3 June 2015 Dates to Remember REPORTS CARDS: Senior Parades—Friday, odd weeks Staff have been busy completing the reporting process for Semester One. Report cards will be sent home to all children from Prep to Year 6 in the last week of school this term. All parents have had the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher earlier this term to discuss their child’s learning journey. Junior Parades—Friday, even weeks All welcome to attend! June WINTER UNIFORMS: 17 Coffee Connection—2:15pm start 19 Senior Sports Day Senior Assembly Parade item presented by 6R School Banking Senior Athletics With the wet and cold weather upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our School Dress Code Policy. It is important to maintain the high standard that families here at Caboolture East have worked so hard towards. Royal Blue sweat shirts and jackets with the school emblem are the only jumpers/jackets permitted as per the School Dress Code Policy. Our tuckshop offers lay-by’s to families who need to purchase a school jumper/ jacket. Thank you to our families for your support, our students look fantastic and wear the school uniform with pride. If there are any concerns, please don’t hesitate to see me by making an appointment. 25 Gold, Silver & Bronze Assembly 26 School Banking PREP INFORMATION SESSIONS: Gold and Silver Rewards Day If you are interested in enrolling your child next year for Prep 2016, please come to the office and pick up a Prep Enrolment Pack. We will be holding two Prep Information Sessions on Thursday 23 July. The times for these valuable information sessions will be 9.30 to 10.30 am and 5.30 to 6.30 pm. This will accommodate some families who have work commitments during the day. If you or your neighbours have 2016 Prep age students (Child born 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011) come along. We will also be organising Prep Interviews at these sessions for your Preppies. Interschool Sport Athletic Trials Last Day of Term 2 July 13 Term 3 commences NAIDOC Week commences MUSICAL: 14 Rick Roser Visits Prep—Year 2 15 Coffee Connection 17 Senior Assembly—NAIDOC Week Our fabulous students have been working extremely hard over the past months on our school musical production of What We Did On Our Holidays! Tickets are NOW available for purchase in the library, $7.50 for an adult and $5.00 for (Continued on page 2) The Caboolture East State School’s Musical Production Performances: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th August (Prep – Yr 3 performances at 6pm, Musical follows the interval) Adults: $7.50 Child/Student: $5.00 General Tickets on Sale from Monday 15th June 8am; 3:00-3:30pm in the Resource Centre Email: the.principal@caoeastss.equ.edu.au • www.caboeastss.eq.edu.au 44 Manley Street, Caboolture 4510 • Phone: 5431 6111 • Fax: 5431 6100 • Absence Line: 5431 6160 (Continued from page 1) a child. Please come to the library from 8 am to purchase these tickets or at 3.15 pm. They will be on sale every day at these times. JUNIOR AND SENIOR ATHLETICS DAY: Please come along and support your students in their annual Athletics Day. Years 3 to 6 will be happening next week on Friday 19 June, and Prep to Year 2 will be held in the last week of school on Tuesday 23 June. We look forward to seeing as many families and friends there as possible to cheer on the kids as they work hard to earn the all -important ‘House Points’! Special Education News . . . —Julietta Heywood INDIVIDUALISED SUPPORT: RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY EDUCATION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY—Family Planning Queensland is now taking bookings for Looking after me, a relationships and sexuality education program designed to meet the needs of young people and adults with disability. Looking after me uses visual resources and interactive activities to support individuals to understand bodies, enjoy healthy relationships and be safe. It’s available in Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Toowoomba and the Sunshine Coast. For further information and to book please use the following link: http://www.fpq.com.au/education/disability/LookingAfterMe.php ENRICHMENT CENTRE: For those parents who are now using the pick-up and drop off area for students who attend the Enrichment Centre, please be aware that you must not park your vehicle there and leave it unattended. Unfortunately, buses are finding it extremely difficult accessing this area as a number of cars are parking in this zone. Any families who would like to walk in with their children, please park outside on the street to avoid congestion in this area. SENSORY MOVIE DAY JUNE 2015 Date: Sunday 28th June 2015 Location: Morayfield Birch Carroll & Coyle Time: 9am-11am This year Caboolture East State School celebrates NAIDOC Week in Term 3, Week 1 from the 13th – 17th July. We will end our week of celebrations with a special parade on Friday 17th July. “NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community” (naidoc.org.au) Sport . . . — Peter Reynolds Interhouse Senior Athletics (Years 3-6) will be held on the 19 June 2015 Our Junior Athletics (Prep to Year 2) will be held on the 23 June 2015 DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY: After a successful school Cross Country campaign we turned our attention to the District Competition. With the selection of the team, the training schedule went up a notch or two. This lead to the withdrawal of a number of competitors, but those left were determined to put the time and effort into their training to represent the school to the best of their ability. Our trip to Burpengary was very successful with our team coming fourth in Division 3. A great effort considering the number of students we had competing on the day. A special mention should be made of Suzanna Hall. Suzanna ran a very strong 13th out of a possible 75 runners, a fantastic effort. Well done Suzanna and congratulations to all competitors they represented the school at the top level and made us proud. AUSLAN Classes Wednesday 2:15pm in the Enrichment Centre to the following students who received awards on parade over the past few weeks: P1 P3 1A 1M 1P 2K Julia, Taliyah, Owaice Oakley, Shyloh, Destiny Brock, Sophie Tyrone, Niamh, Ebony, Zion Lilly-May, Riley Jay, Elizabeth 2S JD, Marijana 2/3W Dylan, Tahlia 3A Byron, Jack Principal 3C Isaiah, Cienna Awards 3M Zachary, Sarah 3T Darcy, Bessie 4P Brandon, Brooke 4S Nena, Cayden 4T Kobi, Kevin 5K Sam, John 5L Haylee, Kane 5RH Justin, Jasmine 6N Nicholas, Sharyn MUSIC AWARDS All welcome! Music Notes! Congratulations — Mr Goldsmith Class Work – All classes have been busy with assessment over the past few weeks as we prepare for report season once again. In music this has meant a whole heap of performances to enjoy as students have been demonstrating their skills and creativity in music. Those that have been prepared for class, finished their work and practised hard have certainly been able to shine when it has come time to perform. Speaking of performances, our School Musical cast have been busy at lunchtimes and on Wednesday afternoons putting things together. Tickets go on sale and there is an advertisement elsewhere in the newsletter with details. Students in Prep – Yr3 classes are combining in their year levels to perform before the main show and will elect which night they will be coming to perform (or maybe even both!) – this allows parents with students involved in various year levels to select the best night to attend. Choir students are reminded to have their folder and USB drive with them for all rehearsals on Monday afternoons. Music Club will be taking a short break until the musical is over next term, to allow students involved in both to concentrate on the show and then return to club after week 5 of next term. 6N Bella, Eden 5RH Natika, Myles 5K Isabella, Deizharn 4T Shakira, Chelsea 4P Chianne, Ben 3T Darcy, Kyarna 3A Noah, Matilda Congratulations William Brown who has made selection into the District Softball team. Brooke Parker who has made selection into the District Touch Football team. Grace Giampino who will be competing in the Sunshine Coast Regional Netball team this week. Good luck Grace! Congratulations to you all and we wish you well at the next level of competition. HELP!!! If you happen to have an empty “Eclipse Mints” tin (large rectangular) available could you please send it in with your child as I’m collecting some class sets for the Preps to make shakers with. Also anyone with an old boogie board that has seen better days that they no longer want, we’d love to have it for the musical! — Community Notice — HELEN O’GRADY DRAMA ACADEMY: Our wonderful program helps your child become: An effective communicator; A confident, happy student and Empowered to participate fully in life. Enthusiastic, qualified teachers ensure that your child feels valued and is always involved in the dynamic learning process. Affordable Fees! No Hidden Costs! Phone: 3353 0555 for further information and enrolment.
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