SIYANQOBA YOUTH PROJECT BUSINESS PLAN Reg: 102-034-NPO 2014 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT CONTENT 1. BUSINESS PLAN 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. Organisational Profile Contact persons Banking Details Appointed Auditing firm Organisational structure Organisational organogram Focus of services Extent of services Activities implementation Marketing Network and inter-relationship Monitoring and Evaluation Proposed Budget 2. ATTACHMENTS 2.1. Registration certificate Page 1 of 12 102-034-NPO SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 1. 102-034-NPO BUSINESS PLAN 1.1. ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 1.1.1. Name of project : Siyanqoba Youth Project 1.1.2. Area / Location : Kabokweni Community 1.1.3. Local municipality : Kabokweni 1.1.4. District Municipality : Ehlanzeni 1.1.5. Physical address : Stand no 44 Gutshwa Trust Tribal offices Siyanqoba Youth Project office Kabokweni 1245 1.1.6. Postal Address : PO Box 1257 Kabokweni 1245 1.1.7. Telephone number : 081 315 9630 1.1.8. Email Address : 1.1.9. Registration no : 102-034-NPO 1.1.10. Tax clearance no : 9965250153 1.1.11. Tax clear cert no : 0070/1/2013/0002772335 1.2. CONTACT PERSON(S) Name Position Contact Email Address 1.Macibelo Siphesihle Manager 081 315 9630 2. Mogane Mluleki Co-ordinator 076 313 2601 Page 2 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 1.3. BANKING DETAILS 1.4. Name of Bank Account Number Branch Name Branch Code Type of account : Standard Bank : 30 088 869 4 : White River : 05 3052 : Current Account APPOINTED AUDITING FIRM Name : BMM Associates Address : P O BOX 3513 White river 1240 Physical Address : Streydom complex Floor 1 White River 1240 Contact numbers : (Tel) 013 751 1610 / (cell) 082 854 6030 Practice No : 15914 Page 3 of 12 102-034-NPO SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 102-034-NPO 1.5. Management structure POTFOLIO NAME Project Manager Macibelo Siphesihle Project co-ordinator Mogane Mluleki Facilitator Magagula Thobile 1.6. ORGANISATION’S ORGANOGRAM Page 4 of 12 ADDRESS STD No: 2875 Bhejukufa Kabokweni STD No 1143 Maporo Kabokweni STD No 179 Phola park Kabokweni TEL. CONTACT 0813159630 076 313 2601 076 044 6408 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 1.7. 102-034-NPO FOCUS OF THE SERVICE(S) Service / Project Description Siyanqoba Youth Project with reg. 102-034-NPO was established in 2012 as a youth and community development programme. Since there were no interventions dealing with issues such as the youth health, poverty, HIV/AIDS and general skills development issues, Siyanqoba therefore came into life. Otherwise in the absence of knowledge about other programmes of the same objectives, there is still identified trend of disadvantages governing the youth of our community. This includes young people of Kabokweni community. Siyanqoba Youth Project is currently servicing the community with the below listed services: Life skills Entrepreneurship Job preparation ICT skills Sports Career guidance Siyanqoba Youth Project is an initiative that depends on local, public and national stakeholders to sustain its activities. It comprise of internal facilitators that oversee all daily operations, accommodation of beneficiaries and administration of the project. The participants that take responsibility of the organisation are regarded and referred to as volunteers of the organisation. Description of the problem Siyanqoba’s main target is the youth aged 18-35. There are various problems which the project identified which include: high rate of unemployment, unwanted pregnancies, prostitution, ignorance, high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, crime rate and lack of vision. The lack of services where the youth can access information on career guidance, business information, bursaries, computer skills and research. Lack of information leads young people to take uninformed decisions. The project also realized that there are hidden talents that exist within the community in sports and performing arts that need to be mentored. With this program, the project aims to give opportunities to the youth to be seen and recognized. Otherwise provide successive solutions to the above mentioned problems, and have a youth free of social oppression through the project’s programmes. The Project recognized the need to engage more with youth as the future of the country, more frequently because the burdens that today’s young people in south Africa carry are beyond imagination. To relieve the youth’s burden, that is where Siyanqoba Youth Project draws in through motivation, youth capacitation, information sharing, facilitation of skills, entrepreneurship skills and other developmental relevant skills. Siyanqoba has engaged in a developmental motion that says: We are here with you. Page 5 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 1.8. 102-034-NPO EXTENT OF THE SERVICE(S) The organisation has identified the issues the youth are facing as starting to take effect at a very early age. Therefore working to eliminate such hindrances to youth that has grown matured only makes it difficult to easily interact with the interests of the youth, otherwise before maturity. Therefore there is an opportunity seen in catching the young and providing direction towards a sustainable livelihood free of social oppression, drugs/substance consumption, deprivation of education and other related issues. By merely providing an arts programme that will allow of the youth to practice their talents, expose their capabilities and become active patriots of the country. This programme aims to formulate a community of good behaving young people that will be trained to be mentors of other youth in neighbourhoods, schools, the society and elsewhere interaction be found among the youth. The programme will allow of the youth to also know of possible options that avail themselves in terms of self-development, skills capacitation and patriotic behaviour. Activities Arts and sports Role play and Drama Dance (modern and traditional) Music Liberation celebrations Education and information sharing (life skills) With the above listed activities, the youth will be served an opportunity to form a mass participation in activities that will develop their livelihood, the community and bringing a perspective about our society. We are looking in distributing as much information to our community as we possibly reach, therefore we are implementing the Liberation celebration programme in which we will celebrate all public holidays of our republic. Relative to the significance, we host events that divert the crucial understanding of the holidays and forth to our people. We look to move the country forward, yet beginning with just a closed community context. PARTICIPATION The organisation will recruit youth from the lowest age as 7years to matured ages from the community and form a team of spears that will be the representatives of the organisation. The team will participate in the above activities as listed. This team will comprise all forms of class, without prejudice, every interested youth will and is welcome to part in the team. Page 6 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 102-034-NPO 1.9. ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY 1: Youth capacitation on Arts and Sports INPUTS Raw material Recycled materials Sporting props ACTIVITIES Beading Crafting Clay props Drawing Sporting games PERFOMANCE INDICATORS Registers Assessments Surveys Activity evaluations OUTPUTS The youth actively engaged into art showcasing their talent as per se to the public. ACTIVITY 2: Youth participation in role-play and drama. INPUTS Stage props Performance themes ACTIVITIES Dramas Live performances PERFOMANCE INDICATORS Registers Assessments Surveys Activity evaluations OUTPUTS PERFOMANCE INDICATORS Registers Assessments Surveys Activity evaluations OUTPUTS The youth being able to communicate messages through drama, while exploring fun of drama in the same run. ACTIVITY 3: youth participation in music INPUTS Musical instrument Sound systems ACTIVITIES Singing Recording Concert performances Increased interest in local production of music and enthusiasm in expressing talents based on music. ACTIVITY 4: celebration of the republic of S.A’s public holidays INPUTS Props Sound systems Programs Page 7 of 12 ACTIVITIES Performances Debates Poetry Public speaking PERFOMANCE INDICATORS Registers Assessments Surveys Activity evaluations OUTPUTS Shared information based on legacy and liberation struggles, joy of freedom and the history of S.A SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 102-034-NPO 1.10. MARKERTING The project will market itself by advertising to the local schools, awareness campaigns, presentations in the mass participation events and by advertising through internet and the websites. The project will also distribute boards containing the projects’ information and services it offers on roads sides. What When Who Posters Occasionally Staff and participants Banners Sign boards Social networking 1.11. Quarterly Yearly Ongoing on daily basis Staff and participants Staff and participants Staff and participants How Create A4 posters and paste them around the community The project will appoint printers to design banners for the project’s project The project will continually create signboards that will be posted within the community advertising its existence and activities rendered. The project will use the project’s Facebook fan page to market the project’s activities. ayp NETWORKING AND INTER- RELATIONSHIPS STAKEHOLDERS/ SERVICE PROVIDER ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY 1. Department of Social Development Provide mentorship and guidelines 2. NYDA Advanced trainings for staff and participants 5. SEDA Provide entrepreneurial skills development 6. Department of Education Provide information based on bursaries, career opportunities, 7. Local Municipality Basic daily services, site provision, and other. 8. Department of Health Youth development on health relations, HIV & AIDS, The organisation still looks to partner with more departments and stakeholders. Page 8 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 102-034-NPO 1.12. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Achievement of outcomes The project keeps all registers for beneficiaries and keep data base of participants. The project keep youth profiles for beneficiaries. The organization will conduct surveys for service delivery review Outreach programmes Conduct of weekly review meetings Monthly service review meetings Cost effectiveness of the service / project The organisation is using internal financial controls such as budgets, cash flow, bank statements, audited statement and cheque requisitions to manage fund properly. Three quotations will be made before purchasing any items for the project. The lowest price with good quality will be considered. Funds received by the project will be kept in the bank for control purposes. Cash funds control of the project The organisation uses a business bank account to save money received from funders, generated from activities. The business bank account used by the organisation is a cheque account. The account requires at least two signatories to sign for any transaction to take place. Transactions are guided by a cheque requisition the team fills at decision. Page 9 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT 102-034-NPO 2014 - 2015 BUDGET FOR SIYANQOBA YOUTH PROJECT 1.13. BUDGET Page 10 of 12 AMOUNT PER MONTH ITEM OPERATIONAL COSTS ELECTRICITY STATIONERY DATA BUNDLES CLEANING MATERIAL TRANSPORT TELEPHONE PRINTER CARTRIDGES TOTAL OPERATIONAL COSTS PERSONNEL COSTS STIPEND TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS CAPITAL COSTS 2X LAPTOP COMPUTERS 2X SOUND SYSTEM SPEAKERS AMPLIFIER SOUND SYSTEM SOUND SYSTEM ACCESSORIES 1X OFFICE PRINTER 1X A4 LEMINATOR TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS OTHER MARKERTING TOTAL OTHER GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT IN 12 MONTHS R 150,00 R 500,00 R 300,00 R 300,00 R 1 000,00 R 200,00 R 1 000,00 R 1 800,00 R 6 000,00 R 3 600,00 R 3 600,00 R 12 000,00 R 2 400,00 R 12 000,00 R 3 450,00 R 41 400,00 R 6 000,00 R 6 000,00 R 72 000,00 R 72 000,00 R 8 000,00 R 900,00 R 899,00 R 1 000,00 R 1 599,00 R 749,00 R 13 147,00 R 8 000,00 R 900,00 R 899,00 R 1 000,00 R 1 599,00 R 749,00 R 13 147,00 R 200,00 R 200,00 R 2 400,00 R 2 400,00 R 22 797,00 R 128 947,00 BUDGET SUMMARY MONTHLY OPERATIONAL COSTS MONTHLY PERSONNEL COSTS TOTAL MONTHLY COSTS CAPITAL COSTS TOTAL GRAND ANNUAL TOTAL incl CAPITAL COSTS R 3 450,00 R 6 000,00 R 9 450,00 R 13 147,00 R 128 947,00 102-034-NPO REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT Page 11 of 12 SIYANQOBA YOUTH ROJECT Page 12 of 12 102-034-NPO
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