2015 Bringing Ambition to life Student for a Semester Jessica Laidler Assisi Catholic College, QLD Past Student for a Semester participant and current Bond student Throughout high school I found it very difficult deciding what degree to study and what pathway to take. I was really interested in International Relations but didn’t truly understand what the degree entailed. I decided to enrol in the Student for a Semester program to see what my chosen degree would be like, and to also discover more about university life as a whole. What amazed me most about Student for a Semester was the fact that you really are a Bond University student! Unlike other university programs, you actually sit in lectures listening to interesting professors and then you have the chance to engage with other students in tutorials… I felt as though I really was a part of the community. By participating in the program, I found the career path I wanted to take and I also made great friendships with current Bond students. The program gave me a unique advantage when I commenced my first week of classes at Bond. I already knew what to expect and felt more excited than nervous, to begin the next chapter in my life. The Student for a Semester program is something I would recommend to all high school students because it opens your eyes to the world outside of high school and shows you how exciting your future will be. Student for a Semester CALLING ALL AMBITIOUS YEAR 11 AND 12 STUDENTS FROM BRISBANE, GOLD COAST AND NORTHERN RIVERS Do you have what it takes to become a Bondy while you’re still in high school? As a Student for a Semester you’ll have a unique opportunity to launch your university studies ahead of time. You’ll enrol in a Bond subject, get your own Student ID card and attend a weekly lecture and tutorial. Mix and mingle with other Bondies, learn from our leading academics and get involved in university life. Use our libraries, computer labs and sports facilities; dine in the campus cafes and join our student clubs. You might find this program challenging as you make time to attend your classes, prepare for tutorials and complete your assessments, all on top of your school work, but if your parents and school agree that you’re capable, we highly recommend you apply! You’ll receive plenty of support from us, including your own Bond Student Mentor who will help you through every step of your Bond journey, and you’ll be rewarded with an unforgettable experience, a global network of contacts, and the chance to gain credit toward your future university studies. STUDENT FOR A SEMESTER SUPPORT Studying at university as a high school student can be daunting, so we offer plenty of support to help you enjoy every moment of your semester at Bond. You’ll have full access to our Faculty Support Staff plus extensive support from your own student mentor, a current Bondy you can call upon throughout the semester for help and advice. All mentors are selected on their reliability and leadership qualities and have a wealth of Bond knowledge to share with the next generation of Bondies. Samuel Fryer Varsity College, QLD Student for a Semester Mentor and current Bond student I applied to become a Student for a Semester Mentor because I remembered all too well the daunting transition from a nurturing high school environment to the independence and responsibility of university life. When I started at Bond, it took me a while to immerse myself in the social, academic and community opportunities provided, so I really want to show my group of mentees that our lifestyle is a unique and wonderful one. As a current student and mentor, I will impart a small, yet vivid insight from my own student experience to my mentees. I believe that this peer-to-peer connection can really help with any potential issues that arise during your time at Bond, and could make all the difference to a Student for a Semester’s experience of what university life is really like. SUBJECT OPTIONS APPLYING Subjects cover a range of topics from law to accounting, advertising and journalism, to sustainable development and architectural studies. We accept applications in each of our three semesters: January, May and September. Subjects and class times change each semester but many subjects offer after school tutorials, and early applicants will be given priority to these. Speak to your school first if you want to study a subject that falls within school hours. The full list of subjects and class times are available at bond.edu.au/experience prior to each semester. UNIVERSITY CREDIT If you successfully pass your Student for a Semester subject (50% grade or above) you can apply to do a second Student for a Semester subject, and you may be able to use this credit towards your Bond University undergraduate degree.* Students who complete and pass two Student for a Semester subjects will be eligible to receive a conditional offer and direct admission into Bond University’s full degree programs.** *Direct subject credit will depend upon your chosen degree program and cannot be applied toward the Bachelor of Architectural Studies or Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery, due to the structure of these programs. Please check with Bond University or your alternative institution, prior to enrolment. **Direct admission is not guaranteed for Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery applicants. All direct entry offers are conditional upon the successful completion of your Year 12 studies, as well as any meeting any specific entry requirements for your chosen program. Applicants must be in the top 30% of their year level or have the support of their school to participate. Your school Career Advisor will be asked to verify this during the application process. Apply online via our application form bond.edu.au/apply. APPLICATION DATES • • • May 2015 semester: March 20 - April 10 September 2015 semester: July 17 - August 7 January 2016 semester: November 13 - December 4 COSTS The program fee is $238 and includes full access to our campus facilities. Students may need to also purchase text books and other course materials. Excellence Program Coordinator Phone: 07 5595 1067 Email: sfs@bond.edu.au bond.edu.au/experience CRICOS Provider Code 00017B DS2528 The information published in this document is correct at the time of printing (March 2015). However, all programs are subject to review by the Academic Senate of the University and the University reserves the right to change its program offerings and subjects without notice. The information published in this document is intended as a guide and persons considering an offer of enrolment should contact the relevant Faculty or Institute to see if any changes have been made before deciding to accept their offer.
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