Educcation n & Training RRevealing Talennts A com mpany th hat really y listens to you an nd here to o supporrt your projects p during tthe whole llifetime process Ongo oing Training All our programs are oriennted toward d assured professsional mobillity. Contiinuous trraining, a permaanent neeed Our ap pproach Why is ttraining a neccessity for peeople involv ed in the workplace? Our appproach to onggoing trainin ng is based pprincipally on o the refereence points oof work and personal experiennces, from whhich arise thee lifelong chhallenges of training. t mmand and control c system wing ever Technoloogical devellopment and the compleexity of com ms are grow more rappidly, resultinng in frequen nt changes inn our everyd day lives. It iss thus indisppensable to maintain m a balance bbetween skillls and know wledge acquirred or lost in the course of o one’s profe fessional life.. We belieeve it is esssential to be able to givee such trainiing to those who are in the job marrket, thus enablingg them to addapt and maiintain their eemployabilitty throughou ut their careeers. This is all a in the commonn interest of businesses b an nd employeees. Our phillosophy is to t unite our stakeholderrs around a hub of specialist and eexperts who o play an importannt role as trrainers and senior businness represeentatives. In the context xt of our traaining on leadership and team building, ou ur stakeholdeers are primaarily academiics, memberrs of executiv ve boards or execuutive committtees of large organizationns. The conccept developped by SB3i SA S has beenn certified ISO O 9001 : 200 08 as well as eduQua. Th his dynamicc guarantees you a level of o quality thaat is recognizzed equally by b the supervvisory bodiess as by leading ccompanies. All A the courses given by SB3i SA aree integrated within w the con oncept. Two aapproaches to th he same goal SB3i SA A provides tw wo versions of o continuouss training: Trainiing with certificati c on On the nnext page yoou will find several exam mples of thee standardizeed training thhat we offerr. All our training is customizzed so as to best meet yyour requireements. They y are thus pperfectly adaaptable to businesss. We are eveen able to tak ke over all orr part of you ur staff and en nsure a standdard defined based on your reqquirements. Thanks to our lectuurers, all acctive in the professionall and manag gerial worldd, we can develop d a comprehhensive syllabbus with you u and search for specialissts in the event of very sppecific needs. In princiiple, the couurses take plaace at our prremises. They y can also be organized at your work kplace as long as a minimum number n of paarticipants is ensured. The trainning courses are validated d and follow wed by an inteernal certificcate with the label “eduQ Qua”. Trainiing with diploma d Degree attainment is i elaborated d in collabooration with h the instituttion of remo mote Swiss university u formatioon (Unidistannce) SB3i S SA was ed duQua-cerrtified in 2014, guaran nteeing a high leveel of contiinuous monitooring and d organiza ation. Examplees of the training g that wee provid de
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