the bradley beat March April 2015 Years of Service: March Birthdays: March Accessories Accessories 27 23 18 15 8 6 4 Kort, Jim Gomez Jr, Jim Lockwood, Joe Sanchez, Miriam Lauterbach, Jason Wood, Teri Krassman, Brian BradWest 9 Wolfe, Greg Fixtures 42 37 31 31 29 24 20 15 15 12 9 Mueller, Ken Richard, Lee Beitzel, Doug White, Rick Wagner, Bob Oldenburg, Jim Renner, Jason Dhein, Ted Settingsgaard, Scott Geissler, Rebecca Reuwsaat, Jeff 8 8 8 8 8 7 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 Hansen, Suzy Yang, Zo Krueger, Scott Durham Jr, Earl Erby Sr, Carl Meshberger, Jamie Boettcher, Al Graft, Chris Aguirre, Jose Trzebiatowski, Tom Guard, Misty Vroman, Kent Carlson, Kathi Keltech 16 15 3 Mills 21 21 14 5 Lutz, Evan Lutz, Dieter Smith, Scott Bloomfield, Ollie Dyer, Roger Harper, Ryan Deal Kim Years of Service: April Accessories 24 22 20 17 11 10 7 5 4 2 Kluck, Joe Foley, Bob Neuser, Chris Allen, Clarence Jerving, Rachel Scherbarth, Rick Kizewski, Ron German, Jane Riemer, Corey Herbst, Mary BradWest 15 9 Melatis, Tim Lankford, Brandon Fixtures 31 27 27 25 25 25 24 21 20 20 19 17 16 Skrobis, Bob Badke III, John Suelflow, Todd Ciszewski, Cassie Averbeck, Kip Aguirre, George Molzen, Patty Collver, Dave Rogan, Betty Jewell, Tim Walter, Ron Giordano, Tony Crockett, Ed 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 10 9 8 7 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sheteron, Tim Shisler, Wayne Kratz, Jessica Perdzock, Pete Parker, Brian Swanson, Kathy Cantrall, Trish Schmidt, Dave Copp, Charlie Xiong, Meng Cronce, Dan Perales, Steve Schneider, Cassie Stranak, Jeff Hager, Julie Krier, Chase De Los Santos, Joan McGuire, Matt Mann, Jan Gundermann, John Clouse, Tony Keltech 6 4 Mills 16 4 Searing, Jim Enos, Darlene Slane, Dana Medley, Andy 3/2 3/3 3/3 3/4 3/6 3/7 3/10 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/17 3/23 3/24 3/26 Markovic, Richard Jerving, Rachel Cox, Ed Pipkins, Chris Krassman, Brian Nelson, Jeff Dobrzynski, Ron Boeck, Brian Degaro, Don Sanchez, Miriam Stremke, Jordan Schaefer, Scott Schmidt, Chris Gillitzer, Nicole Riemer, Corey Fixtures 3/1 3/3 3/6 3/8 3/8 3/10 3/11 3/11 3/15 3/15 Graft, Chris Rufener, Eric Morris, Todd Carlson, Kathi Porter-Trujillo, Sean Myers, Pat Valdes, Nathan Swiatek, Mike Pichler, Bruce Mueller, Ken 3/17 3/18 3/21 3/23 3/23 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/31 3/31 Popp, Tim Wesson, Darnell Orlebeke, Ron Rudy, Diane Rothenbach Bera, Jenny Collins, Izylah Watt Jr., John Schmidt, Tina McGuire, Matt Wainio, Mike Durham Jr., Earl Strom, Tony Jaworski, Jeff Tisai, Dave Meshberger, Jamie Eggleston, Dale 4/2 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/11 4/11 4/15 4/16 Pringle, Ian Peachy, Bob Kruger, Jesse Maysonet, Antonio Heisl, Tom Woods, Vedelski Sgarlata, Chris Rudy, Jeff BradWest 4/16 Lankford, Brandon Fixtures 4/1 4/1 4/2 4/4 4/6 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 Kluck, Scott Vogel, Tony Loehr, Peter Egloff, John Abrams, Rachel Grennier, Mike Paz, Ricardo Motto, Kelly Schmidt, Dave Mullett, Don Beuche, Tony CJ Erickson Do you know of a large project in your territory? Do you not have relationships with the key players because they are in different territories? Do you not have the resources to manage a project of that magnitude? Fear not, just pick up the phone and call a member of the Bradley Business Development team! The BDM groups were recently founded with the idea of supporting all sales channels and increasing penetration in key markets. As channel neutral sales specialists, the BDMs are tasked with driving specifications and business on the “front end,” and creating additional bidding opportunities for our Rep partners. The unique positioning of the industrial and commercial business development members promotes seamless collaboration and coordination between Rep groups across territory lines. Think of us as project managers with the resources and tools to support and manage these projects from design development to final procurement. As the architectural/commercial BDM, my key market focus includes arena/ stadiums, commercial office, convention centers, and airports. Go big or go home, right? The opportunity with these projects is vast, and largely untapped by Bradley. With some initial key successes, I plan to cement Bradley as a preferred specification in these applications moving forward. Keltech 3/17 Mills 3/5 3/11 3/16 3/18 3/22 3/29 Lutz, Evan Trautwein, Larry Evans, Gregory Neumann, Matthew Morgan, John Moore Robert Alejandre, Jorge Birthdays: April Accessories Inside this Issue: Business Development Brief 4/11 4/14 4/16 4/16 4/18 4/20 4/24 4/24 4/24 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 4/30 De Los Santos, Joan Armon, Alton Dahl, Rita Zembruski, Daniel Renner, Jason Rusteika, Ed Liu, Patrick Bertram, Kelley Pandya, Bhavan Wolf, Keith Faltynski, Todd Jung, David Stewart, Donn Krier, Chase Keltech 4/8 4/21 Mills 4/1 4/13 4/16 4/19 4/28 800.BRADLEY W142 N9101 Fountain Boulevard Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Thomas, Daniel Smith, Scott Haney, Eddie Young, Dale Buckley Lynn Margison Jacob Bloomfield, Randy With the assistance of local Division 10 and 22 Rep agencies, we’ve already keyed in on multiple major arena and high rise office projects throughout the country. We’re working the design and specification end at the architectural level in the design development and construction documents stages. We’re chipping away at these monster projects, positioning Bradley sales members as product consultants, and creating relationships in the process to ensure future project consideration. Cornerstone Ask B&G From The Desk of the BOS Back Pain World Plumbing Day Kudos Data4Growth New Faces Birthdays Anniversaries On the Design/Build end of things, I want to thank all the Rep agencies who took part in the introductory Adobe Connect- Rep Sponsored BIM lunch & learn webinars. We are extremely excited about this value-add initiative. This is an opportunity to establish Bradley and your businesses as true knowledge leaders and content providers. In the end, it provides a much needed service to the D/B community and gets you and your products in front of key’s a win-win! Dan Hughes (BIM Guru) is an excellent resource and master of his craft. If you have any BIM/Revit questions or opportunities for presentations outside of the scheduled Adobe Connect webinars, please contact him to discuss a game-plan. Again, a big thanks to all our rep partner agencies and we look forward to many big wins in 2015! CJ Erickson Business Development- Architectural/Commercial Office: 262 509-5140 Ben Ferrell Business Development- Industrial Office: 262-509-5142 Daniel Hughes Business Development- BIM Strategist Office: 262.509.5103 Tony Clouse Business Development- Industrial Office: 262-509-5125 Clients Download 6.5M Bradley BIM Files (2014) Dan Hughes Bradley clients use Building Information Modeling (BIM) software to design and construct their buildings. Bradley provides 1,000 BIM files of our products. Clients download these files from our website and insert them into their design projects (schools, hospitals). Pre-built BIM files save our clients about 2-3 hours to model each product. In 2014, architects, engineers & contractors downloaded 6.5 million BIM files from When our toilet partition, Keltech or plumbing fixture BIM files are used to create their construction drawings, it leads to specifying those Bradley products for those design projects. 5.6M BIM files were downloaded in 2013. Login with your AnswerNET ID yy Current Events yy Bradley Beat Archive yy HR & Accounting Forms yy Department Information Check back often… Content is added daily! Ask B&G Ron Walter From The Desk Of The BOS... The Mills facility in Ohio started working with a consultant to help them implement BOS practices including: If you have a question for B&G, please label it as such and drop it in the suggestion box. It will be sent to the Buildings & Grounds Committee. What is being done to help keep Bradley a safe and good place to work? We believe that workplace safety must be everyone’s concern and that the collective “everyone” needs a leader to consistently address and promote safe practices in the workplace. In most midsize organizations a single person serves this purpose. The role of “workplace safety coordinator” at Bradley is Kim Binsack. We have Bradley managers, supervisors and office and shop employees to help support Kim in performing specific steps to identify and control hazards. The Safety Committee meets once a month to discuss prior and upcoming events. It is important to know who to contact if there are unsafe conditions or facility issues to be addressed. We all share the same concern and will address the issue in a timely matter. This is the list of people to contact, in no particular order: Safety Committee member, Manager or Supervisor, Kim Binsack, Ron Walter, Brian Boeck, Maintenance and the operator. We have specific safety programs at Bradley. These safety programs are either required by (law applicable OSHA requirements, fire codes, and state departments of health) or required by the safety committee in response to high accident frequency. These programs include: • Back Injury Prevention – Proper lifting techniques. • Bloodborne Pathogen – Proper disposal in BBP red containers. • Fire evacuation – Know the meeting place to evacuate to. • Hazard Communication – Proper Labeling, PPE required and disposal. • Fleet safety (transportation) – Aware of your surroundings. • Emergency response – Code Blue and page 888 and an investigation to follow. • Accident Investigation – This maybe followed up with JSA. (Job Safety Analysis) As far as the facility issues, please report any abnormal conditions such as icy conditions, lighting, plumbing, HVAC, restroom fixtures, roof leaks, gas smells, furniture, doors, locks, windows, security, pests, landscape and any other buildings and grounds issues. The best advocate for a safe and good place to work is “YOU.” The key to a safe and good workplace environment is to report the condition. Also remember, what we practice at work, we should practice at home. yy Daily stand-up review meetings of SQDCI and Hour-byHour boards in each area and at the plant level in the visual information “Mills Operations Center” (or MOC) yy Using the “5 Why” questioning technique to identify the root cause of issues yy Conducting BOS Events, the first was a five-day VSM of Metal Partitions to identify areas for improvement in order to reach their “future state”. The transformation to the “future state” will be accomplished with several additional BOS Events to create flow, address quality issues and implement better visual and material management. 10-Point Plan to Prevent or Reduce Back Pain Bradley’s new Kudos! Congratulations to the following employees: yy Keep your core muscles strong with stomach, back, hip, and pelvic muscle exercises. Do yoga, tai chi, or swim to help stay limber. Chris Eschenburg Steve Perales Trudy Warnke Dave Martin Jason Doge Larry Hartman Lori Shelton Paul Ginter yy Sit with your hips and knees at right angles to one another. Use a chair with good lowerback support. yy Get up to move around or stretch every 15 to 20 minutes. Connie Beuche yy Use your legs, not your back, when pushing or pulling heavy items. yy Lift with your legs. Stand with your feet apart and your hips and knees slightly bent. Tighten your stomach and keep your back as straight as possible. The following BOS Event was completed since the last issue of the Bradley BEAT. Great job to all the event team members and a big “Thank you!” for participating! Jamie Meshberger yy Always warm up for at least five minutes before any physical activity. This holds true for work or play. yy Stand with your head up, shoulders straight, chest forward, and stomach tight. Avoid standing in the same position for too long or rest one foot on something while standing. If you are asked to participate in a BOS Event or to support daily improvement efforts please utilize those opportunities to learn more about BOS practices and to help us improve our Customer Experience (both internal and external). Kudos! yy Carry heavy items close to your body. Avoid carrying them on one side only. yy Sleep in a position that allows you to maintain the natural curve in your back. A medium – not firm – mattress is better for your back. yy Don’t smoke and maintain a healthy weight. Last fall I had the pleasure of introducing our newest Bradley brand – Data4Growth. Who knew data could be as exciting as Sam Smith at the Grammys. The responses I have been receiving are overwhelming. As we are turning more frequently to the web to make our purchases, businesses are demanding the same level of on-line service. Data4Growth puts Bradley ahead of our competition. We provide a comprehensive set of product information and images that are easy to upload to our customers’ websites. Data4Growth also enables us to assist our customer base maintain a consistent image of Bradley in the market place. We are giving them access to our logo, landing page art, and links back to our website. Our sales team is out spreading the word, and customers are calling. So much so, that our Customer Service Program Coordinators are overloaded – a great problem to have! Source: National Athletic Trainers’ Association Metal Partitions VSM World Plumbing Day - March 11th Front Row (L to R): Traci Hoepf, Fonda Moore, Lois Crace Back Row (L to R): Brian Doyle-Wegner, David Anderson, Dustin Temple, Ryan Harper Not pictured: Bill Faris (consultant facilitator) World Plumbing Day is an international event held each year on March 11. It was started in 2010 by the World Plumbing Council to help the general public better understand the vital role the plumbing industry plays in protecting public health and safety. For more information go to New Faces at Bradley John Bopp Principal Design Engineer Fixtures Yang Clark International Business Development Manager Off-Site Chris Skibinski Layout Drafter Fixtures
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