90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 T: 646-681-4888 F: 646-681-4891 800-829-8289 bbrfoundation.org April 1, 2015 Nominations for the 2015 Goldman-Rakic Prize Dear Colleague: After Patricia Goldman-Rakic’s tragic death on July 31, 2003, Connie and Steve Lieber established the Goldman-Rakic Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Neuroscience of $40,000 and an honorary lecture at Yale University to honor her memory and her formidable accomplishments. The award is specifically for excellence in neurobiological research at the cellular, physiological and behavioral levels that may lead to a greater understanding of underlying cognitive neuroscience or psychiatric disease. The award committee comprises of myself and Drs. Huda Akil, Jonathan Cohen, Paul Greengard, Bruce S. McEwen, Michael Posner, Solomon H. Snyder and Leslie Ungerleider. We are asking you to nominate a person who has made a truly outstanding contribution in the area of neurobiological research for this prize. Please e-mail nominations/recommendations to Sho Tin Chen, Research Grants Associate Director at schen@bbrfoundation.org by Friday, May 1, 2015, with a brief summary of 200 words maximum describing your nominee’s major contributions along with the candidate’s brief curriculum vitae and a list of most important publications in an NIH style format totaling no more than four pages. Please e-mail your nomination as one single PDF document labeling the nominee’s last name and first name: “< insert Last name>, <insert First name> 2015 Goldman-Rakic Prize.” We appreciate your help. Warm personal regards, Jack D. Barchas, M.D. Chair, Goldman-Rakic Prize Chair and Barklie McKee Henry Professor of Psychiatry Weill Cornell Medical College Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Weill Cornell Medical Center New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Payne Whitney Clinic
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