Phone Bohlevale School Road Bohle Q. 4818 07-47293555 07-47293500 Fax Email Website Be Responsible, Safe and Successful 6 May 2015 L I N K S Principal’s Paragraph Dear Parents, Caregivers and Community Members, Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015 I am delighted to invite all Bohlevale State School students to join in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. As well as being fun, the challenge aims to boost children’s literacy skills by encouraging students to read widely for pleasure and learning, to develop their imagination, and to cultivate a passion for literature. Last year, more than 108,000 students and 700 schools registered in the program. More than 77,500 students successfully completed the challenge reading 1.65 million books. The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading Challenge commences on Tuesday 19 May and closes Friday 28 August. This year, the Premier has challenged all state and non-state school students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books. Prep to Year 2 students can experience books through shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books. The aim for the 2015 challenge is to reach a total of two million books read. Students wishing to take part in this year’s challenge can register by talking to their class teacher or to Lynda Heang (EPM) our school’s Premier’s Reading Challenge coordinator. Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier and all students receive a Certificate of Participation. It will be my great pleasure to present these certificates during the Premier’s Reading Challenge Celebration Weeks to be held 9 – 20 November 2015. For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit: You can play a big part in your children’s future by encouraging them to be part of this positive initiative. I look forward to seeing as many of our students as possible embrace the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Yours sincerely, Mrs Helen Morris Principal Facilities Update We anticipate the new Prep classroom being “handed over” to us shortly and landscaping work to commence in the prep precinct within the fortnight. Air-conditioning units in in F Block (housing MPJ, MPK, MPL and Japanese lessons) are currently being replaced. The classes will be relocated to either the Resource Centre or the staffroom while work is being completed. School Attendance Update As at Tuesday 5 May the school’s official year to date attendance rate was 91.2%. We appreciate parent support in ensuring their children attend and are prepared for school. Please provide your child with a note explaining his/her absence in the event that he/she has to miss a day through illness or other significant event. Mothers’ Day Stall 6 - 8 May As in previous years the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association will be holding a Mothers’ Day Stall in the school hall between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Gifts available at the stall are not expensive and students should not bring large sums of money to school on these days. Gifts generally range between $2.00 and $10.00. Students who wish to purchase gifts from the stall will be escorted to the hall by a teacher at a nominated time over these three days. A roster has been included in this week’s Links. If anyone has items to donate or would like to volunteer at the stall please leave your details with the office or at the tuckshop. School Uniform Bohlevale State School is a “uniform” school and it’s been great this year to see so many children wearing the uniform with pride. The current school uniform requirements have been approved by the school’s P&C and can be accessed from the school website at We understand that occasionally a student may not be in full school uniform and ask that you provide your child with an explanatory note at these times. Students will be provided with a uniform for the day if they do not have the correct uniform. As the weather gets colder we encourage students to wear a navy blue jumper/cardigan in keeping with the school’s colours. Voluntary Contribution Scheme Bohlevale State School has a voluntary contribution scheme of $50.00 per student or $100.00 for a family of three students or more. Families wishing to join this scheme can make arrangements with staff at the cash window. School Photos School photos will take place on the 18-19 May. Please ensure your children are in full school uniform (not sports shirt) on these days. Students will be provided with a photo envelope/order form. A timetable will be published in the newsletter at a later date. Payment for photos must be paid on the day directly to the photographers. NAPLAN testing time again Our Year 3 and 5 students will soon participate in the annual National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and non-state schools across the country from 12–14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can. Further NAPLAN information for parents and carers is available online. Please contact the school if you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN testing. WANTED – For Morning Read • Picture books • Junior magazines • Fiction and Non-fiction books • Short novels At Bohlevale State School we encourage reading so every morning between 8:00a.m. and 8:30a.m. all students sit under the covered areas and read. They can select books from a trolley of resources. Over time these books have become damaged and urgently need to be replaced. Therefore, we are asking you to please drop off to the library (Resource Centre) any books or junior magazines that your children no longer read. All donations will be appreciated. WEEK 3 Students who have reached the “TERRIFIC 200” gotcha tally P3 200 GOTCHAS Noah Annalea Darcy Andrea Indyanna Nelly Lily Patrick Wilfred Noah Cody Nate Kyria Katarina Zane Clea Destini Benjamin Keiryn Kyema Jacey Hayden Nevaeh Malakie Mikayla Maddison Jayden Hayden Jake Lily C Amelia EPN EPN EPN EPL EPL EPL EPL EPL EPL EPQ EPQ EPQ EPQ EPQ EPC EPC EPC EPC EPF EPF EPF EPF EPF EPF EPI EPI EPI EPI EPI EPM EPM Year 4 to Year 6 Megan Hailey Byron Connor Jaime Carissa Trey Elle Kye Saleena Kobi April Grace Jayden Cooper Sienna Breanna Amber Seth Darnell Bui Ashden Kate Dan Cristina Alana Jake Fiona Jordan Jayden MPB MPD MPF MPF MPF MPF MPF MPG MPG MPG MPG MPG MPK MPK MPK MPK MPK MPK MPL MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM MPM Bohlevale State School acknowledges that our school is on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Bindal and Wulgurukaba people. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. Bohlevale SS respectfully acknowledges that our school sits on the lands of traditional owners, the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People, and we pay our respects to their elders, both past and present. SWPBS focus for the week Whole school: Learn and let others learn HONOUR ROLL- RESPONSIBLE, SAFE AND SUCCESSFUL EPA EPB EPC EPD EPE EPF EPG EPI EPJ EPK EPL EPM EPN EPO EPT Mikaylah Dominic Maezii Chelsea Lachlan Charlie Erin Avalon Keisha Angelina Lake Angus Charlie Sebastian Talisha EPS MPA MPB MPC MPD MPF MPG MPH MPI MPJ MPK MPL Maddisen Kiahn Megan Shania Logan Kaleb Maxx Caitlyn Leah Erika Grace Jennifer STUDENT OF THE WEEK EPA EPB EPC EPD EPE EPF EPG EPI EPJ EPK EPL EPM EPN EPO EPT EPS MPA MPB MPC MPD MPG MPH MPI MPJ MPK MPL MPM/E Sari Jesica Maddelyn Brody Tyler Kaylah Jai Caidance Logan Evie Kyron Lily Darcy Chelsea Cayden Eliza Simone Mahalia Leilani Bree Brenton Te Rira Anthea Anthony Jorden Mackenzie Connor For consistently working well For reaching above her reading goal For a wonderful start at Bohlevale For being a positive member of EPD For fabulous efforts in writing For always participating in learning time For excellent work in Reading For always participating in class discussions For trying his best in English and Maths For excellent effort with her writing For great participation in class discussions For a positive attitude to learning and always trying For successfully applying phonics rules when writing For a great start at Bohlevale State School For improved reading For consistently trying her best For a great effort in all areas For a great effort in all areas For fabulous work in History! For fantastic Creative writing For a great start at Bohlevale For always putting in a good effort For always trying her best For always doing his part well For always giving her best effort For excellent work in all areas For a great effort in English AWESOME ATTENDERS All students in these classes were on time for school on the days listed in the table below. Well done students. DATE CLASS 29 April EPI,EPN,EPR,EPS,MPL 30 April EPI,EPQ,EPR,EPS,MPB,MPL 1 May EPA,MPL 4 May EPF,EPG,MPB,MPL, 5 May EPR,MPH P&C News Bohlevale State School Parents & Citizens Association Special Meeting - 18 May 2015, 6.30pm This special meeting is being held to adopt the changes to the constitution. P&C General Meeting P&C General meeting is on Monday 18th of May at 6:30p.m. in the staffroom. All welcome! Please bring a quiet activity for children if you need to bring them. Our Annual MOTHERS DAY STALL is THIS WEEK on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Your child's class has been allocated a day which is noted in the timetable below. All gifts are from 50c to $15 with beautiful packs made up $5, $10 and $15. Please ensure your child's money is clearly labelled in a zip lock bag or envelope. A HUGE thankyou to all of the mothers and teachers who have brought in gorgeous handmade gifts this year! We were blown away by your generosity! Also a massive thanks to Sarah and Sue who have worked endlessly for the past few days to ensure everything is ready for the stall! Bohlevale State School Mother’s Day Stall Timetable Time Wednesday Thursday Friday *NO Prep or Yr. 4, 5, 6 1.30pm 1.45pm 2.00pm MPK EPD EPP EPN EPA EPS MPM AND MPE MPH EPQ EPG AND EPF EPH AND EPI EPB EPK EPC AND EPL EPM EPJ MPF MPL MPG EPR EPO MPJ 2.15pm EPE, EPT AND EPU MPB MPI MPC MPA MPD Entertainment Book You will find sample ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS at the tuckshop and in the office to browse through. These coupon books are chock full of incredible savings! If you would like to order please head to https:// or email Cherie at The cost is $60. Bohlevale Country Fair The BOHLEVALE COUNTRY FAIR is being held on Friday night of the 28th of August this year! It is set to be a massive event and plans are well underway. We are currently looking for stall holders for our market area. If you would like to have a stall please email Cherie at and we will get all relevant forms to you. Please don’t wait too long as spots are filling fast and we are only taking a few of each stall type! We are also looking for some entertainment on the night in the form of a band or singer with a country feel to fit the atmosphere. If you would like to apply for this position or know of someone who would please contact Cherie at ASAP! Prep ‘Mother’s Day’ Afternoon Tea Celebration - DATE CLAIMER Are you a Prep mother or Prep female caregiver in need of some pampering? Then make sure you book Friday, May 8 (1:00-2:30p.m.) into your calendar NOW. Our Prep students are planning a few little surprises for you to celebrate the wonderful work you do. The pampering will take place in your child’s classroom. Please bring a plate of healthy food to share. Parent Volunteer Induction Program and Morning Tea A Parent Volunteer Induction Program and morning tea will be held on Thursday 7 May (8:45a.m. – 10:00a.m.) in the Resource Centre. Invitations have been issued by individual classroom teachers. Parent Discussion Group Parents are invited to participate in a discussion group on Tuesday 2 June from 9:00a.m. – 10:30a.m. in our school resource centre. The purpose of this meeting is to gather parent views on aspects of our school to inform how the school will progress over the next four years. If you are interested in being involved please email your name to or phone the school and leave your contact details for the principal. Defence Morning Tea Good to see so many different people coming along to the Defence morning tea group. Next week’s talk will cover “Centrelink”. Date: 23/03/2015 Where: Stephen Alexzander Kitchen Gardens Time: 8:30 a.m. or just after you have dropped off your child I look forward to seeing you there. Bohle’s Got Talent 2015! We hope that there will be many performances involved in auditions for our finals which will be held at the FETE. Students in Years 3-6 can perform by themselves or in a group. All performers will need 50c to nominate and be ready by Week 7 (June 3). May is National Family Reading Month. So we are inviting our parents and children to visit our Book Fair. Date: Monday 18 – Friday 22 May Time: Second break 1:00 p.m. – 1:25 p.m. each day and 2:45p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Where: Resource Centre Come and have a look at some great books, posters and novelty accessories available. Purchases can be made at the fair or alternatively please refer to flyer going home today for details on how to make payments on-line or by phone. All purchases benefit our school. So come and check out our kingdom of Books. Parent Reference Group Meeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families Morning Tea When: 18 May 2015 at 10:00a.m. Where: Kitchen Garden Hula Girls Performing! COME AND TALK ABOUT NAIDOC, BUSH TUCKER GARDEN, AND YOUR SCHOOL! Hearing Review 16 June 2015 Students who returned their form but missed out on a hearing test in March due to absence will be tested on 16th June 2015. EVERYDAY COUNTS AT BOHLEVALE! 2015 NAIDOC CELEBRATIONS WEEK 10 TERM 2 THEME: We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate 11a.m. THURSDAY 25 June - NAIDOC ASSEMBLY IN THE HALL 11:50a.m.-2:30p.m. NAIDOC activities for classes. Please contact Sharon Franklin for further information about volunteering. 2:30p.m.-4:00p.m. FREE sausage sizzle and community touch footy game. Everyone invited!! Chappie Chat Not all schools enjoy the support of a Chaplain. Bohlevale has been fortunate to have a Chaplain available at least 2 days/week from early 2007. There are many things that a Chaplain does throughout the school community to care, support and bring hope. Every year, there is a week set aside to celebrate the work Chaplains do in schools and bring awareness of the little things that add up throughout the year. In Week 5, from May 17-24 there are different ways I want to connect with the community and ensure that the Chaplaincy program within Bohlevale is available for many more years to students and staff. Special events that will happen throughout the week include: Chappy’s Bright Awards (handed to students and staff on assemblies). Faith and Family afternoon snack as parents and caregivers wait to pick up their children on Tuesday 1:30p.m.-2:30p.m. behind the Year 1 block at the concrete table and chairs near the oval. Faith and Friends lunch on Wednesday 10:30a.m.-11:00a.m. in the Happy Corner for students who attend a church, youth group or have a faith at home. A Free Dress Day (Bright Friday, bring a gold coin donation in to support Chaplaincy). I have chosen to highlight how Chappies brighten the day of others. Whether it is something small like a high 5 at lunch, helping to find something they have lost, running programs to help with social, emotional or spiritual development, making icy cups, coordinating Bohle’s Got Talent, a simple smile, cheering at sports carnivals, providing a free breakfast to students on Friday mornings, or being a listening ear. I want to acknowledge others who brighten up our school with Chappy’s Brighten Awards. I am looking for nominations from across the school for students and staff who bring a smile to your face. Please fill in the form below and return it to the box at the Tuckshop as soon as you can. Feel free to write on another piece of paper if you have numerous people in your family who want to nominate others too. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chappy’s Brighten Awards Nominated by ______________________________________________ Students who brighten my life: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Because they: ______________________________________________________________________ Staff who brighten my life: ____________________________________________________________ Because they: ______________________________________________________________________ Under 8’s Week Under 8’s will be celebrated this year on Friday 22 May with a wonderful afternoon of activities including bubble blowing, musical balloons, dance, mini-volcanos and face masks. Activities will start after 1:00p.m. Children will be free to choose what activity they will do, and move to another one when finished. Parents are invited! We would love to have as many parents as possible to assist with the movement of children and enjoy the afternoon. Look out for further information in LINKS next week and a separate note from your child this week. Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) Between May and July this year, our school will be taking part in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC), which is the nationwide census of early childhood development and helps our school and community understand how children are developing before they start school, what is being done well, and what can be improved. The AEDC is an Australian Government initiative run by the Department of Education and Training. Children do not need to do anything to be included in the census and will attend class as usual. During the census, teachers record information (including children’s names and dates of birth) based on their knowledge and observations of each child in their class. For your information, the questions to be used by the AEDC in the upcoming collection are available at Once all schools participating in the AEDC have provided their information, and the AEDC is completed, some of the data collected is compiled and made publicly available as de-identified data, i.e., data that does not include any children’s names, ages, addresses or schools. Your child’s data will not be used for any other purpose than that described above and the Privacy Statement contained on the AEDC website at If you would like more information about the AEDC, please refer to the ‘frequently asked questions’ section on the AEDC website at, or phone 1800 092 548. The AEDC is voluntary and is not a school test, so should you wish for your child’s information to be excluded from the census, please advise your child’s class teacher BEFORE THE END OF THIS WEEK so that an ‘opt-out’ pro-forma can be completed. DATES TO REMEMBER May 2015 6-8 May 7 May 8 May 12/13/14/15May 15 May 18 May 18 & 19 May 18 – 22 May 19 May 19 May 22 May 8 June 16 June 22-26 June 26 June 26 June Mothers’ Day Stall Parent Volunteer Induction Program and morning tea 8:45a.m. – 10:00a.m. Prep “Mother’s Day” afternoon tea NAPLAN Testing Year 3 and 5 Parent Reference Group Meeting P&C Meeting 6.30p.m. in the staffroom School Photos Book Fair – Resource Centre Interschool Cross Country Premier’s Reading Challenge commences Under 8’s Week activities June 2015 Queen’s Birthday holiday Hearing Test Reviews NAIDOC Week Bohlevale Athletics Carnival Last day of Term 2
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