MAYOR & COUNCIL BOWEN ISLAND MUNICIPALITY, LAND USE BYLAW NO. 57, 2002, AMENDMENT BYLAW 381. FIRST READING PLANNING DEPARTMENT Cari St. Pierre, Senior Community Planner, WG 1 – Water Use Zones COUNCIL RESOLUTION #15-074: MARCH 16TH, Recommendation It was Moved and Seconded #1 That Council direct staff to commence RES#15-074 preparation of an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw immediately that prohibits all private docks at the lands known as Cape Roger Curtis, District Lot 1548. Councillors Ander, Kaile and Morse in opposition CARRIED CURRENT DOCKS BUILT AND PROPOSED CURRENT WG-1 REMAINS THE SAME WITH THE FOLLOWING VARIATION “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 381, 2015 ”is amended at Section 4.13 (Water Use Zones – Coastal) to include WG1 Zone Variation (b) to the bylaw as follows: 4.13.3 EXCEPTIONS IN PARTICULAR LOCATIONS On those lands in the WG 1 and WC 1 zones that are identified on Schedule “B” by WG 1 and WC 1 followed by a letter in brackets, the following additional regulations or where there is a conflict within Section 4.13 the following replacement regulations apply. (4) Zone Variation – WG 1 (b) The following uses are not permitted in the marine coastal area that extends 300m seaward from the natural boundary, sea, fronting the lands known as Cape Roger Curtis, legally described as Lots 1 - 59, District Lot 1548, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 43265A: i. Community Dock, ii. Group Moorage Facility iii. Private Moorage Facility iv. Permanent moorage.” VISUAL IMPACTS @ MAXIMUM BUILD OUT Dock Potential Under Current WG1 Zoning, at Maximum Build-Out Orange and Blue Lots = docks that exists or are under construction. Green Lots = proposed new docks Remainder are potential at build out RECOMMENDATION: Whereas Council directed staff to commence preparation of an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw immediately that prohibits all private docks at the lands known as Cape Roger Curtis, District Lot 1548, March 16th 2015; And Whereas Bylaw 335, 2013 second phase review and changes were identified in staff reports to Council dated: August 29th, 2013; October 7th 2013, November 12th 2013 and the November 25th 2013, as work to be initiated once Bylaw 335, 2013 and 336, 2013 were completed; That Bylaw, No. 381, 2015, cited as Bowen Island Municipality, Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw 381, 2015” be considered for first reading. That staff be directed to initiate a comprehensive geographic review and amendment of the WG-1 zone Island-wide in incremental phases and return to Council with a work plan and implementation schedule as the second phase amendments of Bylaw 335.
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