Pázmány Film Festival 2015 APPLICATION FORM FOR THE JURY – II P Á Z M Á N Y F I L M F E S T I V A L The present application form should be clearly filled in and signed all the pages in the original and has to be sent in original until April 30th, 2015 (personally or posted to the following address: SZITAFILM KFT Teréz krt. 6, félem 8 – 1066 Budapest). For any question contact us to pazmanyfestival@gmail.com Full name ________________________________________ Nationality ________________________________________ Place and date of birth ________________________________________ School/University ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Teacher in charge ________________________________________ Mobil ________________________________________ e-mail ________________________________________ I ask to participate at the second edition of Pázmány Film Festival that will be held from 7 to 9 May 2015 in Budapest and Piliscsaba, Hungary. I am fully committed to trying to watch all the film in competition. Iuvenis jury: students aged between 15 and 18 Aurora jury: students aged between 19 and 24 This year the Pázmány Film Festival become an international event! We are receiving film from all over the country, with english subtitles. The knowledge of English language is essential to understand the most part of the films. Anyway, the festival is borned from an italian-hungarian cooperation, we will show lot of film coming from this two countries and, besides the top prizes, we will give a prize also for the best Italian film and for the best Hungarian film. Italian language knowledge it will be important for the festival. Languages knowledge: italian hungarian english For who will come out of Budapest the festival we will provide an accomodation. The festival will be held: May 7th, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Piliscsaba) May 8th, Italian Cultural Institute (Bródy Sándor utca 8 – Federico Fellini) 9 maggio: Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest) The final program will be comunicated within April 30th, 2015. If the student is under 18 is necessary the signature of parents or teacher who is responsible for the minor Place and date: ___________________ Signature _____________________ Teacher signature ____________________ Parent signature _____________________
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