Terms of Reference Gender and Governance Advisor

Terms of Reference
Gender and Governance Advisor (Gen-Gov NTA)
The Belgian Development Agency, BTC, mobilizes its resources and its expertise to eliminate poverty in
the world. BTC contributes to the efforts of the international community and works towards a society
that provides present and future generations with sufficient resources to build a sustainable and fair
The Natural Resources Management for Local Economic Development in Kigoma Region (NRM4LED)
project aims at increased benefits for the communities of selected landscapes in Kigoma Region through
an improved enabling environment and strengthened capacities for sustainable management of Natural
Resources (NR) linked to an equitable Local Economic Development. The direct beneficiaries of the
project are the local users of NR in selected landscapes; Local, and Regional Government Authorities,
Non-state service providers and the Private sector, who associate themselves with the project
implementation through partnerships in order to improve their management of Natural Resources in
interaction with community partners.
The 5-year project started in September 2014. The project’s central coordination team is based at the
Kigoma Regional Secretariat,
led by a Project manager from RS office and a BTC employed
International Technical Advisor as co-manager. The coordination team will further comprise of 7 BTC
employed local Technical Advisors, four of which will be stationed in at the RS and three at district levels,
and supporting staff. Now, BTC seeks to recruit for the three above mentioned nationally recruited
Technical Advisors for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
Duty Station:
Expected starting date:
Kigoma, with extensive travel throughout the region
15th May 2015
4 years
Overall responsibility
Under the leadership of the Project Manager and the Co-Manager of the project, the NTA for gender
and governance is responsible to develop the project’s thematic strategy for gender integration and
governance, and to supervise the implementation of the strategy. This will involve developing specific
activities, assuring that considerations for gender integration are well integrated in the planned project
activities, ensuring that governance and gender integration aspects are adequately addressed in the M&E
framework and contribute to monitoring and evaluation in the thematic areas of governance and gender.
The NTA will be responsible for capacity development and awareness raising for staff at the Project
Implementation Unit (PIU), and regional and district facilitation teams, as well as service providers
on the issues related to gender and governance.
Main duties and Responsibilities
 Enhance gender mainstreaming in all project activities in collaboration with staff of the PIU,
regional and district facilitation teams (RFT and DFTs), and other implementing partners and service
 Together with other members of the project implementation team at all levels (PIU, RFT, DFTs)
and other implementing partners, the NTA recommends measures to ensure effective participation
of all villagers with special attention to women and vulnerable groups in activities linked to village
land use planning and community based natural resources management;
 Ensure that gender and governance aspects are taken into account in all manuals and toolkits
developed by the project;
 Carry out a capacity assessment in the areas of governance and gender and ensure that training
programs and skill development are put into place for the project implementation team (PIU, RFT,
DFTs) and service providers (CBOs, NGOs and private sector) where appropriate.
 Organize good governance training for village government institutions and CBOs involved in
community based natural resources management.
 Together with other members of the PIU, the RFT, DFTs and other implementing partners, ensure
that, provision is made in work plans and budgets for the integration of gender and governance
issues, and this is monitored and reported on in annual and semi-annual physical and financial
reports. Coordinate with local NRM implementation partners (i.e. CBOs, NGOs and private sector)
and supervise any Execution/Service Agreements with respect to gender and governance issues.
In close consultation with project management, establish and maintain good working relationships
with project participants, counterpart agencies, and other relevant organizations, trading lessons
learnt and best practices related to governance and gender integration in NRM.
Liaise and co-ordinate project activities related to gender and governance in CBNRM with other
related projects.
Together with the DFP and DTA, identify the need for specialist studies in gender and governance,
propose consultancy Terms of Reference and supervise fieldwork and report preparation.
Report quarterly to the project management. .
Other Duties:
 Participate in and contribute to bi-annual stakeholder meetings at landscape, district and regional
level, guiding project planning, budgeting and reporting in accordance with the thematic strategy.
Qualifications and Experience:
 A graduate in governance or gender and development, or related discipline.
 A minimum of 8 years professional experience, of which at least 5 years are with NGOs or bilateral
 A minimum of 5 years demonstrated professional experience working on gender and governance
 Extensive experience with participatory process, especially to ensure gender balanced perspectives.
 Proven practical experience with gender and governance issues related to CBNRM is a distinct
 Proven practical experience in working with microfinance organizations on gender and governance
issues is an asset.
 Excellent oral and written communication skills in Kiswahili and English.
 Knowledge of MS Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
 Willing and able to be based permanently in Kigoma region and to travel extensively with extended
stays in remote and rural locations.
 Able to adapt to circumstances and to communicate with the rural communities,
Deadline for applications is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8th April 2015 and applications must include: a)
Max. 1 page signed cover letter explaining why you consider yourself to be the best fit for the position,
b) a CV indicating your relevant skills and experiences, including details of 3 referees who are conversant
with your work, and c) copies of relevant certificates. Please send applications by registered mail to
“NRM-LED Project, PO Box 24 Kigoma. Attention: Project Manager; or email (max. 2 MB) to
edward.lucas@btcctb.org. Letters and emails should clearly indicate the position for which you are
applying for on the envelope or for emails: in the Subject line. Late applications will not be considered.