NIMH Stem Cell Resource Cell Deposit Form The following documents must accompany your submission: • Completed deposit form • Characterization documentation (see Section 3 below) • A copy of protocols used to culture the cell line (see Section 4 below) Additional pages may be added to expand on answers, marking each response with the question number. All documents may be submitted either electronically or by mail. Electronically: Email to: Subject: Cell Deposit Form SECTION 1: Cell Provider Details Depositor Name: Institution/Organization: Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: NIMH Stem Cell Resource Cell Deposit Form 1 of 4 SECTION 2: Cell Line Details Cell Line Name: Donor Age: Donor Gender: Male Female Donor Ethnicity: Donor Blood Type: Normal: (if no, provide disease details) A B AB O Unknown Yes No Yes No Yes No Unknown Yes No Unknown Yes No Yes No Cell Type: (if iPSC or iPSC derived cell line, complete the following:) • Reprogramming Method: (please specify genes used) • Somatic Starting Material: • Are donor cells or starting material available? • Were the cells derived in a clinically compliant manner? • Are gene insertions present in the reprogrammed cell? (List methods used to confirm absence or presence of gene insertion events) Passage Number: Date Derived: (if iPSC derived cell line, include iPSC derivation date and passage number at differentiation) Genetic Modifications: (if yes, please attach a map or provide a list of the elements in the genetic modifications, how they were created or obtained, and whether the depositing institution/organization has intellectual property rights to these elements.) Reporters: (if yes, provide details including any elements protected as intellectual property) NIMH Stem Cell Resource Cell Deposit Form 2 of 4 SECTION 3 : Characterization Details Test Name Mycoplasma detection (method used) Results (please provide a brief summary of key findings if tested) Testing Done? Required result: negative Yes No Required result: sterile Yes No Karyotype Yes No Identity (STR) Yes No Human Virus Testing Yes No MAP Yes No Bovine pathogens Yes No Porcine pathogens Yes No In Vivo (in apparent Viruses) Yes No 28 Day In Vitro Yes No Co-cultivation Yes No ABO/Rh Yes No HLA Yes No FACS Yes No Embryoid Body Yes No Teratoma Yes No Whole genome sequencing Yes No Epigenic Analysis Yes No Other tests Yes No Sterility assessment Please attach any relevant documentation of the characterization details. SECTION 4: Culture Conditions Were the cells co-cultured? Yes No (if yes, complete the following 4 questions) • Identify supporting cells • During derivation process • Currently • Are the supporting cells commercially available Attachment Substrate/Matrix Culture Medium Passage Reagent Freezing Medium and Method Details of critical culture conditions (please attach main culture protocols): NIMH Stem Cell Resource Cell Deposit Form 3 of 4 SECTION 5: NIMH Banking and Distribution Compliance NIMH Repository Study and Site Number* (complete separate forms if submitting cell lines under multiple site/site numbers) Study Number Site Number *Note that the assignment of a Study and Site Number by the NIMH Repository indicates that NIMH has (1) approved a Data & Resource Sharing Plan specific for these biospecimens and (2) confirmed that IRB-approved and NIMH-compliant consent language was used to recruit human subjects and gather data and biospecimens, with language comporting with the NIMH Repository mission, such that data and biospecimens: • can/will be banked in a central repository; • can/will be shared widely under the authority of the repository to all qualified investigators, for research and/or commercial purposes, and with no expectation of the consenting individual to future financial benefit; • may be used in the future for research not currently specified or envisioned, but the participant is unlikely to directly benefit medically from any research performed; • may potentially be augmented through re-contact of the human subject(s); • will be destroyed by the Repository if consent is subsequently withdrawn, but the Repository cannot recover any biomaterials or data that have already been distributed to the research community. Has clinical, observational or diagnostic information been deposited in the NIMH Repository database for these cells? Yes No Has genetic information been deposited in the NIMH database for these cells? Yes No Yes No Has genotypic or phenotypic data been deposited in other NIH or public-access databases (e.g., dbGAP)? If yes, indicate database and accession number. SECTION 6: Related Publications Are there any publications related to this line? If yes, please list: NIMH Stem Cell Resource Cell Deposit Form 4 of 4
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