline the tools and strategies needed to communicate effectively with stakeholders and interested parties Build upon existing communications policies Address the following: • Project branding: logos, tag lines, desired exposure, etc. • Development and refreshment of key messages periodically to accompany announcements, publication of information, media contacts • Public consultation and stakeholder engagement/education needs • Government agency consultations • Political relationship management • Social media (i.e. Twitter™, Facebook™ etc) – needs and effective use • Media relations • Surveys Deliverable: draft and final Communications Plan report > > Work Plan Overview Siting Process Plan Incorporate REOI responses and information Comply with regulatory requirements Recognize and balance local interests Include integrated systems approach Coordination of siting with vendor engagement Address the following: • • • • Typical/Generic Siting Approach A project specific step‐wise approach to siting Identification of supporting investigations required Site identification, screening, evaluation and selection processes Development and application of criteria: » » » » » » » Natural environment Social and community aspects Transportation Energy Sustainability Economics Legal and/or administrative matters Deliverable: draft and final Siting Process Plan report > > Work Plan Overview Regulatory Requirements Plan Assemble detailed information regarding the regulations(Federal, Provincial and Municipal) governing development, construction and operation of an energy from waste facility Conduct discussions with key staff at regulatory agencies Address the following: • Approval process(es) to be followed • Specific environment, public health and energy recovery requirements » Facility approvals/permitting » Emissions and other environmental controls » Greenhouse gases » Residue/ash management » Compliance reporting » Energy market access and participation » Land‐use and development approvals • Steps, activities, resources, schedule and Deliverable: draft and final Siting Process Plan report > > Work Plan Overview Procurement Process Plan Develop information to support decisions among options for: • Alternatives for development, construction, operation and maintenance of an energy from waste facility • Implications of ownership and/or partnering options and models for project/service delivery • Allocation/assumption of risk and designation of roles and responsibilities Address the following: • A stepwise overview of the procurement process • Procedures for issuance of procurement documents, communications during procurement activities, receiving and responding to inquiries, addenda, receiving submissions • Pre‐qualification, Request for Proposal and negotiations • Bid document needs • Control and influence of design, construction, operation and maintenance • Change management, control of schedules and budgets • Methodology for review, evaluation and selection at each procurement step • Policies to support impartiality of procurement Deliverables: a) procurement planning workshop and b) draft and final Procurement Process Plan report > > Work Plan Overview Initial Business Plan Provide information to support a decision regarding implementation Map out the steps, resources and timing for a go forward approach Address the following: • • • • • • • • • Costs: Capital, operating, maintenance Revenues: Waste, energy and materials Securing markets: waste inputs, energy outputs, material outputs Securing funding Resources: personnel and expertise Partnership needs: roles, responsibilities, cost/revenue sharing Ownership, project delivery and risk management Development steps and schedule Project administration
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