Under the agreement for 2015 Birkdale State School will receive $228,897* *Estimated on 2014 data. Actual funding will be determined after 2015 enrolment data is finalised. This funding will be used to Increase the percentage of students meeting the National Minimum Standard in Reading and Numeracy to 98% Continue to maintain and revise programs for students who are predicted not to make National Minimum Standard in Numeracy and Literacy – Individual Learning Plans will be in place for these students. Increase teacher capacity through focused coaching and professional development. Maintain 30% of students in the upper 2 bands for Reading and Numeracy in Years 3 and 5. Our strategy will be to Review student performance data regularly (John Hattie) Use a variety of norm referenced, school based and NAPLAN assessments tools to review student performance data in short, mid term and long term cycles. Sharratt, L & Fullen, M – Putting Faces on the Data, Corwin Publication 2012, which reinforces Hattie’s effect sizes and links into our data cycles. Increase teacher aide support in Prep literacy to support all learners, intervene early, gather and analyse regular student data and progress students towards expected school benchmarks. (Sharratt, L & Fullen, M – Putting Faces on the Data, 2012)(John Hattie – Visible Learning 2009) Enhance phonological awareness and oral language through additional SLP funding and Foundation Q in prep literacy groups Term 4 intervention processes for at risk Prep students. - This is supported by research around reading best practice, focusing on the Big Six. (Ken Rowe – National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia)2005) (National Reading Panel US, 2000) (DETE The Reading Blocks of a Comprehensive Reading Framework (2014) Develop guided and small instructional groups based on needs of all students Teach vocabulary both directly and indirectly through STRIVE Consistent and explicit teaching of reading strategies Consistent and explicit teaching of Number + Algebra + Problem Solving Continue strategic professional development in the areas of Guided Reading, STRIVE, Numeracy and utilising the differentiation process and SER tools. (Ken Rowe – National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia) 2005) (DETE The Reading Blocks of a Comprehensive Reading Framework, 2014) (SER Numeracy Tool, 2014) Continue to focus on ability grouping in maths. This will be facilitated by increasing teacher support across the week in years 3, 4 & 5. Improve teacher capability through focused coaching and professional development (Professional learning Communities) to improve student performance. Continue to embed the Birkdale State School’s pedagogical framework using evidence based research for best practice in teaching and learning: Robert J Marzano – The Art & Science of Effective Instruction (2007) John Hattie – Visible Learning (2009) Our school will improve student outcomes by Extra Prep Teacher Aides (2 hours per day per class) Increase Teacher Aide time in Year 1 Literacy Block 1 x part time teacher to provide for an Extension Project Coordinator to cater for more capable students. Extra SLP days for support into prep and provision of resources 2 extra part time teachers to support maths ability grouping in Years 3, 4&5 Purchase of additional Resources to support intervention program in literacy + numeracy including ICTs Coaching and mentoring teachers – Early Years on Reading , upskilling Teacher Aides for intervention of Prep students Professional development around reading, Numeracy and differentiation Continuing Professional development around Pedagogy + development of Professional Learning Communities ( whole day year level planning across the year) Jayne Barnett Acting Principal Birkdale State School $110,000 $ 10,000 $40,000 + funded internally $28,895 + funded internally Funded internally $ 40,000 Dr Jim Watterston Director-General Department of Education, Training and Employment
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