- Caboolture Special School

Caboolture Special School Newsletter
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Principal's Message
Deputy Principal Parent Patch
Catching Up With Curriculum
Early Years Department News
Primary Years Department News
Music Department News
HPE Department News
Student Awards
News Fom Our Chappy
Hospitality & Tuckshop
Community News
Student Services News
Caboolture My Time
P&C News
Principals Message
Hello Parents, Friends and Carers
This week’s article focuses on the areas of Successful Leaners, High Standards and Engaged
This past week, our school staff have been meeting to discuss student work and reviewing work
samples and evidence of student progress using digital samples showing engagement in learning
activities. Each and every student’s work has been reviewed across various subject areas including
English, Maths, Science and Communication. This review includes individual Student Achievement
Standards. The collaborative review has been our internal social moderation of student work.
This process has been essential in preparing for our upcoming end of semester reporting processes,
as the evidence informs teachers’ decision making. In the coming weeks, our school staff will be
writing student reports.
Over the past couple of weeks, my message to the school community has been focussed on the
changes to reporting that are occurring this semester in line with the move to individual Curriculum
Plans. Below is an outline of the changes that parents and carers will see in this semester’s report
Reporting scales set for all students in Education Queensland schools for 2015:
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For students using General capabilities Literacy levels 1a – 1b in a learning area context
• use the terms either: Demonstrating or Not yet demonstrating
• reflect learning expectations in the Comments section
For students using General capabilities Literacy levels 1c –1d and Numeracy level 1a in
a learning area context
• identify achievement in a learning area using standard names
for the five points on the
reporting scale
• in relation to the learning expectations, use standard descriptors4for each point on the scale,
which identify:
• the degree of knowledge and understanding
• the degree and use of skills
Comments apply the standard descriptors to the learning expectations.
Five-point scale
Descriptors of achievement
Degree of achievement:
Degree of knowledge and
Degree of skill and use of skill:
Very high
thorough understanding
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uses a high level of skill in both
familiar and new situations
clear understanding
uses a high level of skill in familiar
situations, and is beginning to use
skills in new situations
uses skills in situations familiar to
understands aspects of
uses varying levels of skill in
situations familiar to them
basic understanding
beginning to use skills in familiar
ENGAGED PARTNERS -Local decision making
This week we also recognize the ongoing dedication of the members of our school P&C committee.
This is a small but determined group who regularly participate in the review of school processes and
give support to the school community through their varied activities. We are so fortunate to have this
group of parents and community members working together for the benefit of our students and
families. Among this group is one of our past students, Shane Grey. Shane has dedicated many
hours to assisting with the Book Fair recently and also contributing to the community through his
continued offers to support both individual and groups of people.
Our school Book Fair raised over $1960.00 and was well supported by students and
families. Our thanks go to all the members of the P & C committee and our school staff
in the Resource Centre for enabling the week of the Book Fair to run smoothly. The
outcomes of this are that more of our students are reading more frequently and enjoying texts that are
both new and at their interest and ability levels. Our school Resources Centre also has a new
selection of books which have been a gift to the school as a result of sales from the Book Fair and
yesterday further purchases were made by members of our school P&C committee. There will be
another book fair later in the school year.
Until next week, please take good care of yourself and your family.
Beth Devonshire - Principal
Deputy Principal
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To reiterate, or for those who are new to our school, students in Years 7- 9 will be supported through
the program, which addresses their well-being, involvement and belonging in the wider school
community. While it will look different in every secondary school, six principles have been developed
to underpin Junior Secondary. Under these principles, Junior Secondary will provide challenging
educational offerings that engage young adolescents, while giving them a sense of belonging and
support through the changes they face.
This week I would like to outline the third principle of the Junior Secondary program:
Well Being: Enhanced student wellbeing can contribute to improved academic achievement by
increasing student motivation to participation in, learning, student attendance; and by decreasing the
incidence of problem behaviour at school.
At Caboolture Special school it is recognised that student engagement, support and resilience
building should underpin the ethos of the school and should be reflected in the pedagogy and
curriculum. Currently we are developing and implementing programs that establish an environment
that is physically safe, that clearly defines processes to identify and allocate resources to student’s
requiring intervention. Lastly we have looked to support and embed personal and social
competencies within lessons across Junior Secondary year levels. (DEEWR, 2008)
Zubeda and her class discussing resilience
Brad Tavelardis - Deputy Principal
Catching Up With Curriculum
This week teachers across our school have participated in Moderating English and Science.
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Social Moderation process involves close collaboration developing shared understandings of what
student’s achievements look like to promote accuracy and reliability in making judgements.
It is also an integral process that assists in developing future planning aligned to curriculum
expectations for students.
Judy Clark - Head of Curriculum
Early Years Department News
This week I would like to acknowledge our 15 wonderful Teacher Aides in the Early Years
Department.They all work tirelessly to support the teachers in curriculum delivery and the students’
individual care and learning programs. As we come close to the end of Semester 1 for 2015 it is a
good opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to these ladies and gentleman for everything they do to make
our department a great learning environment.
This past fortnight our Teacher Aides have attended professional training developing their skills with
supporting student early literacy, reading and comprehension.This training has invigorated their
desire to learn more and further increased their passion to help your child achieve to his/her full
The celebrations and successes included here have been shared by our Early Years Teacher Aides
at our regular department meeting.
JeniEY-A is impressed with the successes of her students mathematical and science concepts
learning. They are identifying 2D and 3D shapes and identifying components of living things.
Eva EY-C is excited with Caitlin’s ability to walk up and down the staircases independently during the
Smart Moves classroom program.
Jacqui EY-D enthusiastically shared that Connor is now reading the first set of Reading Our Way
words – cat, ball, dog, mum, dad, car.
Yvonne and Jo EY-E & EY-F are very pleased with the way students in M block are riding the bikes at
playtime. They are taking turns and wearing their helmets.
Polly EY-G proudly shared that each student is happily participating in song and dance routines. Polly
believes the TEACCH program is a fantastic success in J5 with lots of wonderful learning
demonstrated on a daily basis.
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Caboolture Special School Newsletter
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Rhonda, Kelly and Jess are very excited about student progress within EY-H.Lachlan is very proud of
his successes using the commode.Skylra is willingly standing and wearing her shoes. Akarsha is
learning to communicate her wants verbally and is asking for ‘Ipad’.
Again I’d like to ask that if you have any items that we could include in dress-up boxes for our Early
Years students to play with please send them to school marked ‘Attention Jewel’.I will use these
items to create a dress-up play box for each of our buildings, K, M and J.
I would also like to provide a book box for both M and J playground.If you have any children’s picture
books you would like to donate please send to school marked ‘Attention Jewel’.
Always seeking to provide fun learning experiences for your child.
Jewel Bauer – Early Years Department Leader
Primary Years Department News
Last week, Primary Years students attended their final swimming lesson for the semester. These
lessons provided students with many valuable learning experiences. Students developed their
swimming skills, knowledge of water safety and fitness throughout the term. They also had the
opportunity to demonstrate responsible behaviour and social skills. Teachers and Teacher Aides
would like to congratulate the students on their behaviour, participation and achievements while at
swimming. Enjoy a snap shot of some of the wonderful triumphs for the Primary Years Department.
Thank-you to PYA students and staff who provided an engaging and welcoming learning
environment for those students not attending swimming.
Congratulations Dani-Jo for developing confidence with putting her head underwater while
swimming and Jade for enthusiastic participation.
All students loved attending lessons each week!
Well done to Hailey who overcame her fear of the swimming pool and joined her class for
lessons. Great work!
PYE staff were very proud off all students. Lily is being recognised for her positive behaviour - listening
to and following instructions independently.
Jacob made immense progress with his confidence at swimming. He was able to dive to get
things from the bottom of the pool. Jacob loved swimming so much he did not want to get
out of the pool!
Students demonstrated respect for others while waiting and taking turns with their friends in
the pool. Awesome!
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Students reported that they all had fun going to swimming lessons. Students made progress
across with their swimming skills.
Students successfully followed social story for going on the bus to swimming. Joshua was
fantastic floating in the deep end of the pool.
Jackson completed half a lap of the pool doing freestyle.
All the boys in PYK did a great job in the pool completing deep water exercises.
Brendon is recognised for always demonstrating kind and responsible behaviour both in and
outside of school while on excursions.
Students in PYM participated actively at swimming lessons with PYB. All students
demonstrated respect for others while at swimming.
Kirsten Maclean - Primary Years Department
Music Department News
Senior Secondary Concert
"Dare to Dream"
Our next concert for the year is almost here!
This time it is our talented Senior Secondary (formerly Transition) students who are making ready to
take to the stage. The theme for this concert is "Dare to Dream", which is very fitting for many of our
Senior Students as they contemplate future directions.
See you there!
Andrew Keppie - Music Department
School Disco - Friday 12th June
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All students are invited to attend Caboolture Special School Disco. Come along for a fun filled
evening of dancing!
Where: Hall
When: Early Years and Primary Years 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Junior Secondary and Senior School 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost: $2.00 per child
Tuckshop will be open for drinks and light refreshments from 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Other information:
• Students must be signed in and out. Students must also be picked up and dropped off by a
parent/guardian. If parents/guardians wish to stay for the duration of the disco, they are more than
welcome to do so.
• Similar aged siblings are also welcome to attend (Junior Disco: 5 to 12 years, Senior Disco: 13 to 17
We hope to see everyone there!
Health & Pysical Education Department News
HPE – Our school being active and adventurous!
New Exercise “Spin” Bikes Purchased!
As announced in last week’s newsletter by Beth, our School’s Gym now has 6 new spin bikes and 2 “hand
cycles”. These are a wonderful foundation for the gym in terms of equipment and a fantastic complement to our
Cycling Skills and Safety Program.Tony Clark from the Caboolture Sports Club showed some of our Duke of Ed
students how their cycling technique can be improved on the spin bikes, by taking them through different skills
and drills last Friday. Items such as a treadmill, TV (for workout/cycling videos), a stereo (for motivational music)
and exercise mats are in the works to complete the fit out of the gym. Exciting times!
Primary Years Swimming Finished
Swimming lessons for Primary Years students have finished.The feedback from students and staff told of great
skills development, data gathering and fun!Congratulations to all the swimmers on their wonderful efforts!
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State of Origin Series
During the State of Origin Series, our school runs its own carnival of footy excitement.On the eve of the first
game, students from Primary Years and Junior Secondary combined to play a game of touch on the back
oval.The skills demonstrated and the inclusion of students in the game were a pleasure to watch.A huge amount
of very noisy support from the crowd created a “Caldron”-like atmosphere which made the whole afternoon
heaps of fun. Prior to Game 2, staff and Senior Secondary students will align themselves by State of Origin and
play their annual hotly contested match. Can’t wait!
Ben Byrne - HPE Teacher
Student Services News
Nicole, Erin and Michael have been working with some of the newer school staff on a Team Teach course, as
well as refreshing other staff who have previously completed the course with a few of the de-escalation,
distraction and diversion techniques.
Team Teach is the preferred training program for staff at Caboolture Special School. It offers a psychological
framework to promote positive attitudes and collaborative relationships between professionals, staff and students
in schools.
Team Teach emphasizes a spectrum of gradual and graded responses to reduce the probability of challenging
behaviour escalating towards violence. The emphasis is always on preventative measures, distraction, de-fusion
and de-escalation, which should make up more than 95% of our responses.
Thank you to all the staff who have sacrificed family and personal time to stay behind after school and complete
the course. This just shows what a wonderful school staff we have, as they are always looking at ways to support
our students.
Nicole Coady – Student Services Department Leader
A Note From Our Chappy
The Importance of Spiritual Wellbeing in Education
Spirituality can be understood to be a connection between people and the divine, other people and the world
around them. For decades, the Youth Work field and other Human Services fields have not been sure of what to
do with spirituality. As a result, they have largely carved it out of their models used to engage with young people
and their wellbeing. But there is growing realisation of how important spirituality is to the overall mental health
and wellbeing of young people.
Chaplaincy places a high value on spirituality and as such, is an expression of truly holistic Youth Work practice,
valuing the place of spirituality in the lives of young people and maximising the benefits of positive spirituality for
their overall wellbeing.
In 2006, the Department of Education South Australia released a Spiritual Well-being and Education Discussion
Paper which concluded:
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"The spiritual is always present in public education whether we acknowledge it or not. Spiritual questions, rightly
understood are embedded in every discipline, from health to history, physics to psychology, entomology and
English. Spirituality the human quest for connectedness is not something that needs to be 'brought into' or 'added
into' the curriculum. It is at the heart of every subject we teach, where it waits to be brought forth."
You can read more in our School Chaplaincy and the Wellbeing of Young People white paper.
"Forgiving others is the first step towards your inner peace"
Tania Byers - School Chaplain
Student Awards
Congratulations to all students who have receivied awards this week.
EYA Emma, Edward, Jenaya
EYB Tyler
Coen, Amelia, Jodie
Skylra, Georgia
Sam, James
Ella, Teegan
Holly, Connor
Drew, Jacob
Ben, Joe
Alexis, Blake
Brendan, Trey
Dominic, Makayla, Jacob, Erin,
Student Banking Awards
Kelsey S, Kaleb T
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Hospitality & Tuckshop News
Hello Parents and Caregivers
We are now offering our full menu in the tuckshop (as per the menu found in the Flexischools). We
have made seasonal changes with some items. With the winter weather here, soup is also being
offered. The Taste on Torrens team of staff and students look forward to continuing making our
homemade products including fruit salad, sandwiches, sausage rolls, pies, pasta bolognaise and
many more items.
Once registered with a Flexischools account, Parents & Caregivers have the option to set up weekly
standing orders or place orders prior or on the day of tuckshop. Daily orders must be registered in
Flexischools before 8.45am each day. Tuckshop is open weekly on Wednesday and Thursday.
and caregivers
are still able
to join
register online
Taste of Torrens team.
Tony Dwan - Hospitality Teacher
P&C News
P&C Meeting – 6.00pm 14 July 2015
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday from 9:00am–10:00am.
Uniform order forms are also available on the school website.
School Banking
A reminder that school banking is on each Tuesday. Please send your childs banking book on this day.
Thank You
Book Fair Summary
Thank you for all the support for the book fair and especially the volunteers who worked at organising our fair
and had so much fun with the students.There was so much excitement among the students all week, with
several visiting 3 or 4 times during the week to look at the books.
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We had sales of $1965.50 and raised $588.75 in books for the Resource Centre. This is an amazing result and
means that we have been offered the chance to host a Scholastic “Buy one get one FREE” book sale in
November. Just in time for Christmas. More information closer to the sale.
Bunning’s Sausage Sizzle
We are hosting a Bunning’s Sausage Sizzle on Sunday 21 June 2015, 9am
to 3pm. The last few we have hosted have raised around $1400 profit each
time.This is a great day for everyone involved, with good company, lots of
fun and about 600 sausages.
Come down to Bunning’s Morayfield on Sunday 21 June, buy a sausage or two and help us raise some funds for
our School.
Sausage, onion on Bread $2.50 each & Drinks $1.50 each
We have several volunteers but would love a few more to make the day better for everyone. If you are available
to help for a couple of hours on the day the hours are between 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. Please give me a call or tell
the School office. We can then work out times that suit everyone.
Thank you for your support.
Debbie Vice-President P&C
My name is Shelley Nipperess and I have taken on the role of Parent Liaison Officer for
Caboolture Special School P&C. The role of Parent Liaison Officer is to assist families to make
links between school and community agencies so that parents and carers are supported in the
education, care and wellbeing of their children.
I will be available on Wednesday mornings from 10am-12pm in the P&C room at the school or alternatively
please contact the school on 54314444 and leave your contact details and I will return your call.
Thank you
Caboolture My Time
MyTime groups provide support for mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone caring for a child with a disability
or chronic medical condition. MyTime Caboolture is at Caboolture Special School from 9:30am. We welcome
back old members and welcoming new members. If you have any questions, please email:
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Community News
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Indigenous Families
If any families in the community are looking for any type of medical assistance please contact your local clinic,
Indigenous Urban Institute Of Health on 5429 1000
If you also have any questions about your Centrelink payments your contact for the Caboolture Office is
Indigenous Liason Officer, Ashleigh Simpson on 1800 136 380 or 3480 1254
If you have issues with any other problems please contact Sue Williams, Indigenous Community Advisor on
Monday 8:30am - 2:30pm & Thursday 8:30am - 12:30pm on 0477 756 958
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Torrens Road
07 5431 4444
07 5431 4400
Our Sponsors
Please click on any advertisement to email the
affiliated business or view further details such as
company brochures, flyers or promotions
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