www.burlheadss.eq.edu.au admin@burlheadss.eq.edu.au NEWSLETTER Phone 07 5568 6666 Fax 07 5568 6600 14 May 2015 Principal’s News Deputy Principal’s News Events P&C News SAKG News Finance Tuckshop Adver!sing PRINCIPAL’S NEWS NAPLAN The official tes!ng for NAPLAN will be complete by the !me you read this newsle(er and I have been very impressed with the tone and spirit within the Year 3 and Year 5 classrooms as they undertake these Literacy and Numeracy tests. The staff have ensured a posi!ve mindset within their classrooms and I know that considerable hard work has occurred to have their students as best prepared as possible which I am very grateful for. The results of these tests will be available later this year for both school and parents and we shall communicate this closer to the !me. BURLEIGH BUNYIPS In the next few weeks Miss Browne and I will be speaking to our Year 5 students about Burleigh Bunyips. This leadership program enables students to give back to the school community par!cularly our younger students via the crea!on of games and ac!vi!es at lunch!mes and establishing a school family like culture. This program has been running now for 6 years and over this !me has con!nued to build a presence within our school that has many students from as low as Year 4 asking and wan!ng to be in this program. The program will also enable our staff and students to see each student's strengths and weaknesses and provide an excellent grounding to be considered as school leaders the following year. For students to be considered for leadership posi!ons in 2016 they must have completed the Burleigh Bunyips program first as it prerequisite for such posi!ons. Informa!on will be sent home with interested students in the near future. SCHOOL DISCO The next school disco is fast approaching and will be held on Wednesday 27th May. The theme for this disco will be Onesies/Pyjamas as set by our Student Council. As always we will have two discos one each for the Junior School (P-3) and Senior School (4-6). The cost of the disco is $5.00. PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 The school is currently enrolling for Prep students in 2016. As we are now have an Enrolment Management Plan in place I would like to clarify a few queries I have received recently regarding Prep 2016. I already have a student at Burleigh Heads State School but I now live outside the catchment area, can I enrol my prep-aged child for 2016? Yes, any current students (2016) of Burleigh Heads State School who have a sibling ready for Prep in 2016 are en"tled to enrol regardless of where they currently live. I live inside the catchment area, can I miss out on enrolling my child into Prep 2016 if I enrol late? The school must and always will enrol students who currently live inside our catchment area… regardless of current numbers. I currently live outside the catchment area but I really want my prep-aged child to a9end Prep in 2016 at Burleigh Heads State School, is this possible? Our current enrolment trends up un"l the Enrolment Management Plan was established has shown that only 41% of current students actually live within our catchment area. The Enrolment Management Plan states the school should manage their enrolments to 100 in Prep each year. With this in mind, and if this trend was to con"nue then each year there is approximately 50-60 students that the school can accept out-of-catchment for the Prep intake. The school will undertake a wai"ng-list process for all those families outside the catchment and dependent on the number of in-catchment numbers can and will enrol as many out-of-catchment students in a first-inline process. How do I enrol my child and/or place my child on the wai;ng list for Prep 2016? Parents can now contact the school office on 5568 6666 and arrange an enrolment interview either with Miss Browne or myself for Prep 2016. Students in catchment are guaranteed enrolment and those who reside outside the catchment will be placed on the wai"ng list in the order of the enrolment interview dates. It is expected that the school will only be able to offer approximately 50-60 out-ofcatchment places for 2016. Peter Tong DEPUTY PRINCIPAL P A T N E OR T 2 WE K 3 (4—8 M ) PREP—YEAR 2 — 2HC with 99.00% YEAR 3—YEAR 4 — 3CL with 99.13% YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 6T with 99.34% ST "#P$OV D A T N E OR WE K 3 PREP—YEAR 2— 2HC with 6.00% YEAR 3 - YEAR 4—3P with 8.80% YEAR 5—YEAR 6— 5M with 6.92% ' (S S )ITH A T N E AT/-.OVE S /0 L A2GET OF 93% OR WE K 3 Prep S, 1K, 1T, 1/2B, 2HC, 2WN, 3CL, 3L, 3P, 4K, 5M, 5W, 6S, 6T N7 8las< a8=> ?eA 1C0% EF nd nIJ. A L MNnO P fRP sSuO nt< t7 VeW XY NP sSi8[ P badVJ aW XYJ nA ] XYJ ^ _es` P XY MusW aJ aW s8hode fRP 95 ] XYJ 1C0 d y<. VALUE FOCUS FOR THIS WEEK—PUNCTUALITY At Burleigh Heads State School, we believe that children learn best when they arrive punctually as it enables them to effec!vely embrace their learning for the day. When children arrive late regularly, not only does it affect their learning and progress, but it also creates distrac!ons for their teacher and peers. We encourage parents to consider the posi;ve impact of punctuality on learning. The first lesson of the day begins at 9.00 a.m. (Lessons are oDen of 1 hour dura;on.) Late by 5 minutes? That results in is loss of 8% of the learning in the first lesson of the day. This is when children get organised and ready for the main teaching ac!vity aHer the bell. Late by 10 minutes? That results in loss of 16% of the learning in the first lesson of the day. This is when the teacher is 30% into the main teaching ac!vity of the first lesson of the day. It is during this !me that the teacher begins to introduce the lesson learning objec!ves, teaches new concepts and explains what the children are required to do during independent ac!vi!es. Late by 15 minutes? That results in loss of 25% of the learning in the first lesson of the day. We classify this as substan!al loss of learning. Your child may find it difficult to work confidently during the independent ac!vi!es in this lesson as he/she has lost out on the main teacher explana!on !me. We do recognise that occasionally pupils will be late due to extenua;ng circumstances. However, arriving late at school regularly can impact on your child’s progress over ;me. WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Parents and children are encouraged to lace up their shoes and take part in Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 22 May. An ini!a!ve of the Pedestrian Council of Australia, the annual, na!onal event encourages parents and children to build regular walking into their daily rou!ne. We’re asking our parents and students to get up early … or earlier, on Walk Safely to School Day and join thousands of other Australians walking all or part of the way to school. For those who live too far to walk, why not try parking the car a few blocks away and walking the rest of the way with your child? Now in its fiHeenth year, Walk Safely to School Day promotes the important message that Ac!ve Kids are Healthy Kids. Regular walking makes you feel be(er, is good for the environment and reduces traffic conges!on around the school. NAPLAN The Years 3 and 5 children have been confidently comple!ng the NAPLAN tests this week. Students I have spoken with are confident in their efforts. We wish them well and congratulate them on their prepara!on for the tests. LEARNING GOALS Individual learning goals are being used in classrooms as a basis for feedback by teachers to students on how to achieve and build upon their set goals. In our classrooms, children can already ar!culate a key literacy and/or numeracy goal. These goals are achievable and measurable and are usually reviewed and reset at the end of each term. Talk to your children about their learning goal. PREP ENROLMENTS FOR 2016 ARE NOW OPEN Due to the high number of inquiries about enrolment for prep 2016 we have opened the books earlier this year. If you have a child born July 2010 to June 2011 then they will be eligible to a(end school. Please make contact with the office. If you are a new family to the school then evidence of residency in the school catchment will be necessary. Siblings will not require proof of residency. Students who wish to enrol from outside our catchment can be placed on a wai!ng list. (Many of those on the wai!ng list will be able to a(end as we have places for 100 students in prep.) Carol Browne Back Na5onal Volunteer Week TOPQ RJJS PQ NGLPTKGU VTUMKLJJV WJJS (11-17 MGH 2015) GKW RJ RTMUW UPSJ LT LOGKS TMV GIGXPKY ZTUMKLJJVQ [TV HTMV \TKLPKMJW QM]]TVL. WJ G]]VJ\PGLJ HTMV TKYTPKY \TIIPLIJKL LT BHSS • Volunteers are happier, healthier and sleep be9er than those who don’t volunteer – doctors should recommend it. • 96% of volunteers say that it “makes people happier”. • 95% of volunteers say that volunteering is related to feelings of wellbeing. • Volunteering results in a “helper’s high”, a powerful physical and emo;onal feeling experienced when directly helping others. • Just a few hours of volunteer work makes a difference in happiness and mood. • Sustained volunteering is associated with be9er mental health. • Altruis;c emo;ons and behaviours are associated with greater well-being, health, and longevity. • A strong correla;on exists between the well-being, happiness, health, and longevity of people who are emo;onally kind and compassionate in their charitable helping ac;vi;es. • The experience of helping others provides meaning, a sense of self-worth, a social role and health enhancement. • Volunteering is highly associated with greater health and happiness. Winter Interschool Sport News Over the weeks these students have been our “Man of the Match” • • • • Mrs Wale Girls Soccer Coach • Jaeda 6T Sara 5W Elysium 5W Kiara 4F • • • Samantha 6S Cream 5W Baitoey 5/6R Maddy 4K All the best for this week girls! EVENTS Fri 15 May Interschool Sport Round 6 Fri 22 May 2015 Tue 19 May P&C Mee!ng 6pm Resource Wed 20 May Assembly Years 1-2 2HC Year 5 Lightning Sports Tue 28 May Thu 28 May Wed 27 May 2015 Interschool Sport Year 6 Lightning Sports Year 5 Lightning Sports PGHIJKL DMJ Round 7 PGHIJKL DMJ Thu 21 May Thu 21 May Thu 21 May PGHIJKL DMJ Thu 14 May DISCO PJ’s/Onesies Back P&C NEWS The other day one of the P&C Execu!ve was chaLng to a parent at a child’s birthday party. The subject of P&C came up and the parent said “I just don’t have !me to come to mee!ngs every month, but I’m happy to help when I can.” If you are in the same boat, and many families are, please don’t let the monthly mee!ngs get in the way. You can help in so many ways! Big, li(le, medium. With ideas for fundraising or to access much needed resources for the school- maybe you know someone who might give us a great deal? Maybe you are crea!ve and have some fresh and new ideas? Maybe you are happy to channel your inner Master Chef and give much needed help at the tuck shop? Maybe you are willing to stay on and help supervise the disco instead of going away and coming back again? None of these things can happen without help. Yes there is a monthly P&C mee!ng next Tuesday night in the Library, and yes you and your ideas would be very welcome, but if you aren’t able to come, please send through sugges!ons, they are also very welcome. In the mean!me if you have a young budding disco queen or king in the family, please consider helping out at the disco which is coming up Wednesday 27 May 2015. But more about that next newsle(er! Marcia Dwonczyk P&C President pandc@burlheadss.eq.edu.au Burleigh Heads State School P&C are excited to be offering families the Entertainment Books and Memberships this year as a fundraiser. Entertainment Books are filled with many buy one get one free offers, or 25% off discounts. There is over $20,000 of value in each book! This year families have the opportunity to purchase the tradi!onal book – or the brand new digital membership. Which is the whole book downloaded to your smart phone instantly. To purchase your copy or digital version downloaded straight to your smart phone then please go online at: www.entbook.com.au/1m45734 Books can be collected from our school tuckshop and 20% of each membership sold contributes to our P&C fundraising so thank you for your support! SAKG NEWS This week in the Kitchen we are cooking. Chargrilled Vegie Pizza, Hand cut Paste with Garden Herbs, Warm Eggplant Salad, Salad of the Imagina!on and Passionfruit Tarts. One of my favourite things to make with the students is the dishes of the Imagina!on. This is where we take a walk around the garden and choose straight from the garden the ingredients we will use to make a dish. Is allows the students to really make that direct connec!on between the garden and the plate. It also gets them thinking of flavour combina!ons. We have already tasted some delicious and fresh salads this week. In the garden on Monday we had our lovely volunteer Kandy bring in her Singing bowls. The children sat and listened to the peaceful and relaxing sounds and then we asked the students to draw the sounds from the bowls and then sound from the garden. This is not an easy task but the results were amazing. It was a lovely way for the children to connect to their surroundings by tuning into their senses. Kandy and students from Year 3 listening to Singing Bowls. Salad of the Imagina5on - all ingredients from the garden Cole8e Edwards Kitchen and Garden Teacher SAKG Recipes Back SCHOOL INFO New Phone System - Thank you for complying and u;lising our new automated phone system. Below are the op!ons for your informa!on ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Press 1 - Student Absences Press 2 - Tuckshop and Uniform Shop Press 3 - Informa!on and Events Calls for PCYC call 0408 653 524 Press 4 - School Recep!on We appreciate your support * THE BURLEIGH BITE OPENING HOURS Mon—Fri 8:30 – 9:30am * BREAKFAST CLUB Open from 8.30—8.45am (in the old hall) Dona;ons of jam, honey, vegemite & margarine would be greatly appreciated * SECOND HAND STORE OPENING HOURS To be Advised * STUDENT BANKING every Tuesday 4-7’s please leave banking at the School Office. P-3’s banking will be collected from class rooms * UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS Monday 9:00am—9:30am Friday 8.30—9.30am www.flexischools.com.au UPDATE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS UP TO DATE – INCLUDING EMERGENCY CONTACTS ????? We have been experiencing a number of students presen!ng to sick bay with serious illnesses/injuries to warrant the school needing to urgently contact a parent/guardian or an emergency contact but with no success. Could you please make sure that your contact details are up to date and ensure your emergency contacts are available if you’re not able to be contacted. This is especially important for when parents are travelling away during the school term and leaving students with guardians. Please contact the school by email admin@burlheadss.eq.edu.au to update your details. FINANCE BHSS realise the difficul!es some parents face with not being able to access the payment window during opera!ng hours, so the following alterna!ves are available to give complete 24 hour service, to suit your needs. Paying by Internet Banking— preferred method of payment Account Name: BHSS General Account Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 064-404 Account Number: 00090135 Reference: (use Students EQ ID & specific Excursion Reference) Paying by Telephone Visa and MasterCard payments can be processed by calling the school from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm, weekdays on (07) 5568 6666. Paying in Person Visa, MasterCard, EFTPOS, Cash or Cheques can be processed at the school payment window from 8.30 am – 11.30 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Fortnightly Centrepay Deduc;ons If you currently receive Centrelink payments, you can arrange for student fees to be automa!cally deducted via Centrepay. Please contact the office to organise the fortnightly auto deduc!on amount and complete the form or download from the following link Centrepay QSchools app Download app Subscribe to the BHSS newsle9er Follow us on Facebook Burleigh Heads SS Facebook page Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors Back COMMUNITY NEWS — Please support our sponsors MAD MEMBER MAY! We have gone MAD at Ikin Dance! Enrol this month and receive your Rego, Dance Shoes & Ikin Bag for only $75 (valued at over $150) Also Join us for our “Mad Ha7er Tea Party” Friday 29th May 2015 & go into the draw to win some great prizes! Book in for your free trial today! 55221863 FARMERS MARKET Burleigh Heads State School Oval *** EVERY SATURDAY *** (rain, hail or shine) 7 am — 12 noon *Farm fresh Fruit & Veg *Gourmet Foods *Global Foods *Meat, Seafood, Deli *Arts & Cra?s *An5ques & Collectables www.goldcoasYarmersmarkets.com.au ADVERTISING Burleigh Heads State School & Education Queensland accepts no responsibility or liability for products and services offered in this section. Back
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