- Buranda State School

10 June 2015
Dear Parents and Friends,
Thanks for the great response to our
World Environment Day—Active Travel
Breakfast last Friday. By hook or by crook,
the HumanTree was a success. Thanks to
Tim and his colleagues from the Wilderness Society for their input and support of
the day. Again, thanks to our AST committee for making it happen each week. The
winner of our best dressed on the day was
Ava Z.
We continue to soldier on without the use
of the oval. Test results last week indicated that there are still two areas that are
not yet ready for use. Re-testing will be
carried out next Wednesday 17 June.
Next Monday, nominated students will sit
the ICAS writing test.
Tuckshop Update
If you have a couple of hours to spare
next Wednesday after morning drop off to
help chop and cook for Thursday's tuckshop, or spare time on Thursday morning to
put it all together and serve, please let
me know at
Thank you.
I have been approached by residents from
Salisbury Street regarding issues at pickup time. If you collect students from
Salisbury Street, please be mindful that it
is a very busy time at 3 o’clock around our
schools. Parking across residential driveways and the Narbethong driveways makes
using this area extremely difficult and
more importantly, unsafe for students.
Please refrain from parking across driveways in Salisbury Street and follow all
signage. The supervised drop off area in
Martin Street works well (unless someone
parks illegally). Thanks for your cooperation.
Have a great week.
Movie Night
Fri 12 June
Mon 15 June
Thur 18 June
Weekly Activities
Art Club -
To all students who ordered their reward
Active Travel —
item 2-3 weeks ago, we had a problem with Wednesday
the computer system causing a delay. Your School Banking —
order should arrive within 2 weeks from
the first week of June. Sorry for any inconvenience.
This Friday, please support the school
Movie Night, if you can. It is also Budgie
Cup day for Touch Football.
Dates to remember:
Banking Co-ordinator
Ice blocks —
Guitar Club Friday
Percussion Ensemble—
Friday (second lunch)
Following this newsletter:
Movie night order forms
Tuckshop order form
Thursday 3.00-3.30pm or
email Lucy Maltby on
Simon Vaseo- Principal
24 Cowley Street, Buranda Q 4102
Ph. 3435 1222 Fax 3391 2194 Email : the.principal@burandass.eq.edu.au
Active School Travel Update – World Environment Day 5 June
What a great show of support for World Environment Day last Friday. Many of the students dressed up in their
best “Land & Sea” themed outfits and the winner was Ava (P/1A) with thanks to everyone who dressed up. The
Human Tree looked great. Thanks to Tim & The Wilderness Society for organising a terrific interactive way to
celebrate our Environment. The students did a fantastic job of actively travelling and 82% of the school walked,
rode bikes & scooters, took the bus or train or car pooled to school. Thanks to all the helpers who provided a
mouth-watering breakfast – Daina, Jill, Jenise, Dee, Chris, Anthea & the rest of the committee for purchasing,
cutting & serving the food. Thanks to the P&C & the Wilderness Society for sponsoring our special event. Next
week The Wilderness Society will be giving some prizes at Assembly. Class 3/4M have won the Silver Boot for a
wonderful 95% of active travel. This is the first time they have won the Silver Boot and it was only 2 weeks ago
that they achieved only 48% so a great improvement – terrific work. Willow (56MW) & Matthew (PrepB) have
won the ice blocks for actively travelling last week – congratulations.
Congratulations to all those who participated in the Active School Travel breakfast last Friday. It was great to
see the costumes people came up with for the land and sea theme. Well done to those who picked up prizes yesterday at school assembly.
Now, it’s all about the Big Movie Night THIS Friday night.
The BBQ starts at 5:30 and the movie begins at 6:00. Pack your kids favourite bean bag, blanket and pillow, and
join us in the Parents Zone for a drink and maybe some nibbles.
If you haven’t already, print out the attached form and return it to the school office ASAP to reserve your place
– and help us with catering.
Please help
We still need a couple of helpers for the snack bar. There is a list at the office for you to put
your name and contact details on. Please consider taking an hour to of your night to help us make
this a great success.
Thursday 18th June
Cottage Pie - Savory beef mince and vegetable bake with a cheesy mashed potato topping
Lentil cottage pie - Vegetarian savory lentil and vegetable bake with a mashed potato topping
Gluten and dairy free option available for both. Lentil cottage pie is vegan
Hand in completed form and payment to office by 9am Tuesday 16th June
NO orders will be taken after this deadline
(one per child)
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………
Student Class: ............................................................................................................
Tick your choice
Beef Cottage Pie
Lentil cottage Pie