Tuesday 23rd April 2015 15/11 The Biddeston Bulletin The Newsletter of the Biddeston School 2425 Cecil Plains Road Biddeston Via OAKEY Q 4401 Email: Phone (07) 4691 6145 Fax (07) 4691 6133 the.principal@biddestoss.eq.edu.au Web Site: www.biddestoss.eq.edu.au Newsletter articles: staffbss@biddestoss.eq.edu.au Mobile Phone: 0409 896 233 School Account Details Education Queensland has a minimum Bpay amount set at $10.00. The school details are as follows: Account name: Biddeston State School BSB: 064 425 Account number: 00090062 Please use your surname AND either invoice number or description as details. E.g. Smith. Swimming To 01 William Strasser 01 Bailey Voll 01 Mrs Orton Danielle, Lachlan, Christopher & Dustin For qualifying for the Bunya District Cross-country Well done, guys! CHECKLIST WHAT’S COMING!! Monday 20th April Term 2 begins Tuesday 22nd April Rossvale Cross-country 9:30am Friday 24th April ANZAC ceremony 9am Saturday 25th April Dawn Service – assembly by 5:15am Raw Art visit Friday 1st May Thursday 7th May P&C Meeting 6pm Friday 8th May Bunya Cross-Country at Dalby Tue-Thu 12-14th May NAPLAN for Year 3& 5 RECYCLE ALUMINIUM CANS and support the Biddeston School Playgroup. Collection bags at the school AND the Biddeston Store. Recycle your newspapers at Biddeston – any day! PLEASE ensure that ONLY newspaper, magazines & junk mail are deposited in the bins – definitely NO plastic of any nature, cardboard or shredded paper or ANY FOREIGN MATTER. NO soiled baby nappies to be placed in ANY bins at the school. PRINCIPAL’S PEN Dear Parents, Families and Community Members, Welcome back to school for Term 2. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. It has been wonderful to see the students back, ready to learn. We have started the term with a busy week, with the Rossvale cross country and Anzac services. We welcome students Zoe and Zarcody and their family to our school community. We welcome back Mrs McDonald, our pre-service teacher to the Year 2/3/4 class for the first two weeks of term. We will be holding an Anzac service for the students on Friday at 9am. We have Warrant Officer Campbell attending who will speak to the students about the significance of Anzac Day and its centenary. This Saturday we will be holding an Anzac Dawn Service at school. We will gather at 5:15am at the Cecil Plains Rd flagpole, for the service to commence at 5:25am. After the service, the Lone Pine tree will be planted, with a BBQ to follow. School and community members are welcome. This special event has been made possible through the Queensland Anzac Centenary Grant Program. I would like to acknowledge the work that has gone into planning this event by a number of people. Thank you to Mrs Hart for her organisation of this, from grant writing to planning the Order of Service and everything in between. Thank you Mr Kelly (Oakey RSL representative) for his advice and guidance with the planning and his important part in the proceedings on the day. Thank you to the Oakey RSL for their generous monetary and book donation to the school once again this year. We will invite students in attendance on the day to come forward and help plant the Lone Pine Tree. Well done to the students who ran in the Rossvale cross country on Wednesday morning. Congratulations to the following students who will go on to compete in the Bunya cross country on Friday 8th May; Lachlan, Christopher and Dustin A. Kayla, Ruby, Danielle and Dustin A won in their individual age group. Thank you to those parents who assisted with the cross country. Thank you to Mrs Nielsen, Mr Morris and Mr Young for their work on this event. A particular thank you and acknowledgement to Mr Bizzell who allows us to use his farm for this event and prepares the area beforehand. We are very excited about our win with The Chronicle Classroom Makeover and are yet to spend the funds. We will keep you informed with our expenditure. This week we have received notification of success in two more grants that have been submitted with the Gambling Community Benefit Fund and the Caring for our Community grant. The Community Benefit Fund grant is for $30 098.45 to fund a covered sandpit, stencil-crete the front path and add synthetic grass between the Year 2/3/4 and the Year 5/6 classrooms. The Caring for our Community grant is to purchase a coffee machine to be used at upcoming functions, along with purchasing canteen items. I would like to acknowledge Mrs Hart’s work in securing these grants, as volunteer grants officer. I am sure you will agree that our entranceway and landscaping look exceptional. This work has been made possible by the New Hope Group grant. Thank you to the New Hope Group for this amazing opportunity and thank you to Mrs Hart for her hard work on the application and organisation of quotes. The Netball Gala day, at the end of last term was an exceptional day. Well done to our students. Thank you to Mrs Wheeldon and her group for organising and running the day. Curriculum Students have commenced new units in English, Maths and Science this term. The Year 3 and 5 students are preparing for NAPLAN assessment to be administered in Week 4. (12th to 14th May) Curriculum tip: Reading aloud is an incomparable way for parents and children to spend and share time together; to develop and grow an emotional bond. Studies have even shown that information and knowledge are retained better when accompanied by an emotional attachment. Reading aloud brings you stories and love and educational merit. Reading to your kids is one of the best gifts you can give them. Not only is it a great way to bond, but you’re also preparing your child to read on his/her own. Parent Teacher Interviews will be held throughout Week 3, from Monday 4th May. A timetable will be sent home soon with times for parents to attend. This is an important opportunity for you to talk to teachers about your child/ren’s progress in class. Raw Art Visit We have a visit from artists on Friday 1st May from Raw Art, promoting visual art. They will work with each class providing a hands-on art workshop. The school will subsidise the cost for each student, with the cost to parents of $5 each student. Please find a permission form with this newsletter. Attendance data for first term is 96.3%. Our aim is to achieve above 95% attendance over the year. Biddeston State School expects every child to attend every day in every classroom to maximise learning and achieving opportunities. Volunteer meeting I will be holding a meeting for volunteers in our school on Thursday 30th April at 2pm. This is to discuss rights and responsibilities around this role and an opportunity for you to ask questions. If you are unable to attend, please let me know so I can make an alternate time suitable for you. P&C The next P&C meeting will be Wednesday 6th May in the school library. Please come along and join in supporting the school and students. All welcome. Chess The chess club is held on Monday afternoons after school, and will continue in Term 2. Thank you Mr and Mrs Strasser for their expertise in chess. Please find a permission note with this newsletter. Active After Schools – Sporting Schools Active After Schools has been changed to ‘Sporting Schools’. We have been approved to run this program for Term 2. This program involves a coach to run a sporting activity after school each week. I will send home information about this as soon as it comes to hand. P & C Association The monthly meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY 6th MAY, commencing at 6:00pm P&C Contacts: President: Vice Presidents: Secretary: Treasurer: Jane Thomas Danielle Lorenz Melinda Clarke Sarah Watson We wish to acknowledge the sponsorship of the following business. Please consider their business. 0409 878 577 0408 074 801 0402 783 626 0427 134 657 News Uniforms For all your uniform needs, please contact: Oksana Sims 0459 791 989 The uniform shop will be open each Monday from 8:00-9:30am. Oksana will be able to assist parents with any uniforms needs & enquiries. Fundraising A book of tickets in our fabulous Mothers’ Day raffle is attached to today’s newsletter. More tickets are available if can sell more tickets. Emma Shaw Tuckshop Donations of cleaning products such as Spray&Wipe, clothes etc. Leann Ziebell 0439 075 509 Playgroup For Week 2, the theme will be FISH. Can you please bring along icing and smarties for an activity? Heidi Kruger 0429 596 793 Schools has been changed to ‘Sporting Schools’. We have been approved to run this program for Term 2. This program involves a coach to run a sporting activity after school each week. I will send home information about this as soon as it comes to hand. Professional Development Mr Young and I will be attending a Numeracy workshop at Highfields in Week 3. There will be relief teachers in place to teach in our places. COMMUNITY NOTICES KATE HUFFAM Qualified Justice of Peace By appointment ONLY Phone 0402 303 164 Mrs Wheeldon will be on leave for the term from Week 3, with a relief teacher, Ms Glasser to teach drama in her place. To keep you informed, I will be taking long service leave for the duration of Term 3. My family and I will be travelling to the UK during this time. I will keep you informed of the changes to staff, as this comes to hand. This trip was planned in 2010, and it has taken no time at all to come around! Upcoming events in Term 2: Anzac Day ceremony and Dawn Service, Raw Art visit, parent/teacher interviews, chess club and sporting schools, NAPLAN assessments, visit by Justin Anlezark, soccer carnival and Under 8s Day, visit by Footsteps for dance experience, school performance tour, track and field carnival and Rossvale ball games. LANDCARE AUBIGNY CATCH MENT GROUP meet on 2nd Tuesday of each month WHERE? Biddeston Hall at 7:30pm f{tÜÉÇ Kind Regards, The Oakey Child Health Nurse, Judy Cribb will carry out the Prep Year School Screening at Biddeston State School on TUESDAY 28th APRIL 2015 Prep School screening involves hearing & vision screening. Children cannot be seen if there is no signed consent. If parents have concerns about children in other classes and would like their hearing or vision assessed: Hearing Assessments are done free of charge for children under 18 years of age at Unara Community Health Centre. Unara is located at the Toowoomba Hospital in Peachy Street Toowoomba. An appointment is necessary and can be made by ringing Child Health on 4616 6812. Vision assessments are free of charge to Medicare Card holders and can be done at any Optometrist of your choice. There are four of these cupboards (as per photo below) available for anyone who has a use for same. If you are interested, please express MISSING! your interest to Mrs Wilson. Ella Lewis’ brand-new school vest, size 8 went missing at the end of Term 1. Can parents please check all clothing to see if Ella’s vest it has found its way to your home, please.
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