MAKING WATER WORK APPROVALS Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010-2011 RECOMMENDED BY: Janet Porchun Manager Procurement DATE RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: J; ,ctt r 2otl rate ./ DATEJI I O/ I2OII SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 -2011 MAKING WATER WORK Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010-2011 I I l. I - State Procurement Policy objectives 1.2 - Objectives of the procurement function L3 - Benehts Parl2 2.1 2.2 - Performance 1 Review.... ....................2 2010 2009110 - Procurement activity profile - SunWater from 2007 to 2 - Supply positioning makix - SunWater for 3 (Based on QP&S SUPREM - Supply Positioning and Risk Evaluation Historical Analysis Chart 2009 12010 2.3 - Organisation and Management of the Procurement function 2.4 - Achievements - - Matrix) 2009-2010 3 J 4 7 2009-20 10 .......... ....................9 Part 3 - Procurement Capabilities 2010-2011 9 3.1 - Procurement practice profile - improvement development opportunities 3.2 - Procurement improvement capability development - Action Plan Recommendations 11 SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 CPP 1 Part 1 - Functional alignment SunWater's Corporate Procurement Plan (CPP) for 2010-2011 provides the strategic direction for SunWater's procurement activities in 2010 and2}Il. The CPP meets the requirements of State Procurement Policy 2010 (SPP) and the SunWater Corporate Plan for 2010 - 2015. Specifically, the CPP for 2010-2011 contains a balance of strategic and operational information in the following areas: o o o o 1 The objectives to be achieved through SunWater's procurement activities; Review of SunWater's 2009/10 procurement achievements including organisation and management of the procurement function; SunWater's procurement capabilities for 2010 - 11 address various areas such as procurement systems, processes, practices including management and resourcing arrangements and mechanisms by which SunWater's procurement activities will be undertaken and measured; and Recommendations and strategies that will enable SunWater to comply with the SPP in meeting its specified procurement obj ectives. .1 - Súafe Procurement Policy objectives The SPP's objectives are: o o . advance the priorities of the Government achieve value for money; and ensure probity and accountability for outcomes. 1.2 - Objectives of the procurement function In supporting SunWater's operational objectives the procurement function will: o . . develop flexible procurement models which will permit procurement staff to achieve cost effective pro curement ; support the objectives of the SPP; and support the Key Reporting Activities defined in the SunWater Corporate Plan. The strategies that will address these objectives will be focussed on two main areas, in line with SunWater's Smarter Lighter Faster Initiative (SLFI): o o planning for the cost-effective purchase ofgoods and services; and planning for a more flexible and efficient procurement function. 1.3 - Benefits The benefits to SunWater when implementing these procurement strategies are: o reduced risk; o greater security ofsupply; o lower costs; o improved quality; o greater efficiencies; and . new innovations. 2011 SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 - CPP 2 Part 2 - Performance Review 2,1 - Procurement activity profile - SunWater from 2007 to 2010 Procurement Activity Profile 40 2OO7 to 2010 35 O 30 c e t ¡€E 25 t¡¡ 15 tx 20 Ê rû t (, 10 5 0 \9'^ç "êP cP' cPtts cPC Insurance Actual Expenditure Actual Expenditure Actual Expenditure 2007-2008 200E-2009 2009-2010 Projects $3,401,183 Comm. Contractors (Prqiects) ss,4s3,742 Comm. Contractors (Routine) s19,523,623 Contractors S7,500,865 $r 54,7 s8,4s4 $5, I 58,562 $7,383,074 $38,982,0s3 17,089,4s3 s37,709,102 $51,410,1l6 $5,787,263 $3,780,321 s6,340,448 r 57,022,006 $ $8,967,219 Materials Routine Plant and Equipment 54,784,075 56,253,287 Electricity $13,sss,157 $14,13s,928 Plant Hire $2,599,38s $4,395,460 sr9,657,213 $18,995,517 $84,358,448 $98,480,658 Miscellaneous TOTAL Budgeted Expenditure 20lo-2011 $s,985,85s l, Temporary cargorlcc $3,892,101 $11,03r,391 $4,803, 34 $3,99 104 Consultants Materials sPend $355,151 $ ,688,213 10r,399 $2,821,680 s2,398,721 54,966,251 s4,897,962 $18,078,840 $21,954,887 $6,217,t36 s3,028,446 $15,s67,056 s8,227,124 5107,622,920 $144,187,930 SunWater Corporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 2.2 - CPP 3 Supply positioning matrix - SunWater for 2009/10 Historical Analysis Ghart 200912010 (Based on QP&S SUPREM - Supply Positioning and Risk Evaluation Matrix) Top 1096 outlirrs Lowcr 9096 of cetrgory expenditure oI¡sur¡nce uConsult¡nts otqlecomm Dèt¿Line5 Electricþ Comm¡rci¡l Mangemcfü ¡ C '4, 5 f J a 5 ost¡fr t o Pl¡nt 'Meteri¡ls rino lcle¡ onfcrrnces t fecs lRecr owet¿r ¡ tS¿minars st Rcgistiàtion ion F NonContest¡blr Elacticitt/' ¡re.M¡intenance & Licence p < 1000 nt and Equip > t 000 Audit ¡ccounting linônc. QA oFreioht¿nd Post lTelephone ¡nd Fax 'Rent¡l & Hír¡ MV ånd Frotectivå Clothing es - M off¡ct ftw¡r¡ < I ¡sehold Fe¡s nd I 'elephonr L¡nd Membership rBuild¡nq M¡inten¡nce 'Buildino Må¡ril ¡nd M¡¡ntånånce Mrlnten¡¡ Repair.ind !MV rÞi;;;J'i S,G ¡*i I 'oth"r d 'Printing fees M¡teri¡ls Non InuentoryJ Rent¡l & Hirg (Þ & Ef offìce HouseVen Renl 'MV oper¡ting L¡asrs .-iniãn¡nce) tt**,..,11 târtð¡n Non 'Legel ìce 'tJniform lGr¿nt ¡n d Contributions lEnten¡hmentNon - FBT lTreuel (Airfarus -domestic) åtoê oils tGround Màint¡n¡nce roe ¡nd (Jils -Fuåls ' lProfessiotral 'Fuels ånd ¡l Insur¡ncr ¿nd ¡nd E M¡in Costs .Priöi &Pl¡nt Non tOfrìceCo,,..,,,..,-lF¡res Oo lFares Don¡tions Oomestic lseruice Costs - CSA ;ì) , Expenses s cri pti ons and Improvements !gu¡ld¡ng rTraining Er¡udifuic Distribution by Quadr¡nt Expenditure - 2009110 Quadrant) Specialised 5474,044 0.4% Box 2 (Bottom LH Quadrant) Routine $5,964,555 5.5% Critical 552,943,486 49.2% Box 3 (Top RH Quadrant) Box 1 (Top LH Box 4 (Bottom RH TOTAL Quadrant) High Value $5,964,555 44.8% s107,622,920 100.0% Categories - 2009/10 3 l8 4 28.1% 39 60.9% 64 100.0% 4.7% 6.3% C SunWater Corporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 2.3 CPP 4 - Organisation and Management of the Procurement function - Table 2009-2010 I - Current Procurement Practice Profile Analysis Procurement attribute Current practice level [self-assessment rating] . Policies, procedures ønd purc høsing delegatìons a Contract terms ønd conditions . SunWater's Procurement Policy is in accordance with the Queensland Government's SPP which was released by Queensland Government Chief Procurement Ofltce (QGCPO) on I September 2010. SunWater's Procurement Policy is available on the SunWater revised intranet platform - SIMON. SunWater's Purchasing Guide outlines the purchasing procedures, relating to purchases of goods, services and related works is continuously being updated to ensure that SunVy'ater's purchasing procedures are current and in line with the SPP. The Purchasing Guide is available on the SunWater intranet. a Sun\Mater has a precedent database of standard terms and conditions available for both routine-and significant procurements. SunWater uses the Australian Standards and SunWater Special Conditions of Contract, where necessary. Contractual terms and conditions are specifically tailored to the type of goods, services and works undertaken by Sun'Water's business groups including a regional offices. The contractual terms and conditions are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are compliant with tegislative changes and SunVy'ater's Procurement a Policy changes. 2. Procurement Function Role qnd influence within organisation the . . a Structure of procurement function o . a The key roles and responsibilities for Procurement, containing the responsibilities matrix is available on the SunWater intranet. The Manager Procurement is responsible for the overall management of SunWater's procurement function, development, and approval of SunWater's Procurement Policies. The centralised Corporate Procurement Group undertakes all procuroment activities over the value of $25,000 (excl GST) in addition to providing specialist procurement advice, guidance and assistance to other SunWater business groups, including regional offices. The Corporate Procurement Group is involved in activities such as strategic procurement for major projects, consultancies, period contracts, standing offer arrangements, cleaning and maintenance contracts. All Standing Offer Arrangements are established by the Corporate Procurement Group and are managed in conjunction with the Standing Offer Arrangement Proj ect Manager. The procurement group sits within the Corporate Group and is headed by the Manager Procurement. The Business Procurement Manager and the Project Procurement Manager report directly to the Manager Procurement. Signihcant, major andy'or complex procurements are undertaken under the direction of the Project Procurement Manager. Low cost and low risk procurements being (commonly procured goods and services) are purchased under the direction of the Business Procurement Manager. SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 Procurement attribute CPP 5 Cu rrent practice level [self-assess ment ratin g] The Corporate Procurement Group has legal specialists available for assistance when undertaking significant and./or more complex procurement activities and draws on specialist resources from business areas within SunWater, when required. Trøining and development All purchasing staff exercising procurement delegations are required to attain a certain level of training depending on the level of thei¡ delegation. This training ranges from internal purchasing training packages through to QGCPO Level 4 certifrcation. 3. People Knowledge and skills a a a Procurement personnel involved in SunWater's signihcant procurement projects are required to have appropriate qualifications or experience equivalent to QGCPO Certification Level3/4, and/or at least 5 years experience. Junior purchasing staff receive on-the-job training, mentoring and are supervised in the performance of their duties. Procurement persorurel receive training utilising SunWater's internal and external training courses. A list of procurement certiltcation off,rcers is maintained on the SunWater intranet site. 4. Systems Informøtion, document and Sun'Water uses a file management system "Hummingbird", SAP Financial, Mìterials Management modules and the Procurement Access database to capture and track contracts, financial documentation, transactions, securities, insurances, practical and final completion dates. knowledge management Pro c ure m e nt m an age m ent a a a a o Purchase order, invoìce ønd psyment SAP determines the requisition order payment workflow. Vendor details are stored in the finance system. Procedures are in place to guide the use ofCorporate Cards. Financial and procurement delegations are established. Procurement methods employed include open and select tenders, sole supply, and standing offer arrangements. Signed contracts are hled using SunWater file management system. (Hummingbird). SAP determines the requisition-order pa5rment workflow as per SunWater financial and procurement delegations matrixes. Purchase orders are raised in SAP Procurement module then sent electronically to vendors. Invoices are matched to purchase orders and processed in the accounts payable module. Payments are recorded against invoices and purchase orders. SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 CPP 6 Current practice level [self-assessment rating] Procurement attribute 5. Planning Signíftc ant procureme nt Risk manøgement a Significant Procurement Plans are developed in-house for high value (> $500,000), and/or a high degree ofbusiness risk projects. Plans for significant purchases are drafted for significant one-off procurements or a number of smaller projects, which when combined, are considered significant. ¡ . Risk management is a consideration in all Significant Proçurement Plans. Specihc Risk Management Plans are prepared for complex and critically important procurement activities. a 6. lmplementing Strategies Supplier selection for all signifrcant procurement projects have been managed in accordance with SunWater's Purchasing Guide. Supplier selectìon Negotiation 7. Managing Supply Transøcting purchøses Contrøct mansgement 8. Reporting a Procurement undertakes all pre-contract negotiations as required, using a formal structured approach. The outcomes from this negotiation process are documented, reviewed and used for continuous improvement purposes. o o Commonly purchased low value and risk transactions have been streamlined using the SunWater purchasing guide. Ways to minimise transaction costs have been considered. And the use of corporate card is promoted for low value, common commodity purchases. o Contract Management is currently being undertaken by Project Managers. o Profiling procurement øctiviþ o o Research ønd ønølysis o o Concentrated research and analysis for SunWater regional purchases are currently being investigated. Research and analysis is undertaken on significant categories of goods and services as required, and forms part of the Significant Procurement Plan. Perþrmanc e meøsare ment fr am ew or k of pr o c ur e m e nt o o Currently, there is no central performance measurement framework in place. Performance framework reporting is currently being investigated. Currently, there is no central reporting of contract performance. Contract management and administration is currently being undertaken by individual project managers. functíon Procurement profiling based on product categories is undertaken annually, utilising Queensland Purchasing's SLIPREM. Planning for signihcant procurements are profiled within individual project's Signihcant Procurement Plans. SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 2.4 - Achievements - CPP 7 2009-2010 Table 2 - Performance of Current Procurement Projects Category of good/service Degree of business Procurement project Business Area Primarily responsible for procurement risk^ Review of SunWater Procurement Policy has been Corporate updated in line with Queensland Purchasing Recommendations and SLFI recommendations (30 May 2010). This policy incorporates requirements for use ofopen and select contracts including that for sole supply. SunWater Purchasing Guide and Procurement Policy SunVy'ater M Sun'Water Vendor Managed Stationery Corporate How well was this activity carried out ¡n terms of efficiency, access to and use of resources and expertise SunWater Procurement Policy and Purchasing Guide have been updated. This will be an ongoing, continuously monitored. Successfully updated. Standing Offer Procurement strategies developed, implemented and managed by procurement specialists before being handed over to Stationery Co-ordinators for day to day Arrangement implementation. Stationery Supplier Arrangement. Were the intended outcomes achieved? Yes Successfully implemented. SunWater M SunWater Whole of Queensland Travel Corporate Standing Offer Procurement strategies developed, implemented and managed by procurement specialists before being handed over to Travel Co-ordinators for day to day Arrangement implementation. Travel Supplier Arrangement. Yes Successfully implemented. Regional Procurement Plans M Develop and implement regional purchasing plans and processes for SunWater regional ofhces. Infr astructure Management Procurement strategies are being developed. Ongoing implementation and management is being undertaken in conjunction with Regional Managers in line with SLFI target projections. Ongoing - Progressing as per SLFI timeframes. In process SunWater Gorporate Procurement Plan 2O1O -2011 M Standing Offer Arrangements Ongoing review of CPP 8 SunWater's All Areas Ongoing project On-going ì Infrastructure Development Ongoing project In process Standing Offer Arrangements. (soA) H Upcoming Projects, Greater than $500,000 -' H Burdekin Pipeline Project ' Augmentation l InfrastructureDêvelopment Ongoingprojéct Chinchilla Pipeline Project H Co¡rnors to Mõianbth Dam and Infrastructure Development In process Stage one completed Completed In initial stages In Pipeline H Feasibility study on the construction Moranbah Pipeiine to Alpha of Infrastructure Development Feasibility study on the construction of I Infrastucture Development process i 1 H - i.. Bingegang- Middlemount pipeline Implementation of Regional Plant Sønding Offer Arrangements. M Regional Business case Infrastructure ---Near development CompteUon In process I Near Completion Management i M r Implementation of Maintenance Type Regional Infrastructure I Ongoing project -T In process ContractsincludingSunWaterhouse Management and building maintenance. M ^ Degree of business risk: L: -.' õf Regional Contracts Regional Infrastructure r Ongoing Management including mowing, ground maintenance, office cleaning, and I recreational areas servicing. i*ti"rñ;iätiõn Low; M: Moderale; H- High. project In process I SunWater Corporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 CPP 9 Part 3 - Procurement Gapabilities 2010-2011 3.1 - Procurement practice profile - improvement development opportunities This Table identifies opportunities for business improvement and outlines where procurement practices can become more efficient and effective in controlling costs and delivering value for money procurement solutions. Table 1 - Procurement lmprovement Opportunities Identified for 2010-2011 Policies, procedures I and purchasing delegations . SunWater's Purchasing Policy and Guide have recently been reviewed and now form two documents. (Purchasing Guide and Purchasing Policy). Purchasing th¡esholds have been increased along with purchasing certification approval levels for low risk purchases. Basic purchasing certification haining is now incorporated into the new employee induction profiles. a Procurement Management Purchasing delegations are based on a combination of dollar limit and purchase risk o Procurement policies and procedures are accessible by all staff via the SunWater Intranet. Updates and one ofÊtraining and advice is given to ensure staff maintain an up to date awareness of SunVy'ater procurement policy and procedures. Procurement management by project/contract is tracked using an access database. Procurement policies and processes are continuously being reviewed and refined to identifu opportunities for improving efficiencies within the procurement process. package. SunWater specific level I purchasing certification will be available on SunWater intranet shortly. l. Procurement projects are managed and tracked using an access database. ì . Systems and processes are being investigated and implemented to allow greater procurement visibility and improved monitoring and tracking processes. CPP 10 SunWater Gorporate Procurement PIan 2010 -2011 Contract Contract management is undertaken by Project Managers. Procurement is heading an investigation on Contract administration and Contract Management management. Performance Performance measurement and repofing measurement framework for SunVy'ater procurement functions, systems and procedures, needs to be implemented to achieve best practice and continuous improvement along with meeting the State Procurement Policy requirements. framework of procurement function i , i . Implementation and integration of sustainability into the procurement of goods and services. Contract details are monitored in the procurement access database wherein critical contract information such as insurances, security, practical completion dates, and defects liability dates are recorded and monitored. Procurement is investigating the level of Contract administration and Contract management currently being undertaken in SunWater. ¡ Currently there is no system in place for procurement performance measurement and o Investigation is underway to develop and implement performance measurements and a reporting framework for the procurement function. o Refine and develop procurement sustainability systems and associated ¡ reporting. ¡ SunWater practices sustainable procurement by considering value for money over the life of the acquisition. Contract administration review is underway to improve mechanisms to track contract variations including retentions, progress payments, variations and extensions. A process to monitor performance tracking and supplier performance is being formulated. This information will be made accessible via the SunWater intranet. measurements in line State Procurement Policy. SunWater Corporate Procurement Plan 2010 - 2011 3.2 - Procurement CPP 11 improvement capability development - Action PIan Recommendations The following procurement improvement activities have become projects for SunV/ater to undertake and implement throughout 2010-11. Undertaking these activities will facilitate the implementation of procurement strategies and practices that will provide operational efficiencies and cost savings along with support and sustaining of existing best practice procurement management. Table 2 - Procurement improvement projects recommended lor 2010-2011 Capability lmprovement project Project Description Procurement management ¡ Performance measurement framework of the procurement function . Contract administration Responsible Business Unit Investigation into the continuous development of internal and external , Corporate (Supplier) relationships, identiffing key requirements and new systems to be implemented to track and monitor procurement activities. lmptement formál procurement performance -"ur*.rn"rri and reporting frameworks in line with vy rlu State uLolv rProcurement tvvulwtllwrt! rPolicy v¡tvJ rwy4uwurvutù. requirements. Investi gation underway in relation to current Contract processes. - Corporate Administration i Corporate I L lmplementation Date Ongoing ny lO lune ZOI1- By 30 June 201 1 APPENDIX 1 Corporate P roc u rement G ro u p Organi sation al Structu re t.Fr (1)Ed-Eo¡¡FHin
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