Greater London Chess Club Evening Blitz Tournament

Greater London Chess Club
Tuesday 2nd June 2015, start 6.45pm
Upper Vestry House, St George's Bloomsbury,
6-7 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HR
Single section Swiss tournament, 10 rounds, 3 minutes + 2 second increment, digital
clocks permitting, otherwise 5 minutes per player per game
Open to all players
FIDE blitz rules apply. All results will be submitted for FIDE blitz rating
Free tea and coffee available during the tournament
Entry fees
GLCC Club member: £3
Non-members : £7 in advance or £12 from 1st June
 Half of entry fees will be returned as 1st, 2nd and grading prizes
 Remaining half will go towards club funds
To enter in advance – send the information below to, to arrive by
18.00hrs on Monday 1st June, and pay the entry fee (£3 GLCC member, £7 non-member in
cash by 6.30pm on the evening of the tournament.
Full name ….......................................... Grade / Rating …................ Date of birth …...........
Club …................................................. National Federation ….................. (e.g. ENG for England)
FIDE Identification number (FIN) …...................... (optional for ENG players; required for non-ENG players.
IMPORTANT: If you are a non-ENG player and do not have a FIN you need to apply to your National Federation
for a FIN. If non-ENG players do not provide a FIN they will be registered to England for purposes of rating this
event. This registration can only be altered by a fee of at least 250 Euros payable by the individual player to
FIDE. The tournament organisers accept no responsibility for costs associated with players subsequently altering
their FIDE registration.
Entries on the day – bring this information with you and register for the tournament by
6.30pm. Entry fee £3 GLCC members, £12 for non-members.
Enquiries – to Nigel Blades, tournament organiser, email:, tel 020
8580 5872 / 07717 815955. Information on finding the venue is at: