www.scaf.org.uk SCAF Workshop “Data Maturity and its Applications” Tuesday 2nd June 2015 The Conference Centre, Ribby Hall Village, Wrea Green, Preston The validation and verification (V&V) of a cost model will ensure that it is error free and will mathematical function correctly and it will represent the real world in terms of its functionality. However, it will consistently product validated and verified rubbish; if the data being entered is poor. Core to the generation of a credible and justified cost estimate is traceable, mature data. There is no amount of sophisticated analysis that will improve poor source data. We need cost and contextual historical data also robust data regarding the future project, system or service that is being estimated. So, where does this data come from? How do we gauge the maturity of the data we utilise? How do we use data and what can it tell us? What can we do in the absence of data? All this and more will be considered in this workshop. 09.15 Registration and Coffee 10.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks – Dr Paul Baguley, Committee Member, SCAF 10.10 “Context is the Kingdom” - Dr Antony Powell, Co-Founder and Managing Director, YorkMetrics "Content is king... but context is the kingdom" (anon). This talk explores the nature, importance and value of context in data. A structured method for managing information context will be introduced along with application examples from aerospace and defence projects. It illustrates how complexity is purely a level of intricacy that is not observed (or observable) and highlights implications for the way we make decisions and forecasts in the presence of uncertainty. www.scaf.org.uk 10.50 “Estimate Maturity Assessment Toolset” - Ed Smith, Central Estimating Function Manager, BAE Systems Military Air & Information The Estimate Maturity Assessment (EMA) is a toolset that can be used to complement any type of cost estimating activity. It is designed to provide stakeholders with a simple, top level view of the maturity of the Bases of Estimates (BoEs) of the major cost elements of any designated costing activity, as well as providing an aggregate maturity score for the overall costing activity. The EMA has evolved from a Senior Management requirement to understand the maturity of costing to allow them to make informed strategic decisions not only at RBA (Request for Bid Approval) but at any stage in product life cycle. Hence an EMA can be performed on any type of estimate, at any stage in the life cycle of any product or service. We have also recently adapted the EMA principles to measure Data maturity (as part of BAE System's Data strategy in establishing a knowledge centre to inform future costing and pricing), which I intend to include in my presentation. The EMA toolset is now widely used within most Business Units of BAE Systems, and we trained over 100 people to perform EMA Assessments. This presentation would give the viewer a flavour of the toolset, as well its adoption and application within BAE Systems. 11.30 “Accident Data Analysis” - Dr Claire Taylor, Senior Consultant – Information Analyst, QinetiQ 12.10 Buffet Lunch 13.10 “Product Maturity and managing uncertainty in ‘Bill of Quantities’ in Naval Shipbuilding” - Neil Harrison, PLM & Configuration Manager, Type 26 Global Combat Ship, BAE Systems Maritime 13.50 “Readiness Steadiness Go!”- Andy Nolan, Chief of Project Estimation, Rolls-Royce and Olimpia Vlad, Industrial Placement Student, Engineering Operations Management Team, Rolls-Royce In 2012, Rolls-Royce wanted to objectively understand its cost estimation capability. The information would be used to define the development route over the following years. The benchmark would also form a qualitative measure of capability that could be measured routinely. After studying what was available in industry, Rolls-Royce developed its own approach based on internal experiences. This paper discusses the various approaches possible and new approaches being considered. Having gathered data from the business, using statistical analysis it was possible to understand the key drivers for estimation success. The Estimate Readiness Level checklist was developed and calibrated to help estimators understand the maturity of their estimates and its fitness for use. 14.30 Tea www.scaf.org.uk 14.50 Sanathanan Rajagopal, Cost Assurance and Analysis Services (CAAS) - "Cost of Software Obsolescence Online Survey Results“ - Sanathanan Rajagopal, Senior Analyst, Cost Assurance and Analysis Services (CAAS) 15.30 “The Evolution of the Next Generation of Cost Management Tools in Jaguar Land Rover” - Tim Brogan, Parametric Estimating Manager, Jaguar Land Rover As Jaguar Land Rover expand our manufacturing operations across the globe we needed a state of the art cost management tool to ensure that accurate, timely and clear cost information is available to all of our employees, at their fingertips. To Fulfil the requirement of a “hands-off solution that interfaces with current tools and processes which can deliver the information to over 8,000 of our employees overnight”. Multi-site, multi cost effectivity date and multi- country manufacture requires us to be able to hold multiple costs for the same item depending on when and where it is sourced and consumed. Our new environment -“Next Generation Redbook” (NGR) delivers that capability, and much more. This presentation will explain the evolution of NGR, how it has developed from an idea to a reality over the last two years, some of the issues we encountered on the way and the solutions we created to resolve them. 16.10 Plenary Discussion 16.30 Closing Remarks - Dr Paul Baguley, Committee Member, SCAF www.scaf.org.uk SCAF Workshop “Data Maturity and its Applications” Tuesday 2nd June 2015 The Conference Centre, Ribby Hall Village, Wrea Green, Preston Registration and Costs Registration and coffee will be available from 09.15. The workshop will commence at 10.00am. The costs for the workshop is £50.00 per delegate. A 10% discount is available for group booking of 5 or more delegates and a 15% discount is available for group bookings of 10 or more delegates. These costs include all refreshments, a buffet lunch and FREE attendance to all future SCAF organised events until August 2015 (subject to availability). Please reserve a place for me at the SCAF workshop being held on Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at the Conference Centre, Ribby Hall Village, Wrea Green, Preston commencing at 10.00am. I enclose a cheque (payable to SCAF) for the amount due. Please forward cheques to:- Mr D Hedley, SCAF Treasurer, C/O BMT Reliability Consultants Ltd, 12 Little Park Farm Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5SU Please invoice me. Receipt Required Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Company: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Tel: …………………………………. Email:…………………………………………………………………….. Nationality: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dietary Requirements: ……………………………………………………………………………………… To register, please email: ndmorrill@dstl.gov.uk or call 0306 7703450
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