Proudly Serving Pennsylvanians for Over 35 Years! May 8, 2015 Message from the Acting Secretary In April 1963 President John F. Kennedy met with members of the National Council of Senior Citizens. Their meeting prompted President Kennedy to designate the Month of May as “Senior Citizens Month” … which is now known as “Older Americans Month.” Every President since Kennedy has issued a formal proclamation during or before the month of May asking the entire nation to pay tribute in some way to older persons in their communities. As a result, since 1963, people in towns and cities across the nation have taken the opportunity in the month of May to recognize and celebrate the contributions of older Americans. In support of this important tradition, Governor Tom Wolf recently issued a Proclamation designating May 2015 as Older Pennsylvanians Month urging all residents to take time this month to celebrate older adults and the people who serve and support them as powerful and vital individuals who greatly contribute to the community. As the State Unit on Aging, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging is entrusted with the responsibility of providing leadership on aging issues on behalf of nearly 2.7 million individuals over the age of sixty who call Pennsylvania “home.” This past Monday we hosted an event in the Capital East Wing celebrating May as Older Americans Month. We were honored by the presence and participation of U.S. Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr., who daily works on behalf of Pennsylvania families, and while he serves on five important committees, he also serves on the Special Committee on Aging. In addition to Senator Casey, others who shared remarks included Bob DeSousa, State Director for United States Senator Pat Toomey; State Senator Arthur Haywood, Democratic Chair of the Senate Aging and Youth Committee; State Representative Tim Hennessey, Chair of the House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee; State Representative Steve Samuelson, Democratic Chair of the House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee; Drew Svitko, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Lottery; and Crystal Lowe, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Attending were seniors representing several Cumberland County Senior Centers, including the Enola Center, Mechanicsburg Center and the West Shore Center, along with other legislators, community leaders and state department officials, including Acting Secretary of Human Services, Ted Dallas, and from the Department of Health, Acting Physician General, Dr. Rachel Levine, and Acting Secretary Karen Murphy. The theme of this year’s celebration is: Get into the Act. It reflects on the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, which created a nationwide services network and funding that helps older adults live with dignity in their own communities for as long as possible. Recognizing that Pennsylvania’s seniors are our link to 1 the past and an inspiration of what can be accomplished in the future, a blank canvas was displayed along with a timeline highlighting significant national and state older American service and program dates. As each speaker concluded their remarks, they were asked to sign their name along with the name of an older adult, living or deceased, who holds a special place in their life. In addition to our speakers, audience members were then invited to do the same. With over fifty signatures affixed, the canvas was then moved to the Main Rotunda in the Capitol where it will remain throughout the month of May. It is our sincere hope that visitors to our beautiful Capitol will take a few moments to pause, read the canvas and timeline, and reflect upon the incredible value and positive impact that older Pennsylvanians have and continue to make in our Commonwealth. If you visit the Capitol this month, please stop by and add your name and that of an older adult who has influenced your life to our canvas which serves as a symbol of what we are called to do during Older Americans Month and on all days: to celebrate older Pennsylvanians and the people who serve and support them. Also on Monday, immediately following our Older Americans Month celebration, I was privileged to be on the House Floor for two significant events. First, Representative William Kortz and Representative Kathy Watson introduced a resolution designating Tuesday May 5, 2015, as “Alzheimer’s Awareness Action Day” in Pennsylvania. When House Resolution 308 was introduced, Representative Kortz shared his own personal family story associated with the challenges of caring for and losing a loved one to Alzheimer’s disease. Similar to so many other Alzheimer’s advocates who visited our State Capitol this week, Representative Kortz spoke passionately and convincingly about the need for us to share our stories as together we stand up and speak up to improve awareness, provide a continuum of care, enhance support for caregivers, support research, and promote brain health and cognitive fitness. The willingness and commitment of all advocates and stakeholders to engage in these efforts will help to bring us closer to realizing the vision we share of a world without Alzheimer’s disease. The second event was the introduction of House Resolution 151, which was introduced by Representative Steve Samuelson and Representative Tim Hennessey in order to honor Ronald W. Costen, Ph.D., Esquire, for his work as the Director of the Temple University Institute on Protective Services. For over 15 years, Dr. Costen has collaborated and partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Aging to provide training and investigative consultations to the Department, local area agencies on aging, district attorneys and law enforcement officials on federal, state and local levels on elder abuse. He helped to establish the first Elder Abuse Task Force in Pennsylvania in order to improve communications between district attorneys and area agencies on aging when elder abuse investigations need to occur. As a result of his efforts, currently 33 elder abuse task forces function across the Commonwealth. His capacity and commitment to provide legal, advocacy and life management services to older Pennsylvanians and individuals with developmental disabilities has helped to ensure that our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians are protected. It was an honor to be present as both House Resolutions were introduced as the important work of advocacy for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other related disorders and protection of the most vulnerable were recognized in our Commonwealth. To this end, this week also afforded us with the opportunity to recognize Commonwealth employees. Wednesday was designated by Governor Wolf as State Employee Recognition Day in Pennsylvania. The Department paused to recognize those who achieved a milestone in their service to the Commonwealth during 2014 by presenting each with a Years of Service Award. Like their colleagues in all areas of state government, the employees of the Department are committed to public service and perform their jobs with professionalism, compassion, dedication and pride. Shortly after our Department recognition, we learned that one of our own – Rocco Claroni – had received the Older Worker Champion Award at the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) 50th Anniversary Conference, which had just been held in 2 Washington, D.C. As a partner in the Commonwealth’s workforce development system, the SCSEP Program provides community service and work based training to older workers. Rocco was recognized for his 18 years of service successfully managing Pennsylvania’s SCSEP Program. A tip of the hat for Rocco and all of our Department staff … I am grateful for their service and their commitment to serve, protect and empower older Pennsylvanians. Teresa Osborne Acting Secretary Jameson Health System Recognized for Efforts to Keep Pennsylvanians Working The Governor’s Achievement Awards were presented to nine employers and training providers today for outstanding hiring and workforce development success at the 31st annual Pennsylvania Workforce Development Association Employment, Training & Education Conference. “The Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s Senior Community Service Employment Program is a committed partner in the commonwealth’s workforce development system. In collaboration with community employers we are able to successfully match income-eligible persons age 55 and older with jobs,” said Acting Secretary of Aging Teresa Osborne. “While participants build skills and self-confidence, outstanding community employers, such as Jameson Health System, gain trained, trusted and experienced workers. We are grateful for Jameson Health System’s willingness to serve as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for older Pennsylvanians.” Delores Sacco Recognized for Workforce Success “As a partner in the commonwealth’s workforce development system, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s Senior Community Service Employment Program provides employment training and skill-building opportunities to income-qualified persons fifty-five years and older,” said Acting Secretary of Aging Teresa Osborne. “We are proud to help mature workers, like Delores Sacco, prepare to find work that adds meaning, value and hope for the future.” Personnel Update Kirstin Snow starts on 5/11/15 as Press Secretary for the Department of Aging. She can be contacted at, 717-787-3368. Kirstin succeeds Christina Reese, who transferred on 5/1/15 to another state agency. Peter Hans is starting on 5/11/15 as an Aging Services Specialist in the Protective Services Division, Bureau of Advocacy. Peter can be reached at Deb Mathias is transferring on 5/15/15 from her Administrative Officer position in the Operations and Management Office to another state agency. Legislative Update HOUSE & SENATE ACTION: The House and Senate are in recess and return this Monday, May 11th. This past week they addressed the following bill and resolutions: HB 683 By Rep. Kathy Rapp. - This legislation, if enacted into law, would eliminate federal veterans' disability payments and state veterans' benefits from the definition of income when 3 determining a claimant's eligibility for the Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program (PTRR). The bill received final passage in the House by a vote of 195 to 0. The bill now goes to the Senate where it will most likely be assigned to the Senate Finance Committee for possible consideration. To view HB 683, click here. The following House Resolutions were adopted this week: HR 151 By Rep. Samuelson – A resolution honoring Ronald W. Costen, Ph.D., Esquire, on his retirement from Temple University and recognizing his work as the director of the Department of Aging’s Institute on Protective Services. To view HR 151, click here. HR 308 By Rep. Bill Kortz and Rep. Kathy Watson – A resolution designating May 5, 2015 as "Alzheimer's Awareness Action Day" in Pennsylvania. To view HR 308, click here. PENDING LEGISLATION / NEW LEGISLATION: HR 300 – By. Rep Kinsey – A resolution recognizing May 2015 as “Older Americans – Get into the Act” month in Pennsylvania. To view HR 300, click here. UPCOMING COMMITTEE HEARINGS: The Senate Aging and Youth Committee – The Confirmation hearing for Acting Secretary of Aging Teresa Osborne is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 11:15 am, Room 461 Main Capitol Building. In addition to the confirmation, HB 753, the Long-term Care Council bill is scheduled to be considered. To view HB 753, click here. House Aging and Older Adult Services –On May 13th from 9:30 to 11:00 AM, the Committee will hold an Informational Hearing on the PACE and PACENET Prescription assistance program for older adults and the PA Patient Assistance Program Clearinghouse. PACE Program Tom Snedden and Acting Secretary Osborne will provide the overview. To watch online, click here. Education and Outreach Office PrimeTime Health The PrimeTime Health program focuses on health promotion and disease prevention activities for older Pennsylvanians with a special focus on health risk screening, nutrition, chronic conditions, fall risk, exercise, and strengthening to prevent fall-related injury, monitoring behavioral health, and managing medications. To view upcoming programs offered through your local Area Agency on Aging, click here. Wayne Area Agency on Aging offers speaker on Rheumatology 4 Dr. Mark Cruciani will present at the following centers on rheumatology, which is a specialty that focuses on joint, muscle and bone disorders, including autoimmune diseases (diseases of the immune system). Join us at any of our centers to learn more about rheumatology and osteoarthritis. All programs will be from 11:30 am – 12:00 (noon) July 8, 2015 July 30, 2015 August 6, 2015 August 19, 2015 Hawley Senior Center (Bingham Park; 570-226-4209) Hamlin Senior Center (Rt 590, Township Building; 570-689-3766) Northern Wayne Senior Group (Crosstown Hwy, Lakewood) Honesdale Senior Center (323 Tenth Street; 570-253-4262) If you would like to join us for lunch, please call 570-253-4262 at least 2 days in advance of the presentation. If you would like to attend but need transportation please call 570-253-4280 to register for transportation You can also visit our website for more information. LEADER TRAINING in the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, Lawrence County When: Tuesday & Wednesday May 12 &13 AND Tuesday & Wednesday May19 and 20 Where: CHALLENGES—Options in Aging, Shenley Square Plaza 2706 Mercer Rd. New Castle, PA 16105 Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day Fee: None Stanford University Chronic Disease Self–Management Program (CDSMP) – an evidencebased program designed to help others to coordinate their chronic disorders, manage their own health, stay active, and take charge! We are looking for people who are motivated to help themselves and to assist others. You do not need any previous teaching or healthcare experience but you must plan to attend all four days in order to be certified. You will receive all materials, handouts, supplies, and refreshments during your training. After completing the four day training you will be able to co-lead the six week CDSMP workshop in your community. Don’t miss a chance to be a part of this life changing program! Bureau of Advocacy Pennsylvania Empowered Expert Residents (PEER) Clearfield County: Ten PEERs graduated on April 9 at Christ the King Manor of DuBois, wearing mortarboards and purple tassels displaying the year of their graduation. Four residents live at the Christ the King Manor nursing home, and six reside at the Christ the King Manor personal care home. These residents were presented with certificates of completion, badges, and a few other materials that will help them be identified as a PEER, and share their experience and knowledge as individuals who have completed the resident-directed training. In attendance were other residents, staff and family members. The nursing home administrator, Sam Zaffuto and personal 5 care home administrator, Angila Amundson, addressed the group while Deacon William Wright offered the invocation and benediction. Following the graduation ceremony PEERs and their guests enjoyed a luncheon prepared by the staff. The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging has five volunteer ombudsmen and 61 PEERs trained in three facilities in the county. On behalf of the State Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman we congratulate the new PEER graduates and welcome them into the program! PA Ombudsmen worked with 78,791 long-term care residents and/or their families in the past six months!! Pennsylvania Ombudsmen have worked with over 78,800 long-term care facility residents and their families between October 1, 2014, and March 31, 2015. Ombudsman provide services to residents that include information about services and program in the state, make referrals to other statewide and local programs, and work actively to resolve concerns that a resident of a long-term care facility has. We are grateful to all of our Ombudsmen, who work hard every day to improve the lives of older Pennsylvanians receiving long-term care services. PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources Clearfield County Event Name: Dining with Diabetes – a program for adults with Type 2 Diabetes and their families Description: A program offered by Penn State Cooperative Extension that consists of a series of classes to help you understand some of the most important things you need to know to best manage your Type 2 Diabetes ($40 for individual and $55 for family; Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries receive free registration) Location: Morrisdale Class DuBois Class God’s Clearview Ministry Church of Our Savior 1946 Pardee Rd 400 Liberty Blvd. Morrisdale, PA 16858 DuBois, PA 15801 Date: Morrisdale class – May 21, 28 and June 4, 11, 25 (3 month follow-up class TBA) DuBois class – June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 (3 month follow-up class TBA) Time: Morrisdale class – 1:30pm to 4:00pm DuBois class – 12:00noon to 2:30pm Contact: Robin Kuleck – (814) 765-7878, ext. 2 Registration deadline: Morrisdale class – May 15th DuBois class – May 26th Register online at or call (814) 765-7878 Lancaster, Lebanon and Berks County Special Project Workshops – Event Flyer Columbia-Montour County Event: Aging/ID Conference Description: Area Agency on Aging, PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources and the CMSU Behavioral Health Developmental Services are working together to provide a conference. Location: Country Cupboard Lewisburg Date: Monday June 8, 2015 Time: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Contact: E-mail – Phone – 570-784-9272 6 Registration Deadline: N/A Delaware County Event: 2015 Caregiver Series “Creative Tools for Caregiving” Description: Six session program for caregivers to bring their loved ones with them so they can participate in meaningful activities that can be taken home such as mosaics, fitness and the art of storytelling. Location: Friendship Circle Senior Center Dates: May 20: Non-Traditional Caregivers: You can do it! Your loved one will participate in the Art of Storytelling June 03: What Does Good Nutrition Look Like? Feeding yourself and your loved one. Your loved one will learn about “Home Remedies” while participating in a Cognitive Stimulation Activity. June 17: Relaxation Techniques: The Keys to Stress Free Living. Your loved one will participate in a Fitness Activity. Time: 4:15 pm to 5:45 pm Contact: Email -- or Phone -- 610-237-6222 ext. 57 Berks, Lancaster and Lebanon County Event: Series on balance and fall prevention Description: A four-part series on balance and fall prevention, this program consists of identifying what makes up good or poor balance, addressing the fear of falling, why balance testing is valuable and exercises for better balance. The series dates and topics include: May 20th – Addressing the Fear of Falling June 17th – Understanding the Benefits of Balance Testing July 15th – Exercises for Better Balance Location: The Long Community at Highland, 600 East Roseville Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 in the Brightwood Dining Room Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am Contact: Email – Registration Deadline: N/A McKean County Event Name: Resources for McKean Co. Veterans (training) Description: A free half-day session packed with information and resources for professionals and organizations working with Veterans who are residents of McKean Co. Location: Commons Room at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Time: 8am - noon Contact: or Northampton County Event: Intimacy and Aging Program Description: This free program (registration required) will educate participants about the difference between sex and sexuality, demystify common myths and misinformation about sexuality and aging, and increase comfort when discussing aging and sexuality. Location: Fowler Family Southside Center, 511 East Third Street Bethlehem Date: Friday, May 15 Time: 9:00am to 11:00am 7 Contact: Email – Phone -- 610.782.3034 Registration Deadline: N/A Lycoming & Clinton County Event: Focused on hoarding Description: This training features expert Cory Chalmers on A&E's "Hoarders", Hoarding & Biohazard Expert, Trainer, and Public Speaker, President/CEO Steri-Clean, Inc. & Crime Scene Steri-Clean, LLC. Location: Country Cupboard, Lewisburg Date: Friday, May 22 Time: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Contact: Email -- Registration Deadline: N/A Columbia-Montour County Event: Aging/ID Conference Description: Area Agency on Aging, PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources and the CMSU Behavioral Health Developmental Services are working together to provide a conference. Details on topics pending. Location: Country Cupboard Lewisburg Date: Monday June 8, 2015 Time: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Contact: E-mail – Phone - 570-784-9272 The PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources, in partnership with agencies that support individuals with intellectual disabilities, is hosting conferences throughout the state. Lehigh and Northampton County June 5, 8:30 to 4:30, at the Best Western in Bethlehem. Contact Kimberly Melusky, at There will be a $40 registration fee for this conference Lehigh/Northampton County Event: Aid and Attendance for VA pensions Description: Lehigh County Veterans Affairs will provide information on Aid and Attendance for VA pensions. Location: Fowler Family Southside Center, 511 E. Third Street, Room 605 in Bethlehem Date: May 13, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. Contact: Email – Phone – 610-782-3096 Registration Deadline: May 12, 2015 Lehigh/Northampton County Event: Dual Diagnosis: Working with Individuals with Challenging Behaviors Description: LINK and the Lehigh & Northampton Aging/ID Team is partnering to provide a conference to educate professionals and caregivers about individuals who are aging and diagnosed with mental health issues and/or an intellectual disability. Registration fee is $40.00. Location: Best Western Lehigh Valley Hotel & Conference Center, 300 Gateway Drive in Bethlehem 8 Date: June 5, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact: Email – Phone – 610-782-3096 Registration Deadline: Friday, May 22, 2015 Berks County Event: Partners’ Network cross-training meeting Description: Amy Mayer-Ames is the Area Manager for AHEDD, a specialized human resource organization serving the community as a catalyst in the employment and development of people with disabilities. Amy’s cross-training presentation will include an overview of AHEDD; an outcome-focused agency which has pioneered performance based contracting in the provision of employment services to increase industry-wide accountability. The meeting will be held at Country Meadows at Wyomissing, 1800 Tulpehocken Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610. Date: May 19, 2015 Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am Contact: E-mail – Phone / text – 717.380.9714 Registration Deadline: May 15 Chester County Event: Centenarian Birthday Party Description: The Link will sponsor the Chester County Department of Aging’s 3rd Annual Centenarian Birthday Party and will educate attendees on the Link and the Link’s project, “Hospital to Home.” Location: The Downingtown Country Club, 93 Country Club Rd, Downingtown, PA 19335 Date: June 24th Time: 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: E-mail - Phone – 484-364-6981 Cumberland County Event: Improving Aging Services for LGBT Older Adults Description: This workshop will include information on the culture, needs and concerns of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) older adults, information on why LGBT older adults are less likely to access health and social services and information on best practices, policy and practice areas for increasing inclusiveness and safety for LGBT older adults. Location: Giant Food Store Community Room, 3301 Trindle Road, Camp Hill, PA Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015 Time: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM (lunch included) Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-240-7887 Register: Click Here Berks County Event: Partners’ Network cross-training meeting Description: Amy Mayer-Ames is the Area Manager for AHEDD, a specialized human resource organization serving the community as a catalyst in the employment and development of people with disabilities. Amy’s cross-training presentation will include an overview of AHEDD; an outcome-focused agency which has pioneered performance based contracting in the provision of employment services to increase industry-wide accountability. This meeting will be 9 held at the Berks County Community Foundation (Community rooms A & B), 237 Court Street, Reading PA 19601. Date: May 19, 2015 Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am Contact: E-mail – Phone / text – 717.380.9714 Registration Deadline: May 15 - Event is FREE to everyone; email, call or text if you require accommodations. Event: Partners’ Network cross-training meeting Description: During this double-feature “cross-training program, Natalie Zimmerman, Haven Behavioral Hospital of Eastern PA will identify its services for adults suffering from bipolar disorder, depression and other psychiatric disorders. Also, Dana Robertson, Manager of the Community Homeless Assessment and Referral Team (CHART) in Lancaster, PA. CHART’s mission is to provide coordinated assessment and referral services to all households experiencing homelessness in Lancaster County, PA. Matt Blank, MBC Building and Remodeling will also present a “pecha kucha.” The meeting will be held at Juniper Village at Mount Joy, 607 Hearthstone Lane, Mount Joy, PA 17552. Date: May 21, 2015 Time: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Contact: E-mail – Phone / text – 717.380.9714 Registration Deadline: May 15 - Event is FREE to everyone; email, call or text if you require accommodations. Mercer County Event: 9th Annual Mental Health Recovery Conference 2015 Description: “Breaking the Stigma” topics include, “Redesign and Refashion Mental Health…Labels are for Clothes Not People”, “Disabilist Bullying: Awareness & Prevention: “ReBuilding Life & Relationships” and “What Are You Thinking” Location: First Assembly of God, 1455 N. Keel Ridge Road, Hermitage, PA Date: May 12, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Contact: Email – Phone – 724-662-1550 Registration Deadline: N/A Lawrence County Event: Mental Health Summit for Professionals and First Responders Description: Key Note Speaker, Dr. Bobby Smith, will present “Dealing with the Aftermath of Trauma”. Breakout Sessions include: Mental Health for First Responders, Youth Suicide Prevention, Question, Persuade, Refer, Gatekeeper Training to Prevent Suicide, Reducing Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness, and Demystifying Crisis Intervention Services. Location: Scottish Rite Cathedral, 110 East Lincoln Avenue, New Castle, PA Date: May 28, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Contact: E-mail – Phone – (724) 658-3578, ext. 105 Fee: $35 (Scholarships available for Lawrence County First Responders) Registration Deadline: May 14, 2015 10 Somerset County Event: Somerset Aging/ID Coalition Conference for Professionals Description: Morning session will focus on the topic of De-escalation techniques and features Tina Heinrich, Ed.S. Health Choices Clinical Director, Behavioral Health Services of Somerset & Bedford Counties; Afternoon session will cover the topic of Medication Abuse and features Ronna Yablonski, Prevention Coordinator (and Director of Somerset County Drug Free Communities) and Renee Gardner RN, both of Twin Lakes. Location: Oakhurst Tea Room, 2409 Glades Pike, Somerset, PA Date: June 16, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Contact: Email – Phone – (814) 443-4891, ext. 4213 Registration Deadline: June 9, 2015 Butler County Event: Elder Abuse Awareness Event Description: This is a free community event featuring educational seminars, resource fair, benefits screenings and more. Location: Butler County Community College, Founders Hall Date: June 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Contact: Email – Phone – (724) 431-3619 Registration Deadline: June 10, 2015 Franklin County Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: Franklin Fire Company – Chambersburg, PA Date: May 8, 2015 Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: American Legion Post 15 – Waynesboro, PA Date: May 15, 2015 Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting 11 Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: American Legion Post 517 – Mercersburg, PA Date: May 22nd, 2015 Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: Antrim Township Municipal Building – Greencastle, PA Date: May 29, 2015 Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: AMVETS – Chambersburg, PA Date: June 4, 2015 Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: 2015 Franklin County Veterans EXPO Description: An event where 50+ vendors will be offering information on Veteran-specific programs and services. A light breakfast and full lunch will be served. Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. The VA Mobile Outreach Van will be onsite as well as the Chambersburg JROTC Color Guard. Location: Scotland Campus – Scotland, PA Date: June 10, 2015 Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting 12 Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: Tuscarora Senior Center – Mercersburg, PA Date: June 12, 2015 Time: 6:00 -7:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Event: Veteran Town Hall Meeting Description: An event where Veterans learn about existing/new services available in Franklin County. Information will be shared such as Compensation, Benefits, Healthcare, Education, Housing and Homeless services, Employment and Outreach services. Representatives will be available to meet with from county, state and Federal organizations. Location: Waynesboro Senior Center – Waynesboro, PA Date: June 16, 2015 Time: 6:00 -7:30 PM Contact: E-mail – Phone – 717-263-4326 Registration Deadline: none Bureau of Aging Services Care Transitions Summit About the Summit: The Pennsylvania Department of Aging, through the Long Term Living Training Institute, is pleased to invite AAA representatives to a summit to discuss the development and implementation of community based care transitions projects across Pennsylvania. The day-long agenda includes both general and breakout sessions. Registrants may attend any of the listed sessions; breakout sessions have been divided into three tracks which are specifically geared to meet the needs of AAAs in different stages of Care Transitions. Pre-registration is required, but you do not have to pre-pay in order to attend. Your agency can be billed after the training. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA Track 1 - AAAs not currently involved or in the early stages of Care Transitions Track 2 - AAAs who are working towards the development or implementation of a program Track 3 - AAAs with an established Care Transitions program, or past provider experience Cost: $65.00 per person registration fee (includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks). Registration Form Complete form and fax to (717) 541-4217, or email scanned registration form to or, or mail to: P4A, 525 S. 29th St., Harrisburg, PA 17104 Announcements 13 Older Americans Month in Lackawanna County United Neighborhood Centers, Active Adult Community Centers are hosting Seniors Got Talent at The Theatre at Lackawanna College, 501 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18509 on Thursday, May 21, 2015, from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. This is a great opportunity to share in an evening of entertainment with performances by older adults 55 years or older. For additional information contact Cathy Hardaway, Director of Active Adult Programs, 570-346-0759, ext. 110. Older Americans Month in Philadelphia The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging does a wide variety of Arts and Aging projects in celebration of Older Americans Month. For more information on the projects, click here. Volunteer Opportunity MOM-n-PA, a team of dedicated dental professionals committed to providing free dental care services to those in need, will hold their annual two-day free dental care clinic in Harrisburg, PA on May 29-30, 2015. The MOM-n-PA mission provides treatment to individuals and families who cannot afford dental care on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, click here. MOM-n-PA expects several hundred individuals to attend this year’s event so having enough volunteers on hand to help is critical. In fact, lay/community volunteers (not dental/medical professionals) are MOM-n-PA’s greatest need! If you would like to volunteer in this very worthwhile event, please be sure to register as soon as possible. Please share this information with your family, friends and neighbors! Innovation in Caregiving Award The Innovation in Caregiving Award recognizes individuals who, in the course of caring for an older adult in a private home or a residential setting invented a device or technique that solves a caregiving challenge, or found a new application for an existing device or technique that supports caregiving of older adults and eases the burden on caregivers. Those assisting younger individuals with disabilities may apply for the award if their device or technique is helpful to the care of adults aged 60 and older. The application deadline is June 30, 2015. Apply for the 2015 Award Messiah Lifeways and Harrisburg Magazine SAGE Awards Awards to honor savvy, active, growing, and enlightened older adults, age 55 and better, who have made important contributions to the economic, cultural, spiritual, and social progress of the Greater Capital Region. We are currently seeking outstanding nominees who are transforming the lives of others, who are improving the quality of life for all persons in our region, or who are creating a new sense of purpose in the third age of their life. Past winners have included a National Geographic instructor, several Peace Corps volunteers, a food pantry founder, a state Senator, renowned philanthropists, and "a re-wired" executive. The key to the SAGE Awards is that it highlights persons who are changing the conversation about aging and inspiring people to think about retirement as a time of purpose and zest! We are especially eager to meet people who have done interesting things in recent years - at age 55 or better Completed applications may be emailed to or faxed to 717-7968155. The deadline for this year’s entries is June 22. After a panel of judges reviews all of 14 this year’s nominees, as many as six recipients may be honored at an awards celebration dinner scheduled for on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at Messiah Lifeways at Messiah Village. Nomination form, click here. PA Association of Senior Centers Northeast Region Annual Meeting The PA Assoc. of Senior Centers (PASC) Northeast Region is holding its annual meeting on Friday, June 5, at the West Side Active Adult Senior Center, 1004 Jackson Street, Scranton, from 10am - 4pm. The cost is $25.00 for PASC members and$30.00 non-members. For further information, contact Leslie Berger at 570.420.3745 OR National Association of Area Agencies on Aging 40th Annual Conference July 11-15, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA Please save the date; more information can be found by clicking here. Funding Opportunities Community Interoperability and Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program Funding Opportunity Announcement The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to inspire community entities (United States-based non-profit institution or organization, state or local government, agency or group in a designated community) to work collaboratively with non-eligible care providers, those providers not eligible for the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs, to identify opportunities to support and extend the use of secure, interoperable health information technology tools and health information exchange (HIE) services that will eventually lead to the enabling of individual and community health improvement through collective impact. Communities have a much greater chance of improving health and well-being if organizations collaborate to create formal and informal networks to integrate health and social and community services. Health should be viewed beyond the walls of health care, and is inclusive of all the determinants of health. This FOA will be a full and open competition. Up to ten (10) new cooperative agreements will be awarded. Applicants responding to this announcement may request funding for a project period starting August 14, 2015 and ending within one year. Notices of intent should be sent to by May 15, 2015 at 11:59 p.m., EST. Applications are due by June 15, 2015. Click here for more information. Funding Opportunity Announced for Navigators in Federally-Facilitated Marketplaces The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the availability of funding to support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFM), including State Partnership Marketplaces. Grantees will be selected for a three year project period, and a total of up to $67 million is available for the first year of the award. The funding opportunity announcement is open to eligible individuals, as well as private and public entities, applying to serve as Navigators in states with a FFM. It is open to new and returning HHS Navigator grant applicants, and applications are due by June 15, 2015. The 2015 Funding Opportunity Announcement expands the project period from 12 months to 36 months. The multi-year grant award will be funded in 12-month increments and continued 15 funding will be contingent on the grantee continuing to meet all Navigator program requirements and on funding availability. This change is designed to provide greater consistency for Navigator grantee organizations and their staff from year to year, reducing yearly start up time and providing for a more efficient use of grant funds. Navigator grant applicants should describe how they intend to assist consumers who are uninsured or underinsured and consumers who are likely to be eligible for or enrolled in coverage through a Marketplace. Applicants should also describe how they plan to assist persons seeking to re-enroll in coverage through a Marketplace and provide post-enrollment assistance. Click here for more information. In the News Policymakers, Advocates Celebrate Older Americans Month Volunteer lauded for years of service to area residents Lewistown Sentinel ** If you have something you wish to include, please contact us. Kindly direct your comments and suggestions to Drew Wilburne in the Press Office 16
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