Phone Bohlevale School Road Bohle Q. 4818 07-47293555 07-47293500 Fax Email Website Be Responsible, Safe and Successful 1 April 2015 L I N K S Principal’s Paragraph Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members, Thank you to those students and parents who joined us at our disco last Friday night. It was a lovely evening and wonderful to see the children enjoying a social occasion. I’d especially like to acknowledge the work of our P&C Association in organising this event. We have many reasons to celebrate at the end of Term 1: • Last Friday our student leaders engaged in a leadership development program at The Willows State School • The whole school enjoyed yesterday’s Fun Run • Our Senior Netball and Rugby League teams will participate in interschool competitions on Thursday • The vast majority of our students will enjoy a Green Rewards activity this week in recognition of their consistently responsible, safe and successful behaviour I thank all parents and community members for their support throughout this first term. I wish everyone a safe and restful holiday and an Easter season filled with peace and happiness. Parent-Teacher Meetings I’d like to thank the teaching staff of Bohlevale State School who made themselves available for parentteacher meetings this week and the many parents and carers who took the opportunity to become informed about their student’s progress to date. If you were unable to attend a meeting this week I encourage you to contact your student’s teacher to discuss your student’s progress. Fun Run Congratulations to all students, staff and parents/guardians for attending and participating in the Bohlevale State School Fun Run/Walk. It was a fantastic day for running and all students who participated showed great sportsmanship and enthusiasm. The Spirit Trophy was won by Stoney House and the Overall Champion House was Saunders. Thank you to the groundsmen Graham and Tony for ensuring the fields were prepared and organised to ensure a great day was had by all. New Prep Classroom Due to our increased Prep enrolments this year a new relocatable classroom will be placed on-site in the Prep precinct in the coming weeks. Work on this has commenced with some trees removed over the weekend. Unfortunately, in the short term this is going to cause us some inconvenience as we barricade parts of the Prep playground. Full School Review Our school participated in a school review this week. I’d like to thank all staff, students and those parents who worked and spoke with the review team while they were at the school. We will use their recommendations to inform our strategic work over the next four years. The review team’s findings and recommendations will be shared with the school community early in Term 2. Further information about the reviews is available from the department’s website at: School Attendance Update As of today the school’s official year to date attendance rate is 91.9%. We appreciate the support of our families in ensuring that children attend school all day, every day and that absences are due to illness or other significant issues. Please be aware that teaching and assessment continue in the last week of term and that if students are absent from school in the last week they may miss important assessment which could impact the results on their Semester 1 report card. Our attendance strategy includes rewarding and acknowledging classes where all students are present in class by 8:45 a.m. and individual students who have a 100% attendance record each term. Eligible students will receive their Term 1 wristbands during their assembly in Week 2. Keep a watch on our school these holidays Parents and students can help take care of our school by reporting any suspicious after-hours activity to School Watch on 13 17 88. By keeping an eye out we can work together to create a safer school community and help to reduce vandalism, theft and arson in our school. If you see something suspicious, please don’t intervene. Call the School Watch number and let the local police or State Government Protective Security Service deal with the matter. Helen Morris - Principal Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Between May and July this year, our school will be taking part in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC), which is the nationwide census of early childhood development and helps our school and community understand how children are developing before they start school, what is being done well, and what can be improved. The AEDC is an Australian Government initiative run by the Department of Education and Training. Children do not need to do anything to be included in the census and will attend class as usual. During the census, teachers record information (including children’s names and dates of birth) based on their knowledge and observations of each child in their class. For your information, the questions to be used by the AEDC in the upcoming collection are available at Once all schools participating in the AEDC have provided their information, and the AEDC is completed, some of the data collected is compiled and made publicly available as de-identified data, i.e., data that does not include any children’s names, ages, addresses or schools. Your child’s data will not be used for any other purpose than that described above and the Privacy Statement contained on the AEDC website at If you would like more information about the AEDC, please refer to the ‘frequently asked questions’ section on the AEDC website at, or phone 1800 092 548. The AEDC is voluntary and is not a school test, so should you wish for your child’s information to be excluded from the census, please advise your child’s class teacher BEFORE THE END OF APRIL so that an ‘opt-out’ pro-forma can be completed. Puddleducks Day Care Centre - Car Park The school has been informed that some parents/caregivers from Bohlevale State School are parking in the Puddleducks car park. This car park is for Puddleducks Day Care Centre use only. Bohlevale State School acknowledges that our school is on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Bindal and Wulgurukaba people. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. Bohlevale SS respectfully acknowledges that our school sits on the lands of traditional owners, the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People, and we pay our respects to their elders, both past and present. SWPBS focus for the week Whole school: Follow instructions the first time, every time without complaining EPA EPB EPC EPD EPE EPF EPG EPH EPI EPJ EPK EPL EPM EPN EPO EPT Ewan Donald Graham Brody Michael-Jai Charlie Hayden Jessica Avalon Orlando Jenna Riley Brenden Kaylar Robert Ruben STUDENT OF THE WEEK EPA EPB EPC EPD EPE EPF EPG EPH EPI EPJ EPK EPL EPM EPN EPO EPT Evelyn Nikita Tahlia Suvannah Morgan Riley Jakob Maddison Kirra Kaley Christopher Patrick Amelia Charlotte Jharquin Cayden For learning all her “magic 100” words For reaching her reading goal For doing an awesome job at reading For learning and letting others learn For improved participation in phonics For staying focussed during learning time For an improved attitude to learning For a great work on assessment For excellent work on assessment For working hard on assessment For working hard with his writing For writing lots in his imaginative retell For a great effort with your imaginative retell For always using her manners For excellent effort in reading For always learning and letting others learn DUE TO THE FUN RUN/ CROSS COUNTRY, THE TUESDAY ASSEMBLY WAS NOT HELD AWESOME ATTENDERS All students in these classes were on time for school on the days listed in the table below. Well done students. DATE CLASS 25 March EPL, EPS, MPB 26 March EPD, MPB 27 March MPH 30 March EPA, EPD, MPL 31 March MPB Prep Parent Survey Bohlevale State School is committed to supporting ‘Successful Transitions to School’ for all Prep students. In order to help us plan to better address the transition and orientation needs of both current Prep students and future pre-Prep students, we would greatly appreciate the feedback and reflections of current Prep parents regarding support that has been useful and further support that could be considered. A short survey will be distributed to Prep students and we would greatly appreciate parents returning their completed surveys to their child’s Prep teacher by tomorrow. Prep ‘Mother’s Day’ Afternoon Tea Celebration - DATE CLAIMER Are you a Prep mother or Prep female caregiver in need of some pampering? Then make sure you book Friday, May 8 (1:00-2:30p.m.) into your calendar NOW. Our Prep students are planning a few little surprises for you to celebrate the wonderful work you do. The pampering will take place in your child’s classroom. Please bring a plate of healthy food to share. ANZAC Day Celebrations This year our school will be participating in the Strand ANZAC Day March on 25 April (first Saturday of Term 2). Please note that due to ANZAC centenary arrangements, there will be no Thuringowa March this year. Parents/ carers will need to transport their child/children to and from the venue. Students will assemble at Strand Park. The March will actually commence at Anzac Park, though all school groups will join in the March from their assembly point in Strand Park at approximately 9:30a.m.after forming a guard of honour for the servicemen and women participating in the first section of the March. The March will then proceed to Jezzine Barracks and conclude at 10:30 a.m. Students must be picked up by their parents/ carers at this time. At Jezzine Barracks there will be food stalls, entertainment for families (jumping castles etc) and at 12:30p.m. the Gallipoli Service will be televised on a large screen. It is expected that all student leaders will attend. Students of all ages are also strongly encouraged to participate. Teachers will be marching with the group, however if your child is in Prep, Year 1, Year 2 or Year 3 they must be accompanied by an adult. Parents of students of all ages are most welcome to march with their children. This year’s March combines all schools and will be one of the biggest on record. Students must wear full school uniform (no sport shirts, ADP or Senior shirts) including neat joggers and a brimmed hat. It is recommended that they bring a small snack and a water bottle. If you wish for your child to participate please complete either the permission section of the note previously distributed to all students OR complete the section included below, and return to the school office by Friday, 27 March 2015. At Bohlevale State School we would also like to acknowledge this important event at the first assembly of the Term i.e. Monday, 20/04/15 at 1:45p.m. (first day back) for Prep-Year 2 and Tuesday, 21/04/15 at 11:15a.m.for Years 3-6. The P-2 Assembly will be a shorter version of the Years 3-6 Assembly and will not have the Defence Guest Speaker, but will still include the opportunity for class representatives to lay a wreath. Year 4 students will also perform a song “Lest We Forget”. All other regular assembly activities will be omitted on this day. Parents and caregivers are most welcome to join us for these assemblies. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 ANZAC DAY MARCH – STRAND PARK – PERMISSION NOTE I ___________________________ (print parent/carer name) give permission for my child/children ______________________ in _______(class) ______________________ in _______(class) ______________________ in _______(class) ______________________ in _______(class) to participate in the TOWNSVILLE ANZAC Day March on Saturday 25 April 2015. I acknowledge that on the day I will need to transport my child/children to Strand Park and then collect from the Jezzine Barracks at 10:30a.m. I will be marching with my child/children if they are in Prep, Year 1, 2 or 3. Parent/Carer Signature: _____________________ Date: ____________ Mobile Phone: _____________________________Known medical conditions_______________________ WEEK 10 Students who have reached the “TERRIFIC 200” gotcha tally Talaiyah Hayden Billy Madalyn Cailin Koby Nicholas Jordan Hunni Jakob Elise Nicholas Adelle Lake Daiman Harry Jaylee Mahalia Tahlia Jake Ella Crystal Jacob Jackson Shanae Troy Tiara EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPO EPJ EPL EPL MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB MPB Tysen Ella Ellen Logan Clayton Summer Amelia Courtney Phoebe Kalicia Sean Peyton Tarlea Cloe Zachary Brooke Rebecca Bethany Chloe Taylah R Taylah A Brady Breannah Te Rira MPC MPC MPC MPD MPD MPD MPF MPF MPF MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPH MPH MPH MPH MPH Read Around Australia Congratulations on an amazing term of reading! At the end of term 1 we find ourselves in Gladstone, 854km from home! Congratulations to Callum from MPL who is our term 1 MAJOR PRIZE WINNER. Callum receives a fantastic book pack, a poster of his choice as well as a bag of goodies! Keep on reading during the Easter break and we will continue our journey in term 2! 854.4km GLADSTON E Fun Run Congratulations Saunders House on winning the annual Fun Run for 2015. This year we had the highest number of participants and all students should be applauded for their effort and encouraging words. The Spirit trophy went to Stoney House for the number of participants wearing hats, correct footwear and sports shirts. Below are the overall results for the Fun Run: HOUSE Saunders Black Bohle Stoney POINTS 1385 1160 1025 820 In next term’s newsletter we will publish the names of the winners of each age group. Notes for the district Cross Country competition will be out soon. Any Fun Run/Cross Country fundraising money must be handed to the cash window by 2 April. Term 2 Elective Program – Years 4 - 6 Below is a list of electives that will begin in Week 3 next term. More information will be available next term. ACTIVITY AFL Cheerleading Soccer Chaplain Program Kitchen skills Hockey Art Program Softball Higher Order Thinking Skills ICT Program Gardening Athletic Development Program COST No Cost $15.00 (Covers coach’s fee) No Cost $3 $10.00 (Covers ingredients) Nil $10 $15 (Covers coach’s fee) Nil Nil Nil - Students are encouraged to start thinking about which elective they would like to do. The registration process will take place in Week 2 with all funds due by 9:00a.m.on Friday 1 May. FOUND - DS CASE If you have lost a DS Case with games can you please see the Bohlevale office staff. DATES TO REMEMBER 2 April 2 April 2 April 20 April 21 April 25 April 1 May 8 May April 2015 Fun Run/School Cross Country money is due Green Rewards day Last school day for Term 1 First day for Term 2 / Prep-2 ANZAC Day Assembly 1:45p.m. Year 3 – 6 ANZAC Day Assembly 11:15a.m. ANZAC Day May 2015 Registration for Term 2 Electives closes 9:00a.m. Prep “Mother’s Day” afternoon tea
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