SYLLABUS FOR ACCY 6104, Spring 2015 Course Title: Time and Location: Intermediate Accounting I 6104-11: Tuesday 7:10 - 9:40 pm, Funger Hall 210 Professor: Email: Office Hours: Location / Phone: Scott Lancaster, MBA, CPA Tuesday 2:00 - 4:00 pm, or by appointment Funger Hall 611. (202) 994-9027 COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course builds on students’ basic understanding of accounting procedures and concepts and examines issues in financial reporting from both preparer and user’s perspectives. This course introduces the background of financial accounting standards, discusses some important issues regarding the fundamentals of financial accounting, and covers transactions related to assets and liabilities. The basic objectives of the course are: to learn about current financial reporting standards, to consider the economics of transactions and events, and understand whether and how financial reporting captures those economic events. to learn how to reason about financial reporting problems in a forward direction, similar to what preparers normally do (i.e., work forward from the data to journal entry to financial statements) and to learn how to reason about financial reporting problems in a backward direction, similar to what financial report users do (i.e., work backward from financial statement and footnote data to journal entry). REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING. by Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield (15th edition). COURSE REQUIREMENTS: There will be 11 homework assignments. You may choose to drop the grade of 1 homework assignments. These homework assignments exist to allow you to stay up to date on the material. The homework will be assigned a grade from 0 to 5. The homework should be submitted via Blackboard by 7:00pm on the due date as indicated in the syllabus. The submission link on Blackboard will be disabled at 7pm on the due date and late assignments will NOT be accepted. Note that on Blackboard, you need to click “submit” to actually submit the homework. Hitting “Save” merely saves your work in your account and does not submit it! 1 SYLLABUS FOR ACCY 6104, Spring 2015 You are free to work in groups on the problems, but each student must prepare and hand in his/her own copy of the problems. You must show your work as to how you arrived at the solution. There will be one mid-term exam and one final exam. The exams are designed to test your understanding of materials covered in class. The exams are “closed-book” exams. The final exam will be cumulative with a focus on materials covered after the midterm exam. Course grades are determined by the following weighting scheme: Midterm Exam Final Exam Class Participation Homework (10) TOTAL 35% 45% 10% 10% 100% Grading distributions above are subject to change. Make-up exams can be given only under extraordinary circumstances and with proper documentation received by Professor Lancaster in advance. COURSE WEBPAGE: A webpage was set up on Blackboard for this course. I will post presentation slides, important announcements, homework solutions, supplemental reading materials, etc. on the webpage. The electronic version of the solution manual will also be posted on Blackboard for each chapter after you turn in your homework. Aside from your homework problems, I encourage you to try additional problems in the textbook. The best way to learn accounting is to practice. ELECTRONIC DEVICES For the benefit of the entire class, please turn off all electronic devices during class except for laptops used for course related purposes. If you must make or receive a call during class, please do so in the hallway. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT: All students are held to the Code of Academic Integrity and will be held accountable for violations of Code. Please see for information about Academic Integrity at GW. DISABILITY STATEMENT: Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact the Disability Support Services office at 202-994-8250 in Rome Hall, Suite 102, to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. For additional information please refer to: 2 SYLLABUS FOR ACCY 6104, Spring 2015 CLASS SCHEDULE: Class # Class Date 1 1/13 2 1/20 3 1/27 4 2/3 5 2/10 6 7 8 2/17 2/24 3/3 9 3/17 10 3/24 11 3/31 12 4/7 13 4/14 14 Final 4/21 TBA Chps Intro + 1, 2 1, 2 Hmwk (#1) 3 + 24 3 + 24 Hmwk (#2) 4 4 Hmwk (#3) 5 5 Hmwk (#4) 7 7 Hmwk (#5) Review 8 Mid Term Exam 8 + 9 8 + 9 Hmwk (#6) 10 10 Hmwk (#7) 11 11 Hmwk (#8) 12 12 Hmwk (#9) 13 + 21 13 + 21 Hmwk (#10) 14 14 Hmwk (#11) Review and Catch Up Final Exam Topic Financial Accounting & Reporting AIS & Disclosures Income Statements Balance Sheets Cash, Receivables Inventory Chps 1 ‐ 7, 23, 24 Inventory Property, Plant & Equip Property, Plant & Equip Intangeble Assets Current Liabilities, Leases LT Liabilities Cumulative, Time and location posted in a Blackboard announcement. 3
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