Inspired to be sustained We regard Sustainability as a core business principle. Our strategies and actions are in line with our commitment to sustainable development built on economic progress, social development and environmental improvement. Etisalat Lanka (Private) Limited Report on Sustainability: 2011/2012 Etisalat Lanka: Living Sustainability i These award winning contributions to our society are clear evidence of our belief of social responsibility as a core business principle. Our corporate vision further captures a far-reaching ambition to support sustainable living, i.e , “ a world where people's reach is not limited by matter or distance”. Etisalat Lanka, being a mobile telecommunication service provider, has a unique opportunity to transform societies by bringing innovative and inspiring services to the people of Sri Lanka. Our innovative solutions in mobile Broadband are already making a difference to people’s lives. The ebooks store ( the first of its kind in Sri Lanka), “Web-Patashala” program Android Village Hubs and App-Zone, are to quote just a few examples , that have one inspiring story in common : being responsible in improving the society at large. Etisalat Lanka had been growing by 20% annually, during the last three years within an operating framework where policy and strategy is focused on sustainability. With the commitment of everyone at Etisalat Lanka, I’m confident that we can bring sustainable living a step closer, through mobile technology. I look forward to updating you on our progress next year. …………………………………………. Dumindra Rathnayaka Director/CEO Etisalat Lanka ( Private ) Limited Links to the applications mentioned above :,, Page | 1 The Etisalat Group: Driven to be inspiring “Celltel” inaugurated its operations in 1989, as the first mobile operator in South Asia. It was acquired by the Etisalat Group in 2009, and we have been operating using the “Etisalat” brand from 2010ii. In recent years Etisalat Group, which is based in the UAE has extended its footprint in Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East and further into Asian markets such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa and Sri Lanka. The company records over 130 million subscribers across 15 countries. The group’s revenue crossed Rs. 1000 billion mark, with a conversion ratio of 45% in to its operating profits. Etisalat Group is a participant in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and is committed to implement social responsibility strategies based on the globally respected ISO 26000 framework. The employee policies and practices of Etisalat group are modeled on the standards of the International Labor Organization, while the group’s marketing function follows the principles laid down by the international best practice and codes of conduct from recognized bodies. A number of companies in the Etisalat group have obtained the ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and ISO 27000 certification. Etisalat Lanka is a privately limited company, fully owned by Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, also known as Etisalat. Page | 2 The Etisalat Group Emirates Telecommunications Corporation: Etisalat is 60% owned by the UAE Federal Government through the Emirates Investment Authority (EIA), and the remaining 40% is floated on the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange. Etisalat UAE, provides wireless telecommunications services in, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Benin, Central African Republic, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Niger, Nigeria, Togo and in Sri Lanka, while providing fixed-line telecommunications services in Sudan. Etisalat provides both wireless and fixed-line telecommunications services in UAE, Pakistan and in Tanzania, covering 130 million subscribers worldwide.iii The Etisalat Group also owns several non-core business units which provide critical services both to the group and other organizations. These are managed under Etisalat Services Holding., covering the areas of its operations in E-Marine, EFacilities Management, E-Real Estate, Etisalat Academy, EDate Clearing House, Ebtikar, and Etisalat Information Services. The group provides telecommunications, connectivity and ICT services to all members of the community, including individuals, businesses, governments and other telecommunications companies, ISPs and ICT companies. The Etisalat Group counts over 50,000 employees within its footprint of 15 countries. It achieved net revenues of $8.7bn in 2011.Its market capitalization is approximately $20bn. Etisalat provides over 500 products, world-wideiv. Etisalat Group has a selective policy with regards to entering awards. The following have been presented in 2011/2012. GSMA Global Mobile Awards: The Best Mobile Product or Service for Women in Emerging Markets and the Best Mobile Health Innovation. Etisalat Group also won the “World Communications Award -2012 ” for the Mobile Baby m-Health initiative amongst stiff competition from global telecommunications players. The World Communication Awards recognize the companies and individuals responsible for the innovations, achievements and great new services that are helping to build tomorrows industry. The Page | 3 awards focus on the big issues, while encouraging more entries from communications providers across the globe, both large and small, to ensure the awards can truly claim 'world' status. International Business Awards: Executive of the Year Telecommunications ,Most Innovative Company of the Year in the Middle East and Africa ,Best New Product or Service of the Year Health , Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year Arabia CSR Awards: First Runner-Up in NGO-partnersv. Capacity awards 2012: The best middle-east wholesale operator 2012, for the fifth consecutive year. This is an annual award. Etisalat Lanka ( Private) Limited Our Vision : is a world where people's reach is not limited by matter or distance. People will effortlessly move around the world, staying in touch with family, making new friends as they go, as well as developing new interests. Businesses of all sizes, no longer limited by distance, will be able to reach new markets. Innovative technologies will open up fresh opportunities across the globe, allowing the supply of new goods and services to everyone who wants them. Our Mission : To extend people's reach. At Etisalat Lanka, we are actively developing advanced networks that will enable people to develop, to learn and to grow. Page | 4 Page | 5 Our Values Energy : We value and nurture the energy and dynamism needed to achieve the very best in business. We look forward to future challenges and opportunities. Openness : As a company, we are welcoming, sociable and friendly to customers, suppliers and employees. We deal with people in a clear, direct way and are always honest and fair in business dealings. Enablement : Our aim is to open up opportunities and to actively help people reach their goals. We always deliver what we say we will. Our Brand slogan At Etisalat Lanka we have focused on providing an array of inspiring services to match the hearts of our customers. This is why we have chosen the brand slogan: “it is about you”. Our Strengths The superior performance of Etisalat Lanka is evidence by its continuous growth in value share in the intensely competitive market, with a recorded 20% year-on-year growth, over the last three year. The consistent growth has enabled the company to invest strategically in most modern technologies to extend its inspiring offers to the all communities. The greatest asset of the company is the “Etisalat Family”, our loyal internal and external partners who always stand by the company values, both in success and through challenges. Page | 6 Etisalat Lanka launched its first Flagship Store in 2012, Located at 109, Galle Road, Colombo 03. The Store will serve as a one-stop shop where customers can experience new products and receive Etisalat’s renowned customer service. Page | 7 We offer a variety of mobile voice and data services to individuals and corporates. This includes the fastest mobile data services in Sri Lanka which use the latest HSPA+ Etisalat Lanka is independently audited and its financial reporting is fully complied with IFRS. The main office of operations is at no 109, Rotunda gardens, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka. The Business Alignment Survey is carried out independently in Etisalat Lanka and a feedback is shared with the management team, every year paving the way to the HR excellence. In addition, all permanent the employees are given the opportunity to take part in two independent employee opinion surveys annually. We are working with distributors across the country offering re-load and scratch cards. The sales of connections are through a dedicated partner network of exclusive dealers and a direct distribution channel, jointly connecting new customers with the network every monthvii. Our IT systems are built on state-of-the-art technologies that allow business units to leverage robust, innovative and leading-edge ICT Solutions in the country while maintaining its reputation for technology excellence. Etisalat Sri Lanka was the first telecommunication company in Sri Lanka to adopt Enterprise Virtualization during 2009, Storage consolidation in 2010 and mobile worker concept using unified communication technology which helps employees to work from anywhere, anytime using any device. Etisalat also focus towards Cloud infrastructure together with Mobility and Green IT. Etisalat Lanka had won several awards for its effectiveness in marketing communications during the reporting period. The Company won the most number of awards at Effie’s 2012 by winning two Silvers and three bronze. Page | 8 In Effie’s 2011 Etisalat Lanka won a “Silver” for its 3G launch campaign. At “Brand excellence awards 2011”, Etisalat Lanka won the Silver award for the Best New Entrant category for its 3G Launch and in 2012 , Etisalat Lanka was awarded as the Silver for its broadband launch in the same category. The AppZone, the mobile application development platform, introduced by Etisalat Lanka, won a m-billionth award in 2011 . The m-billionth awards are held to honor the achievements of those who drive to take mobile technology forward in the South Asian region. Page | 9 SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATION: Reporting on Sustainability The following section is an account of Etisalat Lanka’s sustainability performance for the period 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012. This is our “first time” and a stand-alone report on Sustainability. This report of our sustainability performance has been submitted to the Global Reporting Initiative for Checking and we hope to achieve B-Level accreditation. The checking certification will be attached to this report once received. The first time report is not externally assured. The sustainability performance is reported with a view to providing information to all stakeholders with regard to the critical and material areas identified through comprehensive and systematic stakeholder engagements. Prioritization of the topics covered under this report was based on the said stakeholder engagements, its outcomes as detailed in the sections "Key sustainability topics identified", and "Mapping of stakeholder concerns to sustainability aspects". Etisalat Lanka reports 23 GRI Performance Indicators. This has enabled the company to enhance its coverage of its economic, environmental and social performance during the year under review. The process for determining materiality is fully described in the section of this report titled "Stakeholder engagement process" this report includes our investors, employees, customers, governments, legal and regulatory bodies and society at large and is further detailed in the section "Engagement of significant stakeholders". Sustainability Reporting helps Balance in Organizational performance at Etisalat Lanka. Following is a summary of areas covered in this report and the tools used in adressing each subject of organizational performance, in order to give the readers a comprehensive guide in to the report’s objectives. Table 1 : The subjects for discussion , in a broader view Subject Tool Used Report Section Organization activities and Structure Sustainability Report Section 1 Decision Making Shareholder Engagement Section 2 Time and Space : Project Management Strategic CSR Section 3 Page | 10 Section 1: Sustainability Report Page | 11 Sustainability Policy and Framework Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability and Corporate Governance framework: The Philosophy The telecoms sector has huge power and influence. It touches almost all in society; through mobile phones or mobile broadband , or , both. Etisalat Lanka recognizes this unique opportunity and act as a company in sustainable and ethical manner to uphold the highest international standards in all aspects of its operation. the need to keep these audiences informed of the latest progress. The Company is committed to determine the environmental impact of its operations, services and products whilst driving its supply chain partners and customers, where relevant. The Company encourages open communication about its environmental and social practices in addition to its economic performance. The Company strives to be an In line with the strategy of its holding company, Etisalat Lanka appreciates the growing and critical importance it holds with key stakeholders, and of CSR and Sustainability and the significance employer of choice by providing a safe, secure and discriminatory environment nonworking for its employees whose rights are fully safeguarded and who can have equal Page | 12 opportunity to realize their full The Chairman of Etisalat Lanka potential. board is a non-executive position. The board and the Audit committee Etisalat Lanka’s corporate approach governance aims to (which is a subcommittee of the to board), meets regularly. achieve superior and sustainable financial performance and long term prosperity while meeting stakeholder's expectations. Informing and consulting employees about the working relationships and the company performances, happens every month, on the 1st Tuesday after the The Board of Directors of Etisalat Lanka is particularly conscious of the need for transparency and the establishment of a tone within the corporation for compliant business The company ethical and viii. ensures month. This forum is attended by 130 middle management staff of the company approximately. every The month, CEO/CXOs and the senior management team good relationships with all communities of which we are a part. 10th calendar day of the each take part in these sessions where a third party resource person is also invited to do a knowledge building session for the managers in this session on a current/relevant topic. Page | 13 ● ● ● Etisalat being a mobile telecommunication company, has a unique opportunity to transform societies by bringing innovative and inspiring services to the entire nation. ● ● Page | 14 ● The framework The sustainability reporting framework is developed to address three main subjects that the company is committed to discuss in a transparent manner. The tools selected for addressing each subject is also agreed upon, for the reporting period. Table 2 : The subjects for discussion , in a broader view Subject Tool Used Organization activities and Structure Sustainability Report Decision Making related to Sustainability Shareholder Engagement Time and Space : Project Management Strategic CSR The framework was extended further incorporating the reporting standards that we wanted to adhere to. Following is our mapping of the subjects, tools and reporting standards. Chart 1 : The reporting framework , in a broader view Page | 15 The framework was then mapped to the overall strategy to extend the scope to the sustainability aspects. Chart 2 : The sustainability Strategy Etisalat Group Level Emirates Telecommunications Corporation: Sustainability Working Group Enterprise Risk, Strategy, Regulatory, HR, Brand, Engineering, IT, Procurement, Commercial, Innovation, Finance, Corp Communications divisions Etisalat Lanka CSR Committee Etisalat Lanka Sustainability Framework: The Philosophy Sustainability Strategy Stakeholder Identification Defining performance Targets Sustainability Policy Monitoring and Reviewing (Internal + External) Promoting best practices Risk assessments Sustainability Aspects Economic Environment Labor & Human rights Health and Safety Service Responsibility Social Responsibility Page | 16 Sustainability strategy The development o The establishment of a CSR network across the Group in May 2012. o A CSR management (C-Level) survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in April 2011 .The survey saw good participation from Senior Management at Group and at operational levels in various countries it operates , providing invaluable insights to date and requirements going forward. 78% of respondents placed sustainability related strategies as necessary to be competitive and stated that it is permanently on management’s agenda. Nearly half observed that the company’s business model had already changed due to sustainability. The group HR, IT, Finance, Strategy, Procurement and Business Development are also already actively engaged within the company’s CSR network. Management is currently reviewing plans for overall CSR and Sustainability framework moving forward for all its operations in 17 countries. o Etisalat Group has joined relevant international initiatives (such as the UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative etc.) and support locally relevant initiatives. o Following its first CSR summit in May, Etisalat Group announced it aims to adopt the international standards of GRI and ISO26000 across its Middle East, Africa and Asia operations before 2013. The company’s The Etisalat Group’s, and Etisalat Sri Lanka’s sustainability and social responsibility strategy has transformed in 2011/2012. In the pre-2005 era Etisalat Group was a mono-market operator with some strategic international investments who was focusing on limited philanthropic activities and donations in the UAE. By 2011 , Etisalat was group of 16 operations and the need to coordinate and maximize synergies was identified. The group has recently started pursuing important initiatives as a collective entity to help reduce the environmental impact of our business and that of our customers by increasing connectivity to those markets that need it most; and in providing value added and community-enriching services such as education and waste management. In 2012 the Etisalat Group has taken several commitments to ensure that these efforts are both better reported and coordinated across its operations. These include the Group’s pledge to the United Nations Global Compact and the commitment to implement social responsibility strategies based on the globally respected ISO 26000 frameworks. We have gone through following activities so far : Page | 17 recently established CSR network has already received several trainings on these tools from external consultants –Hill +Knowlton and the Academy of Responsible Management – and discussed in detail the materiality principles to be followed for GRI. o Etisalat also received ISO14001 in the UAE in recognition of its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. The Group believes that the centrally driven initiatives during the first few years would be necessary, which would later be cascaded and standardized across its footprint. have enabled the Group to drive sustainability on an enterprise-wide scale which is expected to result in increased stakeholder value, through business process improvements, better risk management, new business opportunities, innovation, corporate governance and overall corporate responsibility. The company and the group intends to introduce specialized systems and processes during the next year in order to ensure the tracking, reporting and monitoring of such indicators, enabling better management information through the measurement of usage and performance metrics, which is expected to drive strategy, resulting in focused policy frameworks and directed plans of action. The structure, frameworks, processes that have been implemented this year Page | 18 Sustainability Indicators: The first time reportingix Table 3: The indictors with GRI references Indicator EC6 EN3 EN8 EN11 EN16 EN21 EN23 En28 LA4 LA7 LA8 LA12 HR6 HR7 SO1 SO2 S08 PR3 PR6 PR9 2009/10 Economic Perfomance Percentage Purchases From Suppliers within Srilanka Environmental impact Direct Energy Consumption (GJ) Water Withdrawal (m3) Sites near /in high bio diversity areas Carbon Foot Print (MT) Water Discharge (m3) Volume of Significant spills(m3) Significant Environmental Fines* Labour Practices and Decent work Percentage Covered by collective bargaining Number of Injuries Injury Rate (number of Injuries per 100 employees) Lost Day Rate ( lost days as a percentage of total person days) No of people educated on serious diseases No of permenent employees receiving performance reviews Human Rights Incidences of Child Labour (below Age of 16) Incidences of young workers ( aged 16 to 18) Incidents of Forced labour During the year Society Community Engagement ( no of persons "directly" impacted) Percentage of business Analysed for risk of corruption Significat Fines for Violation of Laws / Regulations* Product Responsibility Percentage of campaigns that carry relevant information Voluntary Standards relating to advertising Significant Fines for product / Service issues* (Rs. in millions) 2010/11 2011/12 Not Tracked Not Tracked 67% Not Tracked Not Tracked 621 655 NIL NIL Not Tracked Not Tracked NIL NIL Not Tracked Not Tracked 152,440 695 NIL 17,826 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0% NIL NIL NIL NIL 100% 0% NIL NIL NIL NIL 100% 0% NIL NIL NIL NIL 100% NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 100% NIL 4,800 100% NIL Not Tracked Not Tracked yes yes NIL NIL 100% Yes NIL 100% NIL Page | 19 Section 2: Stakeholder Engagement Page | 20 Management Approach for Disclosure: Part 1: Stakeholder engagement The approach: Literature review Mitchell et al., suggested that stakeholders can be classified according to whether they have, or perceived to have one, two, or all three of the following attributes: Power to influence, Legitimacy of their claim and Urgency of their claim. Stakeholder power exists where one stakeholder can get another to do something that would not have otherwise done. Stakeholder legitimacy represents the belief that the actions of a stakeholder or stakeholder group are desirable or appropriate within the company’s accepted norms and values. Stakeholder urgency includes both criticality and time urgency, with a stakeholder claim considered to be urgent both when it is critical and/or when a response delay is unacceptable. Stakeholder salience represents different combinations of the power, legitimacy and urgency attributes and provides the basis for the typology of stakeholders described in the following table. Chart 3 : The stakeholder classification x Source : R Mitchell, B Agle and D Wood, 1997), towards a theory of stakeholder identification: defining the principle of who and what really counts. Academy of Management Review, 22(4) ) Reporting Principles: Materiality Page | 21 In our context of social and environmental reporting however, the issue of materiality is most often guided by considerations of stakeholder concern rather than professional judgment as in financial reports. We have not simply depended on the size of the item (as it does in financial reporting!) but on its relevance to stakeholders. This opened up the very real prospect of variations in views on material issues across our various business segment, regions of the country we operate in, cultures and stakeholder groups. Reporting Principles: Boundary:xi This refers to the range of entities for which we gather information. The boundary for a sustainability report is linked to the range of entities for which we are likely to be held accountable for, and whose actions will influence the decisions of stakeholders regarding Etisalat. o Distinct from financial reporting, we consider our boundary from the wider perspective of its value chain (more stakeholders), and the new responsibilities provided by the triple bottom line Principle. Based on this ideology, Etisalat Lanka has divided its key stakeholders in to five broad categories, namely, customers, Telecom regulator, employees and families, investors/shareholders and the other government institutions. Page | 22 The materiality test guidelines used in the identification process is shown below. Chart 4 : The materiality identification xii The issues with high influence on stakeholder assessments and decisions, and high significance on economic and environment and social impact, were assigned high priority for reporting. The decision to comply with ISO 26000 was a salient feature in our strategy. The broad understanding on the standard and its principles influenced the reporting strategy to a greater extent. Page | 23 Chart 5 : Etisalat Group : ISO 26000 strategy Framework The framework was adapted as it is; Accepted around the world, especially in the countries in which we operate It is uncertified, which allows for local knowledge and experience to be incorporated alongside international best practice Is aligned with other programs such as GRI and UNGC In line with this framework the company is focused on developing its IT systems for data automation, the sustainability web Portal, case studies and videos of success stories, government and investor roadshows, marketing communications and campaign and donation drives.. Page | 24 Following is the stakeholder groups focused on, in the first time reporting. Chart 5 : Etisalat Lanka: ISO 26000 strategy Frameworkxiii Page | 25 Mapping of sustainability aspects to GRI Sustainability Performance Indicators Table 4 : The indictors with GRI references GRI standard Indicator GRI standard disclosure reference Local Purchasing Indirect Economic Impacts Energy Proximity to Biologically Diverse Areas Effluents Water Carbon Footprint Significant Spills Environmental Compliance Labour /Management Relations Diversity and Equal Opportunity Occupational Health and Safety Anti-corruption Compliance EC6 EC8 EN3 EN11 EN21 EN8 EN16 EN23 EN28 LA4 LA12 LA7, LA8 SO2 SO8 Prevention of Child Labour Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labour HR6 HR7 Product Labeling Responsible Advertising PR3 PR6 Product Compliance PR9 Local Community SO1 disclosure category Economic Environment Employees Health and Safety Ethical Business and Human Rights Product Responsibility Social Responsibility Page | 26 Etisalat Sri Lanka is the first Mobile Network service provider in South Asia to offer Dual Carrier HSPA+ technology. With this Etisalat is the fastest internet connectivity capable of very fast access, mobile TV applications, video streaming and video calls. Etisalat providing the best technology to explore the world Wide Web, also offers “Net Nanny” in local language, at affordable prices (with 80% discount on the on-line purchase price!) - one of the best Parental Control Software aimed at protecting younger users from online content along with smart Internet offers, Accessories and expert customer support. 63rd mobile operator world- wide: Etisalat Lanka is the 63rd network in the world and the 1st in South Asia to introduce Dual Carrier HSPA+ enable technology The new introduction takes Sri Lanka a leap forward in the mobile broadband industry. Page | 27 Management Approach for Disclosure Part 2 - Key impacts, risks and opportunities) Based on the findings of the stakeholder engagement specified in the section "Stakeholder Engagement ", the material impacts on stakeholders were identified within the areas of economic performance, environment and societal impact. 23 GRI indicators have thus been selected for reporting this year, providing a broader description of the significant impacts of the organization on key sustainability areas. We believe that this reflects our commitment to continuously enhance and report on its sustainability impact to our stakeholders. Page | 28 The picture here is of Etisalat Group’s Chief Executive officer Mr. Ahmad Abdulkarim Julfar, addressing the High Potential employee’s networking event, emphasizing that the fast learning would be the only sustainable advantage over the competition. There were two High-Potential employee’s selected from Etisalat Lanka for the forum. Page | 29 Section 3: Strategic CSR Page | 30 3.1 Economic responsibility Etisalat is committed to supporting the local communities in which it operates, specifically in sourcing and distributing through local enterprises where practicable. In Sri Lanka, the majority (67%) of our purchases for business operations, including the network expansion projects, are through local enterprises which are helping to increase the employment, occupational development advancement of nationals in the country. We are also heavily involved in the local communities and have invested a significant amount of money in ICT infrastructure developments during the reporting period . Case Study 1.3.1. Etisalat App Zone: Promoting entrepreneurship among the youth in Sri Lanka Page | 31 3.2 Environmental Responsibility Etisalat Lanka supports a “precautionary approach” to environmental challenges and proactively undertakes initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. The company also encourages development of environmentally friendly technologies. As part of our strategy, we are continuously working to identify potential adverse impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services and take measures to eliminate or minimize those impacts. Where feasible and appropriate, we participate in market mechanisms to internalize the cost of its environmental impacts and create economic value in protecting ecosystem services and give highest priority to avoiding the loss of natural ecosystems second to restoring ecosystems and finally, if the former two are not possible or fully effective, to compensate for losses through actions that will lead to a net gain in ecosystem services over time. Page | 32 At Etisalat Lanka we especially take measures to preserve any endemic, threatened or endangered species or habitat that may be adversely effected and implement planning, design and operating practices as a way to minimize the possible environmental impacts. Case Study: 3.2 “Soduru Diriya”: The recycled bags from used hording materials: Hambanthota With the objective of empowering women to live a better livelihood , a project launched to recycle Marketing waste. The objective was not only to recycling marketing waste but also an opportunity to uplift the lives of rural housewife's. With Etisalat's throw away marketing materials, provided the opportunity for rural house wives to turn out handy environmentally friendly grocery bags. These bags will be produced by these rural village housewives, in turn giving them a source of income to uplift their quality of living. The bags are sold at a nominal price and part of the income is reimbursed to the housewives. Page | 33 3.3 Human Rights The Etisalat Group and Etisalat Lanka supports and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights including the freedom of association and effective right to collective bargaining where legally permitted. In its local markets, Etisalat facilitates access to and where possible, provides support and facilities for education and lifelong learning for community members. We also join our efforts with other organisations and government institutions supporting respect for and realization of economic, social and cultural rights. We are endeavouring and exploring various ways that we can contribute to the fulfillment of these rights and to adapt our products and services to help bridge the digital divide. Etisalat Lanka is the pioneer in launching a tri-lingual web-site, eliminating the language barriers. ( Page | 34 Furthermore, Etisalat Lanka has enlightened the lives of many , by meeting the community needs by facilitating their desired language. Case Study: 3.3 : The SETT browser for people who are literate only in Sinhalese language SETT browser: Sinhala/Tamil web browser: SETT Sinhala/Tamil (Sri Lanka/India) web browser is the Only Sinhala/Tamil enabled web browser for Android. Even though a particular Android devise does not support Sinhala/Tamil languages, the users still can read any Sinhala/Tamil web content with SETT. Etisalat Lanka played a pioneering role in introducing the application with a view of providing equal opportunities to the people who know only Sinhala language. SETT comes with an innovative and revolutionary rendering engine which renders Sinhala/Tamil using Unicode web fonts. Case Study: 3.3 Android Village Hubs : The pilot project at Kanthale To help advance economic and social development in Sri Lanka’s rural communities, Etisalat Lanka has provided safe accessto modern technology by providing Tablet computers with free data connectivity. This has contributed to the develpopment of these communities by difusing specialised skills and technology in such a way to promote human resource development in the remote areas of Sri Lanka. Page | 35 Etisalat Lanka appreciates that access to information is key to overoming the disparities that exist between the countries, regions, generations, genders, etc. Page | 36 3.4 Labour The Etisalat Group is also keen to ensure that it has a strong talent pool of professional talent to help fuel its growth, and in 2012 over 80 of the group’s best cadre, including the Sri Lankavteam, began the second year of group Talent Management’s High Potential Program (“Hi-Po” for short). This provides our future leaders in Sri Lanka with significant learning resources from organisations such as Harvard and Duke University. Shown above is a picture of a Sri Lankan participant who won the business strategy formation case study awards in 2012, in the Hi-Po Programme. The particiapants from Sri Lanka had shown siginificant career progress from the start of the programme in 2009. They are setting expectations for the others among the Sri Lankan team that the Hi-Performances are rewarded. 3.5 Society Etisalat Lanka promotes and supports education at all levels and engage in actions to improve the quality of and access to education, promote local knowledge and help eradicate illiteracy ,In particular promote learing opportunities for vulnerable or discriminated groups , and in Encouraging the enrolment of children in formal education and contribute to the elimination of barriers to children obtaining an education. Page | 37 Case Study 3.5. Promoting safe and meaningful internet among the young generation of Sri Lanka : The book hub Sri Lanka's First Ever eBook Store : e-Book readers and e-Book stores have become a global phenomenon, but their benefits have excluded Sri Lankan readers, writers and publishers. The book-Hub of Etisalat Lanka, is expected to change the way that people read, purchase and publish local material, making it in our opinion one of the most innovative locally developed Internet based products. We have also chosen to make this product available to everybody by making the product operator independent, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world, so that Sri Lankan content can finally have a global audience. Net –Nanny in our own local language at affordable prices : With the view of promoting safe internet , in order to illuminate the fear of using internet among the parents in the county, Etisalat Lanka took the initiative to introduce parental control software in Local language. More importantly, it is also offered at an affordable price, which is discounted by almost 80% compared to the on-line purchase price. Such a service is not available with any other operator in the island. The Etisalat Group fully appreciates the concerns of families about the use of the Internet and is working with global organizations such as the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to support the efforts of its local operations. Page | 38 Web- Patashala : Etisalat Lanka launched “Web Patashala,” aiming to change the face of education in Sri Lanka, by bringing electronic learning (e-Learning) to the student populace. The project is initiated in collaboration with the State Trading corporation and the Ministry of Education, with a view of proving e-learning opportunities to the younger generation of the county. Etisalat Knowledge Centers – Etisalat Lanka’s vision of enabling students the access to knowledge came to light through the substantial donation of a fully equipped library and education equipment including a large volume of books, TV, DVD player and a projector. Etisalat Lanka’s CSR drive was to provide opportunities for students to 'access today's world through education'. This initiative selected some of the most deserving and deprived schools to set up Etisalat's Knowledge Centre. Most of the reading materials available are relevant to the student's everyday academic lessons, thereby aiding them with the proper required knowledge to be well informed in these respective areas. Eight Etisalat Knowledge Centers were set up across the country. Page | 39 Page | 40 Page | 41 Etisalat Lanka Promote cultural activities where appropriate, recognize and value the local cultures and cultural traditions, consistent with the principle of respect for human rights. Actions to support cultural activities that empower historically disadvantaged groups are especially important as a means of combating discrimination. Brave Hearts Project - We salute our war heroes for the sacrifice made for a better tomorrow. A CSR sponsorship of a musical show called "Tharu dilena rayak" which was performed by disabled War Heroes. The proceeds of the show were donated to the building of cottages in Anuradhapura for these disable War Heroes to live in. With the sponsorship of the show, Etisalat Lanka also donated Rs 3.5 Million to build one cottage. This cottage called the abimansala was built up in Anuradhapura. Flood relief : As part of Etisalat Lanka’s ongoing CSR activities, the most recent campaign reached out to provide assistance to flood victims, through disaster management centers. The campaign selected 4 badly affected districts, namely Anuradhapura, Pollonnaruwa, Badulla and Akkaraipaththu, donating aid and dry rations to help them overcome the devastation caused by the floods. A total of 2000 parcels containing essentials worth 1000 Rupees each, such as sugar, Page | 42 tea, milk powder, dhal, rice, salmon, tooth pastes and tooth brushes were distributed to 2000 families in the districts, giving them a chance to eat healthily and strive for a better life. Etisalat Lanka informed and involved customers in this noble cause, who contributed money through confirmed contribution via SMS. Etisalat Lanka too added its contribution enabling the success of the project. Teams from Etisalat Lanka together with district disaster management coordinators personally visited the homes of the families and delivered the parcels. They were warmly received by all the families in all 4 districts. AIDs awareness sessions among the employees: Etisalat Lanka started joining hands with Lanka Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS, in promoting the awareness of AIDS prevention among its employees since 2010. Page | 43 3.6 Product responsibility Sustainable products and network: The proven way to success: Etisalat Lanka had been practicing actions leading to sustainability for more than a decade. As the driving force behind the success in creating a sustainable culture within our teams at engineering and IT, the CTO , Mr. Sanath Pilapitiya, got below to say as his reasoning behind these actions. “Economic : We have looked at ways of reducing cost, make the assets full utilized, lesser resources are deployed in storage/warehousing. Ecology: The need to minimize carbon emission by shutting down air conditioners and introduce fans, installing outdoor type base stations that does not need air conditioning, minimize the generator run time by installing high capacity battery and managing the start of generators and further testing the Solar and wind possibilities for power. Service: Sustainability lead to develop employees on knowledge, skills and attitude to understand the business better and align with latest technology and drive motivation to innovations and making the working environment humorous filled with more fun for the employees to work and fulfill the tasks with less effort.” Page | 44 Following are some of the key initiatives implements during the period. We share the sites/base stations on cost based structure minimizing the consumption of natural resources . All our towers were built with environmental regulation compliance, with the required government approvals. Our services are introduced at the right time and the hardware guaranteed to last for the next 10 years without becoming obsolete making no wastage. The responsiveness to the customers’ needs is a very important and to entertain we have deployed 24hrs hotline. Our robust network availability measure on international standards is at 99.9% level , consistently. Few other projects undertaken during the reporting period in ensuring our responsibility in product delivery are ; Solar System at Kelaniya Etisalat Radio Base station : This is a pilot project and with the feedback on the success , plans are underway to roll out more base stations. Page | 45 Wind Power Pilot projects: As a pilot project, we have installed 3kW wind systems in Kataragama, Haputale, Keppetipola and Dickwella from 2008. Currently, the commercial viability of the project is been evaluated. Following are specific projects driven by our teams including engineering, commercial, IT and Finance teams with the view of ensuring sustainability. 1. Outdoor Base Stations for AC savings, instead of having the stations inside the cabin and installing A/C units. 2. Inverter Type Air Conditioners for Radio Base Stations (Pilot project) – Olcotte Mawatha/Panadura Town for power savings 3. IN-DOOR B/S with fans for power savings 4. Dynamic power saving: Switching off power automatically when the tower is not in use. 5. Solar tower lights in most of our sites 6. High capacity battery to minimize generator utilization 7. Hybrid cars for network operations teams replacing traditional petrol /diesel vehicles 8. Replacing the legacy switch and implement NGN with low power consumption 9. Server virtualization to reduce the number of servers 10. Move towards laptops (low power compared to desk tops) 11. Majority of business reports on the web – no printed reports 12. Facilitate remote working (with broadband connections), on line banking systems etc. 13. Movable COWs ( cow: cell –on-wheels) Tower gives same function as GF tower at low resource consumption 14. E bills for customers – reduced paper! 15. Bank transfer of payments to eliminate paper and courier services 16. Promoting reload, eliminate printed scratch cards sales process on android app, eliminating paper copy. Page | 46 At Etisalat, we are Inspired to be Sustained, for a better tomorrow It is about you Page | 47 Any clarifications regarding sustainability may be obtained from: Corporate Communications division of Etisalat Lanka (Private) Limited, 109, Galle Road , Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Email: Website: Page | 48 i Strategy & Analysis Section 1.1 and 1.2 Organsational Profile Section 2.1 iii Organsational Profile Section 2.5 iv Organsational Profile Section 2.8 v Organsational Profile Section 2.10 vi Organsational Profile Section 2.2 vii Organsational Profile Section 2.3 ii viii Governance 4.1 x Stakeholder engagement 4.1.5 Report Profile 3.6 and 3.7 . 3.8 ,3.10, 3.11 xii Report profile 3.5 xiii Stakeholder engagement 4.1.4 xi Page | 49
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