NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Listing of Social Venture Competitions and Related Fellowships June 2014 The NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship is pleased to present this overview of social changemaking and related competitions and fellowship opportunities. We made this listing as comprehensive as possible and new information will be added when additional competitions or fellowships come to our attention. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to submit a fellowship or competition for inclusion in the list, please contact the NYU Reynolds Program at reynoldsprogram@nyu.edu; include “Listing of Social Venture Competitions and Related Fellowships” as the subject. To learn more about NYU Reynolds, please visit us at www.nyu.edu/reynolds, join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our iTunes podcast and read the NYU Reynolds Blog. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 1 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Acterra Business Environmental Awards One applicant is selected as a winner in each category – Acterra Award for Sustainability, Environmental Innovation, Environmental Project, and Sustainable Built Environment. Accenture Management Consulting is partnering with KaBOOM! for a multi-round event where participants innovate and possibly help implement solutions to realworld challenges faced by nonprofit partners. Community recognition, positive publicity, and the opportunity to share innovation Any private or public business entity, division or facilkity located in Alameda, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara or Santa Cruz County is eligible http://www.acterra.org/progr ams/bea/index.html Along the way, there are opps. to win internship interviews, finalists attend presentations & networking in DC, winners receive an internship offer & help implementing their idea Fellowship opportunity Open to students enrolled in schools where http://careers.accenture.com Accenture recruits, or members of MLT and /us-en/landingpages/Pages/innovationJumpstart Forum. competition.aspx Must be staff member at a nonprofit organization. Under 40 years of age and be able to attend all in-person activities in Chicago. http://www.independentsector .org/ngen_fellows_program Winners receive funding and are linked to Ashoka’s network of social entrepreneurs Winning organizations demonstrate innovation, resource generation, community mobilization, scale, and feasibility in the plans submitted. http://www.citizenbase.org/ Fellowship opportunity There are no age or education restrictions on who may be elected. Details of the election criteria are outlined on Ashoka's Fellowship website. http://www.ashoka.org/suppor t/sands AMC U.S. Innovation Challenge American Express NGen Fellows Honors and connects 12 under 40 leaders in nonprofit sector. Offers on-line and inperson activities, opportunity to interact with mentors. Ashoka Citizen Base Initiative (CBI) CBI spurs organizations to build a broad base of support – the Citizen Base. CBI invests in organizations with innovative resource mobilization strategies to spark a movement away from traditional grantwriting and toward sustainability. Ashoka Fellows are leading social entrepreneurs who we recognize to have innovative solutions to social problems and the potential to change patterns across society. They demonstrate unrivaled commitment to bold new ideas and prove that compassion, creativity, and collaboration are tremendous forces for change all over the world. Ashoka Fellowship NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 2 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Ashoka Youth Ventures Youth Venture is a global movement of young changemakers. They are made up of young people – Venturers – from around the world who have launched lasting social ventures that create positive impact in our communities. Sponsored by OpenIDEO, Amplify is a series of 10 innovation challenges over five years, with each focusing on a different development issue. Award and grant opportunities are available on the website Your Venture’s leadership team must be between the ages of 12-20 and organizations must be a brand new sustainable venture (not a one-time event) and have the support of an adult ally. http://www.genv.net/en-ca Up to $500,000 and the expertise of IDEO.org designers to bring the best ideas to life. Anyone can participate by setting up a profile on OpenIDEO. Banking on Youth Competition Ashoka Youth Ventures and Consumer Bankers Foundation have teamed up to offer an opportunity for young people to showcase venture ideas that directly benefit society. Win one of 30 $1,000 seed money prizes Top six entrants will do a Pitch Off for awards of $5,000 & $15,000 You must be between 13 & 22 and have a venture idea at any stage of the process. http://bankingonyouth.org/ BiD Network Business Plan Competitions In addition to providing a network and resources for social entrepreneurs, BiD Network can proudly claim to be a global leader in business plan competitions for emerging market entrepreneurs. Vary depending on the competition, see website for details Competitions are international, for entrepreneurs in emerging markets. See website for specific opportunities. http://www.bidnetwork.org/en /search/apachesolr_search?f ilters=type%3Abusiness_plan _competition Business Insider Startup Startup is New York’s top entrepreneurship event and business-plan competition. To compete, you apply to pitch your business model onstage to VCs alongside six other ambitious founders at the event. All innovators can purchase event tickets. The Challenge is an annual international design competition to support the development and implementation of a strategy that has significant potential to solve humanity's most pressing problems. Winner of the competition, the Top Startup, receives $75,000 in cash All entrepreneurs with a new company and exciting business plan are invited to compete. http://www.businessinsider.co m/event/startup2012/index Awards $100,000 to the winner Individual s or teams must be 18+ years old and may only submit one entry http://challenge.bfi.org/ Amplify Program Buckminster Fuller Challenge NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 3 of 30 For specific grant info: : http://www.genv.net/enus/do_it/fundraising/finding_ grants_awards http://www.ideo.org/amplify 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Challenge Detroit Challenge Detroit will select approximately 30 innovative leaders from Detroit and across the United States to live, work, play, give and lead in Detroit for one year. They engage in community through team challenges to positively impact the region. Salary of $36,000 plus benefits typical of a host company Leadership development & mentorship program Applicants must have a Bachelors degree and must be a US resident or legal resident alien. http://www.challengedetroit.o rg/ Changemakers (Ashoka) Competitions Changemakers hosts collaborative online competitions to identify and connect the best social innovators and implementers. Participants compete to surface the most promising solutions, and then collaborate to refine, enrich, and implement them. Award amount varies depending on competition Each competition outlines detailed guidelines, criteria and prizes on the website. http://www.changemakers.co m/competitions CLASSY Awards Dubbed the “Academy Awards of Philanthropy,” the CLASSY awards highlight achievements of people and organizations doing good across the country. You can nominate yourself or someone else, and winners are selected through a combination process of public voting, a Past Winners Judging Panel, and the CLASSY Awards Leadership Council. 16 National CLASSY Award Winners are selected based on the merit and impact of their achievements. Winning allows for media exposure, increased recognition, and industry growth You can nominate either yourself/your organization, or another person/organization. Nonprofit organizations, socially conscious businesses, volunteers and college students over 18 are all eligible for nomination. http://www.stayclassy.org/cla ssy-awards Clean Tech Open The world’s largest cleantech accelerator provides entrepreneurs and technologists the resources needed to launch successful cleantech companies that address today’s most urgent energy, environmental, and economic issues. Prizes valued from $10,000 regionally to $250,000 nationally Startups must fit into one of six clean tech categories (online). Teams of 2+ with at least one US resident. Must be a startup with less than $1m from private third part funding and less than $5m in all other sources of funding. www.cleantechopen.com NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 4 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Cleantech Pitch Slam (AGRION and Green Spaces) Lively, fun, cleantech pitch competition hosted by AGRION, the international network of energy and cleantech professionals, and Green Spaces, the coworking community for environmental and social entrepreneurs. There are three rounds: 1) Elevator Pitches (1 minute) 2) Half of first-rounders selected for 5-minute Deck Pitches 3) Question Round for finalists The winner presents to investors and cleantech professionals at the Wall Street Green Summit and receive a limited membership to AGRION’s int’l network and three months of premier membership to Green Spaces Cleantech startups are eligible to apply and Round One Elevator Pitches will be selected from the applicants. Event tickets and info here: http://www.eventbrite.c om/event/3013131357 Collegiate Inventors Competition (Focused on technology and science) The Competition promotes exploration in invention, science, engineering, technology, and other creative endeavors and provides a window on the technologies from which society will benefit. Up to 12 finalists in Graduate and Undergraduate Divisions receive an all-expenses paid trip to present their work to a panel of expert judges in Washington, D.C. Provide 50 exceptional social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders engaged in poverty alleviations and economic justice ventures the ability to participate as Delegates in the Opportunity Collaboration. In 2010, the top Grad prize was $15,000 and the top UG Prize was $10,000. Other prizes are awarded to select finalists. Academic advisors of each winning entry also receive a cash award Scholarship, and opportunity to earn a certificate of completion from the University of the Pacific Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship Provide $10,000 $20,000 and mentorship to pilot ideas in a developing region to 5 – 15 awardees. If successful, D-Prize will help with growth. One team member must be enrolled full http://invent.org/collegiate/ov time in a US or Canadian college for part of erview.html the year prior to entry. The other team members must have been enrolled on a part-time basis (at a minimum) sometime during the 24-month period prior to the date the entry is submitted. Cordes Fellowships: Opportunity Collaboration Fellowships D-Prize D-Prize is a call to the world’s boldest social entrepreneurs. Submit your idea to launch a new venture that solves one of our distribution challenges in Girl’s Education, Energy, Education, Governance & Infrastructure, Global Health, and Custom areas. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 5 of 30 Application here: http://goagrion.wufoo.c om/forms/pitchquestionnaire/ Successful Cordes Fellowship applicants are high-impact, innovative, entrepreneurial for-profit and nonprofit organization executives with a demonstrated commitment to economic justice and poverty alleviation. http://www.opportunitycollabo ration.net/pre/fellowships/ Open to currently enrolled graduate students. http://www.d-prize.org/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Do Something Seed Grants If you are working to start a community action project or program and need seed money to start taking action. $500 Age 25 or younger. Applicants can apply for as many grants as they want, but can only be awarded one grant per year. http://www.dosomething.org/g rants/seedgrants Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation was founded in 2002. Funders William H. Draper, III and Robin Richards Donohoe, venture capitalists who have run highly successful funds together, believe in the power of innovation and passionate individuals to change the world. Grant of $100,000 for three years. Six grants are awarded each year The funds are specifically and solely for http://www.draperrichards.or entrepreneurs starting new non-profit g/process/index.html organizations. The idea must be sustainable and scalable. The founder must have the skills to manage a national or global organization. DreamIt Ventures Apply as an individual or organizations. For those with a great startup idea or have skills such as strategist or hacker. You are teamed up with a DreamIt Company (NYC or Philadelphia locations) to help them build their business Applications focus on market opportunity, and any idea that can be developed into a product in three months. http://www.dreamitventures.c om/about/ Dutch Postcode Lottery Green Challenge International competition for sustainable, creative, and innovative business plans. The Postcode Lottery seeks to help smart green products and services reach a mass audience. The Ideas Economy event series taps into The Economist's readers and rest of the world to solve various challenges focused on different topics. Challenges are posted online for people to submit their solution. €500,000 to winner; €200,000 to one or two runners up Entries should directly reduce CO2 emissions, score highly on design, userfriendliness and quality, and ready to be in the market in two years. www.greenchallenge.info Winners of the The Challenge will win $25,000 and are invited to the conference Open to all. http://ideas.economist.com/c hallenges Through a two-year Echoing Green Fellowship program, start-up capital and technical assistance is provided to help new leaders launch their organizations and build capacity. Fellowship opportunity Must be 18 or older. Organization must be in a start-up phase. To be considered a start-up, the organization may have been in operation for up to two years, and Echoing Green's financial support should qualify it as significant early funder. http://www.echoinggreen.org/ fellowship/applicationoverview The Economist and InnoCentive Ideas Economy Echoing Green Fellowship NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 6 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Echoing Green Mini-Grant Submit an idea for how you would spend $500 to better understand & build deeper relationships w/ members of the community you most want to serve. Eileen Fisher: Activating Leadership Grant Funds programs that activate leadership qualities in women and girls. One person will receive Individuals submit their ideas $500 to implement their plan & a planning session with Toni Harris, NYU Wagner Director of Career Services $5,000 awarded each Must show an innovative, holistic, effective year and direct approach to activating leadership among women and/or girls. Eileen Fisher: Women-Owned Businesses Program Supports women-owned businesses that combine the principles of social consciousness, sustainability, and innovation to create new businesses or invigorate existing ones. Full-time 2-yr leadership training program that will prepare talented professionals for careers in New York State policy. Governor Cuomo will appoint each to work directly with a high-level policy maker at one of many state agencies. The University of Auckland Business School Entrepreneurs’ Challenge offers finance, mentoring, profile and prestige to growthoriented New Zealand small & medium enterprises (SMEs). The Challenge brings together an extensive network of organizations and businesspeople. Empire State Fellows Program Entrepreneurs Challenge NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Up to five grants of $12,500 awarded each year Eligibility Will receive an annual salary not to exceed $72,765 and benefits. Also includes an educational component Established businesses and startups are eligible. Applicants must be 100% women owned and produce products or services that foster environmental and economic health in the community. Applicants can come from any professional or academic discipline – Bachelor’s degree required (Master’s preferred) and at least 3 years of professional experience. Full guidelines online. It will invest up to $1 million per annum divided between the successful applicants. Anticipated investments are not less than $200k as an interest-bearing loan repayable over 3 years All GST-registered, for profit, commercial entities (not banking or property related) that have revenues of $1 million + and that have been in operation for at least two years. Most SMEs with a minimum annual turnover of $1 million are eligible, and while the focus is on SMEs, companies seeking early stage funding will also be considered. Page 7 of 30 Website http://workonpurpose.echoing green.org/questions/takeperspective-someone-else-s http://www.eileenfisher.com/E ileenFisherCompany/Compan yGeneralContentPages/Social Conciousness/Self_Image.jsp http://www.eileenfisher.com/E ileenFisherCompany/Compan yGeneralContentPages/Social Conciousness/Grants_2011.js p http://www.dos.ny.gov/newnyl eaders/fellows_app.html http://entrepreneurschalleng e.co.nz/how-to-apply/faqs 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Envirolution WinWin Campaign The Win-Win Campaign is an energy efficiency technical training and fellowship program, combined with an energy efficiency outreach, education and implementation assistance initiative for small businesses. Pay tuition for the course provides benefits: Job placement, networking, training, and experience. Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women The Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women program seeks a select group of high-potential women entrepreneurs to join an elite business network of the country’s best high-growth companies and participate in a customized executive leadership program. The Feast is partnering with NBCUniversal to present The NBCU Rev Up Change Challenge. The prize provides a platform for American entrepreneurs to scale the impact of their social venture. Leadership program opportunity Applicants are women CEOs who have founded their privately held US companies within the past 10 years and have reported at least US$1 million in revenue during each of the past two. http://www.ey.com/US/en/Ser vices/Strategic-GrowthMarkets/EntrepreneurialWinning-Women---2012-callfor-applications $25,000 cash prize and the opportunity to speak at the Feast Four runners up receive tickets to The Feast Conference Grand prize of $100,000 & 2nd-5th prize totaling $100,000. Winning films distributed globally, & winners go to Sundance to receive their prize Chance to win cash ($1,500 - $12,000) and in-kind prizes, as well as invitation to Seattle for presentations, competitions, coaching, and networking. Applicants must be 18+ years old. Ventures must be operational for at least one year and address a social problem. http://www.feastongood.com/ revupchange/ Any age or geography permitted, all films must be English-language or subtitled in English. http://vimeo.com/focusforwar dfilms/ All currently enrolled students in a degreeseeking program worldwide may apply. All team members must be enrolled & attending classes throughout the entire process. http://www.foster.washington. edu/centers/gbc/globalsocial entrepreneurshipcompetition/ Pages/GSEC.aspx The Feast Rev Up Change Challenge Focus Forward Filmmaker Competition Focus Forward films is looking for professional quality 3-minute stories about visionaries, thinkers, or every day folks that have moved the world and help make it better with innovation or invention. Foster School of Business Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition GSEC is an international student social business plan competition that challenges university-level students worldwide to use business principles to create sustainable, positive solutions to some of the world’s most challenging issues—poverty, health and development. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 8 of 30 Eligibility Website http://jobs.justmeans.com/job /sustainability-technicaltraining-and-hands-on-newyork-ny-envirolution985d1f7fd0/?d=1&source=co mplete_page 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Fuse Corps Fuse Corps Fellows are selected for distinguished, “cabinet-level” positions working with leaders in state and local governments or community organizations. Fellows spend one year working full-time on a grassroots project addressing national issues in local contexts. The Future 100 Awards recognizes the success of young entrepreneurs aged 1835 who demonstrate entrepreneurial flair and innovation for progressing a responsible business venture with a triple bottom line: people, planet and profit. Provides the best hands-on, public service/entrepreneurial leadership experience in the country by providing critical skills and motivations Award opportunity including training opportunities and increased PR Highly motivated professionals with 8-10 years of experience in the private sector that have a demonstrated interest in public service and demonstrated interest in the policy or program area on which they will focus. http://fusecorps.org/joinfuse-corps/ Applicants must be aged 18 – 35, and running a UK-based business with a social and environmental mission, with a local or global remit. The competitive process evaluates on the following criteria: Commercial Success; Social Responsibility and Demonstrated Impact; Environmental Responsibility and Demonstrated Impact; Innovation; Entrepreneurial Flair http://future10 0awards.wordpress.com/appl y-here/ Each year the Gifted CitiZen Prize is given to the best social entrepreneurship project that has the ability to benefit 10 million people over the next six years. This international prize honors the passions of those that seek to develop real solutions to humanity’s most pressing issues. Finalists all attend the Ciudad de las Ideas festival, where the winner is selected. http://www.podercivico.org.m x/giftedcitizen/index.php/en/ The Global Good Fund creates agents of world change by leveraging societal investors to develop high potential young leaders. It targets the power of aligning three catylsts of social change: social investors who want to have significance, young leaders with extraordinary potential, and senior executive with experience helping young leaders develop. Leadership development grants begin at $10,000 per fellow Submissions must have at least one year of working on the project. Focus areas: Scientific innovation; Technological invention; Educational, ecological & social transformation; Art & culture; Sustainable economic development & socially responsible entrepreneurship; Human cultural & social rights. Applicants must be under 40 years old, operated their organization for 1-2 years and intending to scale. Fellows focus on five core dimensions of health: environmental, developmental, cultural, physical, and economic health. Future 100 Awards Gifted CitiZen Prize Global Good Fund NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship One winning project receives $100,000 Page 9 of 30 http://www.globalgoodfund.or g/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Global Social Benefit Incubator by Social Edge The Global Social Benefit Incubator (GSBI™) assists social entrepreneurs in developing business plans that enable their organizations to become financially sustainable and scalable. All applicants receive constructive feedback form Silicon Valley mentors, and 20 entrepreneurs receive a full scholarship for a two-week executive training program. There are no specific eligibility requirements, but all applicants must complete the three exercises posted on the website. Judging criteria are also posted on the website. http://www.socialedge.org/fea tures/gsbi?utm_source=Soci al+Edge+Newsletter&utm_ca mpaign=960abc058aNewsletter_GSBI2012_12_30 _2011&utm_medium=email Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition @ Foster School of Business GSEC is a leading-edge international social venture plan competition, where interdisciplinary student teams from around the world propose creative, commercially viable businesses aimed at reducing poverty in the developing world. $30,000 GSEC is open to currently enrolled students, at any level of study, at any academic institution of higher education worldwide. http://www.foster.washington. edu/centers/gbc/globalsocial entrepreneurshipcompetition/ Pages/GSEC.aspx Global Social Venture Competition The Global Social Venture Competition is the world’s preeminent social business plan competition providing aspiring entrepreneurs with mentoring, exposure, & prize money to transform their business ideas into positive real-world impact. Recognizes individuals for sustained and significant efforts to protect and enhance the natural environment. For "grassroots" leaders, involved in local efforts. $45,000 Each entrant team must include a graduate http://www.gsvc.org/about_gs business student from any business school vc/ in the world or an individual who has graduated from a graduate business program within the past two years $150,000 Nominees are considered a leader in a grassroots campaign or sustained effort that seeks to have, or results in, a significant impact at the regional, national or global level. For-profit social enterprises that are developing solutions to unmet social needs. Candidates must have completed their concept stage, have already engaged partners, created a prototype and begun beta or test marketing. Companies should also anticipate needing external funding within 6-12 months. Goldman Environmental Prize Good Company Ventures The GoodCompany Ventures Incubator is a Gain access to industry program designed to accelerate the experts, mentors and growth of social enterprise startups. The strategic advisors program seeks to attract and honor entrepreneurs working in spaces such as Educational reform and impact, Green technology, Healthcare reform and impact, Social networking and community creation. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 10 of 30 http://www.goldmanprize.org/ theprize/nominators http://www.goodcompanyvent ures.org/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money GOOD Maker Challenge Organizations submit a challenge to the community, asking for what they need to drive meaningful impact and the company votes on which ideas best meet the challenge. The winner receives an award to activate their idea into real-world impact. Grant for Change seeks online nominations of design community members working tirelessly to bring positive change to their communities. The top ten finalists come from public votes (5/10) and their favorites (5/10). The finalists share more about their work and one winner is chosen each year. The Grinnell College Young Innovator for Social Justice Prize honors individuals who have demonstrated leadership in their fields, along with creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Winners receive funding Anyone who joins the community can to implement their idea; submit ideas and vote. Amount of funding varies challenge to challenge http://maker.good.is/ $10,000 http://www.nau.com/collectiv e/grant-for-change/ The Halcyon Incubator was founded on the principle that intrepid individuals with st transformative ideas can solve 21 century challenges. It aims to transform audacious ideas into scalable ventures that can achieve meaningful social outcomes. The Business for Good competition is a business plan contest that rewards impactful social enterprise ideas among college students. Fellows live and work at Halcyon House for four months, and are given access to resources, consultants and staff. Grant for Change Grinnell College Young Innovator for Social Justice Prize Halcyon Incubator Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business: Business for Good Competition NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Eligibility Aimed toward members of the design community that want to bring lasting change to their communities. $100,000 (1/2 awarded Open to all under the age of 40. to individual, 1/2 awarded to organization committed to winner's area of social justice) Mentorship & exposure 1st Place: $2,500 & presentation at the Intercollegiate Business Convention nd 2 Place: $1,000 prize Page 11 of 30 Applicants must be 21+ years old and ventures must be start-ups that are the original idea of the applicant and independent startups. Applicants must be fulltime for the fellowship, have legal work eligibility in the US and not in college. Teams of up to 5 people (at least 50% female) Website http://www.grinnell.edu/office s/chaplain/socialjusticeprize/ nominationcriteria https://www.striking.ly/bfg201 2#0 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Hitachi Foundation Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs Program Seeks to identify and support inspiring young entrepreneurs whose work helps alleviate domestic poverty. Partner organizations include Investors' Circle, Social Venture Network, B Lab, and PICnet. Hub Ventures helps high caliber entrepreneurs build their world-changing startups better and faster. Operates in 12week cohort cycles at Hub Bay Area to provide seed funding, mentorships, workshops, and speakers. The program ends with a pitch opportunity to hundreds of investors at Investor Day. Open to entrepreneurs who are operating viable businesses in the United States with the dual purpose of making a difference and making a living. Entrepreneurs must have launched their business before they reached age 30. Works with strong startup teams at all stages w/ potential for scale, profitability and significant, measurable impact. Generally work with “technology for good” companies but consider many other types of businesses. http://www.hitachifoundation. org/our-work/yoshiyamayoung-entrepreneursprogram Hub Ventures Program Up to 5 winners receive $40,000 grant as well as development, mentoring, & peer/advisor network resources $10,000 – $20,000 in seed funding for each company along with perks at various companies, mentorships, network access, etc. IDEX Fellowship The IDEX Fellowship is a field placement in a social enterprise that offers cultural and social immersion into the field for college graduates interested in launching a career in the sector. Fellows are strategically placed to work with entrepreneurs to develop a blueprint for change. IGNITEgood and the Huffington Post are looking to identify the nation’s most compelling social activists who have the potential to change the world with service. The IMPACT (Innovative Models Promoting Adaptation and Climate Technologies) Business Award rewards enterprises that apply innovative business solutions in combating Climate Change. The IMPACT Business Award made a total of up to five International Awards available in 2011. 9-month paid, early entry, professional development program Applicants must be at least 21 years of age with a college degree by June of the year they are applying for the Fellowship. Academic or work experience in business, economics, development, education or related fields is preferred. http://www.idexfellowship.co m/ 10 winners get $10,000 and a 3-day bootcamp to turn their vision into action €5,000 All U.S. residents under age 30 are eligible; Entries should fit into these categories: Opportunity, Health and Wellness, Education, Green, or World. Businesses, business associations, NGOs, community-based organizations, think tanks, research institutions and public sector organizations are all eligible. http://ignite-good.org/thecompetition/ IGNITEgood Millenial Impact Challenge IMPACT Business Award NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 12 of 30 http://hubventures.com/program/progr am-overview/ http://www.gc21.de/ibt/en/mo dules/gc21/wsFLEXdialogue/info/ibt/impact. sxhtml 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility International Impact Investing Challenge The International Impact Investing Challenge is a pitch competition for graduate students focused on designing investment vehicles that create sustainable impact and are of the size and scope that would be of interest to institutional investors. The Kaplan EdTEch Accelerator is a program created to incubate startups building companies focused on education. It is a three month intensive, deep immersion program for ten startups. Overall First Prize: $10,000 & Milken Institute Global Conference admission; Overall Runner-up: $5,000 Graduate students from around the world http://impactinvestingchallen are eligible to apply. Teams are limited to a ge.org/index.html maximum of 4 members and only one of those may be pursuing an Executive MBA Program includes: $20k investment, mentors, market insights, access to decision makers and instructional design, presentation to investors, VCs & media Winner receives $100,000 to launch the plan Technology-powered startups around the world that are looking to change education for the better. http://www.kaplanedtechacce lerator.com/ Men and women over 25 are eligible www.agentlemanscall.com $5,000 grant for each award winner Institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, religious organizations and self-nominations from students for their community service or humanitarian efforts; Students must be enrolled in an accredited college or university. Ideal candidates will demonstrate proven leadership capability and a sound venture structure. http://www.thejenzabarfounda tion.org/ICS/Welcome/Introdu ction_to_Jenzabar_Internet_ Campus_Solution.jnz?portlet =2010_Student_Leadership_ Awards http://joshuaventuregroup.org /dual-investment-program Kaplan EdTech Accelerator Ketel One & GQ A Gentleman’s Call: In Pursuit of an Idea that Matters The Jenzabar Foundation Joshua Venture Group Dual Investment Program Submit ideas for positive impact that are implementable and exhibit the ideals of entrepreneurship, craftsmanship, and philanthropy. The Jenzabar Foundation's 2010 Student Leadership Awards, recognize ten studentled campus groups and projects that have made a significant contribution to better the world outside of their institutions of higher education. This 2-year program provides funding, technical support, and skills development to grow your groundbreaking idea into a sustainable venture that will transform the Jewish landscape and help to create a more dynamic, just, and inclusive Jewish community and experience. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship $100,000 overall in funding. Also included are skills building retreats, workshops, coaching, and network connections Page 13 of 30 Website 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website JP Morgan Chase Force for Good Force for Good engages JPMorgan Chase Global Technology staff to form creative, motivated and diverse project teams to pair with socially focused organizations on projects to promote technological innovation and support their technology needs. Organizations must have executive buy-in, ensure external vendors are willing to work with the JPMC team, be willing to provide feedback, and sign off on the JPMC agreement. http://www.jpmorganchase.co m/corporate/CorporateResponsibility/technologyfor-social-goodprograms.htm#foc JusticeMakers 2012 HIV/AIDS Global Compeititon JusticeMakers is a global community and an annual competition to support innovative projects run by defenders, human rights officers and public officials. The 2012 competition is focused on the legal rights of those living with HIV/AIDS within the criminal justice system. The intention of the Launch Pad contest is to support those people with the character, the integrity, and the resolve to get their ideas off the ground & impact their community. Create Change Professional Development Fellows participate in bi-weekly discussions and workshops designed to help them approach socially-engaged creative practice. Create Change Public Artists in Residence are also able to apply this to a site-specific project in their community. Projects include mobile or web application development, social media development, technology optimization, technical product market analysis and requirements gathering. International Bridges to Justice select 12 fellows who receive $5,000, access to secondary funders, and online training opportunities International Bridges to Justice will reward JusticeMakers fellows whose criminal justice reform projects display the most innovation, efficacy, and sustainability http://justicemakers.ibj.org/ $5,000 awarded to the 5 winners, along with an invitation to the Encore Career Summit and peer networking Both gain access to a network of professionals and changemakers and artists receive an honorarium ($3,000) and a production budget ($1000) Applicants must be 45 or older and a U.S. citizen or legal resident http://launchpad.encore.org/p ages/eligibility-and-criteria Available to artists living in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia Find an info session: http://laundromatpro ject.eventbrite.com/ LaunchPad Competition The Laundromat Project Create Change Fellows & Public Artist Residencies NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 14 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship This fellowship will help fund an applicant’s proposal to work in a foreign country related to the mandate of UNESCO – using education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture and/or communication and information to build strong ties among nations. LeapFrog offers a unique professional development opportunity to outstanding and entrepreneurial young leaders: a twoyear immersion in impact investing and frontier financial services. The LES Foundation & Licensing Executives Society emphasizes intellectual property mentorship, education ,and networking featuring judges who span industry sectors and share valuable expertise. The Big C Competition is looking for big thinkers to create innovations and solutions improving the daily lives of people facing cancer. Fellowship opportunity US citizen; Must be currently enrolled in a college or university in United States; aged 18-25 http://www.state.gov/p/io/une sco/programs/143138.htm Fellows are staffed in one of LeapFrog’s global offices for two years w/ a range of responsibilities $10,000 in cash plus inkind prizes and the option to compete for LESI’s $5,000 global award 150 teams receive mentoring; 60 teams win a total of $140,000; 20 are invited to an accelerator; 5 pitch for $25,000 grand prize A total of 497 grants ranging from $10,000 to $5 million Fellows come from all over the globe and a variety of backgrounds. But they show deep commitment to social impact, emerging markets, or social entrepreneurship. For graduate students interested in intellectual property (IP) and licensing issues http://leapfroginvest.simplica nt.com/job/detail/9843global-fellows-program Anyone globally 18+ years old and not a resident of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. http://bigc.livestrong.org/#/ho me Leapfrog Global Fellows Licensing Executives Society Graduate Student Business Plan Competition Livestrong The Big C Competition MacArthur Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people and effective institutions committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. In addition to the MacArthur Fellows (Genius Grants), the Foundation works to defend human rights, advance global conservation and security, make cities better places, and understand how technology is affecting children and society across the world. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 15 of 30 http://www.lesfoundation.org/ competition/ Eligibility guidelines and funding cycles are http://www.macfound.org/ available online. Each one differs but please note that the Foundation does not support political activities or attempts to influence action on specific legislation, does not provide scholarship funding, does not provide unsolicited grants, and does not support fundraising drives and similar projects. 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility The Milken-Penn GSE Prize for Business Plans in Education The Education Business Plan Competition has become a leader in the field of education entrepreneurship, and continues to attract innovative ideas from around the world. Focused solely on education, the competition is designed to stimulate cutting-edge ideas that serve the world’s educational needs. Six prizes and a total of $120,000 in prize money Any individual (18+), group of individuals, http://nestcentral.org/ company and organization (with <$250,000 in funding and <$100,000 in revenue since inception) can enter. Any idea, whether local or global, public or private, or Pre-K through adult learning is eligible. The Mind Trust: Education Entrepreneur Fellowship The Mind Trust’s Education Entrepreneur Fellowship is a unique national initiative designed to develop and nurture innovative strategies for taking on our greatest challenges in education. Through this award, the National Council for Research on Women creates an opportunity for a first-generation college graduate, including immigrant students, to continue working on a dissertation under the close supervision of a senior dissertation advisor. The MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition is a leading-edge forum for students and researchers in the MIT community to act on their talent, ideas and energy to launch tomorrow’s leading firms. The competition has three pieces – 1) Elevator Pitch Contest (EPC) 2)The ACCELERATE Contest and 3) Business Plan Contest (BPC) – and six distinct subject areas to help teams specialize. Fellows receive 2 years of salary, benefits, and the daily assistance of The Mind Trust to launch their venture $8,500 to continue work on a dissertation $1,500 for a senior dissertation advisor continuing their mentorship All ages http://www.themindtrust.org/f ellowship/aboutFellowship.as px Open to any first-generation college graduate currently pursuing a PhD http://www.ncrw.org/MKCAwar dInfo A year-long educational experience, with resources such as feedback from top VCs and entrepreneurs, media exposure, mentorship, networking, and $350 in cash and prizes. The winner, of course, receives $100k Each team needs at least one MIT student in order to enter. The MIT student needs to be an active participant in the team and is required to be a part of the demo (both the video and at the Finale Show). http://mit100k.org/about/ Miriam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award MIT $100K Entrepreneur Competition NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 16 of 30 Website 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website MIT IDEAS Global Challenge The MIT IDEAS Global Challenge connects passionate and talented students that want to change the world with the experience and resources of the MIT community. The challenge offers a window into innovation at MIT and invites participants to address community development challenges through innovation and collaboration in communities around the world. Awards up to $10,000 per team for the best ideas to tackle barriers to wellbeing You do not have to be an MIT student to participate but your team must be started by an MIT student. If you’re not a student, you can pose a problem and post ideas to recruit team members, 1/3 of whom must be full time MIT students. Teams must work with a community partner to identify the problem and develop the solution. http://globalchallenge.mit.edu / Movement 121 Fellowship Program The M121 Fellowship for Sustainable World Change is looking for 121 people who want to change the world and want to learn how to do so in a sustainable way. 6-month virtual fellowship program. Fellows take part in M121 business planning and join a community receive feedback, encouragement, and questions The NAPEC Innovation Challenge is a First: $10,000 business plan competition that brings 2nd: $5,000 rd together students and recent grad 3 : $2,500 Best App Idea: $1,500 entrepreneurs, to help reward students Greenest Idea: $1,000 that pursue an innovative business idea . Three visionaries will receive the Each will receive fellowship to pursue an economic or social $100,000 for one year objective for one year, and turn an inspired and office space at the idea into a game-changing reality. Projects Nathan Cummings must demonstrate exceptional vision, build Foundation on NCF’s portfolio, and relate to NCF’s mission or core programs. 18-35 year olds are eligible to apply. They are looking for passionate, motivated people that want to change the world. Applicants should be humble and willing to learn, but confident and know they have something to offer others. http://www.movement121.co m/engage/fellowshipprogram/ Open to any student 18+ and recent grads within one year of graduating. http://www.napecchallenge.c om/ Applicants must be U.S. Citizens and able to work from the foundation’s NYC offices. They should have a track-record of risktaking, out of the box thinking, and a proven ability to turn ideas into action. http://www.ncf.org/grantprograms/cummingsfellowship NAPEC Innovation Challenge The Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 17 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website NBC Universal 21st Century Solutions 21st Century Solutions is a competitive grant program that supports innovative, high-impact social entrepreneurship projects. 30 grants will be awarded around the country, totaling up to $1.2 million. Organizations must be 401(c)3 non-profits, be 2+ years old, have an annual operating budget of >$300,000 and be submitting a maximum of one new and innovative program. http://bit.ly/SNCE0H NCIIA E-Team Program The E-Team program is for student innovator sand entrepreneurs who are working on market-based technology inventions. Teams are awarded early-stage funding up to $75,000 with training, coaching & investment opportunities. Student & Faculty innovators must be part of a US-based member institution (college or university) to be considered for one of the programs. http://nciia.org/grants NCIIA Faculty Grants The Course and Program grants provide funding for transformational courses and programs that support the development of market-driven, technology-based inventions and innovations. Awarded grants are up to $50,000 for faculty programs. Student & Faculty innovators must be part of a US-based member institution (college or university) to be considered for one of the programs. http://nciia.org/grants Students from all disciplines within the New School are eligible and encouraged to submit all types of projects – ideas, social ventures, policy initiatives, films, game designs, etc. http://newchallenge.newscho ol.edu/ The New School’s New Challenge Sustainable vision grants provide funding for educational programs in which student teams create and commercialize technologies that benefit people living in poverty. New Challenge is an annual competition for Winners receive funding students of The New School who are between $2,500 and committed to working on social and $10,000 environmental challenges on a local or global scale in innovative ways. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 18 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website New York State Business Plan Competition The competition encourages students to fully engage in their research and allows them to gain valuable experience through presenting their business plan to potential investors and industry executives. The top applications will be selected by an external panel of judges to present in the final round of the competition. Over $225,000 in cash and prizes Teams of current undergraduate and graduate students from accredited colleges located in New York State with a faculty advisor. http://cnse.albany.edu/NewYo rkBusinessPlanCompetition.a spx Notre Dame Gigot CenterBusiness Plan Competitions The annual Notre Dame New Venture Competitions provide a tremendous opportunity for entrepreneurial-minded members of the Notre Dame community to come together for the purpose of fostering new business development. New York City is where innovative ideas come to life. This exciting annual competition invites you to develop business plans that can be launched in New York City. There are 3 rounds for each track: executive summary, formal business plan, and in-person presentations. Opportunity to win more than $135,000 in prizes Eligibility differs for each competition. See website for specific eligibility requirements. http://business.nd.edu/Gigot_ Center/Competitions/ Cash prize of $35,000 Each team must be 2-5 members w/ 1-2 non-US citizens and all members must be over 18 and students or recent alumni. Business ideas in any sector are eligible, but a preference in: financial services, Green, non-profit, bioscience, fashion, and media & tech. www.nycedc.com/nextidea NYC Venture Philanthropy Fund Grants offered to an innovative, start-up nonprofit that is addressing a major social problem facing New York City. Area of focus is determined by VPF members and varies each year. Grants range from $7,000 to $10,000 http://www.nycvpf.org/wordpr ess/ NYU Reynolds Program Changemaker Challenge The Changemaker Challenge (CmC) invites all NYU undergraduate students who want to change the world to present their social venture and compete for seed grant funding. Up to ten seed grants of $1,000 and a Grand Prize of $10,000 awarded to Best Overall Venture Applicants must be addressing underfunded, under-recognized projects or programs that embody an entrepreneurial spirit, and promise high impact and effectiveness for complex, persistent social problems. Ventures can be any brand new studentcreated, student-led organization, program or business that benefits the community and/or has a measurable positive social impact. For profit, non-profit and hybrid ventures are eligible. NYC Next Idea Competition NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 19 of 30 http://www.nyu.edu/reynolds/ changemaker/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Graduate Fellowship The NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship awards up to 10 Graduate Fellowships in Social Entrepreneurship to students from across 11 NYU schools. Fellowship opportunity with up to $25,000 in scholarship for each of the two years of study It is open to new students accepted for Fall http://www.nyu.edu/reynolds/ 2012 enrollment to a full-time, two-year grad/ master's program (with the exception of some executive programs), or students that are currently enrolled and will have two years of study remaining beginning their first Reynolds year. NYU Stern Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation $200k Entrepreneurs Challenge The $200K Entrepreneurs Challenge includes three competitions: • New Venture Competition for aspiring entrepreneurs to take ideas from concept to market • Social Venture Competition to support social entrepreneurs • Technology Venture Competition is a catalyst for early state businesses based on technologies developed by NYU students & staff $200,000 awarded total: New Venture: Teams must have 1 current NYU student or Stern alum; all sectors except consulting, franchises & real estate syndication The competition invites scholars to submit cases is one of three tracks on corporate sustainability, social entrepreneurship or sustainable finance. Cases are reviewed by judges and all entries receive written feedback. In each track: 1st Prize: 5,000 Swiss Francs nd 2 Prize: CHF 2000 rd 3 Prize: CHF 1000 oikos Case Writing Competition NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship New Venture Competition: $75,000 Social Venture competition: $50,000 Technology Venture Competition: $75,000 Winners are invited to present at high-level conferences, winning cases are published in oikos online case collection. Page 20 of 30 Social Venture: Teams must have 1 current NYU student or Stern alumnus; all sectors, but must have earned revenue stream Technology Venture: Team must have 1 NYU student, researcher or faculty member; Life Sciences, IT & Clean Tech sectors Applicants may be teachers, research assistants, or students of business administration and related areas. Case entries may have more than one author, and each applicant can only submit one case per track. Website http://www.stern.nyu.edu/exp eriencestern/about/departmentscenters-initiatives/centersof-research/berkleycenter/programs/venturecompetitions/index.htm http://oikosinternational.org/programme s/curricula-change/casesprogram/ For details on case requirements: http://oikosinternational.org/programmes/curriculachange/cases-program/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Omidyar Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute The Omidyar Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute is unique among postdoctoral appointments. It offers select scholars the opportunity to join a collaborative research community where they grapple with some of the most compelling questions of our time. Online grant program to projects which are intended to improve communities through an online, democratic voting process . The Grant Program consists of four categories: Arts & Music, Communities, Education, and The Pepsi Challenge. Fellowship opportunity Must hold a Ph.D. in any discipline by Sept. of your application year. http://www.santafe.edu/omidy ar-fellowship/ 60 awards/month range from $5,000 - $50,000 depending on project size and the type of institutional backing they already have Legal residents of the US, age 13 and older. Can be individuals, for profit organizations (maximum of $5 million in annual revenue) and nonprofit organizations (maximum of $15 million in annual revenue). www.refresheverything.com An initiative of the New York City Economic Development Corporation & powered by Health 2.0, the program provides funding to innovative projects that pilot new health technologies in New York City. It matches early-stage companies to key NYC healthcare service stakeholders. The PopTech Social Innovation Fellows program is designed to equip worldchanging innovators with the tools, insights, visibility and social network that can help them scale their impacts to new heights. Each year, PopTech selects 10-20 fellows from the world who are working on highly disruptive innovations in areas like healthcare, energy, development, climate, education, civic engagement, and more. A total of $1,000,000 in funding to 10 or more projects. Each pilot project tests a prototype. Innovators are early-stage healthcare technology companies with a readily available tech-based product. They have: <50 employees, <$10m in venture capital raised, a primary place of business in NYC. http://www.pilothealthtechnyc .com/ Fellowship opportunity Fellows work in both the for-profit and notfor-profit worlds, have a minimum of 3-5 years of experience, and are working in organizations that are well positioned for sustainable growth. http://poptech.org/sifellows Pepsi Refresh Project Pilot Health Tech NYC PopTech Social Innovation Fellows Program NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 21 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website PresenTense Global Summer Institute The Global Summer Institute unites the best and brightest Jewish innovators from around the world to develop and launch ventures that better Israel and the Jewish community. Fellowship opportunity to attend a six-week training program in Jeruselum. Curriculum includes case studies, workshops, mentors, and a Launch Night to pitch ideas The PresenTense Global Institute is open to anyone who has an idea for a sustainable and replicable idea to transform the Jewish community. The Fellowship program is optimized for individuals ages 22-40, with suggested work experience of 3-10 years and previous leadership experience. http://presentense.org/institu te REALITY Global REALITY Global is a unique leadership development journey in Israel with a focus on entrepreneurial social change in the US, countries outside the US and/or on a global scale. Weeklong journey across Israel to build leadership skills, reflect, and learn from social change leaders. You must be a participant or alumnus of a global social change program, organization or network and have affiliations with or interests in the Jewish community. http://www.realityexperience. org/tour/reality-global/ Rolex Awards for Enterprise Applicants for the Rolex Awards for Enterprise are asked to submit new or ongoing projects that tackle the world’s most pressing issues in five areas: science/health, applied technology, exploration/discovery, the environment, and cultural heritage. 50,000 Swiss Francs towards your project Young Laureates, age 18 -30 who are independent visionaries in solving some of the world’s complex problems. http://www.rolexawards.com/ Ross School of Business Social Venture Fund The Social Venture Fund develops valuesbased business leaders and entrepreneurs by investing in and supporting innovative, financially-sustainable social enterprises. They look for inspiring leaders that focus on their investment areas who are ready to share their passion and commitment to sustained social impact. $50,000 - $250,000 investments in prerevenue and postrevenue companies Only for-profit social enterprise within legal structures of a pre-existing organization. Focus on US-based businesses working on Education, Food Systems & Environment, Health, and Michigan/Detroit area Urban Revitalization. Students and non-students are eligible. http://www.zli.bus.umich.edu/ wvf/svf_overview.asp NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 22 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website SEED Initiative SEED Awards The SEED awards support start-up social enterpreneurs who aim to generate environmental, social and economic benefits at a local level in a country with a developing or emerging economy. Categories: SEED Africa Awards, SEED South Africa Awards, SEED Low Carbon Awards, SEED Gender Equity Awards Is there something you created out of necessity that changed how you work? What process or tools are you particularly proud of in your organization? The seToolbelt resource competition seeks original tools and resources to help make them available to the wider community of social entrepreneurs. World Challenge 2011 is organized by BBC World News and Newsweek, aimed at finding projects or small businesses from around the world that have shown enterprise and innovation at a grassroots level. They want to hear about the social entrepreneurs who are making a difference without costing the earth. The “empowering people. Award” is a worldwide competition that calls for engineers, developers, inkeres and teams to submit their innovations and technical solutions geared toward improving basic services in developing and emerging countries. Up to 55 SEED awards in 2014. Wide-ranging support including financial contribution of $5,000; access and networks; awards ceremony; pro bono advice & support $500 cash Among others, must include a partnership between different stakeholder groups, be locally driven or locally led, have potential for scale, be early stage, and in a country with a developing or emerging economy. See full guidelines on website. http://www.seedinit.org/award s/about.html Applicants should be interested in innovative, practical, real-life responses to the challenges that arise in any social enterprise. Enter as many resources as you’d like as long as they are originally yours and haven’t yet been published on the web. http://www.setoolbelt.org/co mpetitions Winner: $20,000 grant. Second & Third Place Finalists: $10,000 grant. Grants are awarded to the project/small business to be used only to further their enterprise. Winner: €50,000 2nd prize: €30,000 rd 3 prize: €20,000 20 finalists: €5,000 Innovative projects or ideas that demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit working for the benefit of the community whilst adopting a responsible approach can be nominated. http://www.theworldchallenge .co.uk/nominate Individuals, teams, organizations, or enterprises. http://www.empoweringpeople-award.siemensstiftung.org/ seToolbelt Competition Shell World Challenge Siemens Siftung (foundation) NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 23 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship Each year the Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship to a small number of social entrepreneurs who are solving the world’s most pressing problems. Includes a core support grant to the organization to be paid over three years and a noncash award to the social entrepreneur that is presented at the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship The Skoll Foundation has an open application process and organizations are evaluated on impact potential, inflection, and innovation. Winners have a tested and proven social innovation that addresses an issue of critical importance and is positioned for large-scale impact. http://www.skollfoundation.or g/about/skoll-awards/ Social Enterprise Alliance Business for Good Competition The Business for Good competition provides potential and serial social entrepreneurs with a unique forum for submitting novel ideas to solve various social problems. Teams of 1 – 5 people submit both forprofit & non-profit organizations in the idea or start-up phase. Applicants must be >18 and available for the summit. http://resources.ec.co/busine ssforgood Social Innovation Grant, Barnard/Columbi a Urban Studies Dept. Social Impact Exchange Business Plan Competition The Learning by Giving Foundation enables undergraduate college students enrolled in an academic course on philanthropy and social change to make a grant to a nonprofit organization in their community. The Competition identifies social sector scaling initiatives with demonstrated impact and readiness to scale and supports them. Two tracks are Early-Stage Growth and Mezzanine-Stage Growth. If you’re an undergraduate student with a nonprofit or for profit business idea to make the world a better place, apply to become a Sparkseed Innovator. Students create venture profiles online, finalists are selected to create business plans and present to a panel of judges. Teams can win an opportunity to pitch at the Social Enterprise Alliance National Summit for >$50,000 in awards $10,000 grant administered by the students 501(c )(3) nonprofit organizations based in NYC are eligible to apply. Programs must take place in NYC. Email: social.innovation.grant@gmai l.com Winners are supported with financial aid and consulting awards U.S.-based nonprofits with a focus in education, youth development, health, poverty alleviation or community economic development are eligible to enter. http://www.socialimpactexcha nge.org/exchange/eventsspecial-projects/businessplan-competition $1,000 in seed money, and up to $10,000 in follow-up funding, with $20,000 in pro-bono services, mentoring, and professional training Undergraduate students with social ventures that address a social issue. http://www.sparkseed.org/app ly Sparkseed NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 24 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website StartingBloc Fellowships The StartingBloc Fellowship is a life-long membership with StartingBloc’s community. Fellows are young leaders who share a common set of values and believe that economic value creation and social value creation are complementary. They believe in making money and doing good. Provides grad students at participating schools a placement in corporate settings where they work on sustainability with coaching from leaders in the field. Each year, the Consortium will allocate between 10-20 Sustainability Fellowships to graduate students in business, law, public policy, environmental sciences, biology, engineering, design, and sociology. Fellowship opportunity StartingBloc is looking for budding social innovators to join the Fellowship. These leaders are in the early stages of their careers and are planning to utilize the knowledge, skills, and connections gained at the Institute to drastically multiply their personal impact. Graduate students at participating schools and programs are eligible to apply. Participating schools are DSI (Design for Social Innovation at the School of Visual Arts), Babson, Northeastern, Hult, and Harvard. http://www.startingbloc.org/fe llowship Synergos Arab World Social Innovators AWSI supports nearly 40 society leaders serving poor and marginalized communities in Egypt, Jordon, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and the United Arab Emeriates. Taproot Foundation Make It Matter Challenge Many professionals want to provide pro bono expertise, but most nonprofits do not receive that help. Taproot seeks for ideas to answer the question “What would help more nonprofit employees take advantage of quality pro bono resources?” Receive financial award, technical assistance, capacitybuilding workshops, networks, and mentorships for 2 years Two top teams win: $10,000 cash $5,000 for the nonprofit of your choice $A chance to pitch to Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn The Sustainability Fellowship Program NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship Opportunity with $5,000 and a paid internship in a corporation Page 25 of 30 http://www.babson.edu/Acade mics/centers/the-lewisinstitute/Pages/sustainabilityfellowship-program.aspx Social innovation projects in the non-profit http://www.synergos.org/soci & private sectors, working in Egypt, Jordan, alinnovators/ Lebanon and Palestine that are environmentally responsible and have a proven track record. Legal residents of the US and can enter as an individual or as part of a team. http://challenge.taprootfound ation.org/ 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Target Simplicity Challenge Target is searching for great ideas that simplify healthcare and help individuals and families improve their health and wellbeing. Two categories: helping people make positive lifestyle & prevention choices, and helping people live well with a chronic condition. The challenge aims to create a formal way of engaging a diverse community that wants to change the world with some of the best innovations and bringing them to the market place. There are 3 impact areas: 1. Feed the Hungry 2. Environmental Sustainability: Water Management & Conservation 3. Educate Future Generations The Tech Awards honors individuals, nonprofit organizations and for-profit companies who are using technology to significantly improve human conditions in 6 awards categories. The technology used can be either a new invention or an innovative use of an existing technology. The Social Innovation Award is an annual competition managed by TFA’s Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Initiative for alumni entrepreneurs to develop their ventures with a collective sense of support. The Award seeks to find bold ideas that will radically transform the education landscape in the United States and create an enduring impact on low-income communities. 8 Finalists selected and two grand prizes, who win $25,000 and a chance to partner with Target to make their vision a reality. Open to US residents who are 18+ years old. https://www.targetsimplicityc hallenge.com/ Each innovator receives a $25,000 cash award, the opportunity to showcase at PLATFORM 2014 and appear on the TAVIS SMILEY NETWORK, and receive entrepreneur mentorship at UM. $100,000 in cash prizes per category Must submit a written executive summary and short video articulating the issue solved, methodology, and a sense of the potential local, national, and global impact of the solution. http://www.tavissmileysociali nnovator.com/ Eligibility is based on the application of technology, which may be either a new invention or an innovative use of an existing technology, and makes a noteworthy contribution that surpasses previous or current solutions. http://thetechawards.thetech. org/ Pre-pilot track: One winner receives up to $10,000 to test their idea Overall Track: One or more will receive up to $100,000; (for-profit receives no more than $25,000) You must be a current TFA corps member or alumnus launching a venture dedicated to closing the achievement gap. It is for early-stage ventures who are dependent on the award to launch their venture of any business model. http://www.tfasocialinnovatio naward.com/index.html Tavis Smiley & The University of Maryland Social Innovation Challenge The Tech Awards Teach for America’s Social Innovation Award NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 26 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website TED Fellowship The TED Fellows participate in either the TED Conference in Long Beach, California or the TEDGlobal event in Edinburgh, U.K. In addition to attending the conferences, Fellows will participate in pre-conference programs with training from the world's experts in spreading great ideas. Think Beyond Plastic is an innovation contest sponsored by the Plastic Pollution Coalition for disruptive solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis. They are looking for disruptive technology and solutions in supply chain & infrastructure, source materials and packaging, and products, services, or business models. Thrillist and Samsung invite you to submit a 30-second video about your brilliant startup idea. Fellowship opportunity with attendance to a TED conference, coaching and networking opportunities, and the opportunity to present First prize is a $50,000 investment for an existing business and $10,000 for the most innovative business idea TED is targeting applicants of ages 21-40 from five target regions: Africa, Asia/Pacific, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. However, anyone over the age 18 from around the world is welcome to apply. http://www.ted.com/pages/vie w/id/244 Qualified participants must have a wellarticulated idea or operating business that is seed or early-stage. Businesses must have a viable business proposition, as well as sustainable business practices. http://thinkbeyondplastic.com / Three will live pitch to a judging panel including David Tisch & Ben Lerer. One grand prize: PR & consulting services, Samsung tech, featured on Thrillist Each Fellow receives professional development, networking opps., and a $10,000 grant to support an innovative project U.S. residents 18+ years old http://samsungstartup.thrillist .com/eprizesamsung At least 6 years of academic, professional or volunteer experience in conservation, environmental education, policy or environmental issues. Must also have current affiliation with a conservation organization and be based in and working on a project in the U.S. http://www.togethergreen.org /fellows/ Think Beyond Plastic Thrillist Speed Dating for Startups TogetherGreen Fellows The TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Program invests in promising and proven leaders who are committed to empowering others and to creating positive environmental change in their communities and organizations. NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 27 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Tony Blair Faith Foundation: Faith Acts Fellowship The Faiths Act Fellowship brings together future leaders to serve as interfaith ambassadors for the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They build partnerships to show the world how faith can be a positive global force. Tumml’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs to solve urban problems. They provide entrepreneurs with the tools to help them scale their impact and enhance quality of life in cities everywhere. The Resolution Project’s Social Venture Challenge awards teams of Youth Assembly participants that submit plans for actual social ventures that can make a real impact on global development today. Each year 25 entrepreneurs from every corner of the globe live under the same roof for six weeks in Colorado. These entrepreneurs receive training and build long-term relationships with 50 worldclass mentors, and also form relationships to build their businesses. Year-long, paid international fellowship May vary depending on type of fellowship they are offering. http://www.faithsact.org/fello ws Four month program: $20,000 in seed funding Mentorship In-kind services Early stage companies http://www.tumml.org/ Up to $3,000 and two years of mentoring You must be a Youth Assembly participant http://faf.org/main/yuouthassembly-at-theun/participationannual/apply-here-annual/ Fellowship opportunity Candidates must be working full-time in a for profit organization that addresses a massive social or environmental problem. http://unreasonableinstitute.o rg/ Tumml Urban Ventures Accelerator United Nations Youth Assembly: Social Venture Challenge Unreasonable Institute NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 28 of 30 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Verb (formerly Dell Social Innovation Challenge) Verb works with organizations to create social entrepreneurship competitions. There are 3 types: • Grand Challenges : largest, longest, and broadest thematic areas • Mini-Grand Challenges: scaled down time & scope • Spotlight Challenges: smallest, fastest, more focused issues All competitions seek innovative ideas and solutions. Verizon is looking for innovators and companies who propose innovative solutions utilizing Verizon’s combination of network, device, and platform technologies to reinvent and empower the areas of healthcare, education, transportation and sustainability. The William James Sustainable Business plan Competition is for for-profit businesses that incorporate a social or environmental mission into the way they make money. You can enter in the “IdeaPhase” or “Venture-Phase” categories. The Grinnell College Young Innovator for Social Justice Prize honors individuals under the age of 40 who have demonstrated leadership in their fields and who show creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Challenges provide tools, mentoring and funding to entrepreneurs. See website for specific details. Varying depending on the challenge itself. http://www.goverb.com/ Each category awards one winner $1million and two runners up $250,000. Competition entrants must be at least 18 years old, and all entries must be in one of the three areas of focus: healthcare, education, transportation and sustainability. http://www.verizon.com/powe rfulanswers/award/ The 2011-12 prize included >$100,000 in in-kind and cash prizes Each entered plan receives 20 pages of feedback ever round Up to 3 prizes of $100,000 Company must be for-profit, company must http://williamjamesfoundation have a defined social and/or environmental .org/index.cfm?fuseaction=P age.viewPage&pageId=884 goal that is part of how you make money. Verizon Powerful Answers Award William James Foundation Sustainable Business Plan Competition Young Innovator for Social Justice NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 29 of 30 Applicants must have an exceptional record of substantive, innovative contributions within their chosen field that have enabled them to become a force for social justice. http://www.grinnell.edu/office s/chaplain/socialjusticeprize 06/16/14 Organization Competition or Fellowship Summary Prize/Award Money Eligibility Website Young Innovators Competition at ITU Telecom World ITU, the leading United Nations Agency for information and communication technology sponsors the competition for young social entrepreneurs with ICT based concepts or projects The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is an international program launched by The Goi Peace Foundation, Stiftung Entrepreneurship (Berlin) and UNESCO. The competition highlights the best examples of youth entrepreneurs who aspire to make change in their community. Up to 10,000 CHF, hands-on workshops, networking and the chance to showcase at the InnovatorSpace Participants submit ideas or projects for consideration: All receive online entrepreneurship training. People’s Choice Prize winner & Grand Prize winner (by judges) present at Berlin summit Ages 18 – 25 http://world2012.itu.int/young -innovators-competition Ages 15 – 30, can be teams. https://www.youthcompetition.org/ Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship Page 30 of 30 Best Ideas Category: innovative ideas and plans for an enterprise (new and original idea not yet fully implemented) Best Projects Category: Already existing enterprise which has a demonstrated social impact 06/16/14
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