The AWWOA Newsletter 40 th Winter 2015 Issue 25 Annual Operators Seminar March 9 – 13, 2015, Banff, Alberta In This Issue : Operators Seminar ....................1 Pre-seminar Workshops............2 Greetings from ESRD.................3 Operators Seminar Cont’d.........3 Bylaws - Proposed Change.......4 Certification Best Practices.......4 The Old Operator........................5 Banff Friday Sesison..................6 Charitable Donations.................7 Classroom Courses....................8 The AWWOA Executive Board welcomes you to the annual Operators Seminar held in majestic Banff, Alberta. We are thrilled to be hosting the 40th year celebration with you, in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Your Executive and the Banff Seminar Committee have been working diligently to bring you an outstanding program with functions prepared specifically for your enjoyment. The Operators Seminar is the marquee event for the water and wastewater industry in Alberta. It offers multiple opportunities for learning, peer engagement, and networking throughout the week-long event. It attracts industry professionals from across the country. Enjoy our networking events such the pizza, beer and wine mixer on Monday night and the fun Casino Night on Wednesday evening. Banff mayor, Honorable Karen Sorensen, will join us for the official Seminar opening on Wednesday, March 11th at 9 a.m. in the Banff Park Lodge Ballroom. This will be followed by an awards presentation for the 10, 20 and 30 year AWWOA members. See more details on “What’s New at the 40th Operators Seminar,” page 3. Pre-Seminar Workshops #1: Fires, Floods and Other Extreme Events: of typical components used in each level of the control system model including: Process, Local Control, Is Your Utility Ready? Monday March 9, 2015 - Full Day (0.6 CEU’s pending) Climate change and other pressures on water sources originating in forested watersheds are an increasing challenge for drinking water operators and managers. At this workshop operators and managers will share lessons learned during wildfires and floods. These will be combined with the latest science and emerging policies to highlight actionable watershed management, engineering design and operational strategies. Session Moderator/ Facilitator: Garry Drachenberg. #2: HDPE Electro-fusion and Multi-Joint Repair Couplings Monday March 9, 2015 – Morning (0.3 CEU’s pending) Basics of thermoplastic piping systems are presented with a focus on HDPE PE 100 resin specifications, application potential for water and wastewater operations and the logistic advantages of electro-fusing in the field. We will review multi-joint repair couplings and associated issues of joining dissimilar materials, as well, as using a fully restrained rubber coupling. Presenter: Brett Smith #3: Process Control and SCADA System Fundamentals Monday March 9, 2015 – Afternoon (0.3 CEU’s pending) This workshop will engage participants in an analysis Communications Media, and Supervisory Control. Also covered: analog and discrete instrumentation, PLC’s, wireless communications and HMI Interface. Presenter: Zane Spencer #4: Three Keys to Effective Supervision for Water and Wastewater Operators Tuesday March 10, 2015 – Morning (0.3 CEU’s pending) Three of the most important keys to effective supervision in a water or wastewater utility are Planning, Motivation and Communication. This workshop will delve into these keys and tie them together to provide the water and wastewater operator with some useful tools to become better supervisors. Presenter: Gerald Samuel. #5: Pipe Lining Systems: Gravity Sewers and Structural Lining of Pressure Pipes Tuesday March 10, 2015 – Morning (0.3 CEU’s pending) This workshop will provide an overview of lining systems for rehabilitation of gravity sewers, and structural lining of pressure pipes. This will include current state-of-practice for gravity sewer lining, which has been used since 1971, addressing design requirements, system capabilities, and current products and developments. Presenters: George Bontus & Chris Macey Continuing Education Unit Information for Operators Seminar: Cost: Attending Tues. Wed. and Thurs. 0.9 CEUs Full Seminar Registration AWWOA members (Monday - Friday) $265 + GST Attending a Pre-Seminar Workshop: (separate pre-registration) 0.3 CEUs Full Seminar Registration Non-members (Monday - Friday) $380 + GST Attending Friday Technical Session: 0.3 CEUs Display Viewing (One Day) $100 + GST Single Day Registration (Wednesday or Thursday) $150 + GST Guest Program (One Day Program) $100 + GST Banquet Ticket (Includes two beverage tickets) $ 65 + GST Pre-Seminar Workshops: $100 + GST $200 + GST (NOTE: you must attend to receive the CEUs) Registration: Registrations for the Seminar accepted until March 1, 2014. Anyone who has not been confirmed as registered by March 1 will need to register in Banff. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association Half day Full day Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary of the AWWOA Operators Seminar On behalf of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s (ESRD) Drinking Water and Wastewater Section, I would like to congratulate one of our key stakeholders and close partners, the Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association, on the 40th anniversary of your Operators Seminar. The ‘March Seminar’ is the pinnacle event for operators each year, allowing everyone a chance to network with familiar faces, as well as, getting to know new professionals. The tradeshow offers an opportunity to see the latest and greatest of what suppliers have to offer, and the workshops and presentations will certainly be packed with new information and valuable ideas that help broaden everyone’s thinking. Jeff Charrois, Manager, ESRD I am personally looking forward to attending my first Banff Seminar this year. I am a born and raised Albertan but have just return to Edmonton after living in Perth, Australia for the last four years. In terms of drinking water, wastewater, and recycled water, my time in Australia was an exciting adventure as I was directly working with many innovative technical solutions and cutting-edge research concepts on a daily basis. Now firmly planted back home, I was extremely fortunate to have an opportunity to travel throughout Alberta this past summer to see first-hand the breadth of operations that exist in the province, as well as, meet several operators and municipal officials. My tours were hosted by various operators throughout the province, and facilitated by ESRD’s Drinking-Water Quality Regulator, our Municipal Wastewater Specialist, and regional Drinking Water Operations Specialists (DWOS). The summer was an amazing opportunity to learn much more about the challenges that operators deal with every day. Some of the highlights included touring southern plants affected by the 2013 floods, visiting some very large and modern plants in the north, seeing the need for regional connections in the east, and better understanding small-system challenges in the west. I learned something new at every stop along the way and it was a great to talk one-on-one with professional operators, who are dedicated to providing safe drinking water and wastewater collection to Albertans. Operators are truly guardians of public health. I thank you all for your hospitality this summer and I look forward to meeting more water professionals in 2015— both at the Banff Conference and on the road. Jeff Charrois, Manager, Drinking Water and Wastewater Section Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development What’s New at the 2015 Operators Seminar? • Join us Monday March 9th for the Trade Show Reception and enjoy pizza, beer and wine while you chat up the next big thing in the water and wastewater industry since centrifugal pumps! • The delegate gift will commemorate the Seminar’s 40th year anniversary and can be picked up at the AWWOA booth during the trade show. • On Wednesday, March 11th, AWWOA is hosting a Casino Night social event from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the Banff Park Lodge ballroom. Bet on having fun with games, amazing prizes and a subsidized bar! • Thursday evening will feature our 40th Annual Gala and yearly award presentations. The evening will be capped off by the always entertaining Wayne Lee, a first class hypnotist who will have you laughing out loud. • This year’s guest program will feature “Felt Painting” with renowned and award-winning artist Dana Roman (more information on page 7). • Be one of the first to see the AWWOA’s fresh logo and new user-friendly website which will provide improved services to our members. • The charity silent auction is always a hit. Don’t forget to bring an item and/or place a bid on your favourite piece. Thanks in advance for supporting this great cause! • A professional photographer/videographer will capture event highlights and your thoughts on the evolving industry. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association Annual General Meeting AWWOA’s AGM will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, in Banff, AB. The following proposed amendments to the Association’s bylaws relate to general housekeeping and the elimination of the webmaster non-voting/non-elected director. Motion: Move to change and update the AWWOA bylaws as per the following: Current Proposed 2.1.10 “WCWWA” means the Western Canada Water and Wastewater Association. 2.1.10 “WCW” means the Western Canada Water Association. 5.2.1 Thirteen (13) Directors, who are Full Members of the Association, including a minimum of: 5.2.1 Thirteen (13) Directors, who are Full Members of the Association, including a minimum of: a) Two (2) elected Directors from municipalities over 150,000 population. a) Two (2) elected Directors from municipalities over 150,000 population. b) Two (2) elected Directors from communities over 25,000 but under 150,000 population. b) Two (2) elected Directors from communities over 25,000 and at or under 150,000 population. c) Three (3) elected Directors from communities over 5,000 but at or under 25,000 population. c) Three (3) elected Directors from communities over 5,000 and at or under 25,000 population. d) Three (3) elected Directors from communities under 5,000 or under populations. d) Three (3) elected Directors from communities at or under 5,000 or under population. 5.2.5 One (1) non-voting and non-elected Director, who may or may not be a member appointed by Alberta Environment. 5.2.5 One (1) non-voting and non-elected Director, who may or may not be a member appointed by Alberta Government. 5.2.7 One (1) non-voting and non-elected Director, who will be the Webmaster and provide website reports and information to the Executive Board. 5.2.7 Remove Webmaster clause and renumber 5.2.8 accordingly. Canadian Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Committee (CWWWOCC) Canadian Best Practices The Canadian Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Committee consists of certification representatives from the all provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec. With cooperation and support from the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC), the committee met in early September to discuss revisions to the Canadian Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Best Practices. Other items discussed were the ABC Professional Operator Program, the ABC Model Standards, ABC Standards Assessment Services, Canadian Standardized Exams, Certified Operator Minimum Attendance Requirements and the election of a new chair. Brian Gildner, the Ontario representative will be the new Chair, replacing outgoing and retiring chair Kathy Abramowski, from Alberta. The final draft of the updated Best Practices should be available on the ESRD Website: water-and-wastewater-operator-certification.aspx. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association Photo supplied by Kathy Abramowski The Old Operator Truth - Fact or Fiction in Your Life? In life you have probably seen truth take many forms, such as half-truths, or the total lack of it. Truth should never change no matter what direction you approach it from or angle you question it from. Truth should be the same whether someone is there to witness it or not. If truth is the cornerstone of your life then you know it doesn’t represent a doorway but a stairway. As John Wayne once said, “A man’s word is all he has to live by.” Someone once wrote, “To thine own self be true.” I take from this, if we can’t be honest with ourselves how do we ever expect to be honest with others? In reflection, I think everything worthwhile, everything of any value in life, has a price. The price is a foundation of honesty and truthfulness. The true character of someone is revealed by what he or she does when no one is watching. It’s staying late to catch up on some work that got left behind, without being asked and without asking for overtime. It is not important that you came in early or worked late. The important thing is why. It’s the extra time we spend with friends and family when our schedule is pressing us to be someplace else. I’m not ashamed to say my family comes first. I believe integrity is the glue that holds the truth of our life constant and unwavering. A true story is told about a Math Corner Early in a pre-season game a player who was scholastically ineligible had played for 40 seconds. The school didn’t find this out until after they had won the Provincial Cup. Some folks wanted the school principal to say nothing; after all it was only 40 seconds of play and a pre-season game. Remember, truth should be the same whether there is anybody to witness it or not. The principal and the players all agreed; they needed to do what was honest and truthful, abiding by the rules. The Provincial Cup was taken away from them, but I thought the wisdom of the principal and the school is worth reflecting upon. The principal said, “People forget the score of the volleyball game, but they don’t ever forget what you’re made of.” It’s not what you do that counts as much as why you did it - at least that’s how I see it. The Old Operator, Doug Thorson Problem from Fall 2014 Math Corner is an effort to improve an operator’s technical skills. Your answer(s) should be correct and match those of co-workers. Correct answers will be included in the next newsletter. Math Corner is submitted by Dave Noack. New Problem: Winter 2015 volleyball team with 20 wins to 4 losses in their provincial season. The defining game for the Provincial Cup found this team come from behind and win. They had captured the Western Provincial Cup; this was a first for this team. If you had visited the school shortly after this success you would find the glass trophy case outside the gymnasium empty. What had happened that the Provincial Cup was not sitting in the trophy case? Honesty happened. A community is using a raw water source with 0.3 mg/l natural fluoride. The operators have been directed to ensure the treated water has 1.0 mg/l fluoride. If the water plant treats 200 cubic meters of water per hour, how many kilograms of fluoride must be added daily? An operator comes in to work to find a note on a 20 litre container of 12% Sodium Hypochlorite instructing him to fill as much as possible, an empty day tank, that can hold 100 litres with a 4% solution. How does he do that given the chemical available? Answer: The concentration times the volume of one solution is equal to the concentration times the volume of the second solution made from the first. The formula is: C1 V1 = C2 V2 12 x 20 = 4 x V2 V2 = 60 Since the initial solution is 20 litres and the final solution is 60, then 40 litres of water must be added to dilute it down to 4%. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association AWWOA Enhances Communications Efforts with the Help of Strategic Consultant The AWWOA has a great story to tell and Tarra Kongrude’s role is to help spread the message through strategic communications, traditional and digital marketing, as well as building an active social media presence. She will be involved in several exciting association projects which include the launch of a new user-friendly website, the roll out of a fresh brand, and commemorative activities for the 40th annual seminar. Tarra has over 20 years marketing and communications experience in the water and wastewater utility field, having worked previously for EPCOR and the City of Edmonton. Tarra Kongsrude “I’m especially proud to promote the vital work that Alberta’s 2500 well-trained water and wastewater operators perform in our communities. I look forward to meeting with old friends and making new ones at Banff in March.” Emerging Trends Impacting the Water and Wastewater Industry (0.3 CEU’s) 2015 Operators Seminar - Friday Workshop Friday March 13, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (included with seminar registration) PART 1 - Environmental Law and Liability Considerations for Water Systems and Governance Structures Water utilities operate within a highly regulated industry. Failure to comply with all aspects of regulation can place an organization and its personnel at risk. The purpose of this session is to explore this risk; how it arises, who it affects, its consequences, and how best to avoid it. PRESENTER: Derek J. King, Partner – Brownlee LLP, Calgary office PART 2 - Boosting your Utilities Budget – How Proceeding Regionally May Give More Bang for your Utilities Buck Municipal budgets are increasingly being challenged. The 2014 drop of world oil prices is hitting Alberta hard. It is likely that the Province of Alberta will implement spending reductions, while increasing regulations and sophistication of utility systems has resulted in increased costs. Simply increasing utility rates is not a sustainable practice. This session provides insight into benefits of regionalization and the significant economies of scale achieved by providing joint services. PRESENTER: John C. McDonnell, Partner – Brownlee LLP, Edmonton office Volunteer Opportunities The AWWOA Executive has an exciting volunteer opportunity for members in good standing who will be attending the Operators Seminar in Banff. We are looking for a dozen people who can contribute 10 hours each during the Seminar, March 9-13. Duties include assisting with technical presentation, front desk registration, charitable donations and other activities. In addition to bragging rights, you will also receive a free seminar registration and banquet ticket (which includes special entertainment by hypnotist Wayne Lee). Please visit for details or contact Garth Carl at Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association AWWOA Guest Program, Wednesday, March 11, 2015 This year’s guest program will feature “Felt Paintings” as designed by you with the help of award winning artist Dana Roman. Explore your artistic side and join Dana as she leads you through the techniques and art of felt painting. For more information, please visit About the artist: Dana designed and manufactured painted silk fabric and artwear made of hand painted silk for 20 years. In 1997, she became a studio artist and now works in acrylics, pastels, watercolors, monoprints, mixed media and textiles. For more information on Dana please visit Charitable Donations Change Lives When you make a charitable donation to AWWOA sponsored projects - Water School or Water for People – you are helping children and communities to build a better future. Not only does clean water save lives, it also allows people the opportunity to go to school rather than spending all day hauling dirty water. One of the greatest gifts your donation provides is the powerful message that someone cares, without expectation of return. Share your compassion and good fortune with others through charitable donations at our 2015 seminar: • Buy a ticket on the “guess jar” at the AWWOA table during Monday’s wine and cheese event • Purchase a 50/50 ticket on Monday or Tuesday • Supply and/or bid on a silent auction item • Cash donation Best regards from Doug Thorson, Charitable Donations Committee Chair The Alberta Utility Operator Newsletter provides a forum for communication and networking among AWWOA members in the areas of new technologies and research, regulatory concerns and changes, outstanding service and other Association concerns. Editors welcome suggestions for content from the membership. The Alberta Utility Operator Newsletter is published three times a year by the Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association with assistance from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. Deadlines for submission are in January, April and August. Contacts: Newsletter: Gayle Sacuta Association Office: Dan Rites Executive Director, AWWOA email: Cathie Monson Training Coordinator email: Ashley Nichol Member Services email: Views expressed in The Alberta Utility Operator are those of the writers. Unless otherwise stated, articles should not be interpreted as policy or regulation and do not necessarily reflect organizational or editorial policy. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association 2015 AWWOA Classroom Courses DATE LOCATION February 11 & 12, 2015 Lethbridge February 11 & 12, 2015 February 18 & 19, 2015 February 24 – 27, 2015 March 3, 2015 Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Red Deer COURSE DESCRIPTION Entry Level Training Course Entry Level Training Course Process Control Intermediate Level III/IV Water Treatment Certification Preparation Course Water Distribution Level II Certification Preparation March 4, 2015 Red Deer Wastewater Collection Level II Cert Prep April 1 & 2, 2015 Calgary Level II Certification Preparation Course March 9, 2015 April 7 & 8, 2015 April 8 & 9, 2015 Banff Edmonton Calgary ESRD Certification Exams Water Well Operation and Maintenance Level I Certification Preparation Course Part A May 12 & 13, 2015 Calgary Level I Certification Preparation Course Part B April 13 & 14, 2015 Lethbridge Water Distribution Systems April 10, 2013 April 15 & 16, 2015 May 20 & 21, 2015 April 16 & 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 April 22, 2015 April 23 & 24, 2015 NEW COURSE April 27, 28 & 29, 2015 May 4, 2015 May 5, 2015 May 6 & 7, 2015 May 12, 2015 May 13, 2015 NEW COURSE NEW COURSE May 14 & 15, 2015 ESRD Edmonton Edmonton Lethbridge Edmonton Edmonton Calgary Red Deer Calgary Calgary Application deadline for May ESRD Exams Level I Certification Preparation Course Part A Level I Certification Preparation Course Part B Wastewater Collection Systems Small Water Systems Course Small Wastewater Systems Course Coaching for Operators Chlorination Workshop Water Distribution Level II Certification Preparation Wastewater Collection Level II Certification Preparation Calgary Support Systems & Applied Math Cert Preparation Edmonton Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment for Operators Edmonton Calgary Understanding Source & Receiving Environments Filter Surveillance Workshop May 21 & 22, 2015 Calgary Excel Water and Wastewater Operator Training June 1 & 2, 2015 NEW COURSE Edmonton Hydrant Maintenance and Operation June 8 & 9, 2015 Red Deer Water Distribution Systems May 25 - 29, 2015 June 4 & 5, 2015 NEW COURSE June 11 & 12, 2015 June 22 & 23, 2015 Various Calgary Red Deer ESRD Certification Exams Hydrant Maintenance and Operation Wastewater Collection Systems June 24, 2015 Red Deer Edmonton SOP’s/Emergency Response Planning & Critical Analysis June 26, 2015 Edmonton Jar Testing Ponds & Lagoons For additional information, or to register for any of the AWWOA courses, go to Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association 10806 – 119 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 3P2 Toll free: 1-877-454-7745, Local: 780-454-7745, Fax: 780-454-7758 8
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