2010 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute III A leader is any person of great spirit and heart. —preteen girl Chair, National Board of Directors Connie L. Lindsey Chief Executive Officer Kathy Cloninger Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Advocacy, and the Research Institute Laurie A. Westley Vice President, Research, Girl Scout Research Institute Michael Conn, Ph.D. Authors, Girl Scout Research Institute Dana Leon-Guerrero, M.A., Research and Outreach Intern Judy Schoenberg, Ed.M., Director, Research and Outreach Kimberlee Salmond, M.P.P., Senior Researcher, Research and Outreach Acknowledgment is made to Kristen Elde for editing and Julita Ehle for design. The Girl Scout Research Institute expresses special gratitude to the girls, boys, and mothers who participated in all of the studies cited. Inquiries related to Go Ask a Girl should be directed to the Girl Scout Research Institute, Girl Scouts of the USA, 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018-2798, or to gsresearch@girlscouts.org. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without the prior written permission of Girl Scouts of the United States of America, 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018-2798. © 2010 by Girl Scouts of the USA All rights reserved. First Impression 2010 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IV Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Contents A Message from the Vice President, Research 2 Article Briefs 3 Civic Ambitions of the Next Generation Youth want change. What they need is support in translating their good intentions to actions. Reimagining Youth Leadership with Girls Girls exhibit many of the qualities of young leaders, but they need adult guidance and help. A Reality Check Benefits for All Into the Mind of a Girl Breaking Down Barriers to Girl Leadership Building Girl Leaders The New Leadership Landscape: What Girls Say About Election 2008 10th Anniversary Timeline: A Voice of and for Girls Safe Spaces Trusting relationships are key to girls’ emotional and physical safety. Normal? Girls and Mixed Messages on Health, Beauty, and Fashion A holistic view of health better explains ties between nutrition, exercise, and body image. Connecting Outcomes and Processes 4 8 10 11 11 13 16 18 14 20 22 28 1 A Message from the Vice President, Research It’s amazing—startling, even—to see how far the Girl Scout Research Institute has come in its brief 10-year existence. The institute began as a germ of an idea in the late 1990s and was launched publicly in September 2000 with the release of the study Teens Before Their Time. Since then, the concept underpinning our work has expanded. The GSRI focuses on research that amplifies the voices of girls, on topics that matter to them as well as for them, as our research informs program, policy, youth development research, and public awareness. Our sincere hope is that our efforts make a positive difference in the lives of girls, as girls in turn seek to “make the world a better place.” This publication summarizes the sweep of our work over the last decade. You will see that GSRI research and outcomes studies have touched on timely issues that are relevant to girls’—and in many cases boys’— lives: the impact of the September 11th tragedy on youth, the “obesity epidemic” and healthy living, youth leadership and civic engagement, body image and the fashion industry, girls’ interactions with the Internet, and many more. We have made our very best effort to summarize this work efficiently and in a way that’s engaging for you—because, as researchers, we know our readers appreciate it when we get to the point! For those of you who wish to dive further into the details of our research, we encourage you to visit us here: www.girlscouts.org/research. While you’re at it, please sign up for the GSRI e-newsletter (http://www.girlscouts.org/research/enewsletters) so we can keep you updated on our latest projects, and feel free to leave us feedback by e-mailing gsresearch@girlscouts.org. We’re thrilled that the GSRI is entering its second decade, just as Girl Scouting is about to step boldly into its second century (March 2012). We hope you’ll join us on the journey ahead! Sincerely, Michael Conn Vice President, Research Girl Scout Research Institute 2 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Article Briefs Civic Ambitions of the Next Generation | page 4 Youth today have high hopes for the future. They have a strong sense of civic commitment and intend to make responsible choices, but they’re being pulled in many directions. Adult support is necessary because though youth value diversity and are willing to express their ideas, they consider there to be fewer opportunities for participation. By collaborating with youth in the decision-making process, adults can help them turn their good intentions into good actions. Reimagining Youth Leadership with Girls | page 8 Girls aspire to be leaders that are change agents and help others. However, their vision of leadership is frequently overshadowed by the dominant command-and-control style. To encourage girls to be leaders, the definition of leadership needs to be reconsidered and programs need to address the specific obstacles that girls face on their journey to success. Safe Spaces | page 20 Safe spaces for girls attend to the physical and emotional dimensions of safety. Establishing trusting relationships with adults and peers is a key factor to emotional safety and can help girls cope with challenging situations. Some of the consequences of girls feeling unsafe are a compromised sense of physical well-being, greater likelihood of being sad or unhappy, and diminished interest and achievement in school. Normal? Girls and Mixed Messages on Health, Beauty, and Fashion | page 22 Girls want to be healthy, emotionally and physically, but they also want to be accepted. Many girls settle for being “healthy enough” (meaning they don’t appear too healthy or too unhealthy). Improving girls’ physical health requires attention to the numerous influences, including family, media, and the fashion industry, in a girl’s life and the effects of emotional health and self-esteem on physical activity and diet. 3 Civic Ambitions of the Next Generation Youth are ready and willing to become active citizens in their communities, but they need adult support to become able. Snapshot “If no one were to volunteer, we would all just be sitting here with nothing. Someone’s got to do it.” —teen girl Youth today have high hopes for the future. They have a strong sense of civic commitment and intend to make responsible choices, but they’re being pulled in many competing directions. Adult support is necessary because while youth value diversity and are willing to express their ideas, they consider there to be fewer opportunities for participation than in the past. By collaborating with them in the decision-making process, adults can help youth turn their good intentions into good actions. When adults pose the question “what can I do?” in response to awareness of the staggering problems we face as a nation—environmental degradation, rising unemployment, government scandal, and the obesity epidemic to name a few—it’s often with today’s youth and their future in mind. Yet there’s a tendency to overlook youth as viable partners in addressing these and other large-scale concerns. With youth today indicating a greater and more expansive sense of civic responsibility than ever before, it’s important this ambition is encouraged, whether through individual effort, community organizations, or worldwide movements. In the last two decades, there have been significant shifts in the day-to-day experiences of youth. Technological advances in computer sciences and telecommunications have affected all dimensions of life. The advent of the Internet, cell phones, and social networking have monumentally altered the ways young people communicate and digest information. Because youth have access to an unprecedented amount of information, a battle has ensued for their attention. Media coverage of celebrity scandal and gossip, aggressive product marketing, and public service campaigns around the dangers of smoking, drinking, drugs, and other “vice” behaviors all cater to this younger demographic. In addition, occurrences such as 9/11 and the housing bubble have profoundly affected the lives of youth and their families, further influencing how youth tackle problems and how adults help them to make decisions. Today’s Youth as Upstanding Citizens It’s been shown that preteens and teens intend to make responsible choices and avoid risky behavior. A 20-year comparison study published by the GSRI, Good Intentions: The Beliefs and Values of Teens and Tweens Today, queried a nationwide sample of 3,263 girls and boys in grades 3–12 on issues ranging from ethics and diversity to civic involvement and peer pressure. The survey provided insights into young people’s values and beliefs, revealing that they aspire to be upstanding citizens. Choices and Behaviors. There has been a decline in reported rates of cheating, lying, and engagement in underage drinking, smoking, drug use, and premarital sex. Fifty-eight percent of youth say they would refuse an alcoholic drink if offered one at a party, compared to fewer than half (46%) in 1989. Similar trends exist concerning other risky behaviors. Good Intentions found that one third of teens say they intend to wait until they are married to have sex, compared to less than a quarter (24%) in 1989. Additionally, two decades later, youth are more accepting of gay relationships. Fifty-nine percent of teens agree with the statement, “Gay and lesbian relationships are OK, if that is a person’s choice,” while only 31% agreed in 1989. The study also surveyed young people about issues that have become prominent with the advent of new media and technology. Only 6% say they would 4 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute engage in cyberbullying by forwarding an embarrassing picture of a classmate to their friends. Some 40% would take the extra step of telling the originator of the e-mail that what she or he did was wrong. Diversity. Youth today are more accepting of difference and greatly value diversity. Among 7th- to 12th-graders, nearly 6 in 10 say that being around people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds is important to them. This appears to be particularly important to girls (63% versus 55% of boys) and youth from diverse racial or ethnic backgrounds. Civic Engagement. Young people in the 2009 survey report a stronger sense of civic engagement compared to 20 years ago. Youth today are more likely to say they intend to vote in the future, as well as give to charity. Some 79% say they will volunteer in their communities. Peer Pressure. In a focus group associated with this study, one teen girl from Kansas said about peer pressure, “The herd mentality hasn’t gone by the wayside by any means, but kids are more willing to express their ideas and opinions.” Compared to 20 years ago, youth now feel less pressure to fit in, with 26% citing this pressure, down from 34% in 1989. A full 62% report feeling hardly any pressure “at all.” In fact, 79% of youth in grades 7–12 are not afraid to speak their minds and would express an opinion even if it wasn’t popular. New Obstacles. While findings suggest that youth intend to make responsible decisions on their journey to adulthood, Good Intentions also documented some of the issues youth continue to struggle with. From their perspective, there’s growing anxiety regarding the future, with 72% saying they feel pushed “a lot” to prepare for the future (compared to 63% in 1989). This pressure Mounting Adult Pressures “We are growing up in a society where as teenagers we can’t just be girls, but young women who are stressed to be perfect in every respect.” —teen girl In 1989: 11% 7% 9% 7% 11% decrease: Youth think it is harder for them growing up now than it was for their parents. 20-Year Comparison of Youth % of teens in 1989 48 73 72 77 63 “While it is refreshing to see evidence that nearly 60% of youth, particularly girls and racial/ethnic minorities, say that diversity is important to them, findings from this study suggest that there may be more we can do to assist American boys and girls in valuing the rich cultural diversity our nation has to offer.” —Professor of Education Janie Victoria Ward, Ph.D. In 2009: 7% increase: Youth feel pressured “a lot” to obey teachers and parents. Would not cheat Do not think smoking is okay 9% increase: Youth feel pushed “a lot” to prepare for the future. Will express an unpopular idea Intend to vote 7% and 5% decrease: Girls and boys believe there are more opportunities for them today than there were for their parents. Will give to charity 5 is felt very intensely around school and achievement. When asked what youth worry about the most, one in five (22%) cite pressure to do well in school and sports. At the middle and high school levels, youth feel this pressure most acutely—pressure to obey teachers and parents “a lot” has increased by seven percent. Young people’s anxiety around the future is likely to be connected with noted lower levels of optimism. Interestingly, when youth are asked to compare their lives with that of their parents, the majority doesn’t consider growing up today harder than in the past, though there is a decline in the percentage of youth who think they have more opportunities than their parents did at the same age. Who Youth Turn To “I want to go someplace with my life, and if I make bad decisions, I won’t reach all the goals I have—like going to college and living a good life.” —teen girl When confronting moral dilemmas and difficult decisions, youth today draw strong influence from a variety of sources, especially parents and family. When uncertain in determining the right thing to do, a full 82% of youth ages 8–10 turn to their parents for advice. Parents remain the most common source of advice until late adolescence, when 47% of 16- to 17-year-olds seek out their parents and 49% approach their peers. Though youth gradually begin to incorporate their peers in their decision-making process, families reemerge as the strongest presence when youth are asked about who they look to for help in solving America’s problems. Helping Youth Connect Intentions to Actions. Youth make millions of choices each day. Some of their decisions will be easy (chocolate or vanilla ice cream?) and some will be more difficult (accept the beer or say “no thanks”?). It is through being in a variety of situations that youth develop their own moral compass and learn to balance pressures from their families, friends, schools, religion, and the media. Youth need adult understanding and support to successfully navigate these paths, particularly when they find themselves in new and uncomfortable situations. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience bridges girls’ intentions and actions. Following are five of fifteen “outcomes”—part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE)—identified so that adults can help girls develop the qualities and skills necessary to make a difference in the world: 1 2 3 4 5 Girls develop a strong sense of self. Girls develop positive values. Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world. Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally. Girls feel empowered to make a difference in the world. These outcomes are best reached by employing the Girl Scout “processes”—by engaging girls in activities that are Girl Led and involve Learning by Doing and Cooperative Learning. For tips on incorporating the processes, see page 28. 6 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Relationship between Youth’s Response and Gender 7% 27% 8% Would cheat on test we worked it out.” 6% 27% 7% Would lie to principal “Last year I had a big problem, so I talked to my parents and Would cyberbully 20% 14% Would drink* 18% 38% —preteen girl Would have sex* “A perfect example is when we’re watching a movie. Something will happen on the screen and I’ll be like, 7% 6% 12% Would advise an abortion* 20% ‘So how do you feel about that?’ Would end friendship with gay/lesbian friend* From Good Intentions: The Beliefs and Values of Teens and Tweens Today *Indicates statistically significant difference. Questions of sex, drinking, abortion, and ending a friendship were only asked of 7th- to 12th-graders. How to Address Issues with Youth. The way adults go about discussing and resolving problems with youth are reflected in their decisions and behaviors. Good Intentions found that when youth and parents disagree, if they work together to make a decision or the parents adequately explain their decision, youth are less likely to say they would cheat or lie than are youth who report that their parents either “give in” and let them do whatever they want or “force” them to do what the parents think is best. Youth with parents who give in are also more likely to say they would have sex, drink, and cyberbully. Learning to Work with Youth To support youth in turning their good intentions into good actions, adults should heed the following four steps: Step 1: Talk. Yes, it’s tough sometimes, but the influence of caring adults on young people’s decision-making is more powerful than is the media and celebrity culture. Give youth an opportunity to talk about their personal struggles, and treat these with respect. Step 2: Listen. Discuss with youth their decision-making process rather than place judgment on the choices they make. Enter conversations with an open mind to understand various sides of an issue. Discussions about “right and wrong” divide adults and youth, stopping the conversation in its tracks. Step 3: Create Opportunities. Today’s youth highly value civic and community engagement but don’t feel they have the space to fulfill this desire. Provide meaningful opportunities for youth to affect the kind of change they are most interested in—change regarding issues they really care about. Try to connect what’s going on locally with young people’s interests and skills. Step 4: Watch Them Go. Today’s youth are more comfortable speaking their minds and voicing their opinions than were youth of previous generations. As young people develop, be ready to return to the first step and reflect together on successes and challenges. 7 It’s an open opportunity for me to have a conversation with my kids.” —mother of a teen girl “As adults, our role is to help youth actualize these good intentions around voting and civic responsibility so that they do in fact take action to make a positive difference in the world around them.” —William Damon, director of the Stanford Center on Adolescence Reimagining Youth Leadership with Girls Girls are up-front about what leadership means to them—and about how to make leadership more meaningful and relevant to this generation of youth. Snapshot Girls aspire to be leaders who are change agents and who help others. However, their vision of leadership is frequently overshadowed by the dominant commandand-control style. To encourage girls to be leaders, the leadership definition needs to be reconsidered and leadership programs need to address the specific obstacles that girls face on their journey to success. Say “leadership” and people often think of how individuals in powerful positions such as CEOs or the president make important decisions and direct those under them. The conventional leadership style is characterized by a taskoriented approach to managing and is a more masculine model. Leadership that focuses on empathy, consensus, and communication is considered to be a more feminine leadership style. There are advantages to each of these styles and the youth development field has now moved beyond these two orientations to embrace a framework that is more holistic, emphasizing connectivity, teamwork, community involvement, civic engagement, personal and group development, and social change. Central to understanding girl leadership programs is knowing how the youth leadership field has changed over the years. The current consensus is that leadership skills can be developed, not that potential is predetermined. Similarly, there is a shift within the youth leadership field from focusing on one leader to targeting a web of leaders. Programs have adopted more participatory and inclusive approaches to leadership development and commitments to changing communities, neighborhoods, and the world at large. This more empowering approach encourages young people to take on increasing responsibility, treats them as involved participants in designing and implementing activities, and explores how they can have an impact today—not just as adults tomorrow. Where Do Girls Fit? In current co-ed youth leadership programming, there is little accounting for how girls develop leadership skills, whether and how leadership is different for them compared to boys, and the best context in which girls can develop their strengths. What is known is that there are certain conditions that support girls’ growth and development that are not always fostered in conventional youth programs. Organizations that provide single-sex learning environments are sometimes better equipped to address specific participants’ needs. Although girls today certainly have increased leadership opportunities, they still face pressure from society to conform to conventional notions of what it means to be a girl. Continuum of Approaches to Youth Development Prevention Treats and prevents problems for “at-risk” youth partners Preparation Builds skills and supports broader youth development in organizatinal and public decision-making Participation/ Leadership Actively engages youth as partners From Exploring Girls’ Leadership 8 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Girl Leadership Today 9 A Reality Check To better support girls, youth service organizations and adults need to toss limiting myths aside and listen to what girls are saying. Many adults hold biases regarding youth who take on leadership roles and what youth leadership really means. Outlined below are the four most commonly held misperceptions, compiled from youth development experts. Girl Myth: Adults are always open to youth participation. Girl Reality: Sometimes adults don’t trust us kids. “I do want people to look up to me and say ‘I want to be just like her.’” —preteen girl From the Experts. Many adults harbor misgivings and negative biases about youth in general, and specifically about their commitment or ability to make a significant impact. This bias can be so strong that success stories of young people making a difference—particularly if they involve young people of color—tend to be discounted (Bales, 2000). For adults to be open to youth participation, they often need to change the lens through which they view youth and their potential. One way to bridge this gap is for adults to work closely with youth in leadership opportunities to see firsthand the good things they accomplish. Girl Myth: Young people aren’t motivated to get involved in community action. Girl Reality: I want to help. From the Experts. Studies show that young people have a strong interest in political and community issues, especially when they believe they can make a difference. According to the Forum for Youth Investment (2001), 72% of young people participate in community activities through organized groups or associations, and 64% agree that “feeling as though you give back to your community” is extremely important to them. Research published by the Corporation for National and Community Service (2005) also reveals that 15.5 million teens volunteered during 2004, translating into 1.3 billion hours of service. This is a 55% volunteer rate, compared with a 29% volunteer rate among adults in the same period. Girl Myth: Engaging youth means asking a few to participate. Girl Reality: I want to make real contributions. From the Experts. Although placing a few youth on an adult board or planning committee looks like youth participation is being promoted, experts argue that it is oftentimes token representation. Merely inserting a small number of youth into an already established adult process does not give youth a full chance to contribute to decision-making. It also guarantees a level of exclusiveness since relatively few can take part and those selected are generally hand-picked from a narrow pool of applicants. Opportunities for decision-making are needed at all levels to ensure that the greatest number of diverse young people can actively participate. Girl Myth: Youth should be able to lead by themselves. Girl Reality: I need your help. From the Experts. Adults play an important role in youth leadership programs; they are needed to guide and connect youth to their community, especially in projects that require political activism or civic involvement. A youth-adult partnership in decision-making has been shown to have particularly strong positive outcomes. Many youth do not naturally assume leadership roles and need to be coached along the way. Such coaching might include trainings, workshops, and other opportunities to expand their skill sets. From Exploring Girls’ Leadership 10 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Benefits for All While more women are entering leadership positions in business, politics, academia, and government, there is just a small percentage of women reaching the highest echelons. To help girls attain influential leadership positions, they need to develp an array of skills, including decision-making and motivational skills. Additionally, a balance needs to be struck between maintaining group cohesion and being assertive. Participation in quality youth leadership programs encourages girls to draw upon their leadership skills, resulting in improved skills, personal growth, and greater comfort in leadership positions. Programs that focus on youth participation are particularly beneficial for older and more disenfranchised youth, who may be harder to engage or lack access to programs that target their needs and the needs of their communities. • decreasing the likelihood of participation in risky behaviors. Benefits for Adults. Adults play an integral role in designing opportunities for meaningful youth engagement. When adults encourage youth to lead, they—adults—experience positive outcomes themselves. Adults who collaborate with youth for an extended time and work towards a common goal can build trusting relationships and observe other benefits as well. Benefits for Organizations. Organizations influence the context in which girls and adults interact. By promoting a youth-driven leadership program, organizations can greatly benefit. The Innovation Center (2003) and researchers at University of WisconsinMadison found that organizations that support youth development through participation better serve youth. “I just volunteer—it’s part of who I am. I don’t really think about why I do it or what I’m doing it for. I just go and enjoy the time I have volunteering.” —volunteer Youth participation not only benefits girls; it benefits the adults and organizations that support them and their ambitions. Benefits for Girls. The benefits of a youth leadership approach are well-documented, and the positive outcomes and opportunities are even more pronounced for those who are not reached by more conventional youth development programs. As reported by the Forum for Youth Investment (2002), youth action can impact young lives by: • • • acting as a gateway to future civic action; improving attitudes related to school, academic achievement, and work; positively affecting interpersonal skills and social development; and Into the Mind of a Girl Even at a young age, girls have definite ideas about what it means and takes to be a leader. It was discovered that while girls, and boys, define leadership by its authoritative and controlling characteristics, they find this definition of leadership the least appealing and inspiring. They prefer to define leaders by their ethical behavior, personal principles, and ability to effect social change. Many girls emphasize what leadership should be used for, rather than focus on specific roles or positions. This way of thinking leads girls to value leaders who stand up for their beliefs and can get things done. 11 “So What?” A New Definition of Leadership The disconnect between the traditional definition of leadership and the type of leader girls want to be causes girls to reject the definition and become ambivalent to leadership as a goal. Though youth don’t consider being a leader one of their top priorities, the majority of girls would not mind being a leader. With fewer than 9% of girls rejecting leadership completely and 39% of girls wanting to be leaders, reimagining leadership is essential to the development of future women leaders. Girls say a leader is someone who stands up for her beliefs, brings people together to get things done, and tries to change the world for the better. “You don’t have to be a leader of a group. You don’t have to be a leader of an organization. You don’t have to be a leader of a class. It’s just personally within yourself, like knowing that you’re independent, knowing that you can make the right decision. You can be a leader for yourself.” —teen girl Girls and Motivation to Lead Youth who want to be leaders are driven by a variety of motivations, with the desire to help others topping the list. Overall, both girls and boys share personal and altruistic motivations for wanting to be leaders. Girls and boys have similar reasons for seeking leadership roles: to help other people, to help themselves be successful in life, to share their knowledge and skills with others, and to develop useful skills and qualities. Girls choose role models based on how much leaders display the above characteristics. No matter who the role model is—family member, historic figure, or a celebrity—what youth admire and want to emulate is their commitment to fighting against injustices in society, their focus on helping others, and their determination in overcoming adversity and standing up for their beliefs. Can Girls Be Leaders? Girls and boys set the benchmark for leadership skills very high. Leadership is highly idealized, with youth expecting leaders not only to be confident, assertive, and persuasive, but honest, caring, nice, and creative. This does not seem attainable to all girls and may prevent some from even trying to acquire these skills. Youth expect leaders to have at their disposal a wide array of qualities and skills so they can pull on them when necessary. Situational leadership requires the ability to adapt to a particular situation in one’s approach. However, while some situations might call for a collaborative, team-oriented leadership style, others demand an executive style of decision-making. Ninety-two percent of girls believe anyone can acquire the skills of leadership, but only 21% believe they currently have most of the key qualities required to be a good leader. This discrepancy is a real barrier, because if youth do not feel they possess the skills and competencies necessary for leadership, they will be discouraged altogether from aspiring to achieve this goal. {{ Thirty-nine percent of girls want to be leaders. }} Girls tend to consider their best qualities to be caring about others, honesty, niceness, and creativity. They are also more likely to describe themselves as emotional than are boys. A comparison between girls’ self-assessment and the qualities considered paramount for leadership, including being organized, being good at dealing with conflict, taking charge, being a strong decision-maker, and having motivation, reveals that girls are not yet confident about having the essential skills and competencies they think of as most important for a leader. 12 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Breaking Down Barriers to Girl Leadership to develop leadership programs that resonate with girls and allow them to experiment with leadership roles in a safe space. The factor that most strongly influences girls’ desire to pursue leadership is confidence. Recognizing the strong tie between confidence and leadership aspirations is essential to breaking down barriers and building up girls. Fear and Leadership Girls can develop confidence in a variety of settings—school, sports, or through other extracurricular activities. Role models in these environments can provide opportunities for youth to practice and improve their organizational skills and experience leadership roles, something that has been correlated with positive attitudes towards leadership. Extraversion and simple involvement in group activities have also been found to be connected to leadership aspirations. Although any setting has the potential to provide girls with confidence-boosting experiences, girls report that these opportunities are scarce. And, lamentably, youth do not feel they have much power to change things or help others in many environments. This presents a great opportunity to the youth development and leadership fields “I do not want to be a leader because people will think I am bossy if I am a leader.” —preteen girl For girls, feeling secure in their environment is critical to overcoming their fears around leadership. Youth not interested in leading identify a litany of barriers, the most significant being: • • • • • • “I want to be a leader for girls everywhere lack of confidence in skills and competence stress talking in front of others potential embarrassment appearing bossy negative peer pressure Notably, barriers to leadership are consistent among boys and girls, but girls experience fears and inhibitions about social acceptance more acutely. Fully one-third of girls who do not want to be leaders attribute their lack of motivation to fear of being laughed at, making people mad at them, coming across as bossy, or not being liked by people. These barriers make clear that some girls still struggle with the unwritten rules of because lately I haven’t seen a single girl role model out in the world that I could look up to, because every time you look to somebody, they go out and do something stupid.” —teen girl Continues on page 16 The Girl Scout Leadership Experience builds girls of courage, confidence, and character. To increase girls’ confidence in their leadership skills, Girl Scouts has established outcomes for each grade level to help guide progress. These five outcomes are most relevant to the research on reimagining girl leadership: 1 2 3 4 5 Girls develop a strong sense of self. Girls develop critical thinking. Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally. Girls can identify community needs. Girls educate and inspire others to act. Girls say they want to be leaders so they can help other people, The Girl-Led, Learning by Doing, and Cooperative Learning processes help girls to achieve these outcomes. Flip to page 28 to learn more about implementing the processes. 13 be successful in life, share their knowledge and skills, and develop new skills and qualities. 10th Anniversary Timeline: A Voice of and for Girls The Girl Scout Research Institute listens to what girls are saying and watches how girl culture changes. We study the girl perspective on critical issues and bring our findings to important adults in girls’ lives. 2009 2009 Beauty Redefined 2009 2010 Reliable resources, accurate information, and varying perspectives are essential to advancing the well-being and safety of girls living in today’s world. THE NEW LEADERSHIP LANDSCAPE The Net Effect: Girls and New Media Junior Girl Scout Group Experience: Outcomes Measurement Guide Paths to Positive Youth Development The Community Connection: Volunteer Trends in a Changing World 2003 Transforming Leadership Cont.: A Guide to Understanding the Girl Scout Processes Feeling Safe: What Girls Say 2001 2003 2004 Weighing In: Helping Girls Be Healthy Today, Healthy Tomorrow The New Leadership Landscape: What Girls Say About Election 2008 2002 2002 The New Normal? What Girls Say About Healthy Living Good Intentions: The Beliefs and Values of Teens and Tweens Today 2002 2006 Beauty Redefined: Girls and Body Image Survey Snapshots of Young Lives Today 2008 2001 GirlSports Basics National Evaluation The Girl Difference: Short Circuiting the Myth of the Technophobic Girl Voices of Volunteers 18-29 Teens Before Their Time Girl Scouts Beyond Bars Report 2002 2003 Change It Up! What Girls Say About Redefining Leadership 2000 2003 Transforming Leadership: Focusing on Outcomes of the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience The Ten Emerging Truths: New Directions for Girls 11-17 2000 2008 Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts of the USA, recognized that developing girls’ leadership abilities was critical to ensuring girls would be the change-makers of the future. The Internet and other new technologies have dramatically changed the way people connect and communicate. To better understand how this is impacting girls’ lives, the GSRI conducts studies on girls’ use of online and offline technologies, navigating their personal, social, and academic lives and the varying degrees of skill, guidance, and protection they have in using these technologies. 2007 Girl Leadership, Beliefs, and Values Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Tool Kit for Measuring Outcomes of Girl Scout Resident Camp Exploring Girls’ Leadership 2002 Girls’ heath has always been a central concern of Girl Scouts of the USA. In recent years the incidences of obesity, eating disorders, and child diabetes have increased, presenting serious implications for youth’s future emotional and physical well-being. GSRI research reveals how health and safety are defined, how girls see themselves and others, and the resources available to girls to help them live healthy, safe lives. To achieve this goal, the GSRI has explored girls’ experiences, aspirations, and definitions of leadership as well as the ethics, beliefs, and values girls hold for themselves and for others in leadership positions. 2008 Healthy Living How America’s Youth Are Faring Since September 11th *These publications are available at www.girlscouts.org/research. Continued from page 16 “I wouldn’t like getting in front of people.” —teen girl what it means to be “feminine” and exhibiting stereotypically “female” behaviors like being nice, quiet, polite, agreeable, and liked by all. Building Girl Leaders Promoting leadership in girls is a matter of fostering their self-confidence by offering leadership opportunities in supportive environments. Because girls are guided by a social change definition of leadership, they are active—or have interest in being active— in charitable, social service, and other informal leadership activities. These quieter forms of leadership are highly valued by girls and are part of their everyday lives. Where girls lack experience is in roles aimed at social change or political activism. Providing girls with access to a variety of leadership roles and the supports starting a club, or trying to change something they dislike in the neighborhood. However, with age, they become more likely to lead in school projects. (Percentage for the latter climbs from 24% of 8- to 10-year-old girls to 37% of 16to 17-year-old girls.) School is reported to be the most common setting for experiencing leadership by both girls and boys. To a lesser degree, home, church, sports teams, and clubs also represent environments where youth have had leadership experiences. Despite the different options available for youth leadership opportunities, youth do not feel they have much power to change things or teach/help others in any environment. In response to a question about girl empowerment, one participant shared, “I would like the opportunity… I want to be the one to develop these programs, not be the one that Thirty-two percent of girls not interested in leadership say, “I am afraid I will fail.” —Change It Up! What Girls Say About Redefining Leadership Gender Differences in Leadership Motivation While top-ranking rationales for girls and boys are the same, there are some significant differences. Boys are more likely than girls to be motivated to be their own bosses, make more money, and have more power. they need to be successful is the key to broadening their horizons and encouraging them to dream big. can only sit back and wait to be affected by programs that were never made for me in the first place.” Her Opportunities, Her Experiences When girls do have leadership opportunities, perception of their experience ranges. Eighty-six percent of girls rate their most recent leadership experiences as “good” or “great.” African American and Hispanic girls are more likely than Caucasian girls to report enjoying their leadership experiences. For the 5% of youth who find their most recent experience to be negative, the top reasons for their dissatisfaction are fear of speaking in public, stress, and lack of support from peers. Girls and boys equally cite stress and lack of peer support as factors contributing to their poor experience. Participation in informal and formal leadership activities is influenced by many factors, including income and age. Income has a direct correlation with leadership experience: the higher the household income of youth, the more likely they are to have had a leadership experience. When analyzing the effects of age, a striking trend appears: as girls get older, they are less likely to engage in some forms of leadership, such as being captain/co-captain of a sports team, organizing a game in the neighborhood, 16 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Her Supports Her Leadership Education Given girls’ self-perceived limitations and fears/ dissatisfaction around leadership, the influence of family, particularly mothers, on girls’ leadership goals and aspirations cannot be overstated. Consistently, immediate family members and relatives are identified as role models and the people girls most admire. Participation in organized and informal activities and exposure to leadership opportunities are strongly correlated with leadership aspirations. However, environments in which girls can develop leadership skills and safely experiment with leadership roles are scarce, making leadership training opportunities extremely attractive. Providing a strong and positive support system for these opportunities serves as a foundation for developing girl leaders. Adults and girls alike need to be educated about expanded definitions of leadership and the value of leadership skill development. Peer relationships play an important role for all youth, but particularly for adolescent girls. Friends and classmates can be role models for setting higher academic and personal goals. At the same time, friends and classmates also serve as negative influences in these areas. Thirty-nine percent of girls report having been discouraged or put down, usually by peers and classmates, when they were trying to lead. Although this may be seen as normal behavior during youth, the impact should not be underestimated. The emotional toll of “high school drama” dampens girls’ enthusiasm for achievement and recognition regarding academic and personal goals. {{ “I can be anything I want to be!” —teen girl }} How Stereotypes are Hindering Girls’ Progress Youth know that gender stereotypes are resilient to change. Fifty-six percent of youth believe that “in our society, it is more difficult for a woman to become a leader than for a man.” An almost equal percentage of girls believe that “girls have to work harder than boys in order to gain positions of leadership,” but boys are reluctant to agree to this statement (only 44% agree). These findings spotlight the environmental barriers that still exist for girls and young women pursuing leadership roles. When statements about women’s or mens’ roles or qualities are posed, boys and girls find no difference in their inherent abilities. However, women are judged by youth to be better at fulfilling traditionally feminine roles, such as “taking care of others,” “forming and maintaining relationships,” “running a household,” and “listening to others.” These stereotypes can inhibit girls’ aspirations for leadership because girls are sent the message that it is inappropriate for them to behave outside the narrow range of “accepted” female qualities/roles. 17 Have you ever had the opportunity to be a leader? Four in six girls believe they have had some opportunity to be a leader; one in six girls is unsure whether she has or not (this uncertainty may speak to their inability to recognize leadership experiences as such); and one in six has not had opportunity. A Daily Dose of Leadership There are many ways to go about helping your daughter or the girls you mentor develop skills as leaders. Following is a week’s worth of potential strategies. Sunday: Find leader role models. Supportive, inspiring, and influential leaders can be found, but girls may need some help in locating them. You can start by looking at home, considering families are the primary influence on girls. Monday: Build her self-esteem. Tell her what leadership skills and qualities you think she already possesses. Help her identify ones she can attain and come up with a plan for doing so. Tuesday: Discuss stereotypes. Gender stereotypes can make girls feel uneasy about asserting themselves as leaders. Use movies, commercials, other media, or personal experiences to initiate conversations about how to overcome gender stereotypes and negative images of girls and women. Wednesday: Discourage gossiping. Girls need to practice leadership skills in safe environments, and gossip can contribute to girls’ fears of getting teased while trying to lead. Thursday: Get her involved. Encourage her to participate in a variety of school and community activities so she can develop leadership skills that are key to future success. The New Leadership Landscape: What Girls Say About Election 2008 On the heels of the tumultuous 2008 presidential election, the Girl Scout Research Institute surveyed 3,284 girls and boys, ages 13–17, to investigate the impact of the election and the preceding campaigns on young people’s leadership aspirations and civic engagement. The resulting study, The New Leadership Landscape, reveals that girls have not only gained an increased awareness of the barriers that face aspiring women leaders, but an improved sense of their own abilities and potential to overcome these obstacles. Race Perceptions In this study, the impact of race on young people was not clear-cut: one in three believes Barack Obama was held to a higher standard because of his race, while 48% believe that race ultimately helped him in the elections. One in three believes that Barack Obama was held to a higher standard because of his race. 33% Friday: Gear up for success. Come up with an energizing playlist or pep talk to get her excited prior to a given leadership opportunity. Saturday: Share her success. After practicing specific skills, such as speaking in front of others, giving instruction, giving and receiving constructive feedback, being assertive, or thinking critically in difficult situations— celebrate! A strong leadership experience will encourage her to keep practicing. Gender Perceptions It was difficult for many youth to judge whether female candidates were treated as fairly as male candidates. Boys were statistically more likely to waver, with 21% indicating they were “not sure” whether female candidates were treated as fairly. 18 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Opinions on a Future Female President Youth believe that electing a female president is desirable… “Men don’t like powerful women. I think they are threatening to men. Poor Sarah Palin— but not essential. Do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing to elect a woman to be president? How would you feel if in the next presidential election not a single woman were running for the offices of president and/or vice president? 64% 59% Girls Girls Boys Boys 45% 44% 38% 36% 29% just because she’s attractive, people tried to make her out to be dumb and vain. Poor Hillary Clinton— just because she is smart and ambitious, people made her out to be hard and mean.” —teen girl 19% 11% 5% Good thing 7% Bad thing 7% Doesn’t matter Don’t know 10% 10% 9% 8% Happy Disappointed Wouldn’t matter Don’t know From The New Leadership Landscape: What Girls Say About Election 2008 While the election illustrated the capabilities and leadership qualities of women, it also underscored the barriers women face in seizing these opportunities. Effect on girls: 50% 51% 55% increased interest in politics increased confidence in their ability to change things in the country enhanced comfort in speaking up and expressing their opinions on issues that matter 19 Safe Spaces When girls feel physically and emotionally secure. Snapshot People and Places Safe spaces for girls attend to the physical and emotional dimensions of safety. Establishing trusting relationships with adults and peers is a key factor in emotional safety and can help girls cope with challenging situations. For example, in a survey the GSRI conducted to assess how youth were faring in the wake of 9/11, more than one quarter (26%) of girls said that talking about the events connected with September 11 was the one activity they found most helpful in coping with it. When girls are part of trusting relationships, they feel safe. Parents, teachers, youth leaders, and peers can all provide girls with a sense of security that translates to emotional safety, which centers on feelings of trust and confidentiality. Many girls report that even in unsafe situations, because they were with people they trusted, they felt safe. Though girls don’t focus on location when discussing safety, 56% of girls report that home is where they feel safest. Also, in a study about girls’ online lives, The Net Effect: Girls and New Media (2002) girls said they would benefit from more adult guidance and open conversation around online safety. Girls want more opportunity to connect one on one with adults—and they rely on emotional support from adults in their everyday lives to feel safe and secure. Some of the consequences of girls feeling unsafe, on the other hand, are a compromised sense of physical well-being, greater likelihood of sadness/unhappiness, and diminished interest and achievement in school. Adults typically think of safety in terms of being out of harm’s way—not talking to strangers or staying out too late at night—while girls think this captures just part of the picture. The Girl Scout Research Institute study Feeling Safe: What Girls Say found that girls define safety in terms of physical and emotional security and that they want and need safe spaces within which to discuss critical issues such as bullying and dating. Emotional Harm Typical environments, such as classrooms, sports fields, and group meetings often create situations that cause anxiety in girls. Thirty-eight percent of girls worry about emotional safety when they are spending time with their peers. Feelings of insecurity can contribute to girls feeling emotionally unsafe, which fosters greater insecurities, trapping girls in a destructive cycle. Further, girls who feel this way are more likely to be sad and unhappy, have trouble paying attention in school, and receive grades lower than As and Bs. Safe Girls are Confident Girls “I think we should have a safe place where we can talk about our problems and build our self-confidence. If we had more self-confidence, then we would know how to better address these problems and would not be worried about trying to look good, or doing things before we are ready.” —teen girl 20 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Building Walls Preteen girls (8- to 12 years old) cite being teased or made fun of as their greatest worry, and almost 40% worry about being bullied, teased, threatened, or having their feelings hurt when spending time with peers. As girls become older and more independent they become less trusting of peers and adults. While teens are commonly perceived as acting invincible, they are in fact feeling unsafe and in need of more support. {{ }} “It’s not where I am, but who I’m with.” —teen girl Helping Girls Cope with Feeling Unsafe “A broken arm can heal, but what about a broken heart? Words can hurt a lot.” Be Proactive. Ask about how girls feel, even if they are reluctant to talk. Don’t assume to know what they consider important and don’t expect them to automatically share their concerns with parents or other adults. —preteen girl “I had a friend that I trusted from the beginning. I don’t do that anymore.” —teen girl Work Together. Establish guidelines for responsible behavior. Do not judge, threaten, lecture, issue orders, or try to “teach girls a lesson” by withholding help. Think Beyond Location. A safe location is not enough. Trusted relationships, in which girls feel valued and supported, are what make girls feel emotionally safe. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience provides a safe space for girls to learn and grow. When girls feel safe they can practice leadership skills without having to worry as much about being put down. The Feeling Safe research has direct implications on the following outcomes: 1 2 3 Girls develop healthy relationships. Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally. Girls can resolve conflicts. The Girl-Led, Learning by Doing, and Cooperative Learning processes help girls to better achieve these outcomes. Flip to page 28 to learn more about implementing these processes. 21 Normal? Girls and Mixed Messages on Health, Beauty, and Fashion For girls, being healthy means appearing normal. Girls’ definition of “normal” is influenced by cultural changes, draws from personal experiences, and has profound implications for their emotional and physical well-being. Snapshot Girls want to be healthy, emotionally and physically, but they also want to be accepted. Many girls settle with being “healthy enough” (meaning they don’t appear too healthy or too unhealthy). Improving the physical health of girls requires attention to the numerous influences, including family, media, and the fashion industry, in a girl’s life and the effects of emotional health and self-esteem on physical activity and diet. For girls, being healthy means appearing normal. Girls’ definition of “normal” is influenced by cultural changes, draws from personal experiences, and has profound implications for their emotional and physical well-being. “Yeah, I think I’m healthy. I’m not fat or anything and I guess I eat OK. When it comes to girls’ goal of being “healthy enough” to appear normal, attending solely to the physical elements of health, such as maintaining a nutritious diet and being active, is not sufficient. It oversimplifies the issue by neglecting the interplay between physical and emotional aspects. Self-esteem and body image greatly contribute to girls’ perception of healthy living and behaviors. To deter obesity, eating disorders, and other critical health problems affecting youth today, there must be a concerted effort to address both emotional and physical health factors. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Competing forces in girls’ environments must be factored into conversations about health as well, as these can land girls in a compromising “I want to be someone who is just ‘in the middle.’ They look happy and normal, and I want that experience.” —preteen girl position. While youth are growing up in a culture that idealizes thinness, concurrently there are record-high levels of fast-food sales, longer hours of recreational TV watching and computer use, lower rates of physical activity, and less public play space. Girls are receiving mixed messages. On one hand, the Photoshopped and unattainable model is promoted, and on the other, unhealthy diets and inactivity. The incompatibility causes girls to seek a facade of normalcy. What normal means can vary by a girl’s age, race, household income, peer group, adult role models, and self-perception. Following are some key findings of the 2006 GSRI study The New Normal? What Girls Say About Healthy Living, as well as a series of “action steps” grounded in research. There are critical differences in how boys and girls view health, and the action steps emphasize the unique needs and perspectives of girls. The major findings of this study reveal that girls today apply a new set of norms in defining health. This “new normal” departs from what adults may believe in four distinct ways. {{ One in four girls is dissatisfied with her body. —preteen girl 22 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute }} How Girls Define “Healthy Enough”: Am I healthy “enough”? Do I look and feel normal? Good Health= emotionally and physically healthy Girl Why aren’t girls physically active? 23% 40% Twenty-three percent don’t think their bodies look good. INFLUENCES: Forty percent don’t feel competent. Family and Friends role models/supports The Media thin ideal Technology greater screen time Lifestyle more fast food, less exercise Community loss of play space 1) Aspiring To Be “Normal Healthy” 2) Emotional Health Is Central For most girls, being healthy has more to do with appearing “normal” and feeling accepted than maintaining good eating and exercise habits. Girls aspire to be “healthy enough” or “normal healthy.” This means that health is measured by the absence of negative or extreme behaviors, such as being sick or over/underweight. Being too healthy is often associated with extreme behaviors (e.g., no junk food, no meat, no snacking, frequent and intense exercise), which girls consider unattainable and would put them out of step with their peers. The emphasis on appearing normal creates a distance between physical appearance and the effects of diet and exercise on the body. This disconnect can make it more difficult for girls to evaluate their bodies and health. One-third of all girls have a distorted body image, either perceiving themselves as too heavy when they are of normal weight, or feeling their weight is “about right” when they actually are overweight. Although girls want to look and feel normal, many are struggling and desire a broader definition of beauty. Emotional health, self-esteem, and body image play a critical role in girls’ attitudes about diet and exercise. Most girls view emotional health and physical health as equally important. A girl’s daily life is full of events that can impact her emotional health. “I can’t help thinking, The issues that most concern girls are getting along with their friends, doing well in school, and how they look. Girls are substantially more concerned than boys about all aspects of physical appearance and are less satisfied with their bodies. There is an important link for girls between their perception of their body/weight and their self-esteem. Regardless of actual weight, girls who think they are overweight are more dissatisfied with their weight. This is important because how girls view themselves affects their self-esteem, their willingness to participate in sports, and their overall feelings of confidence, among other things. One clear way girls can boost their emotional health is by engaging in physical activity, because while participating in exercise and sports provide 23 am I hot enough to get his attention?” —teen girl physical benefits, the study reveals emotional benefits as well. Girls who are more physically active are more satisfied with how they look and how much they weigh and aspire to live healthier lifestyles. Yet despite these benefits, staggering numbers of girls do not participate in sports because they feel insecure about their bodies and skills. These girls are caught in a cycle in which low self-esteem prevents them from engaging in activities that would raise their self-esteem. To connect with girls, it is necessary to acknowledge the importance of emotional health in relation to feeling good about oneself. “I go home and turn on the TV and usually I’ll watch a show for a little while. Then I’ll call some of my friends and 3) Health Awareness Versus Behavior The good news is that girls demonstrate basic knowledge about healthy foods and eating behaviors. The bad news is that they often do not put this knowledge into practice. It is “normal” for many girls to make poor choices with respect to diet and exercise. The tension between awareness and behavior is most evident in girls’ everyday routines. It is common for girls to skip breakfast in the morning, with more than 60% of teen girls skipping breakfast at least once a week and nearly 20% skipping it every day. This trend increases as girls mature. During the day and after-school hours, teen girls are spending more and more time on stationary activities, such as talking on the phone, using the computer, and watching television. By the end of the day, girls want to share what is going on in their lives with their family. Many girls report highly valuing dinnertime. When considering a girl’s everyday routine, the biggest contributors to unhealthy lifestyles are the availability of junk food, lack of tastiness in healthy food choices, and lack of energy and motivation to exercise. we’ll talk about all the stuff that goes around.” —teen girl The Girl Scout Leadership Experience encourages girls to be healthy inside and outside. Girl Scouts understands that girls are being pulled in different directions and that being supported by family, friends, and the community helps girls to be physically and emotionally healthy. By striving to reach the outcomes below, girls can monitor their progress to becoming healthier. 1 2 3 4 Girls develop a strong sense of self. Girls gain practical life skills. Girls develop critical thinking. Girls develop healthy relationships. Achieving these outcomes is possible when girls are partners in Girl-Led activities and Learning by Doing and Cooperative Learning processes. For information on how to use the processes, see page 28. 24 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute 4) The Influential Role of Mothers A Mom’s Concern Mothers are the most frequently cited source of information on healthy living, and they clearly function as role models for their daughters. A mother’s weight, body image, attitude, and health habits are strong indicators of whether her daughter is overweight, satisfied with her body, and physically active. Girls look to their mothers for advice on healthy living, and mothers are the biggest source of positive feedback on girls’ appearance. A daughter’s dissatisfaction with her weight is greater if her mother is also dissatisfied with her own weight, in spite of how much a daughter actually weighs. Given the pervasiveness of poor diet, being overweight, and inactivity among adults, it is clear that efforts to improve the health of girls must also target adults. These adults include not only parents, but others who play an active role in girls’ lives: guardians, grandparents, godparents, older relatives, friends of the family, and school and health professionals. “For my daughter (12 years old) there is pressure to be socially accepted among her friends. Also at this age, her body is changing and there are emotional concerns related to these changes.” —mother of a preteen girl Number-one source #1 Mom! of nutritional information and emotional reinforcement? 25 Pressures of the Fashion Industry and Health Implications for Girls Despite the influence fashion has on girls’ body images, many girls describe fashion models’ bodies in negative terms. The Girl Scout Research Institute surveyed over 1,000 girls ages 13–17 to better understand why girls love to hate the fashion industry. Highlighted are key insights into how the fashion industry is affecting girls’ emotional and physical health. Many girls blame the fashion industry and the media in general for the pressure to be skinny and obsession with skinniness. Girls devote hours to reading fashion magazines and wandering through shopping malls. The proximity to fashion and culturally defined beauty is reported by girls to be both important and unhealthy. Understanding the pressures girls feel to be thin provides a greater understanding of why girls, despite acknowledging that the fashion industry portrays unhealthy body images, still strive to achieve the model image. Extreme Behaviors: What Girls Are Willing to Do to Be Model Thin % who know someone their age who has... 88 63 42 32 37 26 Gone on a diet to try to lose weight Starved themselves or refused to eat Forced themselves to throw up after eating Taken appetite suppressants or weight-loss pills Been diagnosed with an eating disorder Smoked cigarettes to suppress appetite From Beauty Redefined: Girls and Body Image Survey 75% Seventy-five percent of girls say fashion is “really important” to them. 26 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute Nearly 9 in 10 girls say the fashion industry (89%) and/or the media (88%) places a lot of pressure on girls to be thin. Modeling Healthy Living: Tips for Adults Makeover TV shows, fashion magazines, diet fads: girls are exposed to messages every day about food, fitness, and appearance by family, friends, the media, and school. Adults need tools to help girls critically examine this often conflicting information and make positive decisions for healthy living. Check out these tips: • Be a role model. The choices you make about food and physical activity and the comments you make about your weight and your looks have a strong impact on the girls you care about. • Eat healthy. Too often girls opt for vending machine snacks over healthier choices. Go grocery shopping together and stock the kitchen with foods that are yummy, quick, and, most importantly, healthy. • Get moving. Aside from the clear physical benefits of a higher activity level, being physically active increases self-esteem and reduces stress. Because getting started can be tough, engaging in physical activity as a group, troop, or family is a great way for adults to model and influence positive healthy behaviors for girls. • Get involved. City parks and recreation programs and other community organizations are great resources. There are many programs and activities to help adults and girls practice healthy living habits. 59% Fifty-nine percent of girls say the fashion industry makes them feel fat. 27 Connecting Outcomes and Processes It is what girls do (the outcomes) and how they do it (the processes) that produces a high-quality Girl Scout Leadership Experience. The girl-adult partnership is integral to the success of both components. The building blocks of all Girl Scout activities are the aforementioned processes: Girl Led, Cooperative Learning, and Learning by Doing. These processes combine to create a rewarding leadership experience while continuing the longstanding Girl Scout traditions of friendship and fun. Cooperative Learning Girl Led • • • • Projects could involve… • • • • Younger girls selecting from several choices (for opening/closing of a meeting, for example) Preteens deciding how to plan meeting activities and lead certain meetings Teens driving the planning, organization, and implementation of their projects Young women choosing their issues and how they want to schedule and conduct their meetings Learning by Doing Learning by Doing is a hands-on learning process that engages girls in experiences whereby they act and then discuss, so they can apply the skills learned to future situations. Projects could include… • • • Time for girls and adults to stop, think, talk, and reflect Opportunities for girls to build new skills and have new experiences Role-playing, storytelling, or other sharing activities catering to grade-level abilities and interests Through cooperative learning, girls work together towards shared goals in an environment that makes them feel powerful, safe, and a sense of belonging. Projects could involve… Younger girls working in mini-groups or with partners Preteens creating their own team rules Teens solving conflicts on their own (as long as physical safety isn’t at stake) Young women making decisions together and negotiating a common ground The 15 Outcomes of the New GIRL SCOUT LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Discover + Connect + Take Action = 1 2 3 4 5 Girls develop a strong sense of self. Girls develop positive values. Girls gain practical life skills. Girls seek challenges in the world. Girls develop critical thinking. 1 2 3 4 5 Girls develop healthy relationships. Girls promote cooperation and team building. Girls can resolve conflicts. Girls advance diversity in a multicultural world. Girls feel connected to their communities, locally and globally. 1 2 3 4 5 Girls can identify community needs. Girls are resourceful problem solvers. Girls advocate for themselves and others, locally and globally. Girls educate and inspire others to act. Girls feel empowered to make a difference in the world. Leadership From Transforming Leadership 28 Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute I would like to belong to something where I could make new friends and help other girls feel better. —preteen girl 29 $5.00 Girl Scout Research Institute 2010 www.girlscouts.org/research II Go Ask a Girl: A Decade of Findings from the Girl Scout Research Institute
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