FREE The Savor Local Movement – 2013

Aug Sept
A Bi- Monthly Resource for
the Women of The Finger Lakes
Tennis Elbow;
You Can Suffer
Even If You Do Not
Play Tennis
page 4
High Heels: A
Discussion With
Your Local Foot
page 5
The Savor
Local Movement –
Savoring the Flavors
of Finger Lakes Fare
page 8
Acupuncture of
the Finger Lakes,
Change with
the Season
page 8
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the August/September 2013 issue of Finger Lakes Woman, which
is a new magazine produced by, for and about women in the Finger Lakes region of
New York. Women have a long-standing and important tradition in the region, and
they continue to have a significant connection with the Finger Lakes. For it was here in
Seneca Falls, where women’s rights were born, grew stronger as an issue to embrace,
and became part of our lives the 21st Century.
From the first trailblazing women of the Finger Lakes, striving to achieve equality,
to the present, where many women business owners and community leaders forge new
directions for the Finger Lakes region. As today’s women of the Finger Lakes continue
to contribute mightily to the economic, educational, social, community and spiritual
life of our region, it is this spirit that is captured within Finger Lakes Woman. It is
these women – as well as men – that we want to highlight on the pages of Finger Lakes
Enjoy this month’s Featured Article, “The Savor Local Movement – Savoring
the Flavors of Finger Lakes Fare “, as it describes our region’s close connection
between agricultural production and culinary consumers. During the warm months
in the Finger Lakes, everything is growing, ripening and plentiful – We anticipate the
fresh produce picked just at dinnertime, and we enjoy the weekly pilgrimage to our
local Framers Markets to talk with our neighbors and purchase the fruits of their labor.
Our best Finger Lakes local restaurants are serving the freshest farm-to-table fare of
the year. These activities are not just about “buying local” – They are part of the fabric
of our lives. The story of Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty is the story of our Local Food
Movement. The goal of the Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty is to increase the choices for
those of us who prefer to buy locally produced foods, whether for our dinner table or at
a local restaurant, by making us aware of the benefits, nutritional and economical, of
making that local choice.
Our goal is to educate, inform, and empower our readers by sharing valuable
information that we all can use in our daily lives. We hope that you will be pleased with the
content of Finger Lakes Woman and look forward to an exciting year in the Finger Lakes.
Linda Hunsicker and Michael Coia, Publishers
CMCreative Design
Smart women make smart choices based on knowledge. But it’s not always easy
to know where to go to find the information to help me make those choices.
That’s why I turn to Finger Lakes Woman’s Journal. Every Issue features articles
written by experts in their field. So I know that when the time comes and I need to
find someone I can trust, the information is right there, with the turn of a page.
Jan Regan
Featured Article (on the cover)
The Savor Local Movement –
Savoring the Flavors of Finger Lakes Fare
Please Contact Us:
Photography by Jan Regan
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 2
Professional Services
High Heels: A Discussion
With Your Local Foot Surgeon.................................. 5
What Is the 1-Hour Logo?....................................... 14
Boys & Girls Club of Geneva
Growing Community Youth Services...................... 27
Tennis Elbow;You Can Suffer
Even If You Do Not Play Tennis................................ 2
Osteoporosis Is Not Inevitable With Aging…
But Its Effects Are Debilitating................................... 6
Finger Lakes Hematology & Oncology..................... 7
Cardio Recovery........................................................ 8
The Finger Lakes Own Internet Television Network
FingerLakes1.TV...................................................... 13
SPLASH Can Help You
Tell Your Finger Lakes Story.................................... 15
Featured Article:
The Savor Local Movement
– Savoring the Flavors of
Finger Lakes Fare
Change with the Season........................................... 8
Whole Body Vibration
One Hour of Exercise in 10 Minutes......................... 9
Women of the
finger Lakes
Choosing The Perfect Spa Treatment.................... 10
Business & Community
Wine Industry
Enjoy Winemaking Harvest Time
At Hector Wine Company........................................ 20
Fabulous Foods
.................................................................................. 21
The County Women’s Newspaper is published
bi-monthly and is available free of charge at
display stands in approved private and public
establishments and authorized distributors only, or
by paid mail subscription.
Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The
County Women’s Newspaper. No part of this
paper may be reproduced without the written
permission of the publisher.
Seneca Sailing Adventures Reaches #1000.......... 22
Geneva Country Club
Best Golf in the Finger Lakes.................................. 23
Family Reading Partnership’s Bright Red Bookshelf
Program Still Turning Heads (and Pages).............. 26
Grand Prix Festival Brings Watkins Glen Racing
History to Life............................................................ 28
Don’t Just Walk… Make a Difference..................... 29
Are You Prepared for Summer Vacation?.............. 30
Inspiring Regional Food Connections:
Regional Access Approaches 25th Year................ 31
A Food Stand on Wheels,
The Curbside Market Rolls In.................................. 32
Visit One of Our Many
Finger Lakes Farmers Markets............................... 33
Ithaca’s Hangar Theatre: On Stage
and Behind the Scenes........................................... 34
Spend the Weekend with Laurie Anderson
Celebration of the Museum of the Earth’s
10th Anniversary!..................................................... 35
Explore Science and Avoid the “Summer Slide”.... 36
Store the Storm Rain Barrels Benefit
Finger Lakes Water, Air, and Land.......................... 37
............................................................................24- 25
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newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month.
Career Opportunity
Finger Lakes Woman is looking
for a motivated business to
business sales person to help us
grow in the Finger Lakes. Contact
Linda at
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 3
Tennis Elbow;
You Can Suffer
Even If You Do Not Play Tennis
By: James J. Modera, P.T. and Dr. Kathryn Scibona, D.P.T.
“Doc, since I built my deck this summer, the
outside of my elbow hurts and causes me to
fear shaking someone’s hand!” “Mr. Smith,
your elbow is hurting because you have
tennis elbow” says your doctor. “But, I don’t
even play tennis! How is this possible?”
Tennis elbow, or Lateral Epicondylitis, is
caused by repetitive use of the muscles that
bend your wrist up and attach to the outside
of the elbow. It is named tennis elbow
because it involves the muscles used during
a backhanded swing in tennis.
Typically tennis elbow occurs in people ages
35 years or older and is caused by overuse of
the wrist muscles which attach to the outside
of the elbow. It is worsened with repetitive
fine motor tasks, pulling, gripping and lifting
objects with your palm facing down. Simple
tasks such as using a computer, sewing, piece
work and using tools can cause sharp pain. The
muscles which lift the hand up (extension) attach
to the common extensor tendon on the lateral
epicondyle. Repetitive use causes micro-trauma
that adds up over time creating a painful scar
that causes sharp pain with use of your hand,
especially when the elbow is straight.
Tennis elbow is diagnosed by sharp pain and
weakness resisting wrist extension and tenderness
when palpating the lateral epicondyle. In severe
cases calcification may be noted on X-Ray or
inflammation and thickened scar tissue revealed
in an MRI.
Tennis elbow case study:
A 45-year-old male with a history of carpal
tunnel release surgery 3 years ago is taken out of
work as a line worker due to right elbow pain.
His pain started slowly over a 9 month period.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 4
Initially, he had pain only at work but recently
he has difficulty washing dishes and shaving at
home due to the pain. He is right handed.
At the physical therapy examination, it is
found that the patient has significant tenderness
upon palpation of the bony protuberance on
the outside of the elbow (the lateral epicondyle).
His right grip strength is ½ and wrist extension
strength is ¼ as compared to the left. There is
a restriction in forearm supination limiting his
ability to turn his palm up. Initial treatment
consists of laser treatments to tender tissue
and acupuncture points, joint mobilization
to increase supination and instruction in ice
massage. The ice massage will be completed
3-5 times per day. To correctly perform the ice
massage the patient is told to rub the ice cube
directly on the sore regions of the elbow for
three seconds, and then take the ice cube off
the skin for three seconds. This is repeated for
five minutes. The skin should turn pink but
not white. Transverse friction massage to the
common extensor tendon decreases adhesions
at the point of injury as well as decreasing pain
and allow for appropriate healing. Mobilization
of a movement dysfunction in the radiohumeral
joint may be necessary to restore supination and
take pressure off the extensor tendon just above
this joint. Kinesiotape will also be applied to the
wrist extensor muscles to decrease pain with use
of these muscles. The patient may be advised
to wear a tennis elbow strap when working to
protect the injury.
The exercise program implemented will
emphasize stretching the wrist extensor and
flexor muscles. The stretches should not be
painful and should only feel like a light stretch.
When the pain has decreased and the muscles
are stretched out, he will be instructed in
exercises to strengthen the wrist and elbow
LEFT: James J. Modera, P.T.
RIGHT: Dr. Kathryn Scibona, D.P.T.
Overuse of the
extensor muscles
leads to pain here
muscles using light weights and therapeutic
putty. Since tennis elbow is a repetitive
use injury proper body mechanics and
ergonomics for job and home duties are
necessary. For example, setting up your
computer keyboard and mouse so that the
elbow is at 90˚
Tennis elbow can be debilitating if left
Care Of
your pain
Physical Therapy Needs!
and dysfunction. Symptoms that last longer
• Orthopedic
a few weeks
or progressive worsening
of symptoms that limit your daily activities
• Sports
addressed with medical or physical
• Spinalintervention.
It would serve you
to learn how to treat your tennis elbow.
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Injury Prevention
• Aquatic Physical
• Cold Laser Treatment
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High Heels: A Discussion With Your Local Foot Surgeon
BY: Dr. Smith, Westside Podiatry Center, Skaneateles
High heels are not all bad. I can
appreciate fashionable outfits matched
with equally fashionable shoes. I
understand how a great high-heeled
shoe can make a foot and ankle appear
somewhat thinner around the ankle area.
I also make a living off the care of feet
which are in pain from high heels. These
are all positives, in a manner of speaking.
But as a foot doctor, I cannot ignore the
negatives. High heels inevitably stress your
feet. With the foot held in a plantarflexed
position, that is to say, with the heel elevated
off the ground by two inches or more there is
a general instability to the foot and ankle in
standing and in the walking motions. This is
in contrast, of course, to a foot flat against the
ground and the lower leg at a ninety degree
angle to the ground, which gives the foot and
ankle its most stable position. In its unlocked
position in high heels, there is a much greater
demand on the tendons and muscles to the
feet to maintain stability, which in turn creates
the pain and fatigue associated with extended
wearing of high heeled shoes.
The higher the heel is, the more unstable
the foot becomes and the more rapidly the
fatigue sets in. Also, the risks for injury to
the ligaments of the foot and ankle go up the
higher the elevation in the heels. Prolonged
walking and working in heels over months
and years has been shown to increase the
likelihood for forefoot and rearfoot issues
over time. Your ability to stabilize your foot
on your own gets worse with each passing
decade. Therefore, the heels you wore in
your teens and twenties will get more difficult
to pull off with each passing decade. The
metaphor I often resort to is food: over time,
the amount and type of food we can eat and
get away with when we are younger changes
over time. Therefore, we learn to change our
food choices as the years pass to avoid obesity,
cholesterol, and heart disease. Why should
our foot health be held to any lesser standard?
So the higher the heel, the more
dangerous, but what about the differences
of the toe box doesn’t correctly match the
between a wedge and standard high heel? A
parabola of your toes as the curve from the
wedge has become more popular over the past ten
second to the fifth toes at the tips.
years, as have the higher spike heels. Wedges are
I sometimes tell patients that they need to
sometimes flat and others have a rocker portion at
match the shoe shape to their foot shape and
the ball of the foot to allow for easier rolling off
then try to match it to their wardrobe. This
of the toe area. For flat standing the wedge heel
will save money in the long run because you
performs better and is safer than the standard
will own more usable shoe gear, rather than
high heel due to a greater area of ground contact
impractical items that collect dust due to
points in the rearfoot. While walking they both
the pain they cause. If these methods don’t
perform similarly. But perhaps surprisingly, high
relieve your foot pain, then it may be time
heels seem to perform a little better when walking.
to speak with your local podiatrist and seek
This is because if you are severely unstable
their advice regarding the best shoes for your
the more flexible heel will allow you to “catch
individual feet. I strongly recommend against
yourself ” with some midfoot flexibility. Once you
a “Dr. Google” approach to foot pain. Rarely
start tipping over on a wedge heel, on the other
are these anecdotal suggestions cheap or
hand, I would just pray for a soft landing area.
effective for foot pain relief. Seek professional
Overall, I would suggest wearing high heels as
help if you need it.
little as possible during the day. If you must wear
them, I would suggest trying your heels on at the
If you have further questions
point in the day when any foot swelling may be
regarding podiatry he can be
the greatest to allow for a bit of wiggle room at
reached at 685-FEET (3338).
most times during the day.. If you are having
Additional information
foot pain from extended heel wearing, then
is also available at www.
perhaps you might only wearing them
to important situation and keep
them hidden under your desk next
to a comfortable pair of cushioned
running shoes. Try to wear the
5 Months
Pre Laser
running shoes to and from work
as well as around the house and
Our laser gets rid of the ugliness.
this may allow you to go for longer
periods of time in your heels as a
Westside Podiatry Center
James W. Farrell, DPM
Chad R. Rounds, DPM
Heels, wedge or otherwise, can be
Edward L. Wadie, DPM
• Quick, In-office procedure
a comfortable part of the wardrobe.
Daniel T. Smith, DPM
• Safe & effective treatment
When choosing the right heel,
• Virtually painless procedure
pay attention to the shoe’s upper
• No downtime from regular activities
• Alternative to prescription medication
materials. A restrictive material
such as rigid plastic or artificial
gemstones can often be irritating the
delicate skin over prominent areas
of the feet-- especially fifth toes and
bunion areas. Often a mild, small
8132B Oswego Road 5415 W. Genesee St., Suite 203
27 Fennell St.
bunion can feel horrible if placed in
a high heel with a small plasticized
toe box. Similarly, a fifth toe can
be downright agonizing if the curve
Do you suffer from
Fungus Nails?
The Q-ClearTM Laser System is indicated for use for the temporary increase of clear nail in patients with onychomycosis
(e.g., dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes, and/or yeasts Candida albicans, etc.)
Osteoporosis Is Not Inevitable With Aging…
But Its Effects Are Debilitating
Dr. Timothy J. Ryan
Lifecare Medical
Associates, PC
Osteoporosis, which literally means “porous” bone, is a
condition that causes bones to gradually weaken, leaving
them susceptible to fractures. The fact is, if you are a female,
the risk of fracture is considerable. According to the National
Osteoporosis Foundation: Of the estimated 10 million
Americans with osteoporosis, about eight million or 80% are
women. Approximately one in two women over age 50 will break
a bone because of osteoporosis. A woman’s risk of breaking a
hip is equal to her combined risk of breast, uterine and ovarian
Why is this? Two reasons stand out, according to the Foundation:
Women generally have smaller, thinner bones than men; and estrogen, a
hormone in women that protects bones, decreases sharply when women
reach menopause.
The cost of this disease in the United States is considerable. The
National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that the national
annual cost of osteoporosis and fractures in the U.S. elderly was $22
billion in 2008.
I see the debilitating effects of osteoporosis all the time … the loss of
comfort and independence for women. Frankly, helping and treating
Celebrating Over 30 Years of Service to the Community
LIFECARE MEDICAL ASSOCIATES, PC is a health concept conceived by Timothy J.
Ryan, M.D. It is based on the philosophy that patients deserve convenient, comprehensive health
care provided by professionals who truly care about the people they are treating. As a result of
Dr. Ryan’s dedication and enthusiasm, many innovative ideas and dreams have become reality.
Based on his own family medicine practice, the center is structured to provide an extensive list
of services to the community. Behind all of this there stands a commitment to excellence. All of
our health providers are board certified and our supporting health personnel are fully certified
and licensed. All of the equipment is state of the art technology.
Most of all, LIFECARE is based upon you and your family, and the health care you deserve.
Whether it is occupational medicine or women’s health; whether it is a routine office visit or a life
threatening emergency; whether it be a simple blood test or sophisticated diagnostic testing; our
staff is dedicated to your best health.
Our team of physicians consists of board certified family practitioners and internists. Family
practitioners are trained to care for the entire family while internists focus on patients 16 and
older. Our physicians bring a diverse range of education and experience to LIFECARE, and
after 30 years of patient care in the Finger Lakes, they have developed an extensive network of
reliable specialty physicians for any referrals you may need.
LIFECARE is also fortunate to have both nurse practitioners and physician assistants on
our team. All these providers work closely with our physicians. They are available daily for your
routine care and last minute appointment needs.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 6
patients in these types of situations is what keeps me
going. But fortunately, the story does not end here.
The disease is not inevitable with aging. Much more is
now known about preventing, detecting and treating
osteoporosis so make certain that you talk to your
physician about the health of your bones.
The time to start guarding against osteoporosis is in
your twenties by building weight bearing exercise, such
as aerobics, and walking and running into your lifestyle
and cutting out smoking and alcohol. Daily vitamin D
and calcium are important, too.
Around the age of 50, when women go through
menopause, is the time for increased concern about
osteoporosis. Bone density testing, or a DEXA scan, is
recommended for post menopausal women every two
years. The DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry)
scan takes less than 10 minutes and uses a fraction of
the radiation needed for a chest x-ray. The DEXA
scan results in a T score, which measures how you
compare to young women of the same race. A T score
that is positive is great. A T score of -1 to -2.5 signifies
osteopenia, which is a condition of bone in which
decreased calcification, decreased density, or reduced
mass occurs. The treatment is calcium, vitamin D,
weight bearing exercise and careful watching.
A T score over -2.5 means you have osteoporosis.
The most common medicine used in treatment are
bisphosphonates which help reduce bone loss. The
medicine can be taken in pill form as well as IV and
injections. This is significant because some patients in
this age group have trouble swallowing. If your bones
do not respond to bisphosphonates, there are new
medications that actually help to build new bone.
Other issues that come into play at this stage of
osteoporosis are the cost of medicine measured against
other costs of living and the potential for a fracture in
an elderly woman that results in being unable to drive
or stay living at home. The loss of independence is a
terrible thing for women to endure.
That’s why I feel it is so important to make lifestyle
changes early in life that can help stave off osteoporosis.
Also critical is testing, and beginning treatment as soon
as possible if osteoporosis is present.
The real game is prevention of bone loss because
rebuilding it is so much more difficult.
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ighting cancer requires energy, courage, hope,
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6 Ambulance Drive, Clifton Springs, NY
(315) 462-1472 •
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 7
Health & wellness
Cardio Recovery
Studio Renew Yoga
120 Castle St.,
Geneva NY 14456
Usually this is a term for the amount of time it takes for the heart rate to return to
resting after physical exertion.
I have started to use the term to refer to the people who come to Studio Renew Yoga
after years of cardio activities like walking/jogging, biking, and dance fitness classes and
feel that their bodies are falling apart. Though their efforts to achieve fitness are laudable,
Coming in the Fall-Prenatal Yoga Classes
they are missing a key component- alignment-and over time, they may actually do more
harm than good.
They come to class because their doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist told them that regular yoga practice can help. But why yoga and not
just strength training or stretching? Yoga is a system of study to explore the mind-body connection. Students, through poses or asanas, learn to heal
and balance the body to bring clarity and focus to the mind. Awareness of daily physical and mental patterns develops and students are able to bring
intelligence to everyday actions. Rather than continue to push and pound the body into submission, they learn to work with the body and come to
understand how habits such as sitting for long hours can create misalignment in the body and mental tension in the mind.
Unfortunately in the West, many yoga classes are taught as intense fitness routines that just perpetuate the dysfunction placing stress on an already
stressed system. At Studio Renew Yoga, all teachers* have completed an in-depth training program with Francois Raoult, a student of B.K.S. Iyengar,
one the world’s leading yoga scholars. They will take a personal interest in your hopes and goals and provide expert instruction in the art and science
of yoga practice. If you find you are in need of cardio recovery, of stepping off the mindless monotony of the “hamster wheel”, come to a class.
We welcome Lisa Pietrocarlo and Rianne Colson, both Yoga Alliance RYT 200, to Studio Renew Yoga.
Change with the Season
By: Sarah Mantell, MS, LAc,
AcuHealth Acupuncture of the Finger Lakes, PLLC
AcuHealth Acupuncture of
the Finger Lakes, PLLC
225 Border City Rd.,
Geneva NY 14456
If the creation and evolution of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back
thousands of years, preceding Western medical diagnostic techniques such as
CT, MRI, and lab tests, how did practitioners of TCM diagnose and treat disease?
Our bodies were seen and treated as microcosms, or smaller versions, of the
macrocosmic universe. To illustrate, the fathers of Chinese medicine noted an undeniable
connection between the life cycle of living beings and the evolution of the seasons from
the birth of spring, to the growth of summer, the regression of fall and the death of winter. From this broad concept more intricate connections were
made between our bodies and the earth’s elements, foods, daily and annual cycles and our phase of life. Think about it. Tap into your innate wisdom
and reflect on how your lungs and immune system may be more susceptible to illness or allergic reactions during the dry, cool air of late summer/early
fall. Or consider the way you take caution with your heart and blood pressure during the heat and humidity of summer. How about the winter? Do you
notice that your bones and joints, especially that area of your low back near the kidneys, become more achy or tense in the cold-damp climate?
Each organ, tissue and structure within our body is affected by change, and as residents of the Finger Lakes transitioning from summer into fall we
need to be mindful of those relationships. The more aware we are of how our bodies respond to the cool nights, crisp mornings, the loss of daylight,
and the change in harvest the better equipped we will be to change with the season instead of allow the season to change our health.
So, how do we avoid the first seasonal cold? Or stop the progression of fall allergies into an upper respiratory infection? How do we eliminate
the pain that is worse in cold-damp weather or prevent the fatigue and loss of motivation that surfaces with decreasing daylight? Trade out the flips
flops for flannels and listen to what your body and the environment are telling you! It’s the perfect time of year for an acupuncture tune up to boost
your immune function, regulate your sleep pattern and ease stress. At home, start your morning with a warm breakfast of oatmeal with fresh apples,
flax, walnuts and cinnamon. Add ginger or cardamom based teas to your daily routine. All of these flavors help combat inflammation and irritation
while satisfying and regulating your digestive system. Dust off your scarf and hat to keep your head and neck covered when the breeze becomes crisp.
Exercise and eat fewer raw foods. Try roasting your veggies, especially squash and yams; seasoning them with an anti-inflammatory line-up of turmeric,
ginger or cayenne. Last but not least, get proper rest! These few simple changes will allow you to embrace instead of fear the seasonal shift.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 8
Health & wellness
Whole Body Vibration
One Hour of Exercise in 10 Minutes
By: SHARI Cardinale Bruzee, Derma Technologies Clinical Spa & Boutique
Get the benefit of a one-hour workout in
10 minutes … for $10.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Whole Body Vibration Technology
improves your health and it’s now offered
at Shari’s. It’s complimentary with a Lipo
Laser session.
Try Whole Body Vibration Technology and
you can expect to burn fat, increase muscle
strength, tone and firm, improve flexibility,
gain better posture, improve balance, increase
bone density, decrease cellulite, massage
muscles, stimulate the lymphatic system,
lose inches rapidly and reduce aches and
pains. Worldwide research highlights the
physiological and neuromuscular benefits
unique to Whole Body Vibration. These
studies show astounding results for improved
fitness and health in a fraction of the time,
compared with conventional exercise. Whole
Body Vibration has shown to offer farreaching health benefits:
MUSCLES - With Whole Body Vibration,
you can expect similar strength gains to
conventional resistance/gym training in a
fraction of the time. A 10-minute vibration
workout will give similar benefits to a onehour gym session.
FIRMING & TONING - Lost a lot of
weight? Then you’ll know how difficult it
is to maintain muscle tone. The fact is that
weight loss does not discriminate between fat
and muscle… and lean muscle is very hard to
replace. The only way to preserve muscle is
through resistance exercise
WEIGHT LOSS - The way we look,
feel, and function all relies on strong muscles.
Even at rest, muscles burn calories at a rate
based on our metabolism. The more lean
muscle mass we have, the more calories we
burn. Vibration training can give a sluggish
metabolism just the boost it needs - up to an
18-percent increase from 10-minute sessions,
just three times a week over six weeks. (Bonner
Physical Therapy, 2003).
BEAUTY - Research shows that with just
three sessions a week (11 hours total over 24
weeks), it’s possible to reduce cellulite on your
thighs and buttocks by a massive 25.7 percent.
(Sandaderm.Anti Cellulite Untersuchung, 2003)
MASSAGE - Whole Body Vibration
Technology offers the luxury of whole body
massage and relaxation. Massage also benefits
overall health and has been shown to improve
physical performance, prevent and eliminate
injuries and lower stress.
FEELING GOOD - Just relax. With Whole
Body Vibration, you get that natural “high” after
every workout. It’s true. In fact, it’s a chemical
reaction. You’ll get that overall feeling of youth
and energy.
REHABILITATION - Many professional
sports teams, physiotherapists and chiropractors
have found Whole Body Vibration to be an
invaluable tool with an ability to strengthen
muscles without the usual strain on joints
and ligaments. Used for rehab, this really is a
“wonderful therapy.”
ATHLETES - Flexibility and strength …
it’s what every athlete must possess to achieve
greatness. Whole body vibration delivers these
benefits. As it stimulates muscles, there is a
dramatic increase in explosive strength, motor
learning, muscular endurance and overall agility.
Vibration is a low-impact, non-strenuous activity
that provides multiple benefits. By increasing
circulation throughout the body without any
cardio strain, the client is developing muscle
strength and flexibility and getting help in the
recovery and regeneration of damaged tissues.
41 Seneca Street, Geneva
NY 14456 (315-781-0041)
Vibration is proven to help increase blood
circulation, flexibility and range of motion,
without putting stress on joints.
Vibration increases blood circulation and
improves flexibility and range of motion and
has a dramatic effect on people suffering from
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
BACK PROBLEMS - Weakened back
muscles respond well to the benefits of Whole
Body Vibration. By engaging and activating
the muscles, they become stronger and less
prone to injury. Whole Body Vibration also
significantly strengthens the core stabilizer
muscles that assist in reducing strain on
weakened back muscles.
with MS are unable to exercise or train
properly because the brain is no longer
capable of communicating with the muscles.
Whole Body Vibration allows these individuals
to experience strengthening of the muscles,
improved balance and coordination.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 9
Choosing The Perfect Spa Treatment
By: Kash Iraggi
So you and your girl friends have decided
to have a “Spa Day”. Yeah!!! You have all
rearranged your schedules and created time
in your life to relax and enjoy each other’s
company as well as treat yourselves to
something extra special.
You have found just the perfect place for
your special girl friend get away and it’s time to
decide what treatments to book. You peruse the
spa web site to get a sense of what is offered and
before you know it you feel stressed just trying to
figure out the type of treatment to book, should
you have an 50 minute or an 80 minute, does
your body need a Deep Tissue massage or just a
strong Swedish? It can be overwhelming.
Spa menus should answer your questions
without leaving you feeling lost and should
be the starting point for you and your spa
experience. Notice how the treatments are
explained and what they focus on. If you are
looking for a relaxing massage your spa menu
should direct you to a gentle Swedish massage
that uses long strokes and helps with circulation.
If you are a person who enjoys heat with your
massage look for the treatment that uses heat
packs or choose a relaxing Hot Rock Massage.
Once you have determined the type of
massage your body is craving it’s time to call
your spa and speak with your spa receptionist.
This is where you should get your questions
answered. It is also the person who can help
you find the right treatment you need. Your
receptionist has been extensively trained to
help you get your spa experience right. At
August Moon Spa our receptionists are asked
to experience each and every treatment on
our menu so they are very familiar with what
it feels like to be one of our guests. This is the
person to help you decide between a Deep tissue
massage which uses firm pressure and slower
strokes focusing on tense muscle groups or a
Sports massage which is a full body massage with
medium to firm pressure using heat packs and
stretching to warm tense muscles and release
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 10
deep set tension. As you can see treatments can vary so it’s
important to have someone who can answer your questions
and create just the experience you want.
Now the only thing to do is walk through the doors of
your spa, change into your Yukata, have a cool glass of Fresh
Mint water and wait to be pampered.
Check out the new and improved menu at http://www. and don’t forget to take advantage of
our experienced spa receptionist to get all your questions
Kash Iraggi is the manager of August Moon Spa in
Ithaca, New York
At August Moon spa we offer an original creation of spa
products utilizing organic and local ingredients as well as
customized spa treatments inspired by the beauty around us
that enhance the natural spirit and beauty within you.
at La Tourelle Resort
1150 Danby Rd.,
Route 96B, Ithaca NY
Massage therapy - 50 minutes - $100, 80 minutes - $145
Book YOUR massage, choose any of the following basic services that best suits your personal tensions. Unsure which service
is best for you? Your therapist can easily work with you during intake and adjust the appointment based on need or injuries.
Looking to spend a day at the spa? Try one of
our specially created packages for some focused
attention on what you need most. Come early,
stay late, exhale and breathe in the relaxation
of spending time in out spacious tranquility
rooms. Call our reception desk to book packages
for multiple people and add a lunch break into
your services provided from the farm to table
bistro right here on the property.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 11
wOrK A tHOn
tA k E b A c K y O u R f O o D !
wOrK.a tHoN-9aM/StReEt fAiR nOoN-5
@ SoUtHsIdE cOmMuNiTy cEnTeR 305 sOuTh pLaIn St. ItHaCa
fOr mOrE iNfO. e-mAiL iNfO@gRe EnStArCo MmUnItYp RoJeCtS. oRg
SaVe tHe dAtE! ThIs yEaR's FjS wIlL iNcLuDe a WoRk-a-tHoN, bRiNgInG tOgEtHeR vOlUnTeErS tO wOrK
aT sElEcTeD sItEs tHrOuGh oUt tHe cOmMuNiTy. A sElF-sUfFiCiEnT cOmMuNiTy iS kEy tO tHe fOoD
jUsTiCe mOvEmEnT; tHe WoRkAtHoN wIlL gIvE fAmIlIeS aNd iNdIvIdUaLs tHe cHaNcE tO eXpErIeNcE,
aNd lEaRn, hAnDs-oN fOoD pRoDuCtIoN, aS wElL aS gEt tO kNoW tHe pEoPlE wHo dIsTrIbUtE tHe
fOoD tHeY eAt dAiLy.
FeAtUrInG OuR 3rD AnNuAl
IrOn ChEf Jr. CoMpEtItIoN
LoTs oF LoCaL FoOd aNd FuN!
DoN't mIsS tHe StReEtS AlIvE FeStIvAl tHe nExT dAy aT SoUtHsIdE!
FiNd uS oN FaCeBoOk aT
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 12
The Finger Lakes Own Internet Television Network
By: Angela Davis, Account Manager,, Inc.
Thought provoking, entertaining, hilarious, relevant…. FingerLakes1.TV produces engaging video programming and live event
coverage for you every day. And it’s 100% local.
The Internet has officially outpaced television as the primary way young people consume their news. The Pew Research Center reports that 65
percent of people under 30 cite the Internet as their primary news source, a number that’s nearly doubled from 2007, when 34 percent said the
same thing.
Looking ahead at the future of media, took action. For over 2 years now, has been successfully producing
live local video and audio content on their flagship Internet Broadcasting channel, FingerLakes1.TV.
“People are always asking me how they can be a part of it”, says President Jim Sinicropi. “Get involved by coming in
as a guest on one of our programs. Our studio is right here in Seneca Falls. Tell your story on FingerLakes1.TV. This channel is about you.
FingerLakes1.TV is a crucial part of marketing in this region and will only continue to grow. Our shows have sponsorship opportunities. With
more than 7.4 million visitors to our website last year and
nearly a million total views of our programming we know we
are doing something right.”
It’s easy to watch FingerLakes1.TV
• Watch or listen on your desktop computer.
• Watch or listen on your mobile device by
browsing straight to
• FingerLakes1.TV or through apps live
YouTube, Stitcher, or iTunes.
• Kick back on the couch and watch on your
Internet connected Smart TV or hook up your
laptop to your big screen.
• Also, watch on your television via Google TV
or a variety of other appliances (Roku not
• Live events are not available on mobile
devices or tablets, although we expect to offer
this functionality by late-summer 2013. All
recorded events and video on demand are
currently available on mobile devices and
tablets via the methods mentioned above
Live Event Coverage you can count on
Watch Section V High School Basketball like never before.
“Because of the great support from local sponsors, and the
dedication of our broadcasting team, we were able to bring
something amazing to local high school basketball fans.”
“Not only could they sit at home and enjoy local high
school basketball or ring in the New Year Live from the
Seneca Falls Ball Drop on a wintry night, but they could
watch the full broadcast the next day at their convenience.
This is just a couple of examples of the events we do all year long. “
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 13
What Is the 1-Hour Logo?
By: CHRIS COOLEY, CMCreative design
The 1-hour logo is a wonderful formula that
creates the perfect logo during a 1-hour session.
This tried, tested and proven process helps
small, solopreneurs and start-ups get a jump
start on the next phase of their businesses…
building a brand.
Before CMC
Scattered and Frustrated...
The significant points that make this a
one-of-a-kind experience are:
1.A professional look for a reasonable
price and fast (you literally have a
brand direction and logo when you
are done with the session)!
2.Direct access to Chris Cooley
throughout the process.
3.Lesson in industry terms and
standards for future reference.
If you have gone through any visual brand or logo
growing pains (or are completely new to the process)
please feel free to contact CMC at anytime with
questions! You will have a response within 24 hours.
For more information
please contact,
315-263-5187 or visit
One of a Kind Design
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 14
After CMC
Clean & Consistent...
SPLASH Can Help You Tell Your Finger Lakes Story
So many stories, so little time!
That’s the dilemma faced by many small
businesses in the fast-growing Finger Lakes
area. Our region is full of great stories
waiting to be told, but wineries and other
companies are working as hard as they
can to provide their customers with the
best products and service. By necessity,
promotion and public relations foten take a
back seat.
relations for businesses, as well as marketing
brochures and packages, promotion and events.
“We know the good stories businesses here
have to tell, and we want to help them make a big
‘splash,’ ” Beckley said.
“The Finger Lakes is a special place and it’s
people and businesses require special treatment,”
Wilson added. “That’s exactly what we aim to
Beckley can be reached by
phone at (315) 719-1732 or email
SPLASH is here to help you tell those stories, to pbeckley@splashthefingerlakes.
help the area’s small businesses promote what they com. Wilson can be reached by
do, whether it’s a new employee, a Gold Medalphone at (315) 945-3756 or email
winning wine or a special event. We can handle the
promotion and public relations that help give local
businesses the public recognition they deserve.
“We” are Phil Beckley, former publisher of the
Finger Lakes Times, and Charlie Wilson, a former
editor at the Democrat and Chronicle. We’re
putting our decades of newspaper experience to
work promoting the Finger Lakes region.
For the past five years, SPLASH has publicized
school news, wineries’ news, small business news
and news of individuals and community groups.
We would love to help publicize your business, your
successes and achievements.
SPLASH works with all types of businesses,
individuals and organizations. It handles media
Charlie Wilson
Beckley spent more than 35 years at
the Finger Lakes Times in Geneva
and is a former publisher of the
newspaper. He was Geneva’s Citizen
of the Year in 2006. Wilson spent
33 years as a writer and editor at
the Democrat and Chronicle in
Rochester, including seven years
as editor of the newspaper’s Our
Towns sections.
Phil Beckley
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 15
During the warm months in the Finger
Lakes, everything is growing, ripening
and plentiful – We see it in our gardens,
at our farmer’s markets, even in our
supermarket produce aisles. We anticipate
the fresh tomatoes and basil picked just at
dinnertime, the weekly pilgrimage to talk
with our neighbors and purchase the fruits
of their labor, and even look forward to the
cheerful marketing that declares that the big
box stores support the small farmer. Our
best Finger Lakes local restaurants are
serving the freshest farm-to-table fare of
the year. These activities are not just about
“buying local” – They are part of the fabric of
our lives.
The story of Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty is
the story of a Local Food Movement.
Its beginnings date way before the word
“locavore” was even dreamed of (“locavore’’
was the creation of chef and author Jessica
Prentice in 2007). Our local foods movement
and the Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty were the
result of a culinary tourism conference in 1999
that Cornell Cooperative Extension hosted in
Auburn, Cayuga County. The keynote speaker,
French Chef Henri Benveniste, spoke of his
locally inspired menu at the Aurora Inn, and
specifically the French concept of “terroir,”
where soil and climate combine to create unique
flavors of regional foods.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 16
Ever since, Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty has
been working to connect, promote and celebrate
our rural culinary economy. Our work is to
make food producers and food consumers aware
of each other, to make our Finger Lakes region
economically sound and to make buying local
not a “special” thing but rather the natural
No matter the season, barriers – some real,
some imagined – may be encountered to buying
local foods. In our day-to-day lives, we have
to account for convenience and costs. Big box
supermarkets and department retailers offer
one-stop shopping for most of our food needs.
After a visit there, with kids in tow, it is tough
to manage the extra time to stop at a farm
stand, not to mention scheduling that grocery
shopping to coincide with a farmer’s market
hours. Because the local vegetables, meats and
cheeses are produced largely by small-scale
enterprises, the prices will be slightly higher,
thus affecting your pocketbook even further.
Our goal at Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty is to
enhance the options and increase the choices for
those of us who prefer to buy locally produced
foods, whether for your dinner table or at a local
restaurant, by making you aware of the benefits,
nutritional and economical, of making that local
One of our founding members, the late
Chef Debra (“Deb”) Whiting of Red Newt
Bistro, was a pioneer of the Finger Lakes’
local food movement, one of the first chefs to
start integrating and promoting Finger Lakes
ingredients on her menu. Her vision of the
farm-to-table experience for Finger Lakes
residents and tourists in the area prompted
other chefs to follow her lead. The local food
movement is in full gear.
Throughout our 14-county Finger
Lakes region, chefs are foraging for ramps
(wild leeks) and edible mushrooms in
the surrounding forests, working with a
neighboring farmer, or using classic cooking
techniques to create singular dishes with the
culinary bounty around them. Try Brown
Hound Bistro in Naples, Red Dove Tavern
or Geneva on the Lake in Geneva, Dano’s
Heuriger or Suzanne’s Regional Cuisine
in Lodi, The Stonecat Café in Hector, The
Aurora Inn in Aurora or The Mandana
Inn in Skaneateles for some of the best in
farm-to-table dining. It takes work, passion
and dedication to maintain a locally sourced
menu. They, and many others, deserve our
praise and our support. Savor Local takes
work for everyone, growers, chefs and
consumers – We are all part of this
The Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty is
dedicated to making and strengthening
these connections across our food system.
Our website ( offers a
clearinghouse for our members and
for foodies searching for what is in
season and where to find it. Each and
every one who enjoys food and subscribes
to our mission of a collaborative regional
The Savor Local Movement –
Savoring the Flavors of Finger Lakes Fare
food network that helps educate consumers about
locally produced foods and beverages is welcome to join
us as a supporter; details are on the website. On the
first Monday of August each year, we hold our annual
Harvest Dinner at the Geneva on the Lake
Resort. Attending this summer affair affords you a seat
at our largest fundraiser, where our chefs, farmers and
wineries create an unforgettable evening of food, wine,
silent auction and conversation with the people who
make this region a culinary destination.
When you enter the front door of Bet the Farm
Winery & Gourmet Market in Aurora, the winery and
food shop I operate for my wife, Nancy Tisch, you will
see the FLCB logo on the front door. Above the cash
register that same logo is displayed with these words,
“When you see this, it means local”. The FLCB logo,
a farmer standing before one our lakes with a plowed
field on the opposite shore, holds a cornucopia of the
foods we grow and enjoy here – grapes, apples, bread,
corn and cheese. Look for this logo to be prominently
displayed on many restaurant menus, featured on the
labels of many locally-produced products, displayed
as part of a member’s literature at a Farmer’s Market
stand, and on the front doors of retailers who sell the
specialty food products, wines and beverages produced
in the Finger Lakes. It assures you, our locavore
consumers, that the business within is committed to a
thriving regional food system of farmers, producers,
chefs, markets and others who are promoting and
supporting local products from the Finger Lakes.
I moved to this region in 2000 to change my career
(from film and photography post-production) and
attempt to make it in the wine industry. I managed
a tasting room on Cayuga Lake and after finding out
about Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty, I joined its Board
of Directors. I thoroughly enjoy helping our region,
a lesson I learned from my parents. They served their
community in a variety of voluntary roles, always
striving to make their immediate world a better place to
live. It is in that spirit that I, my fellow directors and the
100+ members of Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty work
across our food communities in the Finger Lakes. We
invite you first to support your neighbors in their farms,
restaurants, wineries and shops and to support our
efforts by joining us in sustaining our rural economy.
2013-- PAGE
Nancy Tisch
Amy M. Bochenek
Born and raised in Auburn, Amy
Bochenek hasn’t wandered far from
home. After getting married and having
2 children, she went back to school,
graduating from Bryant and Stratton
College in December 2004. Amy did her
Medical Assistant internship at Westside
Podiatry Center’s Skaneateles office and
was quickly hired there upon graduation.
Her passion to help others is evident
every day as she works with the patients at
Westside Podiatry. Whether she is medical
assisting or running the front office, her
care and compassion sets her apart.
Amy still lives in her hometown of Auburn with her husband, her
three children – Briley, Ryan and Juliana, and her 3 dogs – Bella, Simon
and Sparky. As a busy, working Mom Amy somehow finds time to ski,
bake and most recently run in 5K races for charitable causes. The family
enjoys trips to the Adirondacks in the summer, and to Vermont to ski in
the winter – and a nice walk in Hoopes Park in any season.
Shelley Semmier
Shelley Semmler, a 40 year veteran of Ithaca, has recently retired from
Ithaca College as Vice-president of Institutional Advancement. While
working, and now in retirement, Shelley has devoted much of her time
to helping organizations build their fundraising capacity. As President
of the Hangar Board, she has collaborated closely with the Hangar’s
new Managing Director, Josh Friedman, as well as other staff and board
members. Together, they are advancing the Hangar Theater’s reputation
for outstanding theater and performing arts.
For 15 years she headed up Ithaca College’s fundraising and alumni
relations and for 12 years, the marketing area as well. Semmler led the
college through its first true comprehensive campaign, “Making a World
of Difference,” which raised $145 million — far exceeding the $115
million goal. Those donations, plus millions more brought in since the
formal end of the campaign, have been put toward such critical and
diverse projects to advance Ithaca College. “The imprint on the college
of Shelley Semmler’s leadership of
our fundraising operation will be
felt for decades to come,” said Tom
Rochon, president of Ithaca College.
Prior, she served three years as a
fundraising consultant working with
dozens of non-profits to raise money.
Shelley also worked at Cornell
University for 20 years, mostly as a
fundraiser heading up two individual
giving programs. While living in
Australia, she worked in Asia to
secure gifts from Cornell Alumni.
One of the great joys of retiring has
been her work tutoring Burmese
children. Swimming, hiking,
traveling, reading and movies round
out her schedule.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 18
Nancy Tisch, owner and winemaker at Bet the Farm Winery, moved
to the Finger Lakes in 1998 to assume a one year post-doctoral position at
Cornell University. One year turned into 5 or 6, one semester at a time,
teaching math, statistics and biology. In 2004, Nancy decided to leave
academia in search of work in the hospitality industry, with hopes of one
day owning a bed and breakfast. She began working at the Aurora Inn.
In 2006, Nancy was asked to think of a new business that would fit the
space that was formerly Posies flower
shop in the Village of Aurora. She
and her boyfriend, Kit Kalfs, came up
with the idea of having a shop that sold
regional wines and foods. After some
research into New York’s alcoholic
beverage control law, Nancy learned that
she would need to make wine in order to
sell food and wine under the same roof.
She sought and found mentors in Lou
Damiani and Phil Davis of Damiani
Wine Cellars in Hector, NY.
Despite a slow start with a very small
production of wine in her first year and
a huge economic downturn in fall of
2008, Nancy and Kit persisted. And
while Nancy had to make wine to get
her retail business started, she quickly
developed her winemaking skills and her
own style resulting in numerous state
and international awards. Within a few years she fledged the nest, as it
were, moving her production to Sunrise Hill Vineyard in Interlaken, NY.
Today in 2013, Nancy’s commitment to the region and to quality,
as evidenced by the products on the shelves at Bet the Farm, remains
constant. Nancy has also volunteered her time to serve as a Board
Member for the Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance and the Cayuga County
Tourism Board. She and Kit recently married and he has assumed many
of the details of the day to day operation of the business, while Nancy
has resumed her career as a scientist working at Genex Cooperative in
Ithaca, NY.
Brenda Monroe
Brenda Monroe was born and raised in
San Diego, Calif. After working for many
years as a Nail Technician, she wanted to
expand her knowledge and education in
the beauty industry.
In 2004, she attended courses in
Laser Hair Removal through Candela
Gentlelase. After completing those classes,
she went on to become a nationally
certified Laser Technician at the
Safelase Institute at the Laser Centers of
Brenda’s passion for taking care of
people and her careful attention to detail
has built her a solid reputation and many
happy clients. Her extensive knowledge ensures a safe and successful
treatment experience.
Brenda has worked at Shari’s Derma Technologies in Geneva for many
years and is very proud of all the wonderful and custom-tailored services
that Shari’s has to offer.
When not taking care of her many clients, Brenda enjoys being with
her friends or spending time walking her beloved Chihuahua Gizmo.
Alexandra Doniger
Alexandra Doniger, Assistant Winemaker
at Hector Wine Company, wears many hats.
As Assistant Winemaker, she aids in all the
duties of winemaking from press to bottle.
This includes harvesting and sorting grapes,
crushing, pressing, fermenting, and doing
lab work. It also includes maintenance
of the wines over time and working the
bottling line.
Alexandra is also the Head of Social
Media & Events Marketing at Hector Wine
Company. She is responsible for keeping current with social media
marketing like Facebook and Twitter and can also be seen pouring wine
at various events in the Finger Lakes and New York City throughout
the year.
Originally from Newtown, CT, Alexandra’s passion for the wine
industry, which began when she started working in fine dining 8 years
ago, has been the driving force in her decision to work with wine in
the Finger Lakes. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from the State
University of New York at Potsdam in 2010, she began working at the
Petrie Court Café and Wine Bar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It
was there that she discovered Finger Lakes wine and her desire to become
a part of a region that was making a name for itself with world class
wines. She decided to move north where she took her first job at Thirsty
Owl Wine Company on Cayuga Lake. A year later she was offered the
job at Hector Wine Company, where she continues to learn and create
her own style, under the guidance of owners Justin Boyette and Jason
Brigid Hubberman
To say that Brigid Hubberman is
passionate about connecting children
and families with the joy of books is an
understatement. She has been described
as pleasantly persistent and relentless,
in a lovely way, in her determination to
make sure all families know about and are
inspired to read to their babies, and have
the skills and books to do so. Brigid sees her
life’s work as ensuring every single baby in
Tomkpins County has the life-long benefits
of being talked to and read to early and
often. “Words are the language of love for
babies,” says Hubberman.
Brigid is a founder of and now serves as the Executive Director of the
Family Reading Partnership. What started as a grassroots communitybased coalition in Tompkins County has grown under Brigid’s leadership,
and the hard work of many, to be at the forefront of communityliteracy initiatives in the country. For more than 15 years, Brigid has
been instrumental in the development of all of the Family Reading
Partnership’s innovative core programs that work to connect families and
children with the joy of books.
Brigid’s interest and involvement in community building and making
a difference in the lives of children and families has reached beyond her
work with Family Reading Partnership, and has included past service on
the boards of the New York State Reading and Literacy Partnership, New
York State Association for the Education of Young Children, Tompkins
County Public Library, Human Service Coalition, Franziska Racker
Centers, Ad Hoc Equity Committee, the MLK Community Build,
Quilted With Care, and the Village at Ithaca.
Brigid can be reached at
Jeanette Batiste
Jeanette Batiste is the Chief Operating Officer for
Foodlink, the regional food bank serving the Genesee
River Valley and Finger Lakes Region. Within
this capacity, she oversees Foodlink’s day-to-day
operations, including the distribution of 16.7 million
pounds of food a year to a network of 450 community
partner organizations across 10 counties, and the
production and distribution of 3,500 meals each day
for at-risk children across the City of Rochester.
Prior to joining Foodlink, Jeanette spent 6 years in
sub-Saharan Africa, where she served as a Program
Coordinator for ASAP Africa. Within this capacity, she
managed the launch of the ASAP Malawi program. The ASAP Malawi
initiatives included Village Savings and Lending micro-financing and
agriculture extension support. The program served over 3,000 households
within the first year, primarily within rural villages. Before joining ASAP
Africa, Jeanette worked for the Africa Parks Foundation in Majete Wildlife
Reserve as the Extension Coordinator. As the Extension Coordinator,
Jeanette worked with 20 Community Based Organizations that represented
100 rural Malawian villages bordering Majete Wildlife Reserve. The
programs and interventions facilitated a 25% reduction in poaching and
other illegal activities in the Reserve. Jeanette worked primarily in the local
language, Chichewa.
Jeanette also served as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi,
Africa from 2003-2005. She joined Peace Corps after completing her
undergraduate studies. Jeanette holds two bachelor’s degrees from the
University of New Hampshire and a master’s degree from the London
School of Economics and Political Science.
Angela Davis
Angela Davis is the Account Manager for the
advertising clients of – the
most popular website in the Finger Lakes! She
packed up her life and settled in Waterloo, NY,
after marrying the man of her dreams in 2011.
Once here, she was inspired by the entrepreneurial
spirit of the local communities to thrive amidst
extraordinary economic challenges and corporate
giants. Angela is using her extensive background
in public relations, marketing and an elite sales
record of 19+ years to facilitate successful online
marketing solutions for businesses in the Finger
Lakes region.
“We focus on keeping it local”, she says.
“Rather than relying only on news from Rochester
or Syracuse media to keep us informed, residents
here have a place for news and information that is crucial and of interest
to the very people that live here, every day on We also
have a tremendous opportunity to highlight some of the great people,
places and stories of the region on our website and through our Internet
television and podcasting network at FingerLakes1.TV.
“I am a patron of the businesses that advertise with us. I get excited
when I find a place to purchase items I need that isn’t Walmart.” A happy
mother of two children, she feels privileged to work in the birthplace of
Women’s Rights for a company that champions those values throughout
the entire region. Connect with Angela and let her show you how can improve your visibility in the region. She can be
contacted via email at
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 19
Wine Industry
Enjoy Winemaking Harvest Time
At Hector Wine Company
Harvest time in Hector can be an enchanting few months. The
wine community becomes almost super-human as eating and
sleeping turn into only a minor necessity and the focus turns
to nothing but grapevines. “When is the best time to harvest?
What will the weather bring? What barrels are we going to
use for which wines?” And so on and so forth. At Hector Wine
Company, a newer winery located on the east side of Seneca
Lake, questions like this are answered with a balance of art,
science and experience.
At the beginning of harvest, Winemaker Justin Boyette,
along with business partner and Viticulturist Jason Hazlitt and
Assistant Winemaker Alexandra Doniger, begin to visit the vineyards
on a regular basis to collect grape samples. From there, data that
ranges from brix (the percentage of sugar in the grape juice),
pH, and acidity are collected along with observations about the
vineyards. The data tells us the science, but choosing to harvest
at the perfect moment for each site and varietal is due also to
Justin has been making wine in the Finger Lakes for over 15 years
and Jason has been working at his family’s Sawmill Creek Vineyards
his entire life. They know from experience that picking schedules can
be affected by a number of factors like appearance and taste of the
fruit and changes in the weather. If the plan is to pick on Thursday
but a big rainstorm is predicted for Wednesday night, then the time
to pick changes. It is either right away or after a few days when the
grapes aren’t full of water, and therefore apt to make flabby, boring
wine. Experience is also at the heart of what makes winemaking
an art. Aside from reading data and weather reports and making
observations about the appearance of the vines, taste also plays into
when one decides to pick. Being able to make conclusions about
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 20
varietal character, terroir, and optimal ripeness come from the ability to
taste certain flavor profiles and understand the land.
The site at Sawmill Creek Vineyards, where the vast majority of the
grapes at Hector Wine Company come from, has a steep slope down
to Seneca Lake and many varied soil profiles, making it a desirable
site for grape growing. It’s also located in a microclimate known as
the “Banana Belt” which helps to moderate temperature. The winery
contracts the fruit per acre to ensure that there is no over cropping and
also to be sure of which blocks the grapes are coming from. Because of
the dedication to quality, the communication with the vineyard crew is
also top notch.
All of the Vinifera grapes for Hector Wine Company are hand
harvested. This means that they are both handpicked in the vineyard
and manually hand sorted at the winery. It’s not uncommon to find
the whole crew at Hector Wine Company, accompanied by friends,
family and neighbors, standing around the sorting table making jokes
while discarding leaves, unripe berries, or any clusters affected by
rot or mold. Justin and Jason are also dedicated to a gentler method
of pressing grapes, particularly with Riesling, which means that the
grapes are often simultaneously sorted and pressed (as pressing is
apt to take several hours when done whole cluster). Because Hector
Wine Company, and Forge Cellars which is located at Hector Wine
Company, decide to pick at the perfect moment and to hand harvest,
it’s also not uncommon that more than one varietal or one site
gets picked in the same day. This can make for those very long, but
worthwhile and exhilarating harvest days.
It’s the combination of excitement, dedication to quality and
community that create the energy that makes days like that possible.
On most big harvest days, the winery crew eats a family style lunch
together and goes back to work full and smiling. When work goes extra
late, other winery friends often stop by to lend a helping hand, a nightcap or both, and vice-versa.
Harvest at Hector Wine Company embodies the philosophy that
grape growing and winemaking are as much a creative endeavor as a
scientific one. The work starts in the vineyard and ends in the cellar,
with as much attention paid to one as the other. All are welcome to
experience this time of year by visiting the winery, tasting through the
wines and catching a glimpse of the work to be done.
Seth Olney
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 21
Seneca Sailing Adventures Reaches #1000
By: Lisa Oldroyd and Terry Stewart
That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, Terry &
Lisa will be “sailing by” charter number one
thousand in a few short weeks. In spite
of the 2013 weather, the “Lee Sea Anne”
has sailed 36 sailing cruises as of this date
(07-13-13), so as the numbers work out
there’s 64 left to go to reach 1000. If you’re
the lucky charter guests that passes us by
number 1000 you just might be surprised at
the result. You will be awarded something
special. HOW special we haven’t decided
Beginning our sailing cruises in 2005 Terry &
Lisa were skeptical anyone would dare sail with
them. Local residents only had memories of
the “Shanty”, and everyone had already sailed
on “Malabar X”. So why go on some another
sailboat? It wasn’t long before it was apparent.
New folks, from new places looking for new
things to do was the answer. Not folks from
Watkins Glen, Corning or Elmira. Traveling
folks from Central Pa. and Ontario, Canada.
They’re the ones. More folks from Pittsburgh,
Philadelphia, New Jersey. Then Cleveland, Erie,
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 22
Pa. and Kentucky, Georgia and distant points
beyond. All these people coming to the Finger
Lakes and in their desire to see the lake they find
“Seneca Sailing Adventures”, usually by way of
the website.
Now after nine years, it’s the countries we
talk of. This year alone we’ve sailed people from
Latvia, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. In the
past, China, Japan, Cameron, South Africa and
Peru are a few places guest have come from and
ended up on the “LeeSeaAnne”. All of our
patrons sign in for us so we can keep a good
recollection of their home ports. What they do is
equally amazing. Like our race car drivers, our
friends from the New York Metropolitan Opera
and the Carnegie Music Hall are all so special.
Employees of Major League Baseball, furriers
talking of shoeing horses, newlyweds and not at
all newlyweds celebrating big anniversaries. You
can find it all during a sailing season in Watkins
The Village Marina is a place where people
come to relax and have a nice meal, while
also enjoying the atmosphere. You can dock
your boat for the meal and if you wish, book
the dock for an overnight stay too. There, at
the end of the restaurant dock you’ll find the
“LeeSeaAnne” readying for another cruise.
They depart at 10am or 2pm and sail for three
hours, seeing the highlights of the Southern tip
of Seneca Lake and marveling at the quietness
of the sailing experience. Only the sound of the
wind and the waves splashing against the hull.
There are over 4 trillion gallons of Seneca Lake
water moving north to the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Over 600 feet deep and the deepest levels being
below sea level, you can’t find a more pleasant
place to find solitude and just hang out.
If you don’t know what to do with yourselves
on your “staycation” try “Seneca Sailing
Adventures” and see if you can be guests
number 1000 to win yourselves something
special. May be VERY special. When you call
to book, ask what number charter we’re at, and
schedule accordingly to try to be number 1000.
Like they say, “Hey, you never know”.
Geneva Country Club – Best Golf in the Finger Lakes
By: John Rossi , Director of Golf Operations
Check out Geneva Country Club for fine golf and when planning your next
destination event – You will find our facilities and course to be a “Jewel In
The Finger Lakes”.
We offer an impeccably maintained golf course layout, which demands
precision and accuracy. Geneva Country Clubs fairways are narrow and feature
challenging uphill, downhill, and side hill lies. Several approach shots to our
greens are blind, furthermore our greens are fast and full of undulations, slopes,
and subtle breaks. This beautifully manicured course is a challenging test of golf.
Succinctly, the golf course is a jewel along the north end of Seneca Lake with
many golf shots having the lake views as background. A limited driving range and
practice putting green are also available.
The clubhouse food & beverage facility is operated by Bill and Lori Legott,
local owners of Club 86 and Bagels & Cakes. The versatile clubhouse floor plan
accommodates approximately 250 individuals for events, and offers a panoramic
view of the golf course and a spectacular view of Seneca Lake. Excellent Service,
Fine Dining, an incredible view, make the Geneva Country Club the ideal place to
dine. We offer lunches and dinners Tuesday through Friday on a weekly basis.
The pro shop offers a full range of the newest technologies of golf equipment
available today. Our Golf Pro, John Rossi, will provide you with excellent service
and offers a full range of golf gear and personal lessons. We carry all the major
premium names such as Titleist, Taylor Made, Ping, Callaway, Scotty Cameron
and Cobra Golf. Seasonal apparel for both men and women from manufactures
such as Nike, Foot Joy, Fairway Greene, Zero Restriction and Cutter & Buck which
are available at discounted prices. Our staff offers gracious, professional service.
Tournaments and golf-outings are always run professionally and efficiently.
So come on – You know that fine golf, great company
and spectacular Seneca Lake views await you at Geneva
Country Club.
Twenty Benefits – Membership at Geneva Country Club
• Private Country Club
• Friendly Relaxed Environment
• Finest Course Conditions
In The Area
• No Tee Times Needed
• Home of the Four Hour Round
• Fun Exciting Member
• Men’s & Women’s Leagues
• Friday Night Mixed Events
• Junior Golf Program
• High Quality Reciprocal Clubs
• Female LPGA
Instructor Available
• PGA Professional on Site
John Rossi
• Golf Pro Shop With the Latest
Premium Goods @ Discounted
• Best Panoramic View on
Seneca Lake
• GCSGA Superintendent of
Grounds Eric Birkemeier
• No Assessments or
Minimum Spending
• Fun Social Events & Activities
• Accommodations for
Private Parties
• Service Oriented Staff
• Practice Putting Green & Range
Please call John Rossi @
315 789-8786
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 23
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Robert and Suzanne Stack
Owners and Chefs
9013 Rt. 414 Lodi, NY 14860
Tasting Menu
Three-Cheese Soufflé
Gruyere, Chevre and Blue Cheese Soufflé with Mache and Fig Sauce
Swedish Hill Blanc de Blanc
Roasted Carrot and Lobster Soup
With Ginger, Braised Leeks and Brioche Croutons
2012 Dr. Frank Semi-Dry Riesling
Day Boat Scallop
With Avocado, Citrus Salad and Vanilla Bean Citrus Jus
2010 Lamoreaux Landing Red Oak Riesling
Jurgielewicz Duck Breast
With Baked Polenta, Sugar Snap Peas and MichiganDried Cherry Red Wine Sauce
2010 Keuka Lake Cabernet Franc
S’Mores Tower
Graham Cracker Crust, Dark Chocolate Mousse and Toasted
Homemade Marshmallow, Finished with Candied Walnuts and
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Lakewood Port
Our version of dining is to celebrate life and each other while enjoying the fruits and labors of passionate local
farmers, us and our dedicated staff.
We are excited to offer Thursday through Sunday a 5 course tasting menu with optional Finger Lakes wine pairings.
The menu highlights what is local, fresh and delicious. We will be offering 2 course and 3 course prix fixe options as well.
With this menu, we encourage guests to spend more time at their table and hope everyone has the relaxed and
attentive dining experience that we want to deliver.
The pictures above show a bit of what we do. Heirloom varieties of beets are one of many different vegetables we
grow. We harvest them and serve them on the same day as a part of our Heirloom Beet Salad. An entrée of fresh Maine Wild
Halibut topped with a Quail egg is followed by Panna Cotta made with local buttermilk. A glass or two of Finger Lakes wine
adds to an evening that, hopefully, is thoroughly enjoyed and fondly remembered.
We welcome you to our restaurant and home and look forward to cooking for you as you settle into the cozy
comforts of our 1903 farmhouse.
Bob and Suzanne Stack
Owners and Chefs
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 25
Family Reading Partnership’s Bright Red
Bookshelf Program Still Turning Heads (and Pages)
PHOTO and STORY By: Joe Wilensky
The Family Reading Partnership’s Bright
Red Bookshelf program, which began more
than a decade and a half ago, has grown
from just a few shelves to more than 40
throughout Ithaca and Tompkins County.
Founded in 1997 as FRP’s premier program,
the Bright Red Bookshelf (BRB) program
recirculates gently used children’s books back
into the community, available free for families
to choose and keep. The program not only aims
to increase access to books and book ownership
by families, but provides a way for community
members to be involved by donating books.
Giving books to families to own increases adultchild interactions with books and fosters in
children an interest in reading with each book,
which serves as an appetizer to the public library.
Donations are collected from the easily
spotted red crates found throughout the area
The program is also fueled through book drives
organized by service groups, area congregations,
and campus organizations. Volunteers sort,
clean and label the donated books. More than
10,000 each year now circulate through BRB
bookshelves! In 2008, a significant expansion
added several area food pantries to BRB sites to
reach even more families.
Judy Hinderliter is the longtime tender of
the Bright Red Bookshelf at the food pantry in
Lansing and a volunteer reader at TCA Head
Start. She describes how once a month at the
food pantry, she brings out the bookshelf and
“clients’ children zoom across the room to
choose a book. “Sometimes I read to the kids
and sometimes we just talk about the books
they like. I love that everyone goes home with a
Joan Ormondroyd has been a BRB volunteer
and champion since the program’s beginning
and has cleaned and labeled thousands of books,
and keeps many shelves stocked. The books
disappear rapidly from the Cayuga Medical
Center Convenient Care Center’s bookshelf, she
says. “Once I came in to put more books up and
found a stack of chapter books sitting there. I
was told that a young boy who had had to wait
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 26
for hours [there] had been so grateful for the
book he found to read, that the next week, he
and his family brought in a batch of books from
his own collection for future children visiting
Convenient Care to read.”
Ormondroyd’s husband, Edward, along with
FRP founding member Jim Crawford, built some
of the first shelves that the BRB program used.
When the initial idea of a bookshelf stocked
with free books for children arose at an early
planning meeting, Crawford enthusiastically
said, “There have to be multiple shelves!” That
was followed by founding board members Ed
Palmer, a co-creator of “Sesame Street” who was
in Ithaca for a year, adding with excitement, “…
and they have to be red!”
Palmer could see the color red so clearly in
his mind that he went out and found it at a paint
store. FRP is grateful to Duthie Painting Co. in
Lansing for painting all the BRB shelves that
same bright red color for years at no charge.
BRB coordinator Karen Powers says
volunteers and book donations from the
community are critical to the success of the
program. “Without the many tenders and
cleaners of books, I don’t know what we would
do. And we can always use more books. As we
like to say, there should never be a children’s
book in Tompkins County that’s lonely!” For
a complete list of donation sites, please see the
sidebar below.
Collection Sites
Donate your gently used
children’s books to the Bright
Red Bookshelf project. Drop
off books in bright red crates
in these Ithaca, NY locations
or call 607-277-8602.
Families enjoy selecting books to
own from more than 40 Bright Red
Bookshelves throughout Tompkins
Brookton’s Market, Brooktondale
Buffalo Street Books
City Health Club
CMC Convenient Care Center
Covered Bridge Market, Newfield
The Drop-In Center
Dryden Family Medicine
GreenStar Cooperative Market
Island Health and Fitness
Lansing United Methodist Church
Loaves and Fishes
Significant Elements
Tompkins Cortland Community
• Wegmans
Boys & Girls Club of Geneva
Growing Community Youth Services
Photos by: Jan Regan
When the Boys & Girls Club of Geneva opened their 24,000sf Geneva
Community Center on Carter Road in 2009, the local youth services
organization did more than grow their space. The Geneva Community
Center (GCC), with room for arts, athletics and learning, has become a hub
of activity for all ages, and a touchstone for the community’s collaborative
“Our mission is to connect and empower all people in our community –
especially young people, who need us most – to reach their full potential,” says the
Boys & Girls Club of Geneva Executive Director, Arlene Francis.
The Teen Center operates at the GCC within walking distance of both the
Middle School and High School. GCC adult programming provides Club members
with mentoring opportunities and role modeling for lifetime activity and learning.
Club members are inspired when they see adults practicing an active, healthy
lifestyle – at Zumba, in an artistic photography class, or in the volunteer-planted
“By seeing adults actively engaged, that provides the young people we serve with
an ever present role modeling of how these elements of success will look like in their
future. Learning and engagement is a way of life and does not end when adulthood
begins,” says Francis.
The Boys & Girls Club of Geneva is dedicated to creating the space and
opportunity to deliver superior, outcome-driven and responsive programs to all
segments of the Geneva community. The GCC enables the Club to develop and
expand services to meet the needs of Geneva youth and adults, supporting their
vision of ‘Bringing Geneva Closer Together.’
Boys & Girls Clubs are building-centered and provide a safe, affordable place
for young people during non-school hours and during the summer. Programming
concentrates on these areas of development: Character & Leadership, Education
& Careers, Health & Life Skills, The Arts, and Sports, Fitness & Recreation
(elementary-ages are served at the Goodman Street Club.)
The Club implements a ‘Formula for Impact’ to insure a safe and positive
environment where members have fun, connect with adults and form peer
friendships, all while learning that they each have the potential to excel, be
productive and succeed at the Club and in life.
The Formula encourages recognition and validation of Club members’
achievements and accomplishments. Outcomes of the Formula are that youth
will be academically successful, build a strong moral character and lead a healthy
Project Learn is an initiative of hands-on exploration of diverse topics and
hobbies. Often introduced by volunteers, the activities develop youth decisionmaking and foundational skills needed to make the most of future opportunities.
“We need to expose youth to new opportunities they wouldn’t normally be
exposed to,” says Francis. “When they know about different habits and lifestyles,
they can then identify their likes and dislikes, and strengths and challenges.”
While the Clubs are led by paid, trained youth development professionals,
passionate volunteers help the Club and GCC to grow to meet community needs.
New developments at the GCC this year are just a few of their
many ‘small community – great impact’ endeavors – twice-weekly
Pickleball games, a new recording studio, and Geneva Community
Radio expects to apply for FM licensing this fall.
A youth basketball league for grades 5 through high school
soon starts at the GCC, with registration beginning at the end of
September. There is still room for volunteer coaches and organizers,
who help kids to develop skills and promote lifetime community
athletics. (The Goodman Street Club will host the basketball league
for grades 3 and 4.)
The GCC develops programming just as the B&GC does –
according to the interests and needs of the members. “It takes
a community to generate a community,” says Francis, “and the
successes of the B&GC and GCC are due to such an active
The next opportunity to support the B&GC and GCC will be
their Annual Dinner on October 17th. The event includes youth
performances and presentations. Cocktails and silent auction
from 5:30pm to 7:00 pm, dinner immediately follows. For ticket
information or event sponsorship, contact the Boys & Girls Club of
Geneva at (315) 759-6060 or
FEB/MARCH 2013 - PAGE 27
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Grand Prix Festival Brings Watkins Glen Racing History to Life
By: Glenda Gephart, International Motor Racing Research Center
Sixty-five years ago a green flag dropped
for a group of race cars lined up on Franklin
Street in Watkins Glen, in front of the stately
County Courthouse. That small movement
– green fabric swirling to the roar of engines
and excited crowds – would have huge
The vision of founder and organizer
Cameron R. Argetsinger that led to the first
Watkins Glen race on October 2, 1948 has
endured, bringing to this small Finger Lakes
village a multitude of race teams and race fans
each year. New champions are named – new
records are set. But for many competitors and
fans, the “new” is not important. They revere
the “old” – They admire the men and women
and cars of Watkins Glen’s rich motorsports
On Friday, September 6, 2013 the Grand
Prix Festival of Watkins Glen, presented by the
Chemung Canal Trust Company, will mark
its 20th anniversary of honoring the village’s
racing heritage. Streets will close, and thousands
of people will gather to admire beautiful and
historic cars and appreciate being in Watkins
Glen, the home of road racing in America.
Each year a specific make of car is selected
for special honor. This year the Mini is in the
The mission of the Grand Prix Festival is to
evoke the sights, sounds and feel of the early
days of racing through the streets of Watkins
Glen. “A unique group of volunteers works all
year to organize the festival. Many have been
with the event since its inception in 1993,”
Marianne Shoemaker, Festival committee
chairman said. “The committee is thrilled to
bring so many enthusiasts into Watkins Glen
to help the village celebrate its road racing
The day’s activities kick off at 9:30 a.m. with
a portrayal of race car technical inspections at
the historic Smalley’s Garage. The Chemung
Canal Trust Company Concours d’Elegance at
the Franklin Street entrance to Watkins Glen
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 28
State Park offers beautiful cars on display. A
panel discussion by motorsports insiders is
presented by the International Motor Racing
Research Center in Lafayette Park. The festival’s
centerpiece involves laps by sports cars and
vintage race cars around the original 6.6-mile
race circuit along village streets and onto roads
of the surrounding countryside.
The Festival committee partners with the
Glenora Wine Cellars U.S. Vintage Grand
Prix presented by Welliver at Watkins Glen
International September 6-8 to present the
competition cars of the Sportscar Vintage
Racing Association in tribute laps. After arriving
in the village at 4:30 p.m., the race cars get their
green flag at 6:10 p.m. in front of the Schuyler
County Courthouse.
After the vintage race cars arrive from the
race track and before they begin their laps,
festival goers have a unique opportunity to see
incredible cars up-close and to meet their owners
and drivers. “It was a privilege and an honor to
be able to mingle with the great drivers of the
street years, such as the late Denver Cornett, the
late Bill Milliken, and the late John Fitch. Otto
Linton is still with us, along with many other
drivers from those early days,” said Bill Green,
historian at the Racing Research Center.
Other participant events include five road
rallies, one for Minis only and one for vintage
motorcycles only, and a just-for-fun parking lot
obstacle course. Rally cars arrive downtown
during the afternoon and are parked in
designated areas along Franklin Street –
another opportunity to see some memorable
vehicles. The Grand Prix Festival culminates at
8 p.m. with a spectacular “low” fireworks show
at the entrance to the gorge of the State Park.
Additional Festival sponsors include
Community Bank, Hagerty Classic Car
Insurance, Hector Wine Company, Jerlando’s
Ristorante & Pizza Co., Knapp Vineyards,
Learn Motor Co., Red Newt Cellars, Lanes
Yamaha, and Watkins Glen Area Chamber of
For details about the Grand
Prix Festival, visit www. or call
Watkins Glen Promotions at
(607) 535-3003.
Don’t Just Walk… Make a Difference
Have you or someone in your life been affected by the current cost of cancer care?
Instead of concentrating on getting better families are worried about how they can
afford care. In many instances the financial implication of a cancer treatment can
be as overwhelming as the diagnosis itself.
Health insurance plans continue to shift a larger portion of the cost share for medical
treatment onto the policy holder and their families. Over the next year this trend will
continue to increase. Due to the ever increasing costs of healthcare, people are now opting
for plans with significant co-pays ($50 and upward) or high deductible plans resulting in
an even greater out of pocket expense. A course of radiation therapy with these types of
plans can expect an average cost share of $2500-$5000 depending on what type of cancer
is being treated. If the patient is undergoing chemotherapy at the same time, the out of
pocket can reach $10,000.00.
Each year we reach out to the community to participate in our annual Steppin’ Out
for Friends With Cancer event. All money raised by this event assists our neighbors with
the cost of their Cancer Care. The event starts with a walk through the scenic village of
Clifton Springs and ends with food and music in the main lobby of the hospital. This year
we are planning to add a Zumba class. It’s a family friendly night to come out with your
kids, your friends, and even your dog (for the walk). Be a difference maker in someone’s
life- join or sponsor a team, sign up to be a corporate sponsor, or just consider an armchair
donation if you are unable to attend the event itself. Donations can be made to the patient
assistance fund year round. Every donation helps.
Cancer patients treated at Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic, and/or the cancer centers
in Clifton Springs (Finger Lakes Radiation Oncology Center and Finger Lakes Hematology
& Oncology Center) can apply to the CSH&C patient assistance fund to help offset
treatment cost. This fund relies completely on donations from local businesses, people
of the Finger Lakes, their friends, and families. 100% of the proceeds are used towards
treatment costs for qualifying cancer patients’ right here in Clifton Springs. Since 2002 the
fund has helped over 500 income-eligible patients and more than 80 in the last year alone.
Join us on October 1st celebrating our 14th year. Help your friends, neighbors, or coworkers because you never know when you may be touched by cancer.
Donations to:
Patient Assistance Fund
2 Coulter Road
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Charge donations may be done online
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 29
Are You Prepared for Summer Vacation?
The American Stroke Association urges
Rochester residents to be mindful of stroke
warning signs.
With school out, it’s time to enjoy a welldeserved summer vacation. But whether you
travel this season or stay local, the American
Stroke Association, a division of the American
Heart Association, wants you to be prepared in
the event of a stroke or cardiac emergency. A
stroke can happen to anyone at any time and at
any age.
On average, every 40 seconds, someone has
a stroke and every four minutes, someone dies
of a stroke. Together To End Stroke, nationally
sponsored by Covidien, is the American
Stroke Association’s national initiative to bring
awareness that stroke largely preventable,
treatable and beatable. Stressing the importance
of reducing risk while knowing the signs
and symptoms of stroke, the Association is
determined to reach their goal of building
healthier lives by reducing disability and death
from stroke by 20 percent by 2020.
When it comes to knowing the stroke
warning signs, only about two out of three
Americans can correctly identify at least
one sign. Together to End Stroke is helping
Americans more easily recognize the stroke
warning signs that come on suddenly through a
quick and easy acronym called, F.A.S.T:
member for the American Heart Association’s
Rochester Division and VP of Neurosciences
with Unity Health System. “And note the
time so you’ll know when the first symptoms
appeared. In a stroke, time lost is brain lost.”
To find the nearest stroke specialty hospital
in your vacation area, download the free
FAST mobile app (available on both i-phone
and android) or visit the American Stroke
Association’s Stroke Care Near You at http:// and enter the zip code
to where you are traveling.
Because traveling can take its toll on
everyone, the American Stroke Association has
some tips to keep healthy on your vacation.
1. Pack healthy snacks for traveling like apples, grapes,
raisins, whole grain fiber-rich crackers or another
favorite low fat, low sodium snack to have on hand.
2. Keep daily physical activity in your vacation routine.
Pack a football, soccer ball, Frisbee, or paddle
balls so that you can get your heart rate up in your
3. Reach for water instead of sports drinks, soda
or juice to quench your thirst and avoid the
unnecessary sugar and excess calories.
4. Know where the nearest emergency room/trauma
center is located.
5. Ask if your hotel has an AED on site in the event of
an emergency.
F.A.S.T. is a simple way to remember
some of the warning signs of a stroke and the
importance of getting medical help immediately. F-Face Drooping
A-Arm Weakness
S-Speech Difficulty
T-Time to Call 9-1-1 7. You can quickly and easily learn important
event that an adult is unresponsive and in cardiac
arrest by watching this one-minute video: www.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 30
The American Stroke Association is
dedicated to prevention, diagnosis and
treatment to save lives from stroke — a leading
cause of death and serious disability. We
fund scientific research, help people better
understand and avoid stroke, encourage
government support, guide healthcare
professionals and provide information to
enhance the quality of life for stroke survivors.
The Dallas-based association was created in
1997 as a division of the American Heart
Association. To learn more or join us, call
1-888-4STROKE or visit
About the American Heart Association
6. Be prepared to administer hands-only CPR in the
“It is important that you are aware of your
physical location and address when traveling,
in the event that you need to call 9-1-1 with a
cell phone,” says Dr. Mary Dombovy, board
About the American Stroke Association
lifesaving skills with CPR Anytime kits available for
purchase at
Founded in 1924, we’re the nation’s oldest
and largest voluntary health organization
dedicated to building healthier lives, free of
heart disease and stroke. To help prevent, treat
and defeat these diseases — America’s No. 1
and No. 4 killers — we fund
cutting-edge research, conduct lifesaving
public and professional educational programs,
and advocate to protect public health. To learn more or join us in helping
all Americans, call
1-800-AHA-USA1 or visit
Inspiring Regional Food Connections:
Regional Access Approaches 25th Year
A community-oriented, grassroots company,
Regional Access was built on a vision
of providing ecologically responsible,
locally grown food in Upstate New York.
From humble beginnings in founder Gary
Redmond’s garage to their current spacious
modern warehouse, the company has
flourished over the last 24 years, helping
to redefine regional food systems and
pave the way for a myriad array of new
businesses and social efforts focused on
improving and developing more sustainable
food connections.
Company founder Gary Redmond grew up
in Delaware County New York, amongst what
was once thriving dairy and farm country. As a
young boy, he would fish, forage and generally
just revel in the ecological bounty of his
backyard that was often taken for granted. After
stints in Oregon and Minnesota, Gary returned
to Ithaca and settled into a forward thinking and
socially conscious community in short order.
Regional Access was the next logical step for
Gary: Cornell graduate, organic farmer and
entrepreneur with a passion for macrobiotics,
great local foods and sustainable communities.
After many years of struggling to find consistent
outlets for his organic produce and working in all
facets of cooperatively owned distributor Clear
Eye Natural Foods, Gary and his wife Daisy took
the plunge and converted a spare room into an
office, their garage into a warehouse, and with
one small truck and a computer (a rarity in those
days), the Regional Access story began.
With their hands-on approach, they made
a point of listening to what the best local chefs
and retailers were looking for and made it their
mission to supply those items. When an item
couldn’t be found, they would often suggest
that a small producer add that product to their
offerings. The recipe worked for matching
local growers with local users, and in their first
year of business were able to turn a profit and
subsequently reinvest in a larger warehouse
space located in Trumansburg, NY.
An early proponent of creating value-chains in which
all participants in a system receive an equitable portion of
the profit structure, Gary was tireless in his commitment
to promoting and supporting local producers and went to
great lengths to supplant conventional, commodity foods
with clean, local products whenever possible.
Fast forward to 2007 – Following years of
double-digit growth and a continued ‘boot-strap’
reinvestment strategy, Gary’s vision had grown
into a truly robust, multi-faceted distribution
and logistics company servicing nearly all of
NY State and points beyond. It was time to
find a new home that would allow the business
to operate more efficiently in their new, highervolume environment and provide new growth
opportunities for the company and its producer
partners. After extensive searching, the company
landed between Trumansburg and Ithaca in a
newer, 25,000sf facility which has enabled it
to adequately answer demand and streamline
Gary passed unexpectedly in
2011, shocking the Regional
family and food community at
large. However, the dedicated
and impassioned staff and
management resolved to keep
Gary’s vision and company alive
and thriving. Today, Regional
Access is owned and run by
Gary’s three children, Asa, Sim
and Anna, long time financial
manager, Adrienne Stearns and
President/GM Dana Stafford.
Working with over 150 regional
farms and small scale producers,
the impact and scope of Gary’s
original mission continues to
Today, Regional Access is pleased
to serve a wide array of customers,
ranging from independent retailers and restaurants,
cooperative markets, grocery stores, wineries, buying
clubs, institutions and individuals. With a consistently
growing demand for wholesome, transparently sourced
local products, they are adding new customers daily and
have an aggressive growth strategy that will enable them
to reach even wider audiences throughout the North East
for years to come.
Interest, investment and advocacy for local
Photos by
and regional food systems have reached all-time
Jan Regan
highs. With New York State investing heavily in
its agricultural economy, the USDA focusing on
food hub formation in concert with groups such
as the Wallace Center/Winrock International
and RSF Social Finance, there is certain to
be dynamic discourse and development in the
ways that we procure and interact with our food
supply for years to come.
And here in the Finger Lakes, Regional
Access will continue to champion our region’s
bounty and work toward a sustainable food
system for the entire North East.
2013-- PAGE
A Food Stand on Wheels,
The Curbside Market Rolls In
BY: Jeanette Batiste, Chief Operating Officer
Food trucks are growing in popularity
across the country and within the Finger
Lakes region. These trucks allow culinary
entrepreneurs to bring prepared foods to
places that lack them, like parks, downtown
business districts and corporate offices.
Foodlink, the Finger Lakes regional food
bank, is taking the food truck principle
and applying its mission of impacting
the root causes of hunger as they debut
the Curbside Market in July 2013. The
Curbside Market will bring fresh agricultural
product to neighborhoods and communities
that lack access to healthy foods.
The USDA calls these areas “food
deserts” because they lack sufficient
grocery stores. Convenience stores and
mini-marts are prevalent, but they exclusively
stock highly processed and non-nutritious foods.
USDA data demonstrates that much of the
greater Rochester area qualifies as food deserts.
To combat this problem, Foodlink runs several
food access initiatives to bring fresh, local, and
affordable fruits and vegetables into food deserts.
Starting in 2010, Foodlink brought pop-up Farm
Stands to neighborhoods that lack farmer’s
markets. One pilot site in 2010 transformed into
12 sites that distributed over 25,000 pounds of
produce in the summer of 2012.
While customers raved about the quality and
affordability of the products, it became clear
that Foodlink was not reaching all of the food
insecure individuals and families around the
Farm Stands. One particularly loyal customer
came back to a Farm Stand multiple times a
day. When asked why he came back so many
times, he replied that he was shopping for his
mother and aunts who lived several blocks
away. It became apparent that there was a great
need to reach the elderly, disabled, and those
with limited mobility who live in underserved
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 32
Thanks to funding from Citizens Bank
Growing Communities Foundation, the
Curbside Market is rolling in and meeting
the need by bringing produce right to
where people live and gather. There are 26
locations this summer, and all of them are tied to
community partners like the Rochester Housing
Authority, Anthony Jordan Health Center, and
YMCA. The Curbside Market is a farm stand
on wheels. Inside the 18 foot truck, there are
delicious locally-sourced fruits and vegetables.
The selection on the truck reflects the bounty of
the local harvest. Foodlink purchases wholesale
and will resell at wholesale prices, and the
proceeds from the sales are invested right back
into the program.
The Curbside Market is for everyone, and
all forms of payment are accepted including
cash, debit, EBT and WIC. The schedule is
consistent and available to the public, so people
will know when to expect to see the Curbside
Market rolling through their neighborhood.
At Foodlink, our mission is to provide hunger
relief through our food bank distribution efforts.
However, we are also committed to building a
hunger-free community and sustainable food
system. In order to do that, we need to get
to the root cause of hunger and improve food
access. Our Curbside Market is a huge step
towards doing just that.
About Foodlink:
Foodlink, the regional food bank, provides
food, nutrition, education and resources in 10
counties in Central and Western New York. As
a member of Feeding America, Foodlink rescues
and redistributes over 16 million pounds of
food to 450 human service agencies. While the
distribution of food to reduce hunger remains
the foundation of Foodlink’s activities, the
vision is more holistic: to end hunger, build selfsufficiency, and foster nutritional wellness.
For information on the Curbside
Market and other programs at
Foodlink, go to or
call 585-328-3380.
Visit One of Our Many Finger Lakes Farmers Markets
Here in the Finger Lakes, we are lucky to have a large number of local Farmers Markets and farm related retail outlets, where we can purchase
locally grown and fresh food. Here’s a sampling of these outlets offering seasonal produce in our Finger Lakes area communities. If not noted below,
go to the markets’ websites for their hours of operation and other information. The information is from the Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance and other
sources. For a complete listing of all farmers markets in the region, go to the Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance website,, and click on
“agriculture” at the bottom of the home page.
Apple Barrel Orchards
2673 Sand Hill Road, Penn Yan
through October; call for availability
Indian Creek Farm
1408 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca
8 a.m.-6 p.m. through October
Silver Queen Farm
5286 Stillwell Road, Trumansburg
8 until dark through September.
Bakers’ Acres of North Lansing
1104 Auburn Road, Groton
Ithaca Farmers Market
Several locations in Ithaca
Skaneateles Farmers Market
Austin Park, Jordan Road side
Thursdays and Saturdays through October
Beacon Farm Market
3881 Routes 5&20, Canandaigua
March through November
Joseph’s Wayside Market
201 S. Main St., Naples
Sodus Farmers’ Market
58 W. Main St., Sodus
2:30-6 p.m. Wednesdays through Oct. 9.
Branchport Farmers Market
3686 Route 54A, Branchport
4-6:30 p.m.Tuesdays through October
Kingtown Orchard
4442 Lower Covert Road, Trumansburg
Daily and Sunday afternoons though November
The Apple Farm
1640 Victor-Holcomb Road, Victor
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily through October
Canandaigua Farmers Market
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 400 Fort Hill Ave.
1:30-5 p.m. Tuesdays through Oct. 8.
Lakeshore Farm Market
4392 Lakeshore Drive, Canandaigua
April to October
The Pick’n Patch
2205 Routes 5&20, Stanley
September and October
Cassim Farm
Junction Post and Yellow Tavern Road, Waterloo
Through October; call for availability
Lyons Farmers’ Market
Church Street, Lyons
7:30-11 a.m. Saturday through Oct.26.
Timber Buck Maple
7707 Tilton Road, Bloomfield
September and October
City of Geneva Farmers Market
Exchange Street municipal parking lot
7:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Thursdays through Oct. 17
Macedon Farmers’ Market
32 Main St., Macedon
3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Oct. 16
Town of Geneva Farmers Market
Town Hall parking lot, County Road 6
7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays through Oct. 15
Clyde Community Market
Columbia Street
8 a.m. to noon Saturdays through Oct. 12
Morgan’s Farm Market
3821 Cory Corners Road, Marion
Daily and weekends year round
Victor Farmers Market
Village Hall parking lot, 60 E. Main St.
3-7 p.m. Wednesdays through Oct. 30
Cobblestone Farm Winery and Vineyard
5102 Route 89, Romulus
Newark Farmers Market
Church Street, north side of Central Park
2:30-6 p.m. Thursdays though Oct. 31,
Whispering Pines Hideaway
548 Townline Road, Lyons
Through September; call for availability
Cornell Orchards
709 Dryden Road (Route 366), Ithaca
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. through November
Orbaker Fruit Farm
3451 Lake Road, Williamson
August through Octobert; call for availability
White’s Farm Market
2180 Route 64, Bloomfield
Through December
Creekside Farm Homegrown Produce
988 Route 96, Phelps
9 a.m- 7 p.m Monday-Saturday though mid-October
Penn Yan Farmers Market
Main Street sidewalk north of Elm Street
7:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays through mid-October
Windmill Farm and Craft Market
3900 New York Route 14A, Penn Yan
Dadson’s Farm Market
361 Route 318, Phelps
August-October, call for availability
Red Jacket Orchards
957 Routes 5&20 West, Geneva
Wohlschlegel’s Naples Maple Farm
8064 Coates Road, Naples
Daring Drake Farm
3046 County Route 138, Ovid
Through October; call for availability
Schlenker Farm Market
8424 Routes 5&20 , Bloomfield
Daily July through November
Grisamore Farms
4069 Goose Street, Locke
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 33
Ithaca’s Hangar Theatre: On Stage and Behind the Scenes
Hangar Theatre has been entertaining
audiences in Ithaca since 1975, when an
abandoned airplane hangar was converted
into a performing arts space. Once the site
of Ithaca’s first airport, it’s now the heart of
Ithaca’s thriving theatre scene, pursuing its
mission to enrich, enlighten, educate, and
entertain the community it serves.
The theatre was completely renovated in
2010, upgrading the facilities with modern
amenities. In 2012 the Hangar was voted “Best
Venue to Watch Local Theatre Productions” in
Ithaca Times’ Best of Ithaca. Also in 2012, the
Hangar was awarded nine Broadway World
Awards including Best Play, Best Musical,
and Best Actor. After almost 40 years, this
professional regional theatre continues to
provide high-quality cultural experiences and
education programs for both Finger Lakes
residents and the many tourists who visit the
Hangar Theatre offers a wide variety of
programming throughout the year. Most well
known is its summertime Mainstage Series
of award-winning plays and musicals, which
features original productions starring celebrated
Broadway actors alongside local talent. The
Hangar often brings regional premieres of new
plays and musicals from Broadway to Ithaca,
including them in a season with classic theatre
works. In addition to the Mainstage season,
the Hangar produces The Wedge, a series of
experimental avant-garde theatre and the Pilot
Reading Series, which gives audiences a peek
at new works in progress. Every summer the
hangar also presents KIDDSTUFF, a delightful
series of live theatre for young audiences based
on favorite children’s books and stories such as
PINKALICIOUS the Musical and How I Became a
During the fall and winter, the Hangar
produces CabarETC, a cabaret series of live
music and performances – often including a
holiday show – which has featured Broadway
stars.The Hangar also acts as a venue for guest
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 34
productions and events throughout the year such as the Winter Village Bluegrass Festival.
Entertaining ~60,000 children and adults annually, Hangar Theatre takes pride in its
commitment to local and national artistic communities. While there is plenty of activity on the
stage, many of their education programs happen out of the spotlight, behind the scenes and in
local schools. The Hangar’s Next Generation School of Theatre (NextGen) and Spring
Break-A-Leg program offers fun-filled spring and summer camps full of hands on training in the
performing arts.
Hangar’s Artists-in-the-Schools Program includes Project 4, which gives every fourth
grader in the area the chance to create and star in an original work of theatre from start to finish.
Hangar teaching artists use theatre as an educational tool and as an opportunity to cultivate
children’s creativity. The Hangar also nurtures emerging artists with their Lab Company and
Lab Academy programs. These programs offer young actors, designers, directors, and crew the
opportunity to learn alongside seasoned professionals.
To learn more about Hangar Theatre visit or call
607.273.4497. The theatre is located on Rt. 89 in Cass Park at 801
Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Photos by:
Rachel Phillipson
Spend a Weekend with Laurie Anderson
in Celebration of the Museum of the
Earth’s 10th Anniversary
BY: Sarah Rosemarino, Museum of the Earth
World-renowned performance artist Laurie
Anderson is coming to Ithaca for two very
special events to celebrate the Museum of
the Earth’s 10th Anniversary. On Saturday,
September 21, at 8:00pm, Ms. Anderson
will perform Dirtday! at the historic State
Theatre in Ithaca. This show offers her look
at politics, theories of evolution, families,
history, and animals set against a detailed
and lush sonic landscape. A public reception
will kick off the festivities from 6:00-8:00pm
at the State of the Art Gallery across the
On Sunday, September 22, at 2:00pm, the
Museum of the Earth will host an Artist Panel
featuring Laurie Anderson and two individuals
with direct experiences in the intersection of
art and science. The first, Dr. Roald Hoffmann,
the Frank H.T. Rhodes Professor of Human
Letters Emeritus at Cornell University and 1981
chemistry Nobel laureate, is known not only for
his contributions to chemistry, but his work as a
poet, playwright, and essayist. In particular, his
essays often reflect on chemistry’s relationship to
philosophy, literature, and the arts.
The second member, PRI’s Artist-inResidence, John Gurche, is a world-renowned
artist who combines his knowledge of anatomy
and paleontology with artistic craftsmanship to
recreate vivid worlds of past life using bones,
fossils, and other remains. His current show,
Raising the Dead: The Art & Science of John
Gurche runs through September 30 at the
The panel will be led by Barbara Mink,
founder and artistic director of the Ithaca-based
nonprofit Light in Winter Festival, which ran
from 1999-2011. She is also a member artist
of the Ithaca-based nonprofit State of the Art
Gallery. Potential panel topics include: “What is
the role of art in scientific endeavors such as
climate change and conservation?” and “How
can artists help scientists express scientific
findings to the general public?”
Please join us after the Artist Panel for a
reception in the Museum from 4:00-6:00pm.
Light refreshments will be served.
Our 10th Anniversary is Saturday,
September 28th and we need your help
to celebrate! Enjoy the Museum with free
admission all day and with extended hours.
Learn how the “improbable” Museum in
Ithaca became a reality and grab a passport
for a Journey through Time with stamps from
each of the 10 exploration stations in our
for more information. The State of the Art
Gallery is located at 120 W. State Street in
downtown Ithaca; the State Theatre is located
across the street at 107 W. State Street. The
Museum of the Earth is located at 1259
Trumansburg Road (Route 96).
John Gurche, Photo Credit: Rachel Philipson
Above: Laurie Anderson, Below: Dr. Roald
Hoffmann, Photo Credit: Gary Hodges
This program is made possible
in part by the New York State
Council on the Arts with the
support of
Andrew Cuomo
and the New
York State
Legislature and
the Tompkins
Barbara Mink
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 35
Courtesy of the Sciencenter
Explore Science and Avoid the “Summer Slide”
By: Teresa Bell, Public & Media Relations Manager, Sciencenter
Children who take long breaks from learning
over the summer can face academic
setbacks once school resumes in the fall.
Recent studies suggest that some children
may actually lose more than two months of
academic progress when their minds are
idle during summer vacation. But taking a
break from school does not have to mean
taking a break from learning.
At the Sciencenter, families can explore
science, technology, engineering and math
together through fun, interactive exhibits and
hands-on programs that engage, educate and
empower. We invite you to use the Sciencenter
as your family’s anchor to summertime learning
and exploration with this informal 6-week mini
Week 1 – Study the Stars – Purchase your
“Passport to the Solar System” for $4 and take a
tour of the Sciencenter’s “Sagan Planet Walk,”
which runs from the center of The Commons in
downtown Ithaca to the Sciencenter. Your fully
stamped passport earns you one free admission
to the museum. At the Sciencenter, check out the
replica of our Alpha Centauri exhibit in Hawaii,
and don’t miss our “Mars and Stars” exhibition,
which features a lunar viewer, infrared camera,
and even real astronaut underwear!
Week 2 – Participate in Citizen Science
– Join our Counselors-In-Training (CIT) and
Sciencenter Educators as they wade into our
neighboring creek to collect samples and test
the water quality. You can also get an up-close
view of the creatures they collect – our CITs
and the Community Science Institute will have
microscopes on hand to lead guests through
insect identification. Check our website for the
schedule. The creek flows into Cayuga Lake,
where you can embark on a Floating Classroom
EcoCruise to explore lake science.
Week 3 – Focus on Recycling – Learn
what is recyclable, revamp your home’s recycling
system and visit your local recycling center.
Then, visit the Sciencenter’s “Reinvention
Station” to tap into your creative side as you
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 36
transform recyclable materials into works of art.
Plus, on Sundays in August, 1:00 - 2:30 pm, join
us for “Moto-Inventions,” where you can tinker
with recycled materials and electricity to make
whirling, moving machines!
Week 4 – Discover Ocean Life – Even
if your summer travels do not take you to
the ocean, you can explore sea life at the
Sciencenter’s “Connect to the Ocean”
exhibition, which features the region’s only
inland marine touch tank. The Sciencenter
welcomes guests to touch the animals, including
sea stars, hermit crabs and sea urchins, at
various times throughout the week.
Week 4 – Discuss a Hot Topic – So what
is “fracking” anyway? Join us Wednesday, August
21, at 2:00 pm to learn about gas drilling and
participate in a fun and family-friendly theater
program designed to create conversation around
a controversial issue. The Civic Ensemble will
illustrate through theater some kid-friendly
viewpoints on both sides of the gas-drilling
debate, to help kids make their own informed
decision. Then check out the Sciencenter’s
new mini-exhibition in progress, “Tapping the
Week 5 – Learn About an Emerging
Technology – Check out “Nano” the miniexhibition at the Sciencenter and learn how
materials behave differently at the nano-scale
and how nanotechnology is all around us.
Follow up with a visit to your local library to find
books on the future of nanoscience.
Week 6 – Test Your Detective Skills –
Can you solve the crime? At the Sciencenter’s
fall exhibition, “Crime Lab Detective,” you’ll
become a sleuth as you scrutinize evidence like
fingerprints and DNA, and record your findings
in a Detective Notebook. After investigating
the crime scene, you’ll explore lab activities to
determine which of the five suspects committed
the crime. Join us opening weekend September
14 and 15.
Plan your Sciencenter mini-course online
at www. and get ready to look,
touch, listen and discover! The Sciencenter is
located at 601 1st Street in Ithaca, NY, with easy
access from Route 13, and free parking.
Museum hours: Tuesday –
Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday
noon – 5 pm. Open Mondays in
July and August, and holiday
Mondays, 10 am – 5 pm.
Admission: $8 for adults, $7 for
seniors, $6 for children 3-17 years,
and free to members and children
under 3. The Sciencenter is a
proud member of the Discovery
Trail in Ithaca.
Store the Storm Rain Barrels Benefit
Finger Lakes Water, Air, and Land
FLI Store the Storm logo – designed by Kelly Watters
By: Sarah A. Meyer, Finger Lakes Institute
The Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and
William Smith Colleges’ Store the Storm
Rain Barrel Program developed from a
2008 environmental stewardship project in
which incoming Hobart and William Smith
Colleges (HWS) students constructed rain
barrels for sale to faculty and staff during
first-year orientation. In 2011, through
partnership with the City of Geneva Green
Committee, the FLI broadened its audience
to include community members constructing
rain barrels for their private residence.
By August 2013, the FLI hopes to have
275 Store the Storm rain barrels installed
throughout the Finger Lakes region.
A rain barrel is a system that collects and
stores rainwater, from a roof, that would
otherwise seep into a house’s basement, be lost
to runoff and erosion, or diverted to storm
drains, streams and the lake. According to the
Environmental Protection Agency, a rain barrel
can save most homeowners 1,300 gallons of
water during peak summer months (EPA, 2013).
The clean, fresh water collected in the rain
barrel can be used to water the lawn and garden,
clean a pet, wash the car, or top off a swimming
pool, thus saving water that a homeowner would
usually pay for. The most positive impacts to the
natural environment include water conservation
and reduced soil erosion.
As a means to create awareness of green
infrastructure techniques, the FLI has worked
with the HWS campus and surrounding
community to install rain barrels on campus and
private properties to reduce stormwater runoff
and overall demand on municipal wastewater
treatment. Wastewater treatment plants can have
a significant impact on the overall environment
by emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the
atmosphere due to the large amount of energy
required for aerobic and anaerobic treatment
processes. Although the reduction in emissions is
indirect, the use of rain barrels reduces volume
of water requiring treatment, and therefore
decreases the production of GHGs in the water
treatment process. Overall, financial costs of
water and treatment (likely in municipal taxes
and fees) are saved by the homeowner.
The barrels used to make the Store the Storm
Rain Barrels are reconditioned food-grade
barrels that previously contained barbecue
sauce, soy sauce, and other food products.
They are 55 gallon UN Rated High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) tight-head drums.
According to the Plastic Drum Institute, one
plastic barrel is equivalent to 500 beverage
bottles, or over 2,000 plastic grocery bags (Plastic
Drum Institute, 2013). By reusing barrels, rather
than purchasing new, we are reducing GHG
emissions by minimizing the demand for new
barrels and reducing the disposal of used barrels
into landfills.
The FLI Store the Storm Rain Barrel
sales and demonstration workshops identify
participants as taking the first step in reducing
stormwater runoff and water pollution as well
as slowing global warming. Those interested in
purchasing a rain barrel (sales typically in April
and August), or in making their own should visit
Geneva Green Committee members assist a workshop
participant as part of the April 2011 Store the Storm
Workshop. Photo by Sarah A. Meyer, Finger Lakes Institute
Sarah A. Meyer, Finger Lakes Institute, offers public
demonstrations and workshops for the public to learn
about constructing and installing a rain barrel as well
as their environmental benefits to water quality. Photo by
Heather Ferrero.
Works Cited
EPA. (2013, July 10). Rain Barrels. Retrieved from
EPA Mid-Atlantic Region Green Landscaping: http://
Plastic Drum Institute. (2013). Plastic Drum Life Cycle
Management. Retrieved from Plastic Drum Institute
and Reusable Packaging Association: http://www.
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 37
Ithaca, NY
Sept 23
& L anguage Arts
Private Instruction:
Classes for Kids:
Instrumental & Vocal
Creative Dance
Story Dance
Hip Hop
Classes for Kids:
Music Classes:
Preschool Art
…and more
Music & Movement for Little People
Jazz Improv
…and more
Classes for Teens & Adults: Music Ensembles:
Clarinet Ensemble
Recorder Ensemble
Bella Voce
Ageless Jazz Band
Ithaca Children’s Choir
Belly Dance
Hip Hop
Classes for Teens & Adults: 607.272.1474
Ithaca Children’s Choir
Drawing: Basic & Advanced
Painting: Beginning &Advanced
(watercolor, acrylic & oils)
Still Life, Figure Drawing, Landscapes
… and more
Dr. Janet Galván, Artistic Director
the region’s leading choral training for youth since 1983
5 ensembles for beginning to advanced singers ages 7 to 19
Sept–May • weekly rehearsals • two all-choir concerts each year!
AUG/SEPT 2013 - PAGE 38
Children’s Theatre
Improv for Adults
… and more
Wed Sept 4 & Thur Sept 5 • 4–5:30 pm
call CSMA at 607.272-1474 to sign up for a 10 minute slot
note: not all classes offered all terms