Lee Street Caboolture QLD 4510 Website: http://cabooltureshs.eq.edu.au Email: the.principal@cabooltureshs.eq.edu.au Phone: 07 5498 0111 Fax: 07 5498 0100 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! www.schoolzine.com/subscribe 23 March 2015 PRINCIPAL’S UPDATE We are quickly arriving at the end of term and all students are in the middle of end of term assessment. Students have received their assessment calendars and I ask all parents and carers to work with their children to ensure all assessment is completed by the due date. Your interest and encouragement at this time can make a great deal of difference to the attitudes and achievements of your children. The Annual General Meeting of the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association was due to be held on Wednesday, February 25, but, unfortunately, we were unable to get sufficient participants to form the required quorum and the meeting could not be held. It has carried over to this Wednesday, March 25, starting at 7pm. I cannot emphasis enough how important it is for the school to have a fully operational Parents’ and Citizens’ Association. Without a P and C Association and its executive, the school is unable to operate the Uniform and Book Shops, the Tuckshop and have volunteers work in the school. These groups provide valuable services to parents, carers and students as well as an income stream which directly supports our students through the provision of resources and facilities. I urge parents and carers to support the school and your students by attending the Annual General Meeting next Wednesday and being active supporters of our school. Our meetings are held at the school Administration Block on the fourth Wednesday of every month, beginning at 7pm. The majority of meetings are concluded by 8pm and it is a great way for you to have direct input into improving our school. Student attendance is a critical component of student success at school and research shows that students who have a good attendance rate are more likely to achieve high results. Recently, the school has appointed an attendance officer whose sole responsibility is to monitor attendance and work with students and parents to ensure students are regularly at school learning. Thank you to all parents for your positive response when you have been contacted by our attendance officer. We are already noticing improvements in the attendance of many students and we will continue to work with you to ensure that all students get the best possible education at Caboolture State High School. Next term we are introducing two new means of improving our communication with parents and carers. The school is part of a QParent pilot which will provide a more convenient way for parents to communicate with the school. This new online channel will help parents and carers access information about their school-age children via a secure, online portal. QParents will give users easy access to view attendance details, behaviour records, report cards, timetables, invoices and a history of payments. Further details will be provided early next term. Second, the school will be setting up a Facebook account where the school can readily keep parents up to date on school events and news and parents can communicate with the school. You may also have noticed that there is a new electronic notice board at the front of the school. Thanks to the efforts of the school’s Student Council over the last few years, this board will also be used to inform the local community of upcoming and current events as well as the successes of our students. After the success of our Open Day last year, we are again holding this event. Feedback from the community tells us that a more appropriate date would be in late May so this year, our Open Day will be on Sunday, May 31 from 10am to 2pm. Please put this important date in your calendar and more information will be provided early next term. Term 1 school reports will be issued on April 2 and you will receive them after Easter. Please go over these reports with your children, congratulate them for their successes and talk to them about areas for improvement. Our Term 2 parent/ teacher reporting afternoon will be held on Tuesday, April 28. The interviews will run from 1.30pm until 6pm and teachers will be available throughout this time. School will finish at 1pm and students will be able to go home at this time. Supervision will be provided for students who need to catch later buses. Please take the time to make appointments with teachers as this will ensure that the teachers you wish to speak to will be available to meet with you. Finally, a reminder that in Terms 2 and 3, formal uniform must be worn by all students on Mondays. This includes the school jumper and as the days start to get cooler, students will require the school jumper. Thank you for your co-operation with these uniform issues. The last day for school this term is Thursday, April 2 and school recommences on Monday, April 20. I wish you all a happy and restful Easter break and I look forward to continuing our learning journey next term. Jim Box Principal LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR UPDATE CALL FOR QCS SUPERVISORS Caboolture State High School is now seeking applications for QCS community representatives to assist with the supervision and administration of the 2015 QCS test. Please see the QCAA website or contact HOD – Senior Secondary, Amy Thompson for more information. STUDENT COUNCIL As has been the tradition over the last few years, the newly elected Student Council involved themselves in support of the Leukaemia Foundation fund raiser “Shave for a Cure”. During the lunch break on Friday, 13 March, eleven students were brave enough to have their hair shaved while another nineteen elected to colour On Saturday, 14 March Shazura Lawrence (Year 12) represented Caboolture High and the Morayfield and District (and Woodford) Lions Clubs in the second round of the Lions Youth of the Year quest, the Regional Finals. Here, she competed against students from Beerwah SHS and Bribie Island SHS. Once again, Shazura was victorious, winning both the Public Speaking Competition and the overall winner. She will now move to the District Finals on 28 March. Shazura is the first student from this region to do so. Good Luck! Mrs Jayne Hooper Debating Coordinator their hair. Gold coin donations for the privilege of wearing free dress on the day as well as donating to observe the happenings during the lunch break were included in the fund raising event. Special praise needs to be given to six students who raised sponsorship exceeding $100 and one student in particular, Maddie Ross, made a tremendous effort in securing $2500 to have her pretty locks shaved. A grand total of $4958.65 was raised to support the Leukaemia Foundation and their endeavours to find cures for blood cancers and support of sufferers and their families. The Student Council wish to extend a huge debt of gratitude and appreciation to all the students who involved themselves in some way to contribute towards the fund raiser, the many parents, care-givers and family members who encouraged and supported their participants, not to forget the many staff members who graciously supported their students and the volunteers from the Leukaemia Foundation for their help on the day as well as parent / hairdresser, Donna Parker. In general, the tremendous school and community spirit supporting this venture needs to be acknowledged and the Student Council is extremely proud, as a result, to contribute to the fantastic work being done by the Leukaemia Foundation. Mr Paul Burns Student Council Coordinator EMPOWERING OUR LEADERS FOR 2015 On February 20, our Year 12 leadership team was given the opportunity of taking part in a day-long workshop on leadership and legacy-building. The group from Peer Power took the students through techniques and strategies to help them build on their skills while working together as a team. While the weather did hinder the event, those who did attend found the workshop worthwhile. In their words… "I learned a lot today, and I will now be conscious of how my choices and decisions can be influenced by external influences. Overall, very, very good, it was engaging, fun, and I think that this will benefit me a lot." "Everyone has their own identity and we need to know or recognise it and use it to our advantage to ensure people feel valued." 2 "I've learned today that being a leader doesn't require you to have power and fame." While some were unable to attend, students will be given another opportunity next week, on March 30, to participate in a different style of leadership workshop run by Mr Bernie Kelly and funded through the Longman Youth Ambassador Program. Mrs Courtney Burton Year 12 Coordinator YEAR 10 HOUSE-GROUP CAPTAINS ANNOUNCED On Wednesday, 11 March, a special assembly was held in the school Hall to induct 18 House-Group Captains and 4 Activities Committee members for 2015. All students will be great ambassadors for our Year 10 cohort and I look forward to working with them this year. A big thank you to the family members who joined us on this day to watch their child receive his/her badge and certificate. It was nice to see so many proud faces in the audience! HOUSE-GROUP CAPTAINS YEAR 12 REPORT 10B1 – Kahli Dovey & Kurt Hayward Now that we have made it through a number of exciting activities to start the year, it’s time for the 12s to settle into study and assessment. They will have a number of assessment items over the next few weeks so marking can be finalised for reporting at the end of the term. Please keep an eye on your student and if you do see signs of stress or if you think they need some support, feel free to get in touch with our Support Services team or me, at any time. 10B2 – Sophie Hartley & Tayla Eaton Shave for a Cure was held on Friday the 13th and a number of Year 12 students must be commended for their fundraising and bravery in having their heads shaved on the day. Another member of our community doing great things is Brad Polsoni who is competing in the National Championships for Motocross this year. He competes most weekends after coaching, four nights a week as well as keeping up with the demands of Year 12. In the next few weeks, Brad will be competing in Melbourne and later, South Australia. We wish him all the best. 10B3 - Amber Summers & Matthew Greenwood 10F1 – Blake Ulett & Nathan Coulson 10F2 – Skye Carroll & Esekia Aiiloilo 10M1 – Caitie Eager & Callan Law 10M2 – Nikita Rogers & Connor Gale 10S1 – Courtney Sarcia & Adrian Rogers 10S2 – Chantelle Duarte & Samuel Laing House-Group Captain Role • collecting and returning the roll • helping with head counts for roll accuracy • reading the daily notices • handing out/collecting forms • various leadership roles throughout the year ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Zoey Langbien (10B3) Casey Righetti (10S1) Cayden Wilson (10S2) Andrew Herbert (10S2) Activities Committee Role Our OP eligible students have been involved in a program to prepare them for the four QCS Tests in September. Much of this has been run on a Wednesday afternoon but they have also participated in practices at other times. From now, in addition to Wednesday afternoons, they will be taking part in specialised lessons on a Thursday morning, in Access, run by experienced senior teachers to skill them in specific subject areas. Mrs Clare Tett Year 10 Coordinator As always, if you have any questions or would like to chat about your students’ progress, feel free to get in touch via email at cburt70@eq.edu.au or phone 5498 0111 at any time. BEACON AND CABOOLTURE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Mrs Courtney Burton Year 12 Coordinator • helping with weekly assemblies • volunteering at fundraising stalls, e.g. ANZAC Day BBQ, selling pizzas at Sports Carnival • facilitating lunchtime activities throughout the year Caboolture State High School continues to work with the Beacon Foundation to help inspire and motivate our Year 10 students to either stay in school and increase their educational engagement and attainment or choose a positive pathway that enables 3 successful transition to employment, further education or training. “The Beacon Foundation, a national non-profit organisation currently working in 130 schools across Australia, believes every young Australian can develop an independent will to achieve personal success for themselves and their community. Beacon's programs support young people to develop this focus through engaging and influencing the attitudes and behaviour of the broader community. By harnessing community involvement, it works within schools to ensure young people are either earning or learning at vulnerable transition points in their lives.” This year is our fifth year as a Beacon school and we have a great program planned for our Year 10s which compliments the career education and SET planning process taking place during ACCESS throughout the year. Some of the events/programs include: • Speed Careering and Ute Day- workshops are run to enable students to obtain up to date and first-hand information about their future options. A range of businesses present to students about their industry and career paths. Partnerships with businesses within the local community and community involvement is important to ensure the success and sustainability of the Beacon Program in our school. If you would like to know more information on how you can be involved, please call Helene Burrows on 5498 0111. Helene Burrows Beacon Coordinator JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWS Year 7 and Year 9 NAPLAN testing preparations have already begun with practice sessions to commence in the coming weeks. The National test will be held 12 – 14 May 2015. Students have been participating in focused literacy and numeracy lessons this term, targeting essential skills. We have also been running a number of programs in our Access and House-Group lessons. For further test preparation materials to help your child succeed in the NAPLAN test, please refer to the below websites; • Industry Tours- Hands on tours of business/ industries to learn more about a specific industry and careers available within it. (Holcim, SKM Engineering, Queensland Health etc). • Sample test materials for Literacy and Numeracy are available on the NAPLAN page of the QSA website: http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au/1407.html • Business Event- An event for members of the local business community to initiate, build or celebrate the school's Beacon program. • The Literacy page also has resources for the teaching of persuasive writing and has a link to the 2011 Persuasive Writing Marking Guide: www.qsa.qld.edu.au/10524.html • Business Blackboard- Businesses visit the classroom to share their knowledge with students, matching real life situations to the school curriculum. • Charter Signing- Beacon's signature event where Grade 10's publicly make a pledge that by the following year they will be in education, employment or training. The Beacon Student Ambassador role is also a fantastic part of the program as it offers students the opportunity to drive the program through taking responsibility, using initiative, motivating peers and being involved in our local community. This year we had an overwhelming response from Year 10 students applying for the Ambassador role with 18 students elected as Beacon Student Ambassadors. They will help in organising, preparing, and hosting events, and have opportunities for self-development. Congratulations to the 2015 Beacon Student Ambassadors: Taylor Bloomfield, Christine Castle, Alex Colvin, Lillee Draper, Tahlia Field, Bianca Hamilton, Emma Hitchin, Calum Jones, Raylee Kinch, Samuel Lynskey, Leon Manuel, Sarah Martin, Isabel Meciar, Stephanie Meciar, Rhys Myslinksi, Rebecca Pickering, Monil Prasad and Lilly Wease. • ACARA is currently developing a full set of sample tests for public viewing. These will replace the currently available tests for 2008 to the current year on the National Assessment Program website: www.nap.edu.au For further information for parents, please refer to the following website; The brochure, NAPLAN 2014 Information for Parents, is available from the National Assessment Program website: http://www.nap.edu.au Mrs Sarah Brady HOD Junior Secondary School YEAR 8 REPORT The term has finally come to an end and the Year 8 students have now settled into the life that is high school. The Year 8 cohort have once again managed to show the rest of the school what a fantastic group of students they are. They have upheld the school’s reputation, showing exemplary behaviour as they participated in the first session of the High Resolves Global Citizenship Program, “Collective Identity”, where students learnt how to develop skills to recognise and critically evaluate the differences that exist in society and to work together more 4 constructively to overcome these differences. This unique program aims to inspire, challenge and motivate students to contribute meaningfully to both the Caboolture State High School community and the wider community. YEAR 7 REPORT In order to motivate the Year 8s to participate in the school community, the Year 8 cohort are involved in “The Spirit Games”. This exciting program tracks student participation and creates friendly competition between the 6 house-group classes. So far, 8B1 are ahead with a whopping 47 points. The house-group to win the Term 1 Spirit Games will receive a special class prize. So students, “You’ve got to be in it to win it!” As Term 1 draws to a close, our Year 7 students have settled into school, formed friendships and worked out routines. It’s wonderful to see the cohort interacting positively with each other, greeting teachers and offering assistance when needed. Year 7s have been developing team skills in our Access lessons led by their SAFE AS leaders. Mrs McLean has been instrumental in coordinating SAFE AS activities and leaders so that we really are providing Senior Assistance for Sevens/Eights. Students also met with our school nurse Helen and Josh the Chappy to cover topics regarding health and development. Our inaugural Junior School Assembly was held on 5 March and parents and friends were invited to attend to celebrate our house-group captains receiving their badges and certificates. To top off what has been a fantastic start to the year, the 2015 Year 8 leaders were formally acknowledged at this year’s first Junior Secondary Assembly. Special mention goes to Tristan Bird for his honesty with turning in a missing bus pass and to Dana Torrens for delivering 15 unreturnable serves in volleyball – well done to both of you! The 2015 Year 8 House-Group Captains are: Mr Imran Sirdar Year 7 Coordinator The students were also forwarded the opportunity to engage in health talks. These ‘Real Talk’ classes are an important part of facilitating student growth and development. It involved students collaborating in small and large group activities, giving students yet another opportunity to make new friends. 8B1 - Taylah Carlson and JJ Barry 8F1 – Michael Rooney and Mickayla Bugden 8F2 – Alara Saroglia and Danielle Hayward 8M1 – Riley Forrester and Shontah Kunert 8S1 – Stephanie Marriott and Ryann Duignan 8S2 - Storm Manning and James Hawley These dedicated and enthusiastic young students have been accepted in an important role, a role that I am sure they will carry out with PRIDE and diligence. Congratulations House-Group Captains. To finish, I will leave the Year 8s with a quote… ““You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” ― Dr. Seuss Miss Jade Pinney Year 8 Coordinator YEAR 11 MODERN HISTORY SEMINAR – A FORAY INTO THE STUDY OF HISTORY! On February 24, thirteen Modern History students travelled to Somerville House at Southbank in order to take part in the Queensland History Teachers’ Association event where they listened avidly to presentations on Nazi Germany by Professor Ian Gray and Terrorism by Mr Brian Hoepper. In their words, they learned: “The similarity of interests involving political agendas.” “The similarity between some governments and terrorist organisations.” “The concept that not only terrorism is provoked by radical Islamists but also other religions.” And they also commented on how: “The in-depth study of the psychology of terrorism was really thought-provoking.” “The seminar on terrorism, I found really interesting, especially comparing known terrorist organisations (IS) to terrorism so widely studied in History.” Both seminars proved highly thought provoking and enabled students to see how studying History is relevant in the light of today’s world and recent events. A big thank you must go to the students for their excellent behaviour – they represented our school proudly amongst a sea of private schools. Mrs Courtney Burton Modern History Teacher 5 AT THE FARM AGRICULTURE AND RURAL OPERATIONS EXCURSION TO STANTHORPE In early February, the Year 11/12 Agricultural Science and Rural Operation students had taken part in a three day camp to Stanthorpe and the surrounding areas. Whilst on the camp, myself and fellow students, visited numerous farms and feedlots, gaining first-hand experience on the procedures and regulations that farmers undertake on a regular basis. The days were long and we were nearly constantly departing the bus and setting foot onto a new property. A personal favourite, and many other students’ favourites, was the fine wool merino sheep property. The owners had graciously yarded 50 or so sheep and demonstrated the wool procedures, sheering of the sheep, drenching and how they use working dogs in aiding them to work sheep. The camp overall was a joyous and memorable experience. Georgia Young Agricultural Captain Things are busy at the farm with the extraction of honey, safety inductions and teaching students how to handle large animals- cattle, alpacas and horses. Seniors are busy planting pumpkins, laying mesh under the macadamia trees before the nuts fall and preparing for the nuts to be dried when they are collected. Cattle Showing has started as well as preparation for our fruit and vegetable displays for Caboolture, Woodford and Ekka shows. Morning student workers are turning up and students are welcome on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunches. On Wednesday and Thursday lunches, we get the cattle out ready for cattle showing. The students are becoming more competent at handling the animals. Well done all for your work! Mrs Pedwell HOD Agriculture/Senior Schooling LIBRARY NEWS Welcome As always, Term 1 has been incredibly busy but also an important time of the year for many reasons. Firstly I’d like to belatedly welcome back all students from their break and to wish you the best with your studies in 2015. One of the key roles the library plays is to help you achieve excellence, so let us know if we can help in any way. Library Assistants At Qld College of Wine and Tourism When I say “we” I talk about the Library Crew, both staff and students, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce our Library Assistants for 2015. Students whose names are in italics and underlined have only recently been appointed: the successful applicants from close to thirty students who applied. Year 12 Year 11 Year 10 Abigail James (LIBRARY LEADER) Rachel Neal Aaron Myers Jasmine Pocock Courtney Sarcia Jamie Kostaschuk Lacey Hill Amber Summers Shazura Lawrence Naomi Marsden Nakita Tierney At Allora, on the way to Stanthorpe. 6 Year 9 Year 8 Year 7 James Wierenga Lauren James Brianna NesbitLatham Zoe Pries Rachel Francis Jemma Hill Abbie Lange Taylah Carlson Mallory Cruickshank Crystal Perkins Zain Masters Katheryne Marsden Year 7 & 8 Introduction to the Library Another important job for Term 1 has been the induction of Year 7 and 8 Students into the range of library resources available to them over their five/six years of schooling. This induction is an extension of (and an expansion upon) the information I presented at the Year 7 and 8 parent nights. How to find these resources using our new library catalogue (see below), is also a part of the presentation. 2015 Reading Programs Of course reading has also been a focus for the start of the year, with programs beginning for Year 8s and 12s. Our Year 8 program is called “Reading Rocks” and in a nutshell, the more students read and the more activities they do, the bigger the prizes at the end of the year. Don’t forget, Year 8s, to see me to get your tokens before you return your books and let me know about any activities you do. 2014 ‘Reading Rocks’ Prizes On the subject of reading, congratulations to all students who won awards last year in our 2014 Reading Rocks program. Major prize winners included Sarah Bloomfield, Zoe Pries, Mallory Cruickshank and Lillyarna Parker with Abbie Lange being the Reading Rocks Champion for 2014. Another 20 students also won major prizes. SOCIAL SCIENCE/BUSINESS NEWS This is obviously a very busy term in the Social Science & Business faculty as we continue the school year. The Social Science and Business faculty covers a multitude of subjects including Junior History, Junior Geography, Junior Business & Information Technology, Ancient History, Senior Business Studies, Senior Geography, Legal Studies, Modern History and Business Communications & Technology as well as many VET Certificate subjects such as Certificate II in Business. With such a great range of subjects, there is a lot of planning and organising that needs to occur to be able to communicate the relevant knowledge and practical skills to do well within each subject area. Teachers are working diligently to prepare relevant resources and learning materials associated with each topic. Particularly, the new Year 7 History and Geography units must be introduced for the first time and our subject coordinators have done well to design an interesting junior school program which also connects to the Australian C2C documents. Faculty congratulations to the Year 12 Constitutional Convention Team (Jetta Ferguson-Male, Adrienne-Joy Hutt, Tayla Grant, Janaya Kindma and William Jay) who represented the school so well in the Legislative Assembly chambers at Parliament House. The Year 11 Legal Studies students attended the Brisbane Supreme Courts recently and saw, at first hand, the legal system in practice. They really enjoyed the chance to interact with law in real life. This will assist them with their current assessment. Year 11 Modern History students attended a special seminar at Sommerville House recently and found the experience of great value. Many other excursions and camps are on the agenda in the Social Science & Business faculty and we hope students appreciate the time put into their organisation and delivery. Mr S Keehn HOD Social Science/Business To all students, hope 2015 brings you the results you’re aiming for. Don’t forget to go to your Online Library (www.cabooltureshs.eq.edu.au) and click on the Online Library link whenever you need to research and remember… the Library Team is here to help you achieve your goals. Mr Boxall, Mrs Brand and Mrs Carter 7 SCIENCE NEWS With Term 1 rapidly nearing its conclusion, this seems like a good opportunity to reflect on what has been going on in Science this year. 2015 has obviously seen a large number of changes across the school and these changes have seen new staff, new subjects and a whole new cohort of students impact on how we deliver Science in the school. The Year 7 and 8 students are becoming increasingly familiar with our laboratories and how they need to work when in these rooms. The experiments quickly become a valuable and anticipated part of the subject. Our senior marine classes are another area of change with Year 11 Aquatic Practices and Year 12 Marine Science classes all now working on newly developed programs following the introduction of new syllabi in the last two years. We have still tried to incorporate a wide range of practical tasks, particularly in Aquatic Practices, as the skills they develop will be very useful to students outside the school setting. So far this year, marine students have been involved in a “learn to snorkel” day; rowing on the Caboolture River and a trip to Caloundra to practically examine waves and how they interact with the land. Our Year 12 Biology and Science 21 classes recently spent a very busy three days on Stradbroke Island completing a field study that looked at a variety of environmental issues associated with the island. Students measured and recorded a great deal of data in the field before spending a number of hours analysing the data and completing reports for their excursion assessment booklet. Further follow up assessment work is continuing in class for both subjects. We have also had a small group of interested Year 9 and 10 students visit the QUT Caboolture campus to compete in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge. It was my pleasure to attend with the group on the day. Whilst they didn’t do so well in the competition side of the day, all students worked well in all challenges and gained a bit of an insight into what working in some of the engineering fields would be like. Thanks to the students and their parents/carers for taking the opportunity of attending. THE ARTS NEWS The Arts Faculty continues to be a hub of activity within the school. Our Junior and Senior Dance Eisteddfod Teams are industriously training for their first Eisteddfod on the Sunshine Coast on May 1. Our classroom students are working well and are working hard on their assessments. Some of our Senior classes are preparing to view professional work this month with the Senior Art students visiting the Gallery of Modern Art to view the ‘We can make another future: Japanese art after 1989’ exhibition as well as the permanent exhibitions in the Queensland Art Gallery, on March 17. Our Year 12 Dance students will attend Queensland Performing Arts Centre’s Lyric Theatre on March 25 to see “Wicked- The Musical” and will also have the chance to speak with a member of the creative team after the performance to gain a ‘behind the scenes’ look at Musical Theatre. On the topic of musicals, Caboolture State High School students will be presenting ‘Hairspray- The Musical’ in Term 3 this year!!! The auditions are complete and rehearsals have begun and we are really looking forward to working with our talented performing artists during this process. Our Instrumental Music Program is going well with students attending their lessons and Concert Band rehearsals on Friday mornings before school. They are busy preparing for a performance at the Anzac Day service. If your child is interested in learning a Brass instrument (Trumpet, Trombone, Barritone or French Horn), please send them to see Miss Dann or Mrs Moore in P Block. A welcomed addition to the Instrumental Music Program is our ‘Stage Band’ consisting of Year 10-12 students who will rehearse on Monday mornings and will perform in our school musical in July. Thank you to parents and students for supporting The Arts at Caboolture State High School!!! Miss Dann A/HOD The Arts Invitations for the ICAS Science competition and The Power of Engineering events will soon be distributed. Could I please ask parents/carers to respond to these notices as soon as possible to ensure these events are a success. Mr Wayne Hooper HOD Science Year 9 & 10 students competing in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge at Caboolture QUT and Year 12 students completing their field studies on Stradbroke Island. 8 Year 9 Drama students rehearsing for assessment. BRIBIE BULLDOGS Swimming carnival started off the first of the year’s eventful sporting carnivals. Being a busy day filled with races, free swims and war cries, it was no surprise to see the spirit of the Bribie team come through to fill division 1 and 2 races, participate and encourage others. There were some amazing swimmers that put in a mighty amount of effort in all four strokes, some of these swimmers were: Kricquet Smith, Zoey Langbien, Elly Buckholz, Emma Walsh, Ally Bathurst, Daniel James, Sophie Hartley and Leon Manuel. Special congratulations go out to the age champions from Bribie house: Shaelah Higgins (12 years girls), William Catlin (13 years boys) and Chloe Platt (15 years girls). Their participation, effort and wins were driven by the encouragement and support of fellow team mates. Some of the people who showed amazing house spirit were: Rhegan Valivaka, Declan MacMahon, Shana Kumar, Pesamino Brunt, Maddie Bridges, Moses Tufuga, Lupe Siaifa and Neville Hearn. Effort was not only put in in the pool but also into costumes to represent our Bribie colours with pride. This year was no let down in the costume department, with a visit from Miss Bribie (Christine Jensen 11B1) and a red octopus (Rachel McCaskill 12B1). A special mention must also go to Amber Summers (10B3), Shana Kumar (9B1) and Ally Bathurst (7B1) on their costumes. Although Bribie may not have won this sporting endeavour, we still have 2 more chances and many educational competitions to catch up on points lost. On a final note, I would like to thank my fellow leaders Tobias Liney, Skylah Hill, Rachel McCaskill and Tyanian O’Brien for their encouragement and dedication to Bribie and I would also like to thank all the Bribie teachers who were responsible for time keeping and recording and for offering their support Bribie House wouldn’t have a chance without you. Thank you to all those who participated in swimming carnival and we hope just as many people will participate in cross country next term. Jenni Attridge Bribie House Captain X COMPUTERS FOR SALE We have a number of surplus, out-of-warranty computers for sale. They have been rebuilt and are in working order as outlined below. If you’re interested in buying one of them, please complete order and payment details and submit to our cashier. If you have any queries, please ask your student to visit the IT Department or email ITsupport@cabooltureshs.eq.edu.au. COMPUTER ONLY - $40 as is (payment to Cashier) HARDWARE SOFTWARE Pentium Core2Duo 2.66ghz Vista Home Basic 2GB RAM Free programs 160GB HDD - AVG antivirus No working CD Drive - Open Office Keyboard - Acrobat Reader Mouse COMPUTER AND MONITOR - $90 17” LCD colour monitor OPTIONAL ADDITION Some computers have capacity for the installation of a DVD drive. This can be done by school technician, Bruce Clark (payment of $50 to Mr Clark for this service). Condition of sale 1 month warranty. Should computer fail, it will be replaced (provided stocks are still available) or it can be returned and a refund requested. Service after sale is not provided. Remember that students can now install Office 365 for free. Information sheets for this will be available on collection of the computer. FORMAL UNIFORM TIME IS FAST APPROACHING! Layby welcome Check what items you need to refresh and come on in and see us. Opening Hours Monday to Friday 8.30am – 2.30pm Closed first break on Fridays Mrs Rebecca Streefkerk Uniform Shop Convenor 9
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