‘ ,- .J *_, .a i HerQalife lnter~$$iqp,aI, qf jbn~rica, 1800 Century Park East TEL310.4.10.9600 johnv@herbalife.cbm ----__ --_ l Century x32746. /.,_. L John Venardos Inc. City, CA 90(!)6j-1501 FAX,310.%39J6; 1 ,_ l ‘wtiti.h&rbal~fe,com _ Regulatory -, Vice Piesident & Government Affairs , November 12.2002 Dr. Christine L. Taylor Director, Office of Nutritional Products Labeling and Dietary Supplements FOOD & DRUG @$vlI.~~,T~~T~+~N / : ,, ( (HFS-SOb) 1 : 5 100Paint Branch Parkway College Park, Maryland 20740 Refi Total Control Tablets ! .‘_ Dear Dr. Taylor: Pursuantto 21 CEp 101.93,please be advised that Herbalife International of America?Inc..,hasbegun TMDietary supplem”eiil’ Tabl;~s~ in‘t~~‘~~l~;i”~~~~~~. commercializing Total Control ../ / Total ControlTMDietary SupplementTablets are labeled and promotedwith statementsprovided for ,r 2 in section403(r)(6) of the FederalFood, Drug and’cdsmetic Act. 1. LABEL (Note: On the label, adjacent to the following copy, appears a ruled DSHEA disclaimer BURN FAT* BLOCK CRAVINGS* box.) BOOST EpERGk* Take control of your weight with Total ControlrM, a unique herbal blend. * Burn fat with Citrus Aurantium and Coleus* m Feel full with Damiana* 0 Reducecravings with DL-Phenylalanineand Tyrosine” o Boost energy with GreenTea Extract? R Increasemetabolismw,ith Yerba”*Matf* dt Fight free radicals with Quercetin” i I ‘- ’ That’s’Total ControITM! 2. Total ControlTM - A Weight-Loss Revolution Also attachedaretwo color copiesof our new Total ControiTM product brochure,titled “A Weight Loss Revolution”. Structure function claims the brochure ,.I”. contained s “-2/ in i.<~<*j,*e./” ,-.,,_ “*, i..,‘‘are /.,*,,appropriatelyreferenced againstruled DSHEA disclaimer~statements eachpage where such claims are made. The structure ,,“..( “;_Ion “!“d’ function claims containedin the attachedcolor,brochures are very similar to those made on the product II . . _^._ “I a,., label. For example,a product fact sheetis describedbeloqas it appearson page 9. ., HERBALIFE FACT SHEET (Note: The asterisks appearing in the copy shown relate to the ruledDS,HEA located on the same page of the product literature ,.as ea& stru%rre/fun$~ disclaimer box whidh is claim;) . _._, (__ -. I, ’ ’ II) O ffice of Nutritional Products Labeling and Dietary Supplements F O O D & DRUG ADMINISTRATION ,I, -““,., NovemJxr 11,2002 Page2 of 2 I ;m; .’ i /.- :“_! -’ ._i.,, ! ~,.‘i ,a .d_., j :*” i! -: ..’ , ‘,: 1. +, , -/_ , ,,; ,, ” v Total ControlTMis,a revolutionaryherbal supplementdesignedto transformthe weight-loss process.* This advancednon-ephe&‘fo^nnulaworks at the cellular level to*helpburn fat, block cravings and boost energy, giving you the supportyou needto finally achieve+and maintain your ideal weight.* ; (, L ,., ” ^( s Total ControlrM containsseveralpotent herbal ingredients,including citrus aurantium, which have beenscientifically proven to boost the body’s resting metabolicrate and to encourage the releaseof .“..., Greenor Gold Weight-Management storedfat forenergy production.* Used,wi”th,tfi~~,~,~h~~ojetics~ Program, Total ControlrMputs you in control of s,uccessful~%eight inanagement.” Discussion Poip+ . Faster fat bu&ng. Citrus aurantiumhelps’iticrease’thebody’s resting metabolic rate and promote fat burning. * . Edatural.appetite control. Yerba mate,ia especiallyhelpful for weight-lossbecauseof its * It also contai:nspolyphenols, which support fat thermogenicand appetite-suppressing properties. I t. metabolism.* l Metabolic boost. Green,teahasa natural’ “,#-it”.‘ /4alj! tithermogemc ./J&t a+, .. i and energy-boostingeffect.” It also containsc@echjns,which have beensho~~nto rnhrbrtthe,body’sfat-storing process.* . §atiety control. DL-phenylalanine,an am& acid,“actson the brain-andcentral nervoussystemto promote the feeling of satiety and minimije cravings.* ...LT. Feeling fuller. The herb damianapromotesappetitecontrol by slowing the rate at which food , leavesthe stomach,helping you feel full longer.* . Antioxidant boost. Quercetinis a bioflaionoid .&at helps fight free-radicalsand supports metabolism.* Did You Know?, Citrus aurantmm(also known,as bitter omnge”or’zhi”ahi)is a traditional herb that has been used,for ,, ,__,__ i thousandsof yearsin China. It has the adc&idnal benefits of stimulating‘ gl;stroi;;tesli;;“‘ ~c~~~~~~d +nr.1-i!+>-. i *_*.!.rn> _I.a.*,cI *h!-:“irbs~..~ .,“J”r,:~.~i<.,,.;, ,_-,”,.I, ,:._/__ ._ enhancingliver function.* Fast Facts l Helps your body burn fat faster. * l Helps boost your resting metabolicrate.,T 0 Controls appetite.* o Boostsenergywithout causingirritability and restlessness,. * _, __, _ _* _ ^I .I o Weight-control in a single tablet. * I_’ _/’ ‘- ’ *’ “’ ’ o Provides.antioxidant ./ ^.. ‘,,properties. l Concentrated,easy-to-swallowtablets. %,,L, i../ (>,l&<_ i, _I‘: . Use as part of the ThermojeticsB Greenheight-ManagementProgramor Thermojetics@Gold . High-Protein, Low-&b Program. Overall, product labeling and literature promineniiy bearsthe requiredruled statement, “These statements have not been evaluated ., ,/, by the Food and Drug Administration.”This product is not intended to giagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” Herbalife Internationalof America, Inc. certifies that the information in(,this notice .,-kI/_ ~~~>Ai.. >,is vi+complete ;*ii*,>gr, and accurate,and that the compa<yflhassubstantiatioriithatthe foregoing statementsare truthful and-not misleading. If you have any questions,pleasedo not hesitateto ask. ! , .C” / _ 1 : i,..” 6 i.:, ., ./, _/_., ------- -4 .. Herbalife% Medical Advisory Board 1 ’ ‘. From the left: Jamie McManys, M.D., Lawrence Mav, M.D., Chairman, iteve %t?&ly, M.k. “” Mario Rosenberg, M.d., Heather Livin&bn Thecompanywas one of the first in the industry in the early 80s to prides itself on &Q_sv@[or), successfullyintroducea powdered Herbalife has altiays meal-replacement weight-loss product i,: that was‘safe and h&%d people stayed at the lea&& achieve good resultswhenused as edge of the weight-loss directed. Herbaiife appropriately and wellness movem$nt namedthe productFormula1. Today, Trrermojetjcp Formula I Protein Drink A&?r%?ainsflerb$fe’s topsellingproductandis oneof thebestse/ling meal replacement..in the world. As a company that F%.d., andBeige,a dynamicpair of products that blended the besf herbal ingredientsavailablefo enhancethe weight-lossprocess. / :>. Today faking advantageof recent scientificdiscoveries and,.outstanding traditional herbal ingredients, Herbalifehas formulatedthe most advanced&eight-lossproductof its k(nd7TotalJontror: _Th(s unique formulais designedto burn fat block cravings and boost energy.* In ‘combination with Herbalife‘s in 1992, Herbalife changed the Thermojetics Weight-Management I ‘2 _._-a‘-,,, j * : “1 i ,.,_ ^‘ p;~gr44~s;1T;ta7 yt;-# fa‘kes coirrse,ofweight-losshistorywiththe weightlossto a wholenew level. introductionof Thermojetics” Green ’ With adult”and 13i,,,,’ , _’ adolesqy$ obesify rates in the 0 increase * Experience l l your Successful weight loss requires fat burning, control time to focus on innovative r$-.. / ~/, over cravings and improving strategies”. metabolism. In other words, ,weight-loss total control. That’s why Research has shown that Herbalife has created ..“_ Total being overweight i=an Contrdl’MYthe revolutionary . increase your risk*, of weight-ibss formula designed to ‘give yoc the’support you health problems including need to succeed once and for all. Total ControlTM has a diabetes, cancer, h&H unique non-ephedra formula high bl6od disease, that contains a scientifically pressure, stroke and even advanced blend of herbal asthma. And new studiee.~ and nutritional ingredients that work synergistically for maximum, results., ,So whether you have 10 pounds to lose or 110, Total ConfrolTM empowers you pound by pound to &hi’eve’ your. goal i metabolism* and maintain it. fewer c7jv@7gs* Have more eflprgy* Feel full sqqp longer* CWJ@ s@y full 0 Fight free rac#c@s $0 you age graceful/y* I .. . 5,s I---- indicate that.~ being even .,,bi.,”,.y‘,:‘ “. _ _ ( ‘1-:1;.., ..sI slightly overweight can .:?:_;r.,..‘,rr ;.1i :‘/ ,’: &*,& $ ’: * i rnqrease y&iihealth risks. i ; . ,:, >.i’3c.a: ”_. ,’ : \\ ( * Thesestatements havenot been~ev&? : So take control of your good h’ealth” by incorporating Total ControlTM :-:“,,a”,d”. -, I_. .into,, your weight-loss plan. .(b i I . All these benefits , I. .- are available in the convenience of an easy-to-swallow tablet that you take twice a day at least 30 minutes prior to eating a meal. Weight loss doesn’t get any easier than this! .Total ControlTM can help you get the results you want s? you not only look good, ‘but yo; feel better than ever. ,” ./ , ., I / Excessweight CanSeriously I 7 damagey6br life Being overweight affect almost aspect how can every of Your life, from vou interact with fami’y and friends9 to what kind of job you have, ,u)‘, to how much ‘$$I spend in medical Alihough bills each Year. see losing weight many people simply as a way to look and feel better, the reality is there are much reasons more .serious to win the batt!e of tee bulge for life. Losing weight for your health’s sake Those who are overweight pay a heavy price in the health depat-tmen’t. Ex&& weight and obesity predispose you to several debilitating health conditions, including: from a heart $fack vi dardiovascular ‘disedse, ‘.“(“^or i diabetes, gallbladder disease, ’stroke is f$[ gre$& gout, arthritis, asthma, many ’than sorG6AG’GYh~se cancers and kidney disease. 1weight is‘no”&$l. .’ Worse still, obesity is the secorid [eading cause of / ,vpying outwards, not ,‘-’ preventable deaths in th$ uipwards : But it’S“ >bf &)ry qohr*.’ U.S. each year, claiming 300,000 lives. Aqording to physical health that can government health, statistics, ’ suffer’ai’a G&It of‘e&+ it’s also your obesity-related issues account ’ dounds, ,j*‘ e&“$na! wellrb?$i -atid’ _I f& &pproG$eiy $i 00 b’illi?$ Receint in healthcare costs and ! .c&er prospects. / studies shpw thg,e$ent to nearly 40 million missed which overweight individuals we’ve create; Total ConlrolTM workdays each year. And, ’ are di&,riminated aghinst in -a revolutionaty weight-loss even if you’re only moderately workpl&e. Not only are formula designed to put you overweight, your risk of dying the )/1,Z!- i.i,-.“_./”2, , ,A_-,“,,,“1,” ,,, employers less Jtkely to hrre b&i;; ‘ii‘i ‘.6Zir’?or’ *Oi ;jKtii . pili;‘“‘;“i “;,, “y,,“” ,,.T *,.“a :I,*‘in b\/er,& ig ~t:“;.~~~~‘“~E?‘““..~~~~?B~~“~~~i*”~ii~~~~,~,~~~~~ ‘, ti/dm&i, bui” &tistics ‘regeal that overweight employees j; ;,,y:;;‘;,:‘j i “;“<, ‘/, ,* -,>^ , A.; are likely to earn IO to 20% : .I+& ‘, ttGn‘ ., $$; .‘ it++& iL cc$eag;es and to be given fewer chances.foi protib’iioh. !_ ‘. I..:+‘. ,. 2:\ In “Total Cq$&MY’~~flife Herbalif@ &/i&es 1,.,.” that no dne _ i j. ‘I,.,.,/*, L ..,. *Thesestatemectshavenot evaluated.by “. 1 ,.,A‘, the Foodan and iour m&a6oli& so you can achieve 3. a;,)’ _,_,, ,,and,_ _maintain : I , .”,_. a healthv welaht for life.” Thanks to ;io?al ContrqlTti -and Helbalife’i exceptio&l fher$b.e;i;s& . gpVh& “” ,. .:. -_ - ,M&nagKerit Programs-now ,you can lose your excess ‘pounds and enjoy all the social, professional and wellness rewards you :deserve! Bitter fruit gives sweet results A key ingredientin TotalControlTM is citrus aurantium-alsodalled bitter orange or zhi shi. Although well known as a health supplementin traditionalChinesemedicine,it is only recentlythat the extraordinaryvalue of citrus aurantiumfor weight loss hascometo light. Total ControlTM a potent blend contains oft t$rl$l wh;ose ingredients individual properties work synergistically to opti’mize a the weight-loss proc$?ss.* We’li unlock and of the scienc,e history these botanicals of s.om$ remarkabje and in the following nutrients pages. Botar@$ synergy helps accelqqt(t weight loss In additionto citrus.aurantjum,Total ControlTMboastsa numberof other importantbotanicalsand nutrientsfor weightloss,includingDL-phenylalanine, tyrosine,coleus,damiana,greentea, cocoa and yerba mate, plus more than 10 additionalherbsthat support weight managementand enhance overallhealthand well-being.* Lose fat without losing your cool Studiesshow that citrus aurantium Tea for thermogenesis .a. .“^/” increases the body’s resting Accordingto a studyconductedat the metabolicrate and encouragesthe Universityof Genevain Switzerland, release of stored fat for energy greentea hasa thermogeniceffectin production.* What makes this thebody,increasingthe rate at which botani$aQsq uniqueis that it appears calories are burned.* Participants to’increasethermogenesiswithout who were given green-tea extract stimulating the central nervous s~~~eed~,~,s~~nificant increasein daily system.*As’a result‘:it ‘encourages”caloric, ex‘pend%$::.ascbmpaied . the bodyto burn caloriesat a faster with,,the placebogroup. This study rate without creating a feeling of koncluded that the increase in thermogenesis was due to the high nervousness or “jitters.“* amountof catectiinspresentin green tea. Greentea is.also knownfor its energy-boosting properties.* _, t Miraculous mat6 For the love’ df chocolate As popular as coffee is in North Cacao(alsoknownas cocoa)is the America,yerbamateis the preferred sameplant from which chocolateis beveragein many South American made.It containsalkaloidsknownto countries.It is enjoyedfor its abilityto support weight loss ‘in a couple improve mood, increase mental of ways.* First, theobromine, alertnessand help combatfatigue.* iheophyllineand small amountsof Dietersappreciateyerbamatatea for caffeine stimu!atefat: burning and its ability to take tha edge off “C.increase energy production.* In Damianais an herb that has been appetite.* It contains’ *&bstances add,itjon, cacao contains natural shown to slowdownthe rateat which knownas xanthines,whichenhance mood elevators,‘“‘such as the stomachcontentsemptyinto the thermogenesisand encouragefat phenylethylalanine(PEA), which irWinal tract, therebyprolonginga metabolism.* Yerbamatealsoactsas createa,responsein the brain and feelingof fullness.*In additionTotal a mild aquaretic and provides a nervous system similar to the ControlTMcontains.cinnamon‘bark pleasantenergyboost.* experienceof falling in love.*Cacao _.. II ‘ ‘ . bhich has been shown to support extracthelpsdietersenjoythe moodFeeling fuil ” and satisfied ‘ sugar metabolism and reducesugar ’ improving properties of chocolate ThreeTotalConf;oly?$ Tig;edTe.fi4nv*?h>L ,; i +&-,ri*.dsi:a*>~,m**, ,i ,x-_“< F’,;“rl, ri^*.” cravrngs. By helprng to fight cravings withoutthe additionalcalories! &d contio~~pp’ ~ti~tiie,:ihese ingrediknts f_ enable dieters to overcome the make weight loss simple. ty)d.. /* /”I ,. ; - 11, _ _ ::... : /, hI ,. ,. “, problemof cravings-DC-phenylalanine (&PA),tyrosineand damiana.*DLPA protection is an aminoacidthat encourages the Antioxidant The bioflavonoid quercetin is a releaseof cholecystokinin(Co-a chemicalassocrated withfeelingfull.’ powerfulantioxidantthat is knownto In addition,DLPAacfs~asa‘precursor supportfat metabolism.*Becauseof to the brainchemtcaf d$%i?he,‘$-rich hitsantihistamineproperties,it also enhances moodandreduceshunger.* may help reduce the stimulating effects of caffeinefrom green tea evenin caffeinesensitive individuals.* Tyrosineis also an amino acid, a precursor to the brain chemicals dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Thesebrainchemicals !,.. ,;_ .” ._ _, - _.. ,‘,,) “. ^ ;_._.,_,. maximumrqults.*,lt is an additional option‘ioi’yo; ‘?o prdvide to youi Yes,There are no state restrictions customerswho may preferthis onerelatedto TotalControl”.Thisproduct tabletoption.* doesnot containephedra‘ ephedrine, , When will Total ControlTM be ndrephedrinealkaloids. Will Total ContrqFM available in Texas? be available in other markets? At this timewe are reviewingtheTotal Control””fgrm.ula,“for acceptabilityin is Yes.TotalControl”will be’availablein ithey m@ets.Oncethis infbrmation available we iillbe %le”to”$$ s%i?g samplepacksof 20 packets(4 tablets to a packet) TheVolumePointsare targetlaunchdatesin othermarkets. 37.95 andthe retailpriceis $37.95. How do I take the product? TheSKUis #0076. Takeoneto twotabletstwicedaily.Take mid-morning and mid-afternoon, Is this product available in all breferably on an emptystomach. ,weight-loss programs? What are the stock nur$nLjer, TotalControl’will ” be availablein all Volume Points and retail’price programs that currently include Why should I take Total of Total ControlTM? ; 1.1 Thermgjetics”Greenand/or Original ContrSon Sn empty Stomach? Thestocknumberis 0077.Thejloli,ime GreenandBeigeandGoldTablets, such Ideally,TotalContr’ol”shouldbe taken Pointsare32.95 andthe retailpriceis asGreenand&Id Quick@?,Advanced 30 to 60 minutes befqre,meals, i ., $32.95. $3 ~l$%%~%ida’T&’ C&trolrM preferablybefore lunch and dinner. simplepackettill’6e a%l8% in‘allIBPs. Certain ir$ebi&ts”‘ssuc~as’DLPA, Tyrosine andDMAEwillworkbeston an How many tablets are ,fhere km& dtom&h, whileottieringredients, per bottle of Total Co@rgF,;) IsI* Total ControlTM iep&ing >,,a/.,,.,, i / ‘.. I ,* e.a,.* in&ding GreenTea,YerbZMat6 and Thereare90 tabletsper bottleof Total any of our current products? Dan$a?a, delay gastric (stomach) Control”. TotalControl’is”the nextgeneration for weight-losssupplemen’combining rs, a emptying.As a result,TotalControlTM @$i~~czl!jr’<&&~ blind &f herbal willbe &ost effectiveif taken30 to 60 Does Total ControlTM cq@ain ingredients thatworksynergistically for minutesbeforea meal. ephedrind, or ephedra, Will Total ControlTM be avai@le in sample packs? ephedrine alkaloids? i ! No, TotalControl’”is a non-ephedra product. Can we s$l tt& prbduct in the ephedra-rest&i‘&d states? Yes.TotalControi’may ” be soldin all50 states since this product does not containephedra, ephedrine oreljhedrine ” alkaloids i ” havenotbeen evalua@by the Thesestatements --T-l-T 77 7 Y-7 and ,I’_ _ ,. Total ControlTM is a revotutionaty herbal supplement designed to transform. the-weight-loss process.* This advanced non-ephedra formula works at the cellular level to help burn fat, block cravings and boost energy, giving you the support you need to finally achieve and maintain your ideal weight:* Total ControlTM contains several potent herbal ingredients that help you overcome the challenges associateGSwiJh shedding.$ounds and inches. Used with the Thermojetics” Green Weight-Management Program or Thermojetics@Gofd HPLC Program, Total ControlTM puts you in control of successful weight management.* Discussion Points Citius auranfium helps increase the body’s resting metabolic rate and promotes fat burning.* And coleus, an ayurvedic herb, has active ingredients that help generate energy to break down fat cells.* Natural appetite control. Yerbam @ is especially helpful for weight loss because of its thermogenic and appetite-suppressing properties.* It also contains polyphenols, which support fat metabolism.* Metabolic boost. Green.jeahas, a ,.natural ._. /,f/ , thermogenic and energy-boosting effect.* It also contains catechins, which have been shown to inhibit the body’s fat-storing process.* Satiety control. DL-phenylalanine, an amino acid, acts on the brain and central nervous system to,’ promote the feeling of satiety and minimize &%ngs.* Working synergistically with DL~phenylalanine is tyrosine,an amino acid that is a precursor to the brain chemicats, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Working together, these constituents help reduce appetite.’ Feeling fuller. The herb darpianapromotes appetite control by slowing the rate at which food leaves the stomach, helping you feel full sooner , and longer.* Antioxidant boost. Quert-etinis“”a._.,..._ bioflavonoid _...,I_” ._,,, that helps fight free radicals and support metabolism.* Cit& aurantium (also bitt,er or zhj , _. known . . d.as_. ,I, ,,. orange ii .d shi) is a highly regarded herb thatch” been used for thousands of years in China.’ it has the additional benefit of stimulating’gastrointestinal activity. Fast Facts ~ 1~ @$sy&r‘ body‘burn fat.* n fife(ps increase your resting metabolic rate.* 1 Controls appetite.* q Boosts energy without causing irritability &id restlessness.* q Weight controlin a single tablet.* q Provides antioxidant properties:* q I&~& part of the Therniojetics~ Green Weight-Management Program or Thermojetics” q Fat burning. q q q q q . ,Ordering Details 90 tablets per bottle $32,.95 #@77 / ” . ... __ * - . “I $97.35 Thermojetics” QuickStart Greim Program If you’re ready to lose weight and keep it off, there isn’t a Frenbh $at& #@8?0 -’ ~,~~~t;~dh6coiat~;‘ 33;871 1 U,.,,fl.,( .‘ i.h*“x ,P” d.~ ;_ n _ more powerful way to do it than with :)-ler,balife’ ^ ‘^-s”.~: :‘“-Wild Berry #3872 Tropical Fruit #3873 Thermojetics? Green or Gold/. .I#. HPLC QuickStart --_i*ll>*lll_-l l_,/ <_‘,,Ci.&’Advanced ,, --,- b”,,. ., , / . ,_,_ ,\s . . ~1* “4,: ~“‘“Y$,$$y ‘. ; Advanced Green~@gram or Ultimate Programs. And now. that welve, added~ the., ,_ Thqnojetic.9 l%tc$ Chocoi$ $3875 / I French Vanilla #3874 revolutionary new weight-loss formula Total C.ontrolTM to, j -flila LB&;dti-#3”876 ’ Tropical: Fr&‘k%7? *’ all the programs, pounds and inches can come offfast,e[b. , _1 “;,;“z :$..I;;;*..:.$ y;*,,:’ ::j-, &j‘ y; .g, :- i 2** . ‘* _,. ._,,_ __ ~I,n~~i,ii,*r.,,ir. A’.,$-.,*2q ‘.C.a& ,il .*e..<.. ” A..~~,. ::.:.:.. ;: $, 99.80 than ever! 1 The!mojetics@ Ultiniate Green Program French \janilla #38?8 Everything you need to lose &eight, get healthier and” /’ Wi,d BerV #s8ao. . ignite your energy level is in one of these proven-effective ’ programs. Simply choose the Thermojetics” Green or Gold to slip into something smaller sooner ‘than you think. And because the .QuickStart, Advanced I” and UltJr$tePrograms .a. ., z i ** ?“’” are powered by Cellular Nutrition@‘, a unique,system that delivers nutrients to. the cellular-.* .,level . 1-~ ? you not only lose weight safely and effectively, but you can maintain it over 1”. a lifetime. i! Weight loss doesn’t get any easier than this..:guaranteed! )I 3, ‘! ; e #3879 / ,^, _ Id%h ,_,.,. ,*, (?hdcolai’ _ -il.+. .*;.,.*1 d”e2*.‘,.,<~ ,., Tropical Fruit #3881 2.. I Th.6,6jetics@ (.j&@&$ BHPlYP~g~arii Vani/,a#3gT7 .” y1 :&g”[g~‘ gq!8 ,; -. ~” ” ,: -:*>.“(,.y,,..,a, “S. ‘:y “(.. :”I”.A _. .‘_ $105.68 Thermojetkx? Ac&a”n&cf~(%@ ‘HPxc Pibgr&i $160.16 Chocolate #3920 With ?hermo-BoncP _I8x ,, ,*II .<,:-i ,~.~~~~~~,iio~~~4,,.~;li ‘J:’WT.“3” ‘g.*““‘ .Tgy*&“>,P .a*,r,,-,,, $207.15 Thermojetics@ Ultimate Gold HPLC P@.y%m wi% PtGrtio%%n’ P’ ,““‘%da”#%2jilI .^. -,.* , :_ ,,~ ” IChocolate * “4 bI,I;“~Y~.~rii-Yri~~,,b.ijr ,, , I -4, #3922 : _* -i..**:.,,,; I ,:&w&:?‘ :‘“I _, :ra .I .- “. * ./ ““I.i:“’‘“.. .-_.,,.a.b -8.&~I. i ;.. , i __ : .: i (. .,:, ::,~‘.“*.,-?L’ j-t”-’ *- -I ’ ‘*,,,“2 “~,q,:f->+ _ :_, _; _)_ l”k=” .?. ( .)(= * ‘I..L ** 1. -: .,_,,_ i _a“.~, _ L. “” .’“’ ‘. ” “-. ,., ~,.._ I;_ .. :... > *.a_, ,,” / “-(\ /, : ,. i. “-3;6: “’w,b,S I;. c .. uZ.Z.~ _ ,.._ ;: ,:+ , I ;.~.., ,,. -i,.Z,~ .,r.rrf~li d.“.,“i “r ,-:,..‘.,I, , : ‘/ ,I .; )_ ,; ,. j _ ,._,,,I published studies’on’ DLPA (DL- can / take this pro&%‘*& e&-e 1 ‘*fakethis’ .“, I. (dV., e*.djS/Aproduct in phenylalanine) and citrus aurantium 1 6onjunct~oriYMh T&?rm?jetiy@~ conjtinction with Thermejetics” Ur;$tigS Gr&&?, Green, Green concerningtheir effectivenessfor /[ Herbal ,,;g _*,.$0..Cor%Sinti~eie?; :; .1_11= ^,I .m.;.,u,jc ; _ s: appetitecohtrolandthermogenesis (fat Absoluteiy:~o~e?$‘?f?os$%$“a% _‘I%$edrg#?&e’bC GoId Tablets? burning),respect.ively.S’ ’ recommend . ’ ~~~einels~~;nxatil~h~~l~ be awarethat We not do “s(os j.p&jiefi& ()iisinil &$, both products contain“~‘c$fe$e: Total Control’”should be..used,as Ther’mojetics@ recommended ontheproductlabel.The &es - &ii ,&duct c&&$, 1‘$&mbjdkS @?leibaI Conc~en$&’ Ehermojetics*Green,‘ GreenEptiedra Free or GoldTablets with contains appioximafeiy the same recommended amountis 1 to 2 tablets_ ‘Caffeine? What is the amount ,, 1.”Y_l..‘ “1 -s.4*.Ij I((“*-il-<li,i,“‘.-~*;i(r”.i”c~-\l” ,,Y,‘, ,**,l-i “c;,iri.a,“& ,. amount of caTfemeper suqgested “TotalControlTM. twiceperday. of caffeine in this product? , . * as doesone tabletdfTofril ” .’ ’ *t‘,Yes. Total Control’” contains servings ffrolT”,” ‘. : 4 ” ,“,,,ii ., .,.-~. ) - i,,_ Can I ‘t$kk this p6duct in approximately 84 mg of caffeineper “’ What are the ingredients in this .* c&junctio~ with formulation? tablet,roughlyequivalent to onecupof Thermojeticz Beige Theactiveingredients includea unique coffeeor blacktea. Tablets? herbal blend of green-tea extract, It is not necessaryto use natural caffeine, theobroma-cacao Does this product have any Thermojetics”Beige in extract,citrusaurantium,yerba-mate special notices on the label? _ conjunction with Total extract, damiana extract, DL- Thereis a specialnoticefor pregnantor Control’Total “. Control’has ” phenylalanine,tyrosine, quercetin, lactatingwomen.TotalControl”is not one-tablet convenience with DMAE,cinnamonpowder,hawthorne recommended for useduringpregnancy familiarandnewherbs,that berry,parsley,fennel,celery,licorice, or lactation. _,. Also, there is ‘a have an aquaretic(“fluid cornsilk,marshmallow, magnoliabark, phenylketonurics noticeon t’heiabel:~ mobilizing”) effect.* astragalus,pffaffiapaniculaia,coleus phenylketonurics noticeis requiredon andblack-pepper extract. all foodsorb‘ietarysupplkmentsthat contain added phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is an essentialamino What specific ingredient acjd.$Individuals are a makes this product differ?nt y:__,. ‘;,rPywho “4;$1‘ r.,”born ;:&.,.”with *, ““-,<a,., ‘raremetabolic &order,phenylketonuna, from the Th,qrmojetics@ areunableto metabolize thisaminoacid Original Green Herbal Tablets, prdperlyand must avoid foods and Green Herbal Tablets qd,thq dietary ! that contain Thermojetics” Gold H$?r&al b_ __,.._ supplements phenylalanine. Tablets? Wehavecombined fami!iar. herbs(gre:n tea,yerbamateandcitrus aurantium) “Can I us@ Total CdntfoiTM ..- , _ with _. ^ with the “hottest”new ingredients ‘the Ttierhojetics@ Gbld HPLC (damiana, theobroma cacao, DL- product line? phenylalanine, quercetin,tyrosineand Absolutely. TotalControl’can ” be used: coleus)to promoteweight-lossand with the Thermojetics@Green or Gold1 energy.*Thisherbalblendfeatures,a HPLCWeight-Management Programs.I revolutionary combination of “cuttingedge”ingredients. It alsocontainsa few of theherbscontained in Thermojetics@ BeigeTabletsand new herbs,which haveaquaretic effects(“fluidmobilizing”) for one-tabletconvenience.* Thereare What is the maximum number, of tablets that 1 can fake at one time, and what is the maximum qoq@ of,;tablets i, .I,_I that I can take.,daily? This new Ali the support toyis you need to succeed , the potential to W!?~se.. ~,” 1 __._, .!.,“>+iWhether you’re intr?%ucin,g your business like never .j ‘x’e*“,TotalControlTMto your downlineor potent sharing it with existing and ‘new Its before. customers, Herbalife has all: the ephedra-free ingredients, promotionalmaterialsyou need to are extremely _ powerful in boostyourweight-losssaleswiththjs excitingnew product.Fromsampler helping “$!ople t-i&h packsto a flash e-mail and a ;Total ControlfMvideo,‘there’no s endto the their weight-loss goalnumber of ways you can get the and maintain it. Take ” 1’‘. messageout that Total ContiolT+ means total weight-loss success! advantage of the salesTo makeit eveneasier,we’vecreated boosting benefits of a Total ControlTM section. in Total Control’” by getting the Distributor Services lare,a, of www. herbalife.com which the word out to your SummarizeS a,lthem;te;iai; -”1’ .^’ I,, customers and heavily . ‘ _,: promoting product has it to prospects. “.. + For downloadable support + Additionalconies-of‘this‘manual may be purchasedso you can materials ..1_,--. 6,“*?visitthe~%tal 1) : ,, .., hI .,. &itrolTM ,, \ 1. ?~ar!,~ i.tJo5oi your’ downline (#6295 “_ area within the Distributor Services I ,.(_.l”-.,,l ;.,*~,\c .; English Cidh. an&-“g6yg6, sectionof www.herbalife.com. Spanish$06 each). ’ Training your o~,~6fi$“ConirolTM downline ” . +‘Present all the retail-supnort items to your Distributorsand 4 Visit the Distributor Services explainthe varioususes. section of www.herbafffe.com and forwardthe Tota!ControlTM +. &od,uce TotalControlTMat your upcoming STSs’and hand out trainingpackageto each of your samples. downline. + Arrange specialTotal Cont161TM‘+ organizational meetings or conferencecalls:to go over the business opportunities-of this amaiing new , , ,,;, ‘.,, ,.‘product . Hold a “lose-weighf-nowwith Total-ControlTM” party and introduceyour downline to the biggerpictureof TotalControlTM by screeningthe TotalControlTM video, hosted by members of Herbalife’s. Medical Adv,isory Board. r(i Be sure you-and your downline get to -a November Success , ‘I Training Seminar to hear Your Total ControlTM l+ipirtg members ..^., from the Medical Advisory Board speaking on + First, read and digest: the Total ControITM.For dates and information in thistrainingguide. *,,. ca,, the Sale: ~& “T:??iIbcations; ez&# + Watch the Total ControjT”,HtN Communiaition> Departmentat AS&% showor view the TotalControlTM ‘. // HomeOffice video on your TV or in the I” Distributor Services area on . ,. ,.“. .,.’ wwwherbalifecorn. : _ 8 : Retaiting Total ControPM To * .- sucqes~~fuliy _ Total Codrol~~‘;-t-o customers retail -‘<r$$ TotalControlTMprovidesthe perfect ; opportunityto boostyour nutritional and weight-loss sales. This Hereare someleadingquestionsyou revolutionary new product adds can ask prospects If they answer outstanding valueto Herbalifeweight- yes,the,,answer is TotalControlfM. . lossprogramsand kits. Makeuse of the TotalControlTM supportmaterials 1. Are you frustratedwith diets that l,i don’twork? to buildyour-customer.ba$e. v __-.,. Tips for retailing existing customers: to 2. Haveyou lost weight in the past only to gain it back again plus more? Telephone all your existing 3. Are appetite control and food customers and explain the cravingsa challenge:foryou? benefitsof this excitingproduct. 4. Do you find it dtfficultto stickto a Sendcustomersa samplepacket diet? alongwith a CustomerMagazhe so they can experience 5. DD you suffer from an energy TotalControlTM for themse1ve.s. slump mid-morningand/or midafternoon? Remember to inform your customersthat TotalControlTM is 6. Do you use the excuse“I’m too *-fbtal CorZrolTM refa~iI’irig tired”to avoidexercising? availablein all Herbalife’weights checklist: ,. managementprograms. 7. you wish you a faster x. Do metabo,/sm? _. had L - _.._I .“!_‘ .1D’Hand out the CusbmerMigiiini Refer customers to 1 1‘featuring’TotalConi&rM to prospects. www.herbalife.comwhere they will find furtherinformationwithin Cl,_.Usethe Cus@meilllagazine is a : ,eave-i;kl~~d.~~ith,^~~~i~~~~~~t , the productsection. 1 health clubs,spas,nail and hair, Sendoutthe flashe-mail(available salonsand healthcare-offices.‘ ,__.’ _.’ on www.herbalife.com) to all your customersto get them excited Cl GiveTotal ControlTMsamplesto aboutthis greatnew product. : guests at your next Herbalife ShakePa& ,:. ..A Followupinquiries onTotalControlTM ,,,,. : ‘“.. :‘.. by sendingout full productdetails found in this trainingguide such as ingredient features and benefitsand a fact sheet.
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