Konsultprofil - Peter Engborg • INTRODUKTION Peter Engborg has during his years as a product developer gathered experience and confidence. His analytical abilities together with his calm manner have made him a much appreciated project member. Peter has during his earlier assignment been the leading developer and authority in the development and product launch of vital parts of a base station • KOMPETENSOMRÅDEN - Designer of RF electronics - Integration of HW+SW - Designer of digital electronics - Designer of analogue electronics - Subproject leader - Designer of software • UTBILDNING - Maths, computer science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, • SPRÅKKUNSKAPER - Svenska - modersmål - Tyska - enklare konversation - Engelska - mycket god • ANSTÄLLNINGAR - Egen verksamhet, Berotec, (2006) - Konsult, JK SYSTEM AB (1995-2005) • EXEMPEL PÅ UPPDRAG Electronic engineer, consultant PIAB 2012 -currently System design, schematic design, PCB CAD, C programming, EMC test, production test specification Tools: DesignSpark, MPLAB X, Hi-Tech C, XC8, Mercurial, LTspice, Diptrace RF and electronics Engineer, consultant Samsung Nanoradio 2013 -2015 RF test development. Transmitter linearization algorithm design. WLAN @ 2GHz and 5GHz. Bluetooth. BEROTEC AB Kontakt: Lena Carlman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: info@berotec.se WEBB: www.berotec.se Sida 1/5 Konsultprofil - Peter Engborg Tools: Labview, Python, SVN, Ubuntu, Octave/Matlab Electronic engineer, consultant Cumbari 2012 -2013 Electronic design, dtmf rx and tx, system test of NFC Programming at hw level. Electronic engineer, consultant Siemens 2012 -2012 Schematic redesign and update of layout. Update production documents. Tools: CADInt Electronic engineer, consultant FLIR 2011 -2012 Schematic design and design verification of thermal imaging cameras. Project tech-lead for electronics. System design and simulation. Tools: Mentor expedition, Hyperlynx SI, Track+, SAP Paternity leave 2010 -2011 System Integrator, consultant Ericsson 2009 -2010 Integration of RU (Radio Unit, indoor) and RRU (Remote Radio Unit, outdoor). Troubleshooting electronics. Temperature tests, radio performance tests. Test program design. Tools: Agilent VEE, MS-Office, ClearDDTS Paternity leave 2009 -2009 System Integrator, consultant 2007 -2009 Design specifications and system design. Integration of RU (Radio Unit, indoor) and RRU (Remote Radio Unit, outdoor). Troubleshooting electronics. Temperature tests, radio performance tests. Test program design. Sida 2/5 BEROTEC AB Kontakt: Lena Carlman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: info@berotec.se WEBB: www.berotec.se Konsultprofil - Peter Engborg Tools: Agilent VEE, MS-Office, ClearDDTS, PRIM, GASK RF Engineer, consultant Avitec 2006 -2007 Design of a wide band (380-2200MHz), highly linear repeater system with a fiber optic link for all cellular systems. Design of digital backplane and RF-backplane. HW design including schematic design, layout and design verification. Test program design. Tools: Agilent VEE, Microwave Office, MS-Office, P-CAD RF and electronics Engineer, consultant GE CommerceGuard AB 2006 -2007 Design and built a system test environment for a 2.4GHz DSSS transceiver with extremely low power requirements. Field testing of DSSS radio. Antenna evaluation. Investigation of immunity against and coexistence with WLAN including detailed analysis of the IEEE 802.11b protocol. Product launch including specification of high volume production tester, yield analysis. Tools: OrCad, MS-Office, Subversion RF and electronics Engineer, consultant All Set Marine Security 2004 -2006 Design of second generation base unit including PA, LNA, diversity, cavity filters, VSWR meter etc. Tools: OrCad, MS-Office, Subversion RF and electronics Engineer, consultant Avitec 2004 -2004 Design of a modular repeater system with band selective modules for GSM900/GSM1800/GSM-R/UMTS. Design of digital backplane. HW design including schematic design, layout, design verification. Tools: P-CAD, Microwave Office, MS-Office, Agilent VEE RF and electronics Engineer, consultant All Set Marine Security 2003 -2003 Design of 2.4GHz DSSS transceiver for marine environment with extremely low power requirements. Design of a compact combined Bluetooth and DSSS snap-on transceiver for Sony-Ericsson Sida 3/5 BEROTEC AB Kontakt: Lena Carlman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: info@berotec.se WEBB: www.berotec.se Konsultprofil - Peter Engborg P800/P900. Test program design. Design of integrated antenna. Responsible for EMC and support for global certification. Tools: OrCAD, MS-Office, Subversion RF Engineer Inhouse developement 2001 -2002 System design of an alarm system for 433/868MHz. Development of proof of concept system. System design and electronic design of a Satellit finder and tracking system including wideband amplifiers, splitter, coupler all 900-1700MHz, measurement receiver. Tools: OrCad, MS-Office System Designer and Integrator, consultant Ericsson 2001 -2002 Senior integrator and system designer for W-CDMA MCPA. Definition of test methods, test environments, test cases and evaluation of test results. Implementation of RF-testsystem for highly linear power amplifiers. Responsible for knowledge transfer to second generation MCPA in terms of robustness, RF performance, EMC, producability and testability. Tools: Agilent VEE, MS-Office System Designer and Integrator, consultant Ericsson 1999 -2000 Technical subproject leader for integration and design of MCPA for W-CDMA. System design of noise and spurious emission requirements on both circuit and block level. Measurements on spread spectrum signals. Responsible for design of EMC. EMC measurements with design changes on circuit level. RF Engineer, consultant Ericsson 1998 -1998 Subproject leader for electronics and RF. High capacity NMT-base station. Design of hybrid combiner for 450MHz. EMC measurements with design changes on circuit level. BEROTEC AB Earlier work on request Ericsson 1995 -1998 Kontakt: Lena Carlman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: info@berotec.se WEBB: www.berotec.se Sida 4/5 Konsultprofil - Peter Engborg • CERTIFIKAT - Agilent VEE PRO BEROTEC AB Kontakt: Lena Carlman TELEFON: +46 (0)771-44 11 11 E-MAIL: info@berotec.se WEBB: www.berotec.se Sida 5/5
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