Sayre Christian Village Healthcare Cares Picture goes here and changes every month Volume 5, Issue 5 May 2015 Ann’s Assessments Inside this issue: Miller’s Musings 2 Golf Tournament for Alzheimer’s 2 Association May– A Very Busy Month May Poem Activities Alert 3 4 4 Sayre Christian Village desires to reward and recognize its employees. We have recently announced the start of two new programs. The first one, our Elite program, is for Certified Nursing Assistants who have demonstrated excellence in the delivery of care and services to their residents. If you desire to be an Elite Status Certified Nursing Assistant with Sayre you must be already certified, must be employed by Sayre for 6 months, must be viewed by peers as a “team player”, and must be willing to train new certified nursing assistants when needed. Elite Status will be attained only after the facility reviews application and qualifications. Evaluation of that C.N.A’s skills will be completed, interviews with the applicant will be held, along with applicant’s fellow care givers, residents, and supervisors, etc. Some of the rewards for this program will include “Elite Status” on name badge, special recognition, additional hourly wages, etc. If you know of anyone that would be a good candidate for an Elite Status C.N.A.,please encourage them to apply. Applications can be found in the staffing office. Sayre is also happy to announce that if you have been employed by us over 1 year and work full-time we will pay for you to become a certified nursing assistant! If anyone knows someone that would make a good certified nursing assistant, please encourage them to take advantage of this program! Human Resources can answer any questions that you may have on all requirements! Time to Spring Clean Springtime is here! That means it’s time once again to clean out our loved ones room. The staff at Sayre Healthcare Center makes every effort to keep our facility clean for the families and residents. And we are requesting your help so we can maintain our beautiful facility. Please clean out any unnecessary clutter or clothing in your loved ones room. This will give your loved one more space to enjoy and assist us in keeping our facility clean. Please take one afternoon of your time to assist your loved one in cleaning their room and changing out the winter clothing by bringing in the warmer weather clothing. When you bring in additional clothing please remember to write your loved ones name in their clothing and update their personal inventory sheet, available at the Nurse’s Station. Please keep in mind if you bring in food items they need to be dated and brought in sealed containers, this helps alleviate any unwanted pests at the facility. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Social Services Directors. Page 2 Sayre Philanthropy Statement Sayre Christian Village Healthcare Cares Miller’s Musings Greetings. In the country church of a small village, an altar boy accidentally dropped the cruet of wine during the Sunday mass. The village priest struck the Sayre Christian Village strives altar boy sharply on the cheek, and in a gruff voice barred him from ever serving daily to provide Godly care to at the altar again. That boy grew up to become Tito, the Communist leader. those in need. It’s supporters are changing long-term care in the name of Jesus Christ. Sayre Healthcare Center is utilizing best practices in elder care which is helping residents function at their highest levels. Sayre’s ministry is able to continue because of the support of people who recognize the importance of serving older adults. A gift to Sayre Christian Village’s nonprofit ministry makes a significant and positive difference as we seek to provide Godly care – care that makes God happy – for our residents. Should you wish to discuss how a gift may benefit both you and Sayre Christian Village, please contact John Dundon by telephone at 859271-5945 or by email at May Outing and Event May 10th Mother’s Day May 11-15th.National Nursing Home Week Tuesday, May 12, Carlos and his Mariachi Band in LEC Thursday, May 14 Fiesta in LEC May 19th Voting at the polls May 25th Memorial Day May 27th, Newport Aquarium June Outings June 10th Shopping at Wal-Mart June 24th, Picnic in the Park (tentative) July Outings June 8th, Ale-8-One Tour June 22nd, Wild Eggs In a large city cathedral an altar boy serving at Sunday mass accidentally dropped the cruet of wine. With a warm twinkle in his eyes the bishop gently whispered encouragement to the boy and assured him that it was very possible that “someday you might become a priest.” That boy grew up to become archbishop Fulton Sheen. How often it is that what we say and how we say it has a profound effect on those to whom we speak. It may be our grandchildren, neighbors next door, newcomers to Sayre, or first time attendees to our church services or other activities. What an awesome power is our tongue! With it we can encourage others or we can drive them away! No wonder the writer of Proverbs instructs us, “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Proverbs 25:11 (NIV) Let’s converse with others lovingly and kindly, that we may build each other up and draw them nearer together and nearer to the Lord. Let’s speak lovingly and kindly, that we may build up others outside of our own little circles and draw them in. I can’t understand wanting to do otherwise. Can you? Bill Miller, Chaplain 4th Annual A Round to Remember Golf Tournament Don't miss the 4th Annual A Round to Remember Golf Saturday, May 30, 2015 10:30 am Registration - 11am Putting Contest 12pm Shotgun Start Tournament & Silent Auction on Connemara Golf Course 2327 Lexington Road Nicholasville, KY 40356 Foursome Team $400/ Individual Golfer $100 Fee includes green fees, cart, lunch and goodie bag. A portion of the fee is tax deductible. Register, Donate or Sponsor: Your chance to Win! Trophies for the top three teams A new car in the Hole in One Contest Over $10,000 in silent auction and raffle prizes Presented By: Saturday, May 30, 2015. The event, held at Connemara Golf Course, benefits the Greater Kentucky & Southern Indiana Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. Funds raised from the event will fund Alzheimer research, education, support and advocacy. For more information or to register, visit or contact Lauren Ashley Pope at Volume 5, Issue 5 Page 3 Looking Forward to a Very Busy May By Sharon Samford, Activities Director May is a very busy month at the Sayre Christian Village Healthcare Center. It all starts with the Kentucky Derby party the first Saturday in May. The residents gather around a long line of tables stretched out end to end and roll the dice to move the horses down the “track.” Each resident chooses their favorite horse ahead of time. Refreshments include munchies and our special recipe “Mint Juleps.” A few days later we move into Mother’s Day. What fun to remember all the ladies of our facility with a special gift in honor of their being special ladies to us, even if they were never a mother. Mother’s Day also marks the beginning of National Nursing Home Week. Later in the month we plan a trip to the Aquarium in New Port, KY. The residents are looking forward to seeing the fish swim past them overhead. What a fun trip. Voting will also be an outing in May as for the first time in years some residents will venture to the polls on May 19 th. The month will close out with Memorial Day weekend on the 2325th. But between all that we will celebrate National Nursing Home Week. This year, for National Nursing Home Week (May 11th -15th) we will be celebrating Fiesta. A whole week of activities has been planned or is continuing to be planned to celebrate this big event at the healthcare center. The Life Enrichment Center will be decorated to resemble scenes south of the border down Mexico way. A passport to fun has been prepared so every resident will be able to get it stamped and make the safe passage across the border. Special food items and drink items will be served throughout the week both to the residents and to the staff. A lot of planning has gone into this event and extensive preparation. Piñatas will be hung from the “rafters” and games will be part of the fun. A special event will be the “Hidden Treasure of Talent” show on Wednesday afternoon. All residents, staff and family members are invited and encourage to take part in the completion. There will be a prize awarded to the best talent. And like last year when we had the Sayre’s Got Talent Show, we will have live judges who will select the best talent. Costumes, music, games, special food, customs, decorations, and a whole lot more. Plan to attend if you can. Spicy food will be toned down for those tender of mouth. Fiesta promises to be a lot of fun and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Until then, Adios Amigo!! NNHW is for Staff Also! Staff will have the opportunity to enter several contest including Best Crazy Hair Day, Best Mustache Day, Best Tie Dye Shirt, Best Sombrero, and Best Authentic Costume. There will also be the Hidden Treasure of Talent Contest. Sombreros and shirts for tie-dying will be provided for staff to decorate. The Scrub Bus will be on campus on Monday. And there will be food events for staff throughout the week, all with a Fiesta emphasis. It promises to be a great Fiesta and details will be posted in the days ahead. Sayre Christian Village Healthcare Center 3775 Belleau Wood Dr. Lexington, Kentucky 40517 Phone: 859-271-9000 Fax: 859-271-8160 To: May Hope—Housing—Healthcare For Older Adults in the Name of Jesus Christ. She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:26-27 How quickly the days fly by and bring us to the month of May The flowers bloom and trees bud out each in their own special way! The days get longer on the clock as they warm in the sun And before we know it spring will pass and summer will have begun. So take the time to look around and see the beauty of the earth That God has once again started in the process of new birth. The ponies are frisky in the fresh fields of green And the rains refresh the landscape with some thunder in between. So enjoy the new life and take time to look around Because it’s beautiful with the wonder of colors that abound. By Sharon Samford Activity Alert: Hola! No Time to Siesta!! It’s Time to Fiesta!!! Everyone is encouraged and urged to read the article about “Looking Forward to a Very Busy May” as it pertains to National Nursing Home Week. There is a lot happening! The residents will . each receive a sombrero to be worn through the week and a “Passport to Fun” to be stamped as they pass through customs to our “South of the Border” transformed Life Enrichment Center. There will be occasions for special food events and special drinks. (All non-alcoholic). Families are encouraged to come and escort their resident loved one to as many events as you can work into your schedule. The two evenings that we will have designated for something special will be Tuesday with a Mariachi Band and Thursday with our “FIESTA” party. Those events start at 7:00. We will have a “Hidden Treasure of Talent” Show on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 and families are also invited to participate. Just call the activities office and notify them of your interest (271-9000 ext. 133) Also in May, we have an amazing trip to the aquarium planned. Space will be LIMITED so please get reservations for loved ones in early. Again, first come, first serve. We want to extend best wishes for a very Happy Mother’s day to those of our residents who are mothers as well as those of you who are reading this newsletter. Mothers are very special people and we appreciate the sacrifices they have made in our behalf. If your mother has passed, perhaps you can recall happy memories of her on Mother’s Day. Again, Mother’s Day may be another day to Fiesta!!! It’s going to be fun in May! See you there Amigo and Amiga.
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