South Broward High School Class of '65 "The Best Class Ever Alive"! 50th Class Reunion! July 17-18 Sheraton Suites Fort Lauderdale at Cypress Creek Greetings, Bulldogs! We are pleased to announce our 50th Class Reunion! Please take a look at the details and make your plans to attend now! Reunion Events Reception Dinner / Dance Friday, July 17 @ 6:00 p.m. Light Appetizers Cash Bar (very casual) Saturday, July 18 @ 6:00 p.m. D.J. Cash Bar (casual) Cost Friday: $35/person Saturday: $60/person Both Days: $ 95/person ($40 at the door) ($70 at the door) To guarantee the meal you want, we need your check by July 3! Photos of prior reunions will be projected on both nights. Location Sheraton Suites Fort Lauderdale at Cypress Creek 555 NW 62nd Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 tel: 954-492-5856 Room Rate: $109 (+tax) / night Hotel Reservations Room Rate: $109 (+tax) / night Reservations must be made no later than 6/13/2015. Reservations can be made: Online: Toll free: 1-888-627-8250. If you call, you must identify your affiliation with the South Broward HS Class of ’65 Reunion to receive the room rate. For any special requests, please contact the hotel directly – Amanda (954 492-5846. A credit card is required to guarantee each room. Guaranteed reservations that are “no shows” or cancelled less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to arrival, will be assessed a charge of one night’s room and tax. Sheraton Suites Fort Lauderdale at Cypress Creek 555 NW 62nd Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Telephone: 954-772-5400 50th Reunion We are excited about this event, and we hope that you are excited, too! Please join us, and please contact your fellow classmates and urge them to attend! Let’s all work together for a great turnout for this momentous event! To help build spirit, and to communicate with your classmates, be sure to check out these locations: Complete information about the reunion will be available, there, in addition to this letter. This isn’t guaranteed, but we hope to arrange a tour of SBHS on Saturday morning. Let us know if you want to attend so that we can have enough coffee, juice, and donuts to go around. We'll probably charge $5 at the school door. Please use the attached form to send us your current information and to make your reunion reservations. If you have any other suggestions for the reunion, please let us know! Sincerely, John Brown and the SBHS ‘65 Reunion Committee ( Reservation Form Let Us Know That You Are Attending! Use this form and return it with your check now! Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone: Email: # attending: Friday ($35/person): Saturday ($60/person): Both days ($95/person): Dinner Choice: (indicate # of meals for more than one attendee.) Chicken: London Broil: Salmon: Pasta Primavera: Use the back for any comments or suggestions that you may have. Please pay for the reunion by June 13th. Send this form and your check, payable to “SBHS Class of 1965” or “James Dee” to: Dr. James Dee 217 SE 2nd Terr. Dania Beach, FL 33004
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