Health Promotion Service Business Plan 2013-2014 SESLHD Health Promotion Locations 301 Forbes Street 190 Russell Avenue Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Dolls Point NSW 2229 P: 9382 8634 P: 9382 8634 Website: Introduction This Business Plan 2013-2014 outlines the proposed work of the Health Promotion Service (HPS), a Unit of the Directorate of Planning and Population Health, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD), for the year ending 30 June 2014. The Plan outlines the major goals and activities that will be implemented at the local community level and builds on the direction and guidance provided by the NSW Ministry of Health, Population Health Framework and SESLHD's overarching Strategy 2012-2017 and the Health Care Services Plan 2012-2017. Developed by SESLHD Health Promotion Service staff, the selected strategies were based on best available evidences, knowledge, funding and human resources. Contents Page No Falls Injury Prevention Program Healthy Weight Program Healthy Environments Program Tobacco Control Contacts 2-3 4-8 9-10 11-15 16 Myna Hua Manager, Health Promotion Service South Eastern Sydney Local Health District 1 Falls Injury Prevention Program Goal 1: To reduce the incidence and severity of falls among older people in SESLHD Goal 2: To reduce the social, psychological and economic impact of falls among older people on individuals, families and the community in SESLHD Objective 1: Support the establishment of a governance structure and strategic collaborative approach to SESLHD Falls Prevention Plan delivery Program: Community Falls Prevention Committee Strategies Support the establishment and function of a District Steering Committee for Falls Injury Prevention Key Actions 2013/2014 Engage key stakeholders in collaboration with District Falls Prevention Coordinator to invite participation in District Steering Performance Indicators Committee established Contribute to the development of a communication plan Communication strategy developed and implemented Key Partners Medicare local HACC orgs Local Govt Community Orgs Objective 2: Increase the participation of older people in community based physical activity Program: Community Physical activity programs Identify, consolidate, promote and increase Identify the full scope of appropriate activities (as appropriate) physical activity currently available across SESLHD through opportunities for older people review of Active and Healthy website entries for currency and update. Develop communication strategy to increase use of website by SESLHD providers and older people Identify service gaps and opportunities Seek additional providers (as appropriate) to address gaps and for inclusion on website through contact with Local Government, Fitness Industry Australia, National Heart Foundation and other peak bodies Build and enhance referral pathways to the programs Increase/maintain the number of older Fund SHARE to implement community based people participating in group based physical physical activity programs in accordance with activity offered through SHARE the NGO Funding and Performance Agreement. Increased referral to FP programs and the active and healthy website Physical activity providers Allied Health Local Govt Hits to the Active and healthy website by postcode. Number of additional providers Pathways established Number of Programs SHARE 2 Falls Injury Prevention Program Strategies Key Actions 2013/2014 Monitor performance against the agreement Performance Indicators Reports submitted annually Key Partners Increase the number of Chinese speaking (Cantonese and Mandarin) older people who involved in home based exercise Implement three home based exercise programs Data analysis and reporting 50 people completed program (total=150) Chinese community organisations SHARE Program: Home based exercise – general community Investigate other methods of home based Review feasibility of existing DVDs on home exercise delivery (eg:DVD) based exercise Develop project proposal and budget Review completed and recommendations made Objective 3: Increase the number of older people involved in the evidence-based Stepping On Program Program: Stepping On Manage the implementation of the Stepping Support the building of referral pathways On Program in SESLHD between health services and the Stepping On Program Implement communication strategy Number of referral pathways established Physical activity providers 30 programs implemented SHARE CALD community organisations Medicare Local Coordinate training of new facilitators Recruit older people to programs Report on outcomes Outcomes reported Objective 4: Build capacity of relevant service providers to incorporate falls prevention policy and practice into their work Program: Optometry and Falls Prevention Project Increase referrals from optometrists to falls Obtain ethics approval for research prevention services by working in partnership with Optometry NSW to Professional development and resource incorporate falls prevention identification development and referral into practice Report on outcomes Approval obtained Prof Dev completed Journal article submitted Report completed Program: NSW Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association Health Promotion Service For Older People Support the NSW Combined Pensioners Participate in the Advisory Committee and Superannuants Association Health Provide training in falls prevention to new Number trained Training Promotion Service For Older People to offer facilitators completed evidence based programs in accordance Monitor performance against indicators in Report on performance completed with their NGO Funding and Performance agreement Agreement 3 Healthy Weight Program Goal 1: To stabilise overweight and obesity rates in adults by 2015, and then reduce by 5% by 2020 Goal 2: To reduce overweight and obesity rates of children and young people (5-16 years) to 21% by 2015 Objective 1:Implement the NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy (when released) to improve healthy eating, physical activity and limit sedentary behaviour in the SESLHD population Program: NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy Strategies Key Actions 2013/2014 Create environments to support healthy eating Engage key stakeholders to and active living explore and develop appropriate initiatives Deliver statewide healthy eating and active living support programs Implement current identified Statewide programs implemented and annual programs e.g Health Children performance targets met Initiative - Munch & Move, Live Life Well at School and Go4Fun Support integration of healthy eating and Strengthen partnerships with key active living into routine service delivery where stakeholders to promote healthy appropriate eating and active living initiatives : NSW Health Breastfeeding Policy; NSW Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service Provide education and information to encourage healthy eating and active living Performance Indicators Healthy eating and active living initiatives identified Initiatives promoted within routine service delivery within SESLHD Key Partners Local Councils Medicare Locals SESLHD services eg Lactation Group; Women Children and Youth Health, Aboriginal Health, Multicultural Health, Carers program, Chronic Disease NGOs NGOs Implementation of NSW Health Breastfeeding policy supported Local communication plan developed and implemented to promote NSW Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service Number of referrals to Get Healthy and Information Service Increased Support implementation of national State and national social marketing initiatives and statewide social marketing supported as appropriate initiatives in SESLHD 4 Healthy Weight Program Strategies Key Actions 2013/2014 Performance Indicators Key Partners Objective 2: Implement the NSW Healthy Children Initiative (HCI) in line with MoH/OPH directions to improve healthy eating, physical activity and limit sedentary behaviour in children 0-18 years through settings-based approaches Program: Munch & Move Increase the number of early childhood education and care services (ECECS) in SESLHD implementing the Munch & Move program (M&M) Ensure program is delivered to agreed standards Strengthen recruitment through development and implementation of a local communication plan Program is promoted through a range of options MoH/OPH ECTARC ECEC staff Local councils e.g. Children’s Service Managers and Community Development teams 60% ECECS will be participating in the program NGOs TAFE Other LHDs Build the capacity of early childcare staff to implement desirable healthy eating and physical activity practices and policies in their service Develop program plan (January 2014-June 2015) to meet KPI targets (including recruitment and support strategies, evaluation and communication strategies) for ECECS 50% ECECS will have adopted 70% desirable practices to agreed standard (Tier 2 SESLHD KPI) Identify key stakeholders and effective strategies to implement M&M in priority populations and disadvantaged communities Plan includes equity components developed in partnership with key stakeholders (based on the forthcoming HCI Equity Framework). Local implementation of support strategies commenced. Program Plan developed. Monitor and evaluate program implementation Implement Interim Solution/ PHIMS Program implementation and progress against monitoring and reporting system in desirable practices is documented. Local line with MoH/OPH requirements data reported as required to MoH and SESLHD. Collaborate with HCI program Integrated and collaborative approach to across SESLHD and with program implementation established across MoH/OPH/other LHDs to contribute HCI programs. to ongoing development of statewide programs and related initiatives 5 Healthy Weight Program Strategies Key Actions 2013/2014 Performance Indicators Key Partners Program: Live Life Well @ School Increase the number of primary schools in SESLHD implementing the Live Life Well @ School program (LLW@S) Strengthen recruitment through development and implementation of a local communication plan Program is promoted through a range of communication strategies MoH/OPH NSW Department of Education and Communities Ensure program is delivered to agreed standards Build the capacity of school staff to 60% schools will be participating in the implement desirable healthy eating program and physical activity practices and policies in their school Catholic Education Officer Develop program plan (January 2014-June 2015) to meet KPI targets (including recruitment and support strategies, evaluation and communication strategies) for schools Association of Independent schools, Staff of SESLHD schools and related groups eg Parents and Citizens groups; School chaplains, NSW Healthy Kids Association, Cancer Council NSW, Other LHDs 50% schools will have adopted 70% desirable practices to agreed standard (Tier 2 SESLHD KPI). Program Plan developed. Plan includes equity components developed in partnership with key stakeholders (based on the forthcoming HCI Equity Framework). Local implementation of support strategies commenced. Monitor and evaluate program implementation Implement Interim Solution/ PHIMS monitoring and reporting system in line with MoH/OPH requirements Program implementation and progress against desirable practices is documented. Local data reported as required to MoH and SESLHD. Collaborate with HCI programs Integrated and collaborative approach to program implementation established across across SESLHD and HCI programs. MoH/OPH/other LHDs to contribute to ongoing development of statewide programs and related initiatives 6 Healthy Weight Program Strategies Key Actions 2013/2014 Performance Indicators Key Partners Program: Go4Fun Manage the implementation of Go4Fun (Targeted Family Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Program) for overweight/ obese children 7-13 years old across SESLHD Strengthen recruitment through development and implementation of local communication plan that is settings based Program is promoted through a range of options including HCI programs and new options. Increased referrals through health professionals. MoH/OPH Medicare Locals SESLHD services e.g. Paediatric Dietitians and Physiotherapists; Ambulatory and Primary Care Directorate, NGOs eg YMCA, Community centres, Go4Fun Leaders /Facilitators Implement at least 12 Go4Fun programs At least 149 children enrolled in 2013/14 Total of at least 432 children enrolled in Go4Fun by June 2014 (Tier 2 SESLHD KPI) Increased referrals through health professionals At least 85% children enrolled in Go4Fun will complete the program ie 125 children complete the program in 2013/2014 [(Tier 2 SESLHD KPI)] Ensure program is delivered to agreed standards Participate in research trial with OPH to examine effectiveness of once/week vs twice/week program Standardise all documentation related to casual leaders Ensure quality of sessions and consistency across all leaders through support and training Address equity issues by identifying key stakeholders and effective strategies to implement Go4Fun in priority populations and disadvantaged communities Program is documented and data reported as required Program leaders implement program to agreed standards using the Quality Assurance Framework Number of program participants that are from priority populations and disadvantaged communities Facilitate sustainability of program outcomes in Identify and promote appropriate Post-program options identified and promoted participants post-program ‘follow on’ strategies to engage to participants participants after completion of the program Program: Upcoming state-wide initiatives: Supported Playgroups, Y Hunger 7 Healthy Weight Program Strategies Implement Healthy Eating and Active Play at Playgroup (SESLHD/ISLHD) Key Actions 2013/2014 Disseminate findings from SESLHD/ISLHD program through professional forums eg peerreviewed publication, conferences Performance Indicators At least one article submitted for publication Key Partners MoH/OPH Families NSW NGOs auspicing Supported Playgroups Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD, HPS SESLHD Women Children and Youth Health Contribute to development of Expert advice provided statewide HCI Healthy Supported Playgroups program through participation in Office of Preventive Health working group Facilitate implementation of upcoming initiatives Support future HCI components as Support provided for SESLHD initiatives required eg Y-Hunger program for youth workers, high school canteens, junior sporting clubs Community youth services and sporting organisations, Local Councils 8 Healthy Environments Program Goal 1: To increase the evidence and facilitate development, review and implementation of built environment healthy public policy Goal 2: To influence the design of urban areas to make them more supportive of sustainability and healthy ways of living Objective 1: Influence the built environment to improve people’s health and wellbeing Program: The Impact of Outdoor Gyms on Park Use and Physical Activity Levels Strategies Conduct a time series study design research in an urban park Develop a communications strategy Key Actions 2013/2014 Twelve month follow up park observations and park user intercept interviews December 2013 – February 2014. Analysis of results Paid print media plus Randwick City Council communication channels Implement effective communication plan Develo a resource kit about outdoor gyms Performance Indicators Key Partners Number of adults engaging in moderate to Randwick City Council vigorous physical activity Number of adults using the outdoor gym Results analysed Number of people who heard about the outdoor gym through signage, media, brochures, flyers, letterbox drop, website Number of people attending exercise instruction sessions Document volume of media Resource kit to include information sheets on Resource kit developed the literature review, case study, installation of equipment suitable for older people Program: Local Government Plans Provide constructive comments to Local Respond on behalf of the HPS to requests for Government plans to support the health of input by local government on draft plans SESLHD residents related to the built environment Objective 2: Support the implementation of the SESLHD Sustainability Strategy Develop active transport guides and Develop process for producing transport explore opportunities to secure funding to access guides for hospitals within SESLHD develop active transport program with SESLHD Comments provided are accepted by DPPH and forwarded to relevant local government PANORG (Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Research Group) – University of Sydney Randwick City Council Local organisations / facilitators who provide physical activity to adults SHARE, Coast Centre for Seniors Randwick City Council DPPH Number of transport access guides SESLHD facilities, Sustainability planned and developed Implementation Committee Process for development of TAGs developed and disseminated Numbers of requests to assist facilities to develop TAGs 9 Healthy Environments Program Strategies Investigate and implement opportunities for energy, water and waste saving mechanisms Key Actions 2013/2014 To audit Darlinghurst building to identify potential light upgrades to LEDs, toilet that require modifying to dual flush. Potential for green office practices (increase energy efficiency, reduce paper wastage, staff training, reduce disposable items, video conferencing availability, encourage recycling) Performance Indicators Audit completed and recommendations made. Development and dissemination of SESLHD Green Office Practice Guide Key Partners Darlinghurst WH&S Committee SESLHD Sustainability Implementation Committee 10 Tobacco Control Progam Goal 1: To reduce tobacco use in SESLHD population groups Goal 2: To reduce exposure of tobacco in SESLHD population groups Objective 1: Contribute to a reduction of tobacco use among groups with high smoking prevalence (Aboriginal pregnant women, people from culturally and linguistically diverse groups, specifically Chinese-speaking and Arabic-speaking communities and disadvantaged young people). Program: Quite for New Life Strategies To facilitate implementation of the Quit for new life project - to reduce smoking rate and exposure to second hand smoking among Aboriginal pregnant women, their partners and other household members during the pre-natal and postnatal periods. Key Actions 2013/14 Performance Indicators Engage with Maternity services, Child, Youth, AMIHS/BSF sites take up offer of Women and Families Health (clinical services) support/participate in project activities. and Aboriginal health. Strengthen partnerships with Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Services (AMIHS),Building Strong Foundations (BSF) staffand Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs). Key Partners MoH-CPH SESLHD: Aboriginal Maternal Infant Health Services (AMIHS) and Building Strong Foundations (BSF) programs in SESLHD: Malabar Community Midwifery Link Service; Narrangy-Booris Maternal, Child and Family Health Service Menai; Aboriginal Health Unit; Ambulatory and Primary Health Care (Child, Youth, Women and Families Health) Strengthen partnerships with Aboriginal Government arrangements. Maternal Infant Health Services (AMIHS) and Building Strong Foundations (BSF) programs in SESLHD and Aboriginal Health workers. Aboriginal Health workers Child and Family Health Workers Allied health workers Conduct a review of existing smoking cessation policies and practices within AMIHS/BSF sites. Develop a 3 year project implementation plan Implementation plan developed in including: partnership with key stakeholders and • service practice change strategies MoH. • smoking cessation care integrated into routine clinical care • evaluation and communication strategies. Facilitate training for midwives, child and Number of staff trained in smoking family health workers, allied health workers cessation (brief intervention, referral, selfand AHWs in smoking cessation brief help information and NRT provision). intervention, referral, self-help information and the provision of NRT. Position description developed, Develop position description for AHW promoted to AW and networks. Smoking Care Advisor, promote and explore opportunity to recruit at both sites. 11 Tobacco Control Progam Strategies Key Actions 2013/14 Undertake evaluation and establish and implement data monitoring and feedback systems. Program: Tobacco Control in Aboriginal Communities at La Perouse Facilitate and build capacity of Aboriginal Strengthening partnerships with AHW at La Health Workers (AHW) at the La Perouse Perouse Community Centre and communityCommunity Centre to deliver smoking based indigenous organisations. cessation interventions in the community. To raise community awareness about the harms of tobacco and second-hand smoke. Performance Indicators Data collected on SESLHD service agreements for reporting to MoH. Key Partners Number of partnerships developed with AHW’s & community-based indigenous organisations. Number of AHW’s trained in smoking cessation & brief intervention. POW Community Health; La Perouse Community Health Centre Number of tobacco-related community activities conducted. Building capacity and provide support to AHW AHW provided with training in smoking to promote and deliver evidence-based cessation and brief intervention, ongoing smoking cessation at the Smoking Cessation smoking cessation updates, resources clinic at La Perouse. and information provided by HPS. Increase in the number of smokers accessing the clinic. ‘I Quit Smoking Wall of Fame’ - production of Consultations conducted . professionally designed posters featuring Stories and narratives compiled. individual La Perouse community members who have successfully quit smoking, with a short story about why they quit & what helped them to quit for display inLa Perouse Aboriginal Community Health Centre waiting room. Consultation with Aboriginal Community members. Compilation of stories/narratives from Aboriginal Community members. Program: Chinese Australian Tobacco and Health Network (CATHN) Tobacco Control Pilot Project with Chinese-speaking Male Workers Support implementation of a joint (CATHN) Implementation of Cancer Institute Grant. Number of smokers enrolled in smoking “ First Light Care” Association and Chinese tobacco control pilot initiative - to provide cessation pilot program. Quitline cessation support to male Chinese restaurant workers who are current smokers and ready to quit. 12 weeks smoking cessation program set up. Number of calls to the Chinese Quitline from restaurant workers. Male restaurant worker recruited. Number of smokers successfully quit. 12 Tobacco Control Progam Strategies Key Actions 2013/14 Smoking cessation support provided. Chinese Quitline resources and the Chinese Quitline number provided. 12 Weeks NRT products provided. Performance Indicators Key Partners Number of restaurant workers reduced daily cigarette intake at completion of the pilot. A framework has been developed and the first draft article is to be completed by December 2013. Program: Addressing Smoking cessation and second-hand smoking in Arabic speaking communities Review existing evidence to develop an Formative research, Scoping paper developed. evidence-based project aimed at addressing Conducting consultations with Arabicsmoking and second-hand smoking in speaking community and health workers key Arabic-speaking community community stakeholders and relevant services and organisations. MHCS; Multicultural Health Unit Rockdale Council Arncliffe Community Centre,Al-Zahara Women’s Organization St George MRC Development of recommendations for further Recommendations for action developed action. and endorsed by key stakeholders. Records of minutes and actions. Establishment of a Project Advisory group. Project plan, including evaluation and communication strategies developed and endorsed by the Project Advisory group. Minutes of meetings on a rotation basis with other members. Medicare Local Hurstville CouncilDiversity Health (St George Hospital) St George Youth Services Department of Education and Training Support to an Arabic Tobacco Network. Contributions to joint actions in resource Arabic Quitline development, research initiatives and opportunities. Program: Working with Community Service Organisations (CSO) servicing disadvantaged Young People (WAYS, Botany Youth Program, St George Youth Services) Facilitate organisational change and build Establishment of a partnership with WAYS Statement of agreement. Records of capacity of CSO staff to provide brief and Botany Youth Services that that play a actions at organisational level, meetings intervention, smoking cessation advice and key role in servicing disadvantaged young summaries. referral for cessation purpose people. Raising awareness of young people about tobacco and second-hand smoking harm and access to brief intervention and smoking cessation services - World No Tobacco Day activities, provision of smoking cessation information, resources, tools, etc. Number of young people participated in events aimed at Tobacco control, Number of staff trained; Number of young people referred to smoking cessation/quit smoking. Ways Youth Services Waverley Council Botany Youth Services Botany Council 13 Tobacco Control Progam Strategies Key Actions 2013/14 Identify organisational needs; Facilitate training for staff; staff to offer brief interventions; establish referral pathways. Lending support to develop/update smoking cessation practice and smoke free policy. Explore young people’s preferences for quit Analyse data on voting preferences of young smoking messages through a graphic people in relation to gender; age and smoking design competition in partnership with St status. George TAFE and St George Youth Host an event for young people to receive Services acknowledgement of artworks, letters for student portfolios and issue prizes. Compile summary report of project implementation and results. Conduct Literature Review. Compose draft journal article for publication. Performance Indicators Key Partners Assessment of existing policy Smoke free policy updated/developed. St George Youth Services Event held in partnership with St George St George TAFE TAFE and St George Youth Services. Summary report produced. Literature review conducted. Draft publication produced. Program: Working with Community Service Organisations (CSO) servicing disadvantaged population groups Explore, develop and test feasibility of a Formative research; Consultations with key Framework developed, tested and framework aimed at working with stakeholders; Contract agreement feasibility. recommendations adopted. Community-Services and non-government organisations servicing disadvantaged population groups SESLHD NGO coordinator; CSOs/NGOs Objective 2: Reduce exposure to second–hand smoke in outdoor settings, including SESLHD hospital grounds and educational setting (TAFE) Program: SESLHD Smoke Free Health Care (SSFHC) Provide secretariat and support to the Support the development and the Smoke Free Health Care Committee to implementation of the SSFHC Action Plan, implement Smoke-Free Health Care Policy including implementation of the 2013 and at SESLHD 2014 smoking observation studies at health facilities; support the development of Guidelines for Designated Smoking Areas (DSA) and communication resources; Contribute to a review and enhancement of the existing tobacco-related practices across SESLHD hospital facilities and access to smoking cessation support for staff and patients. Reduction in a number of smokers (staff/visitors/patients) in smoke-free areas. Number of SESLHD staff accessing smoking cessation services and NRT. Number of patients offered Nurse initiated NRT procedure. SESLHD representatives in SSFC committee 14 Tobacco Control Progam Strategies Key Actions 2013/14 Program: Randwick College: Towards a Smoke-Free Campus (TAFE) Implement Randwick College: towards a Development of a partnership with TAFE smoke free campus project college staff to implement a range of social marketing activities designed to raise awareness about tobacco harm, smoking cessation services and smoke-free outdoor legislation and policy. Facilitate training for counsellors and appropriate staff in brief intervention and smoking cessation. Include a range of tobacco-related topics in relevant courses. Performance Indicators Key Partners MOU signed Change of Cancer Council NSW & Randwick College knowledge, attitude and awareness of of TAFE tobacco among TAFE staff and students Reduction in the number of smokers in smoke-free areas Students/staff awareness about DET Smoke-Free policy. Number of counsellors/staff trained Number of smokers attended counselling and attempted to quit/or successfully quit. Number of tobacco-related topics included in relevant courses. 15 Key Contacts Falls Injury Prevention Program Healthy Environments Program Healthy Weight Program Manager, Susan Sullivan Manager, Vicki Stride Manager, Dian Tranter P: 9947 9864 P: 9947 9835 P: 9947 9851 E: E: E: Tobaccol Control Program Manager, Health Promotion Service Marketing and Communications Manager, Olga Vilshanskaya Myna Hua Fran Hannan P: 9382 8637 P: 9382 8633 P: 9382 8639 E: E: E: Research and Evaluation Research and Evaluation Leonie Neville Phillipa Eccleston P: 9382 8638 P: 9947 9808 E: E: NSW Health Strategies SESLHD Plans Falls: Prevention of Falls and Harms from Falls among older people 2011-2015 South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Strategy NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy 2013-2018 South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Health Care Services Plan NSW Tobacco Strategy 2012-2017 SESLHD Falls Injury Prevention Plan 2013-2018 Websites
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