managing work How much should I charge? by Lynn Wasnak If you’re a beginning freelance writer, or don’t know many other freelancers, you may wonder how anyone manages to earn enough to eat and pay the rent by writing or performing a mix of writing-related tasks. Yet, smart full-time freelance writers and editors annually gross $35,000 and up—sometimes into the $150,000-200,000 range. These top-earning freelancers rarely have names known to the general public. (Celebrity writers earn fees far beyond the rates cited in this survey.) But, year after year, they sustain themselves and their families on a freelance income, while maintaining control of their hours and their lives. Such freelancers take writing and editing seriously—it’s their business. Periodically, they sit down and think about the earning potential of their work, and how they can make freelancing more profitable and fun. They know their numbers: what it costs to run their business; what hourly rate they require; how long a job will take. Unless there’s a real bonus (a special clip, or a chance to try something new) these writers turn down work that doesn’t meet the mark and replace it with a better-paying project. If you don’t know your numbers, take a few minutes to figure them out. Begin by choosing your target annual income—whether it’s $25,000 or $100,000. Add in fixed expenses: social security, taxes, and office supplies. Don’t forget health insurance and something for your retirement. Once you’ve determined your annual gross target, divide it by 1,000 billable hours—about 21 hours per week—to determine your target hourly rate. Remember—this rate is flexible. You can continue doing low-paying work you love as long as you make up for the loss with more lucrative jobs. But you must monitor your rate of earning if you want to reach your goal. If you slip, remind yourself you’re in charge. As a freelancer, you can raise prices, chase better-paying jobs, work extra hours, or adjust your spending.’’ How Much SHould I charge? “Sounds great,’’ you may say. “But how do I come up with 1,000 billable hours each year? I’m lucky to find a writing-related job every month or two, and these pay a pittance.’’ That’s where business attitude comes in: network, track your time, join professional organizations, and study the markets. Learn how to query, then query like mad. Take chances by reaching for the next level. Learn to negotiate for a fee you can live on—your plumber does! Then get it in writing. You’ll be surprised how far you can go, and how much you can earn, if you believe in your skills and act on your belief. The rates that follow are a guide to steer you in the right direction. This report is based on input from sales finalized in 2009 and 2010 only. The data is generated from voluntary surveys completed by members of numerous professional writers’ and editors’ organizations and specialty groups. We thank these responding groups, listed below, and their members for generously sharing information. If you would like to contribute your input, e-mail for a survey. PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS Here are the organizations surveyed to compile the “How Much Should I Charge?” pay rate chart. You can also find Professional Organizations in the Resources. • American Independent Writers (AIW), (202)775-5150. Website: www.amerindy • American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), (972)883-2093. Website: www. • American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), (301)294-5303. Website: www. • American Society of Journalists & Authors (ASJA), (212)997-0947. Website: www. • American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), (215)451-2767. Website: www. • American Society of Picture Professionals (ASPP), (703)299-0219. Website: www. • American Translators Association (ATA), (703)683-6100. Website: • Angela Hoy’s Writers Weekly. Website: • Association of Independents in Radio (AIR), (617)825-4400. Website: www.air • Association of Personal Historians (APH). Website: • Educational Freelancers Association (EFA), (212)929-5400. Website: www.the- 136 Lynn Wasnak • Freelance Success (FLX), (877) 731-5411. Website: • International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), (415)544-4700. Website: • Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE), (573)882-2042. Website: • Media Communicators Association International (MCA-I), (888)899-6224. Website: • National Cartoonists Society (NCS), (407)647-8839. Website: • National Writers Union (NWU), (212)254-0279. Website: • National Association of Science Writers (NASW), (510)647-9500. Website: www. main.asp. • Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), (317)927-8000. Website: • Society for Technical Communication (STC), (703)522-4114. Website: • Women in Film (WIF). Website: • Writer’s Guild of America East (WGAE), (212)767-7800. Website: • Writer’s Guild of America West (WGA), (323)951-4000. Website: LYNN WASNAK ( was directed to the market for her first paid piece of deathless prose (“Fossils in Your Driveway’’ published by Journeys in 1968 for $4) by Writer’s Market. In the 40 years since, she’s made her living as a freelancer and has never looked back. 137 138 $150 $125 $180 $180 $150 $150 $180 $150 $125 $180 $180 $99 Advertising copywriting Advertising editing Advertorials Business public relations Campaign development or product launch Catalog copywriting Corporate spokesperson role Direct-mail copywriting Event promotions/publicity Press kits Press/news release Radio commercials Advertising & Public Relations HIGH $30 $30 $30 $30 $35 $70 $25 $35 $30 $50 $20 $35 LOW Per Hour $72 $78 $82 $75 $84 $107 $71 $95 $84 $92 $64 $83 AVG n/a $1,500 n/a n/a $8,248 n/a n/a $8,750 n/a $1,875 n/a $9,000 HIGH n/a $125 n/a n/a $500 n/a n/a $1,500 n/a $200 n/a $150 LOW AVG n/a $700 n/a n/a $2,839 n/a n/a $4,540 n/a $479 n/a $2752 Per Project $850/60sec $2/word $750/page $850/60sec n/a $4/word $400/page $1,200/day $350/item n/a $500/day $3/word $1/word $3/word HIGH $120/60sec 40¢/word $150/page $120/60sec n/a $1/word $200/page $500/day $25/item n/a $200/day 75¢/word 25¢/word 25¢/word LOW Other $456/60sec $1.17/word $348/page $456/60sec $500/day $2.17/word $314/page $740/day $116/item n/a $356/day $1.57/word 65¢/word $1.56/word AVG How Much SHould I charge? $125 $80 $100 $100 $125 n/a $100 $75 $125 $125 $100 Anthology editing Book chapter Book production for clients Book proposal consultation Book publicity for clients Book query critique Children’s book writing Content editing (scholarly/textbook) Content editing (trade) Copyediting (trade) $167 Abstracting and abridging Book Publishing Speech writing/editing for individuals or corporations HIGH $16 $19 $20 $35 $50 n/a $25 $40 $35 $23 $30 $35 LOW Per Hour $46 $54 $51 $50 $72 n/a $66 $67 $60 $51 $74 $90 AVG $5,500 $20,000 $15,000 n/a $500 $10,000 $1,500 n/a $2,500 $7,900 n/a $10,000 HIGH $2,000 $1,000 $500 n/a $75 $500 $250 n/a $1,200 $1,200 n/a $2,700 LOW AVG $3,667 $6,538 $4,477 n/a $202 $2,000 $788 n/a $1,758 $4,588 n/a $5,036 Per Project $6/page $20/page $20/page $5/word $5,000/adv n/a n/a n/a $17.50/page 20¢/word n/a $2/word $350/minute HIGH $1/page $3.75/page $3/page $1/word $450/adv n/a n/a n/a $5/page 8¢/word n/a $1/word $100/minute LOW Other $4.22/page $8/page $6.89/page $2.75/word $2,286/adv n/a n/a n/a $10/page 14¢/word n/a $1.48/word $204/minute AVG Lynn Wasnak 139 140 n/a n/a $125 $125 n/a $60 $100 n/a n/a $125 $125 $60 Encyclopedia articles Fiction book writing (own) Ghostwriting, as told to Ghostwriting, no credit Guidebook writing/editing Indexing Manuscript evaluation and critique Manuscript typing Movie novelizations Nonfiction book writing (collaborative) Nonfiction book writing (own) Novel synopsis (general) HIGH $30 $40 $40 n/a n/a $23 $22 n/a $30 $35 n/a n/a LOW Per Hour $45 $72 $80 n/a $20 $66 $35 n/a $73 $67 n/a n/a AVG $450 n/a n/a $15,000 n/a $2,000 n/a n/a n/a $47,000 n/a n/a HIGH $150 n/a n/a $5,000 n/a $150 n/a n/a n/a $5,500 n/a n/a LOW AVG $292 n/a n/a $9,159 n/a $663 n/a n/a n/a $22,892 n/a n/a Per Project $100/page $110/page $50,000/adv $110/page $75,000/adv n/a $3/page n/a $12/page $14,000/adv $3/word $500/page $100/page $40,000/adv 50¢/word $3,000/item HIGH $10/page $50/page $1,300/adv $50/page $1,300/adv n/a 95¢/page n/a $2/page $10,000/adv 50¢/word $50/page $50/page $525/adv 15¢/word $50/item LOW Other $37/page $80/page $14,057/adv $80/page $22,684/adv n/a $1.67/page n/a $4.72/page $12,000/adv $1.79/word $206/page $87/page $14,193/adv 35¢/word $933/item AVG How Much SHould I charge? $75 $150 $120 n/a n/a Proofreading Research for writers or book publishers Rewriting/structural editing Translation—literary Translation—nonfiction/ technical $180 $150 $150 $150 $150 Annual reports Brochures, booklets, flyers Business editing (general) Business letters Business plan Business $125 Personal history writing/editing (for clients) HIGH $30 $30 $25 $30 $45 n/a n/a $25 $15 $15 $30 LOW Per Hour $82 $74 $70 $81 $92 n/a n/a $67 $52 $31 $60 AVG $15,000 n/a n/a $15,000 $15,000 n/a $10,000 $50,000 n/a n/a $40,000 HIGH $200 n/a n/a $300 $500 n/a $7,000 $2,500 n/a n/a $750 LOW AVG $4,100 n/a n/a $4,215 $5,708 n/a $8,500 $13,929 n/a n/a $15,038 Per Project n/a $2/word n/a $2.50/word $800/page $600 35¢/target word 20¢/target word 15¢/word $600/day $5/page n/a HIGH n/a $1/word n/a 35¢/word $50/page $100 8¢/target word 6¢/target word 6¢/word $450/day $2/page n/a LOW Other n/a $1.47/word n/a $1.21/word $341/page $349 16¢/target word 11¢/target word 11¢/word $525/day $3.26/page n/a AVG Lynn Wasnak 141 142 $200 $180 $125 $180 $125 $135 $180 $150 $250 $135 $125 $125 Business writing seminars Consultation on communications Copyediting for business Corporate histories Corporate periodicals, editing Corporate periodicals, writing Corporate profiles Ghostwriting for business execs Ghostwriting for businesses Newsletters, desktop publishing/production Newsletters, editing Newsletters, writing HIGH $25 $25 $35 $35 $25 $35 $35 $35 $35 $25 $40 $60 LOW Per Hour $77 $67 $71 $109 $84 $88 $78 $69 $86 $60 $95 $107 AVG $6,600 n/a $6,600 $3,000 $3,000 n/a n/a n/a 160,000 n/a n/a $8,600 HIGH $800 n/a $1,000 $500 $500 n/a n/a n/a $5,000 n/a n/a $550 LOW AVG $3,567 $3,600 $3,480 $1,756 $1,393 $3,000 $1,875 n/a $54,500 n/a n/a $2,919 Per Project $5/word $1,250/page $230/page $750/page n/a $2.50/word $2/word $3/word $2.50/word $2/word $4/page $1,200/day n/a HIGH $1/word $150/page $150/page $150/page n/a 50¢/word $1/word $1/word 75¢/word $1/word $2/page $500/day n/a LOW Other $2.30/word $514/page $185/page $429/page n/a $2/word $1.50/word $1.71/word $1.42/word $1.50/word $3/page $823/day n/a AVG How Much SHould I charge? $100 Resume writing n/a $125 $500 $95 $165 $95 n/a $95 Blogging—paid E-mail copywriting Educational webinars Hardware/Software help screen writing Hardware/Software manual writing Internet research Keyword descriptions Online videos for clients Computer, Internet & Technical $75 Translation services for business use HIGH $60 n/a $25 $30 $60 $0 $35 n/a $60 $35 LOW Per Hour $76 n/a $55 $80 $81 $195 $85 $100 $72 $52 AVG n/a n/a n/a $23,500 $6,000 n/a n/a $2,000 $500 n/a HIGH n/a n/a n/a $5,000 $1,000 n/a n/a $500 $150 n/a LOW AVG n/a n/a n/a $11,500 $4,000 n/a $300 $1,240 $287 n/a Per Project n/a $200/page n/a n/a n/a n/a $2/word $500/post n/a $35/ target word $1.40/ target line HIGH n/a $135/page n/a n/a n/a n/a 30¢/word $6/post n/a 6¢/ target word $1/ target line LOW Other n/a $165/page n/a n/a n/a n/a 91¢/word $49/post n/a $2.30/ target word $1.20/ target line AVG Lynn Wasnak 143 144 $150 $160 $100 $150 n/a n/a $89 $135 Technical editing Technical writing Web editing Webpage design Website or blog promotion Website reviews Website search engine optimization White papers $150 $125 $100 Desktop publishing Photo brochures Photography Editorial/Design Packages $95 Social media postings for clients HIGH $50 $65 $25 $25 $60 n/a n/a $35 $25 $30 $25 $30 LOW Per Hour $71 $87 $67 $82 $76 n/a n/a $80 $57 $80 $65 $62 AVG $10,500 $15,000 n/a $10,000 $50,000 $900 $650 $4,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a HIGH $50 $400 n/a $2,500 $8,000 $50 $195 $200 n/a n/a n/a n/a LOW AVG $2,100 $3,869 n/a $4,927 $12,000 $300 $335 $1,278 n/a n/a n/a $500 Per Project $2,500/day $65/picture $750/page n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $10/page n/a n/a n/a HIGH $500/day $35/picture $30/page n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $3/page n/a n/a n/a LOW Other $1,340/day $48/picture $202/page n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $5.67/page n/a n/a $10/word AVG How Much SHould I charge? $100 Picture editing n/a n/a $63 $125 $100 $100 $100 $60 Author appearances at national events Author appearances at regional events Author appearances at local groups Authors presenting in schools Educational grant and proposal writing Manuscript evaluation for theses/dissertations Poetry manuscript critique Private writing instruction Educational & Literary Services $75 Photo research HIGH $50 $25 $15 $35 $25 $40 n/a n/a $40 $25 LOW Per Hour $57 $62 $53 $67 $78 $47 n/a n/a $64 $49 AVG n/a n/a $1,550 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a HIGH n/a n/a $200 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LOW AVG n/a n/a $783 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Per Project n/a n/a n/a n/a $350/class $400/event $1,500/event $500/hour $30,000/ event $65/picture n/a HIGH n/a n/a n/a n/a $50/class $75/event $50/event $100/hour $500/event $35/picture n/a LOW Other n/a n/a n/a n/a $183/class $219/event $615/event $285/hour $5,000/event $53/picture n/a AVG Lynn Wasnak 145 146 $100 Writing for scholarly journals n/a $150 n/a $90 $125 Book/novel summaries for film producers Business film/video scriptwriting Comedy writing for entertainers Copyediting audiovisuals Educational or training film/ video scriptwriting Film, Video, TV, Radio, Stage $220 Writer’s workshop panel or class $35 $22 n/a $50 n/a $40 $30 $35 $125 Teaching adult writing classes n/a $30 n/a LOW Per Hour Short story manuscript critique $150 Readings by poets, fiction writers HIGH $81 $53 n/a $97 n/a $63 $92 $82 $75 n/a AVG n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $450 n/a n/a $175 n/a HIGH n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $100 n/a n/a $50 n/a LOW AVG n/a n/a n/a $600 n/a $285 n/a n/a $112 n/a Per Project n/a $50/event LOW Other $500/run min n/a $150/joke $500/group $1,000/run min $34/page n/a $5,000/day $100/run min n/a $5/joke $100/group $50/run min $15/page n/a $60/day $800/class $150/class $5,000/course $500/course n/a $3,000/event HIGH $245/run min n/a $50/joke $283/group $334/run min $500/day $23/page $120/book n/a $1,186/day $450/class $2,667/course n/a $225/event AVG How Much SHould I charge? $2,344/30 min, $4,441/60 min, $6,564/90 min $75 $99 $1,455/5 min, $2,903/10 min, $4,105/15 min Prime Time: $33,681/60 min, $47,388/90 min Not Prime Time: $12,857/30 min, $23,370/60 min, $35,122/90 min Script synopsis for agent or film Script synopsis for business TV commercials TV news story/feature TV scripts (non-theatrical) $60 $45 n/a $81 $62 n/a n/a n/a n/a $1,500 n/a n/a n/a $150 n/a n/a n/a $683 n/a $2,500/30 sec n/a $117,602 n/a $200/run min $400/day $150/30 sec n/a $62,642 n/a $45/run min $250/day $100/run min n/a n/a n/a $500/run min Screenwriting (original screenplay-including treatment) n/a n/a n/a n/a $60 n/a Radio interviews $50 n/a $70 $99 Radio editorials $30 5-10% box office/Broadway, 6-7% box office/off-Broadway, 10% box office/regional theatre. LOW Other Playwriting for the stage HIGH $150 AVG Industrial product film/video scriptwriting LOW Per Project First 180 days, 5% WGA minimum; 10% minimum each 180-day period thereafter. HIGH TV options AVG First 18 months, 10% WGA minimum; 10% minimum each 18-month period thereafter. LOW Per Hour Feature film options HIGH $1,204/30 sec n/a $90,122 n/a $124/run min $325/day $300/run min AVG Lynn Wasnak 147 148 $200 original story, $500 existing story, $35 short script. $150 n/a n/a $125 n/a Comic book/strip writing Consultation on magazine editorial Consumer magazine column Consumer front-of-book Content editing Contributing editor n/a $25 n/a n/a $30 n/a n/a $57 n/a n/a $81 n/a n/a $6,500 $850 $2,500 n/a $250 $900 n/a $2,000 $350 $75 n/a $50 $25 n/a $3,819 $600 $898 n/a $140 $338 $194 n/a n/a n/a $100 n/a City magazine calendar n/a $325 n/a n/a $79 $75 Book reviews $60 $50 $95 n/a AVG Arts reviewing n/a LOW Per Project $100 n/a HIGH Arts query critique $64 AVG $125 $25 $68,150/120 min LOW Per Hour Article manuscript critique Magazines & Trade Journals TV scripts (teleplay/MOW) HIGH $156,000/ contract 15¢/word n/a $2.50/word n/a $1/word $1.50/word $1.20/word n/a n/a HIGH $20,000/ contract 6¢/word n/a 37¢/word n/a 30¢/word 15¢/word 8¢/word n/a n/a LOW Other $51,000/ contract 11¢/word n/a $1.13/word $100/page 70¢/word 68¢/word 58¢/word n/a n/a AVG How Much SHould I charge? $200 $100 $75 n/a $125 $122 $180 Ghostwriting articles (general) Magazine research Proofreading Reprint fees Rewriting Trade journal feature article Transcribing interviews $125 $125 Medical/scientific conference coverage Medical/scientific editing Medical/Science $35/gag; 25% sale on spec. $21 $50 $90 $40 $20 n/a $15 $15 $30 $73 $85 $50 $80 $68 n/a $35 $47 $102 $46 Gag writing for cartoonists $15 $125 $50 Fact checking $18 AVG $100 LOW Per Hour Copyediting magazines HIGH n/a n/a n/a $4,950 n/a $1,500 n/a n/a $3,500 n/a n/a HIGH n/a n/a n/a $150 n/a $20 n/a n/a $1,100 n/a n/a LOW AVG n/a n/a n/a $1,412 n/a $461 n/a n/a $2,229 n/a n/a Per Project $12.50/page $600/day $800/day $3/min $3/word n/a $1.50/word n/a $500/item $10/word n/a $10/page HIGH $3/page $500/day $300/day $1/min 20¢/word n/a 10¢/word n/a $100/item 60¢/word n/a $2.90/page LOW Other $4.40/page $550/day $600/day $2/min $1.16/word $50/page 73¢/word n/a $200/item $2.25/word n/a $5.68/page AVG Lynn Wasnak 149 150 $100 $125 $125 Medical/scientific multimedia presentations Medical/scientific proofreading Pharmaceutical writing $69 $69 n/a n/a $35 $75 $79 n/a Arts reviewing Book reviews Column, local Column, self-syndicated Copyediting Editing/manuscript evaluation Feature writing Investigative reporting Newspapers $250 Medical/scientific writing HIGH n/a $40 $25 $15 n/a n/a $45 $30 $90 $18 $50 $30 LOW Per Hour n/a $63 $35 $27 n/a n/a $58 $53 $105 $64 $75 $95 AVG n/a $1,040 n/a n/a n/a $600 $350 $200 n/a n/a n/a $5,000 HIGH n/a $85 n/a n/a n/a $25 $15 $15 n/a n/a n/a $1,000 LOW AVG n/a $478 n/a n/a n/a $206 $140 $101 n/a $500 n/a $3,354 Per Project 10¢/word n/a n/a $4/insertion 38¢/word 25¢/word 6¢/word n/a $2.50/page $50/slide 25¢/word LOW Other $10,000/grant $250/grant $1.60/word n/a n/a $35/insertion $1/word 60¢/word 60¢/word n/a $3/page $100/slide $2/word HIGH $2,250/grant 59¢/word n/a n/a $16/insertion 65¢/word 44¢/word 36¢/word n/a $2.75/page $77/slide $1.12/word AVG How Much SHould I charge? $45 n/a Proofreading Stringing $150 $125 $110 $100 $100 Nonprofit writing Nonprofit editing Nonprofit fundraising literature Nonprofit presentations Nonprofit public relations Government agency writing/editing $100 $100 Nonprofit annual reports Politics/Government $150 Grant writing for nonprofits Nonprofit n/a Obituary copy HIGH $20 $20 $50 $35 $25 $20 $30 $19 n/a $15 n/a LOW Per Hour $57 $60 $73 $74 $54 $77 $64 $70 n/a $23 n/a AVG n/a n/a n/a $3,500 n/a $17,600 n/a $3,000 $2,400 n/a $225 HIGH n/a n/a n/a $300 n/a $200 n/a $500 $40 n/a $35 LOW AVG n/a n/a n/a $1,597 n/a $4,706 n/a $1,852 $525 n/a $124 Per Project $1.25/word n/a n/a $1,000/day n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a HIGH 25¢/word n/a n/a $500/day n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LOW Other 75¢/word n/a n/a $767/day n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a AVG Lynn Wasnak 151 152 $150 $100 $150 $200 $150 Government grant writing/ editing Government-sponsored research Public relations for political campaigns Speechwriting for government officials Speechwriting for political campaigns HIGH $60 $30 $40 $35 $19 LOW Per Hour $101 $96 $86 $66 $68 AVG n/a $4,500 n/a n/a n/a HIGH n/a $1,000 n/a n/a n/a LOW AVG n/a $2,750 n/a n/a n/a Per Project $200/run min $200/run min n/a n/a n/a HIGH $100/run min $110/run min n/a n/a n/a LOW Other $162/run min $155/run min n/a $600/day n/a AVG How Much SHould I charge?
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