Newsletter_15-05-15 - Bulimba State School

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Quick links:
What's On This Week
Principal's Report
P&C Report
Messages From Local
In and Around Our
Contact Us
Term 2 Calendar of
2015 BSS Court Hire
AEDC Census Newsletter
In Other News
Web Links:
Dear Kylie
Welcome to this week's latest news. To Stay Fully Informed about what is
happening around our school, please read the whole newsletter.
This Monday 18 May we want to thank and celebrate all the wonderful
volunteers who help our school to be a great place to learn. To do this, our
students will be performing in their year level groups. Please come along to the
hall before school and enjoy a coffee/tea and pastry served by our fantastic
“Special Events” team. The concert will start at 8.45am and will finish at
approximately 10.00am.
Order of Events
Concert Band
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Senior and Junior Choirs
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1 18/05/2015
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(Term 2 - Week 5)
To stay fully informed about what is happening around our school, please read
the whole newsletter.
18 May:
“Thank you” Parade (8.45am –
• Senior Band (7.50am - Hall)
• Yr 6 Instrumental Music Lessons
• Chess Club (7.30am - Library)
19 May:
ICAS - Digital Technologies
Chess Club (7.30am - Library)
Yr 4 & 5 Inst. Music Lessons
Staff Session (3.15pm)
SAKGP: 6K (8.45am & 9.45am)
SAKGP: 6D (9.45am & 11.30am)
20 May:
Walking Wheeling Wednesday
Religious Instruction Classes
SAKGP: 6B (8.45am & 9.45am)
P&C Meeting (7.00pm)
21 May:
UQ Master of Teaching Students
Regis visit (Sp. Events Team)
Junior Choir (8.15am)
Peer Support (12.00pm)
22 May:
Senior Choir (8.00am)
Fun Fit Friday
Interschool Sport (Yrs 4 – 6)
We all have the right not to be harassed or bullied.
We all have the responsibility
not to harass anyone in the
following ways:
Harassment can be:
for physical disabilities
or in any manner
Verbal - name calling
Physical - touching in
inappropriate ways
• Intimidation - staring,
leering, ogling and
winking suggestively.
Bullying will not be permitted. 18/05/2015
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We all have the responsibility
to treat each other with care
and respect.
Australian early development census (AEDC)
In early 2015, our school, along with thousands of others across the country,
will begin preparations for the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
Since 2009, results from the AEDC have helped communities, schools and
governments plan services and target support for children and families where it
is needed most. An information sheet is attached to this week’s newsletter.
Environment club
Each week our students are having fun in our Environment Club. If you would
like your child to attend, please email the office. Prep children must be
accompanied by an adult.
ICAS digital technologies competition
Our ICAS competitions begin next week with the Digital Technologies
competition to be held on Tuesday 19 May. The Years 4 – 6 students will sit
the competition in the staffroom at 9.00am and Year 3 will sit the competition at
12.00pm. Parents of children who have entered the competition should have
received an information letter from their child’s class teacher. Parents are
encouraged to ensure their children are familiar with how to complete the front
cover of the competition booklet.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program 18/05/2015
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Last week a group of students was involved in making cheese to enter this
year’s EKKA cheese making competition. Our Year 6 students made
camembert and our Year 4 students made blue vein cheese. There were some
interesting smells coming from the kitchen. Thank you to the parents who
came along to help. We look forward to trying the cheeses.
Semester one report cards
At the end of this term Prep – Year 6 parents will receive their child’s report via
email. When report cards were emailed home at the end of last year, a number
of service providers saw the report card mail out as spam, causing the email
with the report card to be delivered into people’s junk/spam folder rather than
their inbox. Please add to your ‘safe
senders list’ so your child’s Semester 1 report card will be delivered to your
inbox at the end of the term. If your email address has changed, please let the
office know as soon as possible.
School disco: Thursday 18 June 2015
Venue: Michael Zeuschner Community Hall
Times: 5.00pm – 6.15pm Prep – Year 2
6.30pm – 8.15pm Years 3 – 6
Cost: Entry is $3
Food: Sausage Sizzle, Chips, Drinks
All children must be picked up by an adult from the door of the hall after the
disco. Children will not be released to wait at the road for parents or walk
Bulimba State School students only 18/05/2015
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Sheryl Kennedy
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Fantasy trivia night 2015
We’ve heard the whispers in the playground, there’s excitement in the air. With
only a month to go until our infamous event, it’s time to get your costume and
your babysitter booked.
Book your tables
Grant applications
Have you seen any grants advertised that the P&C may be eligible to apply
for? We’d like to know about them. Our P&C Vice President, Jocelyn, will be
heading up the grant writing team to try and secure funds to improve our
school. If you are interested in helping, or would like to notify us of grant
opportunities, please email Jocelyn at
May P&C meeting - Wednesday 20 May, 7pm
Please join us in the Library for the May P&C meeting. Hope to see you there.
May 150th Anniversary meeting - Wednesday 27 May,
Room MG03 at 7pm
Come to the next meeting to find out what’s planned for the Anniversary
weekend. Also hear about our “A Trip Down Memory Lane” event on 25 July.
This event will be the launch of our 150th year celebrations and an opportunity
to film and gather photos and information for our commemorative DVD and
book. If you’d like more information please contact Sharon 18/05/2015
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Entertainment books - P&C fundraiser
The new 2015/2016 Entertainment Books are coming! With many new
businesses on-board and all the old favourites at $65 these books are great
value. Best of all $13 from every membership sold contributes to our P&C
fundraising. Once again you can also choose between the book and a digital
membership. The digital membership puts the value of Entertainment Book
into your smartphone (Apple or Android) and has 'near me' technology and the
ability to show and save with your phone. Digital membership is only available
when purchased online.
Your books or Digital Membership can be pre-ordered here by credit card.
Pre-order here
Order your book before 1 June 2015 and you will receive BONUS OFFERS
worth over $195 (subject to availability).
Michael Wilkes
Contact Treasurer at to book your
Advert in the BSS Newsletter.
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Eric Vale Epic Fail by Michael Gerard Bauer is
an exciting and funny book with lots of laughter. You dive into a pool of fun and
amazement on how badly Eric wants to lose his nickname and how he plans
on doing it! I therefore think that this book is suitable for students around 8-12
years of age.
Written by Isabella Armitage, Readers Cup Team Member.
The theme is REFLECTIONS. This semester, the judges will be looking for
reflections that are focused, visually appealing and creative. All entries must be
on an official entry form and have the $2 entry fee. Entry forms are available
from class teachers and the Library. All entries must be submitted to the school
library or Mrs Cannons by 29 May.
The following students have passed their Library Monitor and Senior Library
Monitor training and are now able to work in the library on either Monday,
Wednesday or Thursday lunchtimes:
Library Monitors
5G: Sienna Thistlewaite, Dante Vickers
5H: Lanty Boyle, Isabella Armitage, Libby Donnan, Tahlia Sipple
5WA: Sabrina Guse, Branden Rossi, Charlotte Thomae
Senior Library Monitors
6B: Rosemary Grant
6D: Lucinda Fidler, Rylee Austin
Mrs Lyons has appreciated their willingness to learn their new tasks and
responsibilities and looks forward to working with them.
It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm in our Years 4-6 students in using
Accelerated Reader this year. This is shown in the number of certificates that
are printed each fortnight and the number of students who have read in excess
of a million words. By the end of 2014, we had one Word Bi-Millionaire and 13
Word Millionaires. So far this year, we have two Word Bi-Millionaires and six
Word Millionaires. Our latest Word Millionaire is Alexandra Riches and Word 18/05/2015
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Bi-Millionaire is Harrison Wilkes. Congratulations and well-done on your hard
Congratulations to the 2015 Eco Marine Ambassadors!
Last term, our Year 4 students attended the highly anticipated camp at
Tangalooma Island Resort. They learnt first-hand about the dangers to our
precious wildlife and marine life. They participated in real life experiences,
spoke to experts and interacted with marine life.
Tangalooma Island Resort is passionate about spreading the word to all about
what we can do to ensure that Moreton Bay remains a beautiful, pristine
environment where marine life flourishes.
Bulimba began as one of the pilot schools for Tangalooma EcoMarines
Program in 2014. The Tangalooma EcoMarines Ambassador Program is one
way that we can encourage students to take an active role in promoting
environmentally responsible practices. Becoming an EcoMarine means that
you care about our environment, and want to learn how you can keep it
beautiful for years to come. By signing up to become an EcoMarine, you take a
pledge and have your word heard!
This term, Year 4 students were invited to nominate to become Tangalooma
EcoMarine Ambassadors and have their word heard! We were extremely
impressed with the maturity and commitment to the environment displayed by
all the students who submitted applications. We thank everyone who applied
and we would love to invite all applicants to be part of the EcoMarine Support
We are proud to announce that the 2015 EcoMarine Ambassadors are Layla
Cunliffe, Eddie Webster, Lauren Ballard and Lily Pitman.
These students will work together with our Environment Captains to make a
difference and encourage our community to join the mission to help save the
Please go to this website and Sign up now!!
Be sure to select Bulimba State School in the drop down box, so we can keep
track of how many people we have reached. Watch the video link below to see
what EcoMarines is trying to achieve.
Bulimba State School Community, now is the time to “SPREAD THE WORD”
Smart bites
Loved the Show Bag but have never ordered from Smart Bites?
Due to the overwhelming response to the Smart Bites Show Bags for the
Swimathon we thought it timely to revisit how to order from tuck shop. Some
staff and students including Preppies, may never have ordered from Smart 18/05/2015
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Bites and would like to know that they have had a taste of what we offer. We
look forward to seeing you at Smart Bites soon!...
Pip Carter (our Convenor) and her team make most of our menu items in the
Smart Bites kitchen (located in B Block on ground level) including many gluten
free options. We also try hard to cater for other various allergies.
A full service of hot and cold lunch orders, drinks and snacks are available
each Friday, including a counter service where students can additionally
purchase snacks and drinks.
Each Tuesday only lunch items may be ordered (no snacks, drinks or counter
Lunches are ordered via Flexischools, which is a cashless online system and
your child’s full order is delivered in time for first break (you may wish to pack
an ice brick in your child’s lunchbox for anything kept for second break).
Flexischools - Online lunch ordering system
Flexischools eliminates the need for children to bring cash to school to
purchase food and drink items.
To register:
Go to
Click “Register Now” in the Login Box to create account;
Enter your child’s name, school and class and add funds (e.g. $20) into
a prepaid account;
Place order. You can log into the website at any time to place orders (&
up until 8.30am Friday. Tuesday service orders need to be placed by
8.30am Tuesday)
As purchases are made, the funds are taken from your prepaid
The account can be topped up again in the same way, or set to
automatically top up via credit card when the balance falls below a
preset minimum;
Each order is sent automatically to the Bulimba State School Food
Service, where an easy-to-read label is produced with your student’s
name, class and order details;
Your child/ren will receive their order without the need for cash.
What does it cost?
Flexischools charges a 25c/order fee for the online orders to help pay for the
labels and the website system. There is also a 29c top up fee when using your
credit card. There is no cost for direct deposit.
What if I don’t have a credit card?
If you don’t have a credit card you can still use Flexischools. Simply register as
shown above then email and you will receive the
instructions on how to top-up your account without a credit card.
Drop us a line!
Please let us know what you think of all the new menu items. We thank you for
supporting our continuous efforts to provide healthy, tasty and affordable food
options for our children. Please contact Melanie Cox
( or Naomi Pritchard
( We would love to hear from you.
Parent Roster
Class Reps please contact Pip at Smart Bites to let her know in advance who
has volunteered for your class.
Phone/text: 0414 523 865
Term 2 Parent Roster
Week 5 (Friday 22 May) – 3PJ
Week 6 (Friday 29 May) – 3S
Week 7 (Friday 5 June) – 3TP
Week 8 (Friday 12 June) – 2B
Week 9 (Friday 19 June) – 2D
Week 10 (Friday 26 June) – 2F
The full 2015 class roster can be found at the Bulimba Events website:!other-events/c1mg1
If you have any questions or problems using Flexischools please contact
Sarah Donnan at You can contact Smart Bites
directly on 3395 9623 during Friday service hours.
Many thanks
Smart Bites Team 18/05/2015
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Arts festival
Dear Parents
We would like you to save 4 September for the 2015 Arts Festival at Bulimba
State School.
If you would like to assist teachers in the classroom or can assist in preparing
for this wonderful event please email Brigette Cannons
We require help to put up lights prior to the event, to decorate, make food,
hang art work, label individual art pieces, make signs for food sales and the list
goes on. If you know you can assist in one or more of these areas please let
us know. Many hands make light work.
We appreciate your support and look forward to the Arts festival in September
Brigette Cannons
Sports News
If your son is interested in trialling for Lytton Rugby Union? He needs to see
Mrs Young to collect the paperwork. He should be currently playing with a club
in a high division. Students need to be born in 2003 or 2004 to attend the trials.
School trials may be held to select those to go to trial if a number of boys are
Invitation to thank the PA Hospital and raise awareness
To show our appreciation to our friends, school community and the PA
Hospital we would love you to join us on Saturday 30 May as we share “Gary’s
Journey out of the Woods”. The Doctor who saved Gary’s life and Dr Clair
Sullivan, who some of you may know from Bulimba, will be raising awareness
of the PA Hospital within our local community. Tickets can be purchased
directly through the PA Hospital. We were unable to personally thank everyone
for their support and kindness. Please accept this as your personal invitation
and thanks and in turn would love to have you join us as we share our Journey
out of the Woods. All proceeds of the $40 ticket price go to the PA. Please
follow this link for tickets
Janelle Lynch 18/05/2015
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Facebook Events Page | BSS Facebook Page
Oxford St, Bulimba QLD 4171
Office phone number: 3395 9666 (8.00am – 3.30pm)
Fax: 3395 9600
Absentee phone number:3395 9667 (24 hours a day)
Absentee Email:
Add us to your contact list.
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Newsletter and Hosting by Coetzer Creative 18/05/2015